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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1905, p. 8

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e@eis6iBei*Wiwii s,n.' fc.s'#¥- $ > ;"" -: O f jjtt'i - It- k£t J.,: ' :*'J "t; •) !•' f4 ! ' vtifY rtf£H >,*V* i HEN S and BOYS' CLOTHING! t ,D® not pay * _ $3<0O W $5.00 more for thjb same suit, when you* can save >jjhat amount by buying, / of us.! These •«. : MADE-TO-ORDER SUITS V • s • : - af€ made in the same shops and they 1 ARE T^a BETTER. Only cost you about 35 percent, more. JOS. W. FR.EUND. . • > „ f ?• J Our Spring stock" of Paints, Oils and Var-' nishes, Wall Finishes, Etc.,' is much larger than ever before, and we are confident that you can find here just what you want in. these lines. We still handle t^ie CROWN Mixed Paint, wfiicn is acknowledged one of the very best brands on the market, and sold for no more than is generally asked for poor stuff. A very complete line of Jap'alaC in all colors. Brushes of all description^ from five-"' cents to fiye dollars. And vfe also have the nicest line of plated ware in town--Serving Dishes, Baking Dishes, Chafing Dishes, Tea and Coffee Pots, Table ware and fancy pieces. A large line of Table and Pocket Cutlery. Call on us. Respectfully yours, F. L. McOmber. ' i l l • J , _ '* t . 11 • r*1" -B'> • rf",V EVANSON'S The ladies of our town and vicinity are cordially invited to look over our new spring line of Dress Goods, Waist Goods, Shoes--in fact, all needed merchandise for im­ mediate and future use. 7- Eggs are wanted! W. C. EVANSON EXCHANGE «it«MKG3? HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY / ADJACENT COUNTIES. AND •M' 'T' 'T' 'I' $ 'I' 't' ifi 1I1 I|I 1I1 I|I I|I ill I|I 1I11I1 $ ifi i|i I|I I|I ij.1 I^I ij.i $-- v V*y\ m At our store can be found, at all times, the m^^^mplete line of Furniture to be found in the county.^ Besides, the large and complete line we constantly have on hand, we are always p^pared toilet,Ion very short notice, any "ar­ ticle wanted which we do not carry in stbck. Our prices- are always in the reach *of everyone to which we contrib­ ute our success All calls in the Under­ taking line are promptly attended to. MCHENRY, te.- ILLINOIS; JACOB MEN. A WH»c«Ili*neoo» Aweortment of tt«W« Itnbt In Condensed Koran For Coatm l«n«eor Bimy I'doplri, There is so isiuch bad in the beat of na And so inoch good in the worst of ns, * That it bardly behooves any of as To talk abont the rest of m The North-Western has pat in gates at Carpentersville. , After a years' experience with blind pigs Lake Geneva this year voted for license. 4 Women in France may wear trousers in public by paying a yearly tax of 60 francs for the privilege. Grayslake is to have a new paper Mr. Savery, former editor of the Wal­ worth Times, is to be the proprietor; Pigeon shootrag from , traps will be stopped in Illinois, the legislature having passed the bill, and Gov. Deneoa will sign it. So far as reported, a doctor is the only man living who can go to see an­ other man's wife, and get paid for it, instead of i?etting into trouble. The McHenry ConnSy M. W, A- con­ vention was held at Harvard last Wed­ nesday. Sixty-five delegates represent ing sixteen camps of the county were present. • .V'. • A strength tonic that brings rich, red blood. Makes yon strong, healthy and active. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. > One handred and fifty members ofthe Fox River Bait Casting club in Elgin are aidiug fellow anglers to secure a permit from the state legislature to seine for carp in the Fox river. Sixty young women haye been added to the working force of the Cutter & Crossette shirt factory at Elgin this week. , The firm contemplates building a three story addition to the south wing. Feel tired, n'o appitite, cannot sleep, work or eat?.That's spring tiredness and will disappear at once if yon take Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea this month. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. G, W. Besley. A citizen of Elgin brought salt for divorce, and according to the county papfer, he proved the following allega­ tions: "That his wife tore the sign from his store, put into his tea some­ thing that made him vomit, threw his clothes downstairs, filled his shoes with cold water, put swill in his overcoat pocket, threw water over him as he went downstairs, put pepper in bis bed, made him sleep in the attic, kept in her bed an iron bar eight inches long and threatened him with it when he ap­ proached her, wouldn't do his washing, wouldn't mend his clothes, made him darn his socks and sew buttons on his shirt, spat on his toast when be was getting his breakfast, rocked in a squeaky chair for hours at a time to annoy him, pat grease^on his Sunday clothes, wouldn't let him have a fire on the coldest nights, so that he often had to go to bed at 7 o'clock p. m. to beep warm, and finally, that she rubbed a butcher knife over his neck (Mice, and threatened to blow out hij§ brains." That man should have the divorce, for it is evidsnt feven to the uninitiated, that the woman was no gentleman! A Wauconda man earned Fisher had quite a sum of