ppglppppiflgpSSllÎ ̂ " - " ' ' "• ' ' ' f' '• ' ' ' '••'• ' »•••"'•' •• .- • .-i .••"-.• •- ...... " -' " ' *" ;A ' " •"' " ' ' '"• ' '" y M Ayers Losing your hair? Coming out by the combful? And doing nothing? No sense in that! Why don't you use Ayer's Hair Vigor and Hair Vigor promptly stop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow, too, and all dandruff will dis appear. Could you reason ably expect anything better? " Ay®r'« Hair Vlffor t* a ffreat success with me. Mv hair was falling out very badly, but the Hair ViRor atomuwl 11 mid now my lmir is all right."--W. O. LOOSDON, Lindsay, 15*1. j. o. AVER co l,ow *1 on a bottle. All (IniL'tfista gossip, bnt spends his time looking up I interesting items of news tbrnont the I county. The baKinetjs end of The Sen tinel is well eared for by.VS » W. Chand- | ler, who is a printer of the highest o der. • " SOMEBODY who wants to explain what the editorial "we" signifies, says its ineauing varies to suit the circunistano- . & For instance, when you read that "we expected onr wife home to'ay." we refers to the editor-in-chief; when it is "we are a little late with our work," it includes the whole office force, eveu the devil and the towel. If "we are having a boom," the town is meant; "we received 700,000 emigrants last year," jand it embraces the nation, bnt "we have hog cholera in oar midst" only refers to the illness of the man who takes the paper two or three years without paying for it. The Mdleory Plai PUBLISHKH^UyivJiV Till KSDAV HY THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER COMPANY. C 'lL GRAZIER. W. A. CR18TV, v - Pres. Sec. OHAS. D. 8CROONMAKKR, KliitOr. J. H. I'KllKY, Tri'iis. in Bank Building. Telephone. No. 272.' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: $ •ftfraeyear V«l* -months, 75 cts. SI .50 Three months. 40 cts. Thursday, July 21, 1904. RKPLHLJCAN TICKET. „ |j Hw President | (i THEODORE ROOSEVELT For Vice, President-- CHARLES W- FAIRBANKS Governor-- OHARI.E8 tf. DSNEEN. •• Lieutenant Governor-- •; ^ LAWRKNC* Y. SHERMAN. Secretary of Statt-- JAMKS A. ROSE. Auditor of Pulillc Accounts-- JAMES A. M'C'UPLOUGH. State Treasurer- Leu SHALL. Attorney General-- . JFJJ-J?- WII.I.IAM II. STEAD. jf^UBiverslty Trustees.-- SV T'HAKL.KS DAVID8ON, p:- W. L. ABBOTT. MARY K. ItrsiT. Congressman, lltli district-- >.H(IWAIII) M. SBAPP. ^ Member 8tate Board of Equalization-- GEO. W. ELDREDGE. State Sen a tor- ALBERT N. TIFFANY. ? Jtep^esentatlves, Sth Districts EDWARD I>. SHI RTI.KFF, m Votes, FRANK K. COVEY. 1H Votes. Circuit Clerk-- THEODORE HAVER. State's Attorney-- LORENZO D. LOWELL, JR. Coroner-- JOSEPH S. MAXON. * Surveyor-- CHARLES H. TRYOK. THK bean eaters of Boston oan now angh over Chicago's discomfltiire. The n packers have not yet called a strike. MR. BRYAN declares that the Demo cratic party needs men who will die for it. One would think the party needs taeii who are willing to live with it. HOW HKARST SUPPORTS PARKKR. Before the Democratic national con vention met at St. Lonis, and while William R. Hearst still imagined that he was a candidate before that body for the Democratic nominaiion for the presidency, he announced thhS he wonld support the nominee of the convention, whoever he might l>e. Technically, he is keeping that promise. He pledged the candidate liis "loyal support," bnt the snpport being given by his papers is very much like that being given by Mr. Bryan; it hurt* more than it helps. "Judge Parker is being praised for he courage he displayed in holding up the convention after it had made him the nominee," says Mr. Hearst in one of his papers, but, "it is to be wished that prior to the convention he had had the courage to express his opinion on the financial or any other question. It is to be wished for the party's sake that the influences typified by Mr. August Belmont had not been the moving cause of the candidate's belated frank ness. The convention was properly punished for taking any man wholly on trust." And then the candidate who did not get the nomination advises the man who did to supplement the plat form further by adding an income tax plank if he wants to be considered all right This is hardly the kind of "support" that is needed by the' candidate of a minority party. It is more calculated to alienate votes than to gain them. In substance Hearst urges Democrats to vote for Parker, but