f t * ' * ' • / * ' * ' ' "" ',' * \ ' m J " ' ' S . * « " • ' " ' > T ' 5 " ' ' * - ' , ' "i?> ; !'V ' vrl V' * * ' > * ..o ' it~ t v ,'^ , / ; ; ?< 0.^4 I \<i^ "r" I i'/C *'«y I - ill P i i i % _ ' | t REAW THE SPOT. To car* an ach | ins back, The p a i n s of rheumatism. | The tired ont feelings. Ton must reach the spot -- get at the cause. In most cases 'tis the kidneys. D o a n's Kidney Pills are for the kidneys. Chaa. Bierbach, stone contractor, 1 1 1 v l n g a t 2 6 2 S Chestnut St, Erie, Pm^ says: "For two years I had kid ney trouble and ttifere was such a •ever® pain through my loins and limbs that I could not stoop or straighten up without great pain, had difficulty In getting about and was unable to rest at night, arising in the morning tired and worn out. The kidney secretions were irregular and deposited a heavy sediment. Doctors treated me for rheumatism, but failed to help me. I lost all confidence in aaediclae and began to feel as if life were not werth living. Doan's Kidney Pills, however, relieved me so Quickly and so thoroughly that I gladly made a statement to that effect for publica- ttott. This was in 1898, and duriag the six years which have elapsed I have Mrver known Doan's Kidney Pills to fell. They cured my wife of a severe ease of backache la the same thor ough manner. • FREE TRIAL of this great kid My medicine which cured Mr. Bier- fcacfc will be mailed on application to any |»rt of the United States. Ad- dregs Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N, T. For sale by all druggists, price 50 •eats per bos. Have Faith in Leeches 4 'v A- •liWi* Question of Officers' Retirement. Ool. Charles H. Heyl of the inspector general's department, on duty at St Louis, has applied for retirement un der the thirty years' service clause, The secretary of war recently denied a similar application from CoL S. W Fountain, Fourth cavalry, on the ground that the services of officers are needed and that they should not be re tired except for disability. Plan to Beautify New York. Daniel S. L&mont, ex-secretary of war, has been made the chairman of lite New Tork municipal beautiflca- lion eotnmlssioa, which is to devise a plan for the grouping of city build- tags, the laying out of parks end boule vards, arrangement of streets and the Improvement of the aspect of the water front. •A Bnitoa Dollar Prill. The twft greatest fodder plants on earth, ene good for 14 tons hay and the •ther 80 tons green fodder per acre, ©rows everywhere, so does Victoria Rape, yielding 60,000 lbs. -sheep and ewino food per acre. JUST 8BND 10c IX STAMPS TO TSB 7oha A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., and receive in return their big catalog and lots el farm seed samples. |W. N. U.) Actors" Love for Each Other. Once, In a certain play, Sir Henry Irving needed a stake horse, one war ranted steady of nerve. After some trouble a long-headed, sardonic look ing steed was brought to the old Ly ceum Theater by an astute stablemai "I warn you, Sir 'Eenryr that 'e's a bit skittish," said the hostler. "Only la$t week when Mr. Tree, that's Beerbohm Tree, Sir T5e*ry, was astride of this *ere beast, 'e was very loose in 'is actions--I mean the 'orse, Sir Enery.' "Ha!" tragically exclaimed the actor. "The brute is then something of a dramatic critic!" The Counter Charge. Daniel J. Sully, on the day of his admission to the Chicago board of trade, lunched at the Chicago Club. During luncheon he illustrated aptly the value of the counter charge in ar gument "There waa a man," he said, "who should have been home one night for dinner, but he did not arrive till 3 o'clock in the morning. "He entered the house quietly, and he ascended the stairs on tiptoe. His watchful wife, however, heard him, and in a severe tone she called: "'Henry, is that you?' "He replied, with a note of sur prise and reproach in his voice: " 'Why, m--my d--dear, who els he did you expectr **--New York <Trib- EMPTY NOW. How One Woman Quit Medicine. "While a ooffee user my stomach troubled me for years," says a lady'of Columbus, O., "and I had to take medi cine all the time. I had what I thought was the best stomach medicine I could get, had to keep getting it filled all the time at 40 cents a bottle. I did not know what the cause of my trou ble was but Just dragged along