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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Feb 1905, p. 7

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- r V • • « ; " ,.***•> T ,'i { ?( A>"> < T«";, i ^ f'c"j j-1 ^<* ^ ^ ^^ ^ / v T • **T5 •'. ^ Miteaa Î T *« * \WF$ L^HHY "W >3 * * .* •' , . ' . . . * ' / , ' i ? * i^w*^ ,-JJh. v 3^. t \» =>. • *•" . ' ;'» -y:*r y£*. % -Kv>" ' ,Y>> - ^••tv if*"- *¥•* Their Choice of Hymns. When Burton. Holmes, the lecturer. Vis In England the past summer he Tisited a famous prison. He was there on Sunday and attended the church Mrvices. The prisoners were permit­ ted to select the hymns that they Were to sing, and Mr. Holmes said that they threw much feeling into "Free From the Law, O Happy Condi­ tion." The last hymn was "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." This seemed curious to the visitor, especial­ ly as he noticed that many of the con­ victs smiled broadly while singing. He inquired about the song, and the warden explained that a prisoner who had been there for years was to be discharged the next day. $100 Reward, $100. readers of this paper will be pleased to Jm that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure la all Its stages, and that la Catarrh. H»n'« Catarrh Cure Is i'uc vu'iy positive Cure now kuown to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitu­ tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in­ ternally, acting directly upon the blixxl and mucous Surface* of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient Strength by building up the constitution and assist­ ing nature In doing its work. The proprietors have •O much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it telle to •are. Send for list of testimonial*. : Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ' Roundabout Telegraphic Route. ; |)uring a recent telegraphic break­ down, messages from New York to Chicago were sent round by London, Gibraltar, Alexandria, Oden, Bombay, Madras, Hongkong, Guam and San ^rancisco. Answers were received in New York in less than an hour. r In Winter Use Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder. Your feet feel uncomfort­ able, nervous and often cold and damp. If you have sweating, sore feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores, 25 cents. Sample sent free. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y. Those Bills, De Style--Did the doctor give him up? Gunbusta--Yes; a collector of bad debts has him in charge now, WHERE IS FARMING MOST PROFITABLE, where are the conditions most Favorable for the Gen­ eral Farmer, the Stock Raiser, Fruit or Truck Grower, where are the Greatest Advautagee for the Home- ieeker* Government statistics prove it lain the South, an the Southern Hallway territory. We uriH tell you ft bout it. Write for Free Publications. M. V. Richards, Land and Indn«tr nl Air*»nt. Washington. D. C. Home Jraits. "Isn't jour husband dyspeptic?" "I rather think he is; I kfaow he always disagrees with hjs meals." $36.00 per M. Lewis' "Single Binder," straight 5c cigar, costs the dealer some more than other 5c cigars, but the higher price enables this factory to use higher grade tobacco.- Lewis' Factory, Peoria, I1L Here is a man who says that he lost . |20,000 playing pinochle at a club. |How many years did the game last? To Florida Thro* Old Battlefields. "Dixie Flyer" leaves Chicago over 0. A E. I. at 7:00 p. m., and arrives at Jacksonville 8:40 second morning. Through sleepers. Daylight ride through the most picturesque And his­ toric section of the Soum. "Chicago and Florida Limited" leaves Chicago over C. & £. I. 1:35 p. m.. and arrives Jacksonville 7:55, St. Augustine 9:25 the next evening. Solid Train with Dining and Observation Cars. Both trains use the NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA AND ST. LOUIS RAILWAY, between Nashville. Chatta­ nooga and Atlanta, the famous "Batr tlefields Route." For folders and interesting litera­ ture call on or write to BRIARD F. HILL, Northern Pass. Agent, N„ C. & St. L. Ry., 850 . Marquette Bldg., Chicago, III. ST. VALENTINES DAYS Every housekeeper «Dr»uld know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry us© they will save not only time, because it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 16 oz.