:•- ^;. -~;Vv VR-i'M,- • h " < ' ' ... :* *V •*•*'.*!**•.*• •- .»,*. >V, • • •' .. ^ *f • -^. • • • •>.• r »".,... on all Dry Goods and Notions from December i N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by o\ir Able Corps of Correspondents 3w&- OSnUN BROS., ricHENRY, ILL. General Hardware,- -Dry Goods,- -SHoes- -Notions. TIN WORK OP ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRJCK8 The building season is here and so are we with everything neceessary in building a, house. Let us figure with you when, you get ready- to build, II; v will certainly pay you to do so. "We carry a confc- plete stock of Lumbei, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Build ing Paper, Cement, JLiime, Brick,-Etc; FEED DEPARTMENT} Our Peed Department is also complete in every detail, having been in the business so long as to know the exact wants of the people. White Swim Flour is the kind'we handle and the name speaks , for itself. WILBUR LUriBER CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. uminnnummwwwtwtwiwwMmttww Fall Goods Arriving We are receiving large shipments of Fall anil Winter Goods every week, and have marked them at prices that will move them. Men's All Wool Business Suit... »....$ 9.50 Men'sjj^ll Wool Worsted, in popular browns.. 1.50 Men's Fancy Black Worsteds..., 9.00 Men's extra heavy Blue Serge. . 13.00 Also cheaper suits from. $4.00 Up. Men's Fancy Cravenette Coat, guaranteed not to^-wet through ,.. 12.00 American Lady Corsets, any size .50c and 1.00 Ladies' Opera Shawls ..... I.50 SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. Spring Grove, Frank Schumacher. To 0\ir Customers, "Thanksgiving time" seems a very fitting time for us to thank you for the patronage you have •conferred on us. We have appreciated your favors and hope you have found our relations pleasant and profitable. This Thanksgiving finds us truly thankful, inasmuch as we have every reason tp be satisfied with the business we have done. We hope that when you sit down to your turkey dinner you will feel as thankful as do we. Thanking you for past kind favors and hoping for your future patron age, I remain, Respectfully yours, F. L. McOmber, WEST SIDE HARDWARE. Best for Business 6'c a day Best for Residence It's the p<*fict service that why it's the gnatttf servicc- rtackis (twrywhtrt -- that's the b«-«t for you. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY SPRING GROVE. [People of Spring Grove and vicinity, desiring to subscribe for The Plahideal- er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond ent. 1 he subscription price is #1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. ED. ] Mrs, John Warner is at Trevof, Wis., at present Mrs. Frank Shumacher is numbered among the sick. Dr. Bremken attended to business in Chicago Monday. Jesse Richardson is attending the, fat stock show this week. Mrs. James Westlake has been very sick the past two weeks., > ^ . Miss Lnella Churchill is spending the week at Solon with her aunt, Mrs.; M. Teft. Mesdames Silas and Selim Pierce and Miss Edna Pierce were Chicago visitors Friday. There will be a meeting of ti»ef Cole's Cemetery Aid Society next Saturday afternoon, December 3, at Mrs. Richard Ox toby's. All interested are urged to be present. Freddie Shotliff was kicked in the face by a colt last Sunday evening and re mained unconscious for quite a space of time. His face is badly cut and bruised and the pain from the wound* is in tense. Howard Westlake, while loa'ding corn stalks^ was thrown from the load by the sudden starting of the team and struck on hiq shoulders: While no bones were broken or dislocated, he received intern al injuries which will lay him hp for some time. NOVEMBER 24. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Orvis Sundayed hers. Glen Neieb ia attending school at Wau- kegan. Ed Walsh of Wankeeha was in town Sunday. Frank Mitchell was a Fox (jake caller recently. Wm. Hogle attended to business in Richmond recently. Andrew Stevens has his fine new barn nearly completed. E. Faulkner of Antioch is-doing ma son work for W. C. Moss. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Neish attended to business in Chicago Thursday. Mrs. Isabella Neish and Mrs. Jennie Moss were Antioch callers Friday. Miss Maggie Saunders of Genoa Junc tion visited friends here the first of the week. Thanksgiving exercises were held by the school pupils- last we»k Tuesday afternoon. Miss Giace Hopper will teach in the primary room Wednesday in the ab sence of Mrs. Overton. Mrs. Mary Overton, Miss Lucy Carey and Miss Ro£a Gerbracht are. visiting the St. Louis fair this week. Mrs. John Miller and daughter, Anna, and Mrs. Nimsgern and daughter, Susie, were Chicago visitors Friday. Ora Leedom of Chicago was here Mon day. He has been having a seige, not of small-pox, but of vaccination. Wilmot is likely to' become a railroad town, surveys having been made there, and work has commenced at Antioch, to extend at least to the gravel pits pur chased by the company of D m Viaceut, A Frightened Horse, Running like mad down the street, dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day oc currences It behooves everybody to have a reliable Salve handy and there is none as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Piles disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 2fic at Julia A. Story and N H Petesch's, McHenry, and G. W.JJesley's, West McHeury drug stores. . KINGWOOIt. I D, Smith and family were recent visitors in the Garden City. Mr and Mrs. Ed Whiting ate turkf v in Chicago Thanksgiving day. Miss Myrtle Stevens of Elgin visited her parents Jhanksgiying day. Silver medal contest in the M E. church at McHenry December 16. Walter Bradley attended to business in the windv city one day last week. Misses Bertha Bell, Erma Watson and Gertie Wolkos attended church at Solon last Sunday. Mrs. Hoag and daughter of Green wood were guesti of Mr. and Mrs, B. McCannon Friday. Mr and Mrs. Merritt Cruikehank of Solon were guests, of Mr. afid Mrs. Will McCannon Sunday, i.. Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Loughridge and sou ate'.Thanksgiving dinner with W;. A.; Dud ̂ e and family. ; ^ A?k James if it is not getting rather late in the season to be riding without a top on his carriage. Miss Dora ('nates visited Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wright and daughter of Richmond recently. Mrs. Wiu Coates and daughter, Em ma, returned Tuesday from a six weeks visit in Iowa." 'Mi^s Mildred Waterman spent a few da*ys the last of the week with Pear' Claxtoi! at McHenry. Chas E. h Tuttle and family enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Thompkins of Union Thanksgiving day. Quite a number of our young- people at tended the tern iterance entertainment at Osteini Sunday evening. Mrs E. Simpson returned Saturday evening from a two weeks' visit with Richard Lawson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCannon a* Thanksgiving dinner with A. C. Mat thews and f miily at McHeury. Messrs Duane "Bell, Joe Lawrence, Ray Dodge, and Delbert Bacon wert Chicago visitors the latter part of the - - -"C J! Bridle Crip can't be made in this Store. In fact, ' kind are impossiole. Every article in Harness and Horse 'trips" of any this stock of Goods is of tfaeguqlity that precludes the possibility of mak ing an unsatisfactory purchase. Prices are adjusted No one can complain that we do not give excellent value. GUS. CARLSON, r McHENRY with the utmost care. $2.50 WORTH SENT FREE DR. MILES, THE GREAT SPECIALIST fN DISEASES OF THE HEART. NERVES, STQMACH AND; , KIDNEYS, . • wt: and Mrs. Carter of Jeffersoti, la., and daughter of Rockford, spent partol last week with Mr. and Mjre. W. E. Smith. ' • The Ladies' Church Aid society will hold an old-fashioned spelling bee at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Bishop Friday evening, December 2. Light re freshments will lie served. Price l(k- A special invitation ie extended to all. , By invitation of Vr. and Mrs. John Carey a party of young people gathered at their home last Friday evening. The evening