following article has been widely published and is one of the most remarkable illustrations of the value of careful marshalling; and analysis of facts in- Jtttt* fee public. of Whisky It BO. He mast have made these. We know what He made food and s . water for, and air and sunshine, but n why Whisky, Tobacco and Coffee? They are here sure enough and each performing its work. There must be some great plan be hind it all; the thoughtful man seeks to understand something of that plan and thereby to judge these articles for their true worth. as not say "bad" or "good" without taking testimony. There are times and conditions when It Mrtalnly seems to the casual observer that thdse stimulant nar cotics are real blessings. Eight there is the ambush that con- • "killing" enemy. One eaa slip into the habit of either whisky, tobacco or coffee easy enough, but to "aataRgle" is often a fearful , ®tr*|C8*•. . It seems plain that there are cir cumstances when the narcotic effect of these poisons is for the moment beneficial, but the fearful argument against them is that seldom ever does one And a steady user of either whis ky, coffee or tobacco free from disease / of some kind. Certainly powerful elements In their effect oa the human race. It is a matter of daily history, testi fied to by literally millions of people, that Whisky, Tobacco and Coffee are smiling, promising, beguiling friends on the start, but always false as hell Itself la the end. Once they get firm hold enough to show their strength, they insist upon governing and drive the victim steadily toward ill health in some form; if permitted to continue to rule, they will not let up until phys ical and mental ruin sets in. A man under that spell (and "un der the spell" is correct) of any one of these drugs frequently assures him self and his friends, "Why, I can leave off any time I want to,. I did quit for a week just to show I could." It is a sure mark of the slave when one gets to that stage. He wiggled through a week, lighting every day to break the spell, was finally whipped, and began his slavery all over again. The slave (Coffee slave as. well as Tobacco and Whisky) daily reviews his condition, sees perfectly plain the steady encroachments of disease, how" the nerves get weaker day by day and demand the drug that seems to smile and offer relief for a few minutes and then leave the diseased condition plainer to view than ever and grow ing worse. Many times the Coffee slave realizes that he is between two fires He feels bad if he leaves off and little worse if he drinks and allows the effect to wear off. So It goes on from day to day. Every night the struggling victim promises himself that he will break the habit, and next day when he fefels a little bad (as he is quite sure to), breaks, not the habit, but his own res olutkm. It is nearly always a tough fight, with diseaster ahead sure if the habit wins. There have been hundreds of thou sands of people driven to their graves through disease brought on by coffee drinking alone, and it is quite certain that more human misery is caused by coffee and tobacco than by whisky, for the two first are more widely used, and more hidden and insidious in the effect on nerves, heart and other vital organs, and are thus unsuspected un til much of the dangerous work is done Now, Reader, whaMs your opinion as to the real use the Creator has for these things. Take a look at the ques tion from this point of view. There is a law of Nature and of Nature's God that things slowly evolve from lower planes to higher, a sturdy, steady and dignified advance toward more perfect things in both the Physi cal and Spiritual world. The ponder ous tread of evolutionary develop ment is fixed by the Infinite and will not be quickened out of natural law by any of mau's methods. Therefore we see many illustrations showing how nature checks too rapid advance. Illinois raises phenomenal crops of corn for two or three years. If she continued to do so every year her farmers would advance in wealth far beyond those of other sections or countries. So Nature interposes a bar every tliree or four years and brings on a "bad year." Here we see the leveling Influence at work. A man is prosperous in his business for a number of years and grows rich. Then Nature sets the "leveling influ ence" at work on him. Some of his