t ' f , " / '1 ̂ ~ * 'f . i" •' S • \ . - ' - \ . . i/> r* o I Why is it that Ayer's Hair Vigor does so many remark able things? Because it is a hair food-. If feeds the hair, puts new life into it. The hair cannot keep from growing. And gradually all the (dark, rich color of early life comes back to gray hair. "When I first used Ayer's Hair Vlfcor my ) air WH* about all gray. But now It is » i?i«;e , cli black. and *s thick as I could wish. -Mrs. Sihan Klopfbnstikn. Tuscunibla. bottl©. :• mrctsts. aMMBi for J. C. AT ICR CO.. f,oweji.' Mas*. Gray Hair Additional Loral*. ' ^ Chester Nogle of Williams 1 8[>endmg the week at the tfcir. !' m iac Filn OTcnn is cncndiriir th*» tner with-Tame* Green and family. f Mr. and Mrs. Ray Guy lord of Dela- vari, Win., are speuding the Jos. Draper's, I RIDQEFIKLll. 11 Thp Plaindeaier will be sent to any ! r>n trial thiw iiumlh# for - j ty-live cents, and will be discontinued .- at the expjra'tinn of riim*-. flniiw. nf.hrr ' wise ordered*. Try |tr'-. :v'r^" Rev. \V. IL Shelt w^ ift Nnnda Want Column All Mlvfrt following rail's wfeek at Thursday,. • ; Mrs. J. B. Lynch and children Miss Foley Mitw CaMtHraTw:^^ spending a few -weeksiwittf relatives in were ?:. Itie McElpnry PliindMler . i .-i.v : Ivr HLIS11 Kl> KVKKY THrUSUAY MY |THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER (OMPAKY. f "f9. W. A. ( KISTVi J.jt VKHKV. Pres. ' '*"\ Treas. '.' ' ' CHAS. D. SCHOOKMAKICR, Editor. Office in Bank Bt tiding. Telephone. No. 278. T'.i-: TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION; Sl-V Three months. 40cts. kir vrteyear months. TScts. Thursday, August 25, 1904. REPUBLICAN T1CKKT. For PreSi dent -- t THEODORE ROOSEVELT For Vloe Presldent- CHARLES W- FAIRBANKS Governor-- _ •Chaki.es S. Dsn ken. Lieutenant Governoi-- liAWRKSOK Y. SHKRMAS. Secretary of State-- J amks A. litis*. . , Auditor of Public Accounts--? Jambs A. M'OuljjAijoh. State Treasurer LEN SMUX. Attorney General-- • WIU.iah H. STUD. University Trustees-- CHAKLF8 PAVIDSOK, \V. L. Abbott. ' Mary K. Biset. , 11th District -n Howard M. SsAWi' Member State Board of Equalization*-- Geo. W. Eldreogk. State Senator Albert N. Tiffany. *iT, ••Jftwatoentatives. xth District-- h j? . Ekward I>. SHUBTi.trr, 1H Votes, 'i?ii Frank K. Covey. 1H Votes. V Circuit Clerk-- ,vw 1#?^ Theodore Hamer. State's Attorney-- Lobgmzo D. Lowell. Jr. Coroner-- Joseph S. M axon. Surveyor-- _ •,-W CHARLES H. TRYON. tliisr vicinity. ' Mr. Hiift Mrs. -'Peter^.ftsoriof Chicago sjtenf Saturday and Sunday with Green and family. Dri Emma Warren and Mrs. Fred Suiedley of Chicago spent a couple of days'at Rosedale" last'week. 11 Sayler Smith.of Part land. Oregon, is here assisting his father in exhibiting his tine Jerseys at the fairs, t*""- Misses Ethel and Jennie Smith de parted for their new home at Lents, Oregon, this (Thnrsday) morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rnxton and Mr. and Mrs, t'hae. Collins of (^hicvigo-were visitors at the hoine of. Mr. and Mrs. Jas Tireen. Mrs. Cottihg of Richuiond felebraled herjiinetT-ninth birthday Monday. She is well and enjoyed the calls of her friends very, much. AlK'"t sixty called n her. •. .. ? Mrs. J; Mv; Phftlin an^ dangh Wr, ESd: k, Mrs. W. J. Wek-li of Nnnda, Miss Anna Cahill of Chicago and Miss Bchia Foley of Cleveland started on Wednes day to visit relatives at Cleveland, O., and other eastern cities, and from there they intend to visit the world's fair.. A~ Full Menagerie of Xkijim* A story is told of a Chorokt^ woman, who married six times and pever got out of the animal line. When she was girl she was known as Miss Mollie Panther. She married an Indian nam ed Coon, and when that gentleman was