ABSOLUTELY NEEDLESS AGONY §M«e«l by Uterine Disorders and Cared by Lydia E. Piakbam's Vegetable Compound A great many women suffer with a 'form of indigestion or dyspepsia which . does not seem to yield to ordinary treat- incut. While the syioptoiiLB seem to be similar to those of ordinary indiges tion, yet the medicines universally pre scribed do not seem to restore the tient's normal condition. | Airs. At. JWrjght | Mrs. Finkham claims that there is ai kind of dyspepsia that is caused by a derangement of the female organism, " and which, while it causes a disturb ance similar to ordinary indigestion, cannot be relieved without a medicine which no* Only acts as a stomach tonic, but has peculiar uterine-tonic effects also. As proof of this theory we call at tention to the case of Mrs. Mafgie Wright, Brooklyn, N. Y., who was completely cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound after every thing else had failed. She writes: " For two years I suffered with dyspepda --•which so degenerated my entire system that I was unable to attend to my daily duties. I felt weak and nervous, and nothing that I ate tasted good and it caused a disturbance in my Stomach. I tried different dyspepsia cures, but nothing seemed to help me. I was mi- vised to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial, and was happily surprised to find that it acted like a fine tonic, and in a few days I began.to enjoy and properly digest my food. My recovery was rapid, ana in five weeks I was a well woman. I have rec ommended it to many suffering women." No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unquali fied endorsement,or has such a record of eores of female troubles, as has Lydia . EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. GUARD YOUR SECRETS BY U8INQ ROBINSON'S SECRET CIPHER. Insures correspondence, making It, though unsealed, absolutely blind without the "Key" as arranged by yon. Method fully explained. Set of 2 books, pocket •lxe, mailed for $1.00, or send stamp for particulars. 8. L. ROBINSON, Petoskey, Mich, I FWIS'SINGLE STRAIGHT 5* CIGAR BINDER titr- 1r. o o o . o o o Tour jobber, or direct from ractory, Peoria, 111. A, UNIVERSE ALL AUVE.~ * • ' , Luther Burbank's Beliefs All Against Materialism. I asked Mr. Burbank this question: "Has anything developed in your life work, and in your study of the great elemental forms of nature, to imperil true faith or render dead a belief in God or the immortality of the soul?" He answered: "My theory of the laws and underlying principles of plant creation is, in many respects, diamet rically opposed to the beliefs of the materials. I am a sincere believer in a higher power than that cf man. All my investigations have led me away from the idea of a dead, material uni verse, tossed about by various forces, to that of a universe which is abso lutely all force, life, soul, thought, or whatever name we may choose to call it. Every atom, molecule, plant, ani mal, or planet is only an aggregation of organized unit forces held in place by stronger forces, thus holding them for a time latent, though teeming with inconceivable power. All life on our planet is,;'so to speak, Just on the outer fringe of this infinite ocean of force. The universe is not half dead, but all alive.--^William S. Harwood, in Century. t "" For Growing Girl*. West Pembroke, Me., April 24.-- Mrs. A. L. Smith, of this place, says that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the best remedy for growing girls. Mrs. Smith emphasizes her recommendation by the following experience: "My daughter was thirteen years old last November and it is now two years since she was first taken with Crazy Spells that would last a week and would then pass off. In a month she would have the spells again. At these times she would eat very little and was very yellow; even the whites of her eyes would be yellow. "The doctors gave us no encourage ment, they all said they could not help her." After taking one box of Dodd'B Kidney Pills, she has not had one bad spell. Of course, we continued the treatment until she had used in all about a dozen boxes, and we still give them to her occasionally, when she is not feeling well. Dodd's Kidney Pills are certainly the^/best medicine for growing $rls." Mothers should heed the advice of Mrs. Smith, for by so doing, they may save their daughters much pain and sickness and ensure a healthy, happy future for them. Some mien, according to a woman, writer, can be conquered with tears, while it is necessary to use a hatpin on others. When You Buy Starch bay Defiance and get the best, 1# oa» tor 10 cents. Once used, always used. If the office has no salary attached It is obliged to seek the man. BUSYBODIES VS. TRUTH. Here Tire The Facts»Judge For Yourself. Busybodies who see in success only falsity, who, without making an effort to inform