--one fall pound--while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in %-pound pack­ ages, and the price is the same, 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chem­ icals. If your grocer tries to sell yon a 12-oz. package iv is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let­ ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De­ fiance and save much time and money and tbe annoyance of the iron stick­ ing. Defiance never sticks,, %oman Is Expert Money Counter. Miss Willa A. Leonard has been a money counter in the United States treasury department since 1862. She is an expert and the fastest counter in the government employ. A popular cloth-bound edition of "A Rose of Normandy," by William R. A. Wilson, has Just been added by Little. Brown ft Co. to their popular fiction series. Mr. Wilson has written another romance entitled "A Knot of Blue," for spring publication. Frederick Robie, aged 84, is the grand old man of Maine. He remains as a marked personality in the affairs of his commonwealth. If yon don't get the biggest fend best *t's your own fault. Defiance Starch Is for sale everywhere and there is positively nothing to equal It In qual­ ity or quantity. New York city has lost twenty-two millionaires in one year. How care­ less!--New York Herald. Ill I Appalling Increase in the Number of Operations Performed Eacl\ Year--How Women May Avoid Them.' % T H E L A D Y I N B L U E ,, A City Newsboy's Valentine. 1 > t ' I Going? through the hospitals in . our l*rge cities one is surprised to find Such a large proportion of the patients lying on those snow-white beds women and girls, who are either awaiting or recovering' from serious opera­ tions. Why should this be the case? Sim­ ply because they have neglected them­ selves. Ovarian and womb troubles are certainly on the increase among the women of this country--they creep upon them unawares, but every one of those patients in the hospital beds had plenty of warning in that bearing- down feeling, pain at left or right of the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the small of the back, leucorrhoea, diz­ ziness, flatulency, displacements of the womb or irregularities. All of these symptoms are indications of an un­ healthy condition of' the ovaries or womb, and if not heeded the penalty has to be paid by a dangerous operation. When these symptoms manifest them­ selves, do not drag along until you are obliged to go to the hospital and sub­ mit to an operation -- but remember that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved thousands of women from surgical operations When women are troubled with Ir­ regular, suppressed or painful menstru­ ation, weakness, leucorrhoea, displace­ ment of ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flat­ ulency), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, lassi­ tude, excitability, irritability, nervous- Lydia E. Pinkhaoi's Veftetable nees, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all gone "and " want-to-be-left-alone" feel­ ings, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. The following letters cannot fail to bring hope to despairing womea. Mrs. Fred Seydel, 413 N. 54th Street, West Philadelphia, Pa , writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-- " I was in a very serious condition what I wrote to you for advice. Ibadaseriotwvtoiub and ovarian trouble and I could not carry child to maturity, and was advised that i operation was my only hope of recovery, could not bear to thinlc i tal, so wrote you for advice. i of going to the hospi- kdvice. I did as vou in­ structed me (uid took Lydia E. Pintham's Vegetable Compound; and I am not only a well woman to-day, but have » beautiful Uud; girl ,->i a. months old. I advise all sick an< suffering women to write you for advice, a you. have done so much for me." Miss Ruby Mushrush, of East Chicago, Ind., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-- " I have been a great suffererwith Irregular menstruation and ovarian trouble, and about three months ago the doctor, after using the X-Ray on me, said I had an abcess on the ovaries and would have to have an operation. My mother wanted me to try Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound as a last resort, and it not only saved me from an operation but u.ada ms entirely welL " Lydia E. P.nkham's Vegetable Com­ pound at once removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. Her ad vice and medicine have restored thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Succeeds Where Others Fall. RliAtU FAHMilfi WHEAT RAISING RANCHIIFI ELECTRICITY IS LIFE. Three great pursuits have again »hown wonderful isultx on «bu Free Ilumoutead Land* of Western auacte this year. Magalflcent climate--farmer* plowing tn their shirt ""^leevee In tlie middle of November. '•All are bound to be more tlian pleaaed with (tie Bnal results of the past Benson's harvest."