from day to day, suffering and taking medi cine all the time. "About six months ago I quit tea and coffee and began drinking Postum and I have aot had my prescription ; filled since, which is a great surprise to me for it proves that coffee waa the cause of all my trouble although I nev er suspected it "When my friends ask me how I /eel since I have been taking Postum ,1 say, 'To tell the truth I don't feel ,at all only that I get hungry and eat everything I want and lots of It and It .sever hurts and I am happy and (•well and oontented all the time.' "I could not get my family to drink Postum for a white until I mixed it in • little coffee and kept on reducing the amount of coffee antil 1 got it ail Pos sum. Now tliey all like it and the; sever belch it ap like coffee. "We all know that Postum ia * sun shine maker. I fctc it helps one great ly for we do not have to think of aches and pains all the time and can use our minds for other things." Name given by Pootam Co., Battle Creek, Mich. The one Wfce has to bother with coffee aches and pains is badly handi capped in the race for fame fuid for tune. Postum is a wonderful rebuild- /er. There's a reason. Look in each package for the fast ens little beak, "The Road to Well- - ----- - • The use of leeches, according to a retail druggist in an Italian quarter of the city, is increasing. This is like ly to be news to many physicians and certainly to the laity, who have thought that bleeding was a dead medical theory. The druggist who made the state ment had just sold something in a small box to a group of Italians whom he had charged twenty-five cents. Afterwards he explained that it waa a leech, and then he added that sales were Increasing in drug stores which find their patrons among the foreign- era of the large cities. They are raised mostly In Sweden, where they are cultivated in leech lakes. They are sold at four cents each at wholesale, but the retail drug gist adds heavily to the price. "We have to do it" said the druggist "They die if they get too warm or too cold, and you are out what yon paid for them. "The sale of them ia constantly in. creasing. It is due to the fact that the foreign population of the country is growing all the time. In this coun try the natives do not look upon bleed- 'ing as a cure for all manner of things, but in many foreign countries that is the first thing they think of when any thing is the matter with a person. If a doctor Isn't around to tap the suf ferer, off they go for one of these little .blood suckers. It's the same way when these folks come to this country. They thick of 'bleeding* whenever anything happens in the way of an accident, and if one of them gets bruised the first thing he wants ia a leech. When one of them gets into a squabble and comes out of it with a black eye, nothing but a leach will do him. "The demand for these ugly little things is confined almost entirely to the foreign born element in the city, and in a store situated as this one is we must keep a good supply of leeches always en hsnd. In the stores situated in the fashionable districta I doubt if you will be able to buy a leech. They may, however, keep them In some of these places just to have them in- c$se they are wanted, but it is sue to iaar they don't sell a dozen in a year. l £>o we? Yes, Indeed. A dosen a tray is more like our record. One day la|t week I sold thirty-three.' --Chicago Tribune. SUBSTITUTE FOR PRAYER. One Man's Reason for Not Attending Revival Services. The late Dr. Otis Avery of "Hones* dale, Pa., said he was the first Ameri* can ever to receive a dentist'B certif icate. Dr. Avery was talking one afternoon to a reporter about the earlier, unen lightened days of Honesdale. "We had not then," he said, "as much religious feeling as we have now. I remember a revival service, very poorly attended, that was held during a certain winter. The revival ist, since the people would not come to him, went out to them, and on the street corners he would halt and ques tion them concerning their religious beliefs. " 'I haven't seen you at our revival,' he said to one very old, bent man. " 'What would I be doln' there?' the other answered. M 'Don't you ever pray?