J STOVES, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, PAINTS, J J OILS, BRUSHES, ETC. A NEW AND UP-TO- J } DATE STOCK OF PAINTERS' SUPPLIES CO/l- J £ 1NQ FOR SPRING TRADE. * J OSMUN BROS., - ricHENRY. * [VARTETYSt^re!] ^ Plain and fancy China from. ... 5c up a f Tin and Granite from............ 5c u p ^ f *' ALSO GLASSWARE. 4 i Big Bargains on our......... .5c and i o c T a b l e s # i School Stationery and a nice line of Candies always J J on hand. J Cross-continent in a Santa Fe To\irist Car Ladies appreciate the delight ful home comforts of our superior Tourist Pullmans. ' : *3? ' Harvey serves the meals. Many other exclusive features. Low one-way California rates, March 1 to May 15. Santa Fe A l l t h e W a y Ask Santa Fe agent >kt 109 Adams St., Chicago, for Tour ist sleeper booklet. MAPLE CITY <7 Mqnm™ "nttr ILLINOIS Once a woman becomes acquainted with this soap, it's a mighty good soap that can attract her attention from it. IIIIIIIOIHIIHIIHIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIH Jos. H. Muemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. Fnnklifl Uintah* Rod Works! I am agent for the above. Wo put the Rods on your Build ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more than $500. Gall and get full particulars. *> General BUcksmlthin* Prkes ilwdys Reasonable i DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES N. H. PETESCH TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES The Old Way of doing the family washing is not only laborious and "unhealthy, but is altogether out of keeping with the idea of modern living. ( D I S C O N T E N T Laundry Trays make it possible to do the "wash ing* ' with the least labor and best results to both mistress and ser vants. Isthereanyreasonfornot having a modern "JStorodafrd* * Laundry in your home? If you think thecosthigh,consult us and you will be agreeably surprised. HERBES, PLUMBING. The Mctlenry Pftotojjraplier HAKES PHOTOS PERMANENT" ARTISTIC FAULTLESS at popular prices. Always some attraction given away with every dozen. In order to more fully in troduce mv work in this commun ity I ha ve decided to make the reg ular cabinet sijze photo at $2.00 per dozen, for a short time only. Waukegan St., near theStandpipe WEST McHENRY, ILL. If yon want drugs, go to Petesch's. Picture In Diitrnlie. Many and strange have'been the vi cissitudes of some of the world's great est pictures, and a fine painting which now graces Lord Leigh's residence in Warwickshire has an interesting his tory. This remarkable picture, which for some years consisted of a painting of flowers, was pronounced by an art dealer to be merely a mask for some other picture, and on his receiving per mission he gradually cleaned off the flowers, discovering underneath a very fine portrait of Charles I., by Vandyke. It is supposed that the portrait was thus disguised in order to save it from destruction by the Roundheads- at the time of the commonwealth. The Plaindealer will be sent to any addresson trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. J 1/ NEIGHBORING NE1VSAS CHRONICLED B Y j OUR ABLE CORPS QF CORRESPONDENTS I The electric light plant has again re sumed foil operations. I RI I>CiEFlI£Ll>. , C. M. Keeler was in Nunda Monday. S. Merchant Was a Nunda visitor Fri day. W. G. Wiltberger was in Elgin Tues day. Mrs. Leguier was in Palatine Tues day. Mrs. W. R. Shelt was in Nunda Mon day. ^ W. H. Munroe was in Wo6dstockFri day. Mrs. W. S.Jayne was in Nunda Sat urday. • C. E. Ambler was in Woodstock Sat urday. O. Garrison was in Woodstock Wed nesday. Leroy Skinner was in Nunda Wed nesday. Miss Edith Hobart was in Woodstock Saturday. , •' Mrs. J. G. Hartman was luNunda Saturday. " • H. Carlson was in Woodstock on busi ness Saturday..' v\- v •;! • W. Wieland and children were in El gin Wednesday. Mrs, Geo. Irish is "visiting-her daugh ter at Rock ford. Mrs. Baldwin of Nunda Was in this vicinity Saturday. G. E. Jorgensen was iii Chicago Tues day and Wednesday. Mrs. Stephenson and son, Chauncey, were in Nunda Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wester man are visiting at Solon this week. F. W. Hartman and Will Doolittle were in Woodstock Monday, Mrs. W. H. Monroe visited her daugh ter at Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westerman visit ed relatives at Woodstock from Thurs day until Monday. ' Mrs. E. W. Merchant and daughter, Eva, visited with Mrs. Robinson at Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. Lemmers of Woodstock visited her sister, Mrs. S Wakefield, from Tuesday until Saturday. E. Cadwallader, C. E. Ambler, W, G; Eichoff, A. Skinner and C. Hoy took in "Ben Hur" in Chicago Monday evening. Mrs. E. W. Merchant and two chil dren, who have been visiting at J. B. Lynch s the past two weeks, returned to their home in Richmond Saturday. If taken this month, keeps you well all summer. It makes the little ones eat, sleep and grow. .A spring tonic for the whole family. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tab- lets. G. W, Besley. The dime social to be given by the Christian Fellowship olass on Friday evening, March 17, at the home of Miss Nell Gibson, will be held in the base ment of the church, on account of sick ness. The Colonel's Waterloo. Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey Grove, Texas, nearly met his Waterloo, from Liver and Kidney trouble. In a recent letter, he says: "I was nearly ilead, of these complaints, and although I tried my family doctor, he did me no good; so I got a 50c bottle of yonr great Electric Bitters, which cured me. I consider them the best medicine on earth, and thank God who gave you the knowledge to make them." Sold, and guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia. Biliousness and Kidney Disease, by N H. Petesch and Julia A. Story, Mc Henry, and G- W. Besley, West Mc Henry, druggists, at 50c a bottle. KMERALI) PARK. D. W. Hill was at the Park over Sun day. M. B. Purcell was in McHenry Mon day. Richard Aylward was a Ringwood caller Sunday evening. Miss Edith Whiting of Ringwood vis ited Miss Kathryn Walsh Sunday. Messrs. Ed. Walsh and Chas. Gibbsof Chicago visited at P. Walsh's Sunday. Misses Alice and Lena Smith were re cent visitors at their uncle's, Joe Aerns. Mr. and Mrs. John Walth and chil dren of McHenry spent Sunday at P. Walsh's. jur. and Mrs. J. B. Frisby callod at R. J. Sutton's and at their old home here Friday last. . Misses Lucy and Margaret Sntton called at J. B. Frisby's in McHenry Sat* urday afternoon. Mrs. Win. VanNatta went to Chicago Monday, where she will spend a few week's with relatives. •»";•• Mr. and Mrs. John R.Smith and son, Josie, visited the former's parents north of'McHenry Sunday. Mrs. Paul Reiger and sister, Mrs. Frank Prout, Who has l>een spending the past week at Griswold Lake, visited their lather, Geo. Walmsley. here Sun day. J Some HARNESS is hard on a Horse and pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shape and it is of such poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. 0l»»* Harness is of the other sort. Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the best leather and- trimming and made to fit. Strain is equally divided and eve • part equal to the strain. Costs" no more than * 'cheap" Gus. Carlson. A ,^:V| HOLCOMIIVILLK. Fred Davoll was a Chicago visitor the first of the week. Mrs. James Powers is visiting her parents at- Sycamore. Thos. Thompson of - Barreville called at Fi Davoll's Sunday. Mrs. A. P. Peck spent the last of the week at Madison, Wis. J. Phalin Of Terra Cotta called at Thos. Powers' Monday. Miss Bridget Doberty of McHenry was a caller at J. Doherty's Monday. Mesdames H, Magoon and John Whis- ton called on Mrs. P. F. Hunt Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Gilbert went to Chicago Monday to visit her daughter, Mrs. M. Conley. Miss Minnie Knox of McHenry spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Jay Doherty. Mrs. H. McMillan and little daughter spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. P. F. Hunt. Mrs. Wm. Welch and daughter, Fran ces, of Griswold Lake spent Saturday and Sunday at Thos. Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and little daughter visited the former's sis ter at Terra Cotta Sunday afternoon. Two Point* of View. "I think," said an exasperated old deacon as he slowly elevated himself from the pavement to a perpendicular, "the full grown man who throws an orange peel on the sidewalk is no Christian." "Well," said a bystander, "what do you think of an orange peel that throws a full grown man on the sidewalk?" JastMcd. "I wish they'd invent a new expres slon occasionally," said Top as he pe-' rused the account of a recent wedding. "It's always 'the blushing' bride." "Well," replied Mrs. Top, "when you consider what sort of husbands most girls have to marry you can't wonder at their blushing." art After the ConnltatloB, "Well, Drs. Brown and Smith going to operate upon old Gotrox.' "Is the operation necessary?" "Why, yes; Brown has a note coming due. and Smith wants an automobile." --Puck. Wfeat does the Breakfast mean yotir household Light, whole some Biscuit made with Dr. PRICE'S' Powder? Of unwholesome food made with an alum baking powder? It is zuorth your zufute to inquire. VOXAK Miss Agnes Dunnill is on the sick list. Miss Elsie Smith spent Friday in Chi cago. Mrs. C. Dry&r is visiting at Fremont t h i s w e e k ; . ; Y ' ' V Mr. Deitz