- J" ^ • • *'---r.-.-. r • v." * . <ta % Clearing; Sale! We have decided to close out our complete stock.of Dry Goods. Shoes, Etc., at COST OR LESS; also a decided cut in the price of all Hardware, Gasoline Stoves, Etc. s : : : : : : : ; : : : : : OSHUN BROS., McHENRY, ILL. 1 SB^iSSW Is \our Bathroom Modern? Yo,u cannot have too many safeguards for the health of&mily and self, especially th£ growing children. Bad or antique plumb- j ing is as dangerous to the1 •health as good or modern plumbing is beneficial. The cost of renewing your bathroom with ^Stamted" Ware will in reality be health assurance. , We have samples in our show rooms and will gladly quote you prices. HERBES, PLUriBING. MAPLE CITY t MONMOUTH ^ILLINOIS •MM MMM M« «»MMM« ffM« MM MMMM NEIGHBORING NEWS-AS CHRONICLED B-Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Celebrated as the great dirt remover from linen. ! VARIETY Storei] 5C up a 5C up } | Plain and fancy China from. ^ Tin and Granite from... .. . i ALSO GLASSWARE. 4 f Big Bargains on our... . . . . . . . 5 c a n d 1 0 c T a b l e s f J School Stationery and a nice line of Candies always J J on hand. \ U< i Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. Bells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Bnggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. Frinklin Lightning Rod Works! I am ageut for the above. We pnt the Rods on your Build ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages If no more than $500. Call and get full particulars. \ General BUcksmitbing Prices always Reasonable * * * * * * * * * * ik * * R.ye On Every Tongue.1 % * 1* ft # m m * * m m m tli Handed down from sire to son; famous for three generations as $ V ^ * Kentucky's best; famous as the best in the world. ilt • V t SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. m a* =h I P H I L I P J A E G E R | | GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT g 1 N i? SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP *' |j Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, | ' . hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs » 2 This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on jA| application. fg COLD STORAtlE FREE ^ Wholesale Market. st CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. g Sli if** I AT THE: CASH STORE . voLa' A. EL Kirwan was in town recently Will Moore was a Gray'slake caller Tuesday. Robt. Vogt was a Round LakeTneoJler Saturday. Mr. Roberts of Wisconsin spent Tues day in Volo. 1 Wm. Dunnill'waaa Wauconda caller Wednesday. Job Vasey of McHenry was a Volo caller Sunday. « Lee Strang of Grayslake was a Volo caller Sunday. * Frank Hankie and family spent East er in Fremont. i Mr. and Mrs. D. Merritt were Volo callers Sunday. Will Loftus ot Fremont was a Volo caller recently. . W. D. Moore of Liberty ville spent Easter at home.; Miss Rose Huson of. McHenry spent Easter at home. v- .. . .; i . Miss Mary Stanford.of Chicago spent Sunday at hinne. , - Mrs John Rosing Was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Peter Myers was in WauQond# on business Saturday. ; V Miss Kittie Do well spent Saturday and Sunday in Volo. Nick Tinoegen of Fremont spent Sun day at Chris Sable's. ^ • * . Geo. and Marshall Jepeon spent Sun day at Raught Bros.' Ella Moore spent Wednesday visiting friends in Wauconda. - - - Charley Potter and son, Earl, spent Sunday in Waucondav John Gift attended the lodge at Grays lake Tuesday evening,. Geo. Rosing entertained Chicago boarders ovev Sunday. Mr. Hammond of Waueonda was seen on our street Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher were Wau conda callers Saturday. s Geo. Wamsley of Griswold Lake was seen on our street Friday. Willie Frost is spending this week with relatives in Chicago. Geo. Dryer and Mrs. C. S&blQ were McHenry callers Tuesday. A. J. Raymond and daughter, Hellen, spent Friday in