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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Apr 1904, p. 8

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>r Hand T*II<m«4 ky C.AHN, ftAMPOLDA CO. America's Makt Progress)1* Clothes Makers. 75 25 Copyrtghl n*» C«hn. vwmpoJdil C» CENTS on the dollar is what yon pay If you have your suit made to order CENTS on the dollar is what you pay, for the same, if you buy War­ ranted Ready- made SUITS. C E N T S on every Dollar, is what you pay for look­ ing at a small sample Cloth and wait ten d a y 8 for a probable mis­ f i t t i n g S u i t . JOS. W. FREUND, West McHenry, Illinois. • r IH (LUNIK SEASON is at hand and you will need new Window Shades. Lace Curtains, Portiere or a few nice Rugs. We are prepared to show yon the finest line in town in neat new patterns and colors at prices to suit your purse. Are you going to -make a new Dress or Shirt Waist Suit this Spring. We are showing the finest line of Dress Goods and Suit­ ings in town from 12ic to $1.40 ptr yard. : : I SILKS for Coats, Waists or Skirts. We can save you about 15 per cent, on anything in this line as they were bought before the Jap Russian war broke out. : : Our new spring line of Hats and Caps comprise new shapes and colors, ranging in price from 25c to $3.00. A BEAUTIFUL HAT BRUSH FREE. Ask for it :: SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! mis: r; ^ #5^, We can fit the most exacting in style, quality and price from the finest dress Shoe to the heaviest work Shoes. New Shirts, Collars, Ties and Gloves. Leave your order for a new Soil Over 1000 samples to select from. YOURS TRULY, PHONE 5*3. Goods Odlvand promptly. M. J. WALSH. Spring Time suggests a new CARPET, or new CURTAINS, or new WALL PAPER. Let us show you our large assortment of new samples. In this way you can save money as well as securing latest styles. So with a SUIT or pair of TROUSERS. Let us show them to you. Shoes that we sell are the kind that wear. It costs you nothing to look them over. We give you SPECIAL DISCOUNTS because we are overstocked. The hew Skirts, Petticoats and Shirt Waists should stimulate quick buying if you are looking for up- to-date Merchandise. We sell the American Lady Corset. They are sold under the guarantee of the maker. , West McHenry. W. C. EVANSON. Went Point's The operation* of the troops engaged in the war of the Revolution directed attention to the romantic and coin* inaiid?ng heights of West Point and within a few years after the close of the contest, through the Influence of surviving officers of the Contineutal army it pleased President Washington to include in his message to congress i 171)3) a recommendation for the es­ tablishment of a military academy here. . The act creating the academy did not pass until the year 1802, and thon only as a means of giving countenance to the work of George Barren, who had the year before established a private school for cadets at the Point. It re- juired the stimulus of s second war with the mother country to overcome the deep rooted prejudice of the rural legislators against an institution which they believed would become a nursery of aristocrats, and it was, therefore, not until 1812 that the Military academy became a part of the army establish­ ment.--Frank H. Taylor in Four Track News. How to Ward oft'm AtlMk of Bhfi'Bl*- 11*114. "For years when spring time came on and I went into gardening, I was sure to have an attack of rheumatism, and every attack was more severe than the preceding one," says Josie McDonald, >f Man, Logan county* W. Va. "I tried everything with no relief what­ ever until I procured a bottle of Cham­ berlain's Pain Baltn, and the first appli­ cation gave me ease and before the first bottle was used I felt like a different person. Now I feel that I am cured, but I always keep a bottle of Chamber Iain's Pain Balm in the bouse, and when I feel any symptoms of a return I soor drive it away with one or two applica tious of this liniment." For sale by all lruggists. Ftndtnir by Intuition. A man asked the clerk of a big hotel in Fifth avenue if a person whom he named was staying in the house. The clerk said he was, but he was not In at that moment. "I had never seen the person for whom I had inquired," said the man who tells this story. "I had never bad a description of him. I had formed no idea as to what manner of man he Is, as we often do in such cases. 1 took a seat in the corridor, intending to ask the clerk again later on. I read a newspaper for a half hour and start­ ed to the clerk's desk to repeat my in­ quiry when I bumped into an Indi­ vidual by accident. We both apologiz­ ed. In a second 1 said to him, 'Are you not Mr. Y I don't know what im­ pelled me to make the inquiry, but as quickly as I had asked him as quickly did he reply that he was Mr. , the very person whom I wished to see. I suppose Conan Doyle might explain it, but hanged If 1 can."