j AMMUNITION I ^ will soon be in great demand by sportsmen and hunters generally. 0 shu t. ^ I There are m*ny brands of amrinitioQ in cartridges, but we handle the 0 cartridges, but we handle the ~ / •" ^ M # PEST BRANDS ONLY f ^ ^ # * r. including the'famona Winchester article*. Onr prices are right x A ^^TlWU :. " •'. """3" »,** / ' '• J J '•• OSHUN BROS., nchENRY, ILL», . • i • g Qectral Hardware,------Dry Goods,-- Shoes------Notions. A- 1 TIN WOfLK OP ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRICES 1 I THE CANNING SEASON • M sit :t; 1 s is here and we are here with the goods. Every '•». housewife ought to have some of our Peaches ^ and Pears which we bought especially for -can-J | ning purposes, fresh stock arriving nearly every - , -•», :..;7: -r̂ :-- & n V ^ bdrit^fete Li ne of Groceries Always • I J0iiH_ST0mr • • West NcSenfy. | Miller's The best money can buy. Fall line of Suits just received, for men, boys and youths.' Latest styles, new weaves and patterns at prices to suit your purse. Call and convine^grourself by inspecting our line. Fall styles in Men's Hats just arrived. - Frank Sch\im«xchei\ ] Spring Groverttjinois. j Silltitf mWMI •••»•••• MMMi»•#•••••• »«»>»« » » » 8 C S • STOVE TALK! It is, a little early to set up your heating stoves, but none too early to prepare them for the setting up. If you know your Stoves to be needing repairs send us word we will get what you require, do the necessary work on the stove and have it ready for the first cold spell. Don't put it off until You have tried that before you are in need of the stove. and know how it goes. If you are in need of a new Stove remember that our store is the place for you to come to make your purchase. WE HAVE ALL KINDS BUT THE POOR KIND anjd having bought them right will sell them accor dingly. Now it is up to you to save dollars on a STOVE DEAL. West Side Hardware. 11 <-* »*» (ft *«**»»***«****» ****** **************** **<^ | Time for good work We „do repairing up to date at prices thai will please you. Ring 522. * *-• i* t * m m m m m m w m m m m m m m I HERBES, - - PLUMBING. * I P H I L I P JAEGER I GENERAL COfliVlISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF | Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogg, Veal, Poultry, g j| Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs v | P This »8 the oldest house on the streets Tags and price llsta famished oat ^ jS application. » fcg COLD STORAUE FREE Stall i 4 3. Pulton St. Wholesale Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 1 N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST. J£EiREAM IN ANY QUANTITY N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents ' - KiniiWIHIil. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen ty five cents, and will be discontinned at th»^ expiration of time unless other wise ordered. Try it. j^lrs. A. L. Francisco called at Mc- Henry last Wednesday. - George Harrison and danghter are visiting relatives in Missouri. Mrs. Matthews and daughter, Emma, Were callers here last Saturday. Bcffn to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whiting, September 2, a six-pou nd daugh ter. Mrs. Lawrence ' and daughter, Eva, were shoppers»t McHenry recently. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison are the happy parents of s. fiue baby boy." Eddie Walker of Milwaukee is spend- ijitr his vacation with hig parents here. Mr. and Mrs. 1. "N. Merchant were guests at Will McCannon's last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Loughridge of Green wood were Ringwood callers Friday afternoon. Win, Langham and wife, of Wood stock visited friends here last Thursday and Friday. " Glynn Francisco left Monday inorn- ing for Valparaiso, Irid., Where he will attend Normal school. Miss Agnes Carey took the train for Elgin Monday, where she v-ill attend school the coining term. ; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Peterson of East Greenwood were visitors at Berf Mc- Cannon's one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Spaulding re turned last Thursday from a three weeks' visit with relatives and friends in the East. ... Mr. and Mrs. L. Harsh left Saturday morning for Waupaca, Wis., to visit J. E. Cr'sty and family. - Miss Mae Cristy returned to her home in Waupaca, Wis.Klast Saturday after a several weeks' vikit with rela tives and friends here. The Loyal Temperance Legion will ui$et with Miss Agues Dodge, W^d»**>«- day, September 14, at 4:1*5 p. m. All children are iuvited'to attend, Mr. awl Mrs Ho\wni Buekland 're turned hist. Wednesday to their home in K.