* said the re vivalist "The old man shook his head. • "'No,' he said, *1 carry a rabbit's foot'"--New York Tribune. A VENERABLE PASTOR " CURED BY PE-RU-NA. Pe-rn-na ia a Catarrhal Tonic Especially Adapted to tbe De clining Powers of Old Age. In old age the mucous membranes become thickened and partly lose their function. • This leads to partial loss of hear ing, smell and taste, as well as digest ive disturbances. Peruna corrects all this by Its ape» cific operation on all the mucous membranes of the body. One bottle will convince anyone. Once used and Peruna becomes a life-long stand-by with old and young. Nestled in Live Wires While astonished postoffice officials stood around ejaculating, "Well, well, well," in the switch box of the busy telephone exchange In the Brooklyn postoffice a litter of lively mice was discovered last evening. All around the little fellows were busy wires, there being altogether twenty-three connections in their quaint birthplace, but, barring a burned mark on the tail of one of the trpilets, they did not seem to have suffered any inconvenience, and they objected in a' ting-a-ling, 'phone-like squeak when persuaded to vacate. Meantime the fair operator had re treated to the stair, and women cus tomers at the stamp windows gath ered up their skirts and fled to the street Watchmen and shoeblacks became heroes, and by deadly blows saved the women from further fright How the mother mouse ever got Into the switch box is a mystery, for there is neither hole nor crack in it It is always kept locked. The nest had been arranged with unusual c$re, the outside being com posed of pieces of coarse paper, while the inside consisted of bits of the soft est and flimsiest papers in tbe post- office building. Had not the mother mouse become too envious the triplets might have thrived until big enough to earn their own living. With consternation the "hello girl" saw a large mouse near the telephone booth, apparently try ing to get in unobserved. Undaunted, three times the mouse tried to get into the booth. The busy operator's eye each time deterred it But finally Mrs. Mouse put the oper ator to flight A scoro of men coming to the rescue, wise Mrs. Mouse skipped upstairs. "That old mouse has been around here for a month," said an employe. "I know her by her chopped-off tail." ' Then a search was begun. The last place tried was the switch box, and it was opened mere as a joke. Operators began to collect having had trouble recently with their in struments, and one fair maid saw light in the holes in her lunch. It was left, however, to disperse the victorious army. "1 always had my suspicions of that box. I was just telling 'Bill' the other night that the darned thing was haunted. It must have been the old mouse communicating with the kids. --New York Herald. No Room For Russian Capt Charles H. Martin, of the 14th United States Infantry, relates the following: "On the return march from Pekln and while approaching Hohsiwoo the column of the 14th United States infantry one evening was overtaken by a Russian officer of high rank in his three-horse buck- board, driven by his orderly. At the time the rear battalion of the regi ment temporarily commanded by my self, was entering a defile, bordered on each side by low, swampy ground, the road just being wide enough to ac commodate the column. I suddenly heard a loud shout 'Watch out, cap tain! Watch out!' but before I could even turn my head I found my horse on his knees, with the Russian's horses on top of us. After extricating ourselves, I found that the Russian, seeing the narrow road before him and not proposing to be delayed by our column, had deliberately plunged into us, regardless of consequences. "The temporary check which he had received by my being in the way seomed to infuriate the officer and with violent gesticulations he ordered his orderly to drive on. Two enlisted men nearest us held his horses' heads. { This was too much. Taking the lines from his now helpless, bewildered driver, he forced his horses forward, but before he had completely gotten them away from the men holding them I had ordered four more men to as sist in stopping him and to keep'him where he was until the rear of the column had passed. In spite of such a 6how of force he persisted in vio lently urging his horses forward and was only stopped by boing knocked to the ground by the butt of a gun and having