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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1905, p. 9

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Parsons* Have Catarrh of Kidneys, Or Catarrh of Bladdar and Don't Know It. President Newhof and War Correspondent Richards Were Promptly Cared By Pe-ru-na. Mr. C. B. Newhof, 10 Delamare street, Albany, N. Y., President Montefiore Club, writes: '" "Since my advanced age I Had, that I have been frequently troubled with Urinary ailments. The bladder seemed irritated, and my physician said that it Was catarrh caused by a protracted Wold which would be difficult to over­ come on account of my advance# years. $ took Peruna, hardly daring to believe that I would be helped, but I found to tny relief that f soon began to mend. The Irritation gradually subsided and the urinary difficulties passed atvmy. i have enjnyedsxcsllsst health «sw/or the past seven months. I enjoy my meals, sleep soundly, and am as wet! as I was twenty years ago. I give mil praise to Peruna."--C. A. Newhof. Suffered From Catarrh of Kidneys, Threatened With Nervous Collapse, Cured by Pe-ru-na. Mr. F. B. Richards, 609 E. Street, N. ~W., Washington, D. C., War Corres- r" indent, writes: "Exactly (six years ago was ordered to Cuba as staff eorres- ,jondent of the New "York Sun. I was in tjharge of a Sun Dispatch boat through the Spanish American war. The effect <|f the tropical climate and the nervous •train showed plainly on my return to . the states. Lassitude, depression to the •erge of melancholia, and incessant kidney trouble made me practically an invalid. This undesirable condition continued,despite the best of treatment* Finally a brother newspaper man, who like myself had served in the war, in­ duced me to give a faithful trial to Peruna. I did so. In a short time the lassitude left me, my kidneys resumed a healthy condition, and a complete cure was effected. I cannot too strong­ ly recommed Peruna to those suffering with kidney trouble. To-day I am able to work as hard as at any time in my life, and the examiner for a leading in­ surance company pronounced me an "A" risk." In Poor Health Over Four Yeart. Pe-ru-na Only Remedy of Real Benefit. . Mr. John Nimmo, 215 Lippincott, St., Toronto, Can., a prominent merchant of that city, and also a member of the Masonic order, writes: "I have been in podr health generally for over four years. When I caught a bad cold last winter it settled in the bladder and kidneys, causing serious trouble. I took two greatly advertised kidney remedies without getting the <&*>V PRES. C. 5. NEWHOF, Suffered From Catarrh of Bladdar. desired results. Peruna is the only remedy which was really of any benefit to me. I have not had a trace of kidney trouble nor a cold in my system." Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics. . One reason why Peruna has found permanent use in so many homes is that it contains no narcotic of any kind. Peruna is perfectly harmless. It can be used any length of time without acquir­ ing a drug habit. Peruna does not pro­ duce temporary results. It is perman­ ent in its effect. It has no bad effect upon the system, and gradually eliminates catarrh by removing the cause of catarrh. There are a multitude of homes where Peruna has been used off and on for twenty years. Such a thing could not be pos­ sible if Peruna contained any drugs of i a narcotic nature. Say Plainly to Your Grocer That you want LION COFFEE always, and he, being a square man, will not try to sell you any­ thing else. You may not care for our opinion, but What About the United Judgment of Millions of housekeepers who have used LION COFFEE for over a quarter of a century ? Is th&fcre any stronger proof o f merit, than the Confidence of the People •nd ever Increasing popularity ? UON COFFEE Is carefully se­ lected at the plantation, shipped direct to our various factories, where It Is skillfully roasted and carefully packed In sealed pack- ages--unlike loose coffee, which is exposed to germs, dust, In­ sects, etc. LION COFFEEreaches you as pure and clean as when It left the factory* Sold only In 1 lb. packages. Lion-head on every package. Save these Lion-heads for valuable