m BLOOD TOO THIN . p GENERAL DEBILITY RESULTS FROM if IMPOVERISHED BLOOD. fla limcdy That Makes New Blool Haninhea Weakness, Headache*, In- dtgvation and Nervous Troubles. Hundreds of women suffer from head* •ches, dizziness, restlessness, languor and timidity. Few realize that their misery all conies from the bad state of *heir blood. They take one thing for (heir head, another for their stomach, A third for their nerves, and yet all the While it is simply their poor blood that lathe cnnse of their discomfort. If one sure remedy for making good, tfe*h blood were used every one of their distressing ailments would disappear, as they did in the case of Mrs. Ella P. Stone, who had been ailing for years and wns completely run down before she re- • ftlized the nature of her trouble. ^ •• For several years," said Mrs. Stone, <«I suffered from general debility. It began about 1896 with indigestion, ner vousness and steady headaches. Up to 1000 I hadn't been able to find any relief from this condition. I was then very thin and bloodless. An enthusiastic friend, who had used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, urged me to give them a trial aud -Ifinally bought a box.',, V v *' I did not notice any marked change from the use of the first box, but I de- . tennined to give them a fair trial and I kept on. When I had finished the •econd box I could see very decided signs of improvement in my condition. I be gan to feel better all over and to have hopes of a complete cure. r " I used in all eight or ten boxes, and when I stopped I had got back my regu lar weight and a good healthy color and the gain has lasted. I can eat what I please without discomfort. My nervous ness is entirely gone, and, while I had constant headaches before, I very rarely have one now. I cheerfully recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to women who Buffer as I did." Mrs. Stone was seen at her pretty home in lakewood, R. I., where, as the result of her experience. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are very popular. These fa mous pills are sold by all druggists. A book that every woman needs is pub lished by the Dr. Williams Mediciue Company, Schenectady, N. Y. It is en titled "Plain Talks to Women," and will be sent free on request. SANTA FE IS INJMEMP1 Company Is Alleged to Have Persistently Violated tfe# Interstate Law. DOES NOT HEED INJUNCTION AN OLO MAN'S TRIBUTE. RATTLESNAKE EASY TO SHOOT, Restraining Order From the Court to Enforce Compliance With Published Schedules Is Ignored by Traffic Of« ficials. HOPPED ON HIS HEAD. - i-K .y * i^lNirfbrmer Chose Public Street to Show Act Was Real. t the crossing of the Unter den den and Priedrich strasse, where the traffic Is very dense, says a Ber lin letter in the London News, a young man was seen suddenly to leave the crowded footpath and stand on his head in the middle of the street without support from his hands. When the crowd grew thick around him he began to hop on bis head, step'by step (if this be the right ex pression for this method of locomo tion). A policeman placed the singular individual in the normal position, and it then transpired that he was a cer- -tain M. Baptist, who was exhibiting himself in the Winter Garden here as a walker on his head. He had heard that some skeptics had doubted th® genuineness of his turn, alleging that he had some wire arrangements On the stage to facilitate progression. He showed the policeman that there were no wires about on the Priedrich strasse, and that everything was free of deception. He was marched off to the police station, where, having per formed for the officer in charge, he was set at liberty with a caution. THERE IS JUST ONE SURE WAY. DodcPs Kidney Pills build up Run- 2 down People. They make healthy < Kidneys and that means healthy * people. What Mr. and Mrs. J. L. > Ouffey say: i#jNora, fad., Feb. 6th.