themselves, blatantly cry offense against honesty and truth--seem to forget that a slur against Dr. Pierce's well-known non-alcoholic family remedies is a slur against the intelligence of thousands of clear-thinking American women who know they have been helped and cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is not a "patent medicine "in the true meaning of the worji--it is simply the favorite remedy which Dr. Pierce used in an extended practice for the treatment of the diseases of women. A name for honesty and square dealing is better than great riches. Fraud is a bubble that soon bursts. Dr. R. V. Pierce has always been known to apeak the truth--liis famous medicines are founded on the rock of public approval and have thousands of truthful testimonials as to their ability to cure diseases for which they are recommended. No man ever lost a prospective customer through telling the truth. In the long run Dr. Pierce believea the truth will prevail and he is therefore not afrai&to make public his formula. Truth and Influence. True Speaking. Valuable Trade Secrets. The ingredients of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is here given to the public. He vnKlic»tes"TlTe excel lence and harmless character of his "Prescription" by letting the sick and ailing women know just what they are taking when they use this reliable tonic and nervine for the diseasea and illnesses peculiarly feminine. These ingredients are combined in just the right proportion to make an efficient remedy without the use of a particle of alcohol. N on-Alcoholic.* Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription combines a non alcoholic extract from the following medicinal plant* scientifically prepared by experienced chemists at the laboratory of the. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.: - LADY'S SLIPPER {Cypripediutn Pubtscens). BLACK COHOSH (Cimicifuga Racemosa). UNICORN ROOT (Cham&lirium Luteum). BLUE COHOSH (Caulophyllum Thalidroides)'. GOLDEN SEAL (Hydrastis Canadensis). ytIC A r K8T AT1S. Michigan Farms and Farm Lands--I bare for •ale good Michigan farms In tracts of 40 acres up at Frices from »10 to »35. Money-making prices, which can sell on rery easy terms. Write me what you desire and receive by return mall full description of what will suit you. D.W.Richardson, Standish.Mich. Real Estate for. Sale. LdTntwen™" bula Co., Ohio. 40 acres cleared, the rest covered with beech and maple timber all In good condition. Good roads, school, telephone and rural delivery. Terms reasonable. Is. Bogue, Agricultural College. Michigan. CAR CII T 640 acres 40 miles west of Fargo, N.D.> rlin OSbfc 3 miles from market, no waste laud. •11 prairie. Good house of six rooms, barn 28x48 with shed Hx 18, other out buildings, good flowing well, SCO acres seeded to wheat, oats and flax, balance pas ture and meadow. Price t2T>.000 on easr terms. Write KAXH1HKK A. AUSTIN CO., Owners, Decatur. 111. Beltrami Co., Minn. Lend Snaps--Wanted25 parties to Join In buying up a 4,000 acre choice hard wood timber tract 1 Ji to 4 miles from It}. Good settle ment. Blrchwood will twice pay for land. "Wholesale price 14.50 per acre, each to pay il50 on his selection of 160 acres, balance in five annual payments at 6%. Regular retail price t~toi7,5i> per acre, other lands from *3.75 to tlO per a. Selkce Land Co., Bemidji.Minn. ONE OF IViY BARGAINS--405 acres Linn Co.. Mo., 5-room house, nearly all in tame grass, some heavy timber, tine springs, good well, orchard. Price $85 per acre. Liberal terms. If you have property for sale or exchange anywhere I can sell It or get you quick trade. "Write me description and price. If you want to buy .tell me your wants. I can save you money. Otto O. Maurer, SSI Century Bldg., Kansas City, Ho. PLEASANT THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor says it acts gently on the stomach, liver and kidneys and is a pleasant laxative. This drink is made from herbs, and is prepared for oie mm fiit Ui. It is-called ^Lane's Tea" or M LANE'S FAMILY MEDICINE .All draicgirita -- -- by mail35 et*. uUy n lo aaj. l.&nr*« Family Ms-dh-u,,. bowels each «tav. In order to be healthy this is --o--my.' Addraaa, O. F. Woodward, Le Boy, H.Y. Buy it to Farm and City Properties for sale, (easy terms), In most ferille part of Kock Blver vallev, around Sterling, III.,a growing town of 10^000 Inhabitants. Government dam to supply Hennepin canal feeder, best water power In Illinois. Manufactures employ 2,000 men. City and Inter- urban cars In operation and two more lines being constructed. VTe also handle Minnesota, Texas and P«Cos Valley lands. Oreenough * Gait, Sterling, III. mn a at p Farms and town properties; some ex- rill* dHloE. ceptional bargains; can arrange easy terms if desired. Tell us what you want and location dfealred. Properties sold everywhere In the United States. If you