4 iiiJiW.ll BLACK DOGSKIN COATS ......... ^~'| BLACK MARTEN COATS .......... .$18.00 BOlfGARIAN LAMB COATS . . ..-....... .]§2( ) BROWN RUSSIAN CALF COATS....... .$20 UNDERWEAR, HATS. CAPS, GLOViBS, MIT- { TENS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES.;, JOS. W. FREUND Ms Mj We have told you in a previons message that onr store is for sale or rent from November 1st, * and that we desire to reduce stock to a certain auioant by that time as we have a prospective buyer for the whole. If you trade in the interest of economy, here is where yon are Recommended. Here are a few pointers for yonr carefnl comparison For instance, a stock of Shoes and Rubbers i t presenting about'a thousand pairs and of the newest and best styles, sbonld appeal to your interest as well as the facta that the profits have been taken off. Here are Douglas Shoes, you know how good they are, aud you can buy the $3.00 shoe for &2.65 and the $3 50 shoe for $2.95; for $1.95 you can buy as fine and stylish Shoes as anybody in the land need and so they run down to $1.10 for a respectable dressy Shoe. All kinds Child's, Miss and everything in the Shoe Stock sold on same basis. Rubbers, Felt Boots in abundance, but the best way for you is to drop in and look them over. Early in July we placed an order with the Rockford Shoe Co., who make the seamless Shoes for men. They have just come in. We did not want them, but could not get out of it. They are with oat question the best Shoe for the money made in this country. They luive a dog on the bottom and are called the ROCKFORD DOG ON spOES, so you may know them by this trade marK. Prices are $1.75 to #3.25. We have a lot of fancy Umbrellas, all new stuff, prices usually $1.25 to $1.75, your choice 95«c. All of the 50c Dress Goods 39c. All the <;,>c such as new shades tobacco brown, navy, black and white .Brilliun tines 45c. Flannelettes Hie. Two pairs fancy 20c Hose for 25c, color is pink, blue, cardinal. Boys'blue Serge Suits, 4 to 8 years old, the $5.00 kind for $3 25 and $2.50. Ladies' and gents' Rubber Coats and Mackin toshes, Underwear, Blankets and a thousand other Jthings await yonr coming. ALL IS CASH. You can save on Groceries, too: : : W. C. EVAN SON. T Furniture Burtaios Distributed throughout our stock there are at all times pieces of Furniture marked at less than the usual prices. These are articles bought at special discounts, on which we are willing to make special concessions. One can, therefore, often find here just the arti cle wanted at £ very low figure. i i j UNDERTAKING Mi EMBALMING • • f J a c o b J u s t e n ill iti ifr| iti |*t| jflTi it*! f*!*! A iti A A A A A A A A. EXCHANGE GLEANINGS. HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY ̂ ADJACENT COUNTIES A MiiKwlltui«imiti of Now# IteniK In Cunilt'ii.ift) Form For Cuiivea- tCHoe of Butty f'«<>ple. , D^n't forget the "want acV'ooliHun! The Marengo postoffice now closes at 7:80 p. in. ' '.. The Terra Cotta factory is advertif»- ing for help} ' ' ' Work on a new $600,000 temple has been began at Zion City. •'. ••• There is strong talk at Harvard of organizing an anti-horset&ef society. A night watchman has been placed on duty at the main crossing at Nunda. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen ty-five cents, and will be, discontinue*! at the expiration of time unlees other wise ordered: Try it. • Lulu Stanhope,JSt. Lo'uis: "I used to have a horrid complexion. I took Hol- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea and called the prettiest ftiiC'in the city;" Tea,--or tablets, 85 cents.. 0.- W. Besley. -The North-Eastern Journal, Spitn^ Grove *8 new paper, caine to our ex change last Wednesday: Et S. - French, a former resident here, is the editor and proprietor. Here's success, Brother French. ; For eruptions, sores. ̂ pimples, kftftiev and liver trouV»les. constipation, indiges tion, use Hollister's Rocky Motintaiii Tea.Carries New li|e to every part o) the body. " Tea or tablet form. 35c. G. W. Besley. The Woodstock Republican last, week entered upon its third year of existence The Republican is one of the best, papers" that comes to our table and we welcome its calls. May its successful strides continue in the future as in the past, is the earnest wish of The Plaindealer. A subscriber once received a dun through the postoffice, and it made him mad. He went to see the editor about it and the editor showed him a few duns* of his own--one for paper, one for type, one for fuel, amkseveral others. "Now I didn't get mad when these came,'• said the editor, "because I knew that all I had to do was to ask several reliable gentlemen like you to come and help me out, and then I could settle with them." When the subscriber saw how it was he relented, paid up and renewed for anoth er year. A school boy itt Jiewell City was given the subject "Ducks," on which to pre pare an essay, and this is what he wrote: "The duck is a low, heavy-s#t bird, composed mostly of meat and feathers. He is a uilghty poor singer, having a hoarse* voice, caused by get ting so many frogs in his neck. He likes the water and carries a toy balloon in his stomach to keep him from sink ing. The duck has two legs and they are set so far back on his running igears by nature that she came pretty near to missing his body. Some ducks wheu they get big have curls on their tails and are called drakes. Drakes don t have to set or batch, but just loaf, go swimming and eat. If I was to be a duck I'd rather be a drake every time." /!