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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1904, p. 4

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Over-Work Weakens •bPl: •"4? •• Your Kidneys. ttMftealfhy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once, every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil­ ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do iheir work. Pains, aches and rheu­ matism come from ex­ cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin­ ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty- cent and one-dollar siz­ es. You may have a sample bottle by mail Homo .-f R<v.t free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mentiori this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y. who sets the pace that so many of onr yonng men attempt to follow. To be a so railed "flood fellow" and enter a sali on w ith a company of friends with- ont treating and being treated ia ont df the qnestion these days. To be a mod­ erate drinker requires more back bone than the average "sporty" yonng mi n possesses. A son of a dmnkard is more likely to grow up withont drinking than the one whoj^as never seen the awfal effects m his own home. The NcHenry Pldindenler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER COMPART. P. K. GRANGER. W. A. CRISTY. J. B. PKRBT, Pres. Sec. Treas. OH AS. D. SCHOO.N MAKER, Editor. Oflce in B&nk Building. Telephone. No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: SI .50 Three months. 40cts. One year Six months. 75 cts. Thursday, May ia, 1904. THE Marengo Republican is thirty- six years old. The Republican is one of the cleanest and brightest papers that oomes to oar desk, and it is always brim fall of good local news. The paper was founded by the present owner, J. B. Babcock May he live to bind many more volumes of The Republican is the wish of' the fraternity in McHenry oounty. ______________ IT is understood there is a movement on foot to form a permanent association of the alumni of the McHenry high school. The benefits to be derived from sacb an organization are many, serving to ' ecall in future years the companion­ ships there formed, the friendly strife there begun, to be oontinned in more active business life to follow, and of more importance than these, to perpet­ uate the warmer friendship that inevi­ tably existR among members of such societies. The McHenry high school i& making a record of which its graduates may well be proud and anything that will thus serve to pleasantly remind them of the source of their preparation for the sterner duties of life is to be commended. AN exchange sajs that "each car barn bandit hung last month was the son of a drunkard." What of it? The fact that their fathers were drunkards did not make them bandits. The drnnkard is not the example that boys try to imitate. All boys hate the ca­ rousals of a man under the influence of liqnor and most of them who are com­ pelled to live under the same roof with such a man have a decided abhorrence for the cause that has made a beast of his father. It is the moderate drinker FACTS WORTH KNOWING. The editorial pertaining to gambling, published in The Plaindealer last week, created quite a stir, and undoubtedly hit the mark. We fear, however, that others have taken offense contrary t« our intentions. The editorial in ques­ tion was intended as a direct drive at those who have been allowing young men to gamble 011 their premises The editor has been asked if he has ever been an eye witness to any of tlies-e games. Oui |n««er is this: We have not seen any such game and could not act as a witness against any particular person, but, on the other hand, we know that the world is ronnd. altho we have not been around it. Others have proven it. Mayor Story, after reading the arti­ cle last week, was inclined to believe that it was a direct slap a thim We are sorry for this, for it is not the writer's way ot doing business. It has always been the policy of the editor, if he has any grievance, to go directly to the mayor or proper committee, state his case, and have the matter settled with­ out publicity, if possible. As far as the suppression of gambling is concerned, the matter was first made public in open board meeting, a motion being made by an alderman that the evil be stopped. Wherein, then, have we cast any reflection on a-y member of the city