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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jun 1905, p. 4

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VAII AAM Karrjjy finH < h OtT^C without its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad­ vise parents to keep iton hand. « The best cottjrh medicine money can boy It Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. For the ooujrht of children nothing could posKlbW he better. JACOB SHULL, Saratoga, Ind. siriiiigiits, mmmmmu for i. c. atw oo., Lowell. Must- to kidnap Korea's emperor. Russia feels all the worse about it, because there are reasons why she cannot go to the Em­ peror's rescne. A MISSOURI statesman says that. Americans invested $6,000,000 in fake rubber plantations in the last few years That adds a new significance to the term "elastic currency." THAT giddy groom of 86 y^ars, who disappointed his sweetheart of 96 by running away from the wedding, will probably tnrn op at Oxford at the re­ ception upon the arrival of Dr. Osier. Throat, Lungs Aver $ Pills greatly aid the Cherry pectoral In breakingr up a cold. Tiie Mclfenry Muler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE MtlPftY PLA1WDEALER COMPANY^ F. K. GRANGER. W. A. I BISTT, J. B. PKBKT. Pres. Sec, Treas. . F. G. SCHREINKR, Editor. ^ Offltee In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 872. PHILADELPHIA council men who vot­ ed for the gas steal are hooted by their neighbors, and epithets are shonted at them in their plaoes of business. The trouble is the hooting didn't begin soon enough. A CALIFORNIA inventor has a device which he claims will enable people to travel 300 miles an hour. It will be bandy for the beef trust magnates to go to Canada in when a hurry call is issued for the grand jury.: "Any reason why the men's straw hats have a much narrower, brim than last year?" asks a correspondent. Sure, the whole object Of the design is to make the possessor of a last year's hat look as silly as possible. BIcMlnct ot u Alphabet. "Few people realize," said a college professor, "that the twenty-six symbols that we cull the alphabet represent sin­ gly or in combination all the sounds of all the languages upon earth. By form­ ing letters into wonls we are able to embody thought, to render it visible, HUuiblO'f pcrprtr.a 1 and i*l)iv|*»ito\is. balmed in writing, the intellect may thus enjoy a species of immortality upon earth, and every man may paint an imperishable portrait of his own mind immeasurably tuore instructive and interesting to posterity than those j fleeting likenesses of face and form in­ trusted to canvas or even to bronze and marble. What myriads have passed away, leaving not a wreck behind them, while the mental features of some con­ temporary writer survive in all the freshness and integrity with which they were first traced! Literary paint­ ing is the greatest of all delineation! For it we may thank the, alphabet and the Phoenicians for the alphabet. "It was Oibbon, 1 think, who said that Phoenicia and Palestine would ever liVe in the memory of mankind since America as well as all Europe had received aii -alphabet from one and a religion from the other." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: II .SO Three months. 40 cts. One year Six months, 75 Cts. Thursday, June f, 190$* THERE is only one place in thee world where you can live a happy life, and that is inside of your income. THE asphalt trust will not object, so long as the president uses his big stick for punishing diplomats only. RADIUM has gone up to $3,000,000 an ounce, but bananas are still cheap enough for the average man to afford them. Gov. LAFOLLETTE does not think of anything elese he would like from the state legislature or probably he would ask for it. „ CHICAGOANS will have no difficulty in indorsing Mr. Carnegie's assertion that a good coachman is more desirable than a duke. ALEXANDER DOWIE may look on J Pierpont Morgan's offer to handle church funds to the best advantage as a species of rivalry. CHICAGO has learned one lesson Brick pavements will not be used in the city hereafter, the material comes too handy in case of strikes. TOM LAWSON is in the position of novelist who has his hero surrounded by Indians and does not know how to rescue him in the next chapter. A CHURCH is justified in accepting any kind of money on the theory that it may save the wealth from being used for some disrepntable purpose. A NEBRASKA boy shot at a bird and hit a town loafer. Feeling that they had to act in the case, the authorities fined the boy $1 for violating the law prohibiting sbooting at birds. The Ne­ braska idea is never a failure. A DOCTOR in Iowa has won fame by insisting on the sacrifice of whiskertr on the altar of health. His theory is a smooth one on the face of it, and offers a good opportunity for his Socialist friends to modernize a little. "BLUEBEARD" HOCH has been found guilty of wife murder, and asks that he be hanged at once. Hoch has been hav­ ing a good deal of trouble lately, and there should be no hesitancy about granting this modest request of his. SECRETARY SHAW might have em­ phasized his assurance before the Meth­ odist conference that people in Wash­ ington take an interest in religious mat­ ters by calling attention to the enthu siasm shown toward the charch league baseball players., THE assumption of command of the naval forces by Vice Admiral Birileff gives a new man a chance to share the glory or the blame as the case may be A ST. PETERSBURG paper says that Russia would welcome a war with En gland. Probably wants to take all her lickings at once and be through with them. KAXSAS still has an idea that Mr. Rockefeller closely resembles a funnel- shaped clood that comes np from the southwest at the close of a sultry after­ noon. MR. JOHN W. GATES' carriage was smashed recently, but be was not