Investments lose, he becomes luxuri ous and lazy. Perhaps it is whisky, tobacco, coffee, women, gambling or some other form. The Intent and pur pose is to level him--keep him from evolving too far ahead of the masses. A nation becomes prosperous and great like ancient Rome. If nqs level ing influence set in she "would domi nate the world perhaps for all time. But Dame Nature sets her army of "levelers" at work--luxury, overeat ing and drinking, licentiousness, waste and extravagance, indulgences' of all 'kinds--then comes the wreck. Sure, Sure, Sure. The law of the unit is the law of the mass. Man goes through the same process. Weakness (in childhood), gradual growth of strength, energy, thrift, probity, prosperity, wealthV comfort, ease, relaxation, self-indul gence, luxury, idleness, waste, debauch- fry, disease, and the wreck follows. The "levelers" are in the bushes along the pathway of every successful man ^ and woman, and they bag the major ity. Only now and then-can a man stand out against these "levelers" and hold his fortune, fame and health to the cn4 . So the Creator has use for Whisky, Tobacco aad Coffee to level down the fucceetiful ones and those who show ligns of being successful, and keep back in thfe raoe, so that the "field" (the masses) may not bo And yet we must admit that all-wise Creator has placed it in the power of man to stand upright, clothed in the armor of a clean-cut steady mind, and say unto himself, "I decline to exchange my birthright for a mess *ot pottage. "i will not deaden my senses, weak en my grip on affairs and keep my self cheap, common and behind in for tune and fame by drugging with whisc ky, tobacco or coffee. Life Is too short. It is hard enough to win the good things without any sort of handi cap, so a man is certainly a 'fool trad er' when he trades strength, health, money and the good things that come with power for the half-asleep condi tion of the 'drugger* with the certainty of sickness and disease ahead." It is a matter each individual must decide for himself, He can be a lead er and semi-god if he will, or he can go along through life a drugged clown, a cheap *'hewer of wood or carrier of water." Certain It is that while the Great Father of us all does not seem to "mind" > if some of his children are foolish and stupid, he seems to select others (perhaps those he intends fcr some special work) and allows them to be threshed and castigated most fearfully by these "levelers." If a man tries flirting with these lev elers a while, and gets a few slaps as a hint, he had better take the hint, or a g©od solid blow will follow. When a man tries to live upright, clean, thrifty, sober and undrugged; manifesting as near as he knows what the Ci eator intends he should, happi ness, health and peace seem to come to him. Does it pay? This article was written to set peo ple thinking, to rouse the "God with in," for every highly-organized man and woman has times when they feel a something calling from within for them to press to the froht and "be about the Father's business." Don't mistake it; the spark of the Infinite is there, and it pays in every way-- health, happiness, peace and even worldly prosperity--to break off the habits and strip clean for the work cut out for us. It has been the business of the writ er to provide a practical and easy way for* people to break away from the coffee habit and be assured of a re turn to health and all of the good things that brings, provided the abuse has not gone too far, and even then the cases wherfe the body has been re built on a basis of strength and health run into the thousands. It is an easy and comfortable step to stop coffee instantly by having well made Postum Food Coffee served rich and hot with good cream, for the color and flavor is there, but none of the caffeine or other nerve-destroying ele ments of ordinary coffee. On the contrary, the most powerful rebuilding elements furnished by Na ture are In Postum and they quickly set about repairing the damage. Sel dom is it more than two <Jays after the change is made before the old stomach or bowel troubles or com plaints of kidneys, heart, head or nerves show unmistakable evidence of getting better and ten days' time changes things wonderfully. Literally millions of brain-working Americans to-day use Postum, having found the value and