have a property for sale or exchange, we can find yon a buyer or the property you desire, and arranue terms to suit both parties. Write us for fall information. WESTMORELAND REAL ESTATE St LOAN CO., Avonmore, Pa. CAB 4AI P Virgin and sawmill timber land tn rUfl aflLw tracts from 2.000 to 140,000 acres. Large hardwood tracts; improved farm lands; turpen tine farms Good milling end lumber investments, Brick business. Write A. M. MoKinnon, Geneva, Ala. .A. PIT & PTTLESS SCALES. For Steel and Wood Frames, $25 and op. Write . before you buy. We save you money. Also Pumps and Wind Mills. BECKMAN >ROS., Do Moists, Iowa. IMPORTANT FACTS FOR COW OWNERS The mechanical Cream Separator has become a vital feature of every home dairy just as of every butter factory. Its use means much more and much better cream and butter, as well as saving of water, ice, time and room. The difference in results is not small but big. Few cows now pay without a separator. Dairying is the most profit able kind of farming with one. 98# of the creamery butter of the world is now made with De Laval machines, and there are over 600,000 farm users besides. Send for catalogue and name of nearest local agent. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO. mmm Elevated Wagon Platform. . In spraying it is often impossible^to reach the upper foliage of the tree. This is particularly in evidence with large trees, and trouble comes even with the medium sized ones. Spray ing to be effective must necessarily cover every leaf and branch of the tree treated. To enable the men to get the spray over all the tree an ele vated spraying outfit was built, a dia gram of which Is shown in the accom panying cut. \ The bed pieces "a" should be of the best selected timber oak or ash, two inches thick by ten or twelve inches wide and either sixteen or eighteen feet long. The longer the better, ex cept for short turning, as length pre vents lifting up front when elevated platform is only half up and one or more men are working in the "cage." The end pieces are of the same ̂ ma terial, long enough to fit in between side pieces so that frame is proper width for wagon standards. It is well to chain the frame to rear bolster. The upright pieces, "c," are of 2x4-Inch hardwood, 14 feet long, fastened by % or %-inch bolts to the bed pieces as shown at "I," and by half-Inch bolts to the bottom or floor frame of the elevated platform. These pieces "b" are of 2x4-inch stuff, or heavier, and the corner posts of 2x2-inch, and the railings of lx2-lnch stuff. The adjustment is arranged for by the two pieces, "d," bolted to the bed frame, as are "c," "c," and extending to the forward part of the elevated platform. One-half inch holes, "f," are bored at convenient intervals In "d" to allow a graded adjustment by bolting to "c," as shown at "e." A rod run through from side to side at the point of adjustment, "e," has proven more serviceable than single bolts on each side, making the Jrame steadier. Cross pieces may be nailed on the front of forward uprights for man to mount platform. The barrel and pump are placed on the front end of the wagon platform. Any sort of boards or planks may be provided for the floo,r. The spraying hose passes from the barrel to the elevated plat form where it is handled by one or more men. An awning or other ar rangement may be placed over the man or men working the pump to pre vent them from being continually soaked with the dripping or falling spray. This platform is found useful, as well, in whitewashing the dairy and other buildings, inside and out, permitting an adjustment, as it does, of from^ fourteen feet high 10 the height of the wagon bolster.--R. M. Winans, in Farmers' Review. RaMlolph A Canal Stg. CHICAGO 7* CortlaiMlt Stratf NEW YORK Home Market for Fruit. The days of spring are lengthening and we will soon be putting different kinds of fruit on the market. I wish to say a few words to readers of the Farmers' Review relative to the sell ing of fruit. I have found that the most satisfactory way to pack fruit is to have it uniform throughout. This is a source of satisfaction to the seller as well as to the buyer. I always try to watch my fruit and have it packed at the time it is just right for eating. As I am selling fruit in a small way, it is very easy to do this. Of course if I were shipping my fruit it would be impossible. Then the fruit, whether strawberries or other kinds, would have to be picked while partly green. I find it very easy to hold a market against any outside fruit, as the lat ter has to be shipped in from a dis tance and thus always lacks the flavor of fruit ripened while still in contact with the vine or twig on which it grew. I think the surest way of mak ing money out of fruit is to endeavor to compete with the shlpped-ln fruit I can always get a considerable mar gin over that kind of fruit. This may not seem much of a matter, but it is really a great one. I get, say, five cents for a box of strawberries when the out-of-town berries are bringing but four. That is an advance of 25 per cent, and in the course of a sea son's sellings it becomes a big Item. Besides, it is all profit I sort the fruit so that all of about the same size is In the same box or package. The smallest fruit is used for canning or disposed of in soma •way that will not injure the general market. No unsound fruit is ever al lowed to get into the packages. Most of my selling is done through the local grocers. It does not pay me to try to carry on a retail business over their heads, and I treat all alike. They have to live.