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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jun 1904, p. 8

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1 ' • ' - t -V "'" ; • ' '-.••»••£ **•.>••< ;•••'.-J^-J«-- .._^..--;^....-i -' •- . .-.£ feriTaitor* fcr CAHN. MIMMLD ft CO. AMftu'l MM £ V'?} * j 3 £ t- o uu b£ a J3 -*-> O Q X p3 r i v w Miff* We Have M Received a new line of Summer Dress Goods in Voi­ les, Linens, Dimities, Silk Stripe Polaires, -Madras and Shirt Waist Suitings, the lat­ est creations in Summer Novelties. New line of Ladies Skirts, Shirt Waists and Petticoats. Men's Clothing Samples Over 1500 to select from. Call and leave your measure. We will guarantee a per­ fect fit. Shoes, Oxfords, Slippers and Ten­ nis Goods, latest styles. Hats, Caps and Straw Goods. A/full stock of fresh, pure Groceries. Goods delivered prompt­ ly. Telephone No. 363. M. J. WALSH • EVANSONS Have yon time to drop in and spend a few ininntes looking over the new styles Lawns, Demities, Etc., for snm­ mer wear, it will cost yon nothing bnt your time. The new Strap Sandals for ladies, fl.00 and np, and patent leather Oxfords (Donglas make re­ member) at -$3 00 and np, are here. Plenty of all needed Merchandise at correct prices. Come and help to make us busy. W. C. EV ANSON. • <$> * * • • I | •I' •!> «t» «X» '1' »X» •!• 't' '1' '!• •$ 'I' 'X' <D 'X1 'X' ft »t« tt» J tint What It Claim* •« Be. McHenry Co. Republican: In response to many inquiries The Republican an­ swers that the Lonisana Purchase ex­ position at St. Louis is all that it claims to be. Taken all in all, It is the fullest and most characteristic exhibition of the world s progress and civilization that has yet been attempted. The word "imposition" does not apply to a single feature--it is an exposition in tbe wid­ est and fullest sense. It is not claim­ ing too much to affirm that it is much more of an education, rnueh more satis­ factory and much less expensive than a tour of many foreign countries. "The cost?" Well, it is much as the visitor makes it. Aside from the railroad fares, which will rule. low daring the summer, a week's visit need not cost over $'2.r> and can be made fir a less sum if one desires. It will prove money well invested. Hiit I.HHt Hope KrHlliril. [From Uh- Suntinel. (ielxt, Mont.] In the first openiug of Oklahoma to settlers in 1889, the editor of this paper was among the many seekers after for­ tune who made the big race one fine day m April. During his traveling about fcnd afterwards his camping upon his claim, he encountered much bad water, which, together with the severe heat, gave him a very severe diarrhoea which it seemed almost impossible to check, and along in June the case became so bad that he expected to die. One day one of his neighbors brought him one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hope. A big dose was given him while he was rolling about on the ground in great agony, and in a few minutes the dose was repeated. The good effect of the medicine was soon noticed and with­ in an hour the patient was taking his first sound sleep for a fortnight That one little bottle worked a complete cure and he cannot help but feel grateful. The season for bowel disorders being at hand suggests this item. For sale by all druggists. The Only Perfect I.axative in the World Mr. Thomas Hicky,„for many years a prominent citizen of Lincoln, 111 , and one who has tried a great many liquid laxatives, pills, tablets and almost ev­ erything advertised for constipation, says: "After using them all, Re-Go Tonic Laxative Svrup has done me more good in a month than anytLing I have ever triet^, and it is so pleasant to 4**ke that I really like it. I believe it is the only perfect laxative in the world." There is no griping or nauseating effect following the use of this medicine. It is pleasant and certain, stimulates the secretions, and aids nature in digesting and assimilating the food, and as a tonic is never failing. Sold in 26c, 50c and $1.00 bottles by G. V/. Besley, druggist, W. McHenry. Hea»r»t Papers In Treat. The Hearst newspapers in Chicago are reported to have joined the news­ paper trust in Chicago with the Lawson newspapers, tbe Record-Herald and News and the Tribune, for the purpose of putting up the price to newsboys and newsdealers on Sunday papers. Here­ tofore the Chicago newspaper combine has been a "gentlemen's agreement" between the Tribune and the Lawson papers on politics, local and state. The Lawson papers and Tribune are trying to dictate to both parties in Illinois. The Chronicle presents letters from newsdealers in Milwaukee and Michi­ gan showing that a "trust" has been formed to raise the prices to dealers. Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coming in, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds to be unequaled. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland, Bentorville, Va., serves as example. He writes: "I had Bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without being benefited. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally ef­ fective in curing all Lung and Throat troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, Druggists. Trial bottles free, regular sizes 50c and $1.00. MntliiHM CoHHiuan Die* of Pneumonia. Mathias Cossman, son of Wm. Coss- man, residing north of Volo, died Tues­ day evening of this week after a brief illness of pneumonia. The deceased was twenty-six years of age. The fu­ neral will be held tomorrow at eleven o'clock. Surprise Party on Aiitloch Hoard. Some time ago the board of supervis­ ors ordered a bridge built across the Fox river, says the News. The com­ mittee of the board has received noti­ fication from the war department that summer reporters along the river have entered complaint that the bridge is too low, and have asked that the county be compelled to make it higher so they can run their launches, and other boats as far as Wilmot, just over the state line. The stone work and piles of the bridge are completed and it is all ready to re­ ceive the steel superstructure. The bridge is built just like the old one, and this is the first the board has heard of any complaint. Supervisors Tiffany, Stevens and Mil­ ler and States Attorney Banna wetjt to Chicago to confer with the United States district attorney, who gave it as his opinion that as the,Fox river was not considered as a navigable stream by the government the complaint would not stand. If such a precedent were established the dame at Wiluiot, Elgin. Aurora and other places along the river would have to be removed. The bridge will be built as planned. Worst of All Experiences. Can anytning be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last? Snch was the experience of Mrs. S. -H. Newson. Decatur, Ala. "For three years," she writes, "I endured insuffer­ able pain from indigestion, stomach and bovvel trouble. Death seemed inevita- bj§0 when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was mi­ raculous. I improved at once and am now completely recovered." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine Only 50c. It 's guaranteed by Julia A. Story, N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, Druggists. Government Laud*. Three hundred eighty-two thousand acres of government lands open for set­ tlement in the Rosebud Indian Reserva­ tion, southeastern South Dakota. The Chicago & North-Western R'y is the direct line to Bonesteel, on the reserva­ tion border. Copy of pamphlet "New Homes in the West," containing maps and full information as to the allotment of these fertile lands and how to reach them furnished by any agent of the North-Western Line or will be mailed to any address on receipt of two (2) cents in postage by W. B. Kniskern, P. T. M., Chicago. June 18 I sell more of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy than of all similar preparations put together and it gives the best satis faction of any medicine I ever sold. I guarantee every bottle of it.--F. C. Jaquith, Inland, Mich. This remedy is for sale by all druggists. To the Southwest. Landseekers' special excursions will run on May 17 and June 7 from Chicago to Pecos Valley, New Mexico. Round trip $25.00. This will give you an op­ portunity to see Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and the beautiful Pecos Valley. Or from Chicago to Bovina, Texas, $20.00 round trip. Stops will be made along the way. For further informa­ tion inquire of Wm. Stofff.l, 47-tf Special Emigration Agt. To Whom It Mrj Concern. This is to notify the public that on April 3d, 1903, W. J. Stinson, a leading drnygist of Macomb, 111., in a letter to the manufacturers of Harts' Honey and Horehound and Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup, states: "I have handled Harts' Honey and Harehound and Re-Go Lax­ ative Syrup for one year and have found ^em the best sellers I have ever had. My sales average two dozen a week pf each. Please duplicate my or­ der for two gross, one of Re-Go and one of Harts' Honey and Horehound." When in need of a medicine for Coughs, Colds, Croup or La Grippe, our readers will do >yell to buy Harts' Honey and Horehound, as it is a medicine of unus­ ual merit. Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup is an unfailing cure for Constipation, Indigestion, Bilipusness, Sick Headache and Dyspepsia. Large bottles 25c, 50c and $1 00. Sold by G. W. Besley, drug­ gist, W. McHenry. McHenry TowitMhlp.KxerciiteH, The McHenry township school exer cises will be held in S toff el's hall June 16. It is expected that eight schools will be represented. Program willr"Ue published next week. Admission, ten cents. Disease takes no summer vacation. If you need flesh and strength use Scott's Emulsion summer as in winter. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York, joc. and $1.00; all druggists. i' Hen's Fashionable Clothing! The swell dresser who adopts^ttractive Cloth­ ing, the cultured dresser who appreciates genteel stylishness, the business man who favors the most practical sort, are sure to find the clofiftes of their choice at our establish­ ment. Prices right, too. ft Our Clothing li Attracts Attention Kf. c 5* I hf. u •:* if: I & <• £ W t% & D. LODTZ. Harper Rjye 'On Every Tongue." and * + 4 * * * * * * * Hi * tlt i Crystal drops from goldeti grain; pure and mellow, rich and fra* * grant; the ideal stimulent for universal use. * SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS VARIETY STORE NOTIONS & & ft ft F. A. BOHLANDER WEST flcHENRY, ILLINOIS TELEPHONE NO. 191 : LTEASS-l HfSPKBi Try the above Coffees and Teas and get the best, y ^ ^ Coffee from 12c to 35c per lb. Teas from 30c to 65c per pound If you buy Sleepy Eye Flour, you get THE BEST « « « « « Don't but come at once and get your Suit­ ings, Waistings, Skirts, Shoes and Oxfords while the assortment is large WaJl Pa.per & ft CROCKERY and GLASSWARE al­ ways on hand. You will find our prices always the lowest LUMBER! The building season is here and so are we with everything neccessary in building a house. Let us figure with you when you get ready to build, it will certainly pay you to do so. We carry a com­ plete stock of Lumbei, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Build­ ing Paper, Cement, Lime, Brick, Etc. FEED DEPARTMENT! Our Feed Department is also complete in every detail, having been in the business so long as to know the exact wants of the people. White Swan Flour is the kind we handle and the name speaks for itself. WILBUR LUnBER CO. | McHENRY, ILLINOIS. | • WWW'WW# > WWWWVW" WWW/ WWW WMW MWW WMWMWW A A A A .•» »•« A »•» A '***•» ***** tfri 1*1*1 tfri ftt IJI 111 111 IJI ffl 1̂ 1 IJnjJf 1̂ 1 t̂ l 1̂ ,1 IJl 'J* ̂ 1 Fancy Furniture • • We are showing a fine line of fancy Fur­ niture and would be pleased to have you call and look over our large line and get our prices, which are mostly responsible for our large and increasing trade. All orders left with us receive prompt atten­ tion and are always tilled at the earliest possible date. We furnish the entire home, from the kitchen to the parler, with goods that you need not feel ashamed of, and they carryour guarantee with them. t • • A lot of beautiful assorted Crystal Glass just received. Looks like Cut Glass, except in price. Granite, Tin and China Ware, CANDIES. I JACOB JUSTEN. | <$» «|l l|l 1$» tfr l|l >|l l|l $ »|l »|l l|» t^l ifr [|l l|l $ fll l|* Big Bargains in Boys Clothing! Boys 2-piece all wool Suits at $1.98 Boys 2-piece Yz wool Suits at $1.29 Boys Suits that will wear at 98c These Suits are made of material, and in color, that is fast. They are just the thing for rough wear and are sold at y2 regular price. When you think of Flour, think of GOLD MEDAL and you will be satisfied. Ask your neighbor about it, she will tell you that it is the best Flour on the market. Buy Your Tailor-Made SUIT Now while you save y2 reg. price. Suits formerly sold at $10.49 now $8.98; $10.95 at $8.98; $8.95 at $6.98; $7.79 at $5*9^ Fine sheer remnants of India Linen, per yard only 12c Remnants of fancy Organdies Mulls and Batiste, regular price 25c, choice, per yard 12Kc Ladies white JapJSilk Waists, plaited front and tucked back, full Bell sleeve, a piece of silk that will stand washing, only $2.29 Ladies Jap Silk Waist with fine silk lace insertion and tucked front, five rows of tucks on sleeve, large Bell sleeve, very stylish, only $2.98 BLOCK & BETHICE CA5H DEPARTMENT STORE, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 'PHONE, 314 Winning Number of first set dishes is 629, won by Mrs. Peter Schreiner Ladies striped Gingham and dot­ ted chainbray sun bonnets only 19c Ladies Chambray Shirt Waists, neatly tucked and stitched, tab collar, all shades and sizes, fast color only 69o Ladies Shirt Waist Suits, made of linen color?, Baliste Waist, neatly tucked and skirs plaited, 32, 34, 36, only • • • $1.29 All are bargains/and can not be found elsewhere. 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