transferred to the happy hunting ground she soon became Mrs. Fox. The Fox did not last always, and when he entered the last chase the widow married a mild, placid man named Mule, who never had any kick coming till he harnessed up to draw his load across the great divide. After a period of mourning the widow again entered the realms of matrimonial bliss and became Mrs. Wolf, and when his scalp went to the Qreat Father, along with his corporeal remains, she became the wife of a man named Tiger, and when Mr. Tiger changed his stripes for' a pretty White robe in the great beyond she selected another husband of the name of Rabbit.--Kansas City Journal. Democrats would swap their entire platform for a real live issue upon which to stand. *• Those who are real anxious to see the strikes broken should vote the dem c ticket this fall. With Parker in the chair and a majority in cotfgress there would be no cause for strikes. There might, however, be a riot in the attempt of ten men to get the same job - • 1." editorial published last week per "tafning to school matters and the labor law has created quite a stir among the thinking people who read it. So much so that the parents who unnecessarily keep their children out of school during the coming year will be single J ont and shamed by their neighbors. Do your .duty. . ' It was a commendable act for Mayor Story to pnt a ban on the sale of liquor to the Musgrove Bros. They had reached that stage when they could not know their own minds and were unfit for the society of man. They are still human being-, and, if properly cared for, might yet hu} jv life as hniuattB in t^uar de dining y ears. Hlatory of Child Slavery. It was not until 1811)' that faetory work for children under nine was pro hibited or that children between nine and sixteen were not allowed to work more than twelve hours a day. and it was not until 1802 that the law requir ed an apprentice to be provided with two suits of clothing, one of which was to be new each year. Notwithstanding this partial protection, wjien Mrs. Trol lop®, wrote the "Factory Boy" in 1840 It was illustrated by pictures of rag ged and emaciated children which would now be regarded only as gross exaggerations of the truth, but which then produced 110 adverse comment and were perhaps as influential in re forming the abuses they displayed as was "Uncle-Tom's Cabin" in calling attention to the evils of slavery.--New York World. >1 ixs Edith Holwiit of Richmond Is visiting at ChHs. Heeler's. Eiiioiy Kimball of McHtsliry visited his brother the hirst of the week. .-The receipts of the C. F- C, eutertHjn- tufut aud social amounted to $22. xi. L D11 field and E. Cadwallader were fishiug a Burtou's bridge Tuesday. Mrs French of Ringwood is visiting her daughter aud sons in this vicinity. Miss Maud Furn^y ' of Lake Geneva visited her annt and uncle over Suuday. A F. Davis was in Chicago Monday. . »Mrs. F. R. Jrtckiu;iU of Woodstock visited hfr parents, the lattei part of last week. ( . Mrs. Stephenson and daughter visited relatives at McHeiiry the latter part of last, week. « W. Reed and daughter are here from California, visiting the former's .parents and brothers. ; • • >-» , Several members of the Prohibition alliance attended the rally at Woodstock Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kimball are rejoic ing over the arrival of a little girl, born Saturday, Aug. 20. ; \ Mr. and Mrs Amos Keeler of ^Janes- ville visited the former's mother and brother Wednesday. Miss Mary Cooper and sister returned tof'their home in Coopersto n, N. Y., Saturday after a week's visit at the home of L. A. Walknp. ' You need clean, healthy bowels a- l^ucli as pure, wholesome food; with out either you cannot keep well. Hol- li^ter's Rocky Mountain Tea eliminates all impurities. Tea or tablets. 