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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1904, p. 8

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jr f- Ttsw*; yf*x {'•"?' l i t " < > v t > ' " 5 » ' , " ^ • J , 1 wmmm ' * f' - / ; « „ * - * : 1 C . , ? I : ^ ._.. . ... . . - .>.V, ^ •• - " ••• - * •• -• ••' ' ' - ' • -f * h& 'v> -jpr ' I.* * "V^W .-. * ' * V S ' ^ f i • 1T;'- •. vi • <». «.. . I ,^*1 '•'• '. '•£V Hot Weather tales m\- Pi' UNLINED SUITS, STRAW HATS, NEGLIGEE SHIRTS GAUZE UNDERWEAR, LOW SHOES. WE HAVE A LARGE LINE OF THE ABOVE GOOD^jat PRICES TO MEET- ANY AND ALL C O W P E T I T I O N . JOS. W. FREUND A F T E R T H E FOURTH! TTI E are making liberal reductions in %%Pall lines of Warm Weather Mer­ chandise. It will pay to call if in need of anything in Summer Dress Goods, Cor­ sets, Laces, Gauze Underwear, Hats, Caps, Shoes and Oxfords. We have a full line of Groceries, Flour, Etc., at low- ^ • • e s t p r i c e s f o r g o o d G o o d s . : : : : : : : n. J. WALSH Phone 363. Goods Delivered. Zbt Annual July clearing sale begins Saturday morning when nearly all Summer Merchandise will be marked down to cost in order to make quick disposition. Two Items of special interest to you are one lot Ladies stylish $2.00 Shirt Waists (in white) your choice..... .$1.00 One lot ladies pat. leather 3 strap Sandals. $1.00 Also plain kid at same price. Strap Sandals'. ,.... 75G to 98c It- will be of great financial benefit to the economi­ cal prospective cash buyers to igiprove this oppor­ tunity. / W. C. Evanson. WOODSTOCK LECTURE COURSE. For Smmob of 10O4-OS HromlMi to B* Beat In Y«kw--T*l«ut Ei»K«g«4. The Woodstock leotnre course for the coming Reason has beeif completed and will commence ,,*otn«*t,ime in October. It is an exceptionally fine one and it is •lonbtfnl if one aa good was ever given in Woodstock or the connty before. Bach nnmber is firnt class in every respect, there being no one special nnmber, bnt each one being aa espec­ ially good one, the cost of the talent amounting to $750. The first number in the course will be the George Crompton Concert com- pauy. Mr. Crompton is thtf^basso-can- tante, Madame Alice Myron, contralto, Mrs. Blanche Sage-Holcomb, pianint and accompanist, and Udo Goesweiler, cellist. The second nnmber is Dr. Frank Vakely Gnnsaulus, pastor of Central cbnrch, Chicago whose reptntation us a lecturer is great. v.... J The third number is Matns and his Royal Hungarian court orchestra. There are ten in the orchestra and all finished musicians from a country noted for a class of music with its own ex­ clusive ^and peculiar charm. Mr. Matns, the conductor, is one of the capable artists and traditional exempli fiers of this school. He came to Amer­ ica in 1882 with his orchestra and whs the first to introduce Hungarian music in this coutitry. The orchestra returned to Europe, but Mr. Mstfcus regained for ten years as the petit clarinet soloist in Gilmore s famous band. William Jennings Bryan, of Lincoln, Neb , free silver candidate for president on two occasions, the fourth nui/iber, is the most costly of the entire series. He will deliver one of his famous lect­ ures. Lulu Tyler Gates and her company of artists will be the last number. |There are four in the company--Lulu Tyler Gates, reader; Miss Helen Carter Mc- Connell, prima donna contralto; Marie Ludwig, harpist, and H. Benne Hen ton, late soloist with Liberati and Van Osten's Marine band, saxophone and clarinet soloist. The course is given under the auspices of the Baptist church and should re­ ceive the very hearty support of all. Course tickets will be sold at $1.50 for the five numbers. This price in­ cludes reserved seats free of extra charge. A very fine prospectus is being issued and will be sent free on request. For prospectus write to Fred L. Renich, Woodstock, 111. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. ItaHM Clipped from The Plalnd«a%»» July 0, 1879. Brutally Tortured. A caete-G^me to light that for persist­ ent and unmerciful tortnre has perhaps never been equaled. Joe Golobick of Colusa, Calif., writes, "For 15 years I endured insufferable pain from Rheu­ matism and nothing relieved me though I tried everything known I came across Electric Bitters and it's the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of it completely relieved and cured me." Just as good for Liver and Kidney troubles and general debility Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by Julia A. Story, N. H. Petesch, McHen- ry, G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. People Whom Newspaper Men Meet. There is probably no place on earth better than a country newspaper office to learn how many kinds of people there are, says the Pierson (la.) Enter­ prise. Some get huffy if a statement is Bent, others will not pay until a state­ ment is sent. Some will pay without a statement, others will not pay whether a statement is sent or not. Some thought they owed more and some thought they didn't owe so much. Some say