Vv-^K' 'ffv^ t'" fl- % * * i * * < > H«4 f»H«T«<J by • 'v . , i . CAhn . WMIPOIP * CO. • ,/> • .- *«nrt» » «n»*i . ; rntnatw . ,.;. ' Cltdwi M»ta»» I; ' tft r:-" fe::: ;S': P' jln '",: '.* f t p - m#.- »**•; * • ' • m' m I C«l».W*m)>old <t Co. 1 b£ Q Z D UJ Ctf LL • £ </5 o I -- 3 O >> V > <V w &"4" Fourth of July Specials! An elegant line of Men's Neckwear, all the latest novelties; new Hats, straw and felt; Negligee Shirts, Tan Shoes, Gauze Underwear, Umbrellas; Men's Clothing made to your measure. Ladies Goods! Lace and fancy Hosiery, lace Collars and Berthas, Shirt Waists in silk, cotton and linen, light-weight Skirts in Voile and Brilliantine, tan and black Ox fords *and Shoes; Belts^Fans, Parasols, Ribbons, Laces, Gloves, all nevr up-to-date Goods. Goods delivered prompt ly. TelepHorie No. 363. M. J. WALSH i£- ' A A A A |^| tfi iti tfi i^i iti ifri ifi «fi tfri iti fX\ |fi ifri |tt tti itl ^1IJJ1^1 Iff (J,l l|l l£l i^i IJI ^ ^'t114| ̂ '4.1 ^ ̂ ̂ v * (Sanson's | Store Died of Super»«WI»B. Princess Llkelike, daughter of Ka- paukea and mother of Princess Kaiu- lani, died on Feb. 3, 1887. She had not been seriously ilj, but a lava flow from the great volcano Kllauea, in Hawaii, which occurred a few days before her death was tcUier mind a sure sign that a chieftainess was required by the goddess Tele, that heartless old deity suggested to the children of nature in tiie ages of volcanic terrors. So firm were Likelike's convictions that the wrath of the furious Tele hud to be appeased by her death that she lost heart and never rallied. The night be fore her death there was a halo around the moon, and when she saw it she abandoned all hope anil speedily died. A few years afterward Liklhiku heard that he- was being prayed to death by an enemy, aided by a sorcerer, a dead ly method of warfare, so he simply lay down and died of despair. lie Almont Succeeded. In a magazine article on Max von Fettenkofer, who has . been called the founder of scientific hygiene and next to Humboldt the most popular of all German naturalists, Max Ciruber tells a story of the professor's absentmtnd- edness. He lost a fortune in umbrel las, seldom bringing back what he had taken away. Once, however, he made a trip its far as England and was very proiul of having actually succeeded in bringing back his umbrella to Ger many. At Augsburg he stopped on business, but sent a telegram reading, "At 0 o'clock I return with my um brella." He did return at (5 o'clock, but as he entered his house in Munich he saw to his dismay that he had no um brella.. He had left it at the telegraph Btatiou. Sea Serpent*. Sea serpents date buck to the days of Aristotle, who wrote: "The serpents of /Libya are of enormous size. Naviga tors along the coast report having seen a great Quantity of bones of oxen, which they believe without doubt to have been devoured by the serpents. These serpents pursued them (the sea men) when they left the shore and up set one of their triremes." Olaus Magnus wrote in the middle qges of a sea serpent 200 feet long and 20 feet thick which haunted rocks and caves near the seacoast, the old writer adding, "And he puts up his head on high like a pillar and catcheth away men, and he devours them." Tenders you a special invitation to ^ purchase Waist Goods, warm weath- ^ er Dress Goods, new Tan Oxfords, ^ ladies and gents White Caps and all ^ needed Merchandise.. Correct prices ^ --Dependable Goods. I oi. g. euflnson i »•§ »T« A A «T« »Tt A iT> m >Tt «T> tTi «Ti »T« «T» «Ti «T« »T» «Ti »T» «Ti «T> «T» A Imitative Animals. Some animals have wonderful pow ers of Imitation. Dogs brought \ip in the company of cats have been known to acquire the trick of lickiiiK the paws and then washing the face. When a cat has been taught to sit up for her food her kittens have been known to imitate her action. Darwin tells of a cat that was in the habit of putting her paw into the mouth of a narrow milk pitcher every time she got the chance and then licking the cream off her paw. Her kittens soon learned the same trick. Hla Conscience. Fierce as he was, the Infamous Chief Justice Jeffreys did not always escape the sting of a repurtee. He went to a country assize once where an old man with a great beard came to give evidence, but had not the good fortune to please the judge, so he quarreled with his beard and said, "If your conscience is as large as your beard you'll swear anything." The old blade was nettled and briskly returned, "My lord, If you go about measuring consciences by beards your lordship has none." wkr i« itt "Did you ever notice," said an ob servant young man, "that men