85 cents. G. W. Besley. Excursion Ttcket« to County Fair at Bel- vklere, III., Via tbfe North-Western Line, will be s >ld at reduced rates Aug. 29 to Sept. 2, injlusive, limited to return until Sept. 8, inclusive. Apply to .agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Sept. 2, Qtticfc Kelief for A"1 hn»a Sufferer*, . Foley's Honey and Tar affords imme diate relief to asthma sufferers in the worst stages and if taken in time will effect a cure. Sold by ti. W^ -Bealey, West McHenry. --r-r- i \ . •- Robinson tubular furnace for sale at a low price. Having remodeled my house I have no further use fpr the fur nace. Call and take it away now. Dr. C. H. Fegers. 8*tf 'Tis said a bottle and a glass Will make a person mellow; : But Rocky Mountain Tea's the drinlt That livens up a fellow. G. W. Besley. rcellUK Better, She--So your ides'.l jilted yon? He- Yes, but I am somewhat reconciled. 1 have since learned that she married hers.--Puck. Half the truth will very often amount to absolute falsehood.---Whately. r rail's: Hvc line* »r «.k- vt rent . , ;."f i;« •»!"• "•'•'R sutssfisaeut Murfc tlmn flrellnt'si, a liuv for tti^t and Sa Ilitt- tor ailUillunal iimt-i ttutia. thlo,J>ead at Mie - f.r-'t jpOlt S ALK - The l«-si |fi00 plnno Intown for #&>(); pract.U'aily lued- at our St fn«0 1>I t may be ,exam- >A*SON. f>l-tf ftp NT--Front Hat over Evauson's Inquire at store. Altt j^OR 8AI.K--Our home 011 the tilII, on liberal term*. . John EvAnson.. , ;M tf \XTOKK HORSES Ft)H. SALE-The under-' '* !>l|{iied has a few suhst.untlHl work hors es for, sale, wiiitrhinK from 1100 to 1400 pouuds. Will be sokl cliean and <'>n reasonable terms. 34-tf O F. K. Giianokr. Lots FOR SVLK-in Kc1I.<m's subdivision of block 18, frontinjr Uernian ratholle e.hureli. lii()uii-c at Kunk of Mcliei.ry, or of John tlueunuin. aseuts. 4s-tf l^OR SALE-The late home of J..W, Cristy, " de<'easeel, (•onslstlii'jr of about, Tifne acres of land and nood. comfort-able huildintrs in good , repair. I'riee, #4,(W. Apply at the premise* In.Kin>«WiK.«i, HI.,-oreorrespoiid with 3-tf J. E. Ckisty. Waupaca, Wis. "DEAL" ESTATE-:1 have several desirable pieces of-property for sale In the village of McHeiiry and on tin- river. Including resi dence property and choice lots. If you con template making a purchase give me a call. It may. be to your advantage. Jos. Hkimer, a-tf r , McWenry, 111. "n^OB SALE^-No.t family coiic, Si bred Jersey a1 rniiulre of IVL. Pike. Mc&enrJ. 5-tf tl^OR SALE-- At Fox Lafce. lots in beautiful " grove, north of St.. I'aul depot. for S200. .V ft front Hoj« 187, Grivyslake, 111. , • - s-3t» TpOR SALE OK 'RENT-The John Freund farm in Johnsburgh, ,1X4 iti-'res. New- buiWIIngs. Dwelling house in good condition, fine barn, pig sty. chicken House, etc. Call on N. J. J listen, Mclleiiry, or Nick L. Freund 011 the premises. • 9-tf XpOR SALE--Twenty acre farm in the town -E of Burton. Goi>d house .and barn on premises. Apply to Mrs. Martin. Adams. 9-4t TTHJR Rent A 300 acre farm, situated 2H miles east, of McHenry bridgeon Fox Lake road. About 50 acres wood. 50 acres plow. (H) acres timothy hay and the balance pasture land. Will rent for cash or oh sharesjind fur nish cows if necessary. Terms reasonable. John A. smith.' c, 9-tf LOST--Between Besley's store and John -. St off el's, light leather pocket book, con taining small sum of money and my cards. I'lea.se return and receive reward. Mas. Frank Hanly. Illinnu fnntra!D^ilrfUn(a Jl 1 III/ IlllilUIJ VLlliius fvunimju *jj. i/nHjli ^; NOTICE TO STOjCSaiOLpeRS, Public notice is hereby given tludTthe, regular aenntml meeting of the/Sto<-k- holders of the (lliuois Central Railrokd Company will be held «t the Company's office int Chicago, Illinois, on Wednes day. October 19. 