money which he carried in his pocket for the purpose of buying a home in Wanconda. Amongst the money were three $100 bills. Saturday a Week ago, this money was counted over by him, and be was positive that all of his money was in his pocket book at that time. He had occasion to count the money again the follouaing, Wed­ nesday, and the three $100 bills bad mysteriously disappeared. Last Friday be sent for Detective Benthusen of Crystal Lake and procured his services, Benthusen arriving there Friday noon. He ran down all the suspicions and clues that were giyen him by Fisher but they were all misleading and every­ thing was still a mystery. Benthusen afterwards took a different view of the matter, and after sharply questioning all parties concerned in the case, be took other tactics and became suspicious of parties that were not mentioned in the matter before. Benthusen was seen at different times on the lake shore, and out in the woods a mile away from town, and was often seen in the crowd on the street and with different parties in a joking way and at other times in a serious mood, and the result was the money was secured by Benthusen and delivered to Mxu Fisher. -It is now just as much of a mystery how it was procured as it was how it disappeared. It is said by many that the money had the odor of having been buried in the earth. Benthusen 16ft for Crystal Lake late last Saturday night, and Mr. Fisher is a happy man, as bec may well be. --Nunda Herald. Cheated Death. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but by choosing the right medicine, E. H. Wolf, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. He says: "Two years ago I had Kidney Trouble, which caused me great pain, suffering antianxiety, bnt I took Electric Bitters, which effected a com­ plete cure. I have also found them of £reat benefit in general debility and nerve trouble, and keep them constantly on t^nd, since, as I find they have no equal." N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists, guarantee thero at 60c. ' - Sniice.te t*>t Qwnn. ' Very Low Rate* to St. Loiih, Mo., Via the North-Western/Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold on May 13 to 22 inclusive, limited to return until May 24, inclusive, on account of National Baptist Anniversaries. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. May 22. \Tbe Plaindealer and Chicago Daily Chronicle both for one year tor $8,60. Charles T. Dazey's triumph with bis "Home Folks," the melodrama now running in McVicker's theater, Chicago, is complete. The big theater is crowd­ ed all the time and the nudience lantrh until they are tired and then rlaugh again, and at the same time there is sufficient heart interest in the piny--the pathetic story of Sis Durkee and the nobility of John Selby, Ruth Clayton and John's mother--to make for the purely dramatic side of the play. There are three or four situations which make the spectators hold their breaths for a second or so, so intense 4s the interest. The feature of the production which gives most pleasure-Js the score of youngsters, boys and girls, who figure in the play. These children are de­ lightful--full of mischief, light-hearted, pretty, and the girls asi dainty and pict­ uresque as pictures of a far off time. The toys show themselves first on their way to fish--there are a< dozen of them, and they are bare-footed, tattered and ragged, asVillage boys sometimes are. One of their number is caught and forced to stay behind to chtfrn and fill the woodbox and his companions' make life miserable for him for a few min­ utes. Then the girls, in quaint cos­ tumes and with their pretty faces glow­ ing with health and pleasure, rub on the stage for a few minutes. In the second act all of the youngsters, in ,.their beat clothes, go to the apple-peelin' at Selby's, and have a general good time. Afterwards the boys go <|own to the old swimming hole by the saw mill and have a swim bv the light of t^ rnme. Their clothes are stolen and they/tfave to go tfome in barrels. In the last act all the littlMmes are taken on a steam­ boat np the river for a picnic, and all the while they have a glorions good time, such as children should have. "Home Folks" will run at McVicker's until Saturday, April 29. Last Hope Vanished. When leading physicians said that W. M. Smithart, of Pekin, la., had in­ curable consumption, his last hope van­ ished; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Congas and Colds, kept him out of his grave. He says: "This great specific completly cured me, and saved my life. $ince then, I have used it for over 10 years and con­ sider it a marvelous throat and lung cure." Strictly scientific "cure for Coughs, Sore Throats or Colds; sure pre­ ventive of Pneumonia. Guaranteed, 50c and $1.00 bottles at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, an(l G. W. Besley's, West McHeiiry, drug stores. Trial bottle free. The following patents were recently issued to Dlinois.clients; reported by t). Swift & Co , patent lawyers, Washing­ ton, D. C., who will furnish fcopies to the readers of this paper for five cents a copy. Harm Ahlricke, Petersburg, tilt­ ing gate; John