iga.w -* r- . i'- ' • * „ •;1|*| sw.^sia- w \^m ^ X* j ^5ff, WE ARE NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED BY CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS f Overcoats, Felt Boots and # a left for selection. Also all lines? • j; v of Dry Goods which must be closed out 5 at once. J;, J. J f-"-; V j OSMUN T^-Plcrt lENRY. J HE "fe» • 5?" I M&N'S | '$17.50 SUITS!! If you Wftjit to pay $17.50 for a suit, don't spend your money s until you have seen ours. The Coats are single and double %' breasted and are made in the same style as Suits costing jj| double the price. Cheviots, Serges, Silk-mixed and Flan- •£ nel Suitings in the newest patterns. We are proud to offer !| such Suits at $17.50 and we know you'll be proud to wear 'U one. If you will look at them you'll agree with us in think- |j ing that they are the best Suits to be had for the money. $ No man's mon^y is better than yours, and no man's clothing j| is better than ours. Remember these are no ready-made or made-to-measure Garments, but made to fit, strictly hand- j| made at our own shop and a guarantee goes with each and v every garment. Our guarantee is this: Perfect fit, best of workmanship, good material and garment to be just exactly as we represent it to you. Remember also that we keep Suits in repair and press pants for one year FREE OF CHARGE. Spring and Easter Samples just arrived. I JOHN D. LODTZ ANNOUNCEMENTS ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. The Illinois Central maiutaias Double Dally Service, and operates the best trains, with Dining Oars, Buffet-Library Cars, Clialr Cars ana Sleeping Cars, from Chicago, St, Louts, Cincinnati and Louisville south 'to New Orleans. The best road for reaching the Winter Tourist resorts of the South, in cluding New Ota VicKsburg HiVifli, (ubd (0100, PdOdIM Culfpoft. Miss, tldmmood, li. Mardi Gras at New Orleans March 7 . Gulf- .port is a Mexican Gulf Coast resort having the new, 0ne "Great Southern" Hotel. Steam- Ships leave New Orleans every Saturday afternoon for Havana; every Wednesday inorniug for Colon, Panama. Regular ocean Steamship sailings from New Orleans for rlexico, Central America, Panama, West ndles and Europe. Send or call for descrip tive matter in regard to the above. Hot Spring, Ark., Florida Daily Sleeping Car without change Chicago to Hot Springs, with connections at Memphis from Cincinnati and Louisville. Through "Dixie Klyer" Sleeping Car Line St. Louis to Jacksonville via Nashville, Chat tanooga and Atlanta. Mexico, California Special Tours of Mexico and California via the Illinois Centra! and New Orleans under the ausplces^f Raymond & Whiteotnb, will leave Chicago Friday, Jan. 20 and Feb. 10. for Mexico and California, and Friday March 3, for California; this last to include a stop over at New Orleans for the Mardi Gras. Entire trips made in special private vestibule trains of finest Pullmans, with, dining car service. Fascinating trips, complete in every detail. Illinois Central Weekly Excursions to Cali fornia. Excursion cars through to Los Ange les and San Francisco as follows: Via New Orleans and the Southern Route evejy Fri day from Chicago; every Tuesday from Cin cinnati. Via Omaha and the Scenic Route every Wednesday from Chicago. Full particulars concerning all of the above can be liad of the agents of the Illinois Cen tral, or by addressing the nearest of the un dersigned representatives of the "Central." A. H. HANSON. G..P. A., Chicago, III. J. F. MERRY, A. O. P. A., Dubuque, Iowa. April 1 0. FRETT Wholesale and retail dealer In This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a CEKMl BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom en and respectfully solicit the public patronage... Honey to Loan I am In C Market For Beef Veal Jlutton Hogs mad Poultry Olve MM acali Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois meats! mm; iven to collections...... on real estate nd other first class se curity. Spec ial attention INSURANCE i & First Class Companies, at the Low liBt rates. .Tours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Hotary Public. Bankers lie McHenry PHotoftttter IS PH< ERNANEN ARTISTIC ; rAULTLESdl at popular prices. Always some attraction given avgay with every dozen. In order to more fully in troduce my work in this commun ity I have decided to make the reg ular cabinet size photo at $2,Q0 per dozen, for a short time only. Waukegan St., near theStandpipe WEST McHENRY, ILL. FRESH, SMI & SMOKED HEATS Vegetables and Fruit In Season. It Is my intention to give all customers the best service pos sible. 