Weather Suits! Hind Tailored by CAHN, WAMPOLD A CO. America's moM Progressive Clothes MAIUMS. decide price absolute fit and pattern complete satisfact- j;,.; , :•<> w™ Clothes i nl 1004> ampold & Ca Our $8, $10,;$12 & $15 Suits are value%.rarely found elsewhere, evt>n for more money. \V e save yon 25 per cent. on your Suits. Gouie and investigate. JOSEPH W. FR.EUND. We Have M Received a new line of Summer Dress Goods in Voi les, Linens, Dimities, Silk Stripe Polaires, Madras and Shirt Waist Suitings, the lat est creations in Summer Novelties. New- line of Ladies Skirts, Shirt Waists and Petticoats. Men's Clothing Samples Over 1500 to select from. Call and leave your measure. We will guarantee a per fect fit. Shoes, Oxfords, Slippers and Ten nis Goods, latest styles. Hats, Caps and Straw Goods. A full stock of fresh, pure Groceries. Goods delivered prompt ly. Telephone Mo. 363 M. J. WALSH i^*i A A t^« At I^I «^i »^i «^» i^« A A A *^« «l •I 111 Ml 111 111 1J.I IJ,1 If* 1^,1 1^1 1^1 1^1 1^1 tJS l^J 1^1 l^J 1^1 1^1 1^1 1^1 IJI # iEvanson's I We have sample lines of Muslin Un derwear sent us to dispose of quickly and can save you from 25 to 50 per cent on each Garment, such as Ladies' Skirts, Gowns, Drawers, Corset Cov ers, Etc. The Elite Petticoat SjMj..- Pimm Pttddlnv aa Food. In popular belief plum pudding', though difficult of digestion, contains a large proportion of nutriment. The London Lancet publishes the analysis made of two puddings, of which one was found to have a "nutrient value" of 68 per cent and the other of 59. It appears that, although most agree able as an article of food, plum pud ding is not quite so concentrated a form of diet as has been supposed, and conjectures that it yields as much sus tenance us beefsteak are certainly not 8upi>orted by its chemical composi tion. The amount of nitrogenous mat ter Is only uKififcrute, and it must be re membered that Hn calculating the nu trient YfrtiQamJ/' value all the nitrogen has been assunied to be albuminoid. Trobably the true albuminoids and consequently the food value are slight ly lower than would appear from the results; also the percentage of water is rather large, and the quantities of the remaining components are propor tionately lessened. To Whom' II itl»y Ciiiirern. This is to notify the public that on April 3d. 19<>8, W. J. Stinson, a leading dru gist of Macomb, III., in a letter to the manufacturers of Harts' Honey and Horeliound and Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup, states: "I have handled Harts' Honey and Harehound aud Re-Go Lax ative SyrufT^fJ>r one year and have found tht*m thebgs^ellers I have ever had. My safes average two dozen a week of each; Please duplicate my or der for two gross, one of Re-Go and one of Harts' Honey and Horehound." When in need of a medicine f6r Coughs, Colds, Croup or La Giippe, our readers will do well to buy Harts' Honey and Horehound, an it is a medicine of nuns ual merit Re-Gfoo Tonic Laxative Syrup is an/ unfailing cure for Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Sick Headache and Dyspepsia, l argo bottles 25c, 50c and $1 00. Sold by G W. Besley, drug gist, W. McHenry. • • • * is sold here at SI.00 and up. Ladies' Y stylish Shoes and Strap Sandals, ^ $1.00 and up. Closing out prices on Ladies' Walking Skirts. Come and see. | Wot MtHeity. W. C. EVANSON. J •***• A A A A A A A A A A A A A A »•» A A A A A A t^t, 1^,1 iy iff l£l 1^1 IJIIJI n* IJ' 1^,1Ifl 111 IJI It I 111 III 7 An Iniporlunt Announcement. When the late Lord Lyons was Brit ish ambassador at Paris he received a gift of two (,'DIUH. Embassies are not exactly the place to keep such birds, and he gave them to the Duke of Nor folk, who then had a large aviary at Arundel castle. Tl»e duke in his turn named the pair,, Lord and Lady Lyons. Like all amateur bird fanciers, he was eager to raise a brood of little emus, but the birds showtni no disposition to propagate their species. The duke finally grew weary of watching them and left it to the keepers to bring him immediate word of any signs of a family. A month or two Ipter when the household was at lunch with sev eral guests one of the keepers insisted upon access to the duke. Red, breath less and stammering, he burst into the dining room with "Your grace, your grace, Lord and Lady Lyons 'aye laid ahegg!" HI* Lant H»p« Uttttlised. 