premiums. SOLD RY GROCERS EVERYWHERE W00LS0N SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. A LAND SLIDE IN FAVOR OF THE UPPER PENINSULA OF MICHIGAN Will Be Your Decision, if You Are a Homeseeker and Will Give This Northern Agricultural, Stock and Dairy Region a Fair Examination, There is absolutely no better undeveloped farming region in the United States or Canada than that tributary to the Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway in Northern Michigan. The climate is excellent; the soil is productive; the land is well watered; there is a ready home market for all farm and dairy produce, with ample trans­ portation facilities. There are thousands of acres of vacant land. IT 18 INDEED A LAND OF PROMISE For full particulars address E. W. MmPHERRAII, Laad CMRisstonw, 0. I. t. I i Ry.. MARQUETTE, MICH. Commissioner Garfield Fails to Find Proof of Existence of Beef Trust DECLARES PROFITS ARE SMALL Make Less Than 2 Per Cent on Tata I Sales, Although Six Leading Con corns Slaughter 45 Par Cent of Cattle. FROM MISERY TO HEALTH. A Prominent Club Woman, of Kansas , City, Writes to Thank Doan's Kid­ ney Pills for a Quick Cure 32 YEARS SELLING DIRECT We are the largest manufacturers of vehicles and harness in the world sell­ ing to consumers exclusively. We Have No Agents Chicago dispatch: Commissioner Garfield's report on the dressed meat iiidustry, which was transmitted to congress by President Roosevelt Fri­ day, will not interfere with the grand jury investigation into the operations of the packers, to commence in Chi­ cago March 20, according to Assistant United States District Attorney Charles B. Morrison. Mr. Garfield, as commissioner of corporations, reports the result of his inquiries into the business of Armour & Co., Swift & Co., Nelson Morris & Co., the National Packing Company, tne SchwarzschUd & Sulzberger Com­ pany and the Cudahy Packing Com­ pany. He says these six concerns in 1903 slaughtered about 45 per cent of the total indicated slaughter in the United States; that for three of the companies in 2903 the average net profit was 99 cents per head; that the year 1902 instead of being one of exorbitant profits was less profitable than usual; that during the months when prices of beef were the highest some at least of the leading packers were actually losing money on every head slaughtered. Profit* Are Modest. The report declares that the Changes in the margin between prices of cattle and beef are in themselves no indication of the changes in profits. Mr. Garfield, after reviewing prices and conditions for 1902, 1903 and 1904, concludes that the six companies above named apparently are not overcapitalized and the percentage of profit on the gross volume of'business is comparatively small. He finds that in 1902, 1903 and 1904 the profits of Swift & Co. did not exceed 2 per cent of the total sales. Private Car Llneo Pay. Private car lines are shown to be sources of profit, a net return of 14 to 17 per cent being indicated, but Mr. Garfield adds that computed on a b&sis of the dressed beef transported this profit would increase but little the price of meat to the consumer. While the six concerns named slaughtered but, 45 per cent of the total cattle killed in 1903, it is shown that they slaughtered nearly 98 pei cent of all the cattle killed in eight ctief western packing centers, that they furnish New York about 75 pei cent of the beef it consumes, Boston more than 85 per cent, Philadelphia about 60 per cent, Pittsburg more than 60 per cent and Baltimore 5C per cent. Commissioner Garfield Reports hit inability to find any general inter ownership of stock* among the six con­ cerns which he specially discusses and avers that there is lively com* petition among them for business. Report in Brief. Commissioner Garfield's report summarized in the following: Existence of a "beef trust" Is do nied. Packers' profits less than 2 per cent of total sales. Six leading packing concerni slaughter but 45 per cent of tota' number of cattle killed in the United States. Private car lines found to be profit able, but net returns of 14 to 22 pei cent up from this source do not greatly increase price of beef to con sumer. Six