1 pay spot cash f.tr hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. MATTHEWS, j WEST M'HENRY, li,L. 1 HOLCOMBV1LLE. Mrs. C. P. Peck is sick again. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt visited at I. E.s Mason's Tuesday afternoon. Wm. Powers and daughter, Etta, spent Saturday at Woodstock. Mrs. B. F. Peck and Miss Iva Hoff man called on Mrs. A. P. Pack Monday K. Knoblanck had the misfortune to fall from a ladder Monday miming antji hurt his hip. Thos. Powers and grand-daughter, Miss Florence Welch, visited at Wm, Welch s Saturday. Lester Bertschey has been sick with tonsilitis this week and Dr. Wells of McHenry is attending him. BAKKKVliLE. ~ John Hunter v called on friends here Monday afternoon. Ray Merchant attended a dance at Ring wood Friday evening. Thos. Thompson visited relatives and friends in Ringwood Saturday. Robert Wingate is heie from the east visiting relatives and old friends. Miss Mary Fleming spent Wednesday and Thursday with MiBS Clara Thomp- son. Miss Effercine Johnson of Crystal Lake spent the last week With Miss Clara Thompson. Andrew Wingate and Thos. Thomp son attended the hutae sale at Wood stock Wednesday. Bruce Staritt and Miss Clara Thomp son called on friends in Crystal Lake! Sunday afternoon. SPRING GROVE. ' [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal- er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond ent. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. ED. ] Wm. Seaver is now able to be out. Mike Rauen is reported on the gain. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell Of Ringwood were callers here Tuesday. Mrs. Jennie Moss and daughter were McHenry callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Westlakb Aratre Richmond visitors Tuesday. Many from here attended the horse sale at Woodstock Wednesday. Edward Hopper attended to business in McHenry the first of the week. The masque ball was well attended last Friday evening and was a social, if not a financial^ success Christian Endeavor meetings are still held Sunday evenings altho the attend ance the past two evenings has,.been small. It certainly seems »a tho more are interested in the work than the attendance would denote. Come all and show encouragement by your pres ence. Much interest is being shown in the location of a condensing factory here. Reliable parties were here Monday looking over the proposed,site and a considerable amount of bonus has been promised by those most interested. The factory is greatly needed, as the build ings of the Farmers' Co-opgrative do not warrant further repairs, and in the present condition satisfactory work can not be done. The locat ion of a condens ing factory means to this community just as much as it has proven to others. It means a much greater income to the farmer and a raise in the value of all property near. While unreliable par ties have been here before and have caused a lack of confidence in the suocess of such industry the parties now negotiating are of good standing. Our bnisness men are doing nobly in the amounts they are subscribing and it will be uo fault of theirs if the factory is not a certaintv. voLa Valentines at Peteach's. Wm. A. Rosing spent Friday in cago. Miss Anna Miller spent Saturday Grayslake. v Willie Moore took in the sights at Wauconda Tuesday. , Lee Strang of Grayslake called on Volo friends Sunday. Albert Raught is under the care of Dr. Fegers of McHenry. John Hogan pf Waukegan is the guest of his uncle, James Doyle. Johu Frpst and son, Willie, Were Grayslake callers Saturday. * " Henry Stadtfeld has succeeded Wm Huson in the barber bnsineq&. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer, Thursday, Feb. 2, a daughter. Harvey Gardinier has purchased a corn harvester of Rosing Bros. A birthday party was held at the home of John Rosing last Monday. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and daughter, Helen, were Grayslake visitors Satur day. , 1 * Mrs, James Kirwan .spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs Cossman, at Rol lins. There was a short delay in work at the creamery Thurfday caused by a burs ted pipe.* Miss Bessie Duonill is spending her yacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunnill. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sable spent Tues day with their daughter, Mrs. 8. J. Wagner, at Fremont. The news of the wedding of Miss Lizzie Kretcbmer to a Mr. Hendee of Grayslake was a complete surprise to Volo people. The dedication of the new M. E. church at Volo took place February 5. Rev. Traveler of Chicago took charge of the services. Chicago Sat- Chi- in RIDUEFIEL.U. C. M. Keeler was in Nunda Monday. .J. Still was in Woodstock Saturday G. E. Jorgensen was in Nnnda ihi- day. .. Mrs. W.Jaynes" waa in Nunda Tues day ------ --~ Miss Nell Gibaon was in Woodstock Monday. A. Westermaa of Woodstock was here Tuesday. Mrs. Florence Barden visited friends at Nunda Friday. F. W. Hartman was in urday and Sunday. A. Skinner ani G. Morey were in Woodstock Tuesday. Mre. Hunt of Nunda visited at Mrs. E. Smith's Tuesday. Wm. Siniih of Elgin visited his mother here Saturday. ' Minor Lock wood ot Woodstock was in this vicinity Tuesday. O. Garrison has goue to Elgin to re main the balance of the winter. The receipts of the M. W. A. social last Friday evening were $32.75. N. J. Garrison, wife and' da.oghter, Hazel, were in Chicago Monday. Mrs. James of Nunda visited friends here from Tuesday until Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hudson of Mc Henry visited at F. French 's Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Shipton and children of Woodstock visited relatives here Satur day. Miss Gracia Cole of Woodstock was the guest of Miss Etta Goddard Friday and Saturday. The W. C. T. U. and Missionary so ciety met at the home of Mrs. Clara Kline Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Henry Reed is at Nnnda caring for her daughter, Mi's. Grace t'ord, who is at preseut ill with grippe. Mrs. Risley and Mr. Mason's two sons are among the many who are suf fer jng with grippe and pneumonia. The sleighing is fine now and about twelve of our young, people enjoyed a sleigh ride Monday evening as far as Crystal Lake. v""v The Ladies' Aid society will give an entertainment in the church Friday evening, Feb. 17. It is to be something fine, as the ladies have been practicing for some weeks past. Everybody is cor dially invited. Admission 25c, -fr it makes no difference how many medicines have failed to cure you. if you are troubled with headache, con stipation, kidney or liver troubles, Hol- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will nijike you well. (i. W. Besley. KMKKAI.I> I'AKK. B. J. Frisby spent the last of the week with friends in Chicago. Wedding bells will soon ring in the vicinity of Emerald Park, Miss Mary Gibbs of Barreville visited Miss Margaret Aylward recently. John A. Frisby sold his farm here to F. Wattles of McHenry last week. Mrs. J. B Frisby spent an afternoon recently with Mrs. Chas. Berkircher. Mrs. R. J. Sutton spent an afternoon last week at Johu Gibbs' at Barreville. Mr. and Mra. Ed. McGinnis of Elgin spent Sunday at Richard Givens', south of here, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Natta visited at Thos. Thompson's at Barreville Tuesday. Messrs. W. K. Burns and Wm. M. Burns of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. GHvens and children of McHenry spent Sunday with the for mer's mother south of here. John Walsh of Fox Lake accompanied Miss Nellie Frisby to her home here Sunday, after spending a week there. Master Ray Walsh returned with his father to his home, Sunday. Several from this vicinity attended the masque ball at the Central opera house Thursday evening and the sheet and pillowcase dance at Stoffel's hall Saturday evening. All report a fine time. The following pupils of the Emerald Park school have been neither absent nor tardy during the month ending Fri day, Feb. 3: Mamie Smith, Lena Smith, Josie Smith, Hwnry Felmeten and Cora Felmeten. Some HARNESS is hard on a Horse and pocket. Does^t fit animals of normal shape and it is of such poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is of the other sort. Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the best leather and trimming* and made to fit. Strain is equally divided and everj part equal to the strain. Qosts no more thad *%beap" Gus. Carlson. - Harness. friend* and F*dea. Dear to me is the friend, yet can make even my very foe do me a friend's part. My friend shows me what I can do; my foe teaches me what I should do.--Schiller. DR' CREAM BAKING POWDER Greatest Aid <o Cookery With least labor and trouble it makes hot-breads, biscuit and cake of finesi flavor, light, sweet, appetizing and assuredly digestible and wholesome fun BMUMO POWOII CO, CMIOMMK • JOfOiSIUKGH. Valentines at Petesh 's. Al. Reese was a visitor here Sunday. Jake Miller of McHenry was here Sunday. , •• " " v • ; - Mra Margret M. Scbaefef is on the sick list. -V' John Karls wi» a Chicagd passenger Tuesday. . V'-/* John Miller W»a a Chicago passenger Tuesday. . r Gertrued Althoff spent Thursday at Stilling's. ' • Math H. Freund was a McHenry call er Tuesday. ; Miss Margret Engels was a caller here Friday. Hubert Klapperich was a Chicago vis itor Monday. Mary Miller sp^gf several days at home last week. John Hoff and family visited at