--(Special)-- That the sure way of building up run-down men and women is to put their kidneys in good working order is Shfown by the experience of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Duffey of this place. Both were weak and worn and dis pirited. They used Dodd's Kidney Pills and to-day both enjoy the best <Of health. Mr. Duffey says: "I was very weak and almost past going. I tried every thing which people said was good but got no benefit till I tried Dodd's Kid ney Pills. They helped me in every .way and I- am strong and well now." Mrs. Duffey says: "I was so bad fltat if anybody would lay down a string I felt I could not step over it Since taking Dodd's Kidney Pills I Can run and jump fences." f Healthy kidneys insure pure blood; Dodd's Kidney .Pills insure healthy Ifldneys. ' '•* '* Has-International Reputation. , A • London Truth asserts that "now, for u' T first time in centuries, England *;* possesses, in Sir Edward Elgar, at <Jeast one composer of international re pute." Prize Duelist. The prize duelist of Paris, M. Rou- tjer-Dorcieres, has fought in seventeen Combats and arranged i!8 for others. Hundreds of dealers say the extra fjJpUantity and superior quality of De fiance Starch is fast taking place of ^Ifcjl other brands. Others say they ckn- BOt sell any other starch. , ^ Dr. Tillau of Paris, whose death was ^ .ffecently announced, has bequeathed A §00,000 to a fund for providing old age « . 'jisneions for workmen. Washington dispatch:Flagrant, wfiV ful and continuous violations of the law is the charge laid against the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe rail road company by the interstate com merce commission. Not only Is the railroad found guilty of having grant ed rebates to the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, but it is charged with having been In contempt of court for several years. The commission, in turning over to the attorney general the evidence it collected in the hear ing of the complaint of the Caledonia Coal company reports that during the >aet five years the railroad company willfully and continuously violated the law by granting rebates, and from Feb. 19, 1903, when the Elkins law went into effect, until Nov. 27, 1904, systematically and continuously vio lated that law by transporting traffic offered by the Colorado Fuel and Iron company before publishing the rates imppsed upon that traffic, thus sub- jecti£.£ the shipper 'as well as the rail road u» a penalty of from $1,000 to $20,000 flne for each offense. Disregards Injunction. On March 25, 1902, the interstate commerce commission secured an or der from the court enjoining the Santa Fe to observe in all respects its pub lished schedules of rates. From the date of the injunction down to Nov. 27, 1904, the railroad was In continu ous contempt of court by disregarding this injunction. The arrangement be tween the railroad and the Colorado Fuel and Iron company is defined by tee commission as a monopoly which rendered competition impossible be cause the freight rates imposed by the 3anta Fe upon coal offered by other mining companies alone equaled the price at which the Colorado Fuel and Iron company was selling its coal at the different markets which these comparyes desired1 to reach. Morton Escapes Punishment. The report of the commission was the subject of a conference between the president, Attorney General Moody and Secretary Morton. The attorney general declined to discuss the re port, which, he said, had not reached him. It is understood, however, that railroad official^ who testify before the commission are thereby rendered Immune from prosecution for offenses revealed by their evidence. Secretary Morton was one of the officials of the Santa Fe railroad who testified before the commission during its investiga tion of the rebate charges. MILLIONAIRE ENDS LIFE IN PARK Act Follows Physician's Statement That Patient Must Go to Asylum. Chicago dispatch: Millionaire John B. Scully, the iron manufacturer, stole away from his mansion to. a remote corner of Humboldt park and shot himself. He had Just overheard the family physician and his wife agree that he would have to go to a private sani tarium because of his mental decline. Brainy financier, evperienced steel manufacturer, millionaire capitalist, prominent in the city's life, he had been suffering from increasing mental affliction for, several month's. Dr. D. Birkhoff said that Mr. Scully already was practically insane, and would have to be watched until he could be sent to a private asylum. Cunningly the millionaire then sneaked away from his residence at 1646 Jackson boulevard, rode quickly to Humboldt park and fired a bullet Into his brain that brought quick death. MAN CLEARS DEATH MYSTERY Trevor, Wis., Saloonkeeper Confesses to Part in Killing. Kenosha, Wis., dispatch: The mys tery surrounding the killing of John Wrefi of Manitowoc at Trevor on Christmas day was clcared up, when Nicholas J. Schumacher, proprietor of the tavern, at Trevor, made a*confes alon. Schumacher !n his confession stat ed that Wren had been ordered out of the saloon and when be refused to leave he had taken hold of him and pushed him out of i?.e door. Later he found Wren lyint, m the road. He said that he supposed that his skull had been fractured by a fall on the frozen ground. Schumacher's son is dying and two deputies were-appointed to take the prisoner to file bedside of the dying boy. . Turks Defeat the Arabians. WANTED--One person in every com munity to,. represent old wexl-knowu house. Good income. Send address, Honohue Co., 425 Dearborn St., Chicago' A South Dakota legislator has in troduced a bill for the protection of Jack rabbits. 