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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1905, p. 3

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flaw Reduced Nineteen and One-Half Hour*. Wabash; Line trains make close con­ nection at St. Louis with trains via the Iron Mountain Railway and La­ redo Route, carrying through Palace Sleeping Cars to the City of Mexico. Time is less than three-days from St Louis. ,j Two drains daily. Tou can leave St. Louis at 2:21, p. m. and arrive at City of Mexico 10:50 a. m. the third morning, or you can leave St. Louis at 8:20 p. m. and ar­ rive at City of Mexico 7:30 p. m. the third evening. Mexico is a delightful and healthful winter resort. Your nearest Ticket Agent will give you full information. Mr. Dixon, whose "The Leopard's Spots" is regarded a* the voicing of the Southern protest against "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and its ideas, has gone even further in "The Clansman." He has come to the defense of the Ku Klux Klan and has sought to prove that this organization, which has been so fiercely assailed in the North, was really the only means of ridding the South of absolute negro domination and control. He invests the members of the "Klan" with the chivalric attri­ butes of members of the higher order of Masonry. (Doubleday, Page & Co.) 8tation Disappears. i 3$|e pumping station and coal shed at Oalien, on the Burlington railroad a short distance east of Sterling, which began to disappear into the earth recently, is entirely out of sight now with the exception of the top piece of stovepipe, which is still vis ible in the large circular hole In which the buildings disappeared. Defies Time. One of the most beautiful women In America defies the ravages of time by simply keeping her blood purified with Dr. Caldwell's (laxative) Syrup Pep­ sin. It will do the same for you. taken at the least sign of bowel, liver or stomach trouble, it will prevent all kinds of sickness, keep your circula­ tion clear, and your skin and com plexion as fresh and pure as in child hood. Sold by all druggists at 50c and $1.00. Money back if it fails. Oregon Fruit. The $3*240.000 worth of Oregon fruit raised in 1904 was distributed as fol­ lows: Apples, $885,000; prunes, $310,- 000; pears, $160,000; peaches, $175,' 000; small fruits, $710,000. Try One Package. If "Defiance Starch" does not please you, return it to your dealer. If it does you get one-third more for the same money. It will give you satis­ faction, and will not stick to the Iron. If ever old China wakes up and dis­ covers its real power there will be trouble among the other powers. WANTED--One person in every com­ munity to represent old well-known house. Good income. Send address, DonohueCo., 425 Dearborn St., Chicago. It fs not good for man to be alone; that is why woman refuses to let him alone. , When You Buy Starch buy Defiance and get the best, 16 os. tor 10 cents. Once used, always used. The individual who keeps his mouth shut seldom lives to regret it. TO CURE A COI.U IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Qutulne Tabletn. All drag* Klsu refund the m.mey ii tt fat la to cure. £. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c. City soil is said to be superior to country soil for wild oats. Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces In a package, 10, cents. One-third more starch "for the same money. Too many quarrels are picked be­ fore they are ripe. * W0MEN'S_NE6LECT SUFFERINGTHESUREPENALTV Health Thus Lost Is Restored by Lydia B. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. How many women do you know who are perfectly well and strong? We hear every day the sanje story over and over again. " 1 do not feel well; I am SO tiled all the time 1" f Jvlisi hat eM^Dona oubt More than likely you speak the same " y° far from well. The cause may be easily words yourself, and no ou feel traced to some derangement of the fe­ male organs which manifests itself in depression of spirits, reluctance to go |anywhere or do anything, backache, (bearing-down pains, flatulency, nerv­ ousness, sleeplessness, leucorrhoea. These symptoms are but warnings that there is danger ahead, and unless Zlheeded a life of suffering or a serious ^operation is the inevitable result. x He never-failing remedy for all these symptoms is Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg­ etable Compound. Miss Kate McDonald,of Woodbridge, sJN J., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: " 1 think that a