suggests that the convention was foolish to take him on trust without knowing what his opinions are and that he must adJ to the platform in order to make it accept able. The iriends of the candidate are praising his courage, but, instead of dis playing courage, he merely obeyed the orders of the money trust--"the money devil"--for which he is not entitled to any credit. In other words, Mr. Hearst suggests that Judge Parker is merely a puppet on an uns 1 tisfactory platform which needs considerable patching up, but of course he should be "supported" by Democrats. Of course he should, if Democrats do not care what their platform contains or omits, or what the views of their candidate may be on any important subject- State Journal. RKEKALD PAMK., The Misses Cohan were at Green cot tage over Sunday. Mrs. C. Bremer is visiting relatives in Chicago this week. E. J. Cohan is enjoying a few days' on ting at Green cottage. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. A. Cohan spent a few days last week in Chicago. .las. Condon of Chicago is spending a few days at the Heaney-cottage. Miss Daley of Algonquin is the guest ..flier friend, Miss Mamie Knox, here Mr*. Chas. Berkircher aud H. Berk ire her spent last Sunday at Wqrficonda Mrs. D. W. Hill aud daughter, Laura, are occupying the Hill cottage the past week. 4 Mrs. H. Bending returned from Chi cago Tuesday after a few days spent there. Miss Ella Kelter and John Kelter spent Sunday at the camp at Lake De- fianee. Master Arthur Moore of Chicagb is spending a few weeks with his uncle, J B. Heauey. John Huck and son, Lawrence, of Chi cago are spending a few weeks at L. Huck's cottage. Mr. and Mrsf Eld. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dedee were callers at R. J. Sutton s Sunday evening. Walter Brooks of Chicago spent Tues day and Wednesday with Ed. Kelter and wife at the lake. Mr. and Mrs Best and daughter, Eth el. of Chicago are spending a week's outing at J. B. Frisby's. Paul Armstrong returned to the city Wednesday after a few days' vacation spent with his family here. F. D. Cummings returned to Chicago Snnday evening af er a few days' vaca tion spent at J. B. Frisby 's. Miss Katie Nickles and friend, Clar ence Martin, of Wanconda called on Miss Frisby Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dedee and children of Chicago are spending several days with Ed. Knox and family. Several parties of McHeury have en joyed day's outings here during the past week on the Engeln and Heimer lots. Mr. and Mrs. Larsen and Mr. Bates and son have been guests of Mr. and Vrs. Ed. Kelter at Auburn Park during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Armstrong and family of River Forest moved into their summer home here Friday where they will spend the remainder of the summer. Mrs. Geo. Yeager and son, Arvil, of Libertyville and Mrs. M. A. Searles and Miss Irene Frisby of McHenry were callers at J. B. Frisby's Thursday after noon. Very Law Rates to .St. Paul, Minn., Vja the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold at one fare pins 50 cents for the round trip on July 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, with favorable retnrn limits, on account of Triennial Conven tion L. C. B. A. Apply to agents Chi cago & North-Western R'y. Jul 18 DOWIE claims to have made about nineteen thousand converts since 1897 In regard to the number that have been "healed, "and those who have died from want of medical attendance he is wisely silent THE Chicago Chronicle is taking np a fight against the methods of labor unions. The union members are not censured, but the leaders are berated for their arrogance and <total lack of consideration for the welfare of. the in dividual. THE Hebron Tribune entered upon its 15th volume last week. Despite the fact that Editor Lemmers has to deal with village knockers to a great extent, he has won the confidence of the large majority of the best people of Hebron, and The Tribune is prosperous. Lovely Liverpool Lanaen. Can you or your readers give any explanation of the remarkably heavy percentage of splendidly handsome la dies to be seen in Liverpool's city thor oughfares? When I say handsome, I refer not only to facial beauty, but also to symmetry of form and perfect physique. Walk from the Central sta tion via Lord street to, say, the Land ing stage, any day in the weelt, and you will behold a phalanx of superb womanhood. I am a Manchester man by birth and sentiment, but I must con fess our city can produce nothing to compare with Liverpool's battalions of tall, lovely girls.