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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Feb 1905, p. 4

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*<, m »: .mmm Ayers Take cold easily? Throat t e n d e r ? L u n g s w e a k ? A n y relatives have consumption? Then a cough means a great Cherry Pectoral d e a l t o y o u . F o l l o y y o u r d o c t o r ' s a d v i c 6 a n d t a k e Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. " For 40 years I have depended on Ayer'a Cherrv Pectoral for cnuiths and colds. I know it greatly strengthens weak lungs." MBS. P. A. Kobinson, Saline, Mich. ,.'V.,50o.?1.00. AU druiriiist*. MY v u a f o r « T J. C. AYKR CO., Lowell, Mags. was because at twenty centra vote the voters had to vote extra to make it pay. I'ikosE scientists who have been sit­ ting np at night to tell us that there is radiaiu in the sun, are. no friends of oars unless they tell us how to g61 it oat. ^ Grover Cleveland has been mak­ ing addresses at Y. M. C. A. meetings. It is a little late in life, though he may yet accomplish some good before be dies. _ - i i n / t c I X Y v u a .uuMwrwyiiiii IIWMMMB Ayer's Pills increase the activity of the liver, and thus aid recovery. M McHenry PldinSealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE MtflENRY PlAINDMltR COMPANY. F. K. (5 HA Ml EH. \V. A; CRIMPY,- J. W. PKHKY, .... 'IVds* • • See. . -1 rtitts. F. 13k ScHreinbrIEditor. e in Bank Building. Telephone, No. 272. J i TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year ,$1.50 Six months, 75cts. Three months. 40cts. Thursday, February 9, 1905. The beef trust is forcing ns to lead the simple life whether we want to or not The St. Petersburg workmen merely gave the Czar a sample- of what 1fiay yet come. David B. Hill is taking pride in showing how well he can keep his Insolation. The chief requirement in holding the office of the Czar is in knowing when to dodge bullets and bombs. If th® court lets Mrs. Chadwick out OH bail those Ohio bankers ought to have at least a month's warning. 1J.T is unfortunate for that Pan-Ameri­ can bank in not negotiating with Mrs. Chadwick for a few Carnegie notes. That Minnesota physician who wants to drown all the idiots seems to forget that the supply of water is limited. The Democrats in congress are still trying as hard as ever to find an issue.- The latest is that ttiat they are en­ deavoring to make one out' of Gen. Miles. One of Dr. Dowie's deacons died while hurrying South to get the benefit of the Prophet's prayers. If Mr. Dowie can inveut the absent treatment, be would be "it". Senator Smoot refuses to disclose the nature Of the oath he took. He could have disposed of that matter by having conveniently forgotten it. Your memory is the thing you forget with. Those Iowa students who have ac­ quitted Otheflo of the murder of his beautiful Desdaniona should look into the case of Mr. Shylock and report at once as the public may be mistaken in hin^ also. ~ A pew days ago, Senator Dolliver of Iowa made a notable speech on the Trusts and the Democrats put forward Joe Bailey, of Texas to answer him. Senator Bailey,'however, has requested * 'something easier." The "Standard Oil ̂ Co. "is afr&id they would not be able to "name" the senators from Indian territory and Oklahoma if they were admitted to statehood. This is a good reason why they should be admitted. Russel Sage ought to sue that smart reporter for slander who states that he eats a sandwich, coffee and pie every day for lunch, as it is well known that Russell thinks it a sin to have pic more than twice a week. The Democratic minority in the house of representatives refused tQ fol­ low the leadership of John Sharp Will­ iams. It is harder for the Democrats to lead a minority than it is for the Republicans to lead a majority. If others are willing, Wisconsin thinks La Follette should have the Governorship. and Senatorship at the noe time. It is to Stoessel's advantage that St Petersburg is having so much trouble that they will not have time enough to look after him. Kansas legislature has killed %n "anti-snitchmg bill." We don't know what that is, but think it was quite a safe thing to kill. The little Czarawitz must have thought the Czar was playing hide-and- seek when he hid under the bed to dodge the bullets; \ProbaHLY the reason why these cold Graves do not send in a card