*??f£i:-v,*f^V-V^?:'\-.'rv5^'%'®-iv^'])^.' *.'.,--" ?&j. - • ' -i*usA ii f ,' J** :*H':\i,iy',:£f-\;-?-<1, tV ' 'rfi'JT i'i":S SUMNER HEAT «?•'* -y - ,.." #= ̂ *?<+*-, < r To- ̂ * yj%+^4 '•'" ' --W' - i-sv-il& Is enough without suffering with heat from a wood«r ooal stove. Every well regulated household should be supplied with a reliable .'."•, , '* •"'J,* ** : •'*1'. "-1* •, . GASOLINE STOVE '$£?«,4 <-'&**' We have tbem in all sizes and at all prit'tW" Call *n& tnapftc^ th>w. Everything in Summer Hardware , OSHUN BROS., ricHENRY, ILL. General Hardware,- .Dry Goods,--•--Shoes -Notions. TIN WORK OF ALL KikDS AT CLOSE PR.ICES Paints Do you intend to do any PAINTING this spring? If so, caH on us and let us give you, a few pointers on our PAINT and how to use it with the best re- of Paints constantly on w suits. We have a large supply f hand and guarantee it to be just as we represent it to you. f We also carry an elegant line of OILS, VARNISHES and j) BRUSHES. If you are in need of anything in this line, ^ don't forget the place where you always get the right goods ^ at the right prices. ^ ^ Ringwood, Illinois. ^J. S. Brown & Son.; Ready-made Clothing!!! Our spring and summer line of Men's and Boy*' Suits is now ready for your inspection. J? LATEST FASHIONS NEWEST WEAVES QUALITY HIGHEST PRICES L0WE5T I carry a fall liue of John G. Miller & Cos. PERFECT FITTING CLOTHING. The Miller label is a guarantee that the garment to which it is attached is the best in fabric and make tiiat can be put together at the price. A thorongh inspection of our line will substantiate all that we, have said. Call on us when in nelea of a suit. You will be more than pleased. M ILLER'S EANS *ERIT SCHUMACHER, Spring Grove, Illinois. ••#••••• •••••••• MNM< PAINT POINTERS Why do you paint your house? Not only to beautify it, but to protect it, don't you? Why then buy an inferior Paint just because it costs a few cents per gallon less than a well known first-class brand? That is folly, for a cheap paint is made of poor material and seldom lasts more than a year or two, whereas a good one should wear for five years at least. Our Crown. Cotteige Colors will not chalk peel or scale and in covering capacity and durability is superior to the majority of Paints made including White Lead and Oil. ( onsidering these fact#, why not buy the best and save money. I carry Enam»l Colors, Varnish Stains, £orch and Step Paint, Floor Paint, Wagon and Buggy Paint, Fillers, Varnishes, Shellacs, Colors in Oils, White Lead, Dry Colors,-Glue, Putty, Etc. ' ^ F. L. McOMBER., WEST SIDE HAKDWAR.E. =*= »•« »•« A A Al-A. AA A i^» A A A A A A A A A til iii Tii IJ^I IJJ 1^1 ^ ̂ ^ • • * R. H. OWEN PIANOS for Sale and Rent. Tun ing and Repairing a t r e a s o n a b l e prices. First class work only. flcHenry, 111. A A A A A A AI A A A A A A >•. A A A A A A A A A A A «>iP lP iPlPTPip TP Tr it* tP TPTP iff nPlXr N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by o\ir Able Corps of Correspondents SPRING GROVE. [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal- er may leave their' order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond ent. 1 he subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. ED | Dan Lichty was a Woodstock visitor Tuesday. Frank Andrews returned from Kan sas last week. George and Ida Adams of Ringwood visited here Sunday. Miss Ethel Dickeson visited with Mrs. E. S. French Monday. Madges of debate -- G W. Conn, Ar thur Breuiken, Mr. Meredith. Mrs. Richard Ox toby entertained friends from Wisconsin Tuesday. Jas. McClain, Andrew Neish and Dan Murray were Lake Villa visitors Tuesday. - Miss Laella Krumpen, who is a cadet in the Salvation army in Chicago, visit ed her parents here last week Married, at Harvard, 111., Wednesday evening, May 25, 19(54, John Westlake and Miss May Shales. Both are well known here and have hosts of friends who wish them the greatest of prosper ity and happiness in their new life. They will reside in Chicago, where the groom has a lucrative position. The following program will be given at the second anuual 8th grade graduat ing exercises at the Spring Gfove M. E. church on Friday night. May 27, at 8:15 sharp. An