F. Bennington, Laharpe, velocipede <sold); Edw. A. Carlson, Rockford, cabinet; Chas, N. Coon, Mat- toon, pneumatic jack (sold)-T Samuel Dauiels, Harvey, pistol; Albert B. Dick, Lake Forrfst, stencil duplicating ap­ paratus (sold); Henry L. Ferris, Har: vard, stanchion (sold); Jay M. Huntley; fruit jars (sold); Simon C. Johnson, De- Kalb, roof scaffold: Edw. W Kimbark Oak Park, release device for horse-rsk ratchet mechanism (sold); Har$y Knh Marshall, talking machine attachmen Albert L. Marsh, Lake Bluff, ther electric couple (sold): Samuel A. Moq; Pana, friction , brake; Cordilleras |L. Robbins, Pekin, grain car door; Frank Sheppard, Edwardsville.riveting deyice. Rhruiuatlv Paiim Quickly Relieved. J The excruciating pains characteristic of rheumatism and sciatica are quicfrly relieved by applying Chaniberjl^p's Pain Balm . The gieat pkin "rele|rjng power of the liniment has been t^e|sur­ prise and delight of-thousands of "'tifaffer-- ess. The quick relief from pain which it affords is alone worth rpany times its ---*• For sale by all druggists. / K^curttlon Tickets to Qnlnoy, III., Via the North-Western line, will be sold at reduced rates April 14 and 15, limit­ ed to return until April 17, inclusive, on account of Travelers' Protective As- ciation meeting.' Apply to agents Cbi- cag>& North-Western R'y. Arpil 15 Opera House GILBERT .BROS., MORS. thre: jPni J1GHTS BEGINNING THURSDAY,APRIL 13 The Big City Sho^> * He LY(EIIM (OMEDY (0. SUPPORTING Hr. Herbert O'Connor and Miss Marie DeBeau IN A IlEPETOIRE OF NEW AND | - PLEASING PI,AYS j Opening Bill, A RuM Life { FIVE Bi(i VAUDEVILLE FEATURES t BETWEEN THE ACTS. 12-Finished Artists-12 Entire (hili^e of Program edcM venin$ Prices 15,25 and 35 Cents SPRING IS HERE! So are our Spring Dress" Good*, percales, Wajstmgs, Xadies* Skir^ Our :^^rrSrtOE STOCK -'r.^ is very complete i^/Tans land |ftacks; High aiM cut. \Pric^4 t^ suit all. jj| Gentlemen, let us tafi g Suit or pai\ of Pants. |j 1of samples to select froi See our Wall Paper b< a large stock ori^ hand. p'our •re buying. , We have Als<£ Floor Matting. A Few Specials for Friday, Saturday, Monday £ 4 lbs. Johngbn's Washing Pi 2 Packagety Egg 0-8ee* 25lbs. Prunes... y Sleepy W ..15c ? an3 getlthe BESiK TOII ffl READY I# B U I L D Don't forget that vye handle a very com­ plete line of Lumber of every description and everything necessary with which • • Build. . " - & , : A MODERN HOUSE We always strive to please our customers and are ever ready and anxious to fulfill their wants. So bear in mind that we are the Building Supply Headquarters^ Our Fe^d Department is always complete, v WILBUR LUMBER CO., WEST McHERNY, ILLINOIS. V OUR. STOCK OF Spring and Summer Merchandise is now in. We have the new shades §.nd weaves in .Spring Dress Gocwis ^ cott^ andr^ool. A fine assortment in dainty White Waist Patterns, only one Waist of a kind, from 25c to 50c per yard. Yard-wide Silks in black and white, 75c to $1.50 per yard, in Taffeta, Peau-de-Soie and Habutai. Shoes, Oxfords and Slip­ pers in black and tap." Poptiliu* shapes for summer Hats* Ci*|JSi . Negligee Shirts, Underwear. We want to take your measure for a new Suitor Trousers for Easter. A large assortment of cloths to * select from. We guarantee a perfect fit and the Jowest prices. / Groceries always pure and fresh. / , , m. X Ulalsb, Ul. mcfienry. Special 6c and 7c Sale! We have bought of u manufacturer Mill Ends of Embroidery, in 4 to 6 yard lengths, which are the best value we have ever seen. All Embroideries tlmt sold at from 12c to 20c per yard at jobber's price, a n d w e l i a v ^ ^ ^ v i d e d t l i e m i n t w o l o t s a t , 6 c and " j c .r Corset Cover Embroidery Values! We have just" placed on sale several pieces of Corset Cover Em­ broideries that will be sold at f regular , price. Extra fine piece of Swiss material with heavy raised embroidery edge, no pieqe ever being sold for less than 50c. Our sale price on these goods while they last.. *5C 35c Sale! See our fancy figured Satin Striped Challies that are never sold for less than 50 cents. We have them i|i several patterns at....... 35c 15c Sale! We hftv© plac«d on sale several pieces of colored mercerized Voile, extra 25c value, i»^an, Brown, Blue and Drab, special price... f. .15c NOTICE! Does ft pa> to trade with us? Ask your neighbors and friends, then come and see for yourself. If satisfied, tell us. Groceries! Extra fine full cream Cheese, per lb*. 18c Extra fine brick Cheese, peWb v.. .18c 3 packages extra salted Soda Crackers........ .25c Pine ring cut Evaporated Apples, per llr. .. 9c Extra sweet thin skinned oranges, doz 30c and 23c California Lemons, fresh4. smooth, juicy. and waxy, per dozen.... .., ...20c Roasted Peanuts, per lb T... .<^).... 10c Salted and Spiced Holland Herriog, per pail or keg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .u , , . . 79c Large Sour Pickles, per doz ::V. .*» ?.. 10c Lemon Snap?*, per package.. „ ..t». .h, .^ . r 5c Fancy Oolong Tea, per lb... .......28c Fine sun dried, uncolored Japan Tea, per lb. ..39c Heinz's Tomato Soup ill 2-lb cans, per can 20c T BLOCK & BETHKE, McHENRY.

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