-arney. Neb., after a short visit with the former's 'mother and brother. Westward the orb of glory takes its .--,. way. -- - • Wisconwin is the state, yon hear everybody say, . It's made itself famous by one great - stride; Rocky Mountain Tea has made its name world wide. G. W. Bfcsley. KHKKAI.I) PAUK. Chas Phalin was a caller here Sun day. Chas W. Gibbs of Gary visited friends here Sunday afternoon. Robert Sutton and Richard Aylward attended the Libertyville fair Thursday. Ed Farrell of Chicago visited the Misses Aylward Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. M. Schaid enjoyed a few days' visit with her daughter, Mrs. C. Bremer. Mrs, Givens and Mrs. J. B. Frisby spent Thursday with Mrs. Geo. Walms- ley. . • B J. Friaby returned from Chicago Thursday, having finished his ^rork there. Mrs. John Gibbs of Barreville spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. R. J. Sutton. - "Win. Robinson of Chicago enjoyed a few days' outing with Berkircher Bros, this week. Miss Katie Knox spent a few days the last of the Week with a friend at Gris- vvold Lake. Lawrence Bending returned t the city Wednesday, after several weeks spent here. - Misses Irene Frisby and Lucy Sutton spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Liz zie Gorman. Misses Liziie Gorman and Lisxie Gannon visited at H. Felmeten's Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Margaret Kelly of Chicago was a: gtiest at R. J. Sutton's a few days the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bremer went to Chi cago Wednesday, where they will visit friends for a few days. Miss Alice Sutton returned to her work in Elgin Thursday after a few days' vacation spent here. , Mrs. Geo. Schaid and friend, Mrs. Petterson, of Chicrgo spent Frid*y with Mr. and Mrs. C. Bremer. Mr. and Mrs. John Huck returned to the city Monday after a few weeks' so journ at L. Huck's cottage. Mrs. L. Huck, accompanied by her brother, came out from Chicago Tues day to spend a few weeks with L. Huck. Misses Maine and Lola Aylward and Sara Chapin of Elgin visited at the for mer's home here over Sunday and Labor day. Mr. and Mrs. .Toe Snyder and son, Jay, and friend; Mrs. Kristan. and chil dren spent a pleasant day last week at Oak Villa. > Mr. ami Mrs. J. B. Frisby and Chas. Oivpns and family of McHenry epent Sunday with Vr. and Mrs. John Walsh at Fox Lake. * Mr. and Mm. D. W^Hill and daugh ter. Laura, came out frori Chicago Sat urday and will spend a few weeks in their cottage. W. K. Burns spent Sunday with his family at the Pfcrk. He and his family returned to Chicago in the evening, having closed their cottage for the sea son. ' 1 \ Mr. and Mrs. Trotter ahd daughter, Ethel, returned to their hoiueiir Chica go Sunday, after spending two weeks' •acation with Mr. and Mrs. C. Bremer at Oak Villa cottage. Mr. Trotter en joyed the good fishing, which everyone 1'nAipQ «»on Hp f on Tiff ftt Plmaral/I Pftylr ;'lIK SPKI.NO GROVK. [People of Spring Grove and vtcimtv desiring to subscrilie for The 'Plahidmi- er may leave their order and money with Raymond Muss, nnr correspond"- eiit. 1 he subscription price is sfllaO « year or 7;> cents tor six months. ED. lliss Ada James is visiting at Beloit. Earl Campbell of Belden was in town Sunday. Dr. Lichty of Woodstock wa town Monday, 'y---- Miss Florence Fad^d of Salem visited here last week. Wm. Watts and family were Salem visitors Sunday. , 1 Ed. Turner and fauiily Wen Chicagh visitors Sunday. . v • * John Kattuer was a Fox Lake visitor Sunday evening. : .. x ' Miss Eva Rigbardson spent several days at Fox Lake.' k Chester Neish and *Gtis Eurke spent Sunday in Chicago.: / Oliver Neish of Fox Lake was in town Tuesday night* Earl and Sarah iShales called (it Alex Anderson's Tuesday. ' Joseph James of Beloit visited Wm. James and family Sunday. Joseph Meredith, our efficient station agent, is inking his vacation. 