--Kxtrsci. Coal, wood, water, hay In abundance. Schools, fchurches, markets convenient. Apply for Information to Superintendent of Imml- ration. Ottawa, Canada, or to authorized Canadian overament Apent--C. J. Brouptitoii, Boom ISO ulncy Bld(f.. Chicago, 111. ; W. H. Kotteru, third floor, ractlon Terminal Bld(f , ItKHanapoilu, Ind.; T. O. urrle, ltoom 12. B. Callahan Block. Milwaukee, Wis. ^ Please say wlierc you saw this advertisement. AUTED --TRAVELING SALESMEN this county. Our men are innklmf from $T> to SIM month KcliliiK our household and stock remedies, 'torlng extracts, spices and toilet artlclea direct to DKiitnefj. Exclusive territory. Goods are furnished credit. NO CASH OUTLAY. Pleasant, proflt- ble, life-long pocltlon. No experience necessary; • teach you. Write for Information. Don't delay, corporated. K8. D. CONFER MEDICAL COMPANY* Dept. C, ORANGEVILLE, ILL. 1 A continuous mild »M toothlQf flow Of electric lty the entire day easily cures a-iry o&se of Rheuma­ tism or Kidney trouble. It permanently cure* Bad Orculailon, Nervous De- biiity and restores hoet Vitality. It positively cure* all weaklier aad uerrous dleeanet* common to women. A complete treatment lasting for uiutHv days, sent postpaid anywnere In the U S or Canada. 011 reoflpt of one dollar; and with each pur­ chase we eigu a coutraot agreeing to refund th# money If not satisfactory. Booklet Free. Electro pod* Co. Box D Llm*. Ohlflb TBIIftBFS tlMtlo Stockings, gto. nW®BBO riaiMill 1001 Bonn* GaTdsB, IKK, » UVBIIj fuladalpkia. Pa. ^ GREGORY'S Guaranteed SEEDS Grow quickly. Free Catalogue. 1.1. H. Gregory 4 8m. HarblahMd. " P'SO S CURE FwR .r rHH nil tLlf filLI Syrup. Tastes 0«oi£ U "Polpers! Ev'ning poipers! Loidy! Yer ev'ning poipers! Poipers! Sun? 'Ere y'are! Thank ye, mum!" Jip got but of the crowd with a rush, his last paper sold, and darted up the ptreet. He rein and dashed and darted across the streets for several blocks, such a little, grinning, bright-eyed youngster that people made way for him at once with a smile. On a side street from the row he halted, panting, and pressed his nose against the glass of a little store win­ dow. The window was full of coarsely colored . pictures, the stereotyped comic valentines. Jip's pointed finger jabbed at the window glass promptly, and located the valentine he desired. He breathed a great sigh" of joy and relief and danced for a happy moment. "She's dere!" he cried, and whisked into the store. , 'Wot d yer want, little boy?" the haughty maiden demanded. "Git off me counter." "Gib me her!" yelled Jip trium­ phantly. "I have 2 cents an' it's me own, and youse can't keep her no more, youse can't." "D yer mean the vallentine of the blue lady in der winder?" said the girl contemptuously. "Yah--yip--yah--gib me her!" Jip gasped. The girl stepped to the window and quickly drew from it a vividly blue picture, which Jip grasped and then gave up his 2 cents. He darted and dashed once more along the row, until in a retired cor­ ner, sitting upon some steps, he found himself among some older newsboys. "I'se got a valentine!" he shouted GAMES FOR THE EVENING. Ways in Which a Few Pleasant Hours May Be 8pent. As many tiny valentines as there are children are wirtten beforehand, slipped into little envelopes and sealed with red seals in heart shape and placed on a tray to serve as fa­ vors in 8t. Valentine's post;*- When ten chtldren have come the hostess counts out the children to-choose a postman, who is blindfolded" and stands In the middle of the room, while the rest sit around in a circle. The hostess assigns each child the name of a town or city and then calls: "I have sent a valentine from Boston" to Denver," for example, and the chil­ dren representing those cities change places quickly and quietly. The post­ man tries to catch one of them, and if he succeed in doing this or in sitting on one of the chairs they have left va­ cant the child who is caught or whose chair he has taken becomes postman, while he is rewarded with one of the valentine favors. Call the mails in quick succession until every child has won a valentine. Archery--Cupid's darts are shot from a small bow by each child in turn at a heart shaped target of white with a small red heart for a bull's eye. The one whose dart comes near­ est the middle of the bull's eye may" receive the gayly beribboned bows and arrows for a prize. At table serve gift tarts, the renowned offerings of the queen of hearts. Wrap tiny gifts appropriate to the season in tissue paper and place ^ each in a shallow as he squeezed htipself in between two i>ig boys: Jip had no objection to showing his valentine to the others, and it trans­ pired that they, also, had become pos­ sessors of pictures which they each designed to send away that night. Up to that time Jip, whose knowl­ edge cf letters was beautifully blank, had remained