LL ARE MING AT ( 5 i j J OSMUN BROS., I iHcHENRY. j Overcoats, Felt Boots and Overs, onl^ a few left for selection. Also all limes of Dry Goods which must be closed out „ * at once.: : : : : ;_j;: ; : : : : : v IV ' x'ii. > .*1J- ,fek; THE PLACE GOODS PRICES. Try my Coffes and Teas. Terme Cash. Positively no Accounts. John Stoffel. VARIETY Store!! Plain and fancy China from..., 5c up 'pin and Granite from. ,5c up ALSO GLASSWARE. Big Bargains on our ...... 5c and 10c Tables School Stationery and a nice line of Candies always on hand. * * * m £ * ifc t * * * # Pure, Old, Rich, Mellow; the acme of excellence in whiskey produc- jj tlon. Best as a beverage. Safest and most satisfactory for all uses, p $ SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. R.ye "On Every Tongue;' Taxes! Taxes! I will open my tax boobs on Thurs day, February 9, at the Btore of Joe. W. Freund, West McHenry, and will be at Gilbert Bros, Go 's store the fol lowing Saturday. Beginning Monday, February 18, 1 will be stationed at the following places during the -* week: Mondays, C. M. Adams, Johnsbnrgh; Tuesdays, Bradley & Foss, Ringwood; Thursdays, J. W. Freund, West Mc Henry; Saturdays, Gilbert Bros. Co., McHenry. PETER NIESEN, Collector. . 83-tf There'8 a pretty girl in an Alpine hat, A sweeter girl with a sailor brim, " But the handsomest girl you'll ever see Is the sensible girl who uses Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. The Plaindealer will be sent toany address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. Mothers oan safely give Foley's Hon ey and Tar to their children for coughs and colds, for it contains no opiates or other poisons. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial thre? months for twen ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time ttnless other' wise ordered. Try it. * Beautiful eyes and. handsome faces are eloquent commendations. Bright eyes are windows to a woman's heart. Hollister's Rocky Moan tain Tea makes bright eyes. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. Watch the Kidneys WHEN THKY ARK AFFECTED UPS IS IN DANGER A WORD OF WARMINO Dr. ABERNBTHT, the great English physician and surgeon, well known to all physicians, sounded wordi of warning to the medical profession and to all mankind when he uttered the words: " Watch the kidneys; whenHhejr try affected life is in danger It Is the duty of these organs to keep onr blood strained of poisonous Imparities that are capable of causing Hie most fatal forms of disease. When they do not per form their work'properly, then trouble la some form!« sure to follow sooner or later, and If neglected, death will follow. Some of the most important symptoms are, aching in the back or hips, swollen ankles, puffiness under the eyes, dry or furred tongue, unnatural appetite and great thirst, weakness and loss of weight* sediment or cloudiness in the urine, dry ness of the skin or strong perspiration, disorders of the stomach and liver. All the above symptoms do not appear In any one case, and all kidney disorders will not present the same symptoms. There is nothing that so quickly and sorely makes the kidneys right as FOUR'S KIDITET Coma. It Is a preparation of the best known remedies uspd by the world's most celebrated kidney specialists. It Is endorsed by physicians and used by thoa- sahds. It has saved many lives, and while It cannot cure hopeless cases, it will pre vent fatal kidney troubles and give relief The Rniilan Kaval Standard. The Russian naval standard--a blue flag with a white cross--was adopted t>y Peter the Great, who stayed for some months at Gaardam, near Am sterdam, working as a mechanic to gain a knowledge of shipbuilding. During this time he took a strong fancy to a clever workman named Grays, whom he persuaded to return with him to Russia after he had reveal ed to him bis true name and position. Cruys drew the plans for the first ships built for the Russian navy, and, to show his appreciation, Peter the Great made him an admiral and gave orders that the Russian navy should thenceforth have a special flag with a white cross upon it to perpetuate the memory of his trusted associate, Cray a being an old form of the Dutch word for cross. The Horn bifeee. Among the quaint old customs and «^npooiM still kept alive in English country districts there is only one "horn dance," and that is to be found at Ab bots Bromley, in