I;.-"' - V - '• - J , - - ' : J ; - ^ ' ' ...» For sale WiwUi& iiiSg^ the weaker of The: best Shoe fver sold for $3.50 A proved fact. West McHenry, % ^ INTRODUCING . I - - I in men's tailored Clothing and clearing Summer Costumes. Beautiful display of fall styles in tailored Suits. About 10CH) samples to select from. Several Very Attractive New Styles (ml 4^7-: will be added to our display of women's tailored Suits. Every new line received in these dis plays adds greatly to their high character and exclusiveness. Our facilities for rapid delivery 4I- .make it possible for us quite frequently to give first introduction to the smartest new designs of the world's best tailors. . recent arrivals which usually low. Some of the very been priced un- McHenry, III. J. D. L0DTZ. !•!£ The Elite Skirt. SP- w,* If/;, id' A NEW INVOICE JUST RECEIVED. $ 1 . 0 0 t o $ 2 . 7 5 . Ladies' tJnderwear, desirable for economists 4$*&7£c ('Colored Shirt Waists; worth1 np to $1.25, your choice'@ . >••..•> • . .-v-;. 36c *r White Shirt Waists, Worth up to $2:25, your choice® 95c > 25 doz. extra value Ladies' handkerchiefs, each 5c Toil du Noid Ginghams, @. 10c Douglas pat. leather Oxfords 2.65 Ladies' Strap Sandals 88c Heavy all-linen Crashes, per yd. 7c p;v^ v Boys' Washable Pants, 4 to 15 yrs.. I. 19c j|| Rosenblatt's Over4ll$ also. Come to the BARGAIN FEAST | ; N O W ! C . E V A N S O N . CONVENTION DEADLOCK. «r*n*A The Democratic senatorial convention rtt Belvklere two weeks aj»o resolved it self into« deadlock similar to that of two years ago. The delegates convened at two o'clock in the afternoon and took sixty-six ballots without making a nom ination. Each ballot resulted in the ~! froiti McHenrjvf^ ,p«b> mond, 22 from Lake for> Gibbine and 8 from Boone for Dooley, ea&h county sending by its choice* M. H. Hnssey of Lake presided over the convention with T. F. Burns of Boone as secretary. T. J. Walsh of Mc Henry presented the name of Wm. Des mond, Geo. Rogers of Waukegan that of Gibbins and James Lyons of Belvi- dexe the Boone delegate. Finding o\jt after balloting until after &ve o'clock ̂ hat they were no nearer a nomination than when they first con vened, they decided to take a recess for two weeks, to meet at Harvard. This was carried by a unaniinoiis vote, but after they bad left 'fclte hall it was're called that both the Boone and Lake county fairs would be in session the •week, to which they, took a recess and then there was some skirmishing on the part of the delegates from th«se coun ties to put the matter oft' for still anoth er week, September waa agreed to." V -W kr. Desmond is very well satisfied witn the outlook, says the Harvard Her ald. iie is more than ever convinced of winning out. He has a devoted lot of followers, who are more ardently in fa vor of him than"Wer and they h»ve the utmost faith in his iiltimate triumph. They base their conclusions on his un questioned strength iu his home county and the fact," also, that he is a strong second choice in both the other counties Iu Lake there is an especially friendly feeling towards him. so all the circum stances seem to warrant the prediction that he' will land the nomination at the meeting of the delegates in Harvard* THREE JUROtfS CURED Of Cholera Morbus with One Small Bot tle of ChMiiiberlHiu'H Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keinedy. Mr. G. W. Fowler of Hightower, Ate., relates an experience he bad while serv ing on a petit jury 111 a murder case at Edwardsyille, €lerbonrne county, Ala bama. He says: '"While "there I ate some fresh meat and some souse meat and it gave me cholera morbus in a very severe form. I was never more sick in my life and Pent to the drng store for a certain cholera mixture, but the drug gist sent me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy instead, saying he had what I sent for, but that this medicine was so much bet ter he would rather send it to me in the- iix I was in. . I took one dose of it and was better in five iuiuutes. The second dose cured me entirely. Two other ju rors were afflicted in the same manneri' and one twenty-five cent bottle cured- the three of as." For sale by all drug gists. * A Great Sporting; N'ew# Journal. The illustrated special sporting sec tion oi The Sunday Record Herald thor- oly deserves the attention of every one interested in sporting news. It is always beautifully illustrated and em braces four full pages, covering with thf thoroness that satisfies to the utmost tbe whole realm of sports. Base ball news, racing news, bowling news, cycling news, pugilistic news, golf news, yachting news--all the sporting news is <>iven with the greatest degree of full ness and interest The sporting-page of. tho daily issues is also exceptionally popular--^a self-evident fact to those who have noted the general vogue of The Chicago Record-Herald among sporting men. ' Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, i;; brief, was the condition of an oid soldier by name of J, J". Havens, Ver sailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doctors no.