the horses unhitched from the conveyance. As he rose from the ground he started to draw his re volver, when instantly several rifles were drawn on him. "This semed to bring him to a realizing sense of his impotency, and, putting up his revolver, he ran for ward with tears in his eyes and called in French to the captain of the com pany then passing: 'I am an oticer-- an officer! Look at my frightful con dition and the humiliation which has been heaped upon me! Can you give me justice?' He received this consol ing answer: 'That's all right, old man; there's only room on ttis road for one of us and we got here first'" In the Spring. Lowndes, Mo., April 4th.--Mrs. H. C. Harty of this place, says: "For years I was in very bad health. Every spring I would get so low that I was unable to do my own work, seemed to be worse In the spring than any other time of the year. I was very weak and miserable and had much pain in my back and head, saw Dodd's Kidney Pills advertised last spring And began treatment of them and they have certainly done me more good than anything I have ever used. "I was all right last spring and felt better than I have for over ten years. I am fifty years of age and am strong er to-day than I have been for many years and I give Dodd's Kidney Pills credit for the wonderful Improve ment" The statement of Mrs. Harty is only one of a great many where Dodd's Kidney Pills have proven themselves to be the very best spring medicine. They are unsurpassed as a tonic and are the only medicine used in thou sands of families. Pound Fortune and Death. Edward M. Sturgeon, who died sud denly in El Paso, Tex., last week, met fortune and death together. For 20 years he had searched in Tain for gold and had traveled from British Co lumbia to Mexico in his endeavor. A short time ago he found the great Elti- gre mine in Mexico. It was sold, but before he could enjoy the fruits of his discovery ho passed away. •as ST. LOCIS TO CAUFOKNIA 1 •la THE IROW MOUNTAIN BOOTS. These tickets will be on 6ale dally during March and April, when Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars will be operated daily between St Louis, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Particulars from any agent of the company. H. G Town- send, O. P. & T. Agent, St Louis. Billiard Tabi&s of Glass. In a billiard room in Paris is a bil liard table made of glass, it is mnch more difficult to make a shot upon it than upon the ordinary baize-covered table. Wiggle>St!ck lafudbt blits Won't spill, break, freeze nor spot clothes. Costs 10 ccnts and equals 20 cents worth of any other bluing. If your grorer does wot keep it send 10c: for sample to The Laundry Blue Co., 14 Michigan Street, Chicago. When a Horse Trots. It has been proved by Instantaneous photography that a horse at full trot sometimes has its four feet off the ground at once. If you don't get the biggest and best it's your own fault. Defiance Starch Is for sale everywhere and there Is positively nothing to equal It in quality or quantity. Japan is reported to have decided that it will hold Corea, but this de cision may be subject to a guess that Russia thinks it has coming. She Changed Her Mind She had been suffering for several days with a slight abscess, and when she decided to have it lanced her young husband accompanied her to the physician's. "You are very brave, dearest" he said to her, as they waited for the doc tor in the reception room. Oh," said she, «miling sweetly, "you see, I'm going to take chloro form or gas or something." "No! Oh, no!" he remonstrated. You mustn't " "Why, Jack, it won't cost ao much more--" "Darling, how unkind! But, yon know, sometimes patients die under chloroform." I'll risk that Ah, doctor, my hus band is trying to scare me with tales about patients who die under chloro form. Now, you don't think--" "Pshaw! There's no danger when the doctor understands his patient's condition," exclaimed the physician. And a few moments later: "Will you kindly take hold of this sponge? By the way, just before you came in I was administering the drug to a man, and he was honestly quite amusing. He rattled on about his early love affairs--gave himself away 1n great shape." "Oh," cried the young woman In evi dent distress. Then, collecting her* self: "Will it hurt dreadfully, doc