admission fee of 10 cents will be charged. Graduates--Raymond Moss, Ella Richardson, Glen Esh, Spring Grove; George Richardson, English Prairie. Instructors--Allison Truax, Lillian Sanborn, Spring Grove; E. S. French, Creek school; Frank Orvis, English Prairie. Invocation Rev. Lumsden. Spring Urove Hesitation--The Corn t*ong Ena Richardson, Spring Grove Essay--Improvement of Rural and Village Roads LeRov Colo. Spring Grove Recitation--The Hoy loss Town was a Chicago place will be Zt'li ('oit)y. Crook Schoo^ by I ho Flag . .Crook Sclio Advantages l)erlvod from the Kurul ..Spring Grove Primary Pupils Song -We'll Stand 1>: Floral Drill the Flag ..Crook School Essay Free Delivery, Grace Hopper, Spring Grove Solo-- The Mission of a Rose Helle Nelsh, Spring Grove Recitation--Selling the liaby Frankie Stevens, Creek School Recitation--Dor Z< •nsiiN Man Ruth Jackson. Crook School Chorus--The Captain's Daughter.Spring Gr've Mother Play--The Five kuights Primary Room Recitation Glen Esh, Spring Grove Instrumental Music Ella Richardson. Spring Grove Recitation--The Scooolboy and the Orchard Bertha Stevens. Creek School Recitation Agnes Christeuseti,' English Prairie Recitation--When I'm a Hoy Dean Thompson. Creek School Chorus--The Sword of Hunker Hill Recltatiou- Recitation- Sprnig Grove rv li The Pride of Battery Helen Moss. Spring Grove The Bravest Brfy in Town Ruby \Vnt.t.s. Spring Grove Song--Would You Like to Know. Crook M'liooi Debate--Resolved. Th:tt the Printing Press has been of More Bonetti to the World Than Steam- Affirmative, Raymond Moss, Spring Grove; negative, Geo. Richardson. English Prairie. Address G. W. Conn Amazon Drill -12 girls of Spring"Grove School Decision of Judges Presentation of Diplomsts... Supt. G. W. Conn Song--4uld Lang Syne Creek School Benediction Itev.Lumsden BAKRKVILLE. M • • Mae Rose of Nunda was a recent caller here. Thos. Thompson is spending this week in Chicago. A.. C. Matthews of McHenry was a business caller here Tuesday Mrs. C. Colby and daughter, Edna, were recent callers at Mrs. Lemke's. Miss Kathryn Walsh and little niece of McHenry were recent visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunn and family of Cary spent Sunday afternoon at John Fleming's. Mrs. Lempke has been entertaining her daughter and family of Chicago the past week. John Hnnter of McHenry called on Richard Fleming Thursday evening of last week. Mrs. Merchant and son, Floyd, and Miss Clara Thompson were Nunda visit ors Monday. Joe McCannon and Miss Sadie Marble of Greenwood were recent visitors at I, N. Merchant's. Mr. and Mrs.~ Mort Ritt and little daughter of Nunda spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Van Natta. Attorney L. D. Lowell and A. H. Hale of Nunda were interested visitors at our school Thursday afternoon. Mrs. I. N. Merchant and Miss Clara Thompson called on relatives and friends at Ringwood last Friday afternoon. RINGWOOD. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen- lu e cen.t8' ®n<* W'H be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other wise ordered. Try it. Flower Mission Day. June 4. Mrs. Edward Smith visitor Monday. Mrs. French of Ridgefield called on friends Thursday. School picnic, date and published next week. George Stevens of Elgin was seen on onr streets one day last week. Mrs. Grace McCannon visited friends at Greenwood last Wednesday. August Walters of Woodstock got off the train here Tuesday morning. Mrs. Clara Beth spent the latter part of the Week with Chicago friends. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Stevens were bus iness callers at Woodstock Thursday. Misses Dora Coates and Edith Tuttle were Elirin shoppers last Wednesday. J. V. Bnckland and Kea Dodge were business callers at the Bay Saturday. Mr. and .» re. Wm Johonnott and baby called on Solon friends Sunday Mrs fed. Whiting spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. F D. Lowell, at Nunda Miss Florence Kelley visited her grand mother, Mrs. Hudson, at McHenry Tues day. Mrs. H. O. Small was called to Lake Geneva to help care for her father who is seriously ill. Mesdames Ed. and Frank Peet of Key stone were McHenry callers one day the fore part