btg packing concerns slaughtei nearly 98 per cent of beef killed it chief packing centers of west, 75 pei cent in New York, 85 per cent is Philadelphia and about 60 per cenl in other eastern cities.. Keen competition among great packing concerns for business. Miss Nellie Davis, of 1216 Michigan Avenue, Kansas City, Mo., society leader and club woman, writes: "I cannot say too much in praise of D o a n ' s K i d n e y Pills, for they effected a com­ plete cure la&. a very short time when I was suffering from kidney troubles brought on by a cold. I had severe pains in the back and sick headaches, and felt miserable all over. A few boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills made me a well woman, without an ache or pain, and I feel compelled to recommend this reliable remedy." (Signed) Nellie Davis. A TRIAL FREE--Address Foster* Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents. Bachelors and Spinsters: The piratical bachelor is a more dangerous as well as a more popular variety. He careers through life for a time as if "buds" were produced for hib exclusive but momentary delecta­ tion. His downfall is merely a mat­ ter of years and he is snatched out of the ranks or is caught, Clipped and turned loose so expeditiously that -his reputation as a conqueror is smashed and he joins the soured brigade. The common or garden variety of bachelor is pie most numerous. There are bacfteiors who were born to remain as such and there are others who, appar­ ently from no fault of their own, are unable to become benedicts. But, as a class, bachelors are not more deserv­ ing of censure than spinsters, though these, of course, are entitled to more consideration.--Washington Post. YELLOW CRUST ON BABY Would Crack Open and Scab Causing Terrible Itching--Cured by - Cuticura. "Our baby had a yellbw crust on his head which 1 could not keep away. When I thought I had succeeded in getting his head clear, it would start again by the crown of his head, crack and scale, and cause terrible itching. I then got Cuticura Soap and Oint­ ment, washing the scalp with the soap and then applying the Ointment. A few treatments made a complete cure. I have advised a number of mothers to use Cuticura, when I have been asked about the same ailment of their babies. Mrs. John Boyce, Pine Bush, N. Y." Disraeli's Oldest Tenant. ^cmas t&o lata L*>i 4 consfield's oldest tenant, died at Hughenden, Buckinghamshire, Feb. 6, at the advanced age of 88. He had had the closest relations with the great Conservative statesmen, who frequently consulted him on agricul­ tural questions, and the deceased had many interesting reminiscences about the earl. He remembered innumerable noted visitors in Hughenden, includ­ ing the late duke of Wellington. Mr. Coates last Easter resigned his church wardenshlp for Hughenden, which he had held for nearly half a. century.--London Standard. Every housekeeper tmouid know that If they will buy Defiance Jold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time, because It never 6ticks to the iron, but because each package contains 16 oz.--one full pound--while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in %-pound pack­ ages, and the price is the same, 1*3 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chem­ icals. If your grocer tries to jell yon a 12-oz. package u is'because he has a stock pn hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package In large let­ ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De­ fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron stick­ ing. Defiance never sticks. In the History Class. \ "Who set fire to the temple Of Di­ ana at Ephesus?" asked the teacher, looking sharply at the boy. "I--I don't know, ma'am," answered the frightened urchin. "As true as I'm settin' here I didn't have nothin' to do with it!" Shake In Yoor Shoe*. Alien s Foot-Ease, a powder, cures pain­ ful, smarting, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A Certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all druggists, 25c. Trial package FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y. We can imagine nothing more wearisome than to be a girl and be compelled, in order