when they call is for fear that they might meet with a "not at home." We don't see how Mr. Carnegie can refuse a hero's medal to Mr. Johann Hock who has gotten along so well with more than twenty wives. A society of shakers in Indiana have offered to sell tl^r "promised" land for $15,000. The milk and hone}' Streams have probably dried up. Johann Hock having abandoned his twenty-five wives in Chicago is prob- * »|^ly circulating around Boston where ; ;ip> a large surplus of females. Probably the reason why fraudulent votes were cast in so many Colorado Danger toTravelirs ^ , Trainmen and People who Travel ; A dreatgeal Liable to Greater isii Dangers than from Accidents Over-Work Weakens » Your Kidneys. Unhealthy kidneys Make Impure. Blood. Ail the blood in your body passes through your kidneys rice every three minutes. _j»27|j js The kidneys are your K blood purifiers, they fll- I ter out waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do .heir work. Pains, aches andrheu- matism come from ex­ cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. , Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. it used to be consiuered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin­ ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and ihc extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cur^s of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar si > es. You may have a sample bottle by mail ifome of swamp-Root, free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer V. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Thousands more die every year from 4tseasea incurred by riding on the can than from accidents. Life Itself is often tike price that must be paid by such per* Sons as railroad conductors, engineers, fcrakemen, commercial travelers and Others who spend the greater part of Hfhelr lives on the cars. Their fate is kidney trouble of some kind. Constant motion Jars the kidneys that are kept in place in the body by del­ icate attachments and causes Diabetes, Albuminuria, Blight's Disease, Train ©en's Disease and all other kidney |rouble«. 's f . During recent years traveling men have Informing one another of the bene 5 »*0ts they can secure by using Foley's Kidney Cuke. It is a compound of the agents known to kidney specialists J and as a cure for all kidney troubles It >' has never been equaled. Reports have y-f'S':.|een received of remarkable cures effect v; fd by it, and even the^worst and most > JkopelesB cases have been greatly relieved by 1* use. " Geo. H. Habsax, of Lima, Ohio, writes £ ~ as follows: M I am a locomotive engineer on the L. E. & W. R. R. Constant vibra tion of the engine caused me a great deal Of trouble with my kidneys, and I got nc relief until I used Foley's Kidney Ccaa, and I gladly recommend it to tralnmea - are generally afflicted ss I was." Sk ...... sLy- ^-r- viprr*" t'. '§»• Grave Trouble Foreseen. It needs but little fcjresight to tell that when your stomach and liver are badly affected, grave trouble is ahead, unless you take the proper medicine for your disease, as Mrs. John A. Young of Clay. N. Y., did. She says: "I had neu­ ralgia of the liver and stomach, my heart was weakened and I could not eat I was very bad for a longtime, but in Electric Bitters I found just what 1 needed, for they quickly relieved and cured me." Best medicine for weak women. Sold under guarantee by N. H. Petesch and Jullia A, Story, McHen­ ry, and G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. 50 cents a bottle. McVlcker'g Theatre. Andrew Mack, most charming of Irish comedians, in new comedy, "The Way to Kenmare" will sing, dance and play his way into the hearts of his ad­ mirers at McVicker'8 theatre, Chicago, for two weeks, beginning February 5 The new play tells the story of a dar­ ling Irish lad, bonny of face, blithe of nature, and honeyed of tongue, who has come to America early in his life. While in this country he hears of a foul slander which assails the good name of his mother. The high spirited Maguire--Mr. Mack is a Maguire in the play, and rightful Earl of Kenmare-- rushes home to Ireland to protect his mother's name and to claim his heri­ tage. Also, he goes on love's mission, for no Irish play would be complete without p beautiful colleen, and sweet voiceJ Dan carries her off under the very nose of his English rival. Inci­ dentally Mr. Mack