as a rule run down the heels of their shoes on the outside, while women run them down on the Inside?" He was asked to explain the reason, but said he bad no reason, as he only mentioned it as be ing singular, with no means of expla nation. To Tell if a Man Shave* Himself. "I can tell in a minute simply by looking at a man whether he shaves himself or is shaved by a bai >er," said the wielder of the razor and brush. "Xo, it isn't a question of cleanliness nor yet a question of hacking the face. There is no reason why a man who is accustomed to shaving himself shouldn't make as clltan a Job of it as the average barber. And yet, I can spot him every tiitte. See that little lock of hair that,,grows down the side Of the face just in front of the ear? Well, when a man is shaved by a bar ber those two locks don't vary In length more than a sixteenth of an inch. The irh'.n who shaves himself, | on the other hand, is Invariably lop- I sided. lie always begins to shave ' higher up on the left side of the face than on the right side, as a conse quence of which one side of the face , looks longer than the other. No, I j don't know that I can explain this j phenomenon. I only know that the condition exists." -- Philadelphia Hec- ord. To Whom It May Concern. This is to notify the pnblic that on April 3d, 1903, W. «T. Stinsoh, a leading driK'j^ist of Mauomb, 111., in a letter to the m&Hufactnrers of Harts' Honey and Horehound and Re-(*o Tonic Laxative Syrup, state**: "I have handled Harts' Honey and Harehonnd and Re-Go Lax ative Syrup for one. year and have found them the best sellers I have ever had. My sales average two dozen a week of each. Please duplicate my or der for two gross, one of Re-Go and one of Harts' Honey and Horehound." When in need of a medicine for Coughs, Colds, Croup or La Giippe, our readers will do well to buy Harts' Honey and Horehound, as it is a medicine of unus ual merit. Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup is an unfailing cure for Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Sick Headache and Dyspepsia. I arge bottles 25c, 50c and |1 00. Sold by G. W. Besley, drug gist, W. McHenry. Weill •ilftoii on Napoleon. Wellington's judgments of men and history are singularly just and correct, lie used few words and never fenced his meaning about with qualifications. Wh*;D Lord Ellesmere mentioned a cer tain writer's low opinion of Napoleon the duke replied: "Napoleon was the first man of liis day on a field of battle and with French troops. I confine my self to that. His policy was mere bully ing, and, military matters apart, he was a Jonathan Wild."--London Review. A Novel Time Glass. •'During a trip which I took through the West Indies several years ago," Bald a traveler, ."I saw a sight in one of the villages which brought the old proverb, 'Necessity Is the mother of invention,' forcibly to my mind. In the front of one of the house's on a veranda stood a sentry whose business it was to keep the time for the village by means of a primitive sandglass Two bottles were firmly tied together, mouth to mouth, and fixed in a wooden frame, made to stand in reversible po sitions. "A quantity of black s:ind rari from one bottle into the other In just half an hour, and when the upper bottle was empty the frame was reversed. Twelve short sticks marked with notches from 1 to 12 were bung upon a string, and a hook was placed between the stick bearing the number of notches corre sponding to the hour last struck and the one to be struck next. The sentry announced the time by striking the hours on a large gong." Tli«- Only Perfect l.uxallve in the World Mr. Thomas Hioky, for many years a prominent citizen of Lincoln, III., and one who has tried afgreat many liquid laxatives, pills, tab/ets and almost ev- erythinj* advei.tjwd for constipation, says: '• After/vising them\all, Re-Go Tome IjuxHjJme Svrnji has dons me more go<>d-in-ft'month than anything. I have ever find it is so pleasant to take that I really like it. I believe it is the only perfect laxative in the world." There is no griping or nauseating effect following the nse of this medicine. It is pleasant j^nd certain, sti lates the secretions, and aids nature in digesting and assimilating the food, and as atonic is never failing. Sold in 25t% 50c and $1.00 bottles by G. W. Besley, druggist, W. McHenry. An ad in The Plaindealer "want""Coi: nrnn will brine results. COME! i } COME! t J | What Happened j j TO FALSE HUSBAND j ^ w i l l b e r e p r o d u c e d a t ^ | Mel's Hall, June 24 { | Come and Laugh. ^ ^ Adults, 25c Tickets Children, 15c | ji-i | Hen's Fashionable