- Lake - County Independents The an nual game dinner held at Muehrcke's hotel, Fox Lake, Wednesday of last flreek was attended by about 100 guests from Lake and Cook counties. It was a feast for the kings, game of all kinds and the "trimmings" being* served. Mnehrcke Bros, proved themselves roy- aThosts and if the crowd did not have the best kind of a,time it was through no fault of theirs. Of course the usual badger fight was a feature of much in terest and ex-Sheriff Albert Conrad ref- ereed the bout this year, all agreeing that he performed the task the best ever. The joke is a little old, but Al. was not "on"' and the boys greeted his decision with uproarious laughter. It was a great day for the "boys," replete with amusement and fun of all kinds. Nunda Herald: G. L. Hubbard sold his harness business in Nunda last week tQ H. D. Small of Ringwood, and Mr Small took immediate possession. This is one of the oldest businesses in Nunda and Hubbard and his harness are widely Known throughout the county. Mr. Huobard will be employed by Mr. Small and the sljop will remain at the old stand on Main street. Mr. Small is a first-class harness man and intends to conduct a good store with a complete stock, and do repair work. He has rented a home in Crystal Lake, one -of Mrs. Marshal's houses, and expects to reside here. One of his reasons for re siding here is the excellent school ed- vantages. Mr Small was postmaster at Ringwood and is an influential person in that coiiuiiuuity. He will lie heartily welcome at Nunda. Barriugton Review: It. doesn't, very often happen that the lady of the house borrows the plumage of the servant girl and goes out to create an exhibition of the milliner's or dressmaker's crea tion. It is generally charged up to the domestic that she is the guilty one. Of course there always comes a time when some old establi«bed custom is violated. That time came last week, when the lady of "one of onr first families 'dressed herself in the hired girl's new voile suit arid went to Chicago. The girl heard of i it, told the lady, and there was an erup tion in the household. The girl ex pressed her opinion'" of a person who would "parade in borrowed voile, " and told the story so that ijfc got to the next door neighbor quicker than a telephone message over a four-party line. Then the lady tired the girl. The girl flatly refused to take the dress because the lady had "stretched it over a form cor set and spoiled the shape'7 as far as the Venus of the culinary department was concerned. The lady let her temper get tB^^est of her and heaved the delicate garment out on the lawn. Act :i was rehearsed before Judge Morrison in chambers. The dress was paid.for by the lady (V) who tried to, and did, wear a 38 wartsfc'bver a, 2fV corset. s ". " , Harvard iieraid: Within sight of jlebron you can find one of the best dairies in northern Illinois. It belongs toE. F. Hewes, the Hebron merchant, who has a model farm, with fine build ings; His herd consists of 36 head of Hoktein Friesans, part of which are registered. Mr. Hewes never keeps an unprofitable cow, and never keeps one after she becomes.a "hits b6en. " He is careful about-their selection as to color and build. For the month of March last the value of milk from twfenty-nine cows- was $418.36, or in other words it was $16.75 per cow. The cows did this when fed on dry feed. The lowest check for any montb during the year was $236, and his cows average $98 a head foj Jhg,For the months of May and June last thirty-three of his cows gave 2.700 pounds of milk a month and ten of them gave an average of fifty pounds each per day during the same months. One cow. gave during March 631 pounds of milk per day on dry feed. One heifer not two years old is giving forty pounds of milk per day. To tell how the herd is kept would make an interesting article for anyone interested in dai-ryiug This dairy cannot be ex celled in northern Illinois. The heifer that is giving 40 pounds of milk per day is a descendant of a cow whose test vyas 5.8 pounds of butter per 100 of milk. SaVes Two Front Death. "Our little daughter had ari almost Fa tal attack of whooping cough and bron chitis," whites Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other retnedies tailed, we saved her life with Dr, King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful^ medi cine, and today she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King.s New Discovery as to no other medicine on. earth. Iufallible for Coughs aud Colds. 