to seem pleasant, to listen to some young man explain all about the political situation. Woman s Kidney Troubles . • • .. ' • Lydia. E. PinKh&m's Vegetable Compound ts Espe­ cially Successful in Curing This Fatal : Disease. /Hrs WHERt 18FARMING MOST PftOFItABI.C* where are the conditions most Favorable tor the Gen­eral Farmer, the stock K*h»er> Fruit or Truck Grower, where are the Greatest Advantages for the Hoiue-•eekerF Uovemme«»< t-uttimicft prote It lain the South, 111 (he Southern Kallwav territory. We will tell you about It. Write for F«*ee Publications. M. V. Hlehairda Land and Industrial Agent, Washington, p. q. American Lecturer Popular. Lectures by Barrett Wendell of Harvard university at the Sorbonne, Paris, have become one of the social events of the season. On the days when he lectures the carriages stretch for half a mile before the doors of Lutetia's ancient seat of learning. The authorities have now given him the largest hall which the university buildings boast and that is crowded. What- amazes us is the number of folks who can't remember half that happened last year but are perfectly certain ahput what is going to take place in the hereafter. 1 , if District Attorneys Lose Fees. Washington dispatch: The provi­ sion that in no case except In the District of Columbia shall United States district attorneys receive feeg and fixing the salary of the district attorney at New York at $10,000, re­ mains in the sundry civil bill ae passed. The bill also retains the pro­ vision for paying actual expenses not to exceed $10 a day to judges of the court of appeals for travel and at­ tending sessions away from their homes. Yourtg Roosevelt Is Hurt. Washington dispatch: Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., is reported to be nurs­ ing a broken nose, and it is said the injury is the result of a contest with a ntew hexing instructor recently in­ stalled in the white house. but ship anywhere for ex amination and approval, guaranteeing safe deliv­ ery. You are out noth­ ing if not satisfied as to s t y l e , Q u a l i t y a n d price. We make 200 -- styles of vehicles and We. 63#. I:..mbiiiatk>t« Buggy witt extmfiS etvles of harn^a. stick seat and 34lu. rubber tires. Price ~ names*, complete $68,00. As Cood as sella Wr large Catalogue is for »S0 snore. Fl££. Stud tor It.' 327. Canopy Top Surrey. Price complete $7S. As good II sells for $25 more. EHHnatf Cayyiatfo <a Hams»» Mftf. Co.. Elkhart. Indiana, SIXTY CENTS WORTH OF SEEDS FREE. Send 11a 25c for 10 packets vegetable seeds In­ cluding Beet, Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce, Onion, Parsnip, Kadlsh. Spinach, Tomato. very choicest varieties, and two packets SUPEKB Sweet Pees. Return any one of the packets, when empty, aad we will accept It as 25c on any order amounting to 80c or more, making the above absolutely FR££. Catalog on request. STANDARD SEED COMPANY. VALPARAISO. 1MB. naEgBaaaasiai B JSiSMav EQ Uk time. Sold by dniforlflts. «• l li'l l-ll/ljfft.M . . WANTED FOOT Salesmen (n this and adjoining territory," to represent and advertise the Wholesale Department «i an old established commercial honee of solid financial standing. Staple line. Salary #3.50 per day, paid weekly, with expenses advanced direct from !!«U«2.uartem-' ,Horse ar>d buggy furnished when necessary. We furnish everything. Position perman- ent. Address o. E. Bi_£w, Secretary. 832 Monon Building, Chicago, III. Veteran Stricken in Court. Muskegon, Mich., dispatch: Ar­ raigned on & charge of using profane language, Julius David, an aged vet ©rati, called upon God to witness that the charge was false and was stricken te. the act. He may die. It is an easy task to fill a book with a mass of uninteresting statistical mat­ ter. It Is quite another thing to get together a vast accumulation of valu­ able material on all conceivable sub­ jects. In "Things Worth Knowing," by John Bechtel, is found information for everybody, whether it pertains to health, household, business, affairs of state, foreign countries or the planets, al* conveniently indexed. (Penn Pub. Co., Philadelphia.) Wealthy Lovers of Horticulture. Mrs. Anna Wrightman Walker of Philadelphia has a fortune of $20,- 000,000. To this comfortable sum she ha? just added $2, the same being a prize for the best mushrooms exhib­ ited at the Pennsylvania Horticultural society's show. J. Vaughn Merrick, also a millionaire, though not so rich as Mrs. Walker, won $1 for cultivating to perfection the modest primrose. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot resell the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or consti­ tutional disease, and In order to cure It you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in­ ternally, and acta directly on the blood and mucous •urfaues. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medi­ cine. It was prescribed by one of the best physician* In this country for years and l«a regular prescription. It ts composed of the best tonics kuown, comhlne4 with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the tnucoua surfaces. The perfect combination of the two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful •ulta In curing catarrh. Send for testimonial*, fm, F J. CHENEY A CO., Props , Toledo, O Wanted--Representative In every community. Money-making home bus­ iness. Any one can do it. Find out "what it is. Send address. M. A. Donohue & Co., Chicago. When a man begins acting as if he thought he were a great deal better than anybody else, somebody else has given him ground for that conviotion. Defiance Starch • •hould be In every household, none so pood, besides 4 os. more for 10 centa than any other bffand of cold water starch, • . The Womaa'B Home Companion is regarded as the best and moBt enter­ taining home and family magazine in the world in over half a million homes. Of all the diseases known, with which \Vomen ire afflicted, kidney dis­ ease is the most fatal. In fact, unless early and correct treatment is applied, the weary patient seldom survives. " Being fully aware of this. Mrs. Pink­ ham early in her career, gave exhaust­ ive study to the subject, and in pro­ ducing her great remedy for woman's ills--Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound--was careful to see that it contained the correct combination of herbs which was sure to control that fatal disease, woman's kidney troubles. The Vegetable Compound acts in har­ mony with the laws that govern the entire female system, and while there are many so called remedies for kidney troubles, Lydia E. pinkham's Vege­ table Compound is the only one espe­ cially prepared for women, and thou­ sands have been cured of serious kidney derangements by it. Derangements of the feminine organs quickly affect the kidneys, and when a woman has such symptoms as pain or weight in the loins, backache, bearing down pains, urine too frequent, scanty or high col­ ored, producing scalding or burning, or deposits like brick dust in it; un­ usual thirst, swelling of hands and feet, swelling under the eyes or sharp pains in the back running down the inside of her groin, she may be sure her kid­ neys are affected and should lose no time in combating the disease with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ pound, the woman's remedy for wo­ man's ills. The following letters show how marvelously successful it is. Lvdla E. Plakham's Vegetable C--pomwl i a Wi Mrs. Samuel Fraka, oi ProicpMt Plains, N. J., writes: * , ' Dear Tkfrs. Pfnkhttm:-- I cannot thank you enough for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has dona for me. When I first wrote to you I had suf­ fered for years with what the doctor called kidney trouble and congestion of the womb. My back ached dreadfullv ail the time, and X suffered so with that bearing-down feeling I could hardly walk across the room. I did no* get any better, so decided to stop doctoring with mv physician and take Lyaia E. Pink­ ham's Vegetable Compound and I am thank­ ful to say it has entirely cured me. I do all mv own work, have no more backa<-he anA all the bad symptoms have disappeared. I cannot praise your medicine enough* and would advise all women suffering with lrfilmy trouble to try it. Mrs. J. W Lang; of 636 Third nue, New York, writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-- 1 have been a great sufferer with tddmv trouble. My back ached all the time and 1 was discouraged. I heani that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound would enre kidney disease, and I began to tabf it * and it has cured me when everything else hail failed. 