5 One dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents night coughs of children. iNo croup. No bronchitis.- A Cherry Pectoral doctor's medicine for all affections of the throat, bron chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over 60 years. " I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my f»milv for ei^ht years. Thereis nothing equal to it tor coughs and colds, especially for chil dren."--MRS. W. H. BRYMER, Shelby, Ala. 2>c:,S0c..?1.00. For Night Coughs Keep the bowels open with one of Aver's Pills at bedtime. Just one* •PL'BLTSHF.IVFVKUY THI RSDAY BY iiilt MtHENRY PlilNDEAtfR (OMPAKT. E. K.XittANOKH. ; W. A. ('BisT.y; l'rus. . .Sec. . ,o '. F. G. SCHRETNER, Editor. JJR. I'KKKY, Treas. Office in Bank Butliiinji. Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: ttaeyear-- Six months, 79ots. fl.50 Three months. 40cts. Thursday* March i6, 1905. AUDITOR'S MEKTING. Notice is hereby given that the board of auditors of the town of McHenry, coanty of McHenry, and state of Illi X>ois, will meet on the 38th day of March, 1905, in the town clerk 'a office in West McHenry, 111., at two o'clock p. m., to "audit any and all bills against gpid town and'to transact snch business SB may come before the meeting. Billa against the town of McHenry #H»ay be left with the supervisor or the Undersigned. " Dated at McHenry this 15th day of March, 1905. CHAS. B. HARMSEN, Town Clerk. RKI'I BLICAN CAL CR.S. The Republican voters of the town ship of McHenry are requested to meet st the village hall in McHenry, on Sat urday, March IS, at 2 o'clock p. m. to j>lace in nomination candidates for the : Various town offices to be elected at the annual town election, to be held on Tuesday, April 4, 1905, and to transact any business that may be deemed best, r-' By order of the Town Committee. FOR COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate ftir collector for the town of McHenry, •abject to the decision of the Repub lican caucus. Having already served several terms in this capacity I wish to .announce that this will be the last at tempt as a candidate and if elected this year will withdraw my name at end of term. I hereby solicit the support of MY friends, PETER NIFSEN. 37-tf Sfc, :v . --- --J 'J'* FOR COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for collector for the town of Mc Henry, subject to the decision of the Republican caucus, and will be thank- ful for the support of my friends. •-« Jos. ROTHERMEL, Sou of Ex-Collector Peter Rothermel. FOR COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for collector for the town of McHenry and will appreciate the support of the ^ Voters of the town. 87-tf FRANK KIMBALL. FOR SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myself as a candi ' date for the office of supervisor for the town of McHenry and will be thankful . for the support of the voters. JAMES B. PERRY. ~ FOR SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of supervisor for the town of McHenry, subject to the de cision of the Republican caucus. :* JAMES C. LADD. V • IF John Brown could have lived until now, he wonkl see wbat "re*l war jn Kansas means." THK Russian cwusor seems to he the op I v person able to protect the Russian soldiers from defeat. THAT pretty day on the 4th of March h:is killed the prospects of. having the inauguration date changed. A SHOEMAKER at Cohnelsville, Pa., has just inherited $350,000. He an doabtedly feels "well heeled." Want Column. All aiivt ioik»w»UK inserted under this head at 1 Ki valine* or m • -A". HIKI cent.- a lim additional insertions. Hoi:SK TO KKNT With now twirn and ltui<i to suit renter; 1H mi Ins south of McHen ry on Terra l ott'u road." ;tt-tf En KNOX, West Mellenry. l'"Tv DR. LYMAN ABBOTT of Brooklyn says "wealth is a danger." We wish to state that we never balk at danger NO CANDIDATE, . Owing to continual absence from my ftffice, I decline to be a candidate for re election to the office of supervisor. With sincere thanks for past support, I remain. SIMON STOFFEL. FOR SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of Hupervisor for the fown of McHenry and ask the support Of my friends. CHAS„B HARMSEN. AMERICANS- used half the coffee grown in the world last year. It's an evidence of the growth of the coupon habit,, _____________ IT is announced that Richard Crokcr will return to the United States We had not heard of his being "short of change." ' ' ' •, •• •.' A BILL "to encourage matrimony" is pending in the Illinois legislature. The legislatnre has apparently forgotten Jobann Hoch. - - . PEORIA, III is advertising for -• a crank for a minister. " Dr. Parkhu^st should h<ive an nnderstudy he" can spare for the emergency. THE Pittsburg heiresH who rejected a European "Count" and. married her lawyer, evidently found that he "ar gued his case well." OKLAHOMA had to give up her state hood prospects, but she still has the privilege of treating her thirst in the approved western style. "GOOD old Dr. Down" has sent a hurry-up messenger from Mexico up to Zion City, though the exact amount called for was not stated. THE United States Senate seems to be exceedingly happy in contemplation of the fact that there is no law for pun ishing sins of "omission." THE Czar was just about to start a telegram to Kuropatkin to come home, when he found that Kuropatkin was coming homesky without calling. THE railway-rate bill went right on the Senate side-track and there was not enough steam le ft to move it back or forth. We won't say we told you so. Now the charge is that the govern ors of Colorado were guilty of buying votes. They had votes out there to satisfy even a Pennsylvania politician. A ST. PAUL editor throws a flood of light on the progress of the Japs in tak ing Port Arthur and Mukden, when he says, "the Japanese generalB do not fight each other." SAl.E M0 acres in South Dakota Would like in exchange 11000 or $1500 cnt- i wit hin .">0 or 100 miles nort h or west of • 'liioiip). What have youV Also JHTiOO stock nl store goods in thriving town 50 miles nortli- ,vest of Chicago: postofliee goes with it. No njjetits. If. NELSON, Lake Villa, 111., R. D. Nol TpOK SALE-- Bay gelding, coming five years -1- old the first of July next. Sired by Ed win V.. good size, broke, and ready to go to work or u | SPRING & I t A S T E R irive. I'. ,1. Ci.KAinf. McHenry. 111. tVH'ND--A gentleman's fur mitten, on road * between McHenry and liliigwood. Own er can have same bv calling at tins office, proving property and pay nig for this notk'S. DR. F. N- ARMSTRONG PasHeH Away at His Home Morris, 111., Monday Mornlriy. ® The following clipping wad taken from the Morris, III., paper: This community was shocked this morning when it learned that Dr. Frank Armstrong hiad died instantly with heart disease while walking on the street. While the news was startling to many, it has since been learned that his relatives knew of his serious con dition and that the end would come suddenly. Dr. Armstrong accompan ied his mother from Chicago last week and has been here since, and in poor, health, though up and around. Last evening he attended the Methodist church and was apparently as well as usual this morning when he started to acompany his brother Dr. Perry Arm strong to the depot. He had gone aboutthree blocks from home when he fell to the sidewalk and life was ex tinct. Dr. Frank Armstrong was born in this city in 1865. Here he grew to man hood and was educated in the public schools. He later took a course of study in mediefne and after finishing, located at Richmond, 111., where he was quite successful until hife health failed. He is survived by bis mother, Mrs. P. A. Armstrong, his brother. Dr. Perry Armstrong, of Chicago, and two half brothers. DP. Elwood Armstrong, of Greenleaf, Kansas, and Wm. Arm strong, of Chicago. The most profound sympathy is felt for his mother, who is prostrated with grief. It is but a little over two months since she buried her husband, and since then she has been quite ill, and in no condition to stand such a severe shock. BALTIY )Hi: Wi.iitts fo have a celebra tion in co >im< io: ati -n of her $100,000,- 000 fire ot u«jt \ ear. Well, it is not every town tl'ft can have a hundred million dollar tire ' A PROFESSOR in the University of Illinois is working on a substitute for tobacco, which affects the user so that be cannot see. This is a good substi tute for booze, anyway. RUSSIAN peasantry refuse to place much confidence in the Czar's promises of reforms until they learn whether a senate is to be included in his scheme of representative government. AN Eastern dispatch calls attention to the fact that the Korean emperor has changed his religious faith. This is significant, for it calls attention to the fact that Korea still has an emperor. THE small profits of two per cent, which is alleged to be the amount of the profit the beef trust makes is in deed a pitiful sum. Why doesn't some body suggest that a collection be taken up for the poor thing? THE trust nor their lawyers will be unable to take a vacation this summer. President Roosevelt and they will be busy watching each-, other all through the "heated term, " and will make it very hot for each other. IT is formally announced that the Standard Oil trust has no interest in the beef trust. We are about ready to believe that since Commissioner Gar field has asserted that the beef trust has a profit margin of only two per cent. THE Chicago Chronicle thinks Presi dent Roosevelt should have had an "octopus" chained to the wheels of his chariot on the fourth of March. We are of the opinion that he will have