1904, at twelve o'clock noon. " ' To|i»er»nit personal attendance at said meeting there will! be issued to each holder of one or more shares of the cap ital stock of the Illinois Central Rail road company as registered on the books of the cofhpatny at the close of business on-Tuesday, September 27, 1004, WHO IS a)F FULL age, a ticket enabling him, or her, to travel free over the Company's lines from the station on the Illinois Central Railroad nearest to his or her registered address to Chicago and re turn, such ticket to be ̂ ood for the jour ney to Chicago only dnring the four days immediately- preceding and the (iay of the meeting, and for the return journey from Chicago only on the day of the meeting, and the fonr days immediately following, when properly QDuntersigned and stamped during the business hours --that is to say between 9.00 a. in. and 5 00 p. in.--in the office,of the Assistant Secretary, Mr. W. G. Bruen, in Chica go. Such ticket may be. obtained by any holder oif stock, registered as ab^jje? on application, in writing, to the Presi dent of the Company in Chicago* Each application must state the FULL name and ADDRESS of the Stockholder exactly as given'in his or hejr Certificat«of Stock, together with the number and date of such CERTIFICATE No more than one person will be carried free in re spect to any one holding of ptock as reg istered on the books of the Company. A. G, Hackstaff, Secretary. Oct 19. This Bank receives llTIJTS Suu sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, &uu does a Mrs. C. H Jennings, Boston--"Our babies (ttvins) were sickly. Had several doctors, but no results. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea made^hem strong and robust." 35 cents. Teatpr tablet form. G, W.' Besley. The Plaindealer will be spnt to any address on trial three months for twen ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time nnless other wise ordered. Try it. BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS I KADI. mAnni Designs Copyrights Ac. Anrone (tending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent# •ent free. Oldest agency for securliifcpatents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive *1itcial notice, without eh urge, In the Scientific American. A Imndsomely illustrat ed weekly. I.nreest clr- cuiuf ion of any »oiei»»itic Journal. Terms, $3 a year ; four moiithB, |1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN i Co.3618""1*"' New York branch Office. 626 F SU Washington, D. C. ' STRAWBERRY AND VEGETABLE DEALERS The Passenger Department of the Illinois Central Railroad Company have recently is sued a publication known as Circular No- t2. in which is described the Best Territory in this Country for the growing of early strawberries and early vegetables. Every dealer In such prod ucts should address a postal card to the un dersigned at Dubuque, Iowa, requesting a copy of "Circular No. 12." J. F. MEHRY, Aug. 30. Asst. Gen'l Pass'r Agent.. Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. 9.05 am ..» 8.45 a m, 12.30 p m. 3.45 p m..... *1.20 pm . . . 5.01 p qa 8.00 a m.t... 9.10a m..... 2.02 p m Leave Mcllenry. +7.12 a m..:. 7.:W a m.l... s.xi am 5.24 p m 18.17 p m Effective June 1, 19W. .. -> ' WEEK DAY TRAINS. V northbound i^cWeTu-y . ... .Via Elgin :. 10.10 am . ..Via Pes IMalnes 10.10 a m • Via Elgin..: 2.45 p ni .. .Via Pes l'lalnes...... ..4.45 p m ....Via Don l'lalnes 3.WI p m ...Via Pes Plalnes ,41.40pm SUNDAY TRAINS. : .. Via Pes Plalnes 9/87 a m .. Vla'Pes Plalnes If. 14 a m Via Elgin 4.63 pm WEEK DAY TRAINS. --; SOUTHBOUND. Chicago. Via Pes Plalnes....... .H.S5 a ni ..... .Via Elgih. 