satisfied with the loveli­ ness of his picture alone. But one of the newsbobys recited with pride some verses of poetry written beneath one of the others. Jip's heart sank. "Is poetry got to be on 'em, Ned?" he asked.' "Sure." "Wot does it say on my pictur, Ned! You read it," said Jip timidly. Ned took the lovely portrait of the 2-cent lady in blue and read the dog­ gerel beneath It: " " You think because your dress is flne, Because your Jewels gaily shine. You are above the common .folk. Who groan beneath your heavy yoke! Ah! Haughty lady! Pride Is tall The harder then shall be your fall. "Oh!" screamed the boys, yJip's girl has t'rowed 'im over! Jip's got to get even!" But Jip seized the lady in blue and gazed upon it in consternation, until his eyes filled with tears, and he buried his face against the stone ct the alley. Newspapers demanded the bigger boys' attention, and they ran away laughing, but the little fellow re­ mained behind very miserable. The picture was sweet, but such words! He could never send his lady them. Slowly he prepared to tear up his 2-cent treasure. white saucer. With cranberry red tissue paper covering pasted neatly to the edge of the saucer, and strips of brtown paper touched with darker brown water color to look like pastry, and a strip of the pastry paper around the edge, the tarts are complete. MORN, NOON AND NIGHT. The mofning, dear, n.y valentine, ^And your glad eyes upon me; The stars have all forgot to shine; The morning, dear, my valentine. And, oh, your smile to sun me! The nooning, dear, my valentine, And you to walk beside me; To eat my bread and drink my wine; The nooning, dear, my valentine. And still your voice to guide me; The even, dear, my valentine, The white night to e-nfold us. Your eyes to mirror unto mine; The even, dear, my valentine. And God's right arm to hold us! --Ethel M. Kelley in Smart 3*L BIRDS AND MOTOR CARS. Speedy Vehicles Cause Death of Many Creatures of the Air. The motor car sucked the road up at the rate of fifty miles an hour, and to the novice at the chaurreur's side the world seemed to comprise three lines--two black lines, where were thd forests on either hand, and one white line, which was the highway. . Suddenly'--plop--"Something like" a soft football struck the novice in the fate. He gasped, and the chauffeur shouted above the roaring wind: "A chicken. You want to look out for them." Then, when the car had slowed down a little, the chauffeur explain­ ed: .-"A speeding car seems to hypno­ tize some cfcickensr-They stand in the middle of the road till it is almost on them; then they rise up and fly straight into your face. I suppose, in the past year, I have collided in this manner with fully fifty chickens. Do you see this scar under my eye? Well, It is the mark of a chicken's claw. "A motor car's lights at night hyp­ notize birds, too. In the country, if your lamps are powerful, you will often hear as you sped along a soft, unpleasant sound, followed by a Ut­ ile squeak. That sound marks the collision of a bird's body with one of your lamps. Such a collision kills the bird, and often It leaves on the lamp ugly smears of bloodk'WPhila- delphla Bulletin. REFLECTION ON THE PAST. Not Direct Accusation of Dishonesty, but More Than a Hint. William Pinkerton, the detective, #as praising the various cash regis­ tering devices that have come of late years into world-wide use. 1 "These machines," he said, "have undoubtedly diminished crime. They have saved many weak persons from a dally, an hourly temptation hard to withstand. Thew have also saved em­ ployers a great deal of money, for they have driven the dishonest out of a field of work wherein they loved to labor in the past. "I heard of a clerk In a grocery the other day who was getting |8 a week. He had to be on duty at 7 in the morning, and he was not through till 7, and sometimes 8, at night. The poor fellow had no time for anything but work and sleep. "He found time, though, to get mar­ ried, and the week after the ceremony he asked his employer for a raise. " 'Why, Horace,' the employer said, 'you are getting. $8 a week. What ails you? When I was your age I kept a wife and two children on $8 a week and saved money besides.' " 'They didn't have cash registers In those days,' said Horace bitterly. BISHOP OWES HEALTH AND LIFE TO PE-RU-NA. Ministers of All Denominations Join In Recommending Pe-ru-na to the People. Public speaking especially exposes the throat aad bronchial tubes to catarrhal affections. Breathing1 the air of crowded assem­ blies, and the neeessary exposure, to night air which many preachers must face, makes catarrh especially prevalent among their class. Peruna has become justly