; •? ¥:;: - : • : • • • • • • • • : • . . • • .V- : • • • • |y>; - £ # T EASTER SUITS ̂ :". JL choice line of Men, Boys and little Gent's Suite for easter f«W. ' ' SHOES OP ALL KINDS FOB ALL WEARERS. v For everyday wear a good line of Overalls, Coats, Vests and Working i ShIrfe S.w Goods, to. T OSHUN BROS.;¥IC1 I General Hardware,- -Dry Goods, -Shoe5- -Notions. TIN WO UK or ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PR-ICES j RINGWOOD DRUG STORE #' Everything in the drug line can be found here. ' Our stock is clean and up' to date and handle nothing but the best of ^everything, ^Patent Medicines of all kinds can be4°up,d here. Pre scriptions carefully conipounde(4. v ! Ringwood, Illinois. J. S. Brown & Son. Onr Spring and Summer line of Men's and Boys' Suits is now ready for your inspection LATEST FASHIONS NEWEST WEAVES QUALITY HIGHEST PRICES LOWEST I carry a fall lipe of John G. Miller & Co's. PERFECT FITTING CLOTHING. The Mil ler label is a guarantee that tbe garu^ent to which it is attached is the best in fabric and make that can be pnt together at the price. A thorough inspection of oar line will sab- stantiate all that we have said. Call on us when in need of a suit. Yon will be more than pleased. M ILLER'S EANS ERIT Spring Grove, Illinois. FRANK SCHUMACHER. ! t--UtiWimiltlM >MIM>»SS-- MISSES C.<& D.WILSON have tl?e latest designs in EASTER MILLIN ERY. Chitfon, Dress and Street Hats at lowest prices. We are experienced milliners and do first-class work. Re-trimming a specialty. CaH and see us. : : : : : i: ! : i : West McHenry, v Illinois. $ 5 N A PS o" p u r e p i* rocer iesI We are not giving goods away bnt offering good reliable Goods a' reasonable prices at all times. See these prices: Uneeda Biscuit, per package 4C ^ Pan American Soap, per cake 2C Choice Alaska Salmon, per can IOC jg Cut Plug Tobacco, 2 packages for 7C fji Diamond Mixture, 2 packages for 7C & Boiled. Sweet Cider, per quart bottle 1$C ^ JOHN STOFFEL j !f< i Telephone No. 301. Give us a Trial. WBt Facts! THAT "There are. no greater pramisers than thoee who haVe nothing to give." THAT We have as complete a line of General Hardware as can be found in McHenry County. THAT "Good resolutions without actions don't count for mnch." THAT Opr stock of Cutlery and Sporting Goods is complete; con taining many new articles and patterns. THAT "A man's worth in the world is estimated according to the valne he puts on himself." THAT In Paints, Oils, VarniHhes, Brashes, Wall Coating, Glue, Potty, Etc., we carry the largest stock in town. THAT "Its not the time, nor tbe place, nor the circumstances that win success--its the man." THAT Crown Cottage CoTor* is as good a paint as can be made. Our increasing sales year after year prove it and we war rant every can we sell. THAT ' The recollection of quality remains long after the price is forgotten." TJ&AT We do all kinds of jobbing in Tin and Sheet Metals, repair 8toves, Furnaces, Bicycles, Guns, Etc. TPAT "Its too late to exercise discretion after a bad bargain is :aiade." THAT Its yonr patronage we are after and think we can make it profitable for you to trade with as. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBEH, WEST SIDE HARDWARE. \ N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by ovir Able Corps of Correspondents SPRING GKOV K. [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaiudeal- er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, onr correspond ent. 1 he subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 ceuts for six months. ED. | Wedding bells will soon ring in Spring Grove. George Westlake of Solou was in town Tuesday- Miss Balle Neish visited at Ringwood Saturday. Mrs. E<i. Cropley of Solon was visiting here Mouday. W. C. Moss and family were Brighton visitors Sunday. E. C. Hawlev and family visited at Ed. Hopper's Sunday. Mrs. James Westlake spent Saturday and Sunday at JLake Villa. John Murray of Minneapolis attended to business here Saturday. Miss Hattie Westlake of Solyn visited here Sunday and Monday. Several of our young people took in the dance at Solon Saturday evening. Miss Florence Faden of Brighton vis-, ited friends here several days this week. Mr and Mrs. John Kruni}»en of Rich mond visited John Kails and family last Friday. Miss Thressie Huff and Barbara Adams visited Mrs. Math. May at English Prairie Saturday. Ed. French has moved his household .foods from the Otto Hesse house into Mrs. Neish "s house. Lute Wilson has moved his family here from Chicago and is occupying the Lewis Hatch bouse. Mr and Mrs. John Nett and daugh ter, Katie, of Wilinot visited friends in Spring Grove Wednesday. The Solon Lodge of the order of the Red Cross entertained several members trom Spring Grove Friday evening. Elmer Faden of Kimball, Neb., was here last