will sing four new songs. At the close of bis McVicker engagement he leaves for Australia to be gone some months. Frederick Warde and Kathryn Kid­ der, players with distinguished reputa­ tions will follow the Irish comedian, presenting Wagenhals & Kemper's fine production of Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale." one of the most beauti ful, but seldom acted, plays of the great poet. They will be seen in the play for two weeks. Another of the good things announced for McVicker's is the production of C. T. Dazey's "Home Folks" which is pro nounced a worthy companion play to Mr. Dazey's famous success, "In Old Kentucky ?" In tbe new melodrama he deals with the folk of his own state, Illinois, and he has contrived to throw the halo of romance around the humble people of a small Illinois town, besides showing the humerous side of tbe vil­ lage life. The play has a splendid set­ ting so far as scenery and accessories are concerned. Sex In Eating. A wob*.«u enjoys well cooked, well served food, but her happiness does not depend upon it so completely as does a man's. Without regular, abundant meals a man is disturbed In spirit and considers himself abused. When a man loses his appetite it is because of some physical ailment, never a mental one. A great blow may make the touching of food an actual impossibil­ ity for his sister for 'hours, or even days; but, no matter irthe foundations of the earth were shaken, the ordinary man can eat. He can eat at any time or all the time. I know a man who is "living on the street" during his wife's absence, and he confesses to averaging five meals a day. Food so often is not more than rai­ ment with a girl. Investigate the light housekeeping arrangements of sky par­ lors, or even first class tooms, and consider the well gowned girl therein and see if it Is. I know a girl, and a college girl, who existed on 87 cents for one week in order to buy an ex­ pensive trifle her mother's good sense had denied her. Shop,,iris, they say, sacrifice their lunchcs to buy a Laura Jean Libbey novel, but where is the man that ever goes without a reason­ able amount of good food for any need he may have?--Brown Book. Want Column. All advertisement# Inserted under this head at the following rates: Five lines or less, 86 <e»tn for first Insuliniik 15 fents for each siibst!<|Ut'iit insertion. More than flvv lint's, 5 cents a lint* for first Insertion, anil 3 cents * line for additional insertions. tTOUSE for rent- 11 east side, is for r My house ill McHenry. rent. Possession given at any time. F. K. Granger. ltf-tf TpOR SALE OR RENT--60-acre farm H m 11 x southwest of Big Hollow sehonlhouse, 1V4 miles southwest of Ingleside Station. Good house, bara aud well, fine orchard. / JBtf Gko. Simss. Hebron, III** TTOUSE TO RENT-With new barn and land AJ- to suit renter; 1H miles south of McHen­ ry on Terra Ootta road. Ed Knox, 30-4t» West McHenry. "R^OR SALE--An eighty-acre farm situated -1- on Lake Defiance. Good lake frontage. For further Information Inquire at Bank of McHenry. :tl-3t* "DV3R SALE--Three-year-old colt. Wil sell -1- cheap or exchange for good work horse. 31-tf O. L. Pike, McHenry, 111. TpOR SiiiLE--Good 8 room house with six ^ lots. Cheap. Call on Wm. Stoffbl. 32 4t Salesmen wanted--to w»ok after our interests tn McHenry and adjacent coun­ ties. Salary or commission. Address The Victor Oil Company, Cleveland, Ohio. * "C^OR SALE--Six well bred Durham bulls; Or will let responsible parties have use of Same for one year or more 33-ttt* C Inquire of L. Page. West McHenry, 111. •eeeeee* eeeeeee# PROBATE NEWS | .. • i REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS John Carey & w to Mary K Adams, pt It 1, blk9, in village of McHenry.,. .$ 450 00 Gerhard Wagner to Michael Fretind, pt' ne^neM sec 32. McHenry.... ....... 1000 00 Ohas G Andrews & w to Martin S.Freuud wHne^j sec 30, Richmond 3000 00 Mrs Emma J Fay to Sadie G Hepburn, ItinRingwood 1500 00 Tressa Bossier to G W Conn, Jr, swM swM sec 28, Greenwood 2050 00 ;acob Rothermel to Geo Wirfs, 23£ acre lot in village of Johnsburgh 375 00 Lottie E Sehaefer et al to John H Mac- kay, pc laud in seJi sec 17, McHenry.. 