- medicines gave him relief. At U-ugtb he tried Electric Bitters. It put him on his feet in short order and now he testifies, "I'm on the road to com plete recovery." Best on earth for Liy- er ;tnd Kidney troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only •"inc. Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, N. II. Petesch, McHenry, G. W. Bealay, W. McHenry, druggists. - Wedding invitations at'this office. OUR ONLY NONENTITY. >Tuu» Ilnil*. «»» >ti| The Viee-Prtesident is the only official nonentity in our system of government. He is elected for four years , to loaf around the throne and wonder what is going to happen. Incidentally he pre sides over the Senate when in session if he feels like it, but is not a member of Iwuj tUiiI l*cu> uu sputtkiuH acq u tit us ance with any suject before it The Senate makes its own rules and con strues them, an'I tbe Vice-President is presumed to commif this fact to mem ory. Be has no patronage, no voice in public affairs, no seat at the council tablej--no push nor pull anywhere in the scheme of government--brt is like a second husband agreed on in advance and held in suspense and suspicion, who as a matter of taste mnst not obtrude himself upon the marriage feast nor the bridal tour. His business is to keep still. He is the great American clam, and is held in escrow pending conditions which it is hoped will never occur to make him shuck himself and come out in the open. Though he be a man of parts, his political position is a < trityfaph o f n o n e n t i t y ; • ' . - - v v - . A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. With family around expecting him to die attd a eon riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown of Leesville, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every nignt." Like marvelous cures of Consumption* Pneu monia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip provtNta matchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's, N. H. Petesch's, Mc Henry, G. W. Besley's, W. McHenry, drugstores. \ Five dollars for $2.50 in good grocer ies at Gilbert Bros.' this yreek. Look afc the ad on another page, f W*> M?* for a long tinja advocated ilia uamiug of the farm and having the ni&me displayed on the barn or house so that it might be read from the rOad. One of our exchanges has the following to say on the subject: "It is a great convenience iu driving through the country to see the names of the farmers on their mail boxes by the roadside. The man should be personal- 1v idenMHprl with Lu farm* Ev«u if there is no business to transact with the fanner at the time ,or in the future the passer-by takes an interest in this place or that as he sees the nat= ural beauty, improvements, manner of farming, keeping up the premises, flocks, herds, etc., and he would like to know who is responsible for that sort of place. He may meet the farmer in the future, see his name in print or hear it mentioned and it will increase interest in both the farm and the farmer to be able to associate the two As the paint wears off the mail box the owner's name becomes verv dim to read and should be renewed in plain black letters. .Wheth er the farmer lives on a • mail route or not it would be a very nice thing to put up a sign Riving-the name of the farm er, and if he be a tenant to also give the name of tbe owner of the place." 3 PHOTOGRAPHER'S WEST McHENRY, ILL. i near the standpipc. ^ makes everything known in the a business from a tiny locket to n i life-size, crayon. None but first- » class work allowed to leave studio F Portraits and Out-<loor Work, ^ Copying, Enlarging and Pram- M ing. Developing and Finishing i for Amatuers. Photo Buttons & * Jewelry of Every Description. -- ^ Some attractive novelty presented $ with every dozen photos. Victors A welcome. » \ |HN arc ̂ different I Some are built with the rate proportions ̂ of Apollo arid others are manufactured on the lines of * Court Jester! No two men are cast from the same mould. If they were, there would be absolutely no use of having clothes , t - *. made to measure* We would take up the sale exclusively of teady made clothing but so long as one man has * inch and another a 27, together with a barrel-like form, we will continue to do business with the tape measure. Even men of close fesemblance 2n height and form, get away from each other some where. It may be only a half inch Of even less, but no matter how little it may be it is always enough to make a difference, r and differences in men make it imperative to have different clothes , and the only way to do that Is to get 'em built to suit you. I^Ve do the measuring for The International Tailoring Co* If yo* haven't heard of them, it's time you had. M^J. Walsh, West flcHenry, III. | All Kinds of Sdiool Stationery! j Tkbktsr.. . IC to IOC* Pencils.... IC to 5c. ...Pewn^&ncil Boxes, Crayons, Rulers, Pencil Holders, Etc., at the Variety Store. i 4 * -fc. x ou can mane a decided saving in the course of a year hy buying goods of us. You save in* the