council, when the editorial upholds tbein in their action and is intended as a help in gaining the desired end? Mr. Story was much put out over the matter and proved himself a gentleman by bringing his complaint direct to the writer. During the interview that fol­ lowed he gave us to understand the following facts: That in case any pei- son knew to a certainty where gambling was going on, could prove the same in court by witnesses, and bring the mat­ ter to him. he will see that the guilty parties are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. He did not stop here, but takes the same position with regard to* all ordinances It is a fact that, the mere passing of an ordinance will not stop an evil. But under that ordinance any person has the right to make a complaint, and, if he has the proof of violation, it is then the village board's duty to take action and prosecute. Hmrae Seal*. My maternal great-grandfather, Van der Meerschaut, had a little CosBack horse captured from the Russian in­ vaders in 1814. The old gentleman was lame In one leg as the result of a hunting accident, but withal a good horseman when once in the saddle. When out on his trips in the country on business and coming home at night, he would frequently fall asleep in his commodious Cossack saddle. The horse would make a bee line for home at an easy but swift pace. Arriving there, it would rap at the front door with its foot until the watchman would open the porch and take the old gentleman out of the saddle. My grandmother told me this happened almost eve week. Horse and master underst each other. Not being able to walk very well, he would hunt from horse­ back, the horse following the setters and coming to a standstill when one of them was on a point, th«K old gen­ tleman guiding him entirely by pres­ sure of the knees and voice and having both hands free for his fowling piece. The horse died of old age on the place, as mos{ of our servants. Peace to bis ashes!---Forest and Stream. very tood Humiliating a Bail. A magnificent red bull owned by an English farmer had an unpleasant no­ toriety as a man killer. A strip of oak board had therefore been bound firmly across his forehead, and on this as an added insult to the monarch of the herd was painted, "Dangerous." When the beast held his muzzle to the sky he could see in front of him, but the mo­ ment he lowered his head for mischief or grazing all view except of his own forefeet was cut off. "Clambering one day down a tor near his haunts," says a writer, "1 came on a stretch of level green. In the center of this sat an im­ perturbable artist painting, and round him in furious tangents charged the ineffectual bull. Up went the beast's head while aim was taken under the board at this disturber of the solitude, but then, with lowered horns, the plank again shut the bull into a mis­ taken memory of where his target was. The pninter said he had spent half a morning in flight and the next half in laughter." "A man living on a farm near here came in a short time ago completely doubled upwith rhenmatism. I band ed him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and told him to use it freely and if not satisfied after using it he "eed nol pay a cent for it, " says C. P. Rayder, of Pattens Mills, N. Y. "A few da>> later he walked into the store as straight as a string and handed me a dollar, say­ ing, 'give me another bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm. I want it in the house all the time for it cured me.'" For sale by all druggists. Homeaeekerit' Kxcurhloii* to the North- WfHt, Went and South went, Via the North-Western. Line. Excur­ sion tickets at greatly reduced rates are on sale to the territory indicated above Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars and "The Best of Everything." For dates of sale and full particulars apply to agents Chi­ cago & North Western R'y 46altJnn4 U n r u r- - g •i: | T H E B E T T E R T H E G R A D E $ 8 •T i :*• i si the better the trade. We have found this to be true and have bnilt up a good trade by selling only the best grade in groceries It is false economy to buy cheap goods. A trial order will convince you that our Groceries are fresh and of the best. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Telephone No. 301. Olve us a Trial. We have them all as they appear on the market. There is little profit in this class of goods, but we handle them for the benefit of our customers. J O H N S T O F F E L Sf r.'f i* 5 6 & § n Beefntealc Variation a. A traveler on the continent of Europe received the following bill of fare at a hotel in Versailles: Soup with very tur­ tle--I. e., read turtle; lobster's salad with sharp sauce, according to the big­ ness (sulvant la grosseur); shies (filets) of sole; one's muttons chops with spar- agus tops; pickled pork with younk cabage; fish--fish--dabs of different di­ mensions; lamb epigrams with vegeta­ bles; muscles fricasseed; rumsteak with the tumled potatoes (sautees); Stras- burg*s pie of livers; surtine liquors and of islands (et des lies); gelly with punch." The traveler gives the follow­ ing variations of the word "beefsteak" which he has noted on bis travels in Belgium: "Blfstek, bifstik, bifstick, bif- tek, bifteek, befstick, beefstick, beef- steek, bifsteeck, beef stake, beefsteack, bufsteks, biefsteaks, bifsteack, bouef- Btaecks, beefteacks, bifsteecks and even bifsteeckx!" The "Weeplnc Willow" Sonar. Some people have heard of the ballad containing the words "I'll haug my harp on a weeping willow tree," but perhaps it is not generally known that the author was a young mau who fell desperately In love with Queen Victo­ ria, at that time a girl of seventeen. This young lover was heir to a baronet­ cy, but baronets cannot approach royal­ ty in the guise of a suitor, though it took some time before the romantic youth could be brought to understand this fact. When at last he did so, he sat down In despair and wrote the now well known ballad, which was at that time published in a London paper, and then he emigrated to Australia. An Umbrella Trick. "That's no way to put on an umbrel­ la cover, my dear," remarked the man to his wife, who was preparing to go out one cloudy day. "Don't fuss at It like that. No; you don't want to turn the cover right side out Leave it as it is and put the ferrule of the umbrella through the little tin top, so. Now take hold of the top of the case and pull It right up over the umbrella, just as you stripped It off. See? It doesu't take half a minute and Is much easier than laboriously turning the narrow case right side out." LUMBER! Felt Hta Importance. A boy, having left school, started to work In a factory. At the end of his first day's work he returned home, evi­ dently feeling quite a man. Taking off his hat and coat, be threw them on the floor, with a meaning look at his sister. "Look here, Jim," said she; "hang your clothes in their proper place." "Hang them up yourself." he replied. "Who do you thlnk's keepin' ye?"-- London Standard. The building season is here and so ar,e we with everything neccessary in building a house. Let us figure with you when you get ready to build, it will certainly pay you to do so. WE carry a com­ plete stock of Lumbei, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Build­ ing Paper, Cement, Lime, Brickx Etc. FEED DEPARTMENT! Our Peed Department is also complete in every detail, having been in the business so long as to know the exact wants of the people. White Swan Flour is the kind we handle and the name speaks for itself. WILBUR LUflBER CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. The Gentle Lover. Wife--You do not speak to me as af­ fectionately as you used to, George. I think you have ceased to love me. Hus­ band--There you are again! Ceased to love you! Why, I love you better than my life. Now, shut up and let me read my paper. Dlaraell on Lawyers. In discussing lawyers one day Dis­ raeli wittily remarked: "Everybody knows the stages of a lawyer's career. He tries in turn to get on, to get hon­ ors, to get honest." Want Column. All Kdvei'tlwuient8 I netted under thin head at the following rates Five line* or lean, *5 centa fur ttrxt Insertion; lit cents for each subsequent Insertion. More than live lines, ft cents a line for Hint Insertion, anil 3 cent* a line for additional insertion*. TXTOKK HOUSES FOR SALE-The under- ** signed litis it few substantial work hors­ es for sale. weiKhing from 1100 to 1400 pounds. Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. 3*-tf F. K.GKANOKB. TTOIJ8E FOU KENT-At Solon Mills; 18 AJ- rooms, suitable for dwelling or hotel pur- Doses. New and In good location near depot, inquire of Win. Simes. West McHenry, or Uohert Sutton. Solon Mills. 