60000 Margaret Sehaefer et al to John P Lay, laud Ine^uwJi sec 13, McHenry 400 00 ^ MARRIAGE LICENSES. Elmer Douglas, 29 .Chemung Ruth Burton, 19 Chemung Chkrles Heft, 51 Harvard Mrs. Lena Florian, 57 Harvard C'uudltlona Tliat Inllt .For Na/rla(e. ri'he low paid employee to&ay can suo- <»*h! as well alone as with a Wife, which his ancestors could not do. At the same time his selfish enjoyments are greater without her, for he may live irresponsibly, without a motive to save and with all his surplus available for ! wayside pleasures of ah antisocial sort. ' The disintegrating forces of a great city upon homeless youth are too obvi­ ous to need emphasis. The wage earn­ ing girl, on her part, is Ukely to acquire the taste of fragmentary, pointless and unproductive spending. Both form habits harmful to the altruistic mo­ tives of group living--of the home idea.' A man who goes from the saloon, street comer or cheap pleasure club, a girl who leaves the dance hall and pave­ ment glitter to make a home for him, the bare necessities of which are hardly met by his wages, are not qualified by their experiences to bring to a success­ ful Issue the supreme test of character that makes stable a high standard.-- Professor jUmon N. Patten in lnd#> pendent. Pvwcrfnl Odor of Ambergrla, The druggist lield^lu his hand a lump of gray substance like putty. It was smaller than a baseball and as light as cork. Through It, here and there, ran streaks of yellow and black. "This is a lump of ambergris," the druggist said. "It is worth about $500, I judge. Smell it." The patron put his nose to the am­ bergris. Then he said, surprised; "Why, it has no smell." The druggist, smiling, rubbed it with his sleeve, and immediately a powerful, musklike odor filled the air. "Crude ambergris," he said, "neyer smells until you warm it or rub it. "This chunk of ambergris here smells like musk. That is because it is crude. The odor of prepared ambergris has not the least resemblance to musk." He rubbed his hand over bis sleeve. "From handling this" he said, "my coat will smell for months. My hands, no matter how I wash them, will smell for several days."--Seattle Post-Intel­ ligencer. CrratallMns Flower*. The process of crystallizing flowers is simple and can be satisfactorily ac­ complished by any one who has artis­ tic skill. Arrange some basket forms of any desired pattern with pliable copper wire and wrap them with gauze. Into these tie to the bottom violets, ferns, geranium leaves--in fact, any flowers except full blown roses--ftnd sink them in a solution of alum of one pound to a gallon of. wa­ ter. Wait until the solution has cool­ ed, as the colors will then be pre­ served in their original beauty, and the crystallized alum will hold them faster than when formed .in a hot solu­ tion. When yoil have a light covering of crystals that completely envelops the articles, remove cheerfully and allow it to drip twelve hours. These baskets make a unique ornament and long preserve their freshness; A Sight Alarm. Worse than the alarm >1 fire at night is the brassy cough of croup, which sounds like the children's death knell, and it means death unless something is done quickly. Folev's Honey and Tar never fails to give instant relief and quickly cures the worst form of croup. Mrs. P. L. Cordier of Manniugton, Ky., writes: "My three yearold girl bad a severe case of croup; the doctors said she could n ,t live. [ got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar; the first doee gave jjmick relief and sat ed her life. Refuse substitutes. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry. EX-OFFIOIO ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Adam Musgrove, deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed ex-officio administrator of t he estate of Ad­ am Y.usgrove, dweaswl, late of the County of MMlenry and Slal.e-nf' Illinois, hereby gives notice that, lie will appear before the County Court of McHenry the Court House in Woodstock, at the April term, on the first Monday in April, next, at which time all per­ sons having claims against the said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under­ signed. Dated this 27th day of.January. A. D. 1U05. Wm. H. Hakkibon, ex-officio administrator. , . . 