1 have recommended it" to lots of people and they all praise it very highly. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing b* vitation. Women suffering from kidney trouble, or any form of female weak­ ness are invited to promptly communi­ cate with Mrs Pinkham. at Lynn, Mass. Out of the great volume of ex­ perience which she has to draw from, it is more than likely she has the very knowledge that will help your ease. Her advice is free and always help­ ful. s Kenedy lor tl'enati's •* RKAL B8TATX. Have you noticed that it is always the other fellow who announces the sourness of the grapes you are pre­ vented from getting? All Up-to-Date Housekeepara use Defiance Cold Water Starch, be­ cause It is better, and 4 os. more of it for same money. Some men get married because they are tired of being in love. Piso's Cure is-the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs.--Wm O. JtCNDSLBT, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10.1S00. Each position has its corresponding duties.--George Eliot. Mm. Window's Soothing Nyxnp. Por children teething, softens the gums, redueea ftammatlon,allajapain,cureswladooUu. aacebottt*. A single man anticipates; a mar­ ried man reflects. It Cures Colds, Coughs. Sore Throat. Croup, Influenza, Whooping Oouuh, Bronchitis and Aslhtna. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a sure relief in advanced stipes. Use at once. You will see the excellent effect after taking the tlrst dose. Sold by dealers every* Where. Large bottles 26 cents and 50 cents. Salzer's National Oats Greatest oat of the century. Yielded in Ohio IK?, in Mii'h. 7<1. In Alo aad 1 n >.. Dakota 810 l>u~. per acre. You ca;u beut that record in 1'JQS. For 10c and this notice we mall you free lota of farm need samplea anil oar big catalog. UMI- IngaMbout this oat wonder and ,' tbouXnda of other needs. JOHN A. 8ALZER SEED CO. La CroM«, Wis. TWIN-CITIES COLONY, Sacramento Court?, choicest California homes for intelligent families of moderate means. B. HABXB Box. 3S. Gait, Calif. FOR SALE-- l.e-it-ai-re grain end stuck farm, east­ ern North Dakota, tila<-tt loam, cla* aub-aoll, dwell­ ing, phone, elevator capacity '20,000 bushels,big barn, number other huildlux*. U>-ni!le fencing, 1J0U acre* cultivated. 700 plowed. Wmetdow, 80 acre timber, ®!49 per acre. Lihersii termi^sinall cash payment, bal­ ance ttme. Address, Mos Bret., Ooopenwwa, II. B« Go to the Sunny Sooth and ROOROIs CO., Texas '.! We hiive the healthiest and beat eottoa, grain and stock faruilug section in our glorious Lom Star State. Three miles northeast of BalUager, am up-to-date and vt'ogresatTe railroad city, we offer la whole or two pa-* a tine body of 8,300 acre* oMm and ranch land f l >ale at the reasonable price of SIS per acre. Appi - v> THE CHA8. t. MILLER ABSTRACT C V.VjPANV. Balllngar. Tea--. riDye rAD <uvi r la the celebrated Mm*, rnnnia run siu ̂ District «t guar prices ranj{ igfrom tlO to HO|Wl acre. The choicest part or tty proTlnoe la the Do«tnfcm «< Canada. For price and terms appk r 8ANC.EMAM & DAVIE8, Zdmontoa and Ktilbwi, Alberts. 200,000 ACRES Farm and timber lands for sale Finest timber and most fertile soli In th Sonth. i world. We supply tracts of any kind and size la Mlwlestppl, Arkansas and Louisiana. Prices range^oitt So to S25 an acre. Applr for particulars INTERSTATE WNU REALTY CO., Planters' Bldg., M--phia, Ten. A BARGAIN-- WK)-aere farm In Sherman Co., Neb., improvements, *3.500; all fenced, en B.4M.K. B., school, elevator, stock yards, lumber yard, store, town tile on laud: «asy onty $'<JO per acre If sold at once. Write E« BUY, Aaltton* Neb. FOR SALE- 190acree. SK.OOO warranty deed, SO a. cultivated, 140 a. w<x>d!and. 300 fruit trees, good •prlug. location for flub pond, excellent stock farm, good 6-room dwelling, two good barns, granary. Tor- lev. Houston. Success good trading points. .Jtaajr teruid. WILLIAM FIELDEN, Succeas, Mo. "Dr. David Kennedy') Favorite Remedy la eicellent for the liver. Cured me aft«r eight years of suffering." 