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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1904, p. 5

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j AMniJNmoN i will boon be in great demand by.sportsmen «bi Jhunters generally. f f There are many brands of amutlitfon In shells, powder, shot and f 5 There are many brands of amuaitfon in shells, powder; *&ot and cartridge*, lint we handle the ' V BEST BRANDS ONLY ( including the famqns WinchesteT ftrttcJes. Oor { < ^ A OSriUN BROS., HcHENRY, ILL. J General Hardware, ----Dry Goods, Shoes-- Notions. ^ TIN WOR.K OR ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRJCES ^ IFRUITS and VEGETABLES | g The, most complete Ifrte in towii. ggf.r Everything Fresh, Nothing Stafe, : • •; - & '• 4."'S , « v * u $ :*•' «6 $ § JOHN STOFFEL | •tMMN-- l>l»IH I >»MH» Miller's Clothing! The -best money can buy. Fall line of 'Suits just received, for men,boys and youths.^ latest styles, new weaves and patterns at prices, to suit your purse. Call and convince yourself by inspecting our line. Fall styles in Men's Hats just arrived. Frank Schumacher, Spring Grove, Illinois.. STOVE TALK! It is a 111111- early to set up your heating stoves, but none to early to prepare them for the setting up. If you know your Stoves to be needing repairs send us word we will get what you require, do the necessary work on the stove and have it ready for the first cold spell. Don't put it off until you are in need of the stove. . You have tried that before and know how it goes. If you are in need of a new Stove remember that our store ys the place for you to come to make your purchase. WE HAVE ALL KINDS BUT THES'OOR KIND West Side Hardware. 9 and having bought them right will sell them accor­ ding! y. Now it is up to you to save dollars, on a STOVE DEAL. ! N E I G H B O R I N G . N E W S H I i i itr ' * iiir * Timefor good work We do repairing up to date at prices that will please you. Ring 522. 3. . m § m m ; $ m HERBES, - - PLUMBING. * ***4444***** ****** ******************* * • [ Chronicled by d\ir Able Corps of Correspondents SI'IUNU HKOVK. [People of Spring 'irove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Haiudeal- er may leave their order and mouey with Raymond, Moss, our correspond­ ent. = The subscription price is $l.r>0 a year or 75 cents for six months. ED.] Ore Leedon of Chicago spent Monday at Win. Jauie&". E. V, Or vis of W^nkegAn spent Sun­ day in the Grove. • • > . Lewis Nulk left here for North Dakota Tuesday evening. . ^.Mrs. Anthony Schaffef wte » Rdund Lake visitor Sunday. ' '• -J- ; John Karls is moving his household goods, to Johneburg. - , , ; Mrs. Say lea of Fox Lake traded in Spring Groye. Tuesday, - James Welch of Burlington visited in Spring Grove Sunday. Katie Nett of Wilmot visited Mrs. Richard Ox toby last week. ; Edward Welcfi of Wankesha spent Saturday and Sunday here. Ed Robbius and ;jvife of Richmond visited at John Cole's Snnd&y. 7 ~ * Kirk Crane and Earl Monear of Solon • were Grass Lake visitors Sunday. •• * Misses Kitty and Hattie Wesjtlake visited at James Westlake's Sunday. Mrs. Andrew Huff and Mrs. Frank Wayner spent Saturday at Round Lake. Pearl a^d.FJ"relict; Fadden of. Salem are visiting in Spring Grove and Grass Lake. , „ * . Roy Bnngard of Hebrniu, visited at the home of Selitn Pierce several days last week. Fay Small of Ringwood has -been se­ cured to teach the giatnmar room in our school. . - , Mrs. Isabella Neish is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. John Bell at Ringwood. Frank Hatch and daughters, Misses Edith and Alice, spent this week at the St. Louis fair. Mrs. Libbie Hunter and Mrs. Kilbourn of Richmond were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Sarah Wilson's. Stanley Rauen,. little eon of Jake Rauen, who is visiting his grandpareuts, broke his arm Tuesday, Mr. and Mr$. A'lex Anderson ate re­ joicing over the advent of a little daugh­ ter to their home on August second. c Mrs. James McLean, «on, Norman, and daughter, Margerite, spent the first of the week with her husband here. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Mafr tin Thelen died at Round Lake Satur­ day afternoon, being but a few days old. Several of the friends of Paul and Lynn Neish surprised them last Satur­ day evening and a f-trewell party was given. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Richardson, Mrs. Robert Esh, Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby and Miss Ada James attended the meeting of the English Prairie Cemetery Aid Society at the home of M$s. Harry Os­ mond at Antioch last Thursday. School starts September twelfth, and with Mr. Fay Small as principal and Mrs. Marian Overton as primary teach­ er we feel assured that they will do all in their power to make the coming school year a success, and with the hearty co-operation of the patrons we look for the best of results. The.Misses Edith and Alice Hatch en­ tertained several friends at a pleasant party Saturday evening. Progressive crokinole and other games were Indulg­ ed iu and dainty refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Ella and Edna Richardson, Hellcn Moss Grace Wheeler. Alice Toompson, Le- Roy Cole, LeRoy Thompson, Glen_ Esh and Raymond Moss. I •lOHXSIUTltGH. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty tiv»' cents, and will be discontinued ;*t the expiration <ii that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. M iss Katie Pitzen is visiting a few days in Chicago. William Niesen of Chicago is spend tng a few weeks hwre. Mrs. Britz came hfttUefrom Chicago and Mat Bauer accompanied her. Miss Lena Michel* and her godmotb er, Mrs. Freund, were„at McHenry Mon day. ; ' •_ ": Mrs Jos. Botherm'el^and children and Miss Lena llichel^ and Miss Liltle Freund visited at Jos. Michels Tuesday . 'Mrs. Joe H. Hnemann, Mrs. Peter Britz, Mrs. Britz, and Mrs. Geo. Nell and children visited at Peter NeisenV Sunday afternoon., Mr. and Mrs. Peter . May and family of Spring Grove and Mr. and Mrs, Wil­ lie Britz and son of Volo visited at Pet er Britz' Sunday. ^ The following girls had a little party: Misses Rena Michels, Martha Mertes, Susie Michels, Lizzie Mertes, Annie Mertes, Annie Meyers, Dena Freund. Katie Schumacher and Maggie Hue m&nn, and they positively had a good time.4'" . • If yon are looking for a good com Tortable home the sale of the late home of J. VV. Cristy, deceased, will be of in terest to .yon. Ajiply at tlie premises in Ringwood. 111., or write to J. E Cristy^ W *n4>Hca, Wis.. 3 tf >l Bridle Crip <m^'t be "made in this Stole, li* fact^ trips'* of any kind ^re impossiole. Every 'art!cl6 in "'this' stock of Harness and Horse Gbods 4s-of the quality that precludes the possibility of mak­ ing an unsatisfactory purc'has^ ' Prices are adjusted with the utmost-care. No one can complain that we do not jrivc e^eellent value. GUS. CARLSON. McHENR_V HAHUKVILLK. Thompsim spent Saturday in Tho8. Nnuda. Mrs S. Hanson is eutertaining friends from Chicago. r • Floyd Thompson is visiting his moth­ er at Lake Zurich. ' * Royal Gracy spent the latter part of last week in Chicago. Ray Merchant attended a party jit Ringwood Monday evening. Eddie Nelson of Chicago js visiting his friend, Rol>ert Thouipson. Miss Maggie Ward of Me Henry ftpfcBt last week at E. Matthews'. Henry Simon and Claude Matihewe were in Chicago one day last week. Walter Harrison and sister, Lena, of Ringwood spent Sunday at I. N- Mer­ chant's. Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh of McHen­ ry were calling in this vicinity Monday evening. Miss Virgie Sheppard of Chicago has been the guest of Miss Isa Matthevvh the past week. Misses Lizzie Ames and Clara Thornp son called at Henry McMillan's at Hol- cotubville Monday.; ^ Mrs Adelbert Whiting and Mrs. E% Whiting called on Mn. 1. N. Merchant Wt^lnesday eveuing. Mrs. Lee Lock wood and children and Edna Colby have gone to Chicago for a couple of weeks' visit with friends. Misses Mary Gibbs. Anna Frisby and Frances Fleming spent Tuesday afternoon with Miss Clara Thompson. James McCanuon of Greenwood and cousin. Miss Candice Mansfield of Rock- ford, spent Sunday at I. N. Merchant's. Robert Thompson, who has been vis­ iting his mother at Lake Zurich for the past six weeks, returned to his home hf»re Monday. •* TW Plaindealer will be sent to any address«n trial three months for twefl- ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. S P H ! ! I P . ! A E f : E r ? ̂ I & ft P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT .SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF if . / Dressed Beef, ilutton, Hogs, Veal. Poultry, j 5 " ,/ Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs . ^ ^ This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price 1M» furbished on | apphCHtl°n* --r €©fcO STOItAdE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ?s; st»ll I 4 3, Fultoa 11^- ijs WkotcMte Market. . DRUOOIST. a ICE CREAM IN ANY QUANTITY. Photography for the AMATEUR at Half its Former Cost American JR. C A M E R A $1.60 With Double Plate Holder The famous Poco, BucK-Eye and Cameras. G e n u i n e l y g o o d i n every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. Our facilities enable us t© furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met, Send for illustrated catalogue telling a 11 about our 27 styles