common sense in the chiange. C. W. POST m WEEKLY PANORAMA NITROGEN FOR THE SOIL. PAID DEARLY FOR CAUTION. Woman's Distaste for publlcity Cost - Purse and Handbag. For years Mrs. Storey's life had been haunted by tl^ fear that some day she might be called upon to serve as a witness in court. Her grand« mother was a witness once, and when Mire. Storey was a little girl she used to hear all about it. Grandma, it ap pears, had been so scared she couldn't tell the judge her own name. "And," said Mrs. Storey to her hus band, "if there is anything more dis- graceful than to be unable to tell your own name, I'd like to know what it is." In order to reduce the possibilities 01 such a calamity to a minimum, Mrs. Storey would walk on with deaf ened ears and averted head whenever she happened to be near a flr^, a fight or the scene of an accident. Only the other day she had occasion to shut her eyes and ears to the seethin; world about her. She was waiting iu the Grand Central station for M' Storey who had gone around to ttf» baggage room to check a trunk. Presently she became aware thli something exciting was happenini close beside her. Hastily she shut her eyes and stuck her fingers into her ears, but before these protective measures could be accomplished she learned that a female thief had snatched a handbag which she had fpund lying on the floor, and was be. ing pursued by an excited crowd. No' being entirely devoid of the curiosit] of her sex, Mrs. Storey would have liked to know more, but the old fear of being detained as a witness helc her inert untl her husband's return Then she ventured to ask if they had caught the thief. r "Yes," said Mr. Storey, "but thej couldn't do anything with her. Ev eryone was confident tne bag didn* belong to her, but as nobody appeared to claim it the policeman had to 1<> her go." At that Mrs. Storey opened eyes. "I am so glad," she said, "th« it is all over. I am ready to go no* But--oh, dear me, where are my pur»» and handbag? I had them here < moment ago! They must Lav# dropped--oh, I wonder--" •'Yes," said Mr. Storey, heartlessly "the stolen bag undoubtedly ws yours."--New York Press.- Teaching Gunnery. The new system of giving young British sailors a six weeks' prelimi nary gun drill to see If they are cap able of further tunltlon works fairly well and is a great Improvement on the old system, when a man was fully trained in gunnery, whether he was fitted for it or not, at the expense of the country, says the London Ex press. The only drawback to the qcheme is that gunnery Is so complicated nowa days that a man does not have time Ut grasp the details thoroughly. The admiralty tries to make him a fight ing machine before ho is mm individual. to Have Effect on Human Life. Vaccination against smallpox has saved a counties a number of lives. Vaccination of the soil bids fair to have an even more beneficial effect on human life by. increasing the food supply that can be obtained from im poverished soil. The process is the result of the inventive genius of Dr. George T. Moore of the United States Department of Agriculture, and how It operates is described in the Century Magazine. The new vaccination Is not a meth od for the prevention of a disease of the soil, but rather for supplying the soil with elements in which it is de- Sclent. It is a process by which the soil can be made to take a big supply jf nitrogen from the air at an ex pense that Is almost nothing at all,! thus obviating the necessity Of using' :ostly fertilizers. j Some time ago German scientists liscovered that the nodules on the roots of leguminous plants, such as beans, peas, clover and alfalfa, were really colonies of milions of bacteria, whose "activity consisted in taking nitrogen from the air rand accumulat ing.. In soils that do not contain such bacteria the legumes will not grow at .all, but where the bacteria abound the nodules accumulate very much more nitrogen than the legumes need, with the result that the soil is enrich ed for a crop of a different kind, such as corn or wheat, the next year. That Is the scientific basis of rotation of crops, though nobody knew it before Now what Dr. Moore has done is to devise a way to- grow these bacteria by the billion and fix them so that they will keep in a dried state for months He makes little cakes of them which the farmers can