of Fremont was in town Thursday. Mr. Kennedy of Chicago was in town Wednesday. Bert Dowell of Wauconda was in town Sunday. Wm. Hironimus was a Barrington caller Monday. W. A. Rosing of Round Lake was a caller Saturday. Chat les and Lucy Dunhill spent Fri day in McHenry. "* Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huson were Mc Henry callers last week. Thos. Geary and family were Volo callers one day last week. Arthur Stanford of Chicago was *seen on our street the other day. Miss Annie Stilling of McHenry spent last week with Anna Miller, A. J. Raymond is attending to busi ness in Waukegan this week. Mrs. Essie Fisher and family spent Thursday atThad. Seymour's. James Murray of McHenry was a Volo caller Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond spent Satur day with relatives in Wauconda. Frank Dowell spent Sunday at the home of his uncle, John Walton. D. Dick and James Doyle spent a few days with Ben Rosing last week. Maud Walton is spending a few days with Mrs. L. V. LUSK of Fremont. Ed. Synder and son, Earl, was a busi ness caller at C„ Sable's Thursday. B. Lovejoy of Grayslake called at John Walton's Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. Russel visited with Lon. Fox and daughter Wednesday. A. E. Kirwan and son, Harry, spent Sunday with his brother, J. Kirwan. Quite a number from Volo attended the sale at Stanford brothers' the 8th. Mr. Lee Strang of Grayslake is a pleasant caller in Volo quite frequently. Mrs. Raymond and daughter, Hellen, spent a few days at L. V. Lusk's last week. Lee A. Huson and Miss Myrtle Wat ties of McHenry spent Friday in Wood stock. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Husoti and daugh ter, Marian, are spending a week in Elgin. Jessie Simpson and friend of McHenry were callers at Harry Gardinier's Sat urday. Henry Stsdtfeld and Wm: Dunnill took in the old folks dance at Wauconda last week. Miss Bessie Dunnill of Rollins spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunnill. The Volo school will reopen on Mon day, March 18, with Miss Knox of Mc Henry as teacher. Services will now be held every Sun- -day at the M. E. church at 2 p. m., Rev. Wm. Crass, pastor. Mr. Hanson of Wisconsin lias pur chased the farm known as the Gale place, and taken possession. Misses Maud and Elsie Walton and Kitty Dowell spent Wednesday with Joseph Vogt and family of Round Lake. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and son, Raymond, of Fremont Center and Harry Lusk of Grayslake spent-Sunday at A. J. Ray mond's. Mrs. John Walton entertained her brother, E. Converse, of Chicago and mother, Mrs. J. Converse, of Fort Hill Thursday afternoon. The people of Volo were greatly shocked to hear of the sad death of Ar thur Smith, who was killed while cross ing the railroad track at Gurnee. Mrs. B. Cossman and daughter. Muriel, returned to their home at Rol lins Wednesday, after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs J. Kirwan. Ben. Rosing, who has been spending a few months in Goshen, Indiana, is ome and will clerk for his brother, Will, in their new store lately pur chased at R^und Lake. Whm We Are UBCIMB. We are most particular about clean liness in our houses--many servants must keep them swept and garnish for us--and about cleanliness in our food, eating only of first class materials, daintily prepared. But with all this delicacy of habit the most greasy sav age i s se raph c lean compared to us i n the matter of air. He breathes pun- air rich In oxygon. We get together In vast herds, defile the air with ali manner of disagreeable and revolting matter, including disease germs, and then contentedly breathe it.--Charlotte Perkins Gilman in Good Housekeep Ing. Doctor* mad Ccllbaer. There was once a time when doctors were doomed to celibacy. It was at the conclusion of the mediaeval period. _^4-Jwhen medicine was in the hands of the monks. In France the habit of celibacy persisted long after the practice of medicine had passed into lay hands. -For two or three centuries the doctors (protested, but in vain. The matter was finally laid before the pope and toward the end of the fifteenth century the TOW was abolished. TERRIBLE DROPSY CURED BY THE WELL-KNOWN SCIENTIST AND PHYSICIAN, DR. FRANKLIN : MILES. A $2.50 NEW TREATMENT FREE Dropsy is a terrible disease. The suf fering in the last stages is frightful. Yet at first no disease is apparently more'harmless, a little s welling of the eyelids, feet or abdomen, but finally the unfortunate sufferer slowly drowns in the water of his own blood. Dr. Miles has made dropsy of the heart, liyer and kidneys and complica tions a specialty for 25 years. To in troduce his marvelous new Treatments he will send $2.50 worth