they couldn't get along without the paper and others say it doesn't amount to much. But the meanest, scrubbiest in the list is the man who takes it un­ til be is shut off for non payment and then spends half his time explaining how he used to take "the thing" but stopped it because it was "no 'count." No F«)h; Claims. The proprietors of Foley's Honey and Tar do n6t advertise this as a "sure cure for consumption." They do not claim it will cure this dread complaint in ad­ vanced cases, but do positively assert that it will cure in the earlier 8tages and never fails to give comfort and re­ lief in the worst cases. Foley's Honey and Tar is without doubt the greatest throat and Inng remedy. Sold by G W. Besley, West McHenry. The latest style of wearing the red ribbon by temperance reformers, as demonstrated in. our village during the past week, is around the head just over the eyes. The fourth of July party at the Riv­ erside House wal a grand success in every particnlar. Two hundred and one numbers were sold and everything passed off in the most pleasant and.quiet manner. As we bad no celebration in this vil­ lage O. W. Owen must have all the credit for patriotism in the shape of fireworks on the night of the 4th, as he made quite a handsome display from his residence of rockets and other pieces. We understand another club has been organized in Chicago, who will purchase grounds and build a club house at Fox lake this season. This beautiful lake and its surroundings is fast becoming one of the most populai^resorts in the northwest. Ona of the severest rain storms, ac­ companied by wind, thunder and light­ ning, visited this place Sunday nfght and Monday forenoon. The rain came down in torren^and our streets looked much like a mill pond for some time after it had cleared. H.. N. Holmes, who has just finished taking the school census of this school district, reports as follows: Total num­ ber of scholars under 21 years, 508; males, 34b; females, 255; males over six and under twenty-one, 177; females, 162; total over six and under twenty-one, 838. \ Night was tier Terror. "I would congh nearly all night long" writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate of Alexan­ dria, Ind., "and could get hardly any sleep. < I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit b'ood, but, when all other medicines failed three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds." It's absoluely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bron­ chitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's, N. H. Petesch's, McHenry, and G, W. Besley's, W. Mc­ Henry. A Great. Thins.For Rural People. A rural carrier in a neighboring connty, where the system has but re­ cently been established, was considera­ bly astonished recently to receive the following letter frftm one of his appre­ ciative patrons: "friend Fred: As you run the free delivery by my bouse I would like you to bring me on your next trip a barrel of salt, two sacks of flour; also, a ton of coal and three spools of wire; then throw a set of whiffletrees and an' evener under the seat. When you come by Marion Waller's get two of his largest chicken coops and bring them alotig; then I can have my turkeys caught so you can take them to town. It would not detain you but a minute. And I have eight loads of wood to get to town; had I better get it out along the side of the road or will yon go into the woods after it? I think this free deliv­ ery is a great thing for us rural people. Wedding invitations at this office. Want Column. All Klverttwiiient* Inrortril under thin head at the folIilwinK mten: Kive line* or less, ilb cent* for Ilmt Inunction; IK ceut« for eaeh sulwoijuent Inaertion. More than tlve linen, 5 eent» a line for flint Insertion, and 3 eentH a line for additional inxertlonx. pl)K SALE--STANHOPE, M7UUY AND -T SA1>I>LE. Having sold my horse I wil sell my stylish rublior tlrorl Stanhope. UwNMUtiW' saddle. All In (irst-i'lass eoiidi- tfoii. Address or call on" Rkv. M. W. Rarth, 1-tf t> McHenry, 111. Ladies and gentlemen--\vc pay us a thousand cash for copying at home. No mulling or canvassing. Send stamp for Puritan Manufacturing Co.. US nt, Worcester, Muss. l 3t* particulars Firoi "CVJK SALE--A small farm of SO acres, 12 1 acres plough land, rest pasture, on easy terms. Inquire of S. R)cynoi.ijss McHenry, .ri2-tf . at mill or residence. TjVJR SALE--The best. 8500 olano In town for ^ 1350: practically now. It may be exam­ ined at our home. John Evansok. 51-tf •nHJR RENT--Front flat over. Evansou's store; city water, ^tiquire at store. 51tf XpOR SALE--Our home on the hill, on liberal John Kvanson. 51-tf "pH)R 8ALE-A koo<1. i- uhvlr fnpm ulr.iiuti)/ improved stock farm, situated 1H miles east Spring Grove, 111. UW- acre of Inquire of Wi,E. Colbv, Spring Uifuve, 111. TXTORK HOUSES FOR SALE--The under- * * signed hi>s a^few substantial work hors­ es for sale, weighing from 1100 to 1400 pounds. Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. 