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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 May 1905, p. 4

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: •• r?> •' •• v-o',= ••"•• •••• - 5w« m When the nerves are weak everything goes wrong. You are tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, and irri table. Tour cheeks are jSarsaparilla pale and your blood is thin. Your doctor says you are threatened with a nervous breakdown; He orders this grand old family medicine. • for more ttiaikSfl vearB I have used Ayer'i > ir<*panlla in mAf»'«nilv. It Is a prrand tonic it all times, ami a *onderfnl medicine for Im­ pure blood."-- 1). C. HOLT, West Haven. Conn. for J. C. AYKR CO., Lowell. MHS*. Nerves Keep the bowels regular with Ayer's Pills, Just one pill each night. lie McHenry Piaiiiilealer "P,t J J t I E V E R Y THURSDAY BY THE McliHRY PUIItDfAlK (OMPAHV. P. K. (TKASOER. C.W. A. T'RISTT. J. B.- J'KHRY, • L'res. > s*wv Treas. !• " F. Q. ScnREiNER, Editor. Office I n B*nk Buildlnjr. Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One yoarff tl-SO 81* months. TRACTS. Three months. 40cts. Thursday, May 25, 1905. THE "i>ig stick" is doing business in the same old band. EVIDENTLY no Oklahoma or Indian Territory borne could be without a cy­ clone cellar. CHICAGO has tired of government by injanction and is nofo trying govern­ ment bv "brickbats." IT is inappropriate for the "airriga- tion" junket not to learn the Kentucky brand of the business. JlM HILL thinks if a railroad -rebate is good enough for him it should be good enough for the rest of us. IN spite of all that has been said to the contrary, a woman's bathing suit is her long suit at the seashore. A DULUTH, Minn., man asks how to cure puffs under the eyew; he ought to quit putting highballs under the belt. A PURE \v hite bear has been found in Colorado; probably one that saw the President and thought his time had come. . MAYOR DUNNE of Chicago announces his intention of starting a hunt for grafters. He, will not have to leave Chicago. . THOSE beef trust employes who are hiding in Canada may claim that they were afraid of the mobs if they stayed in Chicago. THE announcement that the beef trust secrets are out, occasioned no sur prise. They've been out in Canada some weeks. COLORADO has the same govePQor she had when the President was visiting there. Things must be getting monoto­ nous, surely. THE discovery by a Kalamazoo, Mich., man that old age is no bar to love may help Mae Wood in her breach of prom­ ise suit against Piatt. THE conclusion is forced that Pat Crowe is willing to give himself up if they will agree to imprison him in som< other town than Omaha. FOLLOWING the Chicago strike com­ missioners' suspending their sittings it is thought that the Chicago wagon driv­ ers will suspend their drivings. WHAT with its governor, its mnles- and its battleship, Missouri must feel that she has them all distanced in the matter of fighting equipment. A DRY, invisible, noiseless thunder­ storm is reported to have swept over North and South Dakota. How did they find out it was a thunderstorm? IF whiskey is not personal property, 8 a Kansas court has declared, what Tor your Protection we place this label on every package of Scott's Emulsion. The man with a fish on his back Is our trade-mark, and It Is a guarantee that Scott'a Emul­ sion will do all that Is claimed for it. Nothing l>etter for lung, throat or bronchial troubles In Infant or adult. Scott's Emul­ sion is one of the greatest flesh- builders known to the medical world. • We'll send you * Mmmpl* int. scon & BOWIE, <0i Pearl Street right has a judge to fine a man for hav­ ing a lot of it concealed about him? THE Panama canal workmen com­ plain that they do not get enough pay, and suggest that Unole Sam will have to dig up the com while they dig up the dirt. THE Kaiser explains that when he was reported as saying the {TRunsians were "drunk," he really said they were "punk." The words sound very much alike in Dutch. CARNEGIE has offered $40,000 to the University of Tennessee, providing the university raises a like amount. How'd you like to be given $40,000 on condi tion that you raise a like amount? .A- EXCHANGE GLEANINGS. HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY ADJACENT COUNTIE8. AND CORRECTIONVILLE. IOWA, wants to chance its name to Cushman, and get a $10,000 bonus. Where is the renowned village of Podunk that Is not falling over itself to gather in