'Bars tq^hlm! Storekeepers report that the extra Suantity, together with the superior uallty of Defiance Starch makes it Hext to impossible to sell any other fcrand. A fellow who owns an ice pond and * coal mine never ought to know want -A GUAEASTKBD CURE FOB PILES. Heblng, llllud, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. You* aruKgUt wiy refaud money It PAZO OINTMENT •AMI* lo cure you lu 0 U> 11 day a. 50c. The sculptor's employment is not all ' * TjT announced -the Turkish forces have routed the rebels investing Sanaa and Hodeida-Yemen province, Arabia, and relieved the, besieged garrison of Sa naa, the capital of Yemen. Travels Far to Arrest Man. Toledo, Ohio, special: After a three weeks' chase extending over 6,000 miles, Sheriff D. J. Hubbs of Ballston, Saratoga county, N. Y., was rewarded by finding M. Millstein in Toledo. Woman Dies of Lockjaw. Philadelphia, Pa., dispatch: Miss Mary R. Ritchie, formerly secretary ot Bryn Mawr college, died in the Bryn Mawr hospital from lockjaw, which developed from Injures received in a runaway accident. Gives Building to College. Llndsborg, Kan., dispatch: United States Minister to has purchased the at the St. Louis wo It to Betbanj Sweden Thor-ag ^Swedish building rM's fair a^d.pr#- college. AH Ohio Fruit Raiser, 78 Years Old, Cured of a Terrible CAM After Ten Years of Suffering. Sidney Justus, fruit dealer, of Men tor, Ohio, says: "I was cured by Doan's Kidney Pills of a severe case of kid- ;: ney trouble, of eight or ten ^years' standing, t, I suffered the > m o s t s e v e r e " backache and other pains in the region of t h e k i d n e y s . These were Es pecially severe when stooping SIDNEY JUSTUS. to lift anything, and often I could hardly straighten my back. The aching was bad in the daytime, but just as bad at night, and I was always lame in the morning. I was bothered with rheumatic pains and dropsical swelling of the feet. The urinary passages were painful, and the secretions were discolored and so free that often I had to rise at night. I felt tired all day. Half a box served to relieve me,, and three boxes effected a permanent cure." A TRIAL FREE.--Address Foster- Milburn Co., Buffalo. N Y. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Otherwise Occupied. "Isn't the climate rather bad In your part of the country?' "Yes," answered the Central Ameri can, "But it doesn't make any difc ference. We are so busy with revolu tions that nobody has time to notice the climate." j Reptile, Alarmed, Offer* Itself to Aim of Marksman. In this wide world there are several things that are swifter than a rattle snake, but they can probably be count ed on the fingers of one hand. One of these things is a bullet, whereby hangs the explanation why it Is easy to shoot the head oft a rattler, al though a marksman finds it difficult to place a bullet along the fat, seven foot line- between the neck of the rep tile and the tip of "its tail. It has long been regarded as a curi ous coincidence that even the man not famed for accuracy has no trouble in blowing the head off a dia mond back. In the diamond back country only one explanation is of fered for this--It is the snake and not the man that does the aiming. At close quarters, the instant the muzzle of a six-shooter is thrust to ward a rattlesnake, the infallible eye catches the range and in the fraction of a twinkle the deadly head has aligned itself. As the gun roars and darts ifs tongue of flame, the head of the creature is torn clean as if sev ered with a knife and the viper lies writhing, emitting a defiant rattle even as its grim, relentless heart ceases its beat.