free as atrial. Three treatments in one. The Grand Dropsy Treatment re lieves short breath, smothering and distress the first day, removes most of the swelling in three to six days and all of it within two weeks in most cases. A permanent cure results in from one to two months. Mr. R. Trimmer. Green SprlnRS, i'a., writes: "The Dropsy Treatment restored Mrs. T. after many physicians pronounced her case hope less." Daniel W_Gardner. Huntington,Ind., says: "Two months of Grand Dropsy Teatment saved my wife from the grave'." John Fuller, Ithaca, Mich., writeB: "Your Treatment worked a miracle! It saved my life." A. P. Colburn, Bltssslng,.Ia., writes: "Grand Dropsy Treatment restored Mrs. Oolburn after her leg burst from dropsy." Hundreds of incurable cases cured at home after failure of from 5 to 20 .phy sicians. Patients in every state. 1,000 testimonials sent upon request. Though your case has been pro nounced hopeless, do not hesitate to write us at once describing your symp toms. We will send you our opinion, book, chrtrt, and trial treatment free. Those who fail to try this marvelous cure will make a serious mistake. Ad dress, Dr. Miles, Dipt. D., 481 to 481 Main St., Elkhart, Ind. 36 JOHNSBCBOH. Miss Annie Pitzen of Volo visited here Sunday. Born, to Mr. jfcnd Mrs. Peter Britz, twin boys. Wm. Althoff was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Anna Bugner visited here a few days last week. Nick Ross of Volo was a visitor here Thursday of last week. Miss Maggie Palmes visited home folks one day last week. Miss Susio Smith visited her friend, Mrs. Jos. Freund of Ringwood, recently. Mrs. Stephen Freund visited her daughter, Mrs. Jos. Schaefer, Tnesday. Mrs. Susan Freund visited her daugh ter, Mrs. Mat Freund, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britz and children of Volo visited Peter Britz and family Sunday. Chamberlalu'N Colic, Cholera wnd Diar rhoea Remedy. The great success of this preparation in the relief and cure of bowel com plaints has brought it into almost uni versal use. It never fails, and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant'to take. It is equally valuable for children and adults. For sale by all druggists. The Woodmen will dance at their hall. give an Easter U yon mat drags, go to Miss. Agnes westley 816 WetH Street Marinatte.Wia. 816 Wells Street, MARINKTTB, WIS., Sept. 25, 1908. I was all run down from nfcrwuts- ness and overwork and had to resign xay position and take a rest. I found that I was not gaining m strength and health as fast as I could wish, and as your Wine of Cardui was recommended as such a good medicine for the ills of our sex, I bought a bottle and began using it. 1 was satisfied with the results from the use of the first bottle, and took three more and then found I was restored to good health and strength and able to take up my work with renewed vigor. 1 consider it a fine tonic and excellent for worn-out, nervous condition, and am pleased to endorse it. AGXES WESTLEY, floii-j . Korth Wlccvnain Holland SOETATY. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui and a 25c. package of Thedford's Black-Draught today. WINEOFCARDUI Brothers We hav6 been made distributing agents of McHenry and vi cinity for the She?: field-Kitfg Milling Co. of .Minneapolis, manufacturers o f Gold Mine Flour guaranteed the best Flour that can be made. Our intro- # duction price will be M PER BAG if Flour is satisfac tory, IF NOT, you to keep Flour and ^ we will refund" pur chase price. Suitf! Siijjur! Sugar! 20 pounds Cane New Orleans Gran- ulat^ed Sugar for $i. o o . V •M* COMPANY. WBiiimt--tmtw Pianos! Did you say Piano? Why, of course, we handle them. Not only that, but we handle the best known makes and give with each and every one of them a guarantee of which we feeF'proud. If you are contemplating pntting a Piano in to your home don't forget us. We can and will give yon figures which defy all competition for high-class Instruments. Remem ber "The Housekeeper" offer still stands good. Call at our store and we will tell you all about it LOOLVO yovir orders here for Piano Tuning. Work done by Wm. Ar- ney of Shuls Piano Co . Chicago. West flcHenry A Shock. "Now, Henry." she began, with a 80$ Jaw, "I must have $10 today.** "All right." replied her husband, "here It is." • -~ "Gracious. Henry P* she exclaimedL suddenly paling. "What's the mattart Are you 111?" Forbear and PorglT*. Do not expect too much from others but remember that all have some 111 na ture. whose occasional outcropping w* must expect, and that we must forbear and forgive, as we often desire bearance and forgiveness ourselves;. The child is a bundle of Instincts, net a sheet of white paper*--G. EL ArchK bakl.