Staffordshire. Every year at the village wake the dance is still carried out The origin of the horn dance is lost in the mists of history, but It has been traced back as far as the eleventh century. Until the seventeenth century it *was practiced at Christmas, on New Year's day and on Twelfth day. In the time of Henry VIII. the dance was performed in front of the church every Sunday and a col lection for the poor taken up from the spectators. * - What Constitutes an Asaawlt. "If a man comes into your house,** said the Liverpool stipendiary magis trate, "and picks Up a poker to strike you, you are entitled to pick up the tougs and fence ,with him, and if you hit him with the tongs he cannot com plain of being assaulted, because he would have struck you first if he could. But If, on the other hand, you take the poker out of his hand and strike him with It you are guilty of an assault, because you struck an unarmed man. That Is as clear a distinction as I cao make." A. Fsssr Metaphor. Judge John Goode of Virginia, once a member of the Confederate congress, told of an attack by Foote of Tennes see upon Jefferson Davis and General Albert Sidney Johnston after the Con federate defeat at Cloyd mountain. He said that if Johnston had fought as he ought to have fought "peace, like a wedding garment, would now cover our fair land." All Leaked Oat. "Of course," said the husband, who made a specialty of manufacturing ex cuses, "the truth Is bound to leak out some time." "Yes," rejoined the other half of the matrimonial combine, "and I am in clined to believe that it leaked oat of you long ago." NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS % . vis- The America* Aald*. Our transatlantic cousins have cer tainly cultivated to perfection the art of looking dainty as they cross the street. Somehow they always con trive to look attractive while engaged in this usually unbecoming action.-- London World. ~ -- f-- QoInK to Bxtrcae*. The erase for old furniture has reach ed such a height that Lord has turned his wife out of doors to make room for a Louis XVI. cabinet.--Lon don Truth. >, J OWN gfiUBSH. Mrs. Kehr is on the sick list. Miss Mary Miller was home Sunday. Fred Bishop of McHenry was a caller here Sunday. Miss Lizzie Adams spent Sunday and Monday at home. 5 V ; * Mrs. Schaefer visited Mrs^ &Ks:' S. Frennd Thursday Peter Niesen collects taxes atf G M. Adams' on Mondays. Jos. Hnemann was a windy city call er one day this week. Mrs. Frank Miller was the guest of Mrs. miriiHw Snnday. Louis Althof was a business caller at McHenry Wednesday. Henry Klapperich of Iowa visited at Wm. Smith's Sunday. Miss Tillie Freund visited, her oouBin, Emma May. Thursday. „ Miss Mary Pitzen of Volo visited ber aunt, Mrs. Wm, Oeffling. Wm. Hay of Spring Grove waft a vis itor here one day last week. Mrs. Blake and daughter, Annie, ited in McHenry last week. Mrs. Peter M. Freund of Spring Grove visited here Saturday. George Smith and Gottlieb Boley of McHenry called here Sunday. John P. Lay has sold his store to J. L. Debrecht of Flint Hill, Mo. Miss Margret King was a Spring Grove caller one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Schmitt were McHenry callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M. Schaefer are the happy parents of a girl baby. Nick Schaefer and family spent Snn day with Mr. and Mrs. John May. Miss Emma Bngner was the guest of her brother, John Bugner, Sunday. Mrs. Fanny May visited her sister, Mrs. Jos. Rothermel, Thursday last. Lillie Niesen and Lizzie Meyers vis ited friends here a few days this week. George Freund of McHenry visited his uncle, Nick Freand, a few days last week. Ten per cent discount on all shoes and underwear until the 25th at C. M. Adams'. Special prices on dress goods and waistings for the next ten days at C. M. Adams'. J. L. Debrecht of Flint Hill, Mo., was the guest of Jos. F. Schmitt several days recently. Theodore Meyers returned home Snn day after visiting a few days with Ra cine relatives. /"fr- Don't fail to hear the Nye wonderful literary and musical entertainers Sat urday evening, February 18, 1905, at Central opera hopse. Prices 10, 30 and 80 cents. It makes no difference how many medicines have failed to enre yon. if you are troubled with headache, con stipation, kidney or liver trouble*, Hol lister 's Rocky Mountain ^Tea will make you well, G. W. Besley. Miss Otilia Freund gave a card party to her