this prize? JIMMY HYDE says that Knox Is be­ hind him in his desire to haye Cortelyoti head the Equitable. The Postmaster- general will think there have keen en­ tirely too many "knocks" back of the Equitable's head. Terrific Race With Death, "Death was fast approaching," writes Ralph F Fernandez, of Tampa, Fla., describing his fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all interest in life. I had tried many different doctors and several med­ icines, but got no benefit, until I began to use Electric Bitters. So wonderful was their effect, that in three days I felt like a new man, and today I am cured of all my troubles." Guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores; price 50c. A Comedy of Snobbery. Woman's inhumanity to womam is the theme of "Bargain Day at Tutt House," a comedy of snobl^ery, by George Randolph Chester, in the Jan** McClure's. This new writer brings to his story telling a fresh sense of humor that is sauce for jaded - appetites. The exaggerated Americanism of it will make the country bug itself. Why Suffer From Rheuinntifiui ? Why suffer from rheumatism When one application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm will relieve the pain? The quick relief which this liniment affords makes rest and sleep possible, and that alone is worth many times its cost. Many who have used it hoping only for a short relief from suffering have been happily surprised to find that after awhile the relief became permanent Mrs. V: H. Leggett of Yum Yum, Tennessee, U. S. A., writes: "I am a great sufferer from rheumatism, all over from head to foot, and Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thing that will relieve the pain." For sale by all druggists. Half K>tte» to Milwaukee, Win., Via tne North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip, June 21, 22 and 23, lim­ ited to return until June 24, inclusive, on account of Biennial Meeting of Mod­ ern Woodmen. Apply to agents Chica­ go & North-Western R'y. June 23 Saved by Dynamite. Sometimes, a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the fire can't cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so long, you feel as if nothing but dyna­ mite would cure it. Z. T. Gray, of Cal­ houn, Ga., writes: "My wife had a very aggravated cough, which kept her awake nights. Two physicians could not help her; so she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which eased her caugh, gave her sleep, and finally pured her." Strict­ ly scientific cure for bronchitis and La Grippe. At N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Bes­ ley's, West McHenry, drug stores, price 50c and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Very Low ,Rates to Toronto, Ont., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold on June 18, lfl, 21 and 22, with favorable return linits, on account of Triennial Convention, In­ ternational Sunday School Association. Apply to agents Chicago & North West­ ern R'y. jnne 33 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the very Beat. 'I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to say it is the best cough medicine I have ever taken," says Geo. L. Chubb, a merchant of Har­ lan, Mich. There is no question about its being the best, as it will cure a cough or cold in less time than any other treat­ ment. It should always be kept in "the hou8& ready for instant use, for a cold can be cured in less time when prompt­ ly treated. For sale by all druggists. Very Low Kate* to-'Niagara Fall*, N. Y., \ ia the North-Western line. Excursion tickets will be sold on June 17, 18 and 19, with favorable return limits, on account of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western ** y* Jun^ 10 A Good Family Liniment. Every family should be supplied with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. For cuts, bruises, scalds and similar in­ juries, which are of frequent occur­ rence, there is nothing so good. It soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief from pain, but causes the parts to heal in about one-third the time required by the usual treatment. As it .s an antiseptic all danger from blood poisoning is avoided. Sold by all druggists. _ fl.50 from McHenry to Modern Wood inen'if Picnic at Belolt, Win., Via the North- Western lihe. Excursion tickets will be s »ld on Thursday, June 1. limited to return the same day. Ap­ ply to agents Chicago & North-Western B'y - May 81 Don't let the children suffer. If they