and sizes. Free. 5 POCO AMERICAN CAMERA MFG. CO. > 946 St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. CO rci -±r\- PA UK. W. K. Burns spent Snnday and Mon­ day with his family here. „ , Robt. E. Sutton spent a few days re­ cently with Elgin relatives Mr. and Mrs. G. Bremer fcre enter­ taining CbicHgo friendH this week. Miss Alice SutUm of Elgin is en joying H week's vacation at her home here. Mrs. Heaney wtnt to Chicago Satur­ attend the funeral of a friend. Harvey and Arthur Moore returned to the city,with their aunt Wednesday. Harry Bending and friends of Chicago spent Wednesday at H. Bending's cot­ tage. John R. Smith and family have been entertaining Chicago friends the past week. Misses Anna Frisby and Mary Gibbs visited Miss Clara Thompson Tuesday aftennK>u. < Messrs. John and Paul Armstrong o» Chicago spent Sunday with their fam­ ilies here. Mrs. John Tlnck and daughters spent n few days the first of t he week with frieuds in the city. Miss Elsie Howe of McHenry and cousin. J as. Colby, visited, at the Burns cottage Saturday. Miss Emma Weber of Chicago is vis­ iting her friend, M re. Chas, Berkircher, at her home here. D. W, Hill has been quite sick at his cottage the past ten days,* being unable to go back to work. Mr, and Mrs C Bremer and guests visited Geo. Schade and family at Gris- wold Lake Tuesda Mrs W. C. Thei *s and daughter, Or- rel, of Elgin visits 1 Miss Nancy Frisby the first of the we k. Mr. and Mrs. li. W. Hill and daugh­ ter, Miss Laura, .vent to the city Wed­ nesday for tew <'ays. Miss Maggie Powers of Chicago is spending a few weeks with her oousin, Miss Margaret Aylward. Miss Margaret Cleary and nieces, "May and Celia Aylward, visited at R. J. Sutton's Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ed. Knox's friends will .be glad to hear she is recovering very nicely om her recent severe illness. Miss Mabl Powers returned to her hrome in Elgin Saturday, after spending A week with Miss.hncy Sutton. ' Many from this viciuity are attending the fair at Woodstock this week and bringing back favorable reports. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cohan and family returned to their home in Chicago last Saturday, after enjoying several weeks' outing here. Mis* Irene Frisby returned to her work in McHenry this week, after spending a few weeks at her home here, where she very pleasantly entertained a,number of friends one evening recent- Puts an End to^fAll. A grievous wail of times comes M a result of unbearable pain from over­ taxed organs. Dizzness, Backache, Liv­ er complaint and Constipation. But thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put an end to it all. T'hey are gentle but thorough. Try them. - Only Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, N, H. Petesch, McHeury, G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, druggists. VOLO. Mrs. Kate Waite entertained relatives from Gurnee part of last week. Miss Rose Hnson is visiting relative^ and friends in Chicago and Elgin. .£-> **' Mrs. G. Eatinger and little Laura are visiting relatives at Delavau, Wis, Peter Stadtfeld and Ray Paddock took a trip to St. Joe. Mich., Sunday. ^ A party from here took a trip to the lotus beds at Grass Lake last Sunday* •Work has been commenced on the foundation for the new M. £. church. Will Montgomery, wife and son, Roy, were guests at Theo. Worts' last week. Miss Jennie Smith of Alden visited Will Dillon and wife last Wednesday and Thursday. G. H. Gurler and daughter, Beatrice, of DeKalb yisited at W. M. Huson's Thursday and Friday. Miss Hellen Raymond returned home Saturday from a two weeks.' visit with relative^ and-friends in Elgin:- Foley"* Kidney Care Will cure Bright's Disease. Will cure Diabetes. Will cure Stone in Bladder. ! Will cure Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure all dis­ eases arising from disordered kidneys or bladder. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHeury. u Spoctnl R»«lu««d K*»ur»l*» K»tM Will be in effect from all points on the Chicago & North-Western Railway for the occasions named below: San Francisco, Sept.' 5th« to 9th, Triennial Conclave JKnights Templar. ,gan Francisco, Sept. 19th to 25th, ^ Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O, O. For information as to rates, dates ofr sale, etc , of these or other occasions, call upon the ticket agent ofi the Notth- Western Line. , - ' " • Leave your orders for dye work Anything from a feather to an overcoat. Opposite Riverside. 