use on their bad soil and the cost to tlie government is less than a cent an acre. He has patented his process and made a free gift of the patent to the American people, Experiments show that vaccinated soil will produce from eight to twenty times as heavy crops of legumes as unvaccinated soil will produce. More over, the crop of cotton, or corn, or wheat the year after vaccination will be from fifty per cent to three or four hundred per cent larger than It would otherwise have been. The farmers on the worn-out land of New England have special and lm mediate reason for thanking Dr. Moore for the work that he has done, and the demand for his bacteria cake is sure to be heavy the coming year, EX-QUEEN OF SPAIN DEAD. Sudden Demise of the Sister of the Present King. The Infanta Maria De Las Mercedes, princess of the Asturias, sister of King J&M23& QTA57ZlBti3 Alfonso and wife of Prince Charles of Bourbon, gave birth to a daughter Oct 16 and died next day. The prin cess of the Asturias was queen of Spain till the birth of her brother, the present king. She was born in 1880 and was married in February, 1901, to Prince Charles of Bourbon. They had two sons, Alfonso, born in Novem ber, 1901, and Fernando Maria Alfonsa born in February, 1903. LEARNED WHO MORGAN WAS. Knowledge Somewhat Astonishes Ocean Liner Official. As the Atlantic liner Cedric was about to sail from New York the other day the ship's steward informed tne purser that Mr. Morgan had given orders to be notified five minutes be fore the gang planl. hauled In. "And who the deuce is Morgan." ask ed the purser. "Blimed if I know," answered the steward, hurrying away. Just then he saw an official of the line and learned from him who Mr. Morgan is. With a frightened look he dasn- ed back to the purser and whispered: "Oh, I say, Mrt Purser. I've just 'eard 'o his 'ere Mr. Morgan is. Blessed if he ain't the howner of the bloomln* ship--Pierpont Morgan, you know." The purser was careful to give Mr Morgan the desired information. Praises American Law Schools. Prof. James Brice of England, au thor of "The American Common wealth," has begun a series of lec tures before the Columbia law school. In the first of these lectures he prais ed the American law schools, saying: "No part of your system of education here in the United States strikes visi tors more forcibly than the efficient means provided for the education of lawyers. Your schools are much bet ter than any in England, and that is because the Americans realise that there is a science of law." Bismarck's Sons Died Young. Both of Bismarck's sons died while still compartively young men, "Bill"' Bismarck having died in 1901. The great chancellor's only surviving child is his daughter, the Countess Von Rantzau. Prince Herbert Birmarck was forced to give up his career in the army when a^ lieutenant on ac count of the severe wound he received at the battle of Mars-le-Tour, Aug. 16, 1870. When he died, however, he held the rank of major general on the in active list. R18KS LIFE IN DARING FEAT. Woman's Sensational Act Excites Pa risians to Wonder. Novel sensational feats on auto-cars and bicycles, in looping and circ ling circles and jumping gaps in tracks upside down or right side up, are still forthcoming, and there is always some one ready to invent a ne,w and special ly thrilling flight The latest recruit to daring band of performers, prepar- for a consideration to run the risk of breaking their necks, is Madame Mauricia de Tiers, who is known as the Auto-Bolide--the Auto-Meteor-- of the Folles-Bergere, in Paris. The lady's meteoric flight is made on an S shaped track--an S with the middle part wanting. She starts from the top and descends, her car gripping the rails and holding to. them, the latter part of her descent on this upper half of the S being made head downward; ana in this position she is projected across the gap to the lower half of the S, upon which she lands and completes the course in safety. The entire length of Madame de Tiers' remarkable flight is 16C feet, the gap is 32 feet, and the coarse is run in 4% seconds, "mo ments of greater anguish," says Paris paper, "for the spectators than for the courageous lady. The latter remains quite calm during her terrific flight, wheh is like a rapid vision of an automobile upside down in space then a terrible shock, and