--Pearson's Magazine. Many School Children Are Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet powders for Chil dren, used by Mother Gray, a nursa in Children's Home, New York, brealr up Colds in 24 hours, cure Feverishness, Head ache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disor ders and Destroy Worms. At all Druggists, 35c. Sample mailed free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. y. They Always Do. "You'd make a big hit if you could compose the words of a popular song." "I guess that's right; all I have ever heard or seen Heeded composing."-- Houston Post. Don't you know that Defiance Starch besides being absolutely superior to any other, is put up 16 ounces in pack age and sells at same price as 12- ounce packages of other kinds? A great-great-granddaughter of Miles Stkndish died the other day in Brook lyn, but millions of the descendants of John and Priscilla survive. New York valets are going to form a union. They.will now cease being heroeB to their employers. ' Karl lent Green Onions. John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., always have something new, some thing valuable. This year they; offer among their new money making vege tables, an Earliest Green Eating Onion. It is a winner, Mr. Farmer and Gardener! JUST SEND THIS NOTICE AND I60. and they will send you their big plant and seed catalog, together with enough seed to grow 1,000 fine, solid Cabbages,, 2,000 rich, juicy Turnips, 2,000 blanching, nutty Celery, 8,000 rich, buttery Lettuce, 1,000 splendid Onions, 1,000 rare, luscious Radishes, 1,000 gloriously brilliant Flowers.,. . I* over 10,000 plants--this great offer Is made to get you to test their warranted vegetable seeds and ALL FOB BUT 16c POSTAGE, providing you will return this notice, and if you wdl send them 26c in postage, they will add to the above a big package of Salzer's Fourth of July Sweet Corn--the earliest on earth--10 days earlier than Cory, Peep o'Day, First of All, etc. [W.N.U.] Mild Winter in the East. Col. Edward Hatch, Jr., of New York, enjoyed a novel New Year's day ex perience, when he crossed lake Cham-' plain from Willsboro to Rurlington in a row boat The surface of the lake was as smooth as any day in summed- and the eight miles were covered as comfortably as on any day in the year., Cuba's Cotton Crop. Cuba's cotton Is nonpareil. This has been proved by the many experiments which have been made, some of them on extensive scales. The only ques tion which remains is whether enough labor is available there at reasonable rates for picking the cotton, if planted in considerable quantity. Should no serious difficulty be experienced In this direction, there Is every reason to ex pect that the industry will soon come to be of vast importance. The ma chinery trade of Cuba is almost en tirely controlled by the United States, which furnishes 75 per cent of the to tal, the United Kingdom following with 14 per cent, and the remainder being divided between., Belgium,, Germany and France. . D O Y O U iBOUGH W z D O N T D E L A Y K E M P S BALSAM I T It Cures OoMs, Sore TTii-rmt, Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a sure relief in advanced staKes. Use at once. You will see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Sold by dealers every where. Large bottles 25 cents and 60 cents. (BBBBiiBB AVfcgetahle Preparaiionfor As similating thcFoodandBegala- ling (he Stomachs aodBowels of I M A M S / < H I I D K I : N GASTOBIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Havs Always Bough! Promotes Digedtion.Cheerfiil~ ness andRest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Fot Viae otic. Jt̂ araUA-SSMBBimmS iAntoiw Saj>" ALc-Smum * AiUlUSmlt- Aperfect Remedy forConslipa- Tion, Sour S tomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish* ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW "YORK. Bears XfTAtB,- f|)D Sai r well Improved Illlnolt stock farm * wm «nUi acrec.'Juu nndar cultivation, b pa*tare; new modern 10-room 1k>um, b*th _ . laundry Bodfamaoe. 3 barni, corn crlbf, eraloerletl !«• Jwnie wad all kind* of fruit; large .orebarT C. Rohlfsan. aoe Spring «t., Peoria, Minnesota Farm for Sale--I bar* 190 acres < choice land in townihip of: BrookVUle, Redwood ~ Hbufe,tbatl wlahtoaeil. Price MS peraer»;«a»rte arra&jed. Thli ii a (rood farm and U a bargain. Ai# dren, A«fnat Xreeenel, Souts S, Bleepylqre, w«« • Liberal Term Armged Texas farms. 440 acres and 12U acres near El Campo^ divided half rice with line well* and new pumplna track, all fine rich land. 530 acres' rlrer farm! and hog ranch near Columbus, Texas, 400 acres tn| cultivation and balance In pasture. Address owner " W. C. MUHH, - Weimar. Texas.l Leulalan* Pin* Land for Sale. 5,000sefM of (food cut-over pine land from 3 to 5 miles from this place; adapted for truck farming, fruit and cattle raising; 3 railroads running through It; surrounded.