are fretful, peevish and cross, give them Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. The tx*Bt baby tonic known. Strength and health follow its use. 86 cent*. Q. W. Bealey. A M Ineellaiieoim .VHHortment of News Item* In Condensed form For Conven­ ience of Busy People. The Bi»er Fo*,:. . Winding through my childhood days Like it Miv'RY T . I'art and p a r t n e r of MY plays, III boating Mine and sled. Sof t ly KI>VSIIIK sunbrowii feet DANGLING from the rooks. •ViiuiiiiK through my childhood days, I'art and pa r tne r of my plays, Was the dear old river Fox. Oftinies in my dreams I He On the grassy shore, Bobolink SINGING i n the sky, A s i n days of yore. Blackbirds t i y ing to and fro I11 their ragged Hocks: Oftimes i n my dreams I lie, Bobolink s i n g i n g i n t lie sky, My dear old r iver Fox. - Every sunlit, wave of yours Sang a song to me, A song of green and grassy shores. And Itending willow tree; l>f countless tights with tiger bass ' Among your mossy rocks. Every s u n l i t wave of yours A song of grei'N and gi-assy shores, You dear old river Fox. . I have journeyed f a r and uear • Since that H.ojrhood time; Fast and faster goes each year1 Of tills Iffeof mine. W h i l e t h e hours and the seconds fly ., ' Told otr-hy clocks,• You s t i l l smile and r ipple by. You deaf old river Fox. ' • • ..,» . / 1905 crop Want Column. All advertisement* inserted under this head at the follow ing rates Five lines or less, 86 rents for lint insertion; 15 cent* for each subsequent Insertion. More than live lines, 5 rents a line for llrnt insertion, and 3 cents a line for additional insert ions. "nV>K SALE--A tine, stylisb ' rubber tired Stanhope, saddle, bridle, etc. All In first class condition. Address or call on 45 tf KRV. M. W. BAKTII, McHenry, III. "pHJR KENT--Thirty acres river pasture. *- one and one-hair miles south of McHen­ ry. Well fenced and good water. Will rent for season to responsible party. 40-tf F. K. GRANUBR. W. McHenry. TJH)R SALE--A No. 1 Dairy cow, calf by side. Inquire of CHAS. B. HAKMSEN. 48 The dagoes employed by the C &. N. W. R'y. at.their gracvel pit at Cary . are on a strike. '. * Chas. A Pratt of the Huntley journal will be the Memorial day orator at the county seat. C. P Barnes of Woodstock has been chosen village attorney for Algonquin the coming year. The Teco band of Nunda and Terra Cotta has been reorganized with Cal Curtis of Woodstock as instructor. For young and old the best pill sold is Dr. Dade's Little Liver Pills. Never gripe, never fail to cleanse the system and tone the liver. Sold by N. H. Pet- es^h, McHenry. At the present time there are 1,206 patients at the Northern Illinois Insane hospital. Of these, 560 are males and 64t> females. There are 213 employee, of whom 116 are men. Why suffer with spring tiredness, mean, cross feeling, no strength, no ap­ petite? Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. A fine cow belonging to E. E. Marsh, who lives a short distance north of Lib- ertyville, fdied suddenly a few days ago. As there was no apparent reason for her sudden death it was decided to examine her, »nd it was found that she had eaten a quantity of nails. Fully thirty small shingle nails were found in the stomach, and also several larger nails. .» • The original is always the best--iihi tations are cheap. Bee's Laxative Hon­ ey and Tar is the original Laxative Cough Syrup. It is different from all others--it is better than all others be­ cause it cures all coughs and colds and leaves the system stronger than before. The letter B in red is on every package. Sold by N. H. Pestesch, McHenry. Nearly every faim hand thinks Ihst he receives the smallest wages of any branch of labor. However, the hand that is getting $25 per month with board, washing, and the keeping of his horse is better paid than the bookkeeper, the cleik or the tradesman who gets $50 per month and has to pay board-and laundry out of this. A Kansas farmer is kicking because he gave his daughter a pair of chickens two years ago and promised to feed the increase for four years if she would take care of them. He says that she has $64 in the bank and 200 chickens that he had to feed all winter. He also says that at the end of four years she will own the farm and be charging him rent for living on it. A mau recently sent us $15 for The Plaindealer conscience fund. Said he had been taking the paper for the past ten years without paying us anything, but had recently got religion