tor?" "The lancing? No; with the drug you won't be any the wiser." "I think I can manage without any drug, do you know?" "You might fklnt., dearest," put In the anxious husband. "And doctor says there's no danger in your case. You'd better take it" "No, I think not," said she, throw ing the sponge away and sitting bolt upright "I'm going to show you men how a weak little woman bear pain." Lewis' " Single Binder" straight 5c cigar. Price to dealers $36.00 per M. They cost some more than other brands, but no more than a good 5c ci^ar should cost Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. It may help some if you know that the Koreans pronounce Seoul as if it were written Sole, with a long o. II m 4 k 7 "If, Milk Crust and Eczema M tin Ml ml. Strong and vigorous at the Age of Eighty-eight. Rev. J. N. Parker, Utica, N. Y., writes: "In June, 1901, I lost my sense of hearing entirely. My hearing had been somewhat impaired for several years, but not so much affected but that I could hold converse with my friends; but in June, 1901, my sense of hearing left me so that I could hear no sound whatever. I was also trou bled with rheumatic pains in my limbs. I commenced taking Peruna and now my hearing is restored as good as It was prior to June, 1901. cannot speak too highly of Peruna, and now when 88 years old can say It has invigorated my whole system. I cannot but think, dear Doctor, that you must feel very thankful to the all- loving Father that you have been per mitted to live, and by your skill be such a blessing as you have been to suffering humanity."--Rev. J. N. Parker. A Bishop's Letter. T. H. Lomax. D. D., Bishop 2d Dist A. M. E., of Charlotte, N. C., writes: "I recommend your Peruna to all who want a strengthening tonic and a very effective remedy for all catarrhal com plaints."--T. H. Lomax. If you do not receive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman giving a full statement of your case! and he will be pleased to give yon his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus Ohio. Nature renews her* My rheumatic pains are all gone. I The spring is the best time to treat catarrh. self every spring. The system is rejuvenated by spring weather. This renders medicines more effective. A short course of Peruna, assisted by the balmy air of spring, will cure old, stubborn cases of catarrh that have resisted treatment for years. Everybody should have a copy of Dr. Hartman's latest book on catarrh. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. F L A K E D P U R E W H O L E W H E A T N | A P L E S Y R U P fltartfkikt t i j t ASK YOUR CROCER. j A Revelation Ia ftfze, magnificence and beauty, the 9L Louis World's Fair will *urpi*s any pre vious Exposition, To fco It as It will b«, get tho Kuty Album. Viewi of all principal liulldliiKft re prod a ceil In color* tue llthogrunber'H highest art. The leaves, tix 10, ar • loosely h mnd and may be framed, beud 25c to "JLATY," 684 Katy Bid?., St Louia, Ho. THE KATY FLYER, the crack tra!» of the St.. K. <fc T. R.v.--between St. Louia Oklahoma, Texaa and Oid Mexico. Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces In a package, 10 cents. One-third more starch for the same money. Small farming is constantly increas ing in Russia. If yon wish beautiful, dear, white dottm OM Red Cross Bali Bin*. .Large 8 osl package, 5 cent*. Salted whale meat is a Japanese delicacy. StomachT rouble Time and the Children Is no respecter of persons. It comes to rich and poor, old or young, weak or strong* There M a cure for It* Dr. Caldwell's (LAXATIVE) Syrup Pepsin FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and boc!c or In* structlons absolutely Free and Post" paid, enough to prove the value of PoxtineToilet Antiseptic Put!no Is in powder form to dissolve In water-- non-poisonous and far superior to liquid antiseptics containing alcohol which Irritates Inflamed surfaces, and have no cleansing prop erties. Tho contents of every box makes mora Antiseptic Solu tion -- lafts longer -- goes further--has more In t«6 'aujily and doe* more good than any antlsrptlc preparation you can buy. The formula of a r.oied Boston physician, and used with great success a.