woman naturally dislikes to tn&ke her troubles known to the public, but restored health has meant so much to me that I cannot help from telling mine for the sake of other suffering women. " For a long time I suffered untold agony With a uterine trouble and irregularities, Which made me a physical wreck, and no one thought I would recover, but Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound has entirely cured me, and made me well and strcng, ana I feel it my duty to tell other suffering women What a splendid medicine it is." If you are ill, don't hesitate to get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegeta­ ble Compound at once, and write to Mrs Pinkham, Lynn. Mass . for special •driee -it la free and always helpful. .j^use^ibommittee Finishes J|ork on Rivers and bors Measure.' MAY MEET DEATH IN SENATE Pear Is Entertained That Membera of the Upper House Will Be inclined to Add Too Muelt fee the Appropria­ tions. Washington dlspatclh Appropria­ tions aggregating more than In OOO.'m1 for the improvement of Illinois water­ ways will be made by this congress unless the bill which has been framed by the committee fails to become a law. The bill Will be introduced in a few days, aijid an effort will be made to place it on the statute books, but it is feared the senate will increase the appropriations to such an extent that it will kill the measure. As agreed upon by the house committee, it pro­ vides for a cash appropriation of f 14, 302,933, and authorizes continuing contracts amounting to 116,734,657, total of $31,637,590. The Illinois items are: For improv ing the Chicago river, $200,000; im­ proving the Calumet river, $100,000 continuing the contract, $176,000; im­ proving the Waukegan harbor, $30,000, and for prosecuting the work on the Illinois and Mississippi canal, $300,000 cash, and continuing the contract, $200,000. For improving the Mississippi river at Moline an appropriation of $100,000 is provided, and for continuing the con­ tract $286,000 is authorized. Provision is made for the appropria tion of $45,000 for improving the har bOr at Michigan, City, Ind. Michigan Rivers to Benefit. The following appropriations for Im­ proving rivers in Michigan are provid ed: Ontonagon, $3,000; Marquette, $3, 000; Grand Haven, $30,000; Muskegon $100,000; Ludington, $10,000; Manis­ tee, $10,000; Frankfort, $20,000 Petoskey, $20,000; Grand River, $100,000; Saginaw, $30,000; Sebe- waing, $5,000; Rouge-river and harbor, $13,000; Clinton, $3,000; St Mary'; tiver at falls, $420,000; for continu ing contract, $600,000; Holland, $65 000; for continuing the contract, $110, 000p Clinton, $3,000; Detroit river, continuing contract, $400,000; St Joseph river and harbor, $15,000 Kalamazoo river and Saugatuck har­ bor, $75,000; Hay lake and Neebish channel, $500,000; and continuing the contract, $750,000; waterway across Keweenaw point, $45,000; Gladstone harbor, $14,000; ManistiQue' harbor $25,000; South Haven harbor, $50,000 Charlevoix harbor and entrance Pine lake, $25,000; Penwater and White lake harbors,. $20,000; harbors of refuge at Marquette bay, $1,000 Grand^Marals, $50,000; Harbor beach $200,000. Appropriations provided for improv ing rivers in Wisconsin are: Port Bay, $19,992; Ashland, $60,000 Gfreen Bay, $10,000; Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan ship canal, and harbor of refuge, $50,000; Kewaunee, $3,000; Manitowoc, $110,000; Sheboy gap, $18,000; Racine, $30,000; Ke­ nosha, $5,000; St. Croix, $4,000; Fox River, $35,000; improving harbor at Milwaukee and harbor of refuge, $250 000; continuing contract, $218,581 harbor at Two Rivers, $6,600. For improving harbors at Duluth Minn., and Superior, Wis., an appro priation of $270,000 is provided and contract for $300,000, is authorized. For improving the rivers in Minne­ sota the following appropriations are provided: Grand Marais, $2,000; Red River of the North, $9,000; Agate bay, $2,000; Minnesota river, $3,000. to PLEDGE8 DEMOCRATS. Minority Leader Ask* RepubHaana to Join in Aiding President. -Washington dispatch: The debate In the house again centered on the question of railway legislation and was remarkable for two things. The first was when Mr. Williams, leader of the Democratic side, pledged the support of his party, "without addi­ tion or subtraction, to the recom­ mendations of President Roosevelt in his recent message" and called upon the Republicans to help. "We shall toe-mark the president's tracks on this subject," declared Mr Williams amid general applause, "and (facing the Republicans) we call on you as American citizens to help us toe-mark them." The second surprise came when Mr, Mann of Illinois placed all the respons­ ibility for the Hepburn bill on Mr. Hepburn's shoulders, saying that it was solely the product of the Hepburn brain. This was followed by an at­ tack on this bill by Mr. Bell of Cali­ fornia, who expressed the hope that . Hepburn would prove that there was nothing sinister in. its language. LIFE ON EARTH 8^00,000 YEARS P I S O ' S c - ems w.iEit ALL EISE rris Baatcourh Syrup. Tastes (Scud, lit to tiu.v bold by or -v ' "• New Discovery Made Affecting Ich thyosaurs arid the Fischayrians. Berkeley, Cal., dispatch: Just 8,000,- 000 years did the ichthyosaurs and fischaurians inhabit the earth and the waters of the earth, according to the public announcement by Professor John C. Herriam of the University of California. The field of paleontolog- ical research will be worked thorough­ ly, the new theories being based on researches made in the mountain ranges of the state. REMOVE8 OLD HARBOR BEACON Light That Beckoned Ship* to Grand Haven to Be Replaced. Grand Haven, Mich., special: A har­ bor light with a history has been re­ moved from this port to be replaced by another. The removed light had been in service here for forty years. It is one of the Parisian pattern, the first one that -was brought to Lake Michigan. At one time it was known as the strongest and most costly light on the great lakes if not in this •sentry. ^ „ . . . . . . . . . , ^ . k -• „ **' J, -M, Mrs. John LaRue, of 115 Patereon avenue, Paterson, N. J., says: "I waa troubled for about nine years, and sjgr^what. I suf­ fered no one 'will ever know. I used about every known reme­ dy that is said to be good for kidney com- plaint, but without d e- riving perma­ nent relief. Often when alone in the house the backache has been so bad that it brought tears to my eyes. The pain at times was so in­ tense that I was compelled to give up my household duties and lie down. There were headaches, dizziness and blood rushing to my head to cause bleeding at the nose. The first box of Doan's Kidney Pills benefited me so much that I continued the treatment. The stinging pain in the small of my back, the rushes of blood to the head and other symptoms disappeared." Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers. SO cents per box. Foster- Milbura Co,, Buffalo, K. Y. Took It. Of a certain worker it Is said that he never tires. One day a friend called at his office to see him. It was 4 in the afternoon. He found the indefatigable one lean­ ing back in a big chair,reading a news­ paper and smoking. In surprise he asked what was the matter. "You see, I've worked pretty hard for the last ten years," said Mr. B--, "and I think I need a long rest" The next day the same friend drop­ ped in again. B-- shook hands in his hearty way, but said: "Glad to see you, bat' I'm up to my eyes in work. I haven't much time." • " "I thought you were going to take a long rest!" exclaimed his friend. "That's right.. I took it yesterday," aald B--. • To Florida Thr& Old Battlefields.' "Dixie Flyer" leaves Chicago over C. & E. I. at 7:00 p. m., and arrives at Jacksonville 8:40 second morning. Through sleepers. Daylight ride through the most picturesque and his­ toric section of the South. "Chicago and Florida Limited" leaves Chicago over C. ic, E. I. 1:35 p. m., and arrives Jacksonville 7:55, St. Augustine 9:25 the next evening. Solid Train with Dining and Observation Cars. Both trains use the NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA AND ST. LOUIS RAILWAY, between Nashville, Chatta­ nooga and Atlanta, the famous "Bat­ tlefields Route." For folders and interesting litera­ ture call on or write to BRIARD F. HILL, Northern Pass. Agent, N., C. & St. L. Ry., Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. .Every housekeeper* should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time, because IJj. never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 16 oz.--one full pound--while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in %-pound pack­ ages, and "the price is the same, 1J cents. Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chem­ icals. If your grocer tries to jell you a 12-oz. package 1* is because he ha* a stock on .hand which be wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let­ ters aid figures "16 ozs." Demand De­ fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron stick­ ing. Defiance never sticks. The Important Cities of Wisconsin are reached via the Wisconsin Cen­ tral Ry. Solid Wide Vesfibuled Trains, equipped with Pullman Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars and Modern Coaches run between Chicago, Mil waukee and Manitowoc, St. Paul, Min­ neapolis, Asnland, Superior and Du­ luth. Meals are served a la carte. Connections made with all diverging lines at terminal points. For tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., apply to agents of this company, or address Jas. C. Pond, Gen'l. Pas:. Agt, Mil­ waukee, Wis. Commemorate Generosity. It is proposed to commemorate the generosity of Edgar Speyer in coming to the relief of the sufTerers in the failure of the Needham Market Penny Bank by erecting a drinking fountain in the village. Commemoration usu­ ally takes one of two forms in Eng­ land--a dinner or a drinking fountain. Important to Mothers. carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a aafe and cure remedy for infants and children, aqd see thai it Chinese Woman's Idea of Our System of Monogamy.' Not the least amusing of the experi­ ences of a Well-known lady traveler and writer was her visit, when in China, to the wives of a polygamous mandarin, a great novelty to the Chi­ nese ladieB, whose lives are passed entirely within the walls of their houses. They examined her clothing and were astonished at and pleased with it, but were shocked at the size of her shoes. Finally one of them asked her, through the interpreter-- "You can run and walk just as well •s a man?" . "Certainly."- "Can you ride a pony as well as a man?" "Of course I can." . "Then you must be as strong as ulOat iixvuT' "Yes, I think I am." "You would not let a man-beat yon --not even your husband, would you?" "Certainly not." " : Here there was a pause, and then the Chinese lady said---. "Now I know why foreigners do not take more than one wife. They are tfraid to! "--Liverpool (Eng.) Mercury^ SPREADING THE NEWS BROADCAST* That Dodd's Kidney Pills cured his Diabetes. After long suffering Mr. G. Cleghorn found a permanent re­ lief in the Great American Kidney Remedy. Port Huron, Mich., Jan. 30th.--(Spe- cial)--Tortured with Diabetes and Bladder Disease from, which he could apparently get no relief, Mr. G. Cleg- horn, a bricklayer, ^ving at 119 But- tler St., this city, has found a com­ plete and "permanent cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills and in &is gr&titude he is spreading the news broadcasts "Dodd's Kidney Pills made a man of me," Mr. Cleghorn says. "I was a sufferer from Diabetes and Bladder Disease. I was so bad I could do no work and the pain was something terrible. I. could not get anything to help me till I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. They helped me right from the ..first and now I am completely cured. I have recommended Dodd's Kidney Pills to-all my friends and the/ have found them all that is claimed for them." * . Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all Kidney* Ills from - Backache - to Blight's Dis­ ease. They never fail to cure Rheu matism. ^ of Bears the Signature i In IJas For Over 30 Yeura. The Kind Yoa Have Always BojOgbi, Fine Gift to City. John F. Boyd and his wife have giv­ en |o the city of San Rafael one of the beauty spots around San Francis­ co bay, finely laid .out grounds of twenty acres, with a large and hand some building, in memory of their dead ones. Scotch Population Increases. Since 1858 the population of Scot­ land has increased by 52 per cent; the number of lunatics in the same period has increased by 190 .per cent. Girls tramped through the blizzard this morning to factory, office or store with cheeks kissed to roses by the em­ bracing snow.--Brooklyn Enterprise. Bet the writer is a single man. Sensible Housekeepers WiH have Defiance Starch, not alone because they set one-third more for the same - money, but also because of superior quality. We are the arbiters 7of destiny! Lords of life! We either make or mar.--T. B. Aid rich. KfTC permanently <mred. So fltkor 119 nrat d»r'« use of Dr. Kline'* Great Nerve KeeUM* Bend for FBEtE S8.00 irial bottle and trratiMt ClttU Ml ArctfStreet. Philadelphia, Pa Straws and whiskers show which war iks wind blows. ' • - • « * • ' ' Why They Are Tramps. An eminent professor who spent some tilde traveling about the coun­ try ssked every tramp that he met why he didn't work. He interviewed 2,000 vagrants, and, classing them ac­ cording to the reasons they gave for not earning their bread in an ortho­ dox manner, we get the following: Six hundred and fifty-threp said they were willing to work, but could not obtain any; 445 could not give any reason that would hold water; 301 thought that no one ought to have to work, and if some people were fool­ ish enough to do so--well, they in­ tended living on thoee said people. Four hundred and seven were „on their way to procure work at distant towns, having letters in their posses­ sion promising them employment at the said towns, and the remaining 194 were waiting for relatives to die and leave them their money. 