32-3t Flattery and Flatterers. "We sometimes fancy we hate flat­ tery, when in truth it is the manner of it we dislike," said La Rochefou­ cauld. Stripped of its cynicism, the saying comes to this--that while praise is eternally pleasant there are fash­ ions in flattery, and those fashions change very completely. Flattery is innocent or despicable, not according to whether or not it oversteps the lim­ its of the accurate but whether or not it proceeds from an interested or a dis­ interested motive. There are moments when a true state­ ment of honorific fact made for the selfish purpose of the speaker may be gross flattery, while an exaggerated speech may be justified by its^good in­ tention. The real question is not what wap said, but why it was said. That 1s the only test by which we can divide the contemptible from the harmless kind. Surely there is less of the worse sort than there was, or do we but flat­ ter ourselves?--London Spectator. Our Consrrea*. When comparisons are made between America and continental Europe we can find much of which to be proud. Our growth, our wealth, our industries, our resources, our energy, all make flattering comparison with average Eiu- ropean conditions. But I believe in making such comparisons there is no one thing of which we have the right to be more proud than of the congress of the United States. Better than any continental parliament, it represents the people. The one legislative body of the world that Is in any way compara­ ble to ours is the parliament of Great Britain. In character, intellect, meth­ ods, dignity and in the truthfulness with which each represents the people the British parliament and the United States congress stand in a class quite apart and above any of the parliaments of continental Europe.--Frank A. Van- derllp in Scribner's. ?' ' -•'•YMP winter cisS/triJ* and Busiivesss Cards weather makes us 1 'coal up keep from freezing. We are extensive dealers in Coal and can supply yoii with §tny kind or any amount. ' We also handle Lime, Cement, P^nce Wire, Tile, Building Paper, Lumber, Sash, Blii^s, Doors; Btfi. Don't forget that we always carry a complete line of Feed. Give ii$ your order, and get the best goods to be had. - i Wilbur Ijiimber Go., f West McHenry, Illinois. , I nWnWnflflnfWfW¥vfV!wnflPfWwrflnniwwrrrrnrrfvrr$,^!rr'Y\rnnnnnnnrw^vvw\ fnwirwnwTv " P H I L I P J A E G E R * GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, Dutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house' on the £treet. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAaE FREE Stall i & 3, Pulton St. Wholesale Market. CHICAGO* ILLINOIS. | inf WEST SIM mm IS TO THE GET AT THE Try my Coffea and Teas. Terms Cash. Positively no Accounts. PLACE GOODS PRICES. John Stoffel. •y.: I 1 if: Harper Rye "On Every Tongue." Pure, Old, Rich, Mellovt; the acme of excellence in whiskey produc­ tion. Best as a beverage. Safest and most satisfactory for ajl uses. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. [VARIETY Store! j ('hautberlttfii'H Cough Remedy the Moth­ er's Kmorlte. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have made it a tavorite everywhere. It is espe­ cially prized by mothers of small children t'or colds, croup and whooping cougj), as it always affords quick relief, and as it contains no opinm or other hsriiiful drug, it may be given as con­ fidently to a ha by as to an adalt. For sale by all druggists. AU Run Down HIS is a common expres­ sion we hear on every side. Unless there is some organic trouble, the con­ dition can doubtless be remedied. Your doctor is the best adviser. Do not dose yourself with all Kinds of advertised remedies-- get his opinion. More than likely you need a concentrated fat food to enrich your blood and tone up the system. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Is just such a food in its best form. It will build up the weakened and wasted body when all other foods fail to nourish. II you are run down or emaciated, give it a trial t it cannot hurt you. It is essentially the best possible nourishment for delicate children and pale, anaemic girls. We wilf send you a sample free. y Plain and fancy China from....... ^ Tin and Granite from. . . . ' . . u p • 5C up ALSO GLASSWARE. Big Bargains on our. . . 7 . . . . . . 5 c a n d 10c Tables School Stationery and a nice line of Qandies always on hand. r 1 Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggiee, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. Franklin Lightning Rod Works! I am agent for tbe above. We pat the Rods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages If no more than $500. Gall and get full particulars. 