then the de scent to the stopping-point. The tires are pneumatic and it is a mystery how they resist the impact upon the track. --Montreal Herald. * v. -r sr#. Interesting Japanese Students. Among the Japanese students in the University of Pennsylvania, the most Interesting are two that have jest entered the freshman class of the col lege-- Shun zo Takaki and Klheiji Iwaya. Both are prominent in their country and came from Tokio especi ally to take the course in finance and commerce. Takaki is the champion tennis player of Tokio. He is the of Surgeon General Kuiwah Takaki of the Japanese army, who is retired and holds a seat in the Japan house of peers. The other man, Iwaya, is the son of Ruchi Iwaya, the high daishiin or supreme judge of Tokio. Both of the iiien are small, but very muscular and familiar with the jiu- jitsu, which they made good use of in the class rushes. "• Every housekeeper <nould Itnow that if ther will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for ikundry use they will save not only ame, because it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 16 oz.--one full pound--while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in %-pound pack ages, and the price is the same, 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it is because he has a stock on band which he wishes to dispose of before he puts In Defiance. He knows thnt Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand Defiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron sticking. Defiance never sticks. HARVEST TIME IN CHINA. 8ma|l Plots of Land Farmed by the Emperor's Subjects. A great land magnate of southern China, says Everybody's Magazine, owns and farms four acres. His en vious neighbors hold competence of one acre or bare pittance of an eighth of an acre; but Wong Poy is lucky He has even been able to afford wife. Two "hands" work for him in these harvest days, at the panic wages of 20 cents a day. The men squat, Oriental fashion, at their work chopping down the stalks with swift stabs of their little sickles. Mrs Wong Poy and her eldest, a daughter, follow behind and tie up the sheaves with wisps of straw. The two cher ished men-children, sole hope of heav en for Wong Poy, play through the stubble and steal grains of wheat to chew. It is a matter for corporal punishment If they are caught in this for in China every grain is numbered When the wheat is all in and has been beaten out on the thrashing floors and stored In the well-guarded granary under Wong Poy's house, the family makes rejoicing. There is little mess of flsh for the pot. A punk stick and a cup of rice brandy are offered up to the gods of grain, and before them Wong Poy, his hands tucked in his sleeves, bows to the ground while he recites prayers. Mrs. Wong steals away from her husband to meet with the other village women and hold strange rites^--wild, con tor tionate trances, with visions of the upper and nether worlds. So have itheir mothers done, time out of mind. Oldest Letter in the World.?* What is probably the most ancient letter in the world has just been discovered in some excavations being made in the Province of Attica, and Ja. Wilhelm, secretary of the Austrian Archaelogical Institute, who has sue ceeded in deciphering it, asserts that it was written four centuries before Christ. It is engraved on a leaden leaf, folded in two, and it bears on the outside the following address: To the porter of the market at Potls, to be delivered either to Nausias or to Thrasicles, or to their sons." The text of the letter is as follows: 'Mnesiengos 6ends his .greetings to those in the house and informs them that he is in good health. Please.send me a blanket or some sheepskins, if possible of the ordinary kind, with out ornaments. As soon as -the oc casion offers I shall return them." Worn by French Children. ^ --'-SUUPe knees and these fantastic cos tumes are decreed by fashion and worn by the children in France. Afl About the Associated PreSSi - Mr. Melville E. Stone, manager of the Associated Press. Is preparing a series of articles which will appear in The Century Magazine during the coming year, covering an account of the history, operation and policy of the Associated Press. The papers will be full of anecdotg, and, will te&ll of the operation of tKe~°^ssociated Press in Europe as well as in Ameri ca. Pointed shoes are coming back Into style. This will enable the corn doc tors to quit viewing with alarm and again point with pride. Those Who Have Tried It will use no other. Defiance Cold Wa ter Starch has no equal in Quantity or Quality--16 oz. for 10 cents. Other brands contain only 12 oz. Marie Corelli says she has no re spect for critics. Evidently she reads what they have to say about her. t • a? I do not believe Piao's Cure for Consumption has an equal for coughs and colds.