of last week. Louis Hall look the train Tuesday morning for Manitowoc, Wis., where he will spend the summer. Fred Gibbs is wearing a board smile of late all because of a nine pound boy who arrived at his home last Friday. J. E. Cristy and family returned their home at Wau{>aca. Wis., from which place they had been called on ac count of the death of the former's father. Mrs Dwelly and daughter. Miss Mat tie, moved their household goods Woodstock Saturday morning where they expect to make their future home Township Sunday Sehool convention will be held at the Ringwood M. E. church Sunday, May 29, commencing at 10 a. m. sharp. All interested in Sun day School work or for God's cause, are invited to come and help make this meet ing a success. Plans are made to enter tain all who attend. Decoration Day services at Ringwood will be held in the M. W. A. hall under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. The program will consist of music, recitations, etc., and an address by Prof. E. C. Fisher of Mc Henry. Hour, 10 a. m. sharp. Come and bring flowers and help to make the day long to be remembered. VOLO. Miss Amanda Raught is improving slowly. Harvey Gardiner's new honse is nearly completed. Corpenters will commence work on C, G. Huson's new barn next week. Mrs. Sarah Huson of Elgin is visiting her son, C. G. Husoti and family. Grandma Smith of Fox Lake visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday, Miss Laura Granger of Chicago is spending her vacation with her parents at Fish Lake. Mrs. Bauer is very ill at the home of her son, George Dr. Rossdeutscher is in attendance. Miss Clara McConity has returned from Ivanhoe and will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. James Kirwin Memorial services will be held in the cemetery, Sunday, May 29, at 1:30 p. m. Should the weather be unfavorable the services will take place in the school house. In Your Hands the horses never can be under perfect control unless hitched by strong, well-made Harness. This kind we can and do sell at moderate prices. The stock used in making our goods is of excellent quality and the work manship is of superior order. A full line of Lap Dust- ei*s in Mamie, Linen, Whipcord and Green Cloth, plain and embroidered, from 30c to $3.00. QUS. CARLSON, - McHENRY, ILL. to The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for FOLEY'S Honey and Tar and refuse any substi tute offered, as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. It contains no opiates and is safest for children aud delicate persons. _ CREAM BAKING POWDER Dr. Pjice's Baking Powder supplies a pure, wholesome leavening agent, which makes the biscuit and cake of highest healthfulness at medium cost and protects the food from alum, which. is the greatest dietary danger of the day. The foremost baking; powder in all the world. •AKIMO POWOM I O^MOAOO. HOT*.--Altim balcinir pew<w« are low priced, as alum costs but two cents a pound ; but alam is a corroaiv* poiaon and it renders the bakinf powder dangerous to um in fo«d. [People of S^K^n'itnd vicinity desiring to subscribe for The' Plaindealer may Leave their'order with Miss Allie Turn er. The subscription price is |1.50 a vear or 75 cents for six months. Ed.] John Sanborn yisited Mr. Vogel Snn- day. Mrs. Chas. Cornish visited at Antioch Sun lay. W r. Harry of Antioch is visiting Vfm. Caupbell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton visited at Algonquin Sunday. Ernest K Sayles of Fox Lake was a caller last Saturday. Mrs. Frank Coates is visiting at Terra Cotta and Lake Geneva. John Coulman called on his sister, Mrs. Jas. T. Hodge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hodge entertained relatives from Antioch Sunday. John (touldand friend of Hebron were callers at Ray tiould'B Monday. J. V. Freund of Spring Grove delivers meat twice a week in our village The Red Cross Lodvce ice cream social was a success, $12 being the proceeds. Mrs. Geo. Vogel and Geo. Westlaae were among the Chioago )tassengers last Friday. Dr. Wm. Lichty accompanied by two lady friends of Woodstock were calleis Monday. Attorney E. V. Orvis of Waukegan and lady friend passed through this vil lage