themi more safely chained than that, after a little bit Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rothermel are the proud parents of a ten-pound baby boy, born Wednesday, March 15 Peter is passing the cigars, of course. He Didn't Mind the FOR. The London Chronicle relates that during a dense fog in London a mili tary man advanced in years lost his way completely in the nocturnal vapor. Bumping against a stranger, he ex plained his misfortune and , gave his address. "I know it quite well," said the strajiger, "and I will take you there." It was some distance, but the guide never hesitated for a moment on the whole route. "This is your door," be said at last as a house loomed dimly before them. "Bless my soul," said the old gentleman, "so it is! But how on earth have you been able to make your way through such a fog?" "I know every stick and stone in this part of London," said the stranger quietly, "for I am blind!" The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen- i y-five cents, and wiU be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other' wise ordered. Try it. «• f) FOR COMMISSIONER OK HIGHWAYS I hereby announce myself *&» a candi date for the office of commissioner of highways and respectfully ask the sup port of my friends. IDHAS. L. PAOE FOR HIGH WAV COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the position of highway coin- imssioner for the town of McHenry and - aolicit the support of the voters, ' • ' JOHN BOYLE. FOR CONSTABLE. \I hereby announce my candidacy for renominatiou to the office of constable for the town of McHenry, subject to . the action of the Republican township rant uw, and solicit the support of my ' friends. JOHN WALSH, FOR COLLECTOR.. , . € Bwreby anuonnee myself h candidate for the office of collector for the town' of McHenry and solicit the support of the voters. v H£NRY THELEN. THAT North Dakota minister who got "unfrocked" for eloping with one of bis flock while married to another woman, was very stupid. He should have slipped over into South Dakota and secured a "ready made" divorce and have saved himself all this trouble THE supporters of Secretary Shaw of Iowa, Vice-President Fairbanks of Indi »iia and Senatof- Foraker of Ohio are rallying around them for the republican presidential nomination for 1908 The republican party has such abundant material that it will be a bit trouble some to make a choice among so nyuiy excellent men. ..--'I ; . \ i THE best way to find out whether there are any unlawful business combi nations is to prosecute under the crim inal laws those who are believed to be gui'ty, of, violating the statutes. A pretty fair article of justice is furnished by the United Stales courts, and a ver dict one way or the other will have con siderable weight wjth reasonable people. & * : • , V ji-i fi ^Having received a full and complete line of Spring and Easter Simples, including over four hundred different styles of clofcKs, we wish to call your at tention to the fact that we are now prepared to fit you up in the latt\st of fashion, with the best quality of Goods that money can buy. In particular, we wish to call your attention to "OUR SPECIAL $17.50 GARMENT." These garments are made up in single-breasted sacks and we guarantee them to be just as we represent them to you. Our work manship, as some of McHenry's best people who wear our garments will tell you, ranks among the best. We duplicate any and all Chicago prices, quality of goods, of course, considered. In order^ ing your Spring or Summer Suit, we will be pleased to figure with you, as we know our work will please you. When once started to buy your Clothing from us we know you wil-l come here ever afterwards. Hoping that we may this year have the-pleasure of fitting you out and guaranteeing you perfect satis faction in every respectj we are 7 / : Yours very truly, : .;;.,J.! Dr LODTZ. - Remember that we keep Pants pressed and shaped for one year FREE.. OF' -CHARGE. , , % $ % % n Si $ tf: s Sifi & •?*: $! I $ B U I L D Don't forget that we handle a very com plete line of Lumber of every description and everything necessary with which to Build A MODERN HOUSE We always strive to please our customers f and are ever ready and anxious to fulfill | theirvwants. So bear in mind that we I are the Building Supply Headquarters. 1 Our Feed Department is always complete. | WILBUR LUMBER CO., WEST McHERNY, ILLINOIS. \ '.asm- it you cannot eat, sleep or work, feel * mean, cross and ugly, take Hollister's I Rocky Mountain Tea this month. A PEACE has bpen officially restored at j tonic for the sick. There is no remedy Warsaw. The rioting '4 continuing un- [equal to it. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. JO. W. Besley. SPIED PIT LIFE --That's what a prominent druggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short time ago. As surule we don't use or refer to testimonials in addressing the pu'bliji, but the above remark and similar expressions are made so often in connec tion with Scott's Emulsion that they are worthy of occasional note. Fronj infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means of remedying im proper and weak develop ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing w a s t e . T h e a c t i o n o f Scott's Emulsion is -no more of a secret than the composition of the Emul sion itself. What it does it does through nourish- ment~--the,kind of n&urish- inent that cannot be ob tained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. Wc wffl tend you a sample free.' Btwri that thUpictur* to th« form of a Ubcl U on the wrapp*f of every bottle ot KmuUion you buy. scon k B0WNE Chemists 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 5fe.aa4$l; aJldragfMfc Jlbout Groceries! I We always like to talk to you about Groceries, as this is our business, and we must do it tp keep the public posted on what we are doing. Our line of staple as well as fancy groceries was never more complete. Everything fresh, we do not let our goods get stale. Our prices are such as convince the economical housewife to buy ber table provisions here. We also have a nice line of fresh bakery goods, fancy fruits and candies constant ly on hand. A call will convince you that this statement is correct. West TlcHenry, III. 3obn Stoffel. X n P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs & N* :* i This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on ^ & application. Stall i & 3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market, COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Harper Rye MOn Every Tongue." - Crystal drops from golden grain; pure and mellow, rich and fra grant; the ideal stimulant for universal use. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS- |A IF SO you ought to appreciate anything that jufill help you save it. Your The best way to save time is to have a Tim# Chicago Telephona Money -- . Cost bat Byi oarta m CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY BANK This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreiori attfl Do does a tfXEML BANKIM BUSINESS. We endeavor to dp all busi ness entrusted to onr care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage floney to Loan MCHENRY on real estate and other first class security. Spec- ial attention- given to collections * INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankets G. Wholesale aud retail dealer in I am in the Market For Beef Veal rtutton Hogi and Poultry Olve me a call md Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois meals! FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables and Fruit In Season.: It is my intention to give all customers the be&t service pns» sible. 1 pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of till kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Packing (Jo. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us ajeard when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, | WEST M'HENRY, ILL. ! HiiiiMinmimiiiiti! ANNOUNCEMENTS ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. The Illinois Central maintains Double Daily Service, and operates the best trains, with Dining Cars, Bnlfet-Library Cars, Chair Cars and Sleeping Cars, from Chicago, !rt, Louis, Cincinnati and Louisville south to New Orleans. The best road for reaching the Winter Tourist resorts of the South, in cluding New Orleans Vicksburfj Havana, Cuba (olon, Panama Oulfport, Miss. Hammond, la. Mardi Gras at New Orleans March 7. Gulf- port is a Mexican Gulf Coast resort having the new, flue "Great Southern" Hotel. Steam ships' leave New Orleans every Saturday afternoou for Havana; every Wednesday morning for Colon. Panama. Regular ocean steamship sailings from New Orleans fur Mexico, Central America, Panama, West Indies and Europe. Send or call for descrip tive matter in regard to the alMive. Hot Springs, Ark., Florida Daily Sleeping Car without change Chicago to Hot Springs, with connections .it Memphis from Cincinnati and Louisville. Through "Dixie Flyer" Sleeping Car Lim- -St. Louis to Jacksonville via Nashville, Chat tanooga and Atlanta. California Illinois Central Weekly Excursions to Cali fornia. Excursion cars through to Los Ange les and San Francisco as follows: Via New Orleans and the Southern Route every Fri day from Chicago; every Tuesday from Cin cinnati. Via Ornaha and the Scenic Route every Wednesday from Chicago. Fill1 particulars concerning all of thuabove can be liad of t he agents of the Illinois Cen tral, or by addressing the nearest of the un dersigned representatives of the "Central." A. H. HANSON. G. I\ A.. Chicago. III. J. F. MERRY, A. G. 1*. A., Dubuque. Iowa. April 1 Professional. Society « w*. - •• • DAVID G. WELLS. M. I). PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND OCULIST Office and residence corner EIIB ant Green streets. McHenry. ;:>O PEGERFI FEVERS . pHYFICIANS AND SURGEONS, McHenry, *- III. Office at Residence, corner Court ana Elm streets. Telephone 333. ' HlOLLfSTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioine for Bnay Peopl#. fringe Golden Health and Benewea Vigor. v>ctfle for Constipation, Indigestion, Live Cidney Troubles, pimples, Ee/eiu i, Impnr I, Baa Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headaei Hafikache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in - irm, 85 cents a box. Genuine made b. -.isTER Daro COMPANY, Madison, Wis. 3EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Chicago 6t North-Western. Leave _ Chicago, n.ooa m... i.-JS p m... 5.01 p m... u.lOa m... 2.0£pm... Leave McHenry, ",:«a m... K.2# a m.... :>.a# p m. .. iJpiu... Effective Dec. *. 1904. -'-"irSKK DAY TRAINS. NOHTHBOUND .. ..Via Des Plaines .... wii.Via Des Pliilne*.... ..r^Via Des Plaine#...; * SUNDAY TRAINS.- ~ ..Via Des Plaines. .. ..Via Elgin wfaKK DAY THAINS. " SOUTHBOUND. ...... .Via Elgin........ jut-V.Via Des Plaines.,.. ........ Via Elgin.... SUNDAY TRAINS, Via Elgin ..... Via Des l'laiue* Arrive McHenry ...10.10 a m rrr. 4..10 p m . .. 8.40 p m F. C, ROSS. I). ]>. S. Office over Petesch's Drug Store. AM. WORK PKRTA1NINQ TO MODERN DENTISTRY Office Telephone 2<4; Residence 202. Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting, N • Hours 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. SUNDAY WORK BY APPOINTMiejiT ONt DR. R. G. CIIAM BERLIN DENTIST. Office and Residence over Besley's Drug Store. Hours: 8:90 to 5:30. WEST MCHBNRT. ILL. ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUI^OEON / , (Deutscher Arzt.) Spring Clrove, Illinois. Ged: Meyers General Teaming 1 of all kinds. Excavating and Qfading. flcHENRY - - - - - ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 193^ SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Ag en t for all classes of property in the best Companies. l------ West McHenry, Illinois McHEN&Y COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con veyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sums of $500 to $10,000, time and payment tf suit borrower. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, *5.00 ddti UPWARD House alid Sign Paint ing and all Interior Dec orating. Residence north town line one block west of river. Telephone No.&>4. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS R. H. OWEN Pianos for sale and rent. Tuning aud repair - .. Ing at reasonable prices. First class Work' only. McHENRY. ILLINOIS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. SERVICKS--Preaching. I0:H0 a. m. and every oilier Sabbath evening at 7:4.">, beginning Oc tober 30. Sunday school at 11:4"). Epworth League preceding preaching service at. 7 p. m. When there is no preaching, at 7:80. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. REV. J. M. ( OKMACK. Pastor. UN I VERS A LIST CIIU RCH. Regular services Sunday nt 10:30 a.m. and 7 i). m. Sunday school at 11:45 a. m. Every body cordially invited. REV. A. ROBKRTS, Pastor. Have you seen L A M B E R T Q . S E N G ' S NEWLY DECORATED BUFFET? AT 9 2 Fifth Ave., h i c a g o , Illinois. Tel. Main 1714. K I L L THS COUCH AND C U R E THE L U N G S "™ Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C 0NSUMPTI0N Price OUGHS and BOc &$ 1.0< OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. XO YtARS" EXPERIENCE. Our CHARGES ARC THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for oxpert search mid free report on paU'iit.'iliility. INFRINGEMENT suits coiulucUtl bi'fore all courts. Pat<>nt« obtained throutfli ua. A"VEI«- TI«EOttii<l SOLD, free TRADE-MARKS, •**N- JilONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON. P. C. DSWIFT&(§ 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS I HADE IVIARK* DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is prohably patenf able. Communica tions strictly confident Ial. HANDBOOK on Patent# S®nt free. Oldest aiienov tor scciinntf patents. • Patent8 taker; fhroutrh Munn A Co. receive tfecial notw, v, it bout charge, in the Scientific American. A liaiidstntiely Illustrated weekly. I.iireest clr- ou1.;;M<hi of any- scientitle journal. Teriiia, $3 a year ; tour months, fl. Sold by all newsdealer*. iUNN & Co.3618"1""'- New York Branch Office. 626 F Bt_ "WashlnKton. I>. C-. Arrive I riiicajto. 10.10 a m 00 u m .10.25 a m .. 7Mp tu j PARKER'S HAIR 3AL3AM tn.l !»»•;« ,.L> i T- <;• nit^s a U .\-t .t Nt-ver Fails to Ki»Bu>re Gray Hair to its Totuhful ColcrT Curc^ K'alp dr*oaj»rs & huir falliiig, auid $ a! PruKgisH