--Albert Bates, DuPage County, 111., in Farmers' Review. CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. Soilrng System. There are any number of farms in America where the soiling system Is the best to follow, and those farms are on high-priced lands. There are more farms where it still pays better to pasture than to cut, feed and carry to the cows in summer time, because the land is still low in price in most sections of the country. As the land increases in value the practice of soil ing must increase. • System on the Dairy Farm. ' Following a system is necessary on the dairy farm. One of our best creamery men says that he tries to follow exactly the same procedure every day, as by so doing time can be saved. There is no loss in debat ing if this or that shall be done first Besides, the cows get used to a cer tain way of doing things and seem to give more milk when there is no change in the method* o£^artng for and feeding them. When the Back Aches and Bladder Troubles Set In, Get at the Cautfe. Don't make the mistake of believing back ache and bladder ills to be local ailments. Get at the cause and cure the kidneys. Use D o a n ' s K i d n e y Pills, which ha^e cured thousands. Captain S. D. Hunter, of En gine No. 14, Pitts burg, Pa., Fire Department, and residing at 2729 W y l i e a v e n u e , &r says: "It was three years ago that I used Doan's Kidney Pills for an attack Of kidney trouble that was mostly back ache, and they fixed me up fine. There is no mistake about that, and if I should ever be troubled again I would get them first thing, as I know what they are." For sale by all dealers. ' Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn CO., Buffalo, N.Y. Feats of the Photographer. Photography has caught the fastest express train in motion by means of the cinematograph, and it also shows the growth of a flower., A bud which bursts into bloom in, sayTMxteen days is exposed to a camera every fifteen minutes during the sixteen days, and when the pictures developed from the films are assembled in order in the moving picture machine" the observer may see to his delight, all In a min ute or two, the gradual breaking of the bud--the blossoms open, close by night, and reopen in the morning, the leaves^ grow under the eye, the sta mens peep from cover, and. finally, the full-blown flower.--Philadelphia Ledger. Every housekeeper «n»nid know that if they will buy Defiance Oold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time, because -It never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 16 oz.--one full pound--while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in K-pound pack ages. and the price is the same, 1') cents. Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all Injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to «ell you a 12-oz. package i. is because he ha* a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed! on every package in large let ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron stick ing. Defiance never sticks. A Heavy Fine. Under the Elkins law, any railroad company which pays rebates in any form, or any shipper who accepts them, is liable to a fine of from $1,000 to $20,000, upon conviction. It also prohibits the carrying of freight at less than the published tariffs. The Interstate Commerce Commission is empowered, to detect and prosecute violators of this statute. President Knapp of the Commission states that since this law was passed, rebate pay ing "has been as rare as forgery. WORTHY OF RUFUS CHOATE. Poverty's Baneful Gift to Wealth< "People who are well to do have no business to have consumption at all. It is not generated in that class, but is conveyed to them, and there ought to be a means of protecting the community in this respect," said Sir William Broadbent, the eminent phy sician, at the annual meeting of the National Association for the Preven tion of Consumption, yvhich took place in London recently. There is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put tnnether, and until the last tew years was supposed to be incurable. For a prest many years doctors pronounced It a local dlscn^o