« a Vaginal Wash, for Leucorrhoa, PeJvicCatarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat* Sore Eyes,, Cijfr, and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills Paxtine Is invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash we challonge the world to produce its equal for thoroughness. ItiBarevelationin cleansing and healing power; it kills all germs which canse inflammation and discharges. All leadingdrugetats keep Paxtine; price,BOo. fcbox; if yours dues not, send to usfor it. Don't taU a a eubsti t ute -- there is nothing like Paxtine. Write for the Free Bor of Paxtine to-day. E. PAXTON CO., 6 Pope Bldg., Boitoa, RKAL ESTATE. SHEEP PLANT FOR SALE-ConMetinp of 4.580 Benin, ^heils l roixI dwelling houee ami other oiu- butldluRs and lambing hlieds. i"> rnlleB of fence, 4.SdO Bheep, 1J0 horsen, 44 lieud of cattle. Have another ehecp plant good dwelling house, two nbeds, 40 acren with good range, ;S,2»K> sheep. Both plants In good running order. Either plant sold separately. IJlieral termi arranged. Write for particulars. Address BOX 22, Dupuyer, Montana. .129? 8 BWingtllff Where they play among the grntsaa, If perchance a dark cloud paaaea j O'er their places, Not a shadow of the morrow Brings a sorrow To their faces; For they hear the bluebells When the fairies rock the atee] And they see the green graaa •Neath the feet of fairy people. Ahl Father Time. Their golden hours are few. And the arch of the rainbow Is atill t* climb. And the fairlee to find In the dew! --Will you not wait for the chlldien? Through the lilacs straying, playlag What the children bear them aaylag All the sagea Have no hope of erery learning In the turning Of 4ul) pages; "When the morning dew's for quaffing And the cowslip cups are clinking. Ah! Time, each rose . Her best for the children weaves; Soon, too voon, as the wan world knows. They will walk In the brown dead leaves. --Will you not wait for the children? T!xne! The days are short for reaping Ulrth. but ah! so long for weeping! And the wreath Withers oft before Its binding, Or. unwinding. Pales to death! Leave them to their wild-flower braiding. With the kind blue sky above them. For those wreaths, tho' swiftly fading. Last as long as child-hearts love them. We dare not climb. And the fairfos for ns are dead; ou not wait for the children. Tta* Read tho Booklet} •ample; try It. PEPSIN SYRUP CO., Montlcello, lit. 0 For they cannot hear the laii|lils» Of tfcs ilfta snanimdea drtoHir IWill v A'm hurry us home Instead? Walt for the children! Ogltvte. la Vtoopla Bi Wisdom Soap (Granulated) "Soap that sells to clean, Must clean to selL " Wisdom does the same work at one-half the cost of any bar soap. All Grocers LANDS OP The FREE Homestead OF Western Canada Are tbe STU ATTRACTIONS for 1904. Millions of acres of magnificent Grain and Graa- ing lands to be hnd as a free tif!. or by purchase from Railway Companies, Land Coroorations. etc. THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS Good Crops, deliglitfal climate, splendid Whool system, perfect Kocial couiiitions, •Bxceptioual railway advantagea, and wealth tuid affluence acquired eaaily. The population of Western Canada Increased 128.000 by immigration during tha past year, ovar 60,000 being Americans. Write to nearest authorised Canadian Go Vermont Agent for Canadian Atlas and other information-- tor address Sui>t. of In>migration.Ottawa.Canada)-- C- J. Broughtou. No. 430 <Juincy Building. Chicago, HL;T.O Currie, Room 12. Callahan Building, Mii* traakee. Wis.; M. V. Mclmies, No. 6AvenueXh«' Southward Bound. . . All «ort8 of industries c.milnu. Farming land* ad vancing. and money-uiakers at present prices. Hljib- prlced cotton makes South Carolina agriculture at tractive. We have the ».>U, water, climate, churchcs. schools, and diversity ot production. The Catawba Power Company'* Million-dollar Electric Power Plant, Just completed, afford* manufacturers locu tions not excelled. For Real Estate or other Investments apply to J, EDGAR POAG. Brokfr Member Central Aaiociatioa. Rich Hill, 8. 