1 . A gouu many from here attended the favFat Libertyville last week. Joe Kattuer and Steve Ingles went to the fair at Milwaukee Tuesday. Miss Hellen Moss visited with Chica go relatives the first part of the week. John Westlake and wife of Chicago visited here and at Wilniot Sunday and Monday. " Frank Schumacher and wife and Miss Lizaie Leigh were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Miss Eva Smedley and Dr. Warren of Chicago were visitors at N. G. Moss' last week; Several of our young people spent Sunday with Jas.TSfei.-<h aud family at Fox Lake. Andrew 'Neish and James Westlake and sons. Rot*?i t Uud £<arl, and Nick Freund 1< it for N. Dakota Tuesday. The Euglish Prairie and Creek schools began Monday. The Spring Grove school bi'gius next Monday. Fay Small of Rinn v • >od will be principal and Mrs. James Overton, primary teacher. Abont ilijrty of their friends called at the houie of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hoff by invitation last Wednesday afternoon and pioteeded to have a good lime. The afternoon was spent in the usual way, the customary amusements fur nishing plenty of enjoyment for the guests. After partaking of a fine sup per carefully prepared by the hostess, the company departed, expressing them selves as having enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon. The following comprised the company: Messrs. and Mesdaihes John King, John A. Buguer, John Hoff, Jack Rothermel, Johnsburgh; Nick Hoff, Jos. Freund, Mrs. Bugner and daughter of Ringwood; John Stilling, August Hoff, Andrew lloff, Jos. Etten, Nick Etten and Barbara Etten, Spring Grove; Chas. Hoff, Wm. Hoff, New Munster, Wis.; Miss'Mamie Bugner, So. Evanston, 111. frn-jy - \ with the utmoi\t care. What is Life? In the last analysis nobody knows, but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain' results. Irregular living means derange ment of the organs, resulting in Consti pation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. King's New Lite Pills quickly re-adjusts this. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's, N. H. Petesch's, McHenry. G. W. B^sley's, W. McHenry, drug stores. BAKREVJUK. J. Leichem of McHenry was a caller here Monday. « The Lempke family entertained com pany Sunday. Chas. W. Gibbs of Chicago was a Sunday caller here. Mrs. Wm. VanNatta of Lake Zurich was a caller here Saturday. ,F. Davoll and D. Johnson of Holoomb- ville were callers here Monday. Miss Ada Merchant spent part of last week with friepds at Ringwood. Miss Mary Gibbs called on Miss Clara Thompson one afternoon last week. Miss Clara Thompson spent part of last week with relatives at Palatine. Tbos. Thompson attended the G. A. R. encampment at Nunda Saturday. Mrs. Hunter and daughter, Edna, of McHenry called at their farm Tuesday. Frank Anderson of Cbicagd spent Sunday and Monday with friends here Mr. Joe Wilmington of Lake Villa is spending the week with relatives here. Will Stewart and sister, Lucy, of Chi cago visited at Thos. Thompson's Sun day. Mrs. Maggie Marshall and sister of Nunda were pleasant callers here Mon day. Miss Myrtle Matthews began her high school studies at McHeiiry Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Merchant visited Mr. and Mrs. Edd Whiting at Ringwood Sunday. Floyd and Robert Thompson returned home Saturday and began school at McHenry, Monday. Miss Lydia Ulrich, who has been spending the past two. months with her grandmother, Mrs. Lempke, returned to her home in Chicago Saturday. The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lnng remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the