4Wf Sf. j : • . • • • J S ' . - r - • -i [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn- i er. The subscription/ price is #150 sr vear or 75 ceuts for six months. Ed.] Iionie Turner visited at houie SundAy Fred Thorne, of LiWrtyville' cam* home Snnday. Miss Ulant'he C\tri|ish to visiting her nurt iu A-utiix n. . ; .. Frank Jolio.Miott of RIcluu'ond visited at Jas. T. Hodge's Monday. Irving OyerU'ti of English,. called oh his mother Sunday. Mrs. Frank Coates and two children were Ringwot>d callers Saturday. Mrs. John Sutton has returned from a visit to uer daughter at Algonquin. Mrs. Geo. Frey and son, Charlie, havt returned* to their home in Liberty ville. E«lwin Johoniiott aud wife are'visit ing at the home of the foriner's parents. Miss Kitty Westlake of Michigan was a guest of Misa Hattie Westlake last week. Mrs. John Merrill is/not improving in health much. Dr. BreEuhen is a daib caller. Mrs. Dodge and daughter of Ring wood were callers at Mi 8. H. J. Chris tian's recently. -~ Mrs. Blackburh and daughter have been visiting at the home of the former s cousin, Mrs. Win. Overton Mesdames Will Beck aud W. Buchan­ an were visitors of Mrb. Wm. Turmr Sunday and attended church in the afternoon. Geo. W. Turner has just finished* put­ ting on 700 bunches of lath for the ice company at Twin Lakes in twelve days- and has two other large buildings to lath. Those who attended the meeting-of the cemetery society at Mrs. Harry Os mond's at Antioch last Thursday art- Mrs. Amelia Turner, Mrs. R. L. Turner, Mrs. Will Overton, Mrs. Blackburn, Mrs. Will Campbell. SUPPORT SCOTT'S EMULSION serves as • bridge to carry the weakened and itarved system along until it can find Arm support in ordinary food. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemist*, H&iic PearUStreet, New Yonu goc. 4Iul >l o° • ^ druggisU. HOLLISTER'S locky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioiae for Busy People. " Brings Health and Eenewed Vigor. I'wiflc f.iifO'>nstiiMilion. Imlitrestion, Live Ki'iiu-y Troubles, Pimplfs. Kczema, Impur- ,4. Hail Breath, Sluyirish Howels, Heaitaoli K:u:kaohe. It's Kooky Mountain Tea In tai ttn'in, 85 c^nta a bo*, (iomiine made by .LUSTER DRI'Q COMPANV, Madison, Wis. LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Cut to 7 Southwest f \ A , rma *33 Cht^jylo to California, one way, daily, Sept. L ^45 to Oct. 15. . Grood in Tourisirsleep- ers, berth rate extra. *20 CHicaga to Oklahoma, Indian Ter. and Texas: round-trip ujr, 23, Sept, 13 'M^S-tirst-clas s, three s return limit. "I ( • |( l}icago to Pecos ValMyt?^««w Mexico. ^Sarrie dates as tlie • tkUiiipma- rate. For further COOK OM BLADDER TROUBLES • Bladder troubles make life miserable til those who suffer from them, and nnledS they ara promptly overcome they are cei* tain to cause serious conditions. Inflanic mstlon of the bladder is becoming mod and more common and when neglected H develops ulceration and this may be fol* lowed by perforation and death. The lrri» table cuuditlbn that demands frequeiat evacuation during the night as well as day time, Is a source of great mortification ami dlscomcomfort to old and young. v Dr. Cook, of Chicago, an authority kidney and bladder troubles, says: "It is impossible to find a single ageii that is a specific for this class of trouble^ because there are so many different stnMK tures involved in the organs. However we are able to combine the best known remedies and obtain most excellent r*» suits. The preparation known as FOLBTII KIDNET CU»* is all ideal eomblnatiolk I use itexenslvely in my practice and flu! It can be employed successfully in evefy form of kidney and bladder trouble." FOLI 'S KIDNBY CUKE is an honeil preparation. It Is not a decootlon of sonfet hitherto unknown root or herb claimed H be a cure-all. Common sense tells m that such preparations have but little ti any value. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB CO*» tains all the best known agents used h| kidney and bladder specialists combined in a manner that renders them most effe» tlve and pleasant to take. In even the mod hopeless cases Its use gives relief an! when taken in time cannot help but curt every form of kidney or bladder troubl* G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. • ' I' jt ' : • - • "t'&i '•A MiiiiiBinmiiimmtt formation, ask f - J. M. CIWNELL, Agent A. T. & sTl), Ry.. Chlceyo Oct. 7. 04. Have you tried special blend of Coffee Golden Rio ..and FANCY PEABERRY at per pound' at Gilbert Bros. Sam­ ples free. We*-say, and YOU will agree with us A I ter u using, that it can not be eqnaled;for drink­ ing qualities in McHenry Call and get ..Sample. % Gilbert Co TELEPHONE NO. 271 R. H. OWEN ; llaaoa lor aak* and reat; Tunlug aud trig at rvjisotiabte Fltstt ei*8» Worfc «atjr- ilcHKKBY, - •p: ....... J

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