- by small settlers. I will Bell in tracts of 4» acres j' more or In bulk. Price now *5 per acre. Easy terms c be arranged. Julius Levin, P.O.Box 11, Alexandria,I 560 Acre Brain and Stock Farm Kansas, 8 miles from R. R. station, near school ani postoffice; 130 acres cultivation, mostly bottom land- more can be broken; good pasture, excellent water splendid timber. $15 per acre; one-half cash, baiancafe time. Wiitp me. G. H. Shaw, Fariaville, Kaa* £xact corv or wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORU niMmwntaMin. «tw voaaoirr. Salzer's National Oats Greatest oat of the centnry. Yielded In Ohio 187, In Mich. 831. in Mo. 25!>, and in Dakota SIB bus. per acre. You can beat that record in 1906. Fo? iOc and fMs notice we mall you free lets of farm need samples and our bli; crtalcs:, tell ing all t.bout this oat wonder and i thousands of ot her seeds. JGHK A. SALZER S£ED CO. La Cross*, vara *-- Cream Separator ,OQ we sell the cele> SeeCREAM 8EHM* TOR.eapaclfey .300 360 pounds capac... . •929.00: BOO pounds capacity per nda per hour; paelty per hour for hour for 934.00. Guaranteed the equal oI Separator* that retail everywhere at frem 970.00 to $125.00. OUR OFFER. rator en our 90 tfaya' free trial •ra, with ilieblndlnsunderstand* e and agreement If you do not find by comparison, test and use that It will eklm closer, gkim colder mlik. skim easier, run lighter and skim one-half more milk than any other Cream Separator made, yeti can re turn the Separater to us at eur expense and we will Immedl* ately return any money you may have paid far freight eharfea or otherwise. Cut this nd outsat once andmall to no, and y< u wl.l receive by re turn mail, free, postpaid, our LATEST SPECIAL CREAM SEPARATOR CATALOGUE. You will got our big offerand our free trial proposition aad yon will rutin the i a«tea» laklBfrljIlbsralCraaai Separator aSfer erar haarri af. Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK ft CO., CHICA80. Ifso ĉeVt.wu£{- Thompson's Eye Water W. N. U., CHICAGO, No. 6, 1905. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper.; «M*i | Our Special Proposition A $50.00 Buggy for $36.50 We are going to build 1,000 made- to-order Buggies -- only 1,000, so if you want one you must act at once. Send 60 cents aud state how you want it built. Be very plain as we cannot make changes after your order is placed with the factory. We will get the material ready, gears built, etc., but will wait until we hear from you before'put ting on the tinal finish, trimming, or build the top. Ten days before you want it shipped, which must be before April 1, send $30.00 more and we will linish and ship you a nice, new job just out of the paint room. In this way you will get a brand new buggy with all paint hardened, just made and packed » few days before shipped. You most order at once as we positively cannot accept orders for over 1,000. L000JOBS -No More Built t& Your Order in Our Own Most factories either close or A Ov W U jr OI H run with only a few men dur- ing the winter, and hence lose many of their high-class workers. We want to keep our large force busy all the time, so make this exceptional offer. Remember, we can only build the 1,000, as our factory must then take up our heavy spring work. We build and sell more high class vehicles than any other factory in America selling direct to the users. How Do Yon Want it Built? BodV ^ano b°x or Corning style ? 22 x 54 inches or 24 x 64 • . * inches? State which. It wili b^ the same grade of body we use on our $46.00 buggy. End spring (like cut) or Brewster? State which--if you i do not, we will send end spring. Genr will have a {{-inch high grade axle and highest grade oil-tempered springs made. you want 38 x 42 inches or 40 x 44 inches ? These • wiir be Barveu patent, aeleeted hiokory, ^i-in. trfiftdi __ and % -ia. tire, regular stock. Tod 3 or 4 Bow--which do you want? It will have leather M i r quarters, and well made in every way, with heavy rubber side and hack curtains. Painting ̂ vpry careful to state what you want. We will ft paint gear either a nice, dark green or New York red. Body--a plain ebony black, or black with striping, or mottled green. Our painting and decorating is all done by hand -- no dipping. Trimming An extra quality of dark-green Union body cloth v or whipcord or Keratol leather. 