Wauconda. Mrs. James Gainer of Wancdndft vis ited Volo relatives Sunday. Geo. Richardson and family of Round Lake spent Sunday in Volo. Jason Walton spent Sunday with Mrs. Jason Converse of Fort Hill. : Mrs. Thos. Geary of Wauconda spent Tuesday .at Piute Houghton's. Miss Charlotte Madden of Ringwood spent Sunday at Mr. Kirwan's. Mr. and Mrs C. G. Huson and Mari on spent Saturday at Wauconda. * * Misses Frauces Rosing and Rose Vogt were McHenry callers last Friday. ( Miss Bessie Dnnnill of Rollins spent Easter at the home of Fred Dnnnill. Mrs. Frank Hironimus and daughter spent Wednesday at Harry Niclioll's. Miss Gertie Sbaefer returned to her home in McHenry Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Davis and chil dren spent Sunday at Win. Dunnill's. Mrs. Jennie Cossman and daughter, Merle, spent Sum lay at James Kirwan's. Miss Anna Miller, accompanied by Dell Converse, spent Sunday at home. Lee Murray and Miss Kate Freund of Wauconda were seen on our street Sun day. Messrs. Otto Arveyson and Sam Tar rant of Chicago visited friends here Sun day. Geo. Hnson of Danville spent a few days visiting with friends in town last week. Miss Anna Coinpton of Elgin is spend ing a week with her sister, Mrs. James Kirwan. Misses Saraajj'ox and Lelia Round Lake wefre Vofo cal afternoon. Misses Elsie Walton and Hellen Ray iUid wekig^G r ay slake callers ^Saturday afternoo Enoch §«(ith pf Ktw^as^mO^een vis iting frieifls yeirTms past week. A" Arthur J. Frost of Chicago spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Frost. t Volo was well represented at^ the dance held at, Ainann Bros,' at Round Lake Monday. _ Messrs. Jake Worts, Bernard Rosing and Will Rosing of Round Lake spent Sunday in Volo. David Potter returned to Wauconda Sunday after a week's stay with his iincltt, Charlie Potter. Mrs. Wm. Montgomery andson/Roy. of Chicago are spending this week with relatives in Volo and Wauconda. *• Mrs. Henry Effinger w«nt to Long Lake Sunday, where she will be employed at Stanton's hotel during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richardson and Mrs. Elijah Richardson of Round Lake spent, Sunday with relatives and friends here. There will be no services at the M. E. church until May 14, on account of fin ishing oiling and painting the* church inside.. ; • Harry Nicholls and family enter talined. Mr. and Mrs. Wm; Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nicholls and son and' Mr arid Mrs. Frank Hironimus Sunday Some of the Volo people were greatly excited when, the surveyors arrived, thinking the long looked for railroad had arrived. But, oh! the disappoint ment when they said: "we are only sur- veying^the town lots." A Daredevil Ride often^ends in a sad accident. To heal accidental injuries, use Bucklen's Ar nica Salve. "A deep wouud in my foot, from an accident," writes Theodore Schuele, of Coh'iinbns, O., "caused me great pain. Physicians were helpless, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly healed it." Soothes and heals burns like magic. 25c at N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Story's. McHenry. and G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, druggists. KMKKALI) PAKK. Ed Walsh of Chicago visited home folks here Sunday. Miss Lucy Sutton is spending this week with relatives in Elgin. Miss Celia Frisby of Elgin vjiited rel atives here the first of the week. Ed. J. Farrell of Chicago spent Sun day with the Misses Aylward here. Miss Alice Smith spent Saturday and Sunday at Jos. Aerns, north of town. Miss Mayme Aylward of Elgin visited home folks last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Ada Carey of Spring Grove spent a night last week with Miss Katie Knox. Miss Anna Bolger visited her friend,* Miss Ada Merchant, at Barreville Wed nesday. J. A. Farrell spent a few days the first of the week with friends at W. J. Walsh's. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill and friend spent a pleasant day at their cottage here Sunday. . Kenneth Burns and two schoolmates of Chicngo are enjoying a week's va cation at the Park. The little daughter of W. Bolger has been quite sick during the past week being under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mis. ff; K: Burns and daugh ters, Grace and. May, of Chicago are spending this week at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frisby and grand daughter, Vera Walsh, of McHenry were calling on friends here Sunday The masons have been at work for the past week on the basement of /be barn which F. Wattles is havingotf^ilt on his farm here. 'v), Mrs. S. Knox of Chicago and Miss El len Dohert'y and Mrs. M. J. Walsh of McHenry called at R. J. Sutton's Sijb^ day afternoon. Miss Lola .Aylward of Elgin spent Sunday and Monday at her home here and attended the ball in McHenry on Monday evening. A western tXle with human blood run ning through its sentiment is "The Derelict of Silver Saddle," by Grace McElroy Iurs, which appears in Lippin- cott's Magaziricjfer M^y.^Jt^ is an im' pressive 1 full pictur esque side lights. Some HARNESS is hard on a Horse and pocket. Doesn't fit animals cf normal ape and it is of such poor quality that it wears out ̂ before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is, of the otWr sort. leasts longer than the horse.-will. ^ Made of the beat leather and trimmings and made to fit.\ Strain is equally divided and every part equal to the straij|. Costs no more than "cheap" Gus. Carlson. - Harness si RIDGEFIELI). Monroe was in Woodstock Fri-W day. . ; , Mrs. Shales Mid children -were in Nunda Sunday. , Sir. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson were at Woodstock Sunday. -'Mrs.,.J; B. Lynch and children were in Chicago Saturday. "•'••• * Mrs. Lowell and son visited her sister at Ringwood recently. Mrs. W- J. Garrison and daughter, Hazel,^were in Chicago Saturday. Earl "Skinner of Woodstock visited his sister and Cousins here Sunday. Floyd Thayer and lady friend of Chi cago spent Easter with his parents. Mr% F. R. Jackmau of Woodstock visited her parents Friday and Saturday. Chauucey Stephensen and Willie D(H)little were in Woodstock "Saturday. Mr. atnl Mrs. S. Olinstead of Wood stock called at Mrs. E. Smith's Sunday Mr.- aud Sirs. J. A. Wester man left Tuesday lor their new home at Capron. Miss Edith Hobart spent Saturday and Sunday.with her parents at Rich mond. Miss Anna Morse of Oak Park is spending her spring vacation with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. H. Thayer and daugh ter of Chicago visited at F. Thayer's Sunday. Th«; Ladies Aid society will meet with Mrs. C. H. Duheld Thursday afternoon, May 5th. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will' meet with Mrs. J. H. Parks Tuesday, May 2, at 2:80. Walter and Arthur Jackman of Chi cago visited their cousin, Marvin Keeler, the first of the week. The Plamde&ler will be sen address on trial three months for twen five cents, and will be ^discoijtiBljM' at the^xpiration of that time Unless other- ordefed. Try it. Fifty Years the Standar Holland Milchner Herring, pe^keg Pumpkin, per can Table Pears, per can Table Peaches, per can Fancy Red Salmon, per pound Fancy Lima Beans, per can... Good Japan Tea Brag Soap, 6 bars for......... Onion Sets, red, white or yellow, per qnart Sweet Peas, per pound /f?... Try my Coffees, are always good West flcHeriry, III. 3obn Stoffel. DRUGS N. H. PETESCH .25 £ MEDICINES TOILET ARTICLES Made from pure cream tartar derived from grape$» rates aAKiNQ rowcuui ca* cHicAca A wonderful spring tonic. Drives out all winter inpurities, gives yon strength, health and happiness. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. 