8.1'eproo, Albany, Y. Y. World famous. |L Knowledge learned Is power earned. -Franklin. WANTED-TRAVELING SALESMEN In this county. Our men are making f -om $75 to $160 a month Helling our household ami stock remedies, flavoring extract*, pplccs and toilet articles direct to cons u in era. Exclusive territory. Goods are furnished m credit. NO CASH OUTLAY, l'leasant, profit­ able, life-long position. No experience neceBsary; w« teach you. Write for Inforuiailou. Don't dela>'. Incorporated. THE S. D. CONFER MEDICAL COMMNV, Dept. C, ORANOEVILLE. ILL Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Talca Han'aYamliy ~ Pills for coasttpatlea. A Suggestion. 'I understand that you are going to adopt a campaign of education 'Yes," answered the beef trust of­ ficial. "Well, it will be a good thing. 1 suppose your idea is to educate us in vegetarianism." 4€C Open a Land Reserve. Missoula, Mont., dispatch: Lake Como forest reserve became subject to homestead entry Wednesday. Be­ tween 15,000 and 20,000 acres of land will be thrown open for settlement. "»»ce,«r^ Thompson's Eye Water W. N. U., CHICAGO, NO. 10, 1905. When Answering Advertisement Kindly Mention This Pajper. ,J|tatlon Agent 8hoots Bandit. tfnionville. Conn., dispatch: A. A. Burnham, station agent of the New York, New Haven & Hartford rail­ road in this village, shot and killed one of a gang of burglars who had broken into the station. Argue Railroad Appeal. Washington dispatch: Arguments were begun in the supreme court on the appeal from the circuit court of E. H. Harriman and others against the Northern Securities company. Important to Mothers, limine carefully every bottle of CA8T0HU, a safe and sure remedy toi .mi childivy nd see that it Bears the Signature of B DM For OTcr 30 Years. The £iad Yon Uava •hntft Jkmfl* ft Certainly Would. Greening--Some people claim that a standing army is a detriment to the prosperity of any country. Browning--Well, perhaps it is, but I Imagine a' running army would be more of a detriment. OBSTINATE eASES Bother Gray's Sweat Powder* for Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse In the Children's Home in New York, cure Constipation, Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Sample f REE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. But how quickly a barber would have you arrested if you gave him counterfeit money in payment for his useless hair tonic. Why It Is the Best Is because made by an entirely differ* •nt process. Defiance Starch Is un« like any other, better and one-third more for 10 cents. Labor is not only a necessity, and a duty, but a blessing.--Smiles. Of leucorrbea, excessive flowing, painful periods, prolapsus, or failing of womb, attended by weak back, bearing-down, sensations, aiceraMon of womb, pain and teiid'ernep of ovaries,rars. almost always eured by a fairly persistent use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If in any c$se it should, in due time., not neem quite adequate to meet every chase of some complicated case, Dr. fjsree always stands ready to offer Valuable suggestions based upon years of varied experience which often proves of inestimable value. This he does en­ tirely free of charge to those jibing his medicines. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, 063 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Dvl R. V. PISRCE. Buffalo, N. Y. i Dear SU--I onn« thought t should never •rijoy rood health again. What I buffertxl With -wonsb disease words cannot express. Bad distressing bearing-down pains, painful monthly sickness, backache, constipation, •lsc cold hands and feet at all times. Was all run-down, and there was nvthin* left of Bae bat a shadow. After I had taken eight bottles Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, two of his "Compound Extract of Smart- weed," also some of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, I was entirely cured. 1 always keep the remedies on hand now. and recommend them to all my friends. Yours truly, Mrs. JOUN- BOWJIRS. 