price paid and the quality of the goods saves in wear. , We defy *11 competition in ARE ARRIVING F A . B O H L A N D E R f LUMB fhe MiMing^ g^ason is here and so^re we with - a , • • . * everything neccessary in building a house. Let us I figure "with you when you get ready to build, it will cert^&Jy pay you to do so. . We ^arry a -comtr Sash, Doors, Blindf, BajQd: ing P«^f^€©Baent, FEED DEPAftl'MENTl ^ ' - Qur Feed Department is also complete in ever^- Retail, having been itt'the'-'fansinaiift. pft lopg know the exact wants of the people. White Swan Flour is the kind we handle and the na^ie speaks itself. ' .. •,' WILBUR LUHBER CO. I llcHENRV. ILLINOIS. | 1 flrrrFTrf prrrrrrr rrrrcr" npfrrrrr nnrnrnnnr,iv7v>nr nrrnrrm <vvvvT^nfTinnr*vvvT»nnr^ nr A A A A A A A A A »T» «•» A »T« A A »T« *T* .T« of all kinds for business and private purposes. Awnings nicely lettered if you wish. We also have a nice and com plete line of Windo^v^ScTreens and Screen Doors which we put up on sHoft notice* , *: Jacob Justen «I> t|» 'I' 'I' >1' 't1 't' 'I' 'I' '1' 'I1 'I' 'I' '3> •!' <t< €> 't» f • Extra large size Ladies Vests, 250c quality at...... 1 .10c CHILDREN'S Patl JACKETS Children's half length fall Jackets, tUe box coat style; With large cape collar, neatly trimmed with braid and feuttonst: large bell sleeve .villi, -4>nly*Mr« ...... .i • v«fr Children's full length box Coats with large, handsome tab collar trimmed with fine silk braidu? a a n d g i l t b u t t o n s , l a r g e l ^ e l l s l e e v e v w i t h c u f f , j u s t t h e t h i n g f o r . w e a r , 0 . . . • • • • . . . • WE ADVISE COMPARISON ON THESE GOODS AND A felO- SAVINGr ©N ITEMS.?1: ' ' '1 SPECIAL VALUES ' ./ Ladies' Lisle fini^6<!€©tto« Hose, compare with any 25c hose, sold at per- pair. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . - t - • • • • 1 5 c Ektra large, size. Ladies' VeMs, 23c quality at 19c " CHILDREN'S Patl JACKETS Children's half length fall Jackets, tUe box coat style; With large cape collar, neatly trimmed with braid and feuttonst: large bell sleeve .villi, -4>nly*Mr« ...... .i • v«fr Children's full length box Coats with large, handsome tab collar trimmed with fine silk braidu? a a n d g i l t b u t t o n s , l a r g e l ^ e l l s l e e v e v w i t h c u f f , j u s t t h e t h i n g f o r . w e a r , 0 . . . • • • • . . . • WE ADVISE COMPARISON ON THESE GOODS AND A felO- SAVINGr ©N ITEMS.?1: ' ' '1 SPECIAL VALUES ' ./ Ladies' Lisle fini^6<!€©tto« Hose, compare with any 25c hose, sold at per- pair. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . - t - • • • • 1 5 c Men's woven stripe^ Negligee Shirts, this is an exceptionally ? good value, shirts that we jvould ask you $1.00 for at regular price, we have them on sale now at your choice.,.;................ 5QC . CHILDREN'S Patl JACKETS Children's half length fall Jackets, tUe box coat style; With large cape collar, neatly trimmed with braid and feuttonst: large bell sleeve .villi, -4>nly*Mr« ...... .i • v«fr Children's full length box Coats with large, handsome tab collar trimmed with fine silk braidu? a a n d g i l t b u t t o n s , l a r g e l ^ e l l s l e e v e v w i t h c u f f , j u s t t h e t h i n g f o r . w e a r , 0 . . . • • • • . . . • WE ADVISE COMPARISON ON THESE GOODS AND A felO- SAVINGr ©N ITEMS.?1: ' ' '1 ChildrenVh^vy riSbed tofton hose just the thing for school wear, the kind always sold it 20cr ottr price per pair only. , . . . - . . . . . . . . . 1 0 c ' ' " : - • . ' • " V ; f - ' . . . Men's woven stripe^ Negligee Shirts, this is an exceptionally ? good value, shirts that we jvould ask you $1.00 for at regular price, we have them on sale now at your choice.,.;................ 5QC . Remember we sell the Standard Qold fledal Flour. Men*8 Lisle finished Cotton Socks, black and colored.per pair.... 10c ' ....--1 --- - . ^all Goods are arriving every day and our line will soon be complete in Ladies Fur Jackets," >Capes, Skirts, Men's Fur and Canvas Coates, Gloves, Mittens, ' Hats and Caps. Watch our-ad* for prices. I*•-*"'.'TrTr Remember we sell the Standard Qold fledal Flour. Men*8 Lisle finished Cotton Socks, black and colored.per pair.... 10c ' ....--1 --- - . ^all Goods are arriving every day and our line will soon be complete in Ladies Fur Jackets," >Capes, Skirts, Men's Fur and Canvas Coates, Gloves, Mittens, ' Hats and Caps. Watch our-ad* for prices. I*•-*"'.'TrTr BLOCK & BETHKE CASH DEPARTMENT STORE, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 'PHONE, 3^ Men*8 Lisle finished Cotton Socks, black and colored.per pair.... 10c ' ....--1 --- - . ^all Goods are arriving every day and our line will soon be complete in Ladies Fur Jackets," >Capes, Skirts, Men's Fur and Canvas Coates, Gloves, Mittens, ' Hats and Caps. Watch our-ad* for prices. I*•-*"'.'TrTr BLOCK & BETHKE CASH DEPARTMENT STORE, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 'PHONE, 3^ Special value in bleached * Table Linen, warranted all pure linen, 61 inches wide with pee ka dott and floral design, at per yard49c 59c 'vi