1 JOHNSBURGfl. h Jim'Conway of Ringwood was here Tuesday. Mrs. Jacob Freand visited her son, John, Tuesday. Joe. H. Huemann was a Richmond visitor Monday. Mr.Kennedy of Chicago was a business visitor here Tuesday. Peter Miller and Miss Christina Smith will be married here. Miss Katie Laures is visiting her aunt and cousins here fqr a time Peter Britz, mother and children visited at Wyj^ Britz's Sunday. Mrs. Susan Freund visited at her daughter 8, Mrs. Mat Freund, Tuesday, Mrs. Joe. H. Huemann and children visited her sister,*"Mrs. Geo. Nell, Sun day. Misses Martha and Lizzie Mertes visited their aunt, Mrs. Henry Monday. Mrs. Jos. Mertes retur urday from Keuosl^a.wW: was visiting her sist^ Mrs. hoff, who is very iJlSit ^is w: PROBATE NEWS REAli ESTATE TRANSFERS. •T< >hn /,<-nk & w t o Mary A Zonk. 3 a and. A1 r<ls in s\yM Sf'4 socSt. Me lien ry .^ i¥)6 Op .livrnh KoUterniel to Enima Williams, I a. M.llonry .:."13Q0a0 liiz/.ie VViitkU^;|et :tl to John Pint, It 3 " o'fsuhdvii KlKc ly.^McHi'tiry. w of river 1050WV W'il'SOM-!" Ildwcll t't. ill to Kv;i \V Howell: i.. • • a in soK sec 24,!Mo.Hlu)ry.. , ' ljjt' Same to^same. Its 1. 2, 3 & 4, blk S; Mc*"1-" Henry, E of'Elver.- I.W1 ' V. MARRIAGE LICENSES:- , Charles A- Ey, Mt. Pulaski.. ̂ . ... .28 Louisa Vonder Heide, Crystal Lake. .1,8 ....32 . . . . 2 0 . . . . 2 8 William Moody, Belvidere Bessie Loveridgje, Belvidere Chas. Evert, McHenry . Emma Laurence, Huntley i ... Peter J. Miller, McHenry Christina Schmidt, Johnsbnrgh. Fretl Walek, Crystal Lake.^..,. Anna Sohst, Crvstal Ijak6 . .. .21 .19 . s.28 . . .18 Feel tired, «o work or^ay and will disap ojliste, ^ ce: caller ' SPKINO GROVE. , Mrs.John Bell visited here Monday. Will Overton of Solon was in town Monday. Mrs. Lichty of Solon was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Ed. Hopper was a Chicago visit or Saturday. / •V Dwain Bell of Ringwood is visiting at Mrs. Neish's. Ben Kersting pf Charles City, IoWa, is visiting here. Miss Lillian Sanborne visited friends here Sunday. ^ Miss Alice Shotliff of Chicago visited here Tuesday. Robt. Westlake of Lake Villa visited here Tuesday. Mrs. W. C. Moss was a Fox Lake visitor Tuesday. Rev. Bly and wife of Chicago spent Easter Sunday here. The Easter dance Monday night .was <iuite well attended. James Westlake spent several days at Lake Villa last week. James Jackson and wife of Solon visited here Monday. Ad. Jackson and wife of Richmond were in town Sunday. *Roy Thompson of Ringwood was in town Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Selim Pierce were Rich mond visitors Saturday. Wade Sanborn returned from a trip thru the West Tuesday. Miss Ada Jackson of Solon visited at I. H. Churchill's Monday. James Bell and Wm. Rauen were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mrs. Joseph James and little sons of Beloit, Wis., are visiting here. Church services will be held in the M. E. church Sunday morning and evening hereafter. The Easter services in the M. E. church were fine and drew ont a large attendance. A strength tonic that brings rich^ red pod.' Makes you strong, healthy and tiye. That's what Hollister's Rocky loui^ftup Tea will do. 85 cents, Tea or •Tablets. G. W. Besley. £ to*" ^ The McHenry Maroons will crodfbats with the Woodstock High school team at 1£he ball park Saturday aftefnoon of this week. AdmissiofS to game 15 cents. was UAliKKVJ Bryant of Nu; here Monday. /, Clark Jac<|ibB-af Nul hereySaturday. Miss Anna Bolger school Wednesday. ClydeyBtarritt of Terra' Cotta caller here. Miss Lizzie Leinbke spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ulrich. Thos. Thompson spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Solon Mills. Miss Clara Thompson called on Miss Frances Fleming Thursday afternoon. Del Dassow of Greenwood has been recuperating at. I. N. Merchant's the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Walsh of Graye- lake called at I. N. Merchant's Satur day evening. . A new waltz entitled "Indian Sum iner" is meeting with favor in all parts of