and prescribed local remedies, and by comtantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional dis ease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. .1 Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to a traspoonful. It acts dlrecilv on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any ease It (alls to cure. Send (or circulars and testimonials. Address; F. J. CHENEY * CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by DrutrSflst". "Sc. - Take Hall's Family l'llls for constipation. Venezuelan Statesman's Career. Gen. Alejandro Ybarra, Venezue lan minister of foreign affairs, has lived in the United States almost as long as in his native country, and is married to an American woman, daughter of Judge Thomas Russell, a former minister from this country to Venezuela. The general resided for many years in Boston, where his wife's family lived a long time. He has gained some distinction as an author. Important to Mothers. Szamlne carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature St UM For Over 30 Years. Ilia Kind Yon Have Alwajri Bought Where Eggs and Paint Differ. Yeast--I notice that it id fresh paint which always smells strongest. Crimsonbeak--Yes. It's different with eggs. Try One Package. If "Defiance Starch" does not please you, return it to your dealer. If It does you get one-third more for the same money. It will give you satis faction. and will' not stick to the Jron. Accounting J p r lt*-» First Actor--Still in the legitimate, is he? Second Actor--Certainly. Hasn't had a chance to get into vaudeville. . The Best Results In Starching can be obtained only by using: De fiance Starch, besides getting 4 oa. more for same money--no cooking re quired. If you have horse sense you should know when to say neigh. pK. K. a. KJLIMX, Ltd., 831 Arch Street, Philadelphia, F» What three women know the whole neighborhood knows. Hrs. Window's Soothln* Syrap. For children teething, softens the gnms, Temioct tfr gemmation, allayepaBi, cures wind oollo. Mcabottla. No house is dark in which a little child smiles. "Dr. David Kennedys Itovorlt* eared my wife of a terrible disease. WUh to It* m&rrelous effloacy." J. Sweet, s Bcmsdy 5. The garden is a health promoter. Senator Blcon's Sesquipedal ity Never Excelled in Congressional History. To Senator Bacon of Georgia is ascribed the credit of evolving the most marvelous sentence ever emitted in debate in the Senate. It was when the agricultural bill was up. Bacon reeled this ^combination of words off when discussing the syrup question* It is asserted that no man can parse the sentence and that only Bacon could have emitted it without falling by the wayside. Read: "The Senator will probably remem-,' ber that last year when this matter was before the Senate we had some little colloquy about it-and I tried to explain to the Senate that the purpose of this appropriation was to endeavor by experiments on the part of the gov ernment to determine upon a process which, when generally used, would re sult in such a uniformity of produc tion as would enable the article to be come an article of general merchan dise, or, rather, generally marketable, explaining, as I did, all the time, that .while this syrup has been made for a century all through that part of the country, and successfully, it wa? made simply by farmers for their own use and for a little local consumption, So that almost as many different proc esses were used and as many differ ent producers; that in consequence when an article of the , kind was put upon the market nobody knew what that particular article was without sampling it, and it was the design of the department to establish a plant by which a regular standard process should be inaugurated and so general ly become known throughout the coun try that it would be generally adopted and the product would be of a uniform character." Piatt as an "Easy Boss." A disjpute has arisen as to the origin of the title "Easy Boss" applied to Senator Piatt. The phrase was origin ated by Senator Piatt and was first published in the New York Evening Sun in January, 1895. Mayor Strong had been in the office a few days and had refused to take orders from Rev. Charles H. Parkhurst. The doctor gave out a long statement, in which he said that "Boss Piatt" was running the city government. When asked by a reporter to reply to the Parkhurst statement Senator Piatt chuckled and said: "I am an.easy boss if I am boss. I do. not say to this man, 'You must come,' or to that man, "You shall go."' The interview with the senator was published under this headline: "I'm an Easy Boss, says Piatt." That originated the title of Easy Boss. TORTURING HUMOUR. Body a Mass of Sores--Treated by Three Doctors but Grew Worse --Cured by Cuticura for 75c. "My little, daughter was a mass of sores all over her body. Her face was eaten away, and her