6eurU Blacksmith . Prices ilways ReiseuDle F V C . R O S S . I > . D . S . Office over Petesch's Drug Store. ALL WORK PERTAINING TO MODERN DEXTmST Office Telephone 2H; Residence 808. > \ Nitrous Oxld Uas for Ex tract ins. Hours 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. .f-,, SUNDAY WORK BY APPOINTMEXT - DAVtl) G. WELLS, M. II. pHYSIOIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST L Office and residence corner Elia M* Green streets, MeHehry. FEOEIiS a FEGERg :'J\ AND STTRGEON8. kcHeary. 111. Office at Residence, corner CoortMiu Elm streets. Telephone 333. m-: DR. SL G. CHAMBERJULlf •'..-•"If DENTIST. " Office and Residence over Bcaley's Drap Mmk Hours: 8:oo to 11:30, W bst.McH knot. Ill, ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. ^ '-r •< * J PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON ?"'vf' • rig Grove, (Deutscber Ant) V ^llinote. •>-V' ' < General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. flcHENRY - - - - - ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for alt classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry. IIHaels McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock. IU. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate la sums of $500 to §10,000, time and payment tf suit oorrower. FRANK BVHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 M UPWARD House :ind Sign Painting and a l l I n t e r i o r Dec­ ora Residence north town line one block west of river. Telephone No,254. MCHENRY. - - - ILLINOIS R. H. QWlEN : V' • Pianos for Sale and rent. Tuning and Tttflklx« tng at reasonable prices. First class Work only. McHENRY. ILLINOIS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services--Preaching 10:30 a. m. and eVery other Sabbath evening at 7:45, beginning Oc­ tober 30. Sunday school at 11:45. Epwortb League preceding preachlpg service at 7 p. m. When there is no preaching, at 7:80. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. » Rev. J. M. Cormack, Pastor. --: UNIVERSALIST CHURCR. Regular services Sunday at 10:30 a. xn. aa<l 7 p. -m. Sunday school at 11:45 a.m. Every* lx>dy cordially invited. Rav. A. ROBERTS. Pastor. DRUGS PATENT MED1C1NE5 N. H. PETESCH TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES "Be sure that this picture la the form of a label is on (lie wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. scon & BCWNE _ Chcmbto 409 Pearl Street,, New York 5fe.sa4$L Ail DraiAbts LAMBERT Q. SENG BUFFET PAikCEIJ CHECKED rREE MriftkAfS* Chicago, Illinois. Tel. Main K I L L THE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNC8 wH Dr. King's New Discovery forQ ON SUMPTION Pries OUGHS and B0efc$1-00 LOS Free Trisl. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. PATENTS Promptly obtained, or fit afTj>«witP. to Y«AM' KXMUtlKMOS. QurOHa»Q«»f THK LOWEST. Send model, photo ot *tteh tor expert search and free repo« oa mrmNOKMCNT «uit» eondoetod * courts. Patents obtained tbroogk TlSCOknd SOLD, free. Slows and OOrVMCMTS qoMdr olilnlril Opposite U. a. Patent Offloe* WAaHIWOTOW, P. o. DSWIFT&0 Chicago & North-Western. Bast fori Residence Best fer Business 6ic • day It's the pcrftct service that reaches everywhere-->thaf« why it's the greatest service--the best for you. GHI0A80 TELEPHONE OOMPANY Leave Chicago. tf.OO a m+. t 3.25 p »... | 5.01 p an... 9.10 a m... 2.02 p 01... Leaf# McHenry. 7.~»i am.... 8.29a m... 5.20 p m... 7.26 am..., 5.0C pa.;. Effective Dec. 4. 1904. WKEK DAY TKAIN8. I NORT HBOC BID . . . . V i a D e s P l u i n e s ,,...Via l)es Plaines ... Via Des Plaines..... SUNDAY TRAINS. . . . V i a D e s P l a i n e s Via Elgin WEEK DAY TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. Via Elgin. . -- V i a l H s Plaines..... Via Eljcin., SUNDAY TRAI1IS. . . V i a E l g i n . . . . . V i a D e s P l a i n e s Arrive McHenry .10.10 am ...IflSpn ..11.Ham .. 4.66 pm Arrive Chicago. ..10.10am MM a m ...7.00pm 7J0pm HOLLI8TER*S ocky Mountain Tea Nuggeli A Busy Me<'iuia# lor Busy Psopla. , ">p:ng-s Golden i 'alth and Braevad Vigw, ; I 'r "V-riflc for Constipation, Indigoati<Ml, Live JE. Iney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure ilaii T!r.; til ^!•;^iu'i 1 ii«u»*U, «e«lauli•" Teaintai,- . , i'sSSi .sSiokache. It's Rucky Mountain Tea i ronn, 35 cents « box. Genuine •busTER. Dri-g Company, Madison,' ADEN NUGGETS FOR 8AU0MT PC0fl«

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