John Mert.es' Sunday. .Totin Smith and family visited at his sister's Tuesday. Miss Hellen Adams visited Hellen Michels Sunday. « Mrs. Sdsan Freund lisited her son, JoknS., Monday. . T/. M. Adams attended-to business in Chicago Tharsday. Mrs. Henry Thelen Visited Mrs. Fred Diethorn Tuesday;: Mrs. Thelen visited her aon, Henry, one day last week, Fanny MaT vlstted her mother, Mrs. Kate May, Monday. Henry Tonion and family spent Sun day with home folks. Emma Freund ^s working at Nick •Tusten's in McHenry. Jos. Michels and lady friend Were Mc- Henry callers Friday, Miss Susie Miller: was the guest of Delia Niesen Sunday. Math May of Richmond visited his bi other. Jake, Monday. Martin Jirng and family visited at. Mike Schaefer's Monday. Wm. Oefliing visited Chicago rela tives a few days this wvek. Math Steffes entertained relatives from Chicago several days. A party of boys and girls enjoyed a" sleigh ride Tuesday evening. Archie Hergott has been quite sick but is better at this writing. Miss Gertie Renz visited her aunt, Mrs. Nick Schaeter, last week. Wm. Kerman was a visitor at Wm. Althoff'« a few days last week Nick Smith and wife of Spring Grove visited at John Smith's Sunday. |>lr. and Mrs. John King were Mc Henry callers the first of ttie week. Peter F. Freund called on Spring Grove relatives one day last week. Miss Hele^i Blake entertained her cousin, Katie Brown, of Volo Sunday. Simon Michels and Jake Miller are visiting relatives at Kenosha this week. Mrs. John Nieseu of Mellenry visited her parents, Mr. au'd Mrs. Joe Palmas, Thursday. Gertrude Williams Sundayed with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams. Benjamin Tonion won the* talking machiue at Stephen H. Schmitt's Tues day evening. Jake May, who wtts seriously hurt by a horse weeks ago, is able to wal» around again. Misses Tillie Hetterman and Gertrude trude and Katie. Althoff went to Wis consin Monday. Hellen Smith and several of her friends visited Peter Smith and family Tuesday evening. Win. Grift of New Munster, Wis., was the guesfrof Wm. Althoff Wednes day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Freund of Spring Grove visited his mother, Mir. Anna Freand, Monday. Mrs; Martin Thelen of Fop du Lac visited one week with her parents, Bli. and Mrs. John F. Freund. John Klein and family are now occu pying the house of M. S. Freund, the latter having moved to McHenry. Misses Katie Freund, Lizzie May. Tillie and Christina May, the latter pf Iowa, visited Hellen and Margret Adams Monday. It will pay, yon to keep Chamber lain's Colic, * Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in your home. It only costs a quarter. Sold by all druggists. Miss Tillie Freund gave a card party Thursday evening, to which about twenty-five of her friends were invited and all enjoyed a pleasant evening, Lena and Anna Justen entertained the fallowing young ladies Wednesday: Rosa Lay, Anna and Mamie Stilling and Julia Hamlin, of New Munster. Wis., also Willie Smith and Henry and Martin Stilling. Afratd ot Strong "Medicinal. Many people suffer for years from rheumatic pains, and prefer to do so rather than take the strong medicines usually given for rheumatism, not knowing that quick relief from pain may be had simply by applying Cham berlain's Pain Balm and not taking any Tnwdifiiie"internally; Rev. Aiuos Par ker of. Magnolia. North Carolina, suf Tered for eight years with a lame hip, due to severe rheumatic pains. He h«i- been permanently cured by the free ap plication of Chamberlain'» Pain Balm. JPor Bale by all druggists sf SERIOUS HEART DISEASE IS CURABLE. the Emineifo^ccialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, Succeeds After 5 to 30 , Physicians Fall. TS.NO WORTH OF TKKATMENT FREE. MMMHMNMNNif Heart diseases which a few years 1450 were incurable now rapidly yield to treatment. Short breath, pain in the side, oppression in the chest, palpita tion, smothering spells, weak or irregu lar pulse, puffing of the ankles or drop sy. whether complicated with stomach, liver and nervous troubles or not, can be speedily relieved and soon cured. Dr. Miles will give a #2.50 course of treatment free, to prove the truth of his statement. His treatments have the great advantage of being specially prepared to suit each patient. These Treatments are the result of 25 years of close study, careful research and extraordinary success. They are far in advance of the medicines used by the ordinary doctor and few show such faith in their remedies. Every sufferer should take advantage of this opportu- nity'lefore it is too late. Hon. John Gates, Ex-Representative ,of J?vva. after 10 years of .suffering from heart, stottiiieh and bladder troubles, says: "I lose no '>}>Porlunit(y to advocate Dr. Miles' Special Treatment. I am better now than for ten ye'U's. which I attribute solely to his skillful lll'ilt llU'llt." Sirs. Mary A. Bradeen.of Kapids.Me.,writes: "I consider your heart treatment worth its vPeiKht in fjold to me. You have saved my life after others failed." l'liiii|i Met/, of Jackson Center, O., reports; "I had heart trouble for 15 years ana was very near death's door wheu 1 commenced, your special treatment. 