ears looked as if they would drop off. I called in three doctors, but fehe grew worse Neighbors advised Cuticura, and be fore I had used half of the cake of "soap and box of ointment the sores had all healed, and my little one's skin was as clear as a new-born babe's. I would not be without Cuti cura again if it cost five dollars, In stead of seventy-five cents, which is all it cost us to cure our baby. Mrs G. J. Steese, 701 Coburn St., Akron, Ohio." The Cruelty of Art. "I would like to have you paint a portrait of my mother-in-law," said Joshlyn to the artist. "But before you do it I must ask you one ques tion." "Very well, I am at your service, ' replied the artist running his fingers through his long hair. "I want to know if you are going to insist on this tomfoolery about 'holding the mirror up to nature?'" "Certainly. Every artist owes that to his art and himself." "Well, then you and I can't talk business. The artist who paints this picture has got to cut out that taunt ing smirk in my mother-in-law's face. Good morning."--Exchange. Nervous School Children. Statistics gathered by various School Boards, show that a large per centage of school children suffer from different forms of nervousness, mild or exaggerated. Some showed a ten dency to melancholy, others mental depression, and many the nervous twitchings of mild chorea, or St. Vitus' dance. Most of these troubles can be overcome by. proper food, sufficient sleep, and Dr. Caldwell's (laxative) Syrup Pepsin. It is a universal chil dren's mediefne, because, if good food is eaten, it insures that the food is properly digested and Indigestion And nerve poisons properly thrown out. It is pleasant to take, and safe and sure in results. Try it. Sold by all druggists- at 50c and $1.00. Money back if it fails. Her First Attempt. Mr. Newhub--What's this you've been trying to make? Mrs. Newhub (dolefullyV--An angel cake, but it wouldn't rise. lyir. Newhub^-Ah, a fallen angel cake, eh? • CUBAN MINISTER £ U. 8 . Recommends Pe-ru-na. JX -hi Senor Quesada, Cuban Minister to the United States. 8enor Quesada. Cuban Minister to the United States, is an orator born. I> an article in The Outlook for July, 1399, by George Kennan, who heard Qtresad* speak at the Esteban Theatre, Matanzas, CulVa, he said: "I have seen many audiences under the spell of eloquent speech aitd in the grip of strong emotional excitement; but I have rarely witnessed such a scene as at the close of Quesada'* eulogy upon the dead patriot, Marti." In a letter to The Peruna Medicine Conor pany, written from Washington, D. C., Senor Quesada says: "Perun/f / can recommend as a very good medi cine. It is an excellent strengthening tonic, and it is also an efficacious cure for the almost universal complaint of catarrh. '*--Qonzalo De Quesada. Congressman J. H. Bankhead, of Ala bama, one of the most influential mem bers of the House of Representatives, in a letter written from Washington, D. gives his endorsement to the great catarrh remedy, Peruna, in the following words: "Your Peruna Is one ot the best medic!net / ever tried, and no family should be without your remarkable remedy, /ts a tonic and catarrh cure I know ot nothing hatter."--J. 'ffi- Bankhead. There is but a single medicine which is a radical specific for catarrh. It is Peruna, which has stood a half century test and cured thousands of cases. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman. giving » full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad» vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of , The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. All correspondence held strictly C confidential. ' Facts Are Stubborn Things ' n'Mfri O Uniform excellent quality fol? OV6f a quarter Of a century lias steadily increased the sales of LION COFFEE, The leader of all package coffees. lion Coffee is now used in millions of homes. Such popular success speaks for itself. It is a positive proof that LION COFFEE has tho Confidence of the people. The uniform quality of LION COFFEE survives all opposition. LION COFFEE keepa Its old friends Ud makes new ones every day. LION COFFEE has even more than Its Strength. Flavor and! Qual ity to commend it. On arrival from the plantation, it is carefully roast ed at our factories and securely packed in 1 lb. sealed packages* and not opened again until needed for use in the home. This precludes the possibility of adulteration or contact with germs, dirt* dust, Insects or unclean hands. The absolute purity of LION COFFEE Is therefore guaranteed to the consumer. Sold only in 1 lb. packages. Lion-head on every package. Save these Lion-heads for valuable premiums. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO.. Sensible Housekeepers vrlll have Defiance Starch, not alone 'because they get one-third more for the same money, but also because of superior quality. It is true that the man who invented the gold brick is dead, but a new pur chaser is born every minute. Every man may have-his price, hut it differs greatly^from what his neigh bors think he is worth. Do Your Clothes Look Yellow? Then use Defiance Starch, it will keep them white--16 oz. for 10 cents. It's a mistake to marry too young, but it's a mistake that isn't repealed. I do not believe Piso's Cure for Consumption jui equal for coughs and colds.--JOHS F. BOYKK, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15,1900. Alabasiine Your Walls The most desirable thing in wall covering is opacity (covering power). Next to that is ease of application. In both of these Alabasiine stands pre-eminent. Then there are other points--the firmness, the perman ence, the binding qualities, and it is mixed with clear, pure water. Ala- bastino is not dependent on sour paste, nor smelley glue to bind it to the w^ll, it is an Alabaster cement that sets on the wall. It is the purest, the nicest, the best wall covering made. The most beautiful color effects, the most beautiful color schemes, the most beautiful designs are possible in Alabastine. ALABASTINE is specially suitable for church and school house work. Write «s for color ideas for such work. The best dealers sell it. If yours doesn't, send us his name and we'll see that you are supplied. ALABASTINE COMPANY Grant Ave>, Grand Rapids, Mich. • •••New York Office, 105 Water St.aaai S'ffP yon 4 nfjGLAS UNION [vf MADE We can forgive a great deal in the man who minds his own business. Defiance Starch Is put up 16 ounces In a package, 10 cents. One-third more starch for the same money. Success ill used is the ruin of any man.--Dr. Joseph Parker. EXCURSIONS mm TO THE Free Grant Lands OF Western Canada. During the months of March and April, there will be excursions on the various lines of rail way to the Canadian West. Hundreds of thousands of acres of the best Wheat and Grazing Lands on the Continent free to the settler. Adjoin ink' lands may be purchased from rail way and land companies at reasonable prices. For information as to route, cost of transpor tation etc., apply to Superintendent of Immi gration. Ottawa, Canada, or to authorized Can adian Government Agent--C. J. Broujrhton, Room <30 Quiuey Bldtf-, Chicago, 111.; W. H. Rogers, third floor. Traction Terminal Blag-, Indianapolis, Ind.: T. O. Currie, Koom tt C&llaban Block. Milwaukee. Wis. W. L. S0USLAB JLKO T.TJ MOSS MEN'S F3.M SHOES THAK AXT 0THEK MASVFACTUXXa XH IBS WOBU. SlO.OOO REWARD to Mr can disprort tlili itiTiunt W. T.. Doaek« $3.50 shoes are th« greatest (ttilers In o«n»e of their etcellont asftsssa: those that rost >nly <ilf- fer, and SSI # _ and superior weari _ Tlivy ar<» jiint as k<k»1 as those from S5.00 to ST.OO. The It'ifiu-o in the W. I- , S:*.50 nhiM's «>ost mure to make. tlivir l«?tt*»r. wear longer, _ art* of vuliitt than any other *•'1 ••*><» sliuM <>n the in arket to-day. Iiousla* K«araiitee» th«?ir value by •t inipliiit lils name and prlof on the bottom of each shoe. Look, for It. Take no substitute. W. I.. I'ousLi* S3.M shoes are sold through liis own retail stores In the principal cities, and by shite dealers everywhere. No matter where you live, w. L. Douglas uuw* are ivithiu your reach. " Tho Best I £V«p Mform." **/ teritf to s/iy that I hare trorn tour .V shoes for the past five P u •<. avj Ant them lie best I ev*r icore.'*-- Rev. Prank T. fixpislt, wis £ast JeSerton St., Zouur lilt. Ay, Boys wear W. L. Dougrlas }2.J0«nd $2 iMS shoes because they fit better, hold their shape and wear longer than other makes ir. I.. /><!*(ji ts uses iWoua Coltsim in His S3.S> shoes, i". rv«J iVir !-> c-.t "J:J i-J He the finest patent leather produced. Fast Color I: ye lets will not irear brass r. W. r„ Pouclan has the lantoat shoo mail v>rd»-r fcnsiru11^ la the world. No troubif to a Ht bv mail. 2S c«»ut4 extra i>n?i>uys delivery. If you desire further Information, >mtt ,'jr JllustroteJ ( of Spring Style*. W. L. DOUGLAS, BncfclM. rfass. * W. N. u. .T.j CHICAGO, No. 17, 1906. WHEN YOU VISIT CHICAGO STOP AT Lenox European Hotel >55-259 8. Clark Street (Near FostoOet) Comfortable Steam-Heated Koom», ®Oc, 78c, SI. 8fMial Katea by Weak. MAX TYKOB. Maaager. BBSE time C O N S U M P T I O N f In OB TTO GrouidFltor! ACT HOW!'!! The Colorado Nevada Miueo ha*70 • of the richest, must valuable !i.:uor»l taad ts» tka Oolddeld district, aud la order to dc»<.*!• '< this i nlflceut property and #tart to sMpptng a date aa po*sloie. they have decided t*' eh»resof their treasury nu>ckou tfie market i extremely low flsure ct 3 cents per ihara. TkfcH wilt booh sell il 10c add higher. ThU 1* the opportunity to ••care aa Indep Income wltfe but aa extremely am all I your part. & Write for prospectus and details AT ONCK, Coloiadr tioJdtield Inireel meat t'om|> Ball* 18, Murrnaudie JUdg.. * nap • V mi;