in it. Mr. Gates has remarkable talent for being out of range when the smash comes. A MICHIGAN court in disallowing a doctor's bill of $100,000 knew such a rich field ought to be reserved for law­ yers only. Judges are thoughtful for the lawyers. SENATOR CARMACK denies that he belongs to a political combination. It is cruel to intimate that the Democrats are not numerous enough to be called a combination. RUSSIA protests that Japan proposes for your Protection we place this label on n»-y package of Scott's Emulsion. The man with a fish on his back Is our trade-mark, and It is a guarantee that Scott's Emul­ sion will do all that Is claimed for it. Nothing better for lung, throat or bronchial troubles in infant or adult. Scott's Emul­ sion is one of the greatest flesh- builders known to the medical world. HVH SEND you a mmmpt* Aw. scon & bowie, m IT is reported that one of the fastid­ ious newly-married ladies of a North Dakota town kneads bread with her gloves on, whereupon the leading editor of that town remarks that "the editor needs bread with his shoes on: he needs bread with his pants on; and unless the delinquent subscribers to this 'Old Flag of Freedom' pony np before long be will need bread withont a durn thing on; and North Dakota is no garden of Eden in the spring time." - The Good Old Way. A severe cold or attack of la grippe is like a fire, the sooner yon combat it the better are your chances to overpower it. But few mothers in this age are willing to do the necessary work required to give a good old fashioned reliable treat­ ment such as would be administered by their grandmothers, backed by Bos- chee's German Syrup, which was al­ ways used in connection with the home treatment of colds and is still in greater household favor than any known reme­ dy. But even withont the application of the old fashioned avds German Syr­ up will cure a severe cold in quick time. It will cure colds in children or grown people. It relieves the congested or­ gans, allays the irritation, and effect­ ively stops the cough. Any child will take it. It is invaluable in a household of children. Trial size bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c. For sale by all drug­ gist*. ___ Half Rate* to Milwaukee, Wl»„ Via tne North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip, June 21, 22 and 23. lim­ ited to return until June 24, inclusive, on account of Biennial Meeting of Mod­ ern Woodmen. Apply to agents Chica go & North-Western R'y. June 28 The Hwret of SUCC«HH» Forty million bottles of August Flow­ er sold in the United States alone since its introduction I And the demand for it is still growing. len t this a fine showing of success? Doesn't it prove that August Flower has had unfailing success in the cure of indigestion and dyspepsia the two greatest enemies of health and happiness? Does it not af­ ford the best evidence that August Flower is a sure specific for all stomach and intestinal disorders?-that it has proved itself the best of all liver regu­ lators? August Flower has a matchless record of over thirty-five years in cur­ ing the ailing millions of these distress­ ing complaints--a success that is becom­ ing wider ia its scope every day, at home and abroad, as the fame of Aug- ut»t Flower spreads. Trial bottles, 25c regular size 75c. For sale by all drug­ gists. Very Low Rates to Toronto, Out. Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold on June lb, 19, 21 and 22,with favorable return linits, on account of Triennial Convention, In ternational Sunday School Association Apply to agents Chicago & North-West R'y^ June 22 J ait What Everyone Should Do. Mr. J. T. Barber of Irwinville, Ga always keep a bottle of Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand ready for instant use. Attacks of colic, cholera WOT but* and diarrhoea come on so suddenly that there is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the store for medicine. Mr. Barber nays: have tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which is,one of the best medicines I ever saw. I keep a bottle of it in my room as I have bad several attacks of colic and it has proved to be the best medicine I ever saw, Sold by all druggists. Read ThePlainilsaler, • Keeentrie Wnieoii Wheel. Avery 'interesting paradox is the one concerning an: ordinary wagon wheel, which is solid and rigid, yet When fast­ ened on its axle on a wagon when the wagon moves part of the circumference of the wheel which is in contact with the ground is for an instant at absolute rest, while tlie point directly perpen­ dicular to it is flying along at a high rate of speed. The two points horizon­ tal with the center of the wheel are traveling pretty fast, but only half as fast as the topmost point, and as the up going horizontal point increases in speed the down going one slows up un­ til it is at rest for a moment when in contact with the ground. Yet the wheel is one solid piece and there are only two points going at the same rate of speed at the same time. Yet if the wheel is taken off the axle and rolled down an incline every point of the cir­ cumference moves at the same rate of speed. Ireland'* Sacred Oalt. In years gone by Ireland had a sa­ cred oak dedicated to St. Columban, one of the peculiarities of the tree be­ ing that whoever carried a small bit it the wood or bark in his mouth would never meet with a violent death, it be­ ing especially efficacious in saving Christian martyrs from the block. It was known throughout the British isles as the holy oak of Kenmare. After the lapse of many centuries this sacred ©ak was uprooted by a storm, after which it was said to be guarded by angels to keep heretics from gather­ ing the wood for fuel. At last a wick­ ed tanner "barked" one of its largest limbs and tanned some leather, which he made Into shoes for himself, imagin­ ing that such relics would bring