I Clothing! jK 3 'i-i iii ft Vt £ 5 6 8 & Are you prepared for the hot, sultry days that are coming? Have you the necessary Clothing? If not. call and see what we have to offer in LADIES WAISTS AND SKIRTS Also Waistings and Trimmings to match Positively the most complete line in in McHenry. All up to date, stylish goods. Tn Shoes and Oxfords We can please men, women and child ren in size, style and price. See the Goods. Sleepy Eye Flour is the best. Try it. F. A. BOHLANDER. I I. =y: 6 V: 6 •f: I •t: u •»': 8 feie i»: rl KS! 4£ i* if: Heading Them Of. Mrs. Villadom--Why do you want to call on the Borems tonight? Mr. Villa dom--Because if we don't they're cer tain to come over here. It will be eas ier to go home when we're tired of thekn than to ask them to go home. Too Candid. Miss Hlghup--I think Miss Globe trot ought to be ashamed of herself. She says she found the paintings of the old masters dreadfully stupid. Miss Wayup--8o do mnny others. Miss Hlghup--Yes, but she says so. A Hint to Headquarter*. Head of the Firm- I don't see how you are going to support a wife on your present salary. Smart Clerk-- Neither do I. sir.--London Punch. Read The Plaindealer advertisements. Tb^v are interesting. & The swell dresser who adopts attractive Cloth ing, the cultured dresser who appreciates genteel stylishness, the business man who favors the most practical sort, are sure to fir.d the clothes of their choice at our establish ment. Prices right, too. / ' Our Clothing Attract^ Attention D. L0D1Z. Harper R.ye "On Every Tongue." 'Uood as (Jold"-received gold medals fof superior excellence at three World's Fairs-New Orleans, 1885; Chicago, 1893; Paris, 1900. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS Harper Whiskey Exhibit in Af rlcultural Building, World's Fair, St. Louis. | Variety Store j Another new line of granites, notions, etc. | The building1 season is here and so are we with I everything neccessary in building a house. Let us i figure with tyou when you get ready to build, it | will certainly pay you to do so.. We carry a cora- | plete stock of Lumbei, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Build- 5 ing Paper, Cement, Lime, Brick, Etc. ^ i FEED DEPARTMENT! f jm 1 • | jg Our Feed Department is also complete in every gj ^ detail, having been in the business so long as to |f •% know the exact wants of the people. White Swan §: if Flour is the kind we handle and the name speaks £ 5 for itself. £ i ' % J WILBUR LUflBER CO. 1 | McHENRY, ILLINOIS. | »•« A «ti A «*t,» »tt itt A |tlf . |tl «*t*| tjj tjjj IJI I^J I^I i|,i I^I i^i vJ7 *4? *4»' • * • FancvFurniture We are showing a fine line of fancy Fur niture and would be pleased to have you call and lopk over our large line and get our prices, which are mostly responsible for our large and increasing trade. All orders left -with us receive prompt atten tion and are always filled at the earliest possible date. We furiiish the entire home, from the kitchen to the parler, with goods that you need not feel ashamed of, and they carry our guarantee with them. JACOB JUST EN. f • • • • • • • • • A A .*•*• •*•*• .•« »***« -*t*. -t. .*•*. A. .f. A 1*1*1 iti 1^,11J,! i,|i t^i '4,* 'X' \J." 'X " + A X X 'X + " '+1 'X X + :TW. • if:, b;; VV>^Vr I SAVE TOUR COUPONS! Winning numbef of first set of dishes was No. 629, won by Mrs. Peter Schreiner. Winning number of second set of dishes was No. 87, won by firs. Jacob Bonslett. Winning number of third set of dishes was number 677, won by Mrs. John Buch. GROCERY VALUE 1 large can yellow Freestone Peach, 16c or 7 cans for. $1.00 1 large can Buena Egg Plum, extra fine, 15c, oN<! for,. $1.00 1 large can fancy Bartlett Pears. ..V,. ..17c 1 large can Baked Beans, Blossom brand 10c 1 large can Golden Pumpkins, Blossom brand 10c 1 large can Tomatoes, Blossom'brand 10c 1 large can Sauk City Sugar Corn 10c Special, 1 bottle Blackberry Preserves, Telmo brand, ...17c Special, 1 qt. bottle Sugar Bush Maple Syrup, only 20c 1 large bottle Aurora Tomato Catsup, only IOC Try a Sack of Gold Medal Flour, it has no equal, once tried, always used. BLOCK & BETHKE CASH DEPARTMENT STORE, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 'PHONE, 314 SHOES! • • •• SHOES! Men's Vici kid, lace Shoes, tf 9 £Q dull kid top ^ Men's velour call lace shoes, tf 0 £Q dull kid top «PL.U7 Men's velour cq,lf lace Shoes, f 0 Q0 blucher style, matt. top. ... «Pu.7U Men's patent colt lace shoes, tf 0 AO matt, top -Jl.VO Men's patent colt lace shoes, 0 b l u c h e r v s t y l e , m a t t t o p . . . . Men's patent colt lace Ox fords, Chicago Last, ex tension sole, very stylish. . - ,