80 Bu. Macaroni Wheat Per Acre. introduced by the U. S. Dept. of Agr. It is a tremendous cropper, yielding in good land in Wis., 111., la., Mich., Ind., 0., Pa., N. Y., 60 bu. per acre, and on dry, arid lands, buch as are found in Mont.. Idaho, the Dakotas. Colo., etc.. it will yield from 40 to 60 mi. This Wneat and opeltz and Hanna Barley and Bromus Inermis and Billion Dollar Grass, makes it possible to grow and fatten hogs, sheep ana cattle wherever soil is found. JCfir SKNn 10c AND THIS NOTICE to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Croiwe, Wis., and they will send you free a sample of this Wheat and other farm seeds, to­ gether with their great catalog, alone worth $100.00 to any wideawake farmer. [W. N. U.] Revival in Wales. There are some remarkable inci­ dents in connection with the Welsh revival. Elaborate preparations were made for a ball at Pontycymmer, but owing to the revival only four women attended. The secretary and several dancers were converted on the way to the ballroom, and suddenly deter­ mined to attend a prayer, meeting in­ stead. Tbere 1* more Catarrh In this section of the country than all ottierdleeanee put together, and until the laet few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a Rreat many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has provenCaLarrh to beac mKtliuilonal dls ea?e and therefore reyulre*constitutional! treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured l>y F. J Cheney a Co.. Toledo, Ohio, Is the only conMliutlona! cure "on the market. It Is taken Internally In dimes from 10 drops 10 a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the bloed and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Sec" for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHKNEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Dragglst*, 75c. Take Hall'* Family Fill* for eonstlpatton. California Experiment 8tation. The Agricultural department has rented twenty acres near Yula City, Cal., and the University of California will experiment there with all kinds of wheat, barley, oats and rye. Two other experimental stations will be established north and south. The national organ of physicians in the United States is The Journal of the American Medical Association. Its circulation is now over 33,000 copies, and it prints every week from 60 to 90 pages of interesting matter for physicians. The Association has its own building in Chicsgo, built two years ago, and has already outgrown it. The New York dramatic critic who has been barred from forty-seven the­ aters because the managers djdn't like his criticisms must feel more or less like the man without a country. The Best Results In Stsrehlng > be obtained only by using De­ fiance Starch, besides getting 4 os. mt re for same money--no cooking re­ quired. Vests, according to an English physician, are unwholesome. They should jbe pulled down often*?. Backwoodsmin Had Clever Scheme for Inspiring Quadruped. In a small town in the interior of Pennsylvania the old-fashioned coach is still used as a vehicle of transporta­ tion. The town Is situated several miles from the nearest railroad sta­ tion, and visitors are* compelled to ride from the station to the town in a ramshackle coach pulled by a horse of old vintage. Frequently the coach was overcrowded and the horse often had a difficult time pulling the load up a certain long and steep hill. The driver and owner, a typical back­ woodsman, was sometimes compelled to resort to strategem in order to land his passengers sately in the town. On one occasion the coach was par­ ticularly crowded, and the horse was bravely tugging the filled vehicle up the hill. Every once in a while the driver would stop the horse, go to the bsck of the coach, open the door, slam it shut, and then start the horse. This method of procedure aroused the curi­ osity of the passengers, and when the top of the hill was reached, one of them turned to the driver:* "Will you tell me, please," he