popular among them. NO 8LEEP FOR MOTHER .uiiifMWfiVfi iil'J JI/SHOP L ftf/ALSIc.r. The Friends of Pe-ra-ns. Despite the prejudices of the medical profession against proprietary, medi­ cines, the clergy have always main­ tained a strong confidence and friend­ ship for Peruna. , « They have discovered by personal 4jb* perience that Peruna does all that la claimed for it. The Bishop's Strong Tribute to Pe-ru-na. L. H. Halsej-. Hisliop C. M. E. Church, Atlanta, Ga.. writes: "I have found Peruna to be a great remedy for catarrh. I have suffered with this terrible disease for more than twenty years, until since I have been using Peruna, which has relieved me of the trouble. "1 have tried many remedies and spent a great deal of hard-earned money for them, but I found nothing so effectual in the cure of catarrh as the great medicine, Peruna. "I feel sure that Peruna is not onlv a triumph of medical science, but it is also a blessing to suffering humanity. "Every individual who suffers with respiratory diseases will find Peruna a magnificent and sovereign remedy."--L. H. Haisey, Bp. C. M. E. Church. Peruna is the most prompt and sure remedy for catarrh that oan be taken. Many a preacher has been, able to meet his engagements only because be keeps on hand a bottle o f Peruna, ready to meet amy emergency that may arise. We have on file many letters of recom* mendation like the one given abova. We can give our readers only a slight glimpse of the vast number of grate­ ful letters Dr. Hartman is constantly re­ ceiving, in praise of his f&mons catandl remedy, Parana. Baby Covered With Sores and Scales --Could Not Tell What She Looked Like--Marvelous Cure by Cuticura. "At four months old my baby's face jnid body were so covered with sores and large scales you could not tell what she looked like. No child ever had a worse case. Her face was being eaten away, and even her finger nails fell off. It itched so she could not sleep, and for many weary Ughts we could gfet no rest. At last we got Cuticura Soap and Ointment. The sores began to heal at once, and she could sleep at night, and In one month she had not one sore on her face or body.--Mrs. Mary Sanders, 709 Spring St., Camden, N. J." Kentucky Cadet Wins Honor. The gold> medal awarded annually to the member of the graduating class at the naval academy who provea moBt efficient in target practice with guns of larger caliber has this year been won by Midshipman Edward G. Hargis of Winchester, Ky. The young midshipman is a member of the Har­ gis wamily of Breathitt county. A Woman's Martyrdom Is too often her own fault, simply be­ cause she won't take sufficient trouble to try a medicine that so many thou­ sands of women enthusiastically rec­ ommend, viz.: Dr. Caldwell's (laxa­ tive) Syrup Pepsin. This bland, sooth­ ing, curative medicine, regulates dis­ ordered functions of stomach, liver, bowels, etc., and soon restores siek women to perfect health. Try it. Sold by all druggists at 50c and fi.00. Mon­ ey back if it fails. A VALENTINE FROLIC A charming little feature for a party to be given on the day or eve of St. Valentine, is the winged hearts game. This is played by cutting from pink tissue paper as many, heart- shaped pieces as there will be girls in the company. These hearts should be about six inches in length and wide in proportion. Each one has written upon it 4n gold ink the name of one of the young women to be present. When the time for playing the game has arrived, the lights in tbe room are lowered and soft music played. While the music is playing the winged hearts begin to float into the room through the slightly drawn portiere or screen in the doorway. This is managed by the hostess, who is concealed behind the portiere. A fire bellows creates the wind nec­ essary to waft the hearts. Each heart belongs to the gentleman of the party to whose chair It falls nearest. The girl whose name to inscribed oo It Is his valentine. When all the hearts have been cap­ tured, 4ights are turned up, pencils and paper distributed. Each man present is then required to write a verse about the name inscribed on the heart captured by him. Jt is ex­ plained that the verse adjudged best will win for the writer a valentine to be presented to the lady whose charms were celebrated. The verses ' are pronounced upon by someone not in the game. The historic old valen­ tine gift, a pair of gloves, would make a nice choice. Another merry half-hour Is Jrgured by persuading the small boy of the family to act the part of Cupid. Cupid is distinguished in' an ulster and a silk hat. His identity is revealed, however, by two tissue and tinsel wings which stick out from the coat at the shoulders. He carries a