MAPLE CITY m NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Why is it that bo many women write us they cannot get the same results from other soap? Try it and yon will know. Plain and fancy China f r o i u . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . Tin and Granite from............ ......... ; ALSO GLASSWARE. -• Big Bargains M our. .J|c and toe Tables :hool Stationery and a nice; line of Caddies always on hand, ' iMmniinMiiMiminnmimsmiHiBnii aw< Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplier, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and: Geoeril BlicksmitHinf v Prices ilwiys Reasonable •MDHMM MiiinimiMwanwMmmMMMMg Machine Oil a Specialty. friiklfe U^tnifl* Rod Works! I am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more than $500. Call and get full particulars. i Haj-per Rye * "On Every Tongue." Delightfully rich In flavor; charmingly smooth to the taste; uni versally cherished by connoisseurs. SOLD BY LEADING DEALER^. * m *t« * m * * m m m m * #» m m m m m * . . . . „ ̂ ^ , 1 1 mi P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THK SALE OF . Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, • Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs $ § I § This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on y, application M COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAOO, ILLINOIS. $ Stall l & 3, Fulton St. K Wholesale Market. ft a M AT THE CASH STORE Holland Milchner Herring, per keg Pumpkin, per can Table Pears, per can Table Peaches, per can Fancy Red Salmon, per pound can Fancy Lima Beans, per can Good Japan Tea . Bras Soap, (i bars for Onion Sets, red, white or yellow, per quart -- Sweet Peas, per pound... " Try my Coffees, they are always good. West -r • 80 % 07 i? .10 £ .15 .18 # .10 $ .20 1$ 25 £ .05 fe< • 25 & fi McHenry, III. S5S8I*SS®». c Cut in Rates California and Back The Santa Fe will run first- class excursions, Chicago to California, on certain days, April to August. Fare out and back about half the usual price. You may^go on luxurious California Lim ited and visit Grand Canyon. AlltheWay Ask Santa Fe agent at 109 Adan& ^t., Chicago, for all the facts, 45-fit instant control bntioMB Chicago Telephone TELEPHONE TOUX Frank Dowell was a Volo caller Sun- day. Simon Stoffel was a Volo calier last week. L. A. Hnson was a pleasant caller Sunday. - Lee Strang called on friends te town Sunday. Mrs. John Rosirig was in the city Monday Wm. Frost was a Round Lake caller Saturday. Herbert Howard of Grant spent Fri day in town. Chris Sable was in McHenry oA busi ness Saturday. Mrs. S. Shield and nephew were Volo callers Friday. Mr. Knipple of Nunda was a Volo caller recently. Mrs. G. Townsend of Grant spent Friday in town. A. B. Combs of Fort Hill was a Volo caller Saturday. Miss Rose Huson spent Saturday aud Sunday at home. D. Dick was a pleasant caller at A. Geary's last week. , Joseph Peter Kort of Graysiake was in town this week. • „ Bernard Rosing of Round Lake was a Volo caller Friday. , Mrs. Joseph Plomin of Gnrnee was » Volo caller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dillon are visiting relatives in Chicago. A. E. Kirwan of Wauconda was a Volo caller recently. Mrs. Derta of Fremont was in town on business this week. Wm. Vanderboom and wife attended church at Volo Sunday. Mr. and Mfs. Wm. Rosing of Round Lake spent Sunday in Volo. Rev. Cross and daughter of Waucon da were Volo callers Friday. Miss Sarah Nicbolls is spending a few days with relatives in Chicago. Mr. Spencer of Wauconda spent Thursday at the Volo creamery; Messrs. Gift, Ettinger and Dunnill spent Wednesday in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker; and son, Walter, spent Sunday at Ivanhoe. Theo. Wortz of Buffalo called on friends and relatives here Sunday. Misses Anna Miller and Dell Converse of Fremont spent Sunday in town. Wedding bells are again to ring in our little burg. Let them ring on. Lon Fox and daughter Sarah of Round Lake spent Sunday at S. J. Russell's. Misses Maud Walton and Hellen Ray mond were Graysiake callers Sunday. John Kretschmer and sister of Grays lake called on relatives at Volo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huson and daugh ter, Marion, spent Wednesday in Chi- cago. Messrs. Win. Frost and Herbert How ard called ou friends at Wauconda Sun day evening. Miss Nettie Russell spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Sarah Fox at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing spent Sun day with their daughter, Mrs. Mike Hertel, at Fremont Center. Messrs. Lawrence Magneson, S. Tar rant and Otto Arveyson of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at G. B. Rosing's. Mesdames C. G. Huson and A. S. Raymond, Misses Maud Walton and Hellen Raymond were Chicago callers last week. Free tests and examination of eyes at the office of Dr. Ross, McHenry, Tues day, May 16, by Miss* Emmert the well known expert optician. Monday evening Chas Roqadeutscb- er was leading a horse to water when it became unmanageble trying to get away. Charles became entangled in the rope and was thrown against a hitching post with such force as to break his leg between the knee and hip, but he is get ting along nicely at thetpresent writing. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Martin A. Howell, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Martin A. Howell, deceased, late of the Comity of Mc Henry and State of Illinois, hereby ifives no tice that, he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstwk. :it the July term, on the first Monday in July next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to at tend for the purpose of hav-Htg the same adjusted. All persons indettted to said Estate are request ed to make immediate payment to the under signed. Dated this 24t h day of April, A. D. 1905. 44-3t Martin A. Howell, Administrator. JOHNSBURGEf. George Nell had quite a few boarders Snnday. < - Mrs. John Mertes visited Mrs, Hetter man Sunday. 1 Mrs. Susan Freund visited at' Mrs. John Pitzen's Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lay were visit ing at Peter Deidrich's Sunday. Miss Barbara Adams of Spring Grove was a Johnsburgh-caller Sunday. Miss Lena Miller visited at her cous in's-, Miss Susie Freund's, Sunday. Miss Gertie Althoff is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Lizzie Tonion, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Peter May of Spring Grove were Johnsburgh callers on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lay of Spring Grove visited Johnsburgh friends Snn day. Mr. and Mrs.. Nick Weber of Spring Grove visited Mr. and Mm. Debrecht Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Freund and children visited at Jacob Schumacher's Sunday. Miss Theressa Barbian of McHenry visited Miss Annie Adams Saturday and Snnday. John Miller and children and Mrs. Susan Freund visited at Nick Weber's at McHenry Sunday. Mrs. John Smith and son, Father John Smith, of Aurora attended the Smith-Miller wedding Wednesday. Jos. Huemann put up a windmill for his brother, Jac., Tuesday, and will put up another for John Freund next week. Mrs. Math Bauer of Chicago, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Britz, for a few days, returned to her- home kM onday. Are you suffering with your eyes? Have them examined Tuesday, May U$, by Miss Emmert the'expert optician, at the office of Dr. Ross, McHenry. You need not buy unless you wish. Exami nations are free. . • • HARNESS i$ hard on a Horse und pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shaj^-fefiff Ttris^-ef^such poor quality that it wears out befor^givin^ an adequate return for its cqst. Our Harness is of the other sort. ^ Lasts longer thair-the- horse will. ^ Made of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit. Strain^s equally divided and every Kp&rt equal to the strain. Costs no more than "cheaf>" Don't let the children suffer. If they are fretful, peevish and cross, give them Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. The best baby tonic known. Strength and health follow its use. 85 cents. G. W. Besley. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the very Beat. "I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to say it is the best cough medicine I have ever taken," says Geo. L. Chubb, a merchant of flar- lan, Mich. There is no question about its being the best, as it will cure a cough or cold in less.time than any other treat ment. It should always be kept in the house ready for instant use, for a cold can be cured in less time when prompt ly treated. For sale by all druggists. KINO WOOl). LeRoy Peet has reshingled his mill. Howard S. Waterman is on the sick list. . Harold Whiting will work for Will Dodge this summer. - < Will Kelly is assisting Bradley & Foes in their store this week. Several from here attended the show at McHenry Sunday evening. Ray Merchant of Barreville was on our streets last Friday evening. " J. V. Buckland has been setting ont shade trees at the Bay the past week. Miss Edith Tuttle can be found be hind the counter at Brown's drugstore. Geo. Stoddard of Coral is visiting at the home of C. E H. Tuttle this week. Mr.- and Mrs. Orin Wheeler are the happy parents of a baby girl, born Bun day, May 7. Jas. Conway has finished drilling a well at the stock yards and is now drill ing one for J. S. Brown. Harold Bennett and sister, Miss Mar garet, visited with friends at Racine, Wis , last Snnday and Monday. John Pint is having his blacksmith shop (formerly owned by Geo. Hagen), torn down, with the intention of mov ing it to McHenry. The W. C. T. U. convention which was held in Woodman hall Thursday and Friday of last week proved satisfac tory in every way. John H% Freund will erect an up-to date barn on his farm on German Prai rie in the near future. The\size of the structure is not known at th& writin, Warren Foss took in the sights of E gin Sunday and became so interests that he missed the train and therefore- had to wait until Monday morning to come home. Of course, he found an excuse. / J. H. Parks was in Nunda Tuesday- Mrs. R. Reed was in Carpentersville Monday. ( ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reed were in Woodstock Sunday." ' " Chas. Smith of Oak Park - visited his mother the first o£ the week. W. Wieland and W. J. Garrison weh} in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs- E- Smith and Miss Mabel Skin ner were at Terra Cotta Monday. Mrs. F. W. Hartman and Miss Bessie Reed were in Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Goddard and daughter, Etta, visited friends at Greenwood Sunday. Mrs. Anna Hunt and daughter of Elgin visited at R. L. Dufield's Sunday. Mrs. D. Kline entertained her sister and family from Beloit, Wis., the past week. E. W. Merchant and son, Derwood, of Richmond visited last week with J.