Monday. Mrs. H. J. Christian has returned home from a week's visit with her daughter in Chicago. Quite a number £rom this place at tended the Salvation Army meeting at Ringwood Sunday night. Quite a number from this place at tended the funeral of Miss Maggie Ayl ward at McHenry Monday. Meedauies Carrie Vogel, Adelade Coa tes and Martha Campbell were at Spring Grove camp and had a grand time Tues day. f Chas. Skinkle of Richmond is furnish ing the creamery power with hiB engine, while new boiler and walls are put in the factory. "I have derived great benefit from the use of Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism and lumbago," sayB Mrs. Anna Hagelgans, Tuckahoe, N. J. "My husband used it for a sprained back and was also quickly relieved. In fact, it is the best family liniment I have ever used. I would not think of being with out it I have recommended it to many and they always speak very highly of it and declare its merits are wonderful." Sold by all druggists. RIDGEFIKLU. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at ttjle expiration of time, unless other wise ordered. Try it. C. H. Ormsby was in Nunda Monday. W. H. Munroe was in Woodstock Fri day. W. R. French was in Chicago the first of the week. Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Shelt were in Nunda Saturday. Mr. Earl of Oshkosh, Wis., is visiting at T. P. Smith's. Mrs. A. P. Peck is enjoying a trip in Central Wisconsin. Delmsr Dufield of Elgin spent Sunday at R. D Dufield's. A. F. Day is of Austin was here ou business Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler and R. L. Dufield were in Nunda Wednesday. J. Merchant and Mrs. W. Wieland were Woodstock visitors Wednesday. Geo. Truax and son of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Truax. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Jackson of Wood stock visited the latter's parents Sun day. Miss Agnes Dnfield, Mr. and Mrs. James Westerman were in Woodstock Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westerman at tended the funeral of a relative at Green wood Thursday. Mrs, N. J. Garrison and daughter vis ited relatives at Greenwood from Wed nesday until Sunday last. Mrs. J. B. Lynch visited her daugh ter, Mrs C. E. Couerty, in Chicago from Monday until Wednesday. F. W. Hartman, S. Merchant, Chas. Ambler, W- Cobb, S. Reed, F. E. Fay and family were Woodstock visitors Saturday. N. J. Garrison and Leroy Skinner left Tuesday evening for Springfield to at tend the State Prohobition convention which is being held at that place. Traveling is Dangerous. Constant motion jars the kidneys, which are kept in place in the body by delicate attachments. This is the rea son that travelers, trainmen, street car men, teamsters and all who drive very much Buffer from kidney disease in some form. Foley's Kidney Cure strengthens the kidneys and cures all forms of kidney and bladdler disease. Geo. H. Hansen, locomotive engineer, Lima, O., writes: "Constant vibration of the engine caused me a great deal of trouble with my Sidneys, and I got no reilef until I used Foley's Kidney Cure." Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. u JOHNSBUKGH. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it Dr. Nye was a McHenry caller Mon day. Miss Rose Lay was in Chicago Wed nesday. Don't forget the dance at Stephen H. Smith's hall next week. Mrs. Lizzie Dove and son of Wancon- da visited here Sunday. John Pitzen and family of Volo visited at Will Oeftling's Sunday. Misses Maggie and Lena Adams were Chicago visitors Thursday. John Munch and John Miller of Ring- wood visited here Sunday. John Oeftling and family of Volo vis ited at Will Oeftling's Sunday. Mrs. Jotin V. Freund of Spring Grove visited friends here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. ( Nick Weber of Spring Grove were caller^Khere Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mt^Kauen of Spring Grove visited at Geo. i..ell's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emel Schneider of Woodstock were visitors here Sunday. C. M. Adams and John J. Schaefer transacted business in Chicago Wednes day. Misses Helen Michels and Maggie King were McHenry visitors Thursday