10.10 a n. ....Via lies Plalnes 9.35am Via Elgin.. 7.00 p m ..'..Via-Pes Plalnes 7Ji5 p ni SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.30am..... Via Elgin a m 7.08 pm -vn.. Via Pes Plaines -- 8.85 p ui 7.51 p m. Via Elgin ..9.40 p m 'Saturdays only. tMondays only. •a-* WHAT DKMOCKATti ASK. n aeeepting the nomination of the People * party for president, Thomas E. Watson of Georgia made a caustic at tack upon the democratic nominee which sbowad plainly that kludge Parker likely t*> lose the votes of many Bryan Deiuoc^-ats. In dissecting the uianne in which Parker secured his nomination and the present attitude of the Demo- ccatic party Mr. Watson pointed out! thst the Democratic platform arid can didates practically are assuming the position of the Republicans regarding important issues and mades a strong point in the following words: - "It seems to me to be the most amaz ing piece of effrontery for the Deuio "eratic party to go before the American people and proclaim that for eight yeatv thev have been wrong and the Repub licans have lieen right, and tit "the «aint time demand that the crowd which has been wrong shall be pnt in the place- of those who have been Tight." This is exactly what the Democrat*- ipk of the voters in the present caui- paign, says the State Journal. In their platform and the declarations "of their candidates they have evaded some im portant issues in some instances and in ^Others have repudiated their own for »r position and attempted to assume tat occupied for four years by the Re piiblicans. In changing their own posi- , Boti regarding these isHues they admit V Ifiat they were in the wrong for the past right Vears, and yet they ask support becauskthey have seen a new light anr! lire no\%right as to some issues. In Mking fW the offices they demand, as A.r. Watfcm points out. "that the - ' erowd which has been wrong shall be p:f put in the i%ice of those who have been .right." ^ (. If tbis is no\what Mr. Watson calls / -' i|. a "most aiwazing piece of effront- ' "'wy," what woiflii be? EXECFTOR'S NOTICE. Estat-e of Cora Mabel Wilson, doc^scd. The undersigned, having been appoint<-d Executor of the last Will and Testament of Cora Mahei Wilson, dei-eased. late of tin- County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice "that lie will appear be fore the County Court of McHenry County, it the Court House is WoodstiK'k. at the )ctober Tern*, on the first Monday in Octobej- n"At. at which time all persons hi^vin^ •laiins against said estate are notified and requested to.attend for the purpose of haviuj; t he same adjusted. All persons indebted t< > aid estate are requested to make iqimediat psyrment to the undersigned. Dated this 4th day of August A. P. 1904. -3t Albert P. Early, Executor. AUDITOR'S MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the board >f anditors of the town of McHenry, '•xjunty of McHenry, and state of Illinois, will meet on the 6th day of Semptein- >er, 1904, in the town clerk's office in West McHenry, 111., at two o'clock p. m.yto audit any and all bills against "aid town and to transact such business that may come before the meeting, Bills against theNtown of McHenry may be left with the supervisor or with the undersigned. Dated at .McHenry this 17th day of August, 1904. Chas. B. Harmsen, Town Clerk. iwi mi ati'i % mmi BANKiita business. "We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan t on re&l etitate fend other first elass se curity. Spec ial attention | frotessionaJ, Society V j ' DAVID G. WEIJJi. M. to, A PHV8IOIAS.8UROEON A-NB * Office and residence corner Elm wM-.i Omen stilts, McHenry. 