geauine. Ask for FOLEY'S Honey and Tarjmd refuse any substi tute offered, as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate neraona .r"™; • B Bridle Crip | .can't be made in this Stope. In fact, kind are imposkiole. Everv article Harness and Horse 'trips" of any this stock <>f Goods is of the quality that precludes the possibility of mak ing an unsatisfactory purchase. Prices are adjusted No one can complain that we do not give excellent value. GUS. CARLSON, r McHENR_Y .SOtON: [People of Solon and'vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaiiiflealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn er. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed.] Mrs. Cristy of Ringwood was a caller Monday.-,";-^ ••'/.-..v- Mrs. E. T. Monear is visiting friends at Waukegan. v ' E. T. M ouear •: entertained fourteen guests Sunday. *. Ed. Moore ami brother are visiting at Chas. Westmont's. Ji Geo. Vogel has gone; to Kankakee with his httrses this week Mrs. ,Mary Riley of Chicago is the gaetst of Mrs. (ieo. Coates. Earl Campbell has returned home after a two years' absence. Mrs. Will Hodge is thought to be slowly regaining her health. Joseph James of Beloit is visiting hi? sister, Mrs. Wm. Campbell. E. T. Monear entertained Geo. Milt- more of Waukegan this week. ^ Howard Carpenter of Ronndout is visiting his parents in tliis place. Ben Johonnott and wile of Chicago^ are visiting the former's parents. Harry Osmond and wife of Antioch visited here Saturday and Sunday. Mn&. Clark Tefft of Vail, Iowa, is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Turner. Dr. Bremken and Frank Orvis called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thorne Sunday. G. W. Turner attended the Zigler wedding at Twin Lakes Tuesday night. Mrs. Campbell and family visited her brother* Francis James, at Hebron Sun day. Attorney Barnes and wife were over from the county seat Sunday in their auto. Irving Overton and wife of English Prarie visited with the former's parents Sunday. Frank Wester man and Geo. Vogel rode over to the county seat In their auto Saturday night. C. L. Turner and Mr. Dalton attend ed A reunion of their regiment at Crys tal Lake last Friday. Robert Hesselgrave and • others have returned from Wisconsin, where they have been to buy farms. Mrs. Edwin Brown has returned from Rock ford, where she has been visiting with friends the past two weeks. Mrs. R. L. Turner started Tuesday for Allenville, Mo., to visit her brother and will also attend the world's fair at St. Louis. There will be no preaching services here next Sunday afternoon on account of the Sunday School convention at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Johonnott, their children and'grandchildren had their pictures taken in a grouj) the fore part of the week hr the Richmond artist. HOM'OMKYll/l.K. W. . Zenk and Eddie Carroll spent Saturday in Elgin. Mr, Cwkle and' family returiiBd to GaipSutersville Monday.- ; ; Fred Davoll and D. Rowen drovfi to Chicago one day last week. ' " 7, Mi's. George Shales of Nunda plej^wuft caller here Monday, Mr. and Mrs Win. Zeuk and...children spent Sunday at Geo. Weidner's. Mies Iva Hoffman is spending' a few days with friends near Woodstock, A large crowd attended ('has. Tigt- niyer's barn dance Friday evening. Miss Mary Gibbs spent Saturday evening with Miss Maybelle Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thayer of Ridge- field were pleasant callers here Thurs day. . Franji Barnes and Paul Bnrton of Nunda passed through our streets Sun day. Miss Georgia Thompson of Elgin vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan last week. Miss Etta Powers spent Saturday evening with the Misses Knox in Mc Henry.- Mrs. Knox and daughter, Alice, of McHenry visited at Jay Doherty's Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Willey of Chicago visited friends iu -this vicinity Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Zanders and sisters of Elgin visited at iJ. t . liuut's tfee first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. James Powers visited the latter's parents at Sycamore, Satur day and Sunday. The Misses Georgia Thompson and Iva Hoffman called ou friends near Nunda Wednesday.. Mrs. Fred Matthews and Mrs. A.