^ B. Lynch and family. K W. A. Garrison, wife and daughter, Hazel, spent Sunday with Mrs:"Wester man at Greenwood, A. StephenseS and son, Chauncey, visited with E. Lester and family near Greenwood Sunday. J. Still arrived here from California Monday morning; reporting Ridgefield as nice a piace as can be found any where. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Conerty and daughter, Crystal, of Chicago visited with J. B. Lynch and family the latter part of last week. Eleven members of the new clubhand teacher met with Hugh Parks Tuesday evening. The meeting was called to (Order promptly at 7:30. After the busi ness part of the meeting a recess was had and while the boys were enjoying themselves to the greatest extent their hostess stepped into their midst with refreshments consisting of sandwiches, cake and fruit. After thanking Mrs. Parks for her kindness in entertaiuing theufso nicely they returned to their homes well pleased with the success of their club. 1905 crop Brotoers (mm) 50c a Bushel EVERY LOAD {CUCUMBER PICKLES EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF FILING FINAL SETTLEMENT. STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 McHenry County. f Estate of Bernard Buss, Deceased. To whom it may concern: You are hereby notified that on Monday, the 5th day of June, 1905. I. as the Executrix of tue last Will and Testament of said deceased, will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House ill Woodstock, II" report of iny acts and doings 1 trix. and !i,sk the Court to Ik; discharged from any and all furt her responsibilities and duties connected with said Estate and my adminis tration thereof, tel. which time ana place you may he present and resist such application if you choose so to do. Dated at McHenry this 1st. day of May, A .D. istOS. Elizabeth Buss, 4ti-3t Kxecutrix. DR. CREAM BAKING POWDER Greatest Aid to Cookery With least labor and trouble It makes hot-breads, biscuit and cake of finest flavor, light, sweet, appetizing and assuredly digestible and wholesome# FftlOC BAKIMO POWDKR COU CMIOAO& A Good Family Liniwent. Every family should be supplied with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. For cuts, bruises, scalds and similar in juries, which are of frequent occur rence, there is nothing so good. It soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief from pain, but causes the parts to heal in about one-third the time required by the usual treatment. As it is an antiseptic all dauger from bipod-poisoning is avoided^ Sold by all druggists. KMKRALII PARK. D. W. Hill of Chicago spent Sunday at his cottage here. Miss Maggie Ward of McHenry visit ed here one day last week. Mrs. F. J. Wanl of McHenry visited Miss Margaret Ay 1 ward this wfepk. Floyd Thompson and Geo. Knaack were callers here Sund&y evening. Misses Alice Smith and Lucy Sntton called on Mrs. Lundu Sunday after noon. Mrs. Joanna Darjnody of Chicago spent a few days last week with Mrs. Ed. Knox. ' Geo. Schade and mother of Griswold Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Bremer here Suriday. Mr. and Mrs. C'has. A. Cohan of Chi cago spent Satuiday and Sunday at "Green" cottage. .x . H. Berkircher is champion fisherman of the week, having caught two seven pound pickerel Sunday. C. Bremer found fishing very good last week. He caught several pickerel av eraging five ppunds each. Misses Katjnryn Walsh, Clara Thomp son and Margaret Sutton spent Thurs day evening at R. J. Sutton's. %XECl TOR'S NOTICE. Estate of ri j-w <• 11 S. Colby, Deceased. The underpinned, having, .been Appointed Executrix of ttie last Will and Testaa>ent. of Newell S. CoIIjV. deceased, late of the County of McHenry {/and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice tfhat she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court lfouse in .Woodstock, at the luueterm, )it the first Monday in June next, at which time all persons having claims • against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 14th day of Aprils A. D. 1905. 44 3t Ladha E. Cor.BY, Executrix. i Contracts and seed can pe had of • IM. J. Walsh, J.. W. Freund, F. 2 | A. Bohlander, of West McHenry; ] | Block & Bethke, F. Ward, A. Schnei- | Sder, McHenry; C. M. Adams, , J. P. ; • Lay of Johnsburgh. Contract at j 5 once, as we want only a limited : | number of acres. Seed, 50c a potind. 