1 given^o collections...... INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, DR. R. (1. CHAMBKHI.IX " ^Qfflc^niid ReildMce over Besley* Drug Stotp. Notary Public. flankers meats! FRESH. SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables and Fi In Season. , &. It is my intertion to give all customers the best service pos sible. 1 pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. x A. C: MATTHEWS, west m 'Henry, ill. FEGERS Si FEGERS pHFSICIANS AND SURGEONS McHenry.' *• - III. Office at Residence, corner Oourt f*n« blrn streets, Telephone333. ' *;• N t } F. -C. ROSS.t). S. Office over Peteschil Drug Store. , ATX WORK PERT NINO TO MODERN DKNTiSTRf. , Office Telephone 284; Residence 808. Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. VvsjS --- flours 7s30 a; nr.- to 5:30 p. nr.~ *r 1 8UKDAY WORK BY APPOINTM)£NT -;vi .-•V 1-1'I ONI,* ^ ' . j - $ Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. WBBT McHBNRY. lLt,t ARTHUR BRBMKEN, M." D, i^HYSiCIAN AMD SURUEON (Deutcct^er ArsU .. Sprin^Orove, - ^ ' 'il % • • • I,: i' !lllnoi#«': Geo. Meyers (leneral Teaming of all ktrids. Excavating and Orading. rtcHENRY - - - - - ILLINOIS. I'/- Wedding |BmA Tbe Fl I#\f< ins at this ofiBoe. "mmi" CURES STOMACH JI 'hE body gets its life from A food properly digested. Healthy digestion means pure blood for the body, but stomach troubles arise from carelessness in eating and stomach disorders upset the entire system. Improp erly masticated food sours on the stomach, causing distressing pains, belching and nausea. When over-eating is persisted in the stomach becomes weakened and worn out and dyspepsia claims the victim. Thedford's Black-Draught cures dyspepsia. It frees the stomach and bowels of congested matter and gives the stomach new life. The stomach is quickly invigorated and the natural stimulation results in a good appetite, with the power ^thor oughly digest food. You can build up your stomach with this mild and natural remedy. Try Thedford's Black- Draught today. You can buy a package from your dealer for 25c. Tf he does not keep it, send the money to The Ohattanooga Medicine Co., Chaitanooga, Tenn., and a package will be mailed you. THEDFORD'S .BLACKDMUGHTj $50,000.00 CASH GIVEN AWAY to Users of • • w*. • - bh mm* wmm WKM LION COFFEE In Afidition to the Regular Free Premiums Wool&OIS SPICE tfo (LMOJV COPYTSE) "How Would Yoit like a Check Like Wo Havo Awanted $20,000.00 Presidential Vote Contest SECQWD XATIOXAIBANK TOLEDO, Vina. • ^rstSOQi WOOLSON ... v/ nm c/ ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. BEST OF TRAIN SERVICE. with Pining, Buffet-Library, Steepitig aiid Reclining C'nalr Cars on through trains direct to the WORLD'S FAIR 'V„- '- -K' ' - : : 4 ' -. r ^ • ^^'jlil^r^fevUbide'tiiiiai'^werai'--.'- Chicago & St. Louis leaving Chicago morning, noon, evening and shortly before midnight. Ample through and local service to St.. Louis on its numerous lines and branches in Illinois and Wisconsin. - Tickets account of the Fair at greatly REDUCED RATES ^ * On certain days in .fuhe Coach Excursions to St. Louis at rates less than one fare for the round trip. Tickets and particulars as to specific rates. Unfits aud train time of your nome ticket agent. •• Pec. 1. A. II. HANSON, G. P. A., Chicago. 2 U L L . T H E C O U C H C U R E T H E L U N G S AN0 WTH Dr. King's New Discovery m P FOR I 0NSUMPTI0N Price OUGHSaiid 50c * $1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and (iuxcisest Cure for all THBOAT and LUNG TROUB LED, or MONEY BACK. Telephone, Main 1714. LAHBERT Q. SENO BUFFET, Headquarters for McHenry and McHenry county visitors. Frank Keppler, Joha Sctaarres, 921 lfth Ave.. Chicago. Attendants Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFE Insurance Agen t for all classes of property in the best Companies. J- West McHenry, lllino!