~ T. Wingate called On Mrs. Henry McMil lan Friday afternoon. Clyde Wingate and sister, Bertha, spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan. . RIDUKFIiSJUU. The Plaindealer will be Sent to any address on trial three months for twen ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time, unless other wise ordered. Try it. E. Cadwallader was in Nunda Tues- day. Mrs. R. L. Dufield was in Nunda Wednesday. W. R. Shelt was in Nunda on busi ness Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Weil anil wereln Wood stock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Irish were in Chicago Tuesday. H. Hanson of Chicago was a business visitor here Monday. Miss Verna Church of Huntley visit ed friends here recently. Mrs. Chas. Ogbin of Nunda Visited at Mrs. E. Smith's Tuesday. Mrs. W. Bonslett of McHenry visited her sister, Mrs. F. Fay., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pose are the proud par ents of a baby yirl, born Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Levey and daughter. Low, were in Woodstock Tuesday. cMrs. Peterson and children of Chica go .visited at J. B. Lynch's over Sunday. Mrs. Sain Simmons entertained ber sister and other relatives from Chicago over Sunday. Mrs. Malvenburg left Tuesday to make her home with Mr. Gates' family at Terra Cotta. Mr. and Mrs. Conerty of Chicago vis ited the latter's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. J. B. Lynch, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wester mail and daughter of Woodstock visited at J. A. Westerman's Saturday.-, Mrs. F. Hudson and son, Vernon, of McHenry visited her sister, Mrs. Ste phenson, Saturday and Sunday. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for,, marvelous cures. It surpasses any bther salve, lo tion, oint^ueirt or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hauds, Skin Eruptions; infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only a.'ic at Juli^A. Story'.8. N. H, Petesch's, Mc Henry, G. druggists. - The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three, months for twen ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time, unless other i rdered. Try it. •MIHS.SlHIRtiH. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three uionths for twenty- five cents, and will lie discontinued at tlie expiration of that, time unless other wise ordered. Try it. , M it s Ottilia Cottner was a caller here Wed dead ay. - Mrs. Joseph Miller visited home folks 'Wednesday. Dr. -N. J. Nye was a Chicago passen ger Tuesday. Mat May from Spring Grove was in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs< S. H. Schmitt were Mc Henry callers Tuesday. Miss M. M. Adams transacted busi ness in Chicago Tuesday. A goodly number attended the dance at George Nell's Monday night. Miss Margaret Engels of Spring Grove visited Miss Lena blake Tuesday. Misses Jennie and Minuie Nye left for their home in Ohio on Tuesday morn ing. Matthew Schumacher went to Aurora for a few days' visit with his brother, John. Frank Schumacher and family of Spring Grove viaijggl at Ant$>n Myers' Sunday^ Misses Rosa Lay and Margaret and Hellen Adams were McHenry callers last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Schmitt and Mrs. John J. Schmitt visited Mrs. John M, Schmitt Tuesday. Mike B. Sehaefer and Master Josie Freund returned Tuesday night after a few days' visit in Keuosha, Wis. Thedford's Black-Draught comes j nearer regulating the entire system I an«l keeping the body in health than any other medicine made. It is always ready in any emergency to tivat ailments that are frequent in atiy family, such as indigestion, biliousness, colds, diarrhoea, and ;-t . i .iach aches. Thedford's Black-Draught is the standard, never-failing remedy for stomach, bowel, liver and kidney troubles. It