friends Thursday evening. Games and cards were played all even ing until about eleven-thirty o'clock when refreshments were served and all departed for their homes declaring they had spent a very enjoyable even ing. Those present were: Misses Susie Freund, Delia Niesen, Katie Smith, Lena Smith, Maggie and Lena Smith, Emma May, Katie, Mary and Annie Pitzen, Christina Smith, Martha Niesen, Maggie and Eva Koenig, Tillie and Christina May and Mrs. Jos. J. Michels. Masters Willie Smith, Benny and Hen ry Klapperich, Frank Mueller, Freddie and Martin Smith, Willie Meyers, Joe, Nick and John Nett, John Schaefer, Peter Miller, Vivi Herrgott, Peter, Willie and Nick Freund, Benny Justen and John Mueller. ; VOUO, • John Gift is on the sick list. James Kirwin is on the Bick list. , . , Mrs, Dyers is visiting friends at Fcfrt Hill. Robt. Richardson of Grayslake is vis iting relatives at Volo. Peter and Henry Stadtfeld spent Thursday in Wankegan, 1 Geo. Rosiug entertained friends from Winnetka the past week. Mrs. Dunnill and daughter were Mc Henry callers Wednesday. Miss Elsie Smith is spending a few days with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Sable entertained com pany from McHenry Thursday. Ralph Richardson of Grayslake is vis iting his nncle, Harvey Gardinier. * Ed. Courtney of Wanconda was seen on our streets Saturday buying cattle. Wm. Dillon tilled his ice house last week. He reports the ice 38 inches thick. • !'/ Misses Lucy Dunnill and Fanny Sex ton were McHenry callers Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs: L. V. Lusk and little son spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Raymond. The pupils of the Volo school under the management of Miss Colby enjoyed a sleigh tide Friday afternoon. Miss Katie Rosing left Tuesday morn ing for Goshen, Ind., where she will spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Henry Thiele. Agonizing Burns are instantly relieved, and perfectly healed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. C. Rivenbark, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., writes: "I burned my knee so badly that it blist ered all over. Bucklen's Arnica Salve stopped the pain and healed it without a scar." Also heals all wounds and sores. 35 cents at N. H. Petesch's and Julia.A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W Besley -a, West McHenry, druggists. KMKKALOFABK. Ed Knox spent laat Thursday at Woodstock. Frank Martin of Wauconda called on friends here Sunday. Harry Bac on of Chicago, visited friends here a few days the first of the week. Jno. Flusky of Chicago visited old friends in this vioinity a few days last week. Miss Kathryn Walsh of McHenry spent Sunday with Miss Margaret Sutton. Mrs. F. J. Ward and daughter, Mar garet, visited Miss Margaret Aylward last week. 4 Messrs. J as. and Wm. Walsh from near Woodstock spent a few days with their uncle, J. B. Frisby. Misses Maine and Kat e Knox and Margaret Sutton attended teacher's meeting at Woodstock last week. Misses Nellie and Anna Frisby and Margaret Aylward visited Mrs. Panl Reiger at Griswold Lake Tuesday. Mrs. R. J. Sutton, Mrs. Chas. Berkir cher and Mrs. Jno. Gibhs of Barreville spent an afternoon last week with Mrs. J. B. Frisby. Thos. Bolger visited relatives in Woodstock last week and listened to Wm. J. Bryan's lecture Thursday aven- ing. • EX-OFFICIO ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Adam Musjfrove, decreased. The undersigned, having been appointed ex-officio administrator of the estate of Ad am V.u«itrove. deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hurt;by (fives notice that he will appear before the County Court, of McHenry Couuty.at the Court House in Woodstock, at the April term, on the first Monday in April, next, at which time all per sons having; claims against the said estate are notified arid requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. Ail persons indebted to said estate are requested . to make immediate payment to the "under signed. Dated this 27tb day of January, A. D. 1005. WM. H. HARRISON, ex-officio administrator. 32-iJt Read The Plaindealer "want" ads. Some HARNESS is hard on a Horse and pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shape and it is of such poqr quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is of the other sort. Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit. Strain is equally divided and every part equal to the strain, Costs no more than "cheap" Gus. Carlson. - Harness. There was no "precedent" for dlscov- Zihi "After all, there is nothing like DR. PRICE'S CREAM Making POWDER I have osed it with satisfaction for nearly forty years." SPRING GROVE. [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal er may leave their order and money with Raymond Moss, our correspond ent. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. ED. I Mrs. Marian Overton is at Solon this week. ,: f . Wm. James is at work at Twin Lakes on the ice. Prank Orvis and Ed French were Chicago visitors last week. Some real estate deals are being made, of which we will speak later. Raymond Moss attended services at the Auditorium, Chicago, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weber welcomed a little daughter last Wednesday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Rndolph are the proud parents of a little danghter since Febnrary 5. That annual nuisance, the tax col lector, is ou his rounds again, and we all know just how poor we are. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the cough caused by attack of la grippe. It heals the lungs. Sold by Gh W. Besley, West McHenry. All are enjoying (?) the cold and doing well to keep fingers and ears safe. Mr. French and a number of his pupils are among the victims of Jack Frost. Winter coughs are apt to resnlt ill consumption if neglected. They can be soon broken up by using Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by Q. W. Besley, W. McHenry, Among those who attended the Fed eration at Woodstock last week were Mrs. Marian Overton, Edward French. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Turner, Mr. Small and Frank Orvis. Foley 8 Honey and Tar is best for croup and whooping cough, contains no opiates, and cures quietly. Careful mothers keep it in the house. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Most of the bonus required for the condeusing factory has been pledged and it is thought the rest can be obtain ed. As stated last week the parties negotiating are reliable and we hope to soon be able to say that its location here is a certainty. Dr. Bremken accompanied Irving Overton to Chicago the latter part of last week, the latter undergoing an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Over ton has had several attacks, and while he recovered under the skillful care of Dr. Bremken, an operation was deemed necessary. He is now doing as nicely as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews leave here Thursday with a car of goods and farming implements for Cotler, Arkan sas. They, have purchased a home there and expect to remain there indefi nitely. Mrs. Andrew's health has great ly improved dnring the last year spent in the south. The best wishes of many friends and neighbors will follow them to their new home and while we shall miss them greatly yet we rejoice with them thatthey are able to change to a much pleasanter clime than this. A family gathering will be held at James Pierce's Wednesday. A brother of Mrs. 4ndrews is also here at present. There are the usual number moving this year, and among the changes are Everett Orvis from Win. Watts farm at Long Lake. Jake Washinski moves to the Watts farm, Wm. Shnltz from Wisconsin to the Lewis Hatch farm near Nippersink Point. Gus Reopke moves to the Way farm, Wm. Schramm to the Mrs. Frank Lawson farm, Fred Wilson to the farm vacated by Otto Luke and Frank Tompson to Joseph James' farm, John Rauen moves to his father's farm, Mat Rauen to Spring Grove, Mat. May to Mrs. Wm. Carey's farm, Peter Christensen moves on his own farm, Chas. Bowman iB moving across the road to the 'Joseph Richard son place. The following' program will be given by the Spring Grove school on Friday evening, Feb. 17, in the Woodman hall for the purpose of raising funds for an organ. Please do not. fail to come and encourage the pupils and teachers with your prescence and also have the satis- facti on of helping a worthy cause. PROOKAM. Sorin--"My Heart's in the High lands". School Jtecitation--"A Boy's Lecture"...Richard Esh Recitation ... .