« da McHENRY COUNTY AB8TRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank., Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con* veyanclng. Money to loan 011 real estate la, sums of $500 to 110.000,'time and payment t(~ ' suit borrower, , . .,-.-,^311 FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Graining, Calcimining and all Interior • ' Decoratings - ^ ^ y Telephone No. 254. MCHENRY, - - - "ILLWOIS (HARLES 4 FRETI Wbolesule and retail dealer In,. I am in the Market For Beef ' Veal . rtutton Hogs and Poultry | Qive me a call '"f Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois Jos. H. Huemann 1 Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages,^Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty* Fnnklln Lipnint Rod Works! I am agent, for the al>ovo. We put the Rods 011 your Bulld- ingN ami should they be struck >>y llglit iiliiti we pay damages If 110 liiore than $500. Call aud t«t full particular*. General Biacksmlttiliig Prices diwdvs RedsooaDle Cash to Lion Coffee users in 2139 people get check our Great World's Fair Contest 2139 more will get them In-ilMi Five Lion-Heads cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a-cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the regular free premiums) to one vote. The a-cent stamp cov ers our acknowledgment to you that your estimate is recorded. You can send as many esti mates as desired. Grand First Prize of S5,000.00 1 will be awarded to the one who Is nearest correct on both our World's Fair and I'resi- --dentialVote Contests^-- --r--+ ~r^-- What will be the total'popular vote cast for President (votes for all can didates combined) at the election November 8, 1904? In 1000 election, 13,959,653 people v6ted for President. For nearest correct esti mates received in Woolson Spice Com pany 'S office, Toledo, O., on or before November 5, 1904, we will give first prize for the nearest correct ^estimate, second prize to the next nearest, etc., etc., as follows: We also offer J5,000.00 Special Cash Prises to tirocers' -Clerks. (Particulars in each case of Lion Co&ee.) 1 First Prise 1 Second Prize 2 Trlzes --$600.00 each 5 Prizes-- 200.00 " 10 Prizes - IOO.OO " SsO Prizes-- 60.00 " 60 Prizes-- 20-00 " SO Prises-- " CO Prises-- G.OO ** 1BOO Prises 2139 PRIZES, . $2,eoo;oo . 1,000.00 ... 1,000.00 ;.. 1 .coo.oq. .. . l.OOO.OCT ...1,000.00 •. ..i.oooloo .: 2.50o1fro ......; .....f.-- . 9,000.00 Tfff'At. $20,000.00 How Would Your Name Look on One of These Checks? Everybody uses coffee. If you will uso WFFftfe' lonar enoti^h to jyet acquainted with it. you will be suited and convinced there is no other such value for the lrones. Then you will take no other and that s why we advertise, W0 arc using our advertising inoitev that both of us--you as well us wc -will get a benefit. Hence for your MAwi CfJTflfZP ~ WE GIVE BOTH FREE PREMIUMS AND CASH PRIZES - Complete Detailed -particulars in Every Package of -- LION WOOLSON 8PICE CO., (CONTEST DEP'T. i •• TOLEDO, OHIO. Ha.rper R-ye * S * i * * ift * I Kentucky's most famous and best; the w orld's most famoaa and * - ® beat) the whiskey that has girdled the gl#k» J- i SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. * See Harper Whlfkey Exhibit In Agricultural Building. World's Fair, St. Louis MOn Every Tongue." f: At Your Finger Tips Is th« instant control of your business If you install IT REACHES EVERYWHERE 9# pants ajlfgr wll |q far It CHIOAflOtELEP •. .. 'is 1. -Lvi",-'., s'Ak