and his con­ science troubled him. We took the check and as we were endorsing it to get it cashed a bed slat fell out and we struck the floor so hard that the stove pipe fell down and the soot destroyed $100 worth of furniture. Such awful dreams! Elgin Courier: Newton Owen of this city will represent the Elgin high school in the oratorical league contest of northern Illinois high schools in the New England Congregational church, Aurora, Friday evening, May 26. Rep­ resentatives from DeKalb township, Sycamore, Geneva, and West Aurora will contest for the prizes. The first prize is a University of Chicago scholar­ ship and a gold medal of the league; second prize a silver medal'. [Newton is the son of Geo. Owen, a former Mc­ Henry resident, and is well known here.] Harvard Herald: A mishap befell a well known married couple of Harvard while in Chicago last Saturday. They secured tickets to attend the Schumann- Heink matinee in the afternoon and after taking lunch started for Marshall Field & Co. 's retail store. On the way there they were separated in the crowd and for two hours thereafter each looked in vain for the other. Finally the wife took the 4 o'clock train for Harvard and when the-train reached Nunda a tele­ gram was handed her from the distract­ ed husband, who was fearful that some serious accident had befallen her. He reached this city on the 8:20 night train, a dejected and disappointed man, fully convinced that it is a bard matter to al wa^s keep a sure tab on a woman. A Creeping Death. Blood poison creeps up towards th«^ heftt, causing death. J. E. Stearns, Belle Plain, Minn., writes that a friend dreadfully injured his hand, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Buck- len's Arnica Salve drew out the poison, healed the wound, and saved hisa life. Best in the world for burns and sores. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Bealey's, Wait McHunrj, drag *tote*. \XTANTEI)--Ten or twelve good laying hens. "* Apply at the .residence of H M. MCOM- BBR, McHenry. 4FL T^EAL ESTATE--I havts several desirable •CV pieces of property for sale In the village of McHfenry and on the river. Including resi­ dence property and choice lots? If you con­ template making a purchass-C gi ve me a call. It may be to your advantage. JOS. HKIMKH, 4«-tf " McHenry, III. P>OR SALE OH EXCHANGE-My double sto re building and lots, situated In West McHenry, III. This property is in tirst class condit ion and repair and consists of double stores with dwelling rooms overhead; two lots extending eutire length of block. Will sell entire property at a f igure very near what i t would cost to 'build building, or trade same for small dwelling in McHenry. For condi­ tions and terms inquire of B. (JIMIKHT, West McHenry, or GILBERT KHOS.. McHenry. 4MF Half Kate* to Annual Meeting , German Baptist llretlieren, Bristol, Tenn„ Via the North-Western line. ^Excursion tickets will be sold at one fare for round trip May 81 to June 2, inclusive, with favorable return limits. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. June 2 Read The Plaindealer. OPERA t 6 CENTRAL HOUSE Sunday Evening, Nay £8 Refined Vaudeville! 4 & Under the management of the Great International Theatrical Exchange. Exactly the same per­ formers as are showing at. the best theaters in the larger £f$ies. It is only owing to the faeTtaat this opera house is so well patron- ized that the management is en- y abled to place such a class of shows before the public at the low price of admission, 10c» - - 20c ? f -- 9 30c f FOR - 15VERY LOAD OP CUCUMBER PICKLES Contracts and seed can be had of M. J. Walsh, J. W. Freund, F. A. Bohlander, of West McHenry; Block & Bethke, F. Ward, A. Schnei­ der, McHenry; C. M. Adams, J. P. Lay of Johnsburgh. Contract at once, to We want only $ limited number of acres. Seed, 50c a pound. Stanord & (iolilsinitli (o. West Mchenry. A r e S t i l l H e r e / We continue to do business in the same old way. Our custom­ ers have found that we do the fair thing always, and that is the reason why we still continue in the same old way. We also car­ ry a clean stock of meats of every description, and our prices are of the sort which pleases the work- ingman's px;ket-book. We are also in the market for eggs, and pay the highest market price for porkers. You know the rest 9 f f f 9 9 9 9 9 A Advance sale of seats will open on @ Monday next. ^ In future attractions this house wish­ es to auuouncethat Beggar Prince" has lieeri secured and booked for JUNE 3 and 4. 