said, "why you1 stopped the coach ahd opened the back door so often on the hill?" - "Wa-al," drawled the driver, "yer see, that were a purty big hill, and ther horse had a purty big load. Every time I slammed ther door ther horse likely thought some one was gittln' out, and it give him confi­ dence." COL. BECKWITH SAYS: "I Take Pleasure in Commending Pe-ru-na For ^ ; Coughs and Colds." s Fashions in Suicide. Baron Suyematsu mentions in his article in the Nineteenth Century that, while Japanese ladies never committed hari kari, the honorable equivalent was death by a stab in the neck from her own dirk, a weapon which she generally carried in her girdle to be used in time of need. Where a Roman dame would in an­ cient. times have plunged her dagger into her own heart, a Japanese hero­ ine preferred to thrust the weapon into her neck, and there is no record oi either male or female in Japan ending existence in the fashion that is so often depicted in western novels, and less frequently, perhaps, in real life. . ~ • . „ * Says Mayor Is Paid Too Much. - Dennis Mulvihill, who three years ago, from a stoker in an east side shoe factory, became mayor of Bridgeport, Conn., has had a bill prepared for presentation to. the legislature how in session, providing for the reduction of his salary by one-third. The salary is $3,000. "This mayor's job is easy,"* said he. "I never had easier work in my life. The salary is much too high. A thousand dollars could be cut off from it and then it would be suffi­ cient. I spent all my time in the in­ terests of the city and believe that I have been overpaid for my services. I want the legislature to cut It down to $2,000." COL. PAUL BECKwITH. Colonel Paul E. Beck with, Lt. Col., retired, 1st Reg. Minute Men, in letter from 1503 Vermont avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C., writes: From the unqualified endorsement of many of my trienda, I take pleasure in commending your remedies tor coughs mad # colds."--Paul E, Beckwlth A unique Cook Book entitled "Just For Two," is a carefully planned and accurate collection of recipes arrang­ ed to meet the demands of the family of two. It offers the true sojution for econo­ my, doing away with the resulting waste which follows in trying to cut down large recipes found in ordinary cook books. "Just For Two" is the work of Amelia Langdon and has won imme- dite favor, not only with young mar­ ried couples, but bachelor maids and bachelor men, on account of its many chafing dish recipes. (Just For Two Publishing Co., 3rd Floor Tribune Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. IN FIPaD OR BARRACKS PE-RU NA IS EFFICACIOUS. The constant exposure to the ele­ ments experienced in an out-door life is not so apt to cause coughs and colds as sedentary habits. Those who are brought face to face with the weather every day in active life are much less liable to catarrhal diseases than those who are housed up in illy ventilated rooms. And yet both of these classes are more or less subject t o c a t a r r h a n d catarrhal diseases. ALL CLASSES ARE SUB1ECT TO CATARRH. The soldier as well as the civilian finds it frequently necessary to use Peruna on account of coughs and colds. No one is exempt. The strong and healthy are less liable than the weak and ill, but none entirely escape. raialn Peruna has always been a great favorite with the military men, both in ,the army and navy. The strongest kind oi.testimoni are received from officers of high concerning the virtues of Peruna for i catarrhal ailments. Only a small per cent, of these canbd used for publication for want of space* " Mr. Harrison L. Deam, Burnside PosA No. 8, Department of the PotomaO, Colonel encampment No. 69, UnioS* Veterans Legion, Colonel Green Clajr Smith Regiment Sof. 17, U. V. U., De> ; partment of the Potomac, Military Order Loyal Legion, Department of Columbia. Major 34th Indiana Vetera* ^ Volunteer Infantry, writes: * " Tbere la no longer any question mi to the curative qualities of Peruna M all catarrhal troubles. Its succesMful use by many of my friends entitles H to confidence and endorsem enL " It Cures Colds, Couphs. Sore Throat. Croup, Influenza, Whooping Coiifrli, Bronchitis and Asthmu. A certain euro for Consumption in first stages, and a sure relief in advanced stapes. Use at oiu-e. You will see the excellent effect after taking the tlrst dose. Sold by dealers every* Where. Large bottles 25 ccnts and £>0 cents. May Purchase Homes. „ The Earl of Essex, who is head land­ lord of the town of Roscommon, in Connaught, has notified the Town Tenants' League of that place that he has instructed his agent to under­ take the sale of the houses to the occupants. Do Your Clothes Look Ysllewf Then u«e Defiance Starch, It will keep them white--16 oz. for 10 cents. Adversity sometimes brings out a man's good points by the roots. A GUARANTEED CURE I OR PIXJES. Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Prot- udlnu Piles. Your druKKlit will refund money if 1'AZO OINTMENT tells to care you la I to 14 day*. 50c. How much money have you saved since the beginning of the year? Piso's Cure Is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs.--W* O. EKDSLBY, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10.1000. Too bad the voice hasn't a megaphone. of conscience Mrs. Winriow'a Soothing- Sjrrap. Par children teetblne, softens the gums, reduce* tB- SaminMlon, allay a pain, cures wind colic. SScabottUk, One act is resolutions. better than a hundred S2.50 SENT FREE. Weil-Known Specialist, Franklin Miles, M. 0., LL. B., Will Send His Book and a $2,50 Personal Treat­ ment Free. Itydplfldk? A pure, palatable and easily digested cereal food. Ask your grocer. MHaaillThr QftCAT HIDWfT ANt» tlVfS FREE ugi&f ™ • ••HBBI bmii« urn tlMNIDVS B0N8 RONIMjl'T. 5 1 GREGORY'S SEEDS are anda that yun CM d»- pend on. Oet Or talogue. i. i. H. ttUMMItT * SOS. HarWtkM*. ^ Cream Separator •Ian. with the binding i Ing anil acrreenu-nt If : tntMS iTSMHS FOR 125.00 we a«M the < brat'K €»£AHSKMM» TOK.capat-lt.v .880 pound* MrttWI SRO poumiri eapa<itv per nonr tot **9.00 Mn'p-nrais capacity i hour tor $34.00. Ottaran" tha equal «r ^cparatera retail avarywhara at (rem ITI to SltS.00. OUR OFFER. HTstZ rat or an our 30 day*' trac trial rstan4- _ . d o n o t find fcy comi artfira. t«t and as* that It nill skim closer, aktxa colder milk. £k:m easier, (Ml ItRhter and skim onr-h«lf tnow li'ilk than any other Craaw Separator madp. you can r** i-r- it. .l«t ;»»»•>•«•*> expense and we wlil imrnetfl. ateijr return any money |W may have paid far fraifM charge* or oiherwiM. Cat this Hd out at once andnaallto and tou will recalraby turn mail, free, i LATEST SPEC!. SEPARATOR CATALOOUE. You will gel oar I oar tree trial proposition «ad you will reee!** i i'X^&SS r hig offerand Uliiaelj libera I para tar fcearri of. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO, CHICAet, WANTED -- TRAVELING SALESHEH .to tlM madtaa# llrect M rntabM su la this county. Our men are making from $74 to$166 a inimtli HOlttnu our b<>u«>eh<ild and stock remadtoaa ; flavoring extracts, apices and toilet artlclea direct »" consumer*. Eicluftve territory. Goods are furulabt.. ... »i credit. NO CASH OUTLAY. 1'leaaant. proOt. ; ble, life-long position. No experience neceaaaryj. ; ; ^ we teach you. Write for Information. Don't delaij* - > . Incorporated. THE S. D. CONFER MEDICAL COMPAMV. ? ? D«pU C, OR AN QK VI LLC, ILL. :V;-5 OUR STOCK RAISING Builoess now pays 1*1 monthly dividend on preferred shares, with a poaslbte IMP on com ii i on «liaree. 'J for 1 security In live •tuck. No dead capital. »100 Invested now gets you 100 shares 121 preferred and _ 100 common shares. Our free booklet toll* you all about It. Write postal to-day. KAitO. Co., LSI La Salle 8t, MB4L KMT A TK. INVESTMENTS Faying 8# peij SMOKERS FIND LEWIS'SINGLE BINDER ,5f Cifcar better Quality than most 10? Ci&ars yout jobber or direct from Factory. Peoria. Ill ELECTRICITY IS LIFE. CURED AFTER SPENDING $2,000. A continuous MIM AND poothliig flow of cleotrie- itv the entire tlay easily cure^aiiy case of Rheuma­ tism or Kidney trouble. It permanently cures Had Cir« ula<lun. Nervous he- (il it(y and restores l,ot>t Vitality. It positively en res all weakness ami nervous diseases common to women. A complete treatment tasting fo.1 ninety days, sent postpaid anywhere In the I'.S. or Canada, on receipt of one dollar; and with each pur­ chase we gltrn a contract afrreefntf to refund the money if not satisfactory* Booklet Free. Eleotropod* Co. Box D Lima. Ohio. annum free tax, based on fn« eoiue real eataut-•; In the iireat Ohio Valley, natural K-.ia.eoal. railroadandt water transportation. l'5001> factor* locations !»».#%• l&Sg " w MarUnavilla, W. Jpi Ad'lres*. L. M. Stephens, New liar tins villa,' VIRGINIA FARM FOR SALE--Good mill, known to raise the best of crops. Good (or stock. Be»t" markets. 100 acres under cultivation, 30 acres In.' timber: R.