--New York Com mercial Advertiser. A Madman's Oelnnlon. ltoan Plgou tells the following story of a brilliant man who lost his mind temporarily through overwork and was confined In an English asylum: "His delusion was that his stomach was full to repletion of rats. There was no room for a tithing else. Hood said to me, 'Go. an., talk with him and lead up to the subject of rats.' I found him, ds is very common, perfectly sane on every subject but this. After some conversation I said to him, feigning not to know who he was: 'You seem to be a very well informed man. Have you given your attention to natural history, because I notice that the question is being discussed as to whether the spe­ cies of the genus rat called the Norwe­ gian still exists'/' Instantly he replied, 'Oh, certainly,' and unbuttoning his dress, said, 'Every known species of rat, sir, is here in my stomach.' and, localizing the rat with his finger, said: 'Here in this part of my stomach is a Norwegian rat. You can assure your friends that as^ long as 1 am alive no apecies can die.' Under the kind and humane treatment of Bethlehem he was soon at work again and had, of course, no recollectiou of his delusion." A Dosen Time* a Night. "I have -had kidney and bladder trouble for years, and it became so bad that I was obliged to get up at least * dozen times a night," says Mr. Ower nnn of Benton Ferry, W. Va. "1 never received any permanent benefit from any medicine until I took Foley V Kidney Cnre. After using two bottle*. I was cured." As a preventive and ure for Bright's disease and Diabetes Foley'8 Kidney Cure is unequaled. It iuickt>y cures all kidney and bladder troubles. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Tobacco Smoke and the Blood. Two or three inouthfuls of tobacco smoke from a cigarette were shaken up with a few drops of 'blood diluted with water in a bottle. Almost immediately the blood assumed the pink color char­ acteristic of blood containing monoxide gas, and further observations with the spectroscope confirmed the presence in the blood of carbon monoxide. Similar­ ly a few mouthfuls of smoke from a pipe and a cigar were tried, and the re­ sults were even more marked. In this experiment we have some explanation in particular of the evil effects of ciga­ rette smoking, for it is chiefly cigarette smoke that is inhaled, an indulgence by which the poisonous carbon monoxide is introduced directly into the blood. This effect of tobacco smoke upon the blood appears to us to be of consider­ able significance.--London Lancet. True Merit Recognised. Last winter the oldest son of Mr. j Paul F. Mueller, publisher of the Volks-1 b l l f ^ R n u d e c h a u , Li n c o l n , 1 1 1 . , w a s a f - ; flicted with a very bad cold and cough, i In speaking of how they cured it Mr. I Mueller saya: "We used different kinds of medicines without any benefit to him until we commenced to use Harts' Hon­ ey and Horehound. This medicine gave immediate relief and soon cured him. In my estimation Harts' Honey and Horehound is the most wonderiul and certain cure in the world for all throat and lung troubles." 25c. 50o and $1 00. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry. druggist. Christmas Tree Leorend. There is a legend in Germany that when Eve plucked the fatal apple im­ mediately the leaves of the tree shriv­ eled into needle points and its bright green turned dark. It changed its na­ ture and became the evergreen, in all seasons preaching the story of man's fall. Only on Christmas does it bloom .brightly with lights and become beauti­ ful with love gifts--the curse is turned into a blessing at the qpming of the Christ Child, and we:< have our Christ­ mas tree. Gtxfd for Children. The pie isant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives immedi­ ate relief in Coughs, Cronp and La- Gr ppe because it does not pass imme­ diately into the stomach, but takes ef- fi ct right at the seat of trouble. It draws out the inflammation, heals and soothes and cures permanently by en­ abling the lungs to contribute pure life- giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take and it is good alike for young and old. Sold by all druggists. • Orowi la the Clrad*. So far as is known, the highest ele­ vation at which flowers are found grow­ ing is 17,000 feet above sea level. The homely little plant which has the dis­ tinction of being the loftiest grower in the world is found on the upper slopes of the Himalayan mountains, near the line of perpetual snow. The season during which vegetation may appear above the surface in this region is less than four months in length. The Best Family Salve. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salye gives in­ stant relief from Burns, cures Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Eczema, Tetter and all abrasions of the skin. In buying Witch Hazel Salv it is only necessary to see that you get the genuine De Witt's and a cure is certain. There are many cheap counterfeits on the market, all of which are worthless and quite a few are dangerous, while DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is perfectly harmless and cures. Sold by all druggists. Don't forget the "want ad"oolun»nl' A customer of ours who had been suffering from a severe cough for six months bought two bottles of Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy from us and was entirely cured by one and a half bottles of |t. It gives perfect satisfaction with onr trade. Hayes-Parker & Co., Line- ville, Ala. For sale by all druggists. Young Plants Every farmer knows that some plants grow better than others. Soil may be the same rind seed may seem the same but some plants are weak and others strong. And thats the way with children. They are like young plants. Same food, same home, same care but some grow big and strong while others stay small and weak. Scott's Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty. Child weakness often means starvation, not because of lack of food, but because the food does not feed. Scott's Emulsion really feeds and gives the child growing strength. Whatever the cause of weak­ ness and failure to grow-- Scott's Emulsion seems to find it and set the matter right. Send for free sample. Scott ft Bowne, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., New York 50c. and $1.00; all druggist*. For tlfe latest styles in Dress Goods, Waistings and Trimmings. Just re­ ceived a new line of Ladies' Dress Skirts and Muslin Uwtawesuv " Men's and Boys' Hats and^Capsl SHOES THAT ARE SHOES SHOES that are "made of LEATHER, that is the kind we sell. , NEW STOCK of WALL PAPER JUST ARRIVED F. A. Boh lander, Phone 291. www- West ricHenry, III. • nrm \av v^*w*miWrrcrrvrrcrrCrrA*rFrccrrr eeow i fc.4»ALWAYS<3«i INSIST IFON HAY NG Tnt GENUINE a s fiorida water THE MOST REFRESHING A ISO DELIGHTFUL FLRrUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF.T0SL£T AN'5 BATH. | Come Irv! New Spring Suitings are now ready for those who know GOOD GOODS FROM POOR GOODS GOOD FITS FROM POOR FITS AND LOW PRICES FROM HIGH PRICES E. LAWLUS, TAILOR ^nlhtiiK Like Ksp«rlru<!«. "One truth learned by actual' exp«»r ience does more good than ten one hear about." Tell a man that Chamberlain V Colic, Cholera-and Diarrhoea Retned> will cure cholera morbus, and he wil' most likely forget it before the end of th< day. Let hiui have a severe attack ol that disease, feel that ht- is about to die. use this remedy, and learn from hisou-.: experience how qnickly it gives reliei. and he will remember it all his life. For sale by all druggist* I Best for Rtsidenct Best for Business 61c a day It's the service that rtackes tveryathtrt • why it's the greatest service--the best for you. thafe CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY § ••i :# P. Cleaning: and Repairing: Many times Men's and Ladies'Snits are cant Aside as unfit for further wear when' a thorough cleaning is all that is needed. If yon have a snit, either ladies' or gentleman's that needs cleaning and repairing, leave it with ns and you will be agreeably surprised at the change we can make in it. ^ IT WILL LOOK LIKE NEW If you have no snit that needs repairing, we can make yon a ne# one at the right price. I § $ I John D. Lodtz A A A A A A *^« A A A »Ti A A A A A *T* A >T» »T> A A wTiyixnyixr w "f npTTrTy trrwr w *X 'X* "X" *Xr "X *X" X irny t m a w ^ I have just received and now have on exhibition $the finest line of Carpets and Hugs ever sent out S by the Richardson Company. If a Carpet is made by Richardson it is a guarantee of quality, i tlf you contemplate purchasing a new Carpet, ip & Ingrain, Brussels, or any other style, this spring, Sit will pay you to call and see my samples. I *& will guarantee to meet all Chicago prices and in Y most cases save you money. ^ I Jacob Justen. | <$l t|l I$1 l|» l|» tfr <£» ||» eft I$1 $ NEW ARRIVALS Ladies and Hisses SKIRTS ' L 'I ' A limited supply of fine, high grade Dress Skirts jn Misses sizes, two to three Skirts of a kind at remarkably low prices. We cannot duplicate or reorder these skirts, quality, jstyle and price are our inducements to careful buyers. Misses skirts, made of fine quality Mohair, with dot, neatly Tucked at bottom, at $1.49 New lot of ladies spring suits, beautifully made of fine material at $10.49 & 7.95 We have a limited supply of ladies f wool Walking Skirts, in Oxford/ grey only, just the thing for common wear at Special lot of ladies Silk Waists made of the best Taffeta Silk, handsomely tucked and trimmed, a Waist made to sell at $6.00, special while they last Mt $1.29 $1.98 BLOCK & BETHKE CASH DEPARTMENT STORE, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 'PHONE, 314 Snap Bargainsfor Men We placed on sale this Thursday a lot of Men's fancy Ne g l i g e e S h i r t s , w o v e n c o l o r s w i t h k i d e n d S u s p e n d - ^ i l C T , ers to match, price while they last. CHILDREN'S SPRING JACKETS! Made of all wool material with large cape collar, neatly O trimmed with braid and buttons, at this low figure «k I *yv Misses military style, made of all wool material, with ^ _ Cuff Sleeve, neatly trimmed around cuff and collar, at.. COLORED CROCHET THREAD,.PER SPOOL lc • Large Washington Italian Prunes, per lb. only 9c I If IA ( Larg^California Prunes, special while they last per lb.. .6c ' I I Ir \ Salmon, per can only 10c and 14c ' 1 1 \> w quality Sardines In oil, per can 5c TRY A SACK OF GOLD MEDAL FLOUR. IT HAS NO EQUAL. •'f.i

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