1905. with the largest company ever exhib­ ited iu McHenry. 16 PEOPLE 16 Under the management pf MR. F. C. COOL'KU. __ ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY AND An improvement over all Cough, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens the Lungs, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. Fn»ara4ky PINEULE MEDICINE CO..CUcai*.U.S.A. Sold by N. H. PETESCH, McHenry. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY, ILL. Chicago & North-Western. Leave. Chicagp. Effective Dec. 4, 1004. -WKBK DAT TRAINS. NORTBBOUWD 7.05 a m.. Via Elgin... K.45 AM Via Des I'lalnes .... 12.W p m Via Elg in *1.00 p M Via Des Plalnes.... 3.45 p M........Via Des Plalnes.... 4.00 p M. Via Elgin 4.37 PM ..Via Des Plalnes.... •Saturday only. SUNDAY TRAINS. 8.00 AM ...Via Des I'laines 8.45 AM Via Elgin 9.10 AM Via Dos PI nines 2.02pm Via Elgin WKBK DAT TRAINS. Leave McHenry +7.12 AM Via Des Plalnes. . 7.25 AM.... Via Elgin 8.:I2 a m Via Des Plalnes... 4.211 p m Via I>es Plalnes.. . 4.23 p m Via Elgin 6.17 p m ...Via Des Plalnes ... tMonday only. SUNDAT TRAINS. 7.2 5 a m Via Elgin...... 7.08 p RA Via Des Plalnes 7.48 p RU Via Des Plalnes 7.48 p M Via Elgin Arrive McHenry. ...10.10 am ...10.10 a m . ..2.50 p m --2.37 p m -- 4.45 p m p m . . .^.40p m SOUTHBOUND. ...9.37 a M .11.14 a iu .11.14 am . 4,50 p in Arrive Chicago. ..8.35 a m .10.10 a m .9.35 a m ..6.15 p m ..7.10 p m . ..7.55 p m ...10.25 a m ... 8.25 p m 9.40 p m . . .10.10 p m EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF FILING FINAL SETTLEMENT. STATE OF ILLINOIS, * McHenry County . I Estate of Bernard Buss. Deceased. To whom it may concern: You are hereby no t i f ied that on Monday, the 5th day of June, 1905, I, as the Executrix of the last Will and Testament, of said deceased, will present to the County Court, of McHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock, Illinois, my final report of my nets and doings as such Execu­ trix, and ask the COURT to be discharged from any and al l further responsibi l i t ies and duties connected with said Estate and my adminis­ tration .thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such application, ROU choose so to do. >ated at Mclleury this 1st day of May, A. D. LI(05. ELIZABETH BUSS, 46-3t Executrix. i f Y I) DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES N. H. PETESCH TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES Kitchen Troubles and the Remedy An error commonly made by home owners is in underestimating the necessity of proper sanitary equipment for the kitchen. M Only a few years ago it was^-considered good form to encase the sink in wood thereby concealing the trap, making it inac­ cessible and offering a place for the collection of filth and vermin. If this condition exists in your household, examine into it and learn the true state of afFairs. Do not lose sight of the fact that your food is prepared in the kitchen and the utensils in which it is prepared depend [on the sanitary ar- raivg e m en t s for cleanliness, there­ fore safeguard against contaminaVioh of either food -utensils. The most certain way to do this is to employ us to install a snowy white, spotlessly clcan, odafd* Porcelain Enameled Kitchen Sink. You will find it a remedy for kitchen trouble*. HERBES, PLUMBING. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a ClllDUl MMUIK BUSMESS. We endeavor to do all busi- niess entrusted to our care in a manner and upon termd entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage floney to Loan on teal estate and o the r first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low* est rates. Yours Respectfnlly , PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. t ; Bankers I Our Market Is at the. same old stand as the summer season approaches. Just wish to announce to our custom­ ers that you will find us here with a better line of goods than ever before. We always keep on hand the freshest of meats, and you know from past experience that our prices are always the lowest. We are not afraid of work so just send in your orders and they will be promptly filled. (HAS. I FREII McHenry • Illinois WIIOPU We handle the Columbia make with either Columbia or Victor records, from $1.50 up. Also have a complete line of needles and repairs. Sewing Machines! Come in and let us show you our $12.00 and up Sewing ma­ chines. Ten-year guarantee with each and every one of them. N.A. West