evening. Mrs. Nick Smith and son, Eddie, of Spring Grove called at Anton Meyers' Monday. Mrs. Jacob Justen and mother, Mrs. Anton Meyers, were Spring Grove vis itors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lay and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Freund and family were Volo visitors Monday. Quite a nniQDer from here attended the Salvation Army meetings at Ring wood during the past week. Misses Clara Lay, Emma Bugner and Eva King visited at Joe J. Freund's at Ringwood Thursday and attended the Salvation Army meeting in the evening. Miss Lena Smith entertained the fol lowing friends Friday: Mesdames Joe Thelen, Joe Michels, Joe Freund, Steph- an H. Smith, Peter Niesen and Mathias Smith. The following were entertained by Mrs. Joe Thelen Monday: Mesdames Joe Mertes. Anna Bugner, John Mertes, Peter Britz, John Bugner, Peter Niesen, John Hoff, Hubert Michels, Mat Jungen, John King, Castor Adams, Joe Freund, Stephen H. Smith. Peter Hoff was surprised by a crowd of young friends Thursday evening of last week, the occasion being his 27th birthday anniversary. The following were present: Messrs. and Mesdames John Bugner, John King, August Hoff, Stephen Hoff, Mike Hoff, Mrs. Anna Bugner, Misses Maggie King, Katie Smith, Annie Blase, Katie Etten, John Johnson and Willie Meyers. An enjoy able eyening was spent. ' A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a startling test, resulting in a wonderful cure. He writes, "a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of the stomach. I had often found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles, so I prescribed them. The patient gained from the firBt and has not had an at tack in 14 months.", Electric Bitters are positively guaranteed for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation and Kidney troubles. Try them. Only 50 cents at Julia A. Story's, N. H. Petesch's, Mc Henry, and G. W. Besley's, West Mc Henry. DR. COOK ON BLADDER TROUBLES Bladder troubles makslifs mlserablot* those who suffer from them, asd mriem they are promptly overcome they are car tels 4* cause serious conditions. Inflam mation of the bladder Is becoming mors and more oomrnon and when neglected H develops ulceration and this may be fol lowed by perforation and death. The Irri table condition that demands frequent evacuation during the night as well as day time, is a source of great mortification and discomcomfort to eld and young. Dr. Cook, of Chicago, an authority kidney snd bladder troubles, sayai "It Is Impossible to And a single agent that is a specific for this class of troubles, because there are so many different struc tures Involved in the organs. However, we are able to combine the best known remedies and obtain most excellent r*» suits. The preparation known as Fourr1! KIDNEY CUBK IS an Ideal combination. I use it exenslvely in my practice and find it can be employed successfully In every form of kidney and bladder trouble.1' FOLEY'S KIDHXT CURB to an honest preparation. It is not a decootion of some hitherto unknown root or herb claimed to be a cure-all. Common sense tells as that snch preparations have but little II any value. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBE con tains all the best known agents used by kidney and bladder specialists combined In a manner that renders them most effeo- tfve and pleasant to take. In even the most hopeless cases Its use gives relief and when taken in time cannot help but eon every form of kidney or bladder troobl* G. W. BESLEY. West McHenry. Fancy Grocers. Per-Fo . Per-Fo A • lis IDeats FRESH, SALT & SHOKED MEATS Vegetables and Fruit In Season. It Is my intention to give all customers the best service pos sible. 1 pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Ho#s for Kerber Packing Co. of EIRIU, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. i A. C. MATTHEWS, [ WEST M HJENRY, ILL. The new ready-to-eat Breakfast Food, packages for . . . . and one package FREE to introduce. Include some in your next order for a trial and get one extra package FREE. Fresh Every Day. PROMPT DfllYEKf Gilbert Bros Co. 3® TELEPHONE NO. 371 N. H. PETESCH Pure, Fresh Drugs and Medicines