34-tf F. K- Gkangbb. \X7ANTED--A man who understands ditch- * * ing and tiling. Inquire of H. O. Mead, 41 tf West McHenry. XjMJR SALE --My property In West McHenry, situated opposite M. E_ church, consist­ ing of house, barn and four lots. Good well and city water piped to house, barn and lawn, F. L. McOmbkr. 40-tf T OTS FOR SALE-in of block Kelter's subdivision 12, fronting German Catholic church. Inquire at Hauk of McHenry, or of John lluemann, agents. 48-tf "CH)R SALE OK RENT- and blacksmith shop in Huntley, The Schulz wagon p in Huntley, the largest milk station in the world. Only two other shops. Taken in a trade by Z. H. Os- inun, Nunda. 111. See him or Osmun Bros., McHenry. Ill , or go to Huntley and see the place In which Mr. Schulz got rich during the last few years and you will get a gold mine. If ft n K Hen's Fashionable 3 y <• V X i ;V: Clothing! The swell dresser who adopts attractive Cloth­ ing, the cultured dresser who appreciates genteel stylishness, the business man who favors the most practical sort, are sure to find the clothee of their choice at our establish­ ment. Prices right, too. J • J Our Clothing Attracts Attention I JOHN D. 10DTZ. Harper Rjye "On Every Tongue." It reaches the spot and covers the case as no other whiskey can; pure, delicate, rich and invigorating. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. See Harper WhUkey Exhibit in Agricultural Building, World's Pair, St. Lou la. Wher£ have you been? At the "Variety Store" where the Goods are the cheapest and best. ! I : : t : : : *"• " 't * * For i #ays that are coining? Have you the 4v^\j v, - ¥. & $ if: " Are you prepared for the hot, sultry 1 • ^ '• "necessary Clothing? If not what me hitve to. offer and 'X. LADIES WAISTS AND SKIRTS Also Waistings and Trimmings to match Positively the most complete line in in McHenry. All up to date, stylish goods. Jn Shoes and Oxfords We can please men, women and child­ ren in size, style and price. See the Goods. t/ / .) ^ j, Sle^y E|e Flour is the best. Try it. $ I 5f": ir | $ I*. I t F.A. BOHL The building season is here and so are we with everything neccessary in building a house. Let us figure with you when you get ready to build, it will certainly pay you to do so. We carry a com- jWete stock of Lumbei, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Build­ ing Paper, Cement, Lime, Brick, Etc. FEED DEPARTMENT! Our Feed Department is also complete in every detail, having been in the business so long as to know the exact wants 6f the people. White Swan Flour is the kind we handle and the name speaks for itself. WILBUR LUriBER CO. McHENRY, JLLINOIS. i iTiflfrlt1VIMMM) IJUIAIIlllUAAIIIIIIIIIilAltlJUIillllllllllllllllMllllluuBiMUftiJi ~ Trrrrfy nrVrVWr ITflrfVVV^nrrrrfTV rnVvriT *VVVVWrf^rnHnrnr nnnrnnrr f̂ rrT̂ t̂ r̂ rrrt̂ PrrJPrtprrrFrrrrrrFr A A A A A A •'fra »•» A A »•> A A »•« A A A »^« A »•« A (^a IJI IJI ww'J,' 'X® w ®X ijnwijfiw 1 FancyFurniture We are showing V fine line of fancy Fur­ niture and would pleased to have you call and look over our large line and get^ our prices, which are mostly responsible for our large and increasing trade. All orders left with us receive prompt atten­ tion and are always filled at the earliest possible date. We furnish the entire home, from the kitchen to the parler, with goods that you need not feel ashamed of, and they carryour guarantee With them. | JACOB JUSTEM. J A A A A A A *T> A A A AA A A A A A A A A *lr*y Tfc**lr ty y ITTWr fjlftW t We have placed on sale several pieces of Madras Organdies Lawns and Demities at a price that will save you 5^ regular price. Note the prices: Fancy striped Madras, absolutely fast color, formerly sold at l*fc-25c, now only...'. 12^C-8C Fancy striped and figured Organdies Lawns and Demities, in a variety of jhades that formerly sold'at 15c-19c-25c, special while they last, for " "/ • • 12^--8c--6c Will it be worth your while to look these over? Think about it arid then come and look. Will will have no trouble selling ycta. MUSLIN VALUESI ft '> Law nsdale Muslin Remnants, when we say Lawnsdale you know the quality is a No. 1. We have placed the remnants on sale at, per yd. -8c Lawnsdale Cambric Remnants, per yard Ho Hope Muslin Bleach Remnants, per yard. 7/^C i Blli Ml III HIS m M & OXFORDS Ladies finest tan, kid, lace Snoes. These Shoes were formerly sold at $3.25 per pair, we offer them, at this special price $1.2§ Ladieg.tan, kid, lace Oxfords, nobby styles, high military Jieel, the kind you must wear, if you want to be in style, the kind you find elsewhere at $2.50, our price is, while they last, only $1.98 HOW ABOUT GOLD MEDAL FLOUR. FOR PERFECT PIES AND PASTRY USE GOLD MEDAL FLOUR Winning number of last week's Dishes was 1852, won by Mrs. Chris Hapke. Ladies short sleeve, white,lawn Shirt Waists, with full blouse, lace-trimmed front, only $1.29 Ladies Muslin Night Gowns, only.. 39c BLOCK & CASH DEPARTMENT STORE, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 'PHONE, 314 1:, v *:V' i-"-

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