ricHenry, III. J iimiimnummmii rm L L&st Chance For you to get fitted out in our $17.50 Suits. The Nobbiest ? Thing in Town! We stand by what we say. Don't think that you are profiting by buying the cheap gar­ ments. Remember, we keep Pants pressed and shaped for ONE YEAR free of charge. Professional, Society V Ok.nd Businesss Cards DAVIl) G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SUliGEON AND UCWLIi#;- * Office and residence corner Eltn MK" Green streets, Mcllenry. John D. Lodtz. | McHenry, Illinois. j| ^OLLI»TCR'« Aocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A BAIY Mtdioln* far Baiy People. Briig* Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. nieeifle CountlintUon, Indigestion, Llw Kidiii V Troubles, VinipleH, Kczenin, Impur >1, Rail Broath, Kluirgiuli Howi-ls, ileaduch Hackttcht*. 11'« It H*k y M < mi tit uiit Tea In tki wrni, 8S cent* a tun. Ucnuine made bj U.iaTER Dw'll OoMI'ANY, Madison, Wis. DEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM !*>>• and bonn:ifier khe hai& I'iM.iDtca * luxuriant /ruwth. JKcvejr Fails to Restore ^Hair to its Youthful Color. Cm* aealp dineaacs & ht ir fallmy iPMctd | IjOO st I)ru|gi<i FEQER8 & FEGER8 pHYSICIANH AND SURGEONS, VfcHearjr 111. Office at Residence, corner Court MID Elm streets. Telephone :M. p. c. Ross. r». i). s. Office over Petesch's Drug Store. ALL WORK PERTAINING TO MODERN DKNTI8TRT Office Telephone 224; Residence 202. Nitrous Oxld Gas for Extracting. Hours 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. DR. R. G. CHAM BERLIN DENTIST. Offlcc and Residence over Besley*s Drue Store. Hour*: 8:00 to 5:30. ' WEST MOHENRY. III. 'Phone 341. OPPOSITE 8TOITEI/8 BALL J. M. LARSON, W*S4? MCHENRY - ILLINOIS ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON . (Deutscher Arzt.) Spring Grove, Illinois. Geo. Meyers (leneral Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Qrading. flcMENRY ----- ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 393.' " SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property, in the best Companies. West Mcllenry, Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock. III. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sums of $500 to il0,000, time and payment tf suit uorrower. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARD House and Sign Painting and aiUnterlor Dec­ orating- Residence north town line one block west of river. Telephone No. 2&4. MCHENRY, •• - - ILLINOIS R. H. OWEN Pianos tor sale and rent. Tuning and repair lng at reasonable prices. First class Work only. McHENRY; ILLINOI8 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CIIUROH. SERVICES-- Preaching 10:30 a. m. and every other Sabbath evening at 7:4.">. beginning Oc­ tober 30. Sunday school at 11:45. Kpworth League preceding preaching service at 7 p. m. When there is no preaching, at 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. REV. J. M. COKMACK, Pastor. UNIVEIiSALIST ClUTJiCll. Regular service.1? Sunday AT> m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school, 11:4.") A/RFSR Every­ body cordially invited. REV. A. ROBERTS Pastor. Have you seen L A M B E R T Q . S E N G ' S NEWLY DECO R ATED BUFFET? AT 92 Fifth Ave.. C h i c a g o , Illinois. Tel. Main 1714, K I L L T H . C O U C H AND CURE THE LUNGS with Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C ON SUMPTION Prie* OUGHSand 50c ft $1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONET BACK. PATENTS Promptly obtained, or F*£E RETURNED, to WARS' EXPERIENCE. Our CHARGES Ml THE LOWEST, tterid model, photo or sketch for expert seiircli *ui<i fret* report on INFRINGEMENT suits conduot4*i before all courts. Patent# obtained through us. ABVCR® TISED and SOLD, free. TRADE-MARKS, PEN­ SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8* Patent Office* WASHINGTON, D. C. D-SWIFM BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADC MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a oketrli and description ma; quickly ascertmn our opmum free whether &u Invention Is probably patentable. Comiuunica- flons strictly emiMilentlal. HANDBOOK on Patent# ient free. Oldest wienry for securing patents. l'ltteiits taken through Munn A Co. receive tpecitti notice, without chnrue, in the Scicntific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly, l.nrirest cir­ culation of any ncientitlc journal. Terms, S3 a year; four Uiuiitha, |1. Sold by all newttdealera.

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