35-tf. A Tart tUtari. In arguing a case in an English court the late Frederic Rene Coudert, #hose wit was rapier-llke, took occasion to deprecate the legal learning of Lord Chancellor Fltzgibbon, whom his op­ ponent was quoting. The trial judge took timid exception to this. "1 have read his opinions," he said, "and I have often wished 1 knew as much law as be did." "1 wish yon did!" retort­ ed Coudert BANK F; '• KM SALE--Short distance from McHenry on the north, consisting of 47 itcros excellent land, new house, barns, etc, 2 wells and cistern. There are ten air res of moulding sand 011 the place, enough to pity for the place, :uid for which there Is always a market. Inquire of Jos. Make, f-f McHenry, III. BMVE ACRES FOR SALE-On north side of McHenry village. <Jood house, new barn 1^x28 with basement, well an 1 cistern, shade and fruit trees. An Ideal homo. Inquire of *1 tf Jos. Hluke. McHenry. \X7 ANTED-- A man who understands ditch ­ ing and tiling. Inquire of H. Mead, *1 tf West McHenry. "CH)R RENT CHEAP--A brick store, 24x40, with cellar full size and six neat living rooms over head. For terms and other Infor­ mation address R. L. TURNER, 41-tf Solon Mills. 111. •PV)R SALE--Leather top. one seat phaeton, x in good condition. Will be sold very cheap. Inquire of DR. H. T. BROWN, *2-tf McHenry. "CpARM FOR 8ALE--320 acres improved farm -1- 1 mile from Morris. Minnesota, at $35.00 per acre, beautiful stream touching at cor­ ner: excellent soil; finest bargain. Write for particulars. A. O. hadenzel, K1111 hurst,. III. •4H-4t of oak floor- have traded "CHJR SALE--1.Tiave a -*• lng, good quality, for and which I will seM at a very reasonable price; will also be pleased to receive your orders for seed, as 1 am going to ship some excellent UO-tlay corn. S. REYNOLDS.. 44-tf McHenry Mills •pOtt SALE--A very fine litter of thorough- bred Scotch C'ollle pups. 45-2t T. L. CARPENTER . Solon Mills, 111. \X7ANTED- Several Industrious persons In v* each state to travel for house estab­ lished eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for suc- essful and profitable line. Permanent en­ gagement. \ve«'kly cash salary of $24 and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced In cash each week. Experience not essential. Mention reference and enclose self addressed envelope. Manufacturers and Wholesalers. Dept. 8, third floor, 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. 4tt-4t "C^OR SALE--My property in West McHenry, -1- situated opposite M. E. church, consist­ ing of house, barn and four lots. Good well and city water piped to house, barn and lawn. F. L. MCOMBER. 40-tf The TroaUe. "I wonder why Mr. Oldbow goes to see Miss Frocks after she has rejected him 00 emphatically," remarked Ho- Jack. "Just to pass away the time," sug­ gested Tomdik. "But the reason he was refused was that be had already passed away too much time."--Detroit Free Press. Rather Deeply. "Does young Squlggles go much into society?" "Not now. But he did when he first came here. He got into it about $2,700, thanks to his pleasing manners and his power of touch."--Chicago Tribune. Paylnar For It. "Before I was married." said the confirmed pessimist, "I spent my mon­ ey on candy, and as the result I now have to spend It on my wife's dentist bills."--Portland Oregonian. Nothing is politically right which to morally wrong.--O'Connell. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Steinbach and children of Kenosha are visiting H. Miller and family. Made Young Again. "One of Dr. King's New Life Piile each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again," writes D. H. Turner of Dempseytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's, N H. Petesch's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's W. McHenry, drug stores. Low Excursion Kitten to Dedication of lllliinln Monument, Hhiloh Battlefield, Temi., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold May 18 to 15, inclusive, limited to return until May 22, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Quick Arrest. J. A. Gnlledge of Verbena, Ala., was > twice in the hospital from a severe case j of piles causing 24 tnmors. After doc- | tors and all remedies failed, Bncklen's Arnica Salve quickly arrested further j inflammation and cured him. It con­ quers aches and kills pain. 25c at Julia ! A. Story's. N. H. Petesch'B, McHenry, I and G. W. Besley's, W. McHenry, drug- Job work of all kinds neatly done at j this office. MBS. CECELIA STOWE, Orator, Kntre Moos Club. 176 Warren Avenue, CHICAGO, III., Oct. 22 1902= For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc­ tor insisted on an operation as the only way to pet well. I, however, strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of Wine of Cardui for me to try, and he did so. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. W ith- in eighteen weeka I was another being. Mrs. Stowe'g letter shows every woman how a home ia saddened by female weaknes and how completely Wine of Cardui cures that sick­ ness and brings health and happi­ ness again. Do not go on suffer­ ing. Qo to your druggist today and secure a 91.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. WMEiCMDUl More Bargains We have nothing else. Every article in the store i^^old at a bar­ gain. Call and see the goods and compare them with the high priced goods sold elsewhere. We positively can save you 25 per cent, on every purchase. NOTE THIS LIST: Ladles' Dress Shoes, f2.0f> value @.$1.25 Everyday Shoes, 11.75 value, @ 11 19 Men's Everyday Shoes, fl.75 value.fl.24 Men's Dress .Shoes, |3.50 value &.. ' Boys Shoes, 1 to 5»4,11.75 value @..$1.10 Boys and Olrls Shoes, 8 to 13H, $1.25 value @ 89c Men's Canvas Shoes, $1.50 value @. ,98c Men's Kubber Hoots, $3.00 value <&.$2.48 Boys and Girls Hosiery, 25c value, 2 pair for 25c Ladles' Umbrellas, $1.00 value for...09c Girls fancy Hats, nicely trimmed, 35c value® 23c Ladles' Bonnets. 25e value 20c Men's Working Shirts, double front and back, double stitched, f>0c value.39c Men's Socks, 10c value, for 5c Boy's Shirts, 10 to 14, 35c value 23e Window Shades, worth 35c for 21c Men's BulhrlKKitn Underwear, very best, worth 50c. for ; 39c Next (|ua)lty, worth 35c, @ 20c Ladles' Underwear, worth 20c @ 9c Ladles fancy Union Suits, worth 50c @ 25c Garden Seeds, worth 5c per pkg@....3c Laundry Soap, 11 bars for 25c MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AT VERY LOWEST PRICES. J. Hurwitz, WestMcHenry ****** Mr. C Anton Gehre, assistant editor of the Volksblatt-Rnndschan. Lincoln, 111., whose writings are greatly admired by all readers of .German newspapers, says: "I have used Re-Go Tonic Laxa­ tive Syrup and can recommend it as a splendid remedy to all sufferers from chronic constipation. It is pleasant and agreeable tirtake and wonderfully satis factory in its results." Re-Go is a pleasant liquid medicine for the cure of Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. 25c, 50c and $1.o0. Bold by G. W. Besley, druggist. West McHenry. Very Low Rnte Kieu -*l»n Ticket* to Cleveland, Ohio, Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates May 18, 15, 16 and 17, limited by extension to return until June 10, inclusive, on account of Na­ tional Baptist Anniversaries. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Salvation Aamy at Ringwood, 18th Time for good work We do repairing up to date at prices that will please you. Ring 522. % HERBES, - - PLUMBING. HARPER Rjye "On Every Tongue." Pure, Old, Rich, Mellow; the acme of excellence la whiskey product- Best'as a beverage. Safest and moat satisfactory for all uses. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. »»§»:»»»§* *44 •»*»»**.** **.**.*4 ********* *.»***•*».**».** I This Bank receives deposits, buyB and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers JIARLES G. TRfTI Wholesale and retail dealer in I am In the Market For Beet Veal Hutton hog • and Poultry Qive me a call and Smoked Meats, Sdusnge McHenry - Illinois FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER ANu PAPER HANGER Graining, Calcimining and all Interior Decorating. Telephone No. 254. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS I HAUL DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica­ tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest aiteiicy for securing,patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. reoelTC ipeeial notice, without charge, In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I,unseat cir­ culation of any scientitic Journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. lilNN & COjf16"""""' New York Branch Offloe, 626 F 8t_ Washington, D. C. Professional. Society a.nd Businesss Cards J DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. pHYBIOIAN.SURGEON AND OCULlBT Office and realdence corner Green streets. McHenry. " K,U1 0. H. FEGER8, M. D. PnYpOIAN AND SURGEON. McHan,. CM I Offleeat Residence, corner Court itn<4 Elm streets. Telephone 333. v*>urc*n<J F. C. ROSS. D. I). s. Office over Petesch's Drug Store. ALLWOHK PKKTAININO TO MODKRN DENTI8TBT Office Telephone 284; Residence 202. Nltroiis Oxid Gas for Extracting Hours / :d0 a. in. to 5:30 p. m. SUNDAY WORK BY APPOINTMENT ONLY THK NEW DENTIST ON THE WEST SIDE LIR. R. G. CHAMBERLFN Office over Hours from Besley's Drug Store. 