was a in >st Ijeautiful one for the oc casion. The time merrily passed in playing games. All preseut report a good time Dainty refreshments were served, after which the jolly company soon adjourned. A TIi«ii»itiiil DU IIH I H Worth of Goo<J. • A- Thames, a well known coal op erator of "Buffalo,-O.,' writes: "I have "been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, passing gravel or stones with excruciating pain. I got no relief from medicines until I began taking Foley 's Kidney cure, then the result was surprising A few doses"started the briek dust like fine stones and now I have no pain across my'kidneys and I feel like a new man. It has done me $1000 worth of good " Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, III. Your corn ill be accepted for the contest v.ith or without the husks on. F. L McOmber. When yon feel like sighing--sing, Sighing will never pleasure bring; Learn to laugh, yon can laugh and laugh right By taking Roc *y Mountain Tea at night. G. W. Besley. Wilt SetKl t Trial Course of Htq NW'iM Remarkable Treatments Free. When au experienced physician offers, to give away $2 50 Treatments for dis eases of the heart, nerves, stomach,- kidneys or dropsy, it is conclusive evi dence that he has great faith in it. And when hundreds of prominent men and women fieely testify tp his unusual skill and the superiority of his New Special Treatments his liberality is cer tainly worthy of serious consideration. That Franklin Miles, M. D., LL. R., is one of the world's most successful phy sicians is proven by hundreds of won derful cures of well known people. One patient cured after failure of eleven Grand Rapids physicians, one after be- tug given up by thirty physicians, one after nine of the leading physicians in New York City, Philadelphia and Chi cago failed. . The late I'rof. J. 8. Jewell, M, I)., editor of the Journal of Mental ;iutl Nervous Diseases, said: "by all means publish your surprislnit results.' I'ruf. I'. .1, UD.SS. M. I'.. I'x-l'rvswliMii ot Uush Mi-«lU-itl (L'olli'gf. wrote in ls?4: "hr. Miles lias taken two courses of my i>rivlit*' m- struct ions in diseases of (lie heart md iunjrs.' Mr. Trutnan DeWeese. editor of ilie('liiea({< riuies-lleratd. states: "IJr. Miles eyred nie ol years of Inherited ln>adaehe ami Vlizzlne I'he well known manufacturer of Fteeijort. ill.. J. <\ Scott, says: "I h:id fruitlessly spent thousands of dollars oil physicians until I consulted Dr. Miles." One thousand remarkable teetimoni als sent upon request. As all may have the Doctor's Book, valuable advice and $2 50 worth ol treatment, especially prepared for their case, free, as a trial, we would advise every sick one to send for tbei i at once Give careful descriptior of your symp torns. Address, Dr. Franklin Miles. Dept. G, Grand Dispensary, 131 to 481 tlain St., Elkhart, Ind. - 21 > .lOHNSBI'KGII- Hteve Freund died here Monday after noon. C. M. Adams was a windy city visitor Wednesday. Mike Freuud of McHenry was a caller here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos Thelenvisited John Mertes Sunday. Frank Barhian of McHenry was a call er here Tuesdays. Peter Britz arid family visited at Geo. Cell's Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Laures were visit ors in R ngwood Sunday. Miss Katie Laures of McHeury visited Vliss Lena Smith Monday. Mrs. Michels and brother, Anton Thel en,.visited Mrs. John S. Freund. Joe Rotheruiel and family of McHen- >*v spent Thanksgiving at Jos. J. Mich els. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Freund of Ring- wood spent Thanksgiving at Steven H. Smith's. Miss Lena Smith of Johnsburgh spent a few days the past week with Miss Katie Laures. Mioses Helen Hetterman and Rose and Barbara Althoff visited Misses Eva and Maggie Hueiiiann. John Ben tier and Mr. and Mrs. John Murray of Chicago came out for a short stay at, the former's German Village cottage. Henry Stilling entertained the follow ing for Thanksgiving: Messrs. and Mes- dames Jos. Hneinann, Mike Fretind, .Toe Freund, Mike Bauer, Jake Stock, Peter Mi ler and Henry Kenrebei k ' KMKRALDPARK. Att'y. H. Haage spent Saturday at J. B. Frisby's. Miss Mary Sutton of Chicago spent Thanksgiving at home. Ed Walsh of Chicago spent ^banks- giving with home folks. V Miss Margaret Sutton visited our school last Friday afternoon. < Thos. F. Walsh returned Sunday from a week's visit with relatives in Chicago. Messrs. Chas. #Gibbs Snd Ed Fleming of Chicago were callers here the first of the week. Bruce Starritt and Miss Clara Thomp son called on Miss Margaret Sutton Sun day afternoon. Win. E. Heaney of Chicago visited friends in this vicinity from Thmsday to Sunday evening. Miss Lola Aylward of Elgin spent Thanksgiving with heme folks and at tended the M. W. A. dauce in the even ing. Miss Macie Dake and brother, Steve' Dake, of Chicago speut a few days the last of the week at J. B. Frisby's aud sVm. Welch's. Mies Alice Sutton and friend, Miss Ida Cornell, of Elgin spent Thanksgiving at the former's home here and attended the dance at McHenry in the evening. On Friday evening of this week, De cember 2, there will be a basket social at Miss Mttyme Knox's school, to which all ale cordially invited, and ladies are requested to bring baskets, as usual. Miss Knox and pupils are preparing a program for the evening, and they have proven on former occasions that they know how to entertain a crowd. The many friends of Mrs. Geo. Walms- !eyvSr., will be grieved to learn of her death, which occurred Sunday last. She has suffered a great deal during the past two years, but was withal a patient sufferer. Her daughters, Mrs. Frank Prout and Mrs. Paul Reger, were with her when she died.. The husband and children have the sincerest sympathy ot their many friends in their bereavement, BARKEVILLE. Eddie Nelson spent the last of the week with Floyd and Robert Thomp son- J. R. Hunter of McHenry called on some of his numerous friends here Sun day. " James McCannon and sister, Irma. of Greenwood spent Sunday at I. N. Mer chant's. * Floyd Carr and sister, Edith, of Greenwood spent Saturday and Sunday at Thos. Thompson's. Chas. Gibbs and Ed Fleming of Chi cago spent a few days the first of the week with relatives here. ^ Bruce Starritt and Miss Clara Thomp son called on Miss Margaret Sutton of Emerald Park Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. YanNatta enter tained a number of relatives on Thanks giving day. Those present were; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. YanNatta Jr., Emerald Park, Mr. and Mrs. Morris YanNatta and three children of Chicago, Mrs. Ed YanNatta and little son of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and sou ot Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gran tiiam and sou of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs Amos Keeler and daughter of Janes- ville, Wis., Mr. and MrB. Mort Ritt and daughter of Nuuda, Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Burnett and daughter of Slot-urn s Lake, Eddie Nelson of Chicago aud Floyd and Robert Thompson. •• I OUR. Best Ads an no* PRINTED are Worn! We have undoubtedly reached the cli max-in ease and style In g'armenture* Coats, body and over, are comfortably rocmy. and trousers deeidly easy at the hips aild through the legs, fitting close' over the shoe at the instep. Though the shoulders are broad and full the natural width of th*1 shoulders has supplanted the bulging fullness of artificial padding, and the unnatural Hercules proportions are reduced to give a graceful contour and manly dignity. ( ollars and lapels are broad er and shorter. so as to be ia-keeping with the increased width and length of th j garment.. The notch points of la pels are rounded, even to bluntness, a welcome change from the pointed cor ners which always have a tendency to curl outward after a few weeks' wear. Even the lapels on k>me of the double breasted sacks 1 have seen have the "step" comers quite blunt, a style I admire more than the wide, sharp- pointed revers now rather common. We do «s we Promise and Promise only What we Do. | John