>od fence and buildings; W0 per acre. Kany termo. Will sell cheap if taken at once. J. W. MEYER, Owner, • Beaieton, Vat FARMS FOR SALE--All iliea from 10 to 300 acres la Davlex<>. Knox and Green County. Indiana. No finer oor better land lu the State. Good achoola, graiel roads, up-to-date in every way and MIIIBS rapidly at trom t > abO per acre. 1 i>>eral term* ar­ ranged to suit the purchaser. Wr;me deacrlp- tlon of wuat you want. I can do you good. H. H. 8EEVER, - Klnora, Indiana. . bottom farming Uuds for •ale cheap. In tracts of -to ncre« and upwards: near county seat and crossed l>y two rati roads. Great bargains, small cash paymeuts, liberal terms on bal­ ance. Addrvvs Cowling c Huckleberry Aahdows. Ark. rflR CAI F 300 "cress rotting prairie 1H miles i *»•» aniib south Epworth. Ia.. 16 miles west Dubuque: basement barn lluxtt. 10-room dwelling, plenty witter, near school and ehurvh. *75. 1,-beraI teruia arranged. P. J. McLean K.F.D.1J, Epworth, la. There never was a hotter opportunity for per sons sufferinK from diseusosof the heart, nerves, liver, stomach uud kidneys to test, free, a re­ markably successful^p'rcatment for tnese dis­ orders. Dr. Miles is known to bt; an eminent specialist iu these diseases and his liberal offer is certainly worthy of serlQUS consideration by every afflicted reader. This opportunity may never occur again. His system of Personal Treatment is thor­ oughly scientific and immensely superior to other methods. It relieves tne worst cases In a day or two and soon cures. It is the final result of 25 years of very extensive research and great success in treating these diseases. Each treatment consists of a curative elixir, tonic tablets, eliminating pills and usually a plaster. Extensive statistics clearly demon­ strate that Dr. Miles' Personal Treatment is at least three times as successful as the usual treatment of physicians or general remedies •Old at the stores. Send for l.OuO testimonials. As all afflicted readers may have bis Book, opinion and $2.50 worth of Treatment especially adapted to their case free, we would advise them to send for it before it Is too late. Address, HE. FSANKLIK MILES, Dept. Q, 78 to 8S Uaic Street, Elkhart, Indiana. JO,000Plants for 16c. More franlens and f&vtu* ftie pluuted to m .Salzer'* Seetta than any other in 'America. There is reason lor tKis. We own over &,0-J0 acre* for the pro iduotiou of our warrnaled need*. \£u order to induce you to trv them, we m make > ou the foUowiug unpr*. «T cede it ted otter: FOP f a Omnia Postpaid klOOOBtriv M«*!<*» ami LAU I fa** Km Turnip f r ' -- - r i Ktak fUUy I MMM, 1 1000 Bar* LMC*OB» K*dtafcM| 1000 eurtoatl; Above seven packajr?* oontaiu snfB- seed to #rrow louuo plants, fur- aUhlnir buthela of brilliant •oweraand i<.t»and lota of cil ice vegetable*, together with our catalog .telling all about Kl »wers Bo*es, Smalt Fruit*, etc.. IFTO M ATAMPFT AND CBLT NOTICE Big 140-HMfe cataiotf alone, 4o. I0HI A. SALZER S«0 CO, W.H.V. La Cro«»a. Wl«. TWENTY BUSHELS OF WHEAT TO THE ACRE; I s t h e r e c o r d o n ̂ tha FrnA Hom«« stead Lands 6f Western Canada for 1904. The l . v f a r m e r s f r o m t h e I"lifted SltlM.wbo during ilie past sevea years bmc h> Canada participate In this pn>.-p«>rity. The C rtlteU States will six n become »n Importer of wht'at. tiet a free htmsestead Or purchaae a farm tn Wostern Ciiiatla, and become one fit thoee who will help produce lt. App'y fur Information to Superintendent of Iraml- (trailua. Ottawa, c.'aoada.or t > authorUed Canartlail li iverument Ai?ent--C. J. Brou(thiun, Koorn 4S} ' OulQi-y »ldjf.. Chlca4ft>. 111.; W. H. Ko»fer«. third floor, . Traction Terminal Bid* . IndtauapolU, Ind.; T. O. Currte, lixom 12. B. t'allahaa liloct. Milwaukee, Wlk Jt'leaMj aay where you uw ihii adverUsemeat. Virginia Farms Beet on earth f- r the MWKt, Kree H. B. CHAms jt CO.. luc.. Uichnea^Vfe. W. N. U., CHICAGO, NO. 5, 1908. Whan Answering AdveritsemeNli Kindly Mention Thia Paper. +4* On Deformities and Paralysis will be a«nt fre« paatjMUd upon roqoeat. Thu Kolt ia oi «. baadral kaadaotuelj niu^irate<fcUltvuKbout ami telle ><f an experience of ot er thirty ye*r« la the treatment ot « i Fret, Spliiat l>vf»rmltt«*. Infautlle Hip lliMtue, l>*-furuu«Hl LlntlM aud Joints. Ktc. it tell* of ItMMf taorvu^ly equipped SsultiirHiui lu iMst-outury jr-%. te>l e.'v tu the treatmeat Ot tb t>«e conditions ami bow they t»e cunstf paiia or «*h«r nrm traatmaat. tea* twthU chajmcter.y/^Uia jmMvu. «utl mM»q| will be wt with Uw boofc. TKI k > Oa ItOluAlli OUT-HOPEOIC lANITAVUlii AIM INNC mi tvtcAz ^rallaoa, ' I ,. .

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