--JOHN P. BuYKH, Trinity Springs, 1ml.. Feb. 15,1900. Ill luck is sometimes better than good luck, as it may cause a reforma tion. Superior quality and extra quantity must win. This is why Defiance Starch Is taking the place of all others. Edison was the first to turn the light on the shortcomings of his son. CtTQ permanently cured. No fits or r.prvonnnpw" aftW rll J llrat day's use of Dr. Kline's lir-ent Nerve HeKtolfc er Send for KBKK 12.OO trtui liottta and treativfe l)ji. H. li. KLINE. Ltd., u:>l Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA It's all right to take things as they come if you don't expect too much. • Write MURINE KYE KKMEDT Co.. Chicago, If your ejrei arc sore IT Inflamed, and ftet oculist's" •dries and free sample M UK IN E. It cures all eye-Ills. Most men will admit that they have more brains than money. "Dr. David K»n^Snt>ftivorlt« Remedy I* excellent for tne liver. ('nred^nt* alter eltrln vearsof •uifvrlujf." 8. I'epron, Albany, V. T. World famuu*. tl. We should provide in peace what we need in war. Mrs. WInalow's Soothing Syrop. For children teething, soften* the Klin,*, reduCMi tl> flammatlon, aUayapiiia, curtu wind vullu. 3So a boiua. A dress With a train is a woman's long stilt. Miss Agnes* Miller, of Chicago, speaks to young women about dangers of the Menstrual Period --how to avoid pain and' suffering and* remove the cause by using Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound* "To YOUNG WOMEN:--I suffered for six years with dysmenor rhea (painful periods), so much so that I dreaded every month, as I knew it meant three or four davs of intense pain. The doctor said this was due to an inflamed condition ot the uterine appendages by repeated and neglected colds. "If young girls only realized how dangerous it is to take cold at this critical time, much suffering would be spared them. Thank God for Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, that was the only msdicine which helped me any. Within three weeks after I started to take it, I noticed a marked improvement in my general health, and at the time of my next monthly period the pain had diminished consider ably. I kept up the treatment, and was cured a month later. 1 am like another person since. I am in perfect health, my eyes are brighter, I have added 12 pounds to my weight, my color is good, and I feel light and happy."--Miss AGNES MILLER, 25 Potomac Ave., Chicago, ILL The monthly sickness reflects the condition of a woniM'i health. Anything unusual at that time should have prompt and proper attention. Fifty thousand letters from women prove that Lydia K.1 Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound regulates msm. •truation and. makes those periods painless* BEAD WHAT JOSS LENDBECK SATSt "DEAR MRS. PTNKHAM: -- Lydia E. Pint- ham's Vegetable Compound has greatly bene fitted me. I will tell you how I suffered Mr trouble was painful menstruation. I felt as each month went by that I was getting worse. I had severe bearing-down pains m my back and abdo men. "A friend advised me to try Mrs. Pinkhanft medicine. I did so and am now free from all pain during my periods."--JESSXB CI IODBXCK, 1201 6th Street̂ Rockford, ILL FREE ADVICE TO WOMEN. Remember, every woman is cordially 1 invited to write to Mrs. Pinkhaia if there Is anything' about her symptoms she does not understand. Mrs. Pinkliam's address ia I-ynn, Mass^ her advice is free and cheerfully given to every all» iu? woman who asks for It. Her advice has restored to health more than one hundred thousand women* Why don't jre«i try it, my sick sisters? & S5000 w*oanno* forthwith pndoM ttworttfa*1 lettarti wuu win proveJitiAjr absolute IdTdia & flnlrhtm HtilfulM Oa* MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cures Cuts, Burns, Bruises. i' ""'i11 ,i"" l"il¥Wllll'|i;ai;i|»1"';"ii!Hiiiyi •MB) AVegelable PreparalionforAs - la of L]\KANIS/( HIL'DRFCN Promotes Digcslion.Chccrml- fi83s and Iit-Si.Contains ncillier Opium,Morplune nor>iiiieral. NOT Narcotic. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! j**re*-ouj*swun.nrcBfR Ptin̂ JcU Seal' jtlx.Smna * EttelleSJfi- jitsixt Seed & MtnftStfd - Cbtik*d .tiiav Fiwtm Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa Hon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW'YORk. AI b m o r\ < fc's .ol U ' 41 J5 Dost j C* N r> EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. FIXA.XC1.4L. k l% INVESTIflEiit dan be secured in i manufacturing oorporattoft that la at present operating, a large and weg eqolppat woolen mill. We are manufacturing and aelltaff tow-pitued woolens and money la required TO IHCRKASB CAPACITY OF OUR FACTORY which can UM*. take care of the largely lncreaattl bnalneaa we mm Command We offer 7% preferred cumulative stock at par. The preferred feature suarantae* jro« t% on your money. We will give aa a hunaa log lm COMMON stock. This 10% la commas at^ck aiakaa yon an EQUAL PARTNER ID all further pro*la at the enterprise, pro rata with your holdings. Corporation officered and managed by UMVMghly practical men. It la a running bualneu. Ko experi ments. Large orders on hand. A larger bnalneaa than we can at present take care of, snowing aa under XOW. Send for full details, or send a depoals with your letter which we-wiu rafvadtf jvm are--< satisfied after investigation. SPENSER WOOLEN MFG. CO. Spencer, Mass. m. In Use For Over Thirty Years WESTERN CANADA'S Magnificent Crops for 1904. Western Canada'* Wheat Crop this Year Will be 60,* OOO.OUO Buatiets, and Wheat at entla Worth Sl.OOe Bushel. is Oat and Barley Crop Will Alao Yield Abundantly. Splendid prices for all kinds of grain, oattta nd other farm produce for the growiuig of • liich tLe climate is unsurpassed. About 150.1X10 Americans have settled Is Wflafr fn Canada during the past tlm^e years. Thou-Jimlayif free homesteaJs of t<» KNI ich still available ia the hest Agricultural ricts. It has born said that the United States wtli •e forced to import, wheat within a very few "ars. Secure a farm in Canada and beoana >ne of those who will produce it. Apply for information to Superlntendenfc at mmirration. Ottawa. Canada."or to authoriaM 'anadiau Government Auent -C. J. Hrou#btoa, No. 4;*) Qutncy Htuldinir. Chicago. IU.: T. Q. Currie. Room 12, Callahan Building, Milwaukee. Wis.: M. V. Mclnnes, No. d, Aveuua Block. Detroit, llich. TMI ECNTFTUR SOMMNV. FJCW VO*B CFTT. Long Leaae. Probably one of the loosest leases known was grapted (or a small piece ot meadow land, some sixteen acres in extent, in Surrey, England. It ia for the term of 2,900 years, and was granted on St Michael's day in 1651, at the singular rental of a "red rose when demanded." It is not stipulat* ed that the rose shall be the product of this land, which is fortunate, for Bp such rose grows anywhere on tfca nsixteen acres. You Should Try Requires no cooking* and very iittle sugar, cream or milk. Serve from the package. Strawberry and Vegetable Dealers The I'u^senper Department of the Illinois Central Kuilroad Company have rtvcutjy issued a publication known as Circular No. 1-, in which i« •i'*serib'\i best territory in this country for the Rrowing of early strawberries and eariy vek'ctables. Every dealer in s»)i products should address a postal card t«» the undersigned Dubucr<e. iowa. requesting a copy o' 'Circular No. IS. J. F. MERKY. Aaat. eeal Paaa'r A«eat tooth Sakot* lula for tale, fey <nr*«r, tuy torms; new arrival# conaumtl i«ad for Uata. O. *• Willtaaa. ~ »y OTrnor.tiot'Ojij prteao; UUT T«lu»-8<iT*nci»e WifafUai. It. Buili MEXICO IS TEMPTING In t'ie two continents ft th*-* to W» m.ctuir.uln*; »u*l U?!i£htfu? t« r a vaoa* li •ntr'pttian OM Mexico. At everT ti?rn ni»»el »!-ht >>r » uuJ c »lm« ilio trai'fier'i «tMk- tl n, lii£ la new mtvl different. 1'r >iy! St. Loaf* t> Mexico t'fiy . the ML K-A.T. R'jr opvrnie* • l*ulln>H« n!p«p«r ranulnn: through v: t!n>M c'mnire. This s!eep<-r St. 8:J'I |>. ill. everv D»y on th? "K»IT Flyri- '* KaMO Hiv luw now. "Wriift for particular* au<l of "Sights aud Sceaea In Old Mtitou. » "KATY" ST. LOUIS. MO. W. N. Un CHICAGO, No. 44, 1904k When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper, 7 i tUKL *- w 1 t~ vrcr i I ka i T- - S • :t.v .XM:-