is a cure for the domes tic ills which so frequently summon the doctor. It is as good for children as it is for grown persons. A dose of this medicine every day will soon cure the most obstinate case of dys pepsia or constipation, and vheii^ taken as greeted brings quick rel ief f I)AyvTLLK, III., Dec. 33, l'J02. Thedford's Black-Draught lias been our family doctor for five years mut we wunt no other. When any of us feel bad y we take a dose and are all ritfht In two.ve hours. We have spent lots of money for doctor bills, but got alonjf just as well with Blaok-Draught. H. BADK11. Ask your dealer for a package of Thedford's Black-Draught- and if he does not keep it send 26c. to The Chatta nooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga,Teun. and a package will be mai'cd to you. Danger to Children: Kidney and Bladder Troubles often Blight tholr Lives. HOW TO CURE BED WETTING) , ̂ There are thousands of children what •carcely know what it Is to awaken In ths _ , ' ;t morning without a sense of morUScatloiw These children are not responsible few . the diseases of the bladder or kidneys thai • J • make their lives miserable. It is a moral ,<>- crime to scold or whip a child who has lost ^, ;v control over the muscles of the legs and^- - ^ cannot welk proparly and It la cruelty to - ,fi punish a child vhi has lost control enr *' the bladder. . » Train the child to empty the bladder Just before going to bed and In two hours| • afterward takO/thlTchild oat of bed to again empty the bladder. This Is easier • ' than changing bed clothes every dey9 and encourages the little one. Give frequent ....r., W!' . baths, and allo^r plenty of outdoor exer- ' ,. • j -%-J Avoi<K8colding, and prohibit tea« cise. coffee and highly seasoned food. Qiv# FOLBT'S KIDHBT CURE; allow only a light . ^ supper and no fluids within two hoars o£ t 'Cj bedtime. . • ^ J. W. SHOUP, of McKeesport, Pa, "FOLEY'S KIDSET CUR* «TER©D my little- - f" He; I tried sev< boy of urinary trout * . physicians with no success. FOUT'BF'^ ' KIDNEY CURK was recommended, and y before one bottle was used he was cured and now he can sleep all night without any trouble.** FOLEY'S KIDNEY Cutis will prevent?- fatal kidney and bladder troubles and will ^ always cure them If taken early. eveio the worst cases tt will gift grsal relief G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. Ratei to Southwest and California *33 Chicago to Cialiforaia, one way, daily, Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. , Good in Tourist sleep ers, berth rate extra. 520 Chicago to Oklahoma, Indian Ter. and Texas; round-trip Aug. 23, Sept. 13 and 27, first-class, three weeks return limit.. ^Chicago to Pecos Valley of New Mexico. Same dates as the •Oklahoma rat#. Forfnrther information, ask i J. M. CONNELL, Agent A. T. ft S. F. Ry., Chicago Santa Fe yy Dot. 7. 1*. ' Ay \- Chicago & North-Western. i.eave 'lileiigo, A HI t"< a ri». i) p m Effective Juiit- I. 19M. WKKK DAT THA1SS. NOHTHBOUND \"i» Eltfin ..Via Plalnes "iKf I'll 1 '»p ni.. .....V> L>i»s I'laims i.dl. pni Via l>es IMalnes SCSDAY TRAINS. - 'V'i n\,:-«• Via l>es t'l kines--.. t/ioam...'."T'.TVta IH»» I'hUues...... pn... Via Elgin.--. WEKK DAT TRAINS. N'ia Eljiiu.. p uk Via 1 >i*> I'laiiit's. Arrive SIc.Hfury ..10.10 a oi . |3< a iu Mu a m .488 po 4 SOITHBOCSD. tSivago. ...Via Pes Vtaincs ,.vji35 a m 1 .Via Eltfin., -- .....l#.H)a m .. .Via IK> I'laluWi a:t5 a m Via El>{iu.. p m its....... %a&p i n> p m • 1 p m ......Via !)«.'Plaints. SOWDAY TRAINS. Via Elxiii .....Via lX*a IMaiues........ .Via Elgin... aurdays only. + Mondays only. HOLLISTCR'S >ocky Mountain Tea Noggets A Busy M«diaia« far Busy Brings Qollen Health and Be&ftwed Vigtt. vx-iflc f.>r Constitution. In-lssrsstioa. L1*? iCitiuev Troubles, rittiples. Evteittti, Impur** !. Baa Breath. SlujtKtsh BoweU, •faokache. It's RiK-ky Mountiiiti in tao- "torrn, S5 oeuts h box. tVniuae made by J.! UTKa l'Rl « C\UU»ASV. Madis.'". Wi^ 1.3EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PgQPU ira- •-.jkZAd'i