8tate which you want, can secure. The work is done bv the highest class of mechanics wo ire. Spring scat and back. fflipitoMwcrc Leather dash; boot, with springs; rubber storm " apron; carpet; trimmed all-hickory shafts; wrench, and anti rattlers. Everything complete. Nicely packed with dust-bag, and guaranteed to arrive safely. You could not duplicate elsewhere lor less than Our Guarantee "Free Trial" or "Ship for Inspection" offer ever made. There is NO TRICK in our guarantee. READ IT carefully. It's very plain, and made to protect you. We furnish with every lob a ONK TEAR GUARANTEE, In which we aureo to replace froe of charge, or repair anv part that may break from defect in material or workmanship. ^ e do not, however, allow unauthorized repair bills. Also understand that in addition to this guarantee wo make this offer: Any job that you purchase, if it is not better made and better finished than you could buy any where else at t h e p r i c e , o r i f i t i s n o t s a t i s f a c t o r y i n e v e r y w a y , y o u « and we will refund the purchase price and pay the freight botj ways. Just think of such a strong and^ liberal guarantee I We couldn't afford to ship a poor job, could we ? We Know What's Under the • A a very important thing to know in any case, but m cIllH particularly necessary where roods are shipped un- jg- a guarantee to please. It w?u» for this reason that we made an investment of over $100,000 in a plant covering acres of floor space, and equipped with the latest and most im proved carriage-making machinery in the world. We buy the materials ourselves -- wheels, bodies, etc. We lave every piec e examined to see that it is up to the grade. We hod the factory located near us, so that we could be intimately connected with the building of our work, and know exactly what we are giving our many vehicle customers all over the world. Paint enn cover a multitude of defects, and docs do it where the work is built for profit only. We have other lines to sell, and hence could not afford, for the little we make on each sale, to mislead any one of our customers. As good vehicles for the money never were offered outside of this house. We say this after very careful investigation among factories who furnish materials to nearly all buggy concerns, ana also after having purchased finished vehicles and torp them to pieces to see of what they were made. would be surprised if you knew what it in You some of the buggies 'offered by "loud-talking" houses. They cheapen the work where you will not notice it. We place our reputation of 88 Sears' standing back of this statement: We are giving our trad* etter wheels, better gears, better bodies, better finish, and a better job throughout l or the money than any other factory in America. Free Vehicle Catalogue -- ^ copy sMia for one at once. We have 200 different styles and kinds of vehicles, with prices from $10 95 for a cart to $150.00 for a surrey, and are building and,selling more first-class work; more good, honest work than any other catalogue house in the world. Our rapidly growing vehicle business means something; 50,000 people ail over this country would not bave sent us their orders last year if they were not convinced that they were getting more for their money here than elsewhere. If you want a job that will only last a few months, we cannot sell you--we abso lutely refuse to have such material in our factory. We are offering good work, vehicles that will give ypu good, long, saw- factory service. We want to sell your relatives, your neighbors and your friends. The essentia^ thing in a purchase is, "What will I get for my moiiev ?" 'If what you, buj here docs not plssse you, remember it may be returned at our expense. Fair, Isn't it? What Others Say • ' w you." " M y b * g g y far exceeds n*v pxpeetaiions." " Our dealer wanted $90.00 for ex actly the same as your $42.00 job." "I have just sold the buggy I bought of you 8 years ago for $85.00; only paid $87.50, new?* | k | S e n d y o u r o r d e r i n a t o n c e . T h e 5 0 c first H IlOW remittance is merely an evidence of good ----" • faith. Be careful to say lust what you want. We will secure the best freight rate possible for you. Ik will, however, be a small matter when compared to the excelled bargain you get in this job. If this job does not suit, do not buy until you aee our Vehicle Book. Montgomery Ward (& Co.f Chicago The Only General Supply lionise Owning and Direct^ Managing a Vehicle Factory ^