D. Lodtz. | "Alter all, there is nothing like DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER I have used it with satisfaction lor nearly forty years." * ' " - ' Kin<iEFIKLl», The Plaindealer will be sent to am address on trial three months for tw-fn tv-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time, unless other wise ordered. Try it. Sam,.Merchant was in Woodstock Fri day. * Mrs. H Beed and daughters were in Nuuda Friday. Mrs. E. L. Dufield and son, Arthur, were in Nuuda Tuesday. Mrs. N. J. Garrison visited relatives at Green wood last week. Mrs. W. R. Shelt and daughter, Nt t tie, were in Nuuda Friday. Mr. Howard of McHenry was in this vicinity on business Tuesday. Mis. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Lolo, were in Nunda on busiuess JTrlclay. Mrs. J. B. Lynch is visiting her (laugh ter, Mrs C. E. Couerty, in Chicago. Miss Mabel Skinner visited her sister at Woodstock from Friday until Mon day Miss Edith Hobart spent Thanksgiv ing vacation with her parents at Rich mond. Mrs. French of Ring wood visited her daughter, Mrs. Stepheuson, Thursday and Friday. - Mr. and Mrs. W." E. Monroe at* Thanksgiving diuner with their daugh ter, Mrs. I Jayue. at Woodstock. Henry B' rg and daughter, Bernic«t returned to their hotne i.i Wisconsin after a Week's vi<«it wiui relatives heie Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed of Chicjjgo and Miss Bessie Reed of Elgiu spene Ti<auks= giving week with H. Reed and fan ily Your corn will be accepted for the contest with or without the husks on. * t. L. McOmber. BILIOUSNESS CONSTrPATION CURED BY THEDFORDS BLACK-DRAUGHT Because the liver is neglected people suffer with constipation, biliousness headaches and fevers. Colds attack the lungs and contagious diseases take hold of the svstem. It is safe to say jtliat if the liver were always kept in proper working order, illness would De almost unknown. Thedford's Black-Draught is -<> successful in curing such sickme.s because it is without a rival as a 1 iver regulator. This great fam i I v medicine is not a strong anil drastic drug, but a mild and healthful Jaxative that cures con stipation and may be taken by a mere child without possible harm. The healthful action on the liver cures biliousness. It has an in vigorating effect, oti the kidneys. Because the liver and kidneys do not work regularly, the poison.' .> acids along with the waste tn.ui the bowels get back into the blood and virulent contagion results. Timelv treatment with Thed ford's Black-Draught removes t i n - dangers which lurk in constipation, l iver and kidney t roubles , and wil l E>sitively forestall the inroads oi right's disease, for which dis ease in advanced stages there ia no cure. Ask youf dealer for a 25c. package of Thedford's Black- Draught. , li fAHcr mm BUCKWHEAT FLOUR If you want good, pure Buckwheat, the old-fash ioned NV Y. State kind, in bulk, we haye it at per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4c VERMONT flaple Syrup! Absolute Purity GUAR. ANTE E f»f 1 pint glass jars .a© 1 quart glass jars... .35 £ gallon in tins .60 1 gallon in tins. $1.00 PURE Sugar Syrup 1 gallon tins 1 quart tins'...... ..10 1 quaft glass jars amy C O F F E E S Fancy Rio............... 15 Our celebrated Santos and Peaberry mixed, our own blend................ JO Fancy Mocha & Java... .a® Coffee Samples Free! TCOUR! The celebrated Corona Hour --most wholesome flour in town, per sack...... $1.45 m FANCY GROCERS Telephone 27I - BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS « RADS NIAnni OntoM COP V RIGHT* Ac. Anroae - « skeuh and d«aertptton stay qnloklT t n i n our opimou wh«tli«r *11 itiTentlon is t : hsbly pstt'iiisble. COMunk*. tl< MI* strictly (vxitkteutlal. HftNDBOOV (HI PMMtl •wist frtt). OMest Hjtfiirv st>r s«"^urui* 1'items t»keu tbr^UKb Mui.,. A Cxx r«o*Cr« •pctuii notict, without cherk-e. Its th« SckKiific America*. Ijtrcwtt etr- Ter*is, ft * tfis. tk. (jiAa by ail n«» " " 1.1stiiuely iJhmmftHi .•:i of HIT MO ^oanuu. rttiir ; four u - ° * 1 " Co.36'8-*4-' New York m v wmuwm,u&