0. FOR S ALE--1,920-acre Farm; also 880 lease, all al falfa lands; inexhatmlWu supply of water, 111 to 15ft. &K> acres In crops; tlnest equipped ranch In the west. Price $15 per acre, part ea«h; easy terms. Kor par ticulars addi-CKA W. B. BOOT, Garden City. Santas. w And gentle anointings with CUTICURA OINTMENT, purest and sweetest of emollients .and greatest of skin cures* It means instant relief and ̂ refreshing sleep for tor* ̂ tured, disfigured, itching,/ and burning babies, and * rest for tired* fretted*** mothers, when all else. . fails. SoM thraofhoart Ike wflrti. CMIm IwnlnaL JMa. (Ill form 91 Cboc«lat» Co«M Mia, U& Mr tUiWM piDtmmi, Mc Snap, S5e. t^omlbrt, ST Ct Jivua« S<}.; Paris, & Hoe de la 1 tlx ; Botrun, lit? C*i\ Chem. Corp., iSole Prvpri* r to Cure Uuzacur.** • • V- : > rivP - ' •" 'i " From the cradle to tha baby «Mr." HAVE YOU I BABY f II to, you ought to have a P H O E N I X WALKING CHAIR . \V, V*" mi' :"\V • • ' O' ETA |0]|JIO FOR SALE--Sout~.ern Michigan • #*niWl<S Improved Farm Homes, 40 to acres, burr oak openings and clay lands; near school. Church and Rood market. Several stocks of merchan dise. Cheap, and easy terms. Correspondence solicited BARNARD & BONEBRIGHT, Keal Kstate Agta. fit. Jo County. Constantino, Mich. LOUISIANA LANDS FOR SALE.-5.000 acrea flue Prairie Hlce Lands, SO miles from New Or'eans: as a whole, unimproved, $16 per acre ; or In lUOarre tract*. Improved with cana l s ,and I r r iga t ing Con t rac t , at $25 per acre; easy term*. The*c lands can be rented at •3.S0 to per acre. 6,000 Acre# MUfls- •Ippl Hirer Valley Land.*. 70 miles from New Orleans. Blcheat farm lands In the South; suitable for all crops; railroad station on place; a* a whole $30 per acre; Improved and in cultivation. In 50-acre tract-" or more , $40 to $50 per acre ; easy te rms: the«e l ands are now renting at *•"> r*>r ca>h rent, or l2t per annum on Investment. Other lands In trsct ' to su!r. Titles perfect, with warranty deed. WH. K. TAY LOR. Owner, 603 Hennen Bid*., Hew Orleans, La. Reference: Brad.-.trei i*. Only $4 down and $4 per month; no interest. Any quantiur at S3 pir line. 10, 100 ami 1,'HX) aero tracts; 150,000 acres. The great Sabinal land grant on Nuevitas harbor, finest in the world; land guaranteed level; hardwood timber. The landing place of Christopher Columbus. Semi for illustrated prospectus, map, etc.-- FREE. CARLSON INVESTMENT CO. 810 Nat'l Life Bldg. CHICAGO* (PATXKTXD) BETTER THAN A NURSE." Uli PHOENIX- Walking Chair enables the baby to learn to walk, without injury or excessive exercise. It is impossible for the child to fall and 'injure itself, and it enables it to walk without assist ance, thus gaining coafidenoe in itself at once. It is well made, and is provided with a sanitary cloth removable seat; it also has a table attachment which enables tbe baby to enjoy itself with its toys with out further attention. This chair is so constructed that it prevents colds and diseases from .drafts or floor perms. It will prevent enough soiled clothes to pay for itself. It is at tractively made and is an ornament to any home, and baby will get more Strength, comfort and enjoymentcux. Of it than anything else you oou got. **Aa indispsnssble as s crstSe." <0 XAjrvFACTcaiD ojfLT ar P H O E N I X C H A I R C < SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Can only be had of jour furniture W. L. DOUGLAS *3.§s&*3 SHOES sa PANAMA CANAL $end oho dime (or 10 cent* tn ftampsi snd ra celve a nice WALL MAP of the Hew Republic of Panama by mall, prepaid. Specially Interesting at this time and for m:my years to come. JAS. L. FOOTE, - Slatingrton, P«nn. 'i. •tr autfe", »lao fH» ' c&runic bi«>xi dl»«i c , . = v £ • . • ; • • • W. L. Douglas shuoa have by tueir excellent style. easy-tltting, and superior woarin % qualities, acaieveJ the largest sale of any shoes ia the world. Tin y are just as good as those that cost you to S5 -- the only difference is the prica. So.J £ dry whir*. Look for name and price on bottom. Douglas uses ( orons ! Coltsklu, which iKev*r,\tth«r« ronitMlfd t* bethe liutwt Patent I. Dther x+t f.uf Co'or Eyelets us-d. Shoes b> •o.ui.v.'ic.cxtra. Write for Catalog. W.l.Duailu. Brock to a. Msm> • . '-- 'Si.i GREAT OPPORTUNITY of To Becocte Owoaa FAKM.-I on d oSer for t-alc tor the n \ 6 months on account at chanicv- iubuNir.eis. t~ liui»TOv«Mt Fttrui* fearTf« >r.Mlnn. WlH make price- t.-t ni' rrtt. SetidteV 4daortpUvet>ouveuirtblL UUJUi.SUi.Tyiar, Hia% W. N. U. CHICAGO, No. 15f 1904. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. mrn'om , cms vstii ia fist rici] t Oooafe Syrup. Tacts* Govo. In tlma. Sold bj Jraaum ' iVj&i' M P T I O N