week selling horses, having brought a carload to southern Wiscon sin to sell. Word was received here Monday of the death of Ernest Kimball at Tacotna. Washington. I « was a brother of Mrs Frank Hatch and was well known here Mr and Mrs, Rauen celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Thursday. March 24. A pleasant afternoon and evening was spoilt by those present VOLO. Clarence Hill of Nunda was in tovfb last Friday. A. J. Raymond transacted business at Waukegan Monday. Miss Laraellen Nickols was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Mrs. G. Rosing and children are visit ing relatives at Ivanhoe. Mrs. C. Simmons of Elgin visited rel atives here the first of the week. Vaughn Fitch of Waukegan visited his uncle, Chris Dillon, Sunday. Mrs. John Rirhardson aud Miss Agnes Dunnill spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs .Tohu Rosing is visiting her daughter Mrs. Hartel, at Fremont. Will Huson was quite ill with malaria i few days last week. Dr. Shaffer wa* in attendance. Chas. Raught and wife drove out from Waukegan Sunday to view the ruins of the M. E. church The telephone men have been busy the ivist few days repairiug the wires after the terrible storm. The social which was held at the home >f C G. Huson last Wednesday evening wag a success both soeiallv and iiuan cially. Nearly $30 was cleared. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen tv-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time, unless other wise ordered. Try it. The wind storm that swept through this part of the country Thursday even ing did a great deal of damage _ The M. E church was completely demolished atao the barn of Esse Fisher vvas blown over and many of the cattle and horses killed. Othpr hams in this section were somewhat damaged. UABBEVILLE R. J. Wingate of Nunda was a «*aller here Thursday. Thos. Thompson was in Nunda on business Tuesday. Ray Merchant called on friends in ftingwood Sunday. Henry Simon spenlt Sunday with bis parents in McHenry. Misses Isa and Myrtle Matthews were VicHenry visitors Sunday. Chas. Wilmington of Nunda spen' he past week at his farm here. Miss Mary Gibhs spent part of last week \£ith Miss Margaret Ay 1 ward. James McCatinon and sister, Irnia, of Greenwood spent Sunday at I N. Mer chant's. Miss Irma McCannon of Greenwood is spending this week wi+h her sister. Mrs. I. N. Merchant. John Hunter of McHenry and cousin. Mrs. Chas. Johnson, of Elgin called on t'riends here Sunday afternoon. Floyd Thompson and Ray Merchant attended a surprise party on a friend at Ringwood Friday evening of last week Mrs. Burnett and daughter, Gertrude, spent Friday evening with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Natta. Miss Edua Hunter of McHenry and cousin, Mrs. Chas. Johuson, of Elgin, called on Miss Clara Thompson Monday afternoon. 1904 Crop 60c a Bush eft • CASH | WITH j [VERY LOAD PICKLES! Please contract at once as we will take only a limited number of acres. Make your contracts with, and get your seed from Frank Ward or at the following places: Bank'of McHenry. Block & Bethke, McHenry; Simon Stoffcl, M. J. Walsh. Jos. W. Fround. West- McHcnry; Bradley & Foss. Ringwood; John P. Lay, C. M. Adams, Johnsburgh. Stafford & Goldsmith (0. West McHenry. K1N6W(MIU. Will Brown was a Chicago visitor a few days last week. Amos Smith shipped a carload of stock from here Thursday. Mrs. Carter of Iowa is a truest at the home of her brother, J. C. Ladd Mrs. M. Spaulding spent Saturday with her son, Frank Fay, at Ridgeficlri. J. W. Cristy and wife returned Mon day from California where they spent tbe winter. < Easter exercises will be held at the S. church next Suuday at tsyo o'clock to which everybody is invited. Mrs. C. W. Webster spent Saturday evening- and Sunday as the guest of Rev and Mrs. Cormack at McHenry. Harry Cristy and Ray Dodge retnrned Friday from Valparaiso, Ind., where they have b^n attending college for several mor-ths. "the Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. C. W. Webster Thursday, April 7. Sew* ing will lie furnished for afternoon . and tea will be served The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- five cents, aud will ba discontinued at the expiration of tbat time unless other wise ordered Try it. BEST JUDGE HOl.COMRYII.L£. Fred Bnrtohey was a Woodstock call er Sunday evening. Frank Z-nk is assisting W. Gilbert with his faniuwork. Miss Maliel Doherty spent Friday with relatives at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tegtmeier and son spent Sunday at Palatine. A. J. Murphy of Woodstock was a •aller in this vicinity Tuesday Mrs. H. O Donnell and Miss Pearl Whistou visited at T. L. Flanders' Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilbert spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Colby at Ring- wood. Mrs. Schyler of Woodstock spent Sun- dajrat tbe home of her brother, Fred Bnrtch. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Powers spent Thursday with Mr. and Jlrs. John Phalin. Mr. and Mrs. John Powers of Emerald Park called on Wm. Powers Tuesday evening. Ed. Johnson and daughter, Miss Min nie, from near Wauconda, spent Thurs day at, Fred Davoll's. Misses Iva Hoffman and Lucy Carey of Spring Grove spent the last of the week at Mrs. B. F. Peck's. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three mouths for twen ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other wise order ed. Try it. of ft CoUar or other piece of Harness would be the bona, *'^Aa be is not competent the owner mnst exercise great care in its selection. No possibility of a mistake if the HARNESS is purchased here. Each line of goods is made in the jnost approved manner. The material used is high grade. Will last and prove worthy until the end. No! Prices are not high. 0 Collars, Kersey faced, each. $1.00 Collars, light team, each* $2.00 Collars, heavy team, each.. $2.50 Collars, Am. Case, each* $4.00 Collars, heavy Norman, each $3.00 flcHENRY, ILL. G\is. Carlson SOLON Jas. Hodge is numbered among the sick. L. B. Covill of Belden was a business caller Monday. Julius Smith of Ringwood called on friends here Saturday. John Read of Genoa Junction called on friends here Tuesday. Bert Sutton aud Lee Turner were Chicago visitors Monday. Geo. Frev of Libertyville yras calling on friends here Saturday. Wm. Simes of McHenry was doing business in our village Monday. Mrs. Fuller aud family of Spring Grove visited her sister, Mrs. <S. Wor cester, this week. Mr. and Mrs Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oxtoby and Frank Orvis of Spring Grove attended the Red Cross lodge last week. Mr. Wightman of Waukegan was here Friday in the interest of the Red Cross lodge. He got the promise of quite a number to join at their next meeting. Mrs E. Turner and Mrs. C. L. Turner got up a surprise supper for the benefit of our church organist. Miss Bird Hodge, and the neat sum of $14 50 was raised The people were well pleased, as Miss Hodge is deserving of it Mrs. R. H Gardner had her arm broken about five weeks ago and the Red Cross lodge has been very prompt n paying her sixty six dollars for the accident. A warning to others to be prepared in case of death or accident by being a member of a fraternal order. Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless little workers--Dr. King's New Life Pills Millions are always at work night and day. curing Indigestion, Bili ousness Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel tronb 'es. Easy, pleasant, safe. sure. Only 35 cts at Julia A. Story. Geo. W. Bes- ley and N. H. Petesch-drug stores. Don't forget the "want ad "column 1 What does the Breakfast-Bell mean in you* ̂ household-- Light, whole some Biscuit made with BakingPowde*? or unwholesome food made with an alum baking powder? h is worth your while to inquire. JOHKSBT'ROH. John P. Lay was in Chicago on busi ness Tuesday. Bernie Keller is visiting at Henry Hetterman's. Mrs. Willie Oeffling visited in Ring- wood Thursday. Miss Emma Molidor of Vok) was a visitor here Sunday. Jacob Frennd of Spring Grove was a caller here Monday. /' \ Mark Hoffman of Spring^ Grove was a caller here Sunday. Mrs. Willie Oeffling was a McHenry caller Wednebday. Peter Bower of Spring Grove was a caller here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers visited the former's father Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers are the happy parents of a baby. Mr. and Mrs Matthieu, the jugglers, are visiting at Theo. Meyers'. Geo. Nell gave a game supper Sunday evening, which was well attended. Charlie Leipolt and John Barkeley of Batavia are visiting at Geo. Nell's. Misses Annie and Katie Pitzen and some of their friends from Volo attend ed church here Sunday. Peter Rothermel returned from Cali fornia Tuesday, where he had been vis iting friends for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Mat May and Mrs. Frank Schumacher of Spring Grove visited at Anton Meyers' Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagener of Spring Grove and Mr and Mrs. Martin Thelen visited Mrs. Thelen Monday. RIDUEFIKLU. When You Build No matter whether it be a mansion, cottage, barn or shed, let us give yoti figures on tbe material. Our prices are as low as any and we handle everything needed in the construction of Buildings. Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Building Paper, | Cement, Lime, Etc. Also large stock of Brick, | Tile and Fence Wire. Hard and Soft Coal. 5- FEED, GRAIN AND FLOUR | Can sell feed In any quantity to suit the purchaser at low- a; est market prices. We also buy and sell all kinds of •[ Grain. WHITE SWAN FLOUR is hard to beat. Try a §: sack and be convinced. We wish to thank tbe people of this vicinity for the patronage of the past and hope by j| fair dealing and honest prices to retain their patronage. ^ WILBUR LUHBER CO. | McHENRY, ILLINOIS. | E. Cadwallader was at Nunda Satur day. F. M. Hartman was a county seat vis itor Wednesday. W. J. Garrison and Sf Reed were at Nunda Friaay. ' Mrs. C. M. Keeler was a Chicago pas senger Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dike were Harvard visitors Friday. Mr. Dike of Woodstock transacted business here Friday. R. H. Conant of Woodstock waB here on business Wednesday. T. J. Wells of Chicago was in this vi cinity on business last week.' Misses Emma and Clara Eichkoff vis ited Chicago friends Saturday. A. F. Davis of Austin was here look ing after his property recently. Miss Anna Morse of Oak Park is visit ing her brother for a few days. Mesdames E. B. Smith and A. S. Wakefield were Nunda yisitors Wednes day. Miss Pearl Hall of Aurora is spending ber spring vacation with her parents here. Mrs. Puse and two children visitM relatives in Chicago from Saturday until Tuesday. C M. Keeler, Mrs. Goddard, Mrs. W. •J. Garrison and daughter were at Wood stock Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Garrison and daughter, Hazel, visited relatives at Greenwood Sunday. The social given by the young men of the C. F. C. in the church parlors Friday ttveuing was a decided success in spite of many predictions to the contrary. A pleasing and unique program was ren dered after which dainty refreshments were served and all departed at a late hour declaring the young men to be royal entertainers. The receipts of the evening were $5. More Riots. Disturbances of strikers are not near ly as grave as an individual disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by ut ter collapse, unless a reliable remedy is immediately employed. There's noth ing so efficient to cure disorders of the Liver and Kidneys as Electric Bitters. It's a wonderful tonic and effective nerv ine and the greatest all around medicine for run down systems. It dispels Nerv ousness, Rheumatism and Neuralgia and expels Malaria germs. Only 50c, and satisfaction guaranteed by Julia A. Story, Geo. W. Besley and N. H. Pet- esch, druggists. CHANGE OF LIFE Between the Agea of Forty and FMty la a Critical Tlma of Ufa for both MEN AND WOMEN Kidney Diseases Caus» Many During thia Periloua Period It Is not generally known that the bodies of men as well as women usually undergo great changes between the ages of foriy and fifty. With some the period com mences earlier and with others It is ax- tended later. With all it is marked by tha overloading of the blood with impurttUa arising from the marked changes that are taking place. The kidneys that filter tha blood often become weak during this period, and the poisons they should have eliminated are carried everywhere with the blood, causing a train of symptoms that Indicate certain death nnless their cause is removed. Here are some af tha indications that the kidneys are overburdened and break* ing down: flashes of heat over the fsea or body, backache, headache, tired feelings, indigestion, nervousness, heaviness and pains in the feet and legs, swelling of tha feet and ankles, chilly sensations, lass of weight, irregular flow of urine, whleh may be cloudy or give a sediment on standing, hot and dry skin, coated tongue. When any of the above symptoms are noticed, then look ant for the kidneys. We know of nothing so certain to act as the right thing in the right place M FOLEY'S KIDNBT CUR*. It is composed of the best known agents recommended by the highest authorities on kidney troubles. It is an honest preparation aad one that is thoroughly reliable in all < G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry". Fancy Grocers. TtlCcits! FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables and Fruit In Season. It Is my Intention to give all customers the best service pos sible. 1 pay spot cash f:>r hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy HORS for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying highest market prices.. Drop us a card when ready to sell. j A. C. MATTHEWS, I WEST M'HENRY, ILL. 2 mini Most complete line y of new garden seed® : to be foundln town.:li^ • We have in stock .; Seeds of every de%-^ cription, comprise " ing the choicest- kinds of Vegetable Frait" Herbs Vs • 5 Flower Seeds. tf you are having any difficulty in getting the varieties you desire, kindly call and examine our large stock of guar anteed Seeds; you are sure to find the k i n d y o u w a n t . ' Lawn Grass Seed, mixed, per pound, 30c. Sweet Corn and Green Peas in bulk. k >V ".j K ' , 1 {. W. N. H. PETESCH Pure, Fresh Drugs and Medicines I# _