--St. James' Gazette. THE tariff will be the paramount is sue in the coming campaign, according to Mr. Cleveland's predictions. This being tl .• case there is little necessity for Republican orators to waste their l>reath this fall. The disastrous results of tariff reform under Cleveland's ad ministration is argument enongh. THE Democratic papers of the sonth denounce the Republican administra tion for grinding down the working man. In ' the want columns of these same papers are calls for men to work in the mills of the sonth at wages never offered before. Of course our Demo cratic brethren of the press must dig up Home argument, whether it be consist ent or not. Small waists are no longer in style. It's the round plump waists that come by taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea; that's all the go. 85 cents. Tea or tablet form. G. W. Besley. y ' ' '1 The En(ll«hwomaii'i Latchkey. Talking/ubout the British aristocra cy, a wpfoian who has met it 011 its na tive Math tells me that the feminine secdon of it never stirs out without a latchkey. We carry latchkeys over here, but we don't do it in the British way. The American woman ties her fcey in the corner of her handkerchief or hides it under the mat or puts it in to her purse along with cold cream rec ipes and car tickets and samples. The Englishwoman parades hers. The wo man who knows her tells me that she has seen latchkeys set with precious stones and fastened to long chains. J5he has seen them gilded aud strung from belts; she has s^en them with pins on the back of them, worn as brooches. She tells me that the Eng lishwoman would no sooner Wave her latchkey at home than her husband would his bath. The thing is possibly new to the Englishwoman and, being new, la paraded. With us over here it is an old story. Possessing the re ality. the symbol is of small moment to us. We are content to leave the latchkey under the inat--Washington Post. A Phlloaopher •• • FUhermm. Herbert Spencer once won a curious wager. He was staying fo? a fishing holiday in the house ef Sir Francis Powell, the president of the Scottish academy, and while angling for trout he happened to drop his eyeglusses Into a deep pool of the river. In the even ing he related his misadventure to his host and the guests, and said that he was prepared to bet that he would re- cover the pince-nez from the bottom of the pool. His friends declared that this was an impossible feat, but Her bert Spencer still offered to make the bet. His challenge was accepted by one of the visitors. Upon the following evening Spencer returned to the housQ with the missing eyeglasses. He had fastened a strong magnet on the end of his fishing line and fished for the glasses until it came into contact with their steel rims. Want Columit; All *ctvi>rtlHementR Inserted under this liead at the following:rate*: Five linen or lend, tfi eentH for ttmt insertion; 16 cent* lor each Hub*e<iu< ut liiHeru.ni. More than live lines, ftrentH a line for HIKI jn»ert lun, and rentH a line for additional insei tluiix. T^OH SALE--STANHOPE, BUGGY AND sAUDLE. Having sold my horse T will sell my stylish rublier-ttrod St,:utbopt', flue l>nBiry unci saddle. All In flrst-cliiss condl tion. Adare'ss or call on KKV. M. \V. UARTII 1-tf Metienry, ill jfVOIl SAJLE- $*•>0; pract ically new. It may be exam ined at. our hoiue. JOHN EVANSON-. 5L-tf KENT-- Front flat- over Evunson's store; city water. Inquire at store. 51tf "CH)K HALE--Onr homo on the hill, OH liberal terms. JOHN EVANSON. 51 tf "R^OK SALE--A' good. Improved MM)-acre A stock farm, situated 1*4 miles east of Spring Grove, lit 2-4t* Inquire of W. E. Coi,sr, Spring Gro^e, 111. vyORK HOKSKS FOR HALE The un.lei- * * signed lias a few Hulistaiitial work hors es for sale, weighing from lNXMo 1400 pounds. Will lie sold cheap aud on reasonable terms. IW-tf V. Iv. GliANOiCH. T OTS FOR SALE--In Kelter's subdivision of blt>ck 12, fronting German Catholic church. Inquire at Hankof Mclibi.ry, or of John Uuemanu. agents. 