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUl^UEON (Deutschcr Arzt.) Spring Grove, Illinois. Geo. Meyers General Teaming c of all kinds. Excavating and Orading. flcHENRY ----- ILLINOIS. Telephone, Main 1714. LAHBERT Q. SENG BUFFET Headquarters for McHenry and McHenry county visitors. Prank Keppler, John Schirres, ilZ 1" lfth Ave., Chicago. Attendant* Telephone No. 293. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFEICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of $500 to §10,000, time and payment to suit uorrower. Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. 9.00 a m 3.25 p m.. 5.01 p m.. Effective Nov. 13. 1903 WEEK DAY TRAINS. NORTHBOUND 9.10a m... 2 . 0 2 p m . . . Leave McHenry. 7.32a m... 8.29 am... 5.25 p m... 7.32 am... 5.00 p m Arrive McHenry .Via Elglrt 10.08 a m ...Via Des Flaines 4.52 pm ...Via Des I'laines 0.40 pm SUNDAY TRAINS. ..Via Des Flaines 11.14 a m .. ....Via Elgin 5.00 pm WEEK DAY TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. Via Elgin Via Des Plalnes Via Des Plalnes SUNDAY TRAINS. Via Elgin .. .Via Des I'lalnes Arrive Chicago. .10.10 a m . 9.55 a m . .7.00 p m . 10.20 a m . .7.00 p m CROUP Croup and Inflammation of tha larynx ar« Instantly •»ll8T«d and permanently cured by the use of On* Minute Coueh Cure. This never falling preacrtsttoa 5f an eminent physician was elects the nam* at ONB MINUTE COUGH CURE because Instant relief baa Biwsys followed its uss. It takes offcct at the aest e ttte trouble and acts on the Inflamed membrane* in­ stead oi passing wholly Into the stomach and drugging ir stupefying the system. Gives relief lostaatly. CURED It destroys the Asosse germ, clears the phlegm sad trews out the inflammation, thus removing the cease and curing permanently. One Minute Cough Can la Eetly harmless, good for children and they Hke Ms Prepared only by E. C. DeWItt & Co., Chicac* aalfaoMdyfor children. Do not forest Iks Mt ONE MINUTE For sali' l>y^all»Dmp«rlst.s. ' K I L L THE C O U C H AND CURE THE LUNGS w,th Dr. King's New Discovery OR C 0NSUMPTI0N Price OUGHSand 60c & $1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. ----•HIWI'l I i} § $ 9 P H I L I P J A E G E R OENERAL CONIVUSSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. | :*• Stall i <k 3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market. ----------------------f WWi'W'i'Ml Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. franklin Lptuing Rod Works! I am agent for the above. We put the Hods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more than S500. Call and get fall particulars. General Biacksmitbing Prices always Reasonable i m Varicocele \ g"̂ ,„toa %% y u r f f C G f f B t I . • •" " i Guaranteed Cure Of ) Money Refunded, l/A BfAAArl f ̂ nder my treatment this Insidious lii^cute wS*tttVWm a r rapidly dlsappi ai-g. fain ceases almost In- «tantly. Thu ptatrnant blood is driven from the dilated veins and »ll Horeiu'MS vanishes and awellingr Subsides. Every indication of Vwlcoco!* vanishes and In tt» stead comes the pleasure of perfect health. I cure to stay cured, Contagious llloori Poison, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Nrrvou* I>«»bi.:ty, and allied troubles My met hods of treatment and cure ure original with me and cannot be obtained elsewhere. I make no experimi nts. All cases I take I cure. Certainty of Cure g ̂ rl̂ r cJ. yo«i- moiH-y. irwimt I huvo done for oilu-rs 1 can do for y«»u. vl? y diartf** a permanent our© will l>«* reasonable and urnTirifloc«i0, Established 1880. no more tlutii you will ho willniir to nav for benefits cou* (Ooptbismtiu.) ferred. I CAK CUKE YOU at Home. Correspondence Confidential Zla honest opinion of yoi^r c&xt', FltKK of Charge* My home treatment 1* sucoessftil. Ify books and l>eiUlMimu 1 cti FKKtt upon»i>plioftUi>u* H. J. TILLOTSON, M. D- 506 Tlllotson Buitdiag. U Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. 1 H. J. TILLOTSON. M.D.

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