50c and $1.00 bot tles guaranteed by Julia A. Story and N. H. Petescli, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Trial bottles free. • • The Plaindealer will sent to» any address on trial three months for twen ty-five cents, and- will be discontinued at the expiration of fcjuie nnleps other wise ordered. Try it. / " Some Seasonable Advice. It may be a piece of superfluous ad vice to urge people at this season of the year to lay in a Supply of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. : It is almost sure to be needed before the winter is over, and much more prompt and satisfactory results are obtained when taken as soon as the cold is contracted and before it has become settled in the sygtem, which can only be done by keeping the 'reme dy at hand. This medicine is so widely known and so altogether good that no one should hesitate about buying it in preference to any other. It is for sale by all druggists. • . The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unlees other wise ordered. Try it. Confessions of a Priest. Rev. Jno S. Cox, of Wake,^ Ark. writes, "For 12 years I suffered from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a number of physicians and tried all sorts of med icines but got no relief. Then I began the use*of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in its grasp for 12 years." If you want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or generaj debility get Electric Bittferk It's guaranteed by Julia A. Story, N. H. Petesch, McHenry; G. W. Besley, Vre-it McHenry. Only 5Uc. ~ . In Shoes we liaye quality at lowest price^ in ladies' and Men's11 style as well £ Try our special • * >-#•!$ - IN DRESS GOODS AND WAISTINGS we have a complete Hne, in all the shades and grades. New line of made Skirts and Waists. new H 1 ̂ Groceries our prices are alway9 tl)e iowej»t f. A. BOHLANDER. WEST Mm, ILL. i£j & m! -- b u y -- SWHITE PEARL FLOUR Because IT IS THE BEST! Try a sack and if you don't find it so, return it and your mpney will be cheerfully refunded. Also Qroceries that are right at prices that are right $ r: # I & JOHN STOfffL West Miiienty. j An ad in The Plaindealer "want' amn will bring results. col-, Read The Plaindealer "want" ads H. PETESCH DRUGGIST. Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. A flty t*lTi fl*i A A A A At A'A iliilliytlti A A A A A A A t'ft Ai A A A §•» **!*> A «•« tl*> A A ."ts A A A A A. Tp ̂ t^I ^ ̂ f X Tii' 'X* X X *1? X *lrvir w\t' w "X *XTT!Ti Jr X ^ • • , „ # MEN'S BINKS (After the Cl\ib>-<^. If I only txmd en* of •toy here till mornlntf. them thtnfe** N BINKS IS RIGHT! There's nothing better as an outdoor comforter than a good, well built " Inter national" Overcoat. Get your orders in before the snow falls.. All the latest styles and samples galore to choose from. in medium and Heavy weights* $10.00 and up Our line of Sweaters, Underwear, Gloves, Mittens ^ and Caps is complete in all the popular grades. ^ Ladies Dress Skirts.in black, brown, gray, navy and A' Novelties, all hand tailored and new styles. Ladies fine silk Shirt Waists in black, navy and brown, V nicely trimmed from 3.75 to S-OO each X 1 4Z|> Dress Goods, Suitings, Flannels, Flannelettes, etc., T in all grades and colors. Dress silk#, 36-inches wide, a from .1.QO up! T ThejCelebrated P. N. Corsets,....... 75c to $1.50 T Try our 50c tea. None better. Seal of MinnespU and Mystic Flow, only............ .$1.60 p^r sack. n. J. WALSH, 1 Phone 363. West McHenry, III. Wfv ' m- P.-. : i'if' 0k¥-1' • SPEdALWHlLETHEYlAST Extra heavy Tennis Flannel, in plain and fancv colors, at per yafd jf Extftf heavy 1U-4 bed blank ets weight 2% pounds, ci»lor v d r a b , p e r p a i r . . . . . . . . . Remember this Blanket will out-weijfh any Blanket sold at 75c. Extra large and heavy 11-4 Bed "flankets, color drab and white,. y border, wt. 3% lt> s., per pr $I.M Hand Decorated Dinner Set Free! Begin your cash purchases at once and ask for a Home Mutual Saving Stamp with each and every ten cents you spend in our store. Remember we are leaders in our line. ^ We sell our goodslower than~t4ie lowest and give this beautiful hand decorated senM*-vitrious porcelain,ware ABSOLUTELY FREE to our cash customers. We have contracted with the largest factory in the world to supply us with an unlimited afnount of this ware and here is a chance for you to obtain a handsome dinner set (one piece at a time) at absolutely no co*st to you. We have control of this design and can match the de corations for years to come. Ask for stamps with each purchase. Get a set of hand decorated Dishes free. Come in and see the beauttful decoration and get full particulars. Bear ill mind these stamps cost you^nothing. * ' 7 . ^ - ^ ^ ^ Full-sized 12-4 Bed Blankets, wt. - 4*4, lbs, drabonly, never sold less S2,. we have them on "Sale now at CASH DEPARTMENT ;, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 'PHONE, 314 SPECIAL SAVINGS TO YOU Sixty-inch black coney scarf, a fur that will wear and al w a y s l o o k w e l l a t / . . . . . . . . . Fancy 27-inch Flannelette, at|Q p e r y a r d . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • Meti's all-wool Socks, all 10r IC/ IQ/ colors, at per pair.«^ £. ••"M 'v j 1, • ' ,1 'tS.. 1 " 1 V| " ' ' Ladies black fleeced HoseIA/ jft/ 0C/ a t . p e r p a i r . . • • • • • • -- • • • ^ Men*s-extra heavy "^eeced Un derwear at Best Cambric Remnants, per yd.. 2 lAQ Chicago Iluck Toweling, bleached •aiiid unbleached, at per j^iird, 4 Fap^ all pure Linen Table Cloth, ifr* with set design, at per yard, only.."^ , l*'r A. •' ;; '