1 now feel well and work every day." Mrs. Aii|j. Kronck, of Huntington. Ind., cured after W physicians failed; Mrs. Horn (ireator. of Bristolviile, O.. after 23; Mrs, R. Parker, of Mishavvaka. Ind., after 16; Mrs. H. E.Cole. IMttsburg, I'a.. after ti; and Mrs. E. Norrts of Windsor. O , after live nave her up. A thousand references to. and testimonials from Bishops, Clergy men. Bankers, Farmers, anil their wives will be sent free on request. Send at once to Franklin Miles, M. D., LL. R., Dep. H., 431 to 481 Main Street, Elkhart, Ind., for copyrighted examination chart, pamphlet and $2.50 free treatment. S3 Did you say Piano? Why, of course, we handle them. Not only that, but we handle the best known makes and give with each and every one of them a guarantee of which we feel proud. If- you pre contemplating putting a Piano in to your home don't forget us. We can and will give you figures which defy all competition for high-class Instruments. Remem ber "The Housekeeper" Offer still stands good. Call at our store and we will tell you all about it. L«a.v« yovir orders here for Piano Tuning. Work done by Wm, Ar- ney of Shuts Piano Co., Chicago. West ricrlenry, RINGWOOD. George Bacon is home for a week's visit. * J. Friend of Spring Grove was a call er Saturday. C. W. Harrison was a Chicago visitor one.day last week. Sheriff Waiidrack of Woodstock was a business caller Monday. W. A. Dodge moyed his family onto hi^ farm north of town last week. Attorney J. Lang of Richmond at tended to business here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd were recent visitors at O. P. Southwick's at Will iams Bay. Mr. Walters of the firm of Walters & McClain of Woodstock was a business caller here Monday. Mesdames Wm. Coats, Datde and L. Stephenson, who have been seriously sick, are gaining slowly. Winter coughs are apt to result in consumption if neglected. They can be soon broken up by using Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry. - . Delbert Bacon, who had the misfor tune to break his leg while at work on the ice at McCollum's lake, is improv ing rapidly. There's a pretty girl in an Alpine hat, A sweeter girl with a sailor brim, But the handsomest girl you'll ever see Is the sensible girl who uses Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. CURES STOMACH fm CROOKS GROCERY H E A D Q U A R T E R S 50 Boxes Fancy California ORANGES! Finest Fruit to be, had. We are selling them at 35c per Peck Fancy Japan Rice 10 lbs. for "1 "PHE A frv body gets its lifb front food properly digested. Healthy digestion means pure blood for the body, but stomach troubles arise from carelessness in eating and stomach disorders upset the entire system. Improp erly masticated food sours on the stomach, causing distressing pains, belching and nausea. When over-eating is persisted iu the stomach becomes weakened and worn out and dyspepsia claims the victim. T h e d f o r d ' s Black-Draught cures dyspepsia. It frees the stomach and bowels of congested matter and gives the stomach new life. The stomach is quickly invigorated and the natural stimulation results in a good appetite, with the power to thor oughly digest food. Y"ou can build up your stomach with this mild and natural remedy. Try Thedford's Black- Draught today. You can buy a package from your dealer for z5c. If he does not keep it. send the monev to The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., and a package wiii torn mailed you. THEDTORVS BLACK-DRAUGHT TEA! Good Japan Tea, lb..i8c Samples Freef am Fancy Cprn, can. ...5c Worth 12yic, We have only 50 cases:--better get some quick. It is strict ly high grade quality. Cannot be matched any where in town. FANCY GROCERS TeKfMtt Ol *+6 6O YEARS' EXPERIENCE - PATENTS DCWGNS CorVRMHTtAc* > sending * sketch 5«aertj*ioa wit ascertain our ofttnioa ffw wMUMraS luventkHi pr.ihat>W patentable OoanoaM, tionsstrictlr cimdtteuclaL HMMOOK OA sent Oldest MKfiicy rorMcvnar CaUjiica taiBJi though Hbbb Jt , t\ '•» lUTentton li* !»».!•!! IbMlUh MBI luetic*. Scientific American." filiation of any aeieottit f oar moatH, U. A h»ndaomely Illustrate wo-jkly. " '"urnaL *>ivt bjrall 3tt Broadway, ' ifi.