48-tf XpOR SALE--The late home of J. W. Crlsty, deceased, consisting of about nine acres of land and good, comfort able buildings In good repair, i'rice, £4,.000. Apply at the i premises in Ringwood. ill., or correspond with , d-tf J. E. CKISTY, Waupaca. Wis. Floating Target* of the Sea. Even the French and British war ships that patrol the Newfoundland coast during the fishery season do not escape the danger of icebergs, crowded with men and carefully navigated though th^ vessels are. The ice masses serve a novel purpose for the fleets all the summer through, being used as targets for big gun practice. When a specially formidable one drifts along past St John's a cruiser slips her moor ings and runs to sea after it, pelting It with projectiles until she fires away her allowance. It is one of the sights of St. John's, the endless procession of Icebergs of every size and shape that drift by day after day, charm ing the eye and cooling the summer atmosphere. Sometimes they ground In the harbor mouth, and prevent ships entering or leaving.--P. T. McGrath In McClure'g. Tk« Number Forty In the Bible. The rain that produced the flood fell for forty days and forty nights, and after it ceased it was forty days before Noah opened the ark. Moses was forty days on the mountain fast ing, and the spies spent forty days in vestigating matters in Canaan before making their report. Elijah fasted forty days in the wilderness, and Jo nah gave the people of Nineveh forty days in which to repent. The forty days' fast of Jesus is known to all readers of the New Testament. "DEAL ESTATE-1 have several desirable ^ pieces of property for sale in the villwge of McHenry and on the river, including resi dence property anil choice lots. If you con template making a purchase give me a call. It may be to your advantage. Jos. 11 EIMEU, 3-tf McHenry, III. F°" SALE--Second hand top buggy. Inquire of O. N. OWEN. . *-tf PROBA TE NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS A T McMillan & w to Geo W Ames, wW seX sec 15, Nunda, (ex cemetery) J3C81 00 Robert Ileuselgrove et al to I'olly A Dalton, lots 43-50, Turner's 1st addn Solon Mills 400 00 100 Fred L Herrling per admrto W J Over ton, It 3, Overton's tst addn Solon • Mills MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frederick C. Mutchow, 38 Harvard Anna Freese, 26 - Harvard Charles Wheeler, 21 Fontana, Wis. Ruth Buckler, 20 Fontana, Wis. John McQnaid, 25 Milwaukee, Wis. Mamie McCue, 19.... .Milwaukee, Wis. Don't forget the "want ad"colnmnt STRAWBERRY AND VEGETABLE DEALERS The Passenger Department of the Illinois Central Railroad Company have recently is sued a publication known as Circular No 12. In which Is described the Best Territory in this Country for the growing of early strawberries and early vegetables. Every dealer in such prod ucts should address a postal card to the un dersigned at Dubuque, Iowa, requesting a copy of "Circular No. 12." J. F. MERRY, Aug. 30. * A sat. Geu'l Pass'r Agent. HOLLISTER'S 3ocky fountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Modiolus for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. for Constipation, Indigestion, Live Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impur "I, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headach ' 'iackache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tat torni, 85 cents a box. Genuine made b\ • iM-IBTER Dnro COMPANY, Madison, Wis. 1 OEM NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Effectually Suspended. Only one dog has ever had the au dacity to enter parliament during the proceedings. A hundred years ago the iords were thrown into consternation by a dog's entry. Lord North was ad dressing the house, and the dog promptly proceeded to bark furiously at him. Lord North, considerably up set, moved that the member who was interrupting him Should be suspended. Thereupon the dog was driven out and suspended in such a manner that he never interrupted again.