0 [From the Sentinel. Gebo, Mont.] In the first opening of Oklahoma to settlers in 1889, the editor of this paper w<w among the many seekers after for tnne who made the big race one fine day in April. Daring his traveling about and afterwards his camping upon his claim, he encountered much bad water, which, together with the severe heat, gave him a very severe diarrhoea which it seemed almost impossible to check, and along in June the case became so bad that he expected to die. One day one of his neighbors brought him one. small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hope. A big dose was given him while he was rolling about on the ground in great agony, and in a few minutes the dose was repeated. The good effect of the medicine was soon noticed and with in an hour the patient was taking his first sound sleep for a fortnight. That one little bottle worked a complete cure and he cannot help but feel grateful. The season for bowel disorders being at hand suggests this item. For sale by all druggists. Government l.Hiidn. Three hundred eighty-two thousand acres of government lands open for set tlement in the Rosebud Indian Reserva tion, southeastern South Dakota. The Chicago & North-Western R'y is the direct line to Bonesteel, on the reserva tion border. Copy of pamphlet "New Homes in the West," containing maps and full information as to the allotment of these fertile lands and how to reach them furnished by any agent of the North-Western Line or will be mailed to any address on receipt of two (2) cents in postage by W. B. Kniskern, P. T. M., Chicago. June 18 Try the "Want ad" column. Brltlih Local Nicknames. The residents of the English counties have nicknames the meaning and ori gin of which are not always obvious. Why the inhiibltants of Liverpool should be called "Dicky Sams" is not very clear. But nearly all the counties have their distinctive nicknames. The Glaswegians are "Keellos." the Lan cashire men are "Tim Bobbins," wMle the Lincolnshire folk have long been called "Yellow Bellies," after the frogs which once abounded there. Yorkshire men. again, are everywhere "Tykes," a nickname the etymology of which is not easy to trace. The Inhabitants of Suffolk are designated "Dumplings," those of Kent "Hogs" and the Isle of Wight people "Calves." DlaaM TIM, ' Englishmen in Queen Elizabeth's time dined at 11 a. in., and Shake speare rang-up the curtain at the Globe theater at 1 p. m., the performance ending between 5 and 6 o'clock. By the time of Charles II. dinner bad ad- i vanced to 1 o'clock and the pluy began i at 3 p. m., as Pepys records. A cen tury later Horace Walpole complained of dinner being as late as 4 o'clock and evening not beginning until 0 o'clock. Up to the middle of the last century ; theaters opened at 6:30, dinner being proportionately earlier. Th« Only l**rfeut LHXAIIVK lu the Wor'd, Mr. Thomas Hicky. for many years a prominent citizen of Lincoln, 111, and one who has tried a great many liquid laxative^ pills, tablets and almost ev erything advertised for constipation, says: "After using them all. Re-Go Tonic Laxwtive Syrup has done me more good in a month than anything I have evQr tried, and it is so pleasant to take that I reslly like it. I believe it is the only perfect laxative in the world." There is no griping or nanseating effect following the use of this medicine. It is pleasant and certain, stimulates the secretions, and aids nature in ^gesting and assimilating the food, aticf as a tonic is never failing. • Sold in 25c,' 50c and |1 00 bottles by G; W. Besley, druggist, W. McHenry. The Wrlfal Porenplne. In the w(x>ds of Keewaydln there once roamed a very discontented por cupine. He was forever fretting. He complained that every thine was wrong, till it was perfectly scandalous, and the Great Spirit, getting tired of his grumbling, said: "You and the world I have made don't seem to fit. One or the other must be wrong. It is easier to change you. You don't like the trees, you are unhappy on the ground and think ev erything is upside down, so I'll turn you inside out and put you in the water." This was the origin of the shad.-- Ernest Thompson Seton in Century. Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great qaantity is constantly coming in, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds to be nnequaled. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland, Bentorville, Va., serves as example. He writes: "I had Bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without being benefited. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally ef fective in curing all Lung and Throat troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, Druggists. Trial bottles free, regular sizes 50c and $1.00. To the Southwest. Land seekers' special excursions will run on May 17 and June 7 from Chicago to Pecos Valley, New Mexico. Round trip $25.00. This will give you an op portunity to see Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and the beautiful Pecos Valley. Or from Chicago to Bovina, Texas, $20.00 round trip. Stops will be made along the way. For further informa tion inquire of Wm. Stofff.l, 47-tf Special Emigration Agt. Don't forget the "want ad "column 1 Bflandi. The whistle of a locomotive is beard 8,300 yards through the air, the noise of a railway train 2,800 yards, the re port of a musket 1,800 yards, an orches tra or the roll of a drum 1,000 yards and the human voice reuches to a dis tance of 1,000 yards. Distinct speak ing is heard in the air from below to a distance of 000 yards; from above it is only understood to have a range of 100 yards downward. Cheaper to Move. "I am told the Stimlers have but fS,- 000 a year." / "What are they gtitag to do Wth it?