busi­ ness-like looking bag, which, when opened, reveals a quantity of pink heart-shaped cards, each one- having a sentence written upon it in gold paint. Each person present receives a card. The sentence written upon it is understood to refer to 'the lover or the recipient All of the sentences are quotations. It is stated that the "stores" taken aboard the Russian warships at Tan­ gier consisted principally of wines and spirits. " Dealers say that as soon as' a cus­ tomer tries Defiance Starch it is .im­ possible to sell them any other cold water starch.' It can be used cold or boiled. Miss Maude Adams has bought an­ other city house. All actresses are not improvident. Piao's Cure e*nnot be too highly spoken of ss a cough cure.--J. W. O'Bruui, 322 Third Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 0,1900. A bank teller is probably to called because he doesn't tell anything. Bargain Rates to California Every Day March I to May 15 s33 $30 From St. Louis For one-way colonist tickets. Reduced rates from all Eastern pwntr The trip is easily and comfortably made via the Rock Island. Two routes--one through New Mexico, the other through Colorado. Through tourist cars -- hours quicker than any other line. Doable daily tourist service via El Paso -- tri-weekljr via Colorado. Dining car service and free reclining chair cars, both routes. Consult your home ticket agent or write to the undersigned for our California book and complete folder "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeper." If you are industrious and capable you can make money in California. Tha bif ranches are breaking up into small farms that need more workers to care for the increased product. The towns and cities are prosperous because the country is prosperous. Vou want to see what the country is really like; yea can to there, work a few months, enjoy the delightful climate, the flowers, fruit and scenery, and earn enough to pap pour expenses both Itags by taking advantage of these low ratea. PASO ROUTE If interested, use this coupon. JOHN SEBASTIAN. Passenger Tra-fic Reek Island System, CHICAGO. Please send me rates of fare to CaBfsrafa aad tfase tables -- also your illustrated California' book, and in! information about your new service. 1 expect to leave for California ahsnt --__ aad would like information sbeiit Hint guu noilOKt AUraw. .Stat*. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo (jutnlne Tablets. All drnc> glut* refund the nuney ii It falU to cure. X. W. Grove's signature Is on each bux. 25c. The more you put in a slot machine tbe more the owner takes out. "I)r. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy (•Text i o j life! I had dyspepsia and klduey disease." Bk Senator Albert Merrltt, 1'ark Place, N.Y. da bottle. E>o your new resolutions yet show any warps or kinks? Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothia* Syrup. For children teething, softens the guras, reduces f» flammatlou, allays pain, cures wind colic, sac a botUa. 32 YEARS SELLING DIRECT We are the largest manufacturers of vehicles and harness in the world sell-1 ingto consumers exclusively. We Have No Agents but ship anywhere for ex­ amination and approval, guaranteeing safe deliv­ ery. Vou are out noth- I ing if not satisfied as to s t y l e , q u a l i t y a n d / price. We make S001 styles of vehicles and Wo. 636. (JomhlnaHon Bujrry wltn rdfSQ5 styles of hum ess. stick seat and % In. rubber tires. Price , „ « » , complete $68 00. As good as nils «T•*- stt Canopy Tap Sum. Price complett for $30 more. F&Eg. Sand for it. $11. As goodm tdkni|Smore. ElkhaH Caifrftatf* (Xfc Harness Mftf* Co.* Elkhart. Indiana The man who courts trouble la soon married. flMtiftdke Delicious for luncheon. Appetising for sapper. Ask your grocer. POTATOES et gets book showing a crop uf 8,IHM> bu. per acre can be grown. Addressf.afiLAOCS, O. ft, 471 Washington Boulevard. Chicago, 111. Fboto o* 16 in a half hlil sent free ou request. Tbe Great Nonesuch Remedy JACOBS The old monk cure, strong, straight, sure, has for a large part of a century battled with and conquered AchesandPains the world over. Prioe and 50c. . 1 WHAT'S THE USE OP SAYING "GIVE ME A 8 CENT CIGAR." WHEN BY ASKING FOR A : : "CREMO YOU GET THE BEST frCSNT CIGAR AMERICA "TW WsrWs Urfoct Sdhr* THHTIWil" .yJ-l-'-tr'.' "MIT1 " 'I'l 1 T'f T T1TTV $10.00 roe ait iws >iiti«a ssr&Sfe railrsat sIMIM, tnifUtkuMK*' SURE hUTii INC JiSoET* av* t h .ww 4's Mill Sir.; 1 ocub»v;a rtm «•!!• OMMH. Ma r»d»itai. IiIiiMh Itaoi tkiwubovt. CteMlMMa £••>»« --•-- --p klthw. Onl» taint. 1 11 -----.. . .1-- . :IH~. soM mi ee Mara* t M. ur<auVcfc»iT*« (Stfaf 1? :-4 j' /

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