--London Opin ion. Special Dally Train Service via the North Wentern Line to the Botcliud denerva tion Opening. Three trains per day lgave Norfolk Junction, Neb., at 4:45 a. m., 12:55 p. in. aud 8:15 p. m. (starting from Omaha) for Bonesteel, the point for final entry, | situated directly on the reservation bor der, during the period of registration, affording ample and conveniently ar ranged train service with direct connec tions at Norfolk Junction from all points in the west and northwest. | Special excursion rates in effect from ; THE Woodstock Sentinel entered upon Us forty-n:nth volume last week. At no time in its interesting history has The Sentinel enjoyed a better patronage I points daily via the North-Western thau at the present t'ine Altho the Line, July 1 to 22, inclusive. Apply to ideas being worked out by Editor Wells nearest ticket agent of the Chicago & are new in country journalism, and the I North-Western R'y for Rosebnd folder. ^ ultimate results of the venture are in v;;|/_ doubt, we believe that success will crown the efforts of the hnstling Senti nel force. Being in a building es|>ecial- ly constructed for its needs, The Senti- Bel has every advantage for appearing as an ideal county seat paper. Mr. >&ir Wells devotes little space to personal "New Homes in the West." Jul 22 CASH GIVEN LION In Addition to the to Users of hh MMM MAM FFE Sar Free Premiums 'MUI '.90J£ No, Co. TO SECOND NATiOnr TOLEDO, OHIO. WOOLSON SPICE (Li onr Come) "How Would You ̂ Like a Check tike This ? W« Hm Iwardad $20,000. Presidential Vofi Contest -^'Pfce co. v-- ( ' Titr* « / r/rcAst/mr Cash to Lion Coffee users in onr Great World's Fair Contest 2139 people get checks, 213U more will get them in the am--;rn CONTINUE Those who are saining flesh ana strength by regular treat ment with Scott's Emulsion Should continue the treatment In hot weather; smaller dose and a little cool milk with it will do away with any objection which is attached to fatty pro d u c t s d u r i n g t h e h e a d e d season. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chtmlata, 40*415 Pearl Sireet, New V«rL joc. sod #1.00; all dnvgtatt. Mary had a little lad Whose face was fair to see. Because each night he had a drink Of Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W Besley. • Special Kedneed Excurslen Katea • Will be iii effect from all points on the Chicago & North-Western Railway for die occasions nnuied below: San Francitwp, Sept. Sth to 9th, Triennial Conclave Knights Templar. . San Francisco, Sept. 19th to 25th, Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. For information aa to rates, dates of *ale, etc , of these or other occasions, call upon the ticket agent of the North- Western Line. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen- ty-tive cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time nnhi-- other wise ordered. Try it. Five Lion - Heads cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a-cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the regular free premiums) to one vote. The a-cent stamp cov ers our acknowledgment to you that your estimate is recorded. You can send as many est! mates as desired. Brand First Prlie of <54)00.00 will be awarded to the one who Is nearest correct on both our World's Fair and Presi dential Vote Contests. We also offer 15,000.00 Special Cub Prltes to Grocer#* Clerks. (Particulars in each case of Lion Coffee.) What will be the total popular vote cast for President (votes for all can* dldates combined) at the election November 8,1904 ? In 1000 election, 13,950,653 people voted for President. For nearest correct esti mates received in Woolson Spice Com pany's office, Toledo, O., on or before November 5, 1904, we will give first prize for the nearest correct estimate, second prize to the next nearest, etc., etc., as follows: 1 First Jhrire $2,600.00 1 Second Prizs l.OOO.OO 2 i'rlses--S5GO.OO eaeh l.OOO.OO 6 Prises-- 200.00 " l.COO.OCL 10 Prises-- IOO.OO " l.OOO.OCT iSO Pri»ea-- 60.00 " l.OOO.OO HO Prizes-- 20 00 " l .OOiXOO 250 Prizes-- IO.OO " 2,600*00 1800 Prizes-- ti.OO " ©.OOO.OO ij.30 PF.:J;EB. T3TAL, $20,000.00 How Would Your Name Look on One of These Checks? Kvervbody uses coffee. If you w:M use t s f l P X Ion,'* enough to pet acquainted wi'h :t, convinced there is no othor such value l.«r the .noory. 'i'h-.-n y«'U v.ill take no otlnjr--and thnt's \i we are US! in; our advertising money so that both of us--you well us we--wilt get a benefit. Ilc»?ce AND CASH GIVE BOTH FKfcME Complete Detailed Particulars in Every f*ci?k.:go of ^ WE WOOLSON SPICE CO., you will T>e suited and •tw we advert ise. And ;..r y>>i-r i.ion Iieu4a PRIZES . L&/- TOLSBO OHIO. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS* We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to onr care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to onr custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage........ Honey to Loan M«y on real estate and other first class security. Spec ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE In First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully I PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. flankers IHeats! Professional, Society ̂ and Bxisinesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. . V ' pHYBICIAN, SURGEON AND OOULjjlF Office and residence corner -Slot IK Green street*, McHenry. •--. «• ^ . f g f a FEGEliS & FEGEUS OHYSICIANB AND SIJKGEONS McHearj. •- 111. Office nt 1 Ci-sidenee, corner-Jourt and Mm streets. Telephoned. f F. C. ROSS. D. D. ». Office over Peteseh's Drug Store. Alii. WORK PERTAINING TO MODKRN DKNT18TBT Office Telephone 284; Residence 208. Nitrous Ox id Gas for Extracting. Hours 7:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. SUNDAY WORK BT APPOINTMENT ONLY THE NEW DENTIST OH THE WEST SIDB DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN Office over Uoare from Beslev's Drug Store. 8:30 a. m. to 5:;<0 p. tn ARTHUR BREMKBN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUROBON (Dmitacher Arit.) Spring drove, Illinois. r FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables and^Fruit In Season. It IN my inteDtlon to give all customers the best service pos sible. 1 pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, tlius paying the lowest price.-:, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY, ILL. nnimmmniiMMiiii ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. BE5T OP TRAIN SERVICE. with Dining, Buffet-Library, Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains a ltecllning to the . direct WORLD'S FAIR ffiMt, dpjly, vestibule trains between Chicago & St. Louis leaving Chicago morning, noon, evening and shortly before midnight. Ample through and local sorvlce to St. Louis on it»numerous lines and branches in Illinois and ^Visconsin. Tickets account of the Fair at greatly REEUCED RATES On certain days in June Coach Excursions to St. Louis at ratpS less t han one fare for the round trip. Tickets and particulars as to spec!He rates, limits and train time of your liome ticket agent. Dec. 1. A. H. HANSON, G. P. A.. Chicago. KILL™. COUCH AND CURE THE LI)NCS Wl™ Dr. King's New Discovery FOR f w 0KSUMPTI0N Price 0UGHS and 50c &$ 1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LED, or MONlilY BACK. Geo. Meyers (Jeneral Teaming of all kinds. "Excavating and Oracling. ncHENRY ----- ILLINOIS. Telephone, Main 1714. LAHBERT Q. SENQ BUFFET Headquarters for McHenry and McHenry county visitors. Prank Keppler, John Scharrcs, 98 t iftta Ave.. Chicago. J Attendant* Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. Wut McHenry, lllliiii 0 McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT CpMPANY, OFKIOJS with American National Rank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of |fi00 to 110,000, time and payment tf suit uorrower. FRANK BVHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Graining, Calciinining and all Interior Deoorating. Telephone No. 304. MCHENRY, - ' - • ILLINOIS (RARlfS i FREIT Wholesale and retail dealer in I am in the Market For Beef Veal flutton Hogs and Poultry dive me a call iltf Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry • Illinois Jos. li. hucmaiin Johnsburgh, Illinois. sellH Corn ShellerH and Tread PowerH, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island PIOWH, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Snpplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. I am agent tor the above. We put the Rods on yonr Build ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more thau $500. Call and get full particulars. Oeneril Blacksmithlng Prices always Rusoaible iiiiiiiiniiniiiiinmiiniiUHHnimimmml Franklin Lightning Rod I fr** *** »»»»<-« cpt> fttlr tfrfr «•* #«« mtll tt( ec« Mttfe Harper * Rjye "On Every Tongue." * * ib * * ill * * * * ill * ill Handed down from sire to son; famous for three generations as Ken- * Jjj tucky's best; famous now as the best In the world. £ * SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. S + * A See Harper Whiskey Exhibit In Agricultural BalMIng, World's Pair, St. Loiila. \ Bast for Business J 61c a day Bsst fsr Resifaica It's, the P*rftct service that reaches tverytuktrt thafa why it's the greatest service -- the best for you. CHI0A80 TELEPHONE COMPANY