„ Miss Lenora Stevens Dialogue. "(joini? to Mauro." Sonif. Misses Lucy Carey, Alice Churchill. Ada James; Messrs. G. B. Phillips and E. S. French. *• Recitation--"A Question or Two". . ...... Dewey Watts Dialogue »• - "The Book Agent." Recitation--"Two Little Girls" Bern ice French Recitation--"Natural Remedies" ... .... ... John Wilson Dftet. Misses Belle Neish, Myrtle Churchill Recitatlob--"Nobody Knows but Mother"... . .. Minnie Roepke Essay ... Myrtle Churchill Recitation Mrs. Bremken Vocal Solo G. B. Phillips Dialogue "Tatyng the Census.' ReoitutIon--"Business Conditions" ........ Mary Schaefer Recitation ...Burvey Moss Recitation--"I'm Going Back to Grandpa.." ^ ,tt m. Shotllff | Recitation--"When Pa Slck.*'...Jessse Moss Recitation--"A Kentucky Water Million"..: Ruby Watts Tableau and Recitation Hazel Turner Tableau Bong --..... Pupils It will pay yon to keep Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in yonr home. It only costs a qnartar.8old by alldrnggisJa.- SERIOUS HEART DISEASE IS CURABLE. The Eminent Specialist, Dr. Franklin , Miles, Succeeds After 5 to 30 ^ : 'Physicians Fail. . l«.8# WORIH or TRKATMENT FBKK. Heart diseases which a few years ago were incurable now rapidly yield to. treatment. Short breath, pain in the side, oppression in the chest, palpi-;: tion, smothering spells, weak or irregn lar pulse, pufiing of the ankles or drop sy, whether complicated with stomach, liver and nervous troubles or not, caa be speedily relieved and soon cured. Dr. Miles will give a $2.50 course of treatment free, to prove the truth of his statement. His treatments have the great advantage of being specially prepared to suit each patient. These Treatments are the result of 35 years of close study, careful research and extraordinary success. They are far in advance of the medicines used by the ordinary docttfi? and few show such faith in their remedies. Every sufferer should take advantage of this opportu nity lefore it is too late. Hon. John Gates, Ex-Representative of Iowa, after 10 years of suffering from heart, stomach and bladder troubles, says: "I lose no op|H>rtuuity to advocate Dr. Miles' Special Treatment. 1 am better now than for ten years, which 1 attribute solely to his skillful treatment" Mrs. Mary A. Bradeen.of Rapids,Me.,writes: "l cousider your heart treatment worth its weight in gold to me. You have saved my life after others failed." Philip Met/., of Jackson Center, O., report s: "I had heart trouble for 15 years ana was very near death's door when I commenced your special t reatment. 1 now feel well and work every day." Mrs. Aug. Kronck, of Huntington. Iiut., cured after 30 physicians failed; Mrs. Hora tireator. of Bristolville, O., after 28; Mrs. R. Parker,-of Mishawaka, Ind., after 16; Mrs. II. E. Cole. Pittsburg. Pa., after 6; and Mrs. E. Norris of Windsor. O , after five gave her up. A thousand references to. and .test imonials from Bishops, Clergymen, Bankers, Farmers, and their wives will be sent free on request,. Send at once to Franklin Miles, M. D., LL. B., Dep. H 431 to 481 Main Street, Elkhart, Ind., for copyrighted examination chart, pamphlet and $3.50 free treatment.- S8 COLONIST LOW ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS RATES To San FrancUvo, Los Angelee, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Boise City, Spokane, Walla Walla, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte and other potato In Montana, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, ^nd the Pacilic Coast. Via the Chicago Union Pacific & North Western Line, March 1st to May 15, 1905, inclusive. Daily and personally conducted excursions in Pullman Tour ist sleeping cars, only $7.00 for double berth from Chicago (accommodating two, people), through to the Pacific Coast without change of cars. Choice of routes. Excellent train service. Dining cars, (meals a la carte). For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 84-4t Did you say Piano? Why, of course, we handle them. Not only that, but we handle the best known makes and give with each and every one of them a guarantee of which we feel proud. If yon are contemplating putting a Piano in- to yonr home don't forget us. We can and will give yon figures which defy all competition for high-class Instruments. Remem ber "The Housekeeper" offer still stands good. Call at onr store and we will tell yon all about it L««*.ve yovir orders here for Piano Turvlng. Work done by Wm. As* ney of Shulz Piano Co , Chicago. West ncrleiir\ Kidney complaint kills more people than any other disease. . This is due to the disease being so insidious that it gets a good hold on the system before it is recognized. Foley's Kidney Cure wil prevent the development of fatal dis ease if taken in time. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Farmers' Excursion Ticket* to Illinois Institute at Joliet, Via the North-Western Line, will be sold on Feb. 20 and 21, limited to return until Feb. 24, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. • tl' He Mthenry Pftotojrapter Hiakes PHOTOS PERMANENT IN ARTISTIC FAULTLESS */1 at popular prices. AlWys sGm^' attraction given away with every dozen. In order to more fully in troduce my work in this commun ity I have decided to make the reg ular cabinet size photo at $2.00 per dozen, for a short time only. Wankegan St., near theStandpipe WEST McHENRY, ILL. Chicago St North-Western. Effective Dec. 4. ttOi. WICK DAT TRAlSm. Leave .Arrive Chicago. , 7 NORTHBOOMD .HcHenrv 9.00a m....via Des Plainei 10.10 a it 3.55 p m Tia Des I'laines........4.60 p 5.01pm Via Des Plaint*..... ..0.40p SUNDAY TRAINS. 9.10 a m ..Yla Des Plainest 2.02p m. Via Elgin 4JS6 p WKBK DAT TRALSI. . M^ENRY. «OCTHBOOND. . 7.56 a m. .Via El^in.. .v^lO.l© a m 8.29 a m..Mt,...jVla Des Plaint^*,-*.# .9.,"Soa at 5JB# p m..v.. Via Elgin...»<*4*'V 4t: ItDNDAT TRAINS. [it*!"!;"i:«i'.40p* ; -i/'rKrj es........11.14 a« > , il«nm 7.26 a m............ Via Elgin. ....•» 5.00 p m ....Via DesPlalnes.... ,,»10J5a* 7.00 p HV BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS OcaiGNS COPYRIGHTS AC Anyone sendtnsr a Rkt'teh and description may f inlckly ascertain our opinion fra* wbstbtr an ' .DTenunn is probably patentable. Coramumeii- " tt<>ns»trlotly<Nmt1d«nittaI. HAN0B00X uu Patents »«»nt free. Oldest aceiscy for seetiriniLjpMMi Patents taken throuith llunn A Co. r«c rprcuil nottct, without charge. In the y® receive A handsomely illustrated weekly. Scientific Hracrican. Lareost v . Terms, |S 1 new ideate) New York n«t«n. D. C. culatlon of any scientific Journal. year; four months, 41. Sold by all newsdealers. Wine of Cardui Cured Her. 213 South Prior Street, ATLANTA, GA., March 21,1903. I suffered for four months with extreme nervousness and lassitude. I had a sinking feeling m my stomach which no medicine seemed to relieve, and losing my appetite I became weak and lost my vital ity. In three weeks I lost fourteen pounds of flesh and felt that I must find speedy relief to regain my health. Having heard Wine of Cardui praised by several of my friends, I sent for a bottle and was certainly very pleased with the results. Within three days my appetite returned and my stomach , troubled me no more. I could : digest my food without difficulty and the nervousness gradually diminished. Nature performed her functions without difficulty and I am once more a happy and well woman. OLIVE JOSEPH, fees* AUaata Friday Niaftt CUd* Secure a Dollar Bottle of | Wine of Cardui Today. 361 Broadway, Smnch Office, tba F St.. Washington. Want Column. All advertise men to lnsert«<l under this head at the following;rates: Kire lines or less. 3S eeuts for Orsc insertion; 15 cents for each subsequent insertion , , More than live lines. 8 cent«& line for tirst imwrtioak and Scents a line for additional insertions. • S.,/ S il -- . - y.;rg T.XOU8E FOR RENT-My house in McHenry, AJ- east side. Is Jor rent, VYttsejssioa gives « at any time. F. K. GRANUKR. l»-tf T^Oli SALE OR REXT- southwest of "if ITIJTI roll, tine orchard. -tiO-acre farm H m 11 southwest of Bis- Hollow schooitiouse, l^f miles aOtttlifftst of mjricside house, barn and • 23tf Giro. SIMKS. Heliron. III. "CM3R SALE--Six well bred Durham bulls; o#* " will let responsible parties have use of same for one year or more, t " " Iuouireof L. I'AOr. West McHenry. III. low. £ room house with six Cheap. Call on W.n. Stokpki *ti "pK)R SALE--Good S room P°?V, SALE--100 acres iu South Dakota. Would like lu exchange $10M> or $l >w ooi-, t.i^e within >> or 100 miles north or west of t hk'HRo. What have you? Also 12300 stock; > f store goods iu thriving t-owu .V uiiies uorth- st of (.'hk-ajco; postomee goes with it. No .^.IMITS. H. NKLSOS, Lake Villa, III., U. IKNOL; i it' PROBATE NEWS R£AL ESTATE TRANSFERS, John B Frisby to Frank H Wattles it 2 & sH It 1 of sw<i« sec 6 & nH It S of nwX sec 7 & ue^neNt see 12. Nunda. MARRIAGE LICENSES. j Thomas Points, 85.. i Mrs. Lena Yoes, HO. } Milo Waller, 24 j Blanche Rice | Fraifk Boutelle, 81, . rjf, ...Marengo, V ..«§ I'aiom , ifti .W00<l*toc** - - Wood«ooi:; . .BkhuHHu|^3. • ..is', .... 1.V a \ .