938 4th Street. Rensselaer. Albany, N. Y. There is no opium, cocaine or other narcotic in "Favorite Prescription." Neither does it contain alcohol, wh'sky or other intoxicant. It often happens that childlessness is due to conditions which may be cor­ rected. Many women have found that the vitality and vigor imparted by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to the womanly organs, has been the one thing Heedful to fulfill the joy of motherhood. This famous medicine is not a cure-iJI, 1 bat s specialist's prescription, having as a single aim tne core of diseases p^puliar to women. Reliable dealers recommend " Favor­ ite Prescription." With tricky ones, something else that pays them better will probably be urgea upqn you as " just as good." Perhaps it is for them; but it can't be for you. Some saving may be made by purchasing our medicines in half-dozen quantities. If you are convinced that the '; Fa­ vorite Prescription " is the medicine you need, do not be cajoled into ac­ cepting something else. The attempt to induce you to do so is an insult to your intelligence, Turn your back on the one who offers the affront. DR. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS Cure biliousness, sick and bilious head* ache, dizziness, costiveness, or consti­ pation of the bowels, loss of appetite, coated tongue, sour stomach, windy belchings, " heart-burn," pain and dis* tress after eating, and kinarpd derange­ ments of the liver, stomach and bowels. Persons subject to any of these troubles should never be without a vial of the " Pleasant Pellets " at hand. They are always adopted as a household rem­ edy after the first trial. Put up in glass vials, tightly corked, therefore always fresh and reliable. One little "Pellet" is a laxative, two are cathartic. They regulate, invigor­ ate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. As a "dinner pill," to pro­ mote digestion, take one each day. To relieve the distress arising from over­ eating, nothing equals one of these little"'Peliets." They're tiny, sugar- coated, anti-bilioua granules, scarcely larger than mustard seeds. Doctor Pierce's great thousand-pa^e "Common Sense Medical Adviser.', .will be sent for the mere cost of mailing; paper-bound for 21 one-cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps. It is a fraud and useful booX- Address Dr. L. V. Piejce, GS3 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. C A D M C I F n r FAHM5 r£Ti^?s£ on c r o p payments JtULHALL, Sioai City, Ism. COMI SOUTH TO BUY CHEAP HOMES. Tidewater Vlrgloia has unt*<iu»l!eii »<iv MUSKCS, mlli climate, short wi iter*, productive soil,- t>e«i markets. Fish, game and jysters abound. We have superior facilities for securing desirable locations. Write foi particulars. 8oulhern Land Agency, West Point, Ya MIXED FARMlIf WHEAT BAISMft lAICRlia Three great pursuits have it -mtn shown woeSertlti results on the Kree HomeoU-.*! Lands of We Harm Canada this year. „ Magnificent climate--farmers plowing tn tbefr*hlr% sleeves In the middle ot November. "All are bound to be more than pleased with tka- flnal results of the past season's harvest,"-- Kittact. Coal, wood, w&ter. hay lu abundance. Schools, churches, markets convenient. Apply for Information to buperlntendent of ltnml- grstlon, Ottawa, Canada, or to authorized Canadian Government Agrent--C. J. Broufchton, Boom 49V Qulncy nidR., Chicago, 111.; W. 11. Kotters, third tour. Traction Terminal Mldg , Indianapolis, lnd. if. O. Currte. Room 12. 11. Callahan Block. Milwaukee,Wis. Please say wtwre you saw tbla advertisement. Low Rates Again daily via Southern Pacific, to California $33 from CHICAGO $30 from ST. LOUIS $30 ftrom NEW ORLEANS , Similar rates from otker Tickets sold daily from -- * | March I to May 15,1906 1 Ask nearest a«vnt for fall information repardinjf choio« ; ; ' of route, stop-overs, etc. ""H •ia Southern Pacific, or writ* ,< W. O. NBIMYBR. Qea. A|t. 193 dark St.. Cfcfcas* Southern Pacific THE ROAD TO CALIFORNIA He who has no character ia BOt he Is a thins.--Chamfort. THOROUGHLY RELIABLE Fountain Pen. • f m In Perfect Order. 14k SOLID'GOLD, Iridium pointed, commonly railed diaaoad Itin itubfcer highly poilshed^batlafactory Feed Apparatus. Kaver bold leaa Uiao Our Special Jfnee Mef aatpaid. C. £. AtwaUxA Co., 1617 Wucfceater Ave* •est

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