** "Going abroad." - - , "Why V" "They can't afford to stay at bome and keep up with their set."--Cleveland Plain Dealer. Stupid Han! Mrs. Ascuui--I tut why didn't you buy the material if you liked it? Mrs. Nu- rlch--The salesman said it was domes tic dress goods. Mrs. Ascum--Well? Mrs. Nurich--You don't suppose I'd wear anything meant for domestics, do you?--Philadelphia Press. Worst of All Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feol that every minute will be your lasfrV Sach was the exj>erience'of Mrs. S. H. Newson, Decatur, Ala. "For three years," she writes, "I endured insuffer able pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed inevita ble when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was mi raculous. I improved at once and am now completely recovered." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel trouolen Elect ric Bitters is the only medicine Only 50c. It's guaranteed by Julia A Story, N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, Druggists. Low Rate KXCHI-HIOII Ticket* to Spring field, III., Via the North-Western Line, will be sold June 4, 5 and 6 with favorable re turn limits, account of Annual Conven tion Travelers' Protective Association of America. Apply to agents Chicago <fc North-Western R'y. Jun 4 CONTINUE Those who are saining flesh and strength by regular treat ment with Scott's Emulsion should continue the treatment in hot weather; smaller dose and a little cool milk with It will do away with any objection which Is attached to fatty pro d u c t s d u r i n g t h e h e a t e d season. Send for free sample. " SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemUtt, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York, joe. and $1.00; all druggist*. Variety Store All kinds of Kitchen and Table Ware. Call for prices when furnishing your kitchen or dining table. Also nice line of Candies. | Harper | I R-ye I ili ^ | "On Every Tongue." $ * * * ii '•And thar stood Old Kaintuclc" and "thar stood Old Harper" both In * J the front ranks everywhere you find them. $ # t - SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS « F. A. BOHLANDER WEST HCHENRY, ILLINOIS TELEPHONE NO. 191 - I w5' Don't Wedt TEAS A- 'mem ROASTED %iFt' *%> but come at once and get your Suit ings, Waistings, bkirts, Shoes and Oxfords while the assortment is large Try thtf above Coffees and Teas and get the best. ^ ^ y Coffee from 12c to 35c per lb. Teas from 30c to 65c per pound If you buy Sleepy Eye Flour, you get THE BEST. « « « « « WeJl Pamper CROCKERY and GLASSWARE al ways on hand. You will find our prices always the lowest it $ $ £ 9 § $ ft I :V & 5 6 Hi it jfe a 5 :*• 6 3 *4; $ :* 9 Cleaning and Repairing: Many times Men's and Ladies' Suits are cast aside as unfit for further wear when a thorough cleaning is all that is needed. If you have a suit, either ladies' or gentleman's that needs cleaning and repairing, leave it with us and you will be agreeably surprised at the change we can make in it. IT WILL LOOK LIKE NEW If you have no suit that needs repairing, we can make yon a new one at the right price. John D. Lodtz. & $ • • Fancy Furniture Wo are showing a fine line of fancy Fur niture and, wpuld be pleased to have you call and look over our large l'ne and get our prices, which are mostly responsible for our large and increasing trade. All orders left with us receive prompt atten tion and are always filled at the e&rliest possible date. We furnish the entire home, from the kitchen to the parler, with goods that you need not feel ashamed of, and they carryour guarantee with them. JACOB JUSTEH. | 'I' $ 'I' 'I' 't' 'I' •••'I' 'I' 'I' 't' 'I' 'I' 'I' 'I* Ih- $ Groceries In Coffees we lead. Chase & Sanborn's high grade brands, packed in richly colored parchment bags (moisture proof) prices 15c, 20, 25c, 30c and 35c per lb. Extra quality early June Peas, per can 12 I-2C Choice Alaska Salmon, per can 10c Fancy Pawnee Salmon, per can 14c Try a Sack of Gold Hedal Flour. It is the cheapest, and makes the best bread. Once used, al ways used. NEW ARRIVALS! Ladies Shirt Waist, made of fancy flaked voil, neatly tucked down front, only $1.19 Ladies Fancy Collars, bought at ^ regular price, your pick of the lot only >9C Another lot of those 37 by 72 inch all wool Smyrna Rugs at... $1.98 Don't forget to ask for Coupons on Dinner Set displayed in our window which is to be given away free. BLOCK & BETHKE CASH DEPARTMENT STORE, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 'PHONE, 314 Ladies Dressing Sacks, made of sheer white Lawn with two rows of open work, embroidery and ribbon trimmed, collar and cuff 49c Its worth your while to look at these. All Ladies tailor-made Suits to close out at cost. Your chaiibe to get a tailor- made Suit at a bargain. Ladies' Tailor- made Suit formerly sold at ifclO.Do, now v $9.00 $10.49, now 8-<x> $11.95, now. 9-So $7.79, now 6.00 If in need of a tailor-made Suit don't miss this rare chance. All Snag Proof Rubber Boots at this special price $3.15 This fall you will pay $4.25 for them. BUY NOW.