the country. It is by the late Wesley Wells, composer of the beautiful songs, My Mercedes" and "I Wait Alone for You." Every movement is melodious and catci|y and the title page is one o the most attractive ever placed on a piece of music. The music dealers throughout the country are handling it i in large quantities. j HOLCOM. B V Fred Davbll drove to Ringwood Sat | urday^ " ty^s Ruby Peck spent the first of the wefek ar^Elgin. F. M. J|eck of Cary visited "relatives here Saturday evening. ' ; v! | Mr. and,Mrs. Ben Pe<*k, Sfrt^.; A. P. ! eck andtwm, Pearlie, visited relatives ar Waikx)|ida-^unday. Misses Iva Hofftow^nd^ucy Cary of Spring Grove spen^irfouday and Toes- day at Mrs. 53. Ffreck s. The Plaindealer and Chicago Dail> Chronicle both for one year for #8.50. Mrs. S. A. her sis week. irish of Chicago' is visit- ar3t here this TAKE WINE*" CARDUI AT HOME Are you a sufferer? Has your doctor been cessful? Wouldn't you prefer to yourself--AT HOME? Nearly 1,500,000 women have bought Wine of Cardui from their druggists and have cured themselves at home, of such troubles as periodical, bearing down and ovarian pains, leucor- rhoea, barrenness, nervousness, dizziness, nausea and despond ency, caused by female weakness. These are not easy cases. Wine of Cardui cures when the doctor can't. Wine of Cardui does not irri tate the organs. There is no pain in the treatment. It is a sootning tonic of healing herbs, free from strong and drastic drugs. It is successful because it cures in a natural way. , Wine of Cardui can be bought from your druggist at fl.00 a bottle and you can begin this treatment today. W ill y°u try it? i In ca se s r e^u i r i n K special dlrt»ctu>nb3 address iriviu& symptoai»> Itu* Advisory Dtspt., the Ch.u.uooO Medicine Co., C^»«»noo«», •iilM Brothers Company SOME INTERESTING PRICES ON FANCY GROCERIES! Good Corn, 2K> can.. 5C Early June Peas, in C/ 21b cans Fancy Red Salmon, can. I0( Baked Beans, in 2ft> I5( I5( E5( cans. A Good Japan Tea per pound 2 lbs for 25c. Fancy Rio Coffee, per pound 2. lbs for 25c. Fancy Table Syrup gallon pail SALT FISH--all kinds Fancy White Fish.... ...12£ Fancy Mackerel12| Fancy Red Salmon... ..124 Fancy Cod Fish....., . .12£ Holland Herring..... ...074 Smoked Halibut....... . 15 Smoked White Fish.... Try a bag of the Celebrated GOLD HINE FLOUR Finest Flour in town. Only $1.48 per Bag! _-i>-Just a Word Regarding "Ciold Mine" Flour. This Flour we are selling with the understanding that it it is not the equal or better than any other Flour you have ever used, it is not to cost you one cent. We refund cost of Flour and you to keep the goods. Pretty good guarantee that "Gold Mine" will stand the test. Don't be humbugged into Saying more for your flour--Gold line is now selling for $1.48 per 50-lb. Bag with the Guarantee. ibert Bros. COMPANY. FOR... Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all binds we can not be equalled. We constantly have on hand as nice a line of fresh meats as can be found in the county. Call us up by 'phone or leave your order and it will be promptly filled. We want your patronage and will treat you right. JoKn Adams ®l Sons. West McHenry. M. OSTRANDER BUILDING, Telephone 415. ̂ MMMOMMOeMMMeeMNN PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. Ail shapes :uH sizes. Sev ern! priKifs 10 soltvt from, had* (loz- . en finished in different styles. Price, $U.OO and upward. Outdoor Work. \Ve have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work such as croup pictures, views of {.uilrtiitffs. cattle, machinery, etc. Copied, from any small picture. LiWtnie^ 'guaranteed Eivl&risinenis. in every instance. Finished in bhtclc and white or colors. Frames. A variety of styles In stock to solect from. ; Odd siies made up for any site picture, certificate, etc. Waukegaii St., near the Staiidpipe. WEST McHENRY. ILL. 493 If you want drugs, gp"to Peteech * j. r'