1 ! Stafford & (lOldsmitli Co I : s { West McHenry, I Are Sti l l Here! We continue to* do business in the feame old way. Onr custom ers have found that we do the fair thing always, and that is the reason why we still continue in the same old way. We also ear ly a clean stock of meats of every description, and our prices are of the sort which pleases the work- in gman's pocket-book. We are also in the marked for eggs, and pay the highest market price for porken. Yon know the rest. SPRING GROVK. Oliver Neish was a Richmond caller Sunday. Charley Rudolph was a Balem visitor Snnday. Nick and Frank May were Richmond visitors Sunday. „ Miss Mabelle Neish of Fox Lake visit ed here Saturday and Sunday. The village council held a. somewhat lengthy meeting last Friday evening. Miss Ada James spent last week visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Everett Orvis at Ingle- side. Mrs. Cora Johnson and* little sons of Harvard have been visiting here this week. . The eighth grade scholars here took the county examination the last of the week. Geo. Westlake and Gay Hodge of Solon are doing mason work at W. C. Moss's. Mrs. Cora ^Johnson~ahd Ada West- lake were Wilmot visitors the first of the week. Roy Thompson and lady frignd of Rin^wood were calling'hefe one night last week. .. 0 The ladies of this vicinity intend t*> organize a Ladies' Aid society here this week Thursday. Preaching services are now held reg ularly in the M. E. <;l?torch at 10:80 and "" o'clock. All are most cordially invit ed to attend. The Christian Endeavor meeting next Sunday evening will be led by Ray mond Moss. The topic is "Spirit-filled Christians." All are cordially invited to turn out and make thW a very inter esting meeting. At 7 p. m. sharp. The classmate shoes fQr school chil dren has no equal, ia button .or iace at M. J. Walsh's. *, •' • - ' ' . ; A. C. MATTHEWS, WKST JH'HKNRY, ILL. iMNMMHNNMMNMMl E. •" ^ HOLCOMBV1LLE Mrs. Will Zanders of Elgin is visiting at P. F. Hunt's. £ John Ayl ward is assisting Jay Doherty with farm work. Miss Bridget Doherty called on rela tives here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Flanders Visited at W. Gilbert's Sunday. F. M. Peck of Cary spent Snnday with his mother, Mrs. B. F. Peck. Mrs. Jay Doherty and children spent Saturday with relatives in \!cHenry. Mrs. Mary Mason, daughter, Clara, and friend of Richmond visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Powers and grand-daughter, Florence Welch, spent Sunday afternoon at Fred Power's. A bazaar and basket social will be held at P. F. Hunt's Saturday afternoon and evening. All are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan aud daughter and MiBs Ruby Peck visited relatives at Spring Grove Saturday and Sunday. ; High class vaudeville at Central opera house Sunday evening, May 14, 1905. Prices 10c, 20c and 30c, 616 Wens 3trs«t MariastteWia 816 Wells Street, Marinkttb, Wis., Sept. 25,1906. I was all run down from narvotw- saeBa and overwork and had to resigti my position and take a mat, I found that I waa not gaining mqr strength and health as fast as I could wish, and as your Wine 01 Cardui was recommended as such a p d medicine for the ills of oar sex, t"bought a bottle and began ing it. I was satisfied with the results from the use of the first bottle, and took three more and them found I was restored to good health and strength and able to take up my work with renewed vigor. 1 consider it a fine tonic and excellent for worn-out, nervous condition, and am pleased to endorse it. AGNES WESTLEY, JTorth Wlaounrtn Holland Socsaty. Secure a $1.00 bottle <rf Wine of Cardui and a 25c. package of Thedford's Black-Draught today. WINE OF, CARDUI Celebrated GOLD FLOUR ^ •' • • - $138 Per Bag! G\ia.m.i\teed BEST FLOUR IN TOWN! COMPANY. ,,1 'M WM W WAITING! Yes, we are waiting on a good many enstomers daily. Buy of us once and you will always make onr shop year trading place. Why? Because we are here to serve yon with nothing bnt the best. Isn't that sufficient? Al ways keep on hand a fine and fresh line of home bakery goods. Give us your order by 'phone. Call 488 and the goods will be promptly delivered. ^ John Adams ®. Sons. West McHenry* Ilk OSTRANDER BlflLDING, j- * • Telephone 483. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes au-l sizes. Sev eral proofs to select from. Each doz en finished in different styles. Price, 12.00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive • apparatus for all kinds of outd>K>r work, such us group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. 1 Enlargements. Copied from tuijf ^ *ny small I'U tUio. Likeness guaranteed " iu every iustance. Finished in black and white or colors. Frames. A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd siies tuadj^ up f for any site picture, certificate, etc. W»ukegati St., near the Stand pipe. WEST McllENUY. IUL. T*l*pK«n*. 493 # S jm mat drugs, go to -
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809 N Front St.
McHenry, IL 60050