him wealth and power. lie wore them but once, however, but that one time was enough to make him an incurable leper. Brfttnh Mmienm Dome. The reading room of the British mu­ seum is crowned by a spacious dome, which is about thirty feet wider than that of St. Paul's cathedral. It is 140 feet in diameter and, with its GO,000 superficial feet of glass, springs more than 100 feet in height. Neither St. Pe­ ter's at Rome nor Santa Maria at Flor­ ence is a match to it. It is larger by forty-five feet than the dome of the capitol at Washington, by thirty-flte feet than that of Darmstadt cathedral, by thirty-three feet than that of St. Sophia, Constantinople, and spreads sixteen further than the concave roof of the tomb of Mohammed Adil Shah at Bijapur. il ' The Man Who Ia In Earnest. The vital necessity for the qualities of inspiration, reality and magnetism was brought home to me when I was a schoolboy fiddling at college functions. saw speakers who came forward and who--well, just spoke so many words. Then would come an orator, a man who acted the part, who lived the part, who was the iwrt because be believed it, and so swept the people off their feet-- J. P. Sousa in London Interview. One Occupation Lei*. A visitor at a small resort on the coast, says the Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, asked one of the men whom he saw at the village store what he did all summer. 'Loaf and fish," replied the native. 'What do you do in the winter?" con­ tinued the Inquiring visitor. 'We don't fish!" Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind,' dis­ courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid­ neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid­ neys. If the child urin­ ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis­ erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by . druggists, in fifty- fS.C cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail ^==5 free, also pamphlet tell- Hoshc of Suarup-Hoot. ing all about it. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer &. Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., b<i sure and mention this paper. Dorit make any mistake, but remem­ ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil trier's Swamp Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y.. on every bottle. The A1111 ill Hat I011 of DI«tHiic«. How much nearer to each other the nations of the world «eem to be today and really are today than was the case a few decades ago! When weeks and months were required for communica tion between the United States and Eu­ rope the countries of the old world ap­ peared to be a long way off. Now the circnmfrence of old earth is belted with telegraph and cable lines in every pos­ sible direction. What happens today in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, South America and the great" islands of the sea is made known to us tomorrow by great newspapers like The Chicago Record-Herald, whose foreign corre­ spondents are located in every impor­ tant city in the world outside of the United States. In. addition to its own staff correspondents The Record-Herald enjoys the foreign news service of the New York Herald, famous for many years for the reliability of its foreign news; the New York World and also of that great co-operative newsgathering association, the Associated Press. No other daily newspaper in America pos­ sesses facilities so varied and extensive ior covering the news of all nations. Hla Prescription Failed. Doctor (after the diagnosis)--Appar­ ently your system is run down from nervousness superinduced Dy loss of sleep. My advice would be for you to try sleeping on your left side jiwliile. Fair Patient--But, doctor, I am slight­ ly deaf in my right ear--and tny hus­ band talks in his sleep.--New York Times. - Gladstone'* Unpopularity. Gladstone was not beloved. He was an institution. How can one love an Institution? A member told me that he asked another Liberal why lie disliked Gladstone. The reply was, "Oh, he is always so In the right!"--From M. D. Conway's "Autobiography." ^ Gold's Gilding? Effect. "That felltiw is a perfect boor." "S-s-sh! He's worth $4,000,000." "That so? Well, as I was saying, he's a man of marked individuality."-- Pittsburg Post. "» The Chansre. Fred--She Isn't the pretty girl she Used to be. Arthur--Is that so? Fred --Yes. Her father.lost all his money speculating. - No Secret ABout It. It is no secret, that for Cuts, Burns, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sore Eyes, Boils, etc., nothing is so effective as Bucklen'p Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long to cure a bad sore I bad, and it is all O. K. for sore eyes," writes D. L Gregory, of Hope, Tex 25c at N H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, GL W Bes- ley's, West McHenry, drug stores. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other arise ordered. Try it Want Column. AH advertiHementa inserted under thl» bead at the following rate*: Five linen or lem, S& cento for On* lUHei-tlon; 15 cents for each subiwiuent tuwrtiOA. (lure than Ave linen, 6 cents a line tor flrnt Insertion, Sn<l 3 centH a line for additional UlM-rtionw, W hoop I UK Cough in Jamaica, Mr. J. Riley Bennett, a chemist of Brown's Town, Jamacia, West India Islands, writes: "I cannot speak too highly of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, [t has proved itself to be the best rem­ edy for whooping cough, which is prev alent on this end of the globe. It has never failed to relieve in any case where 1 have recommended it; and grateful mothers, after using it, are daily thank­ ing me for advising them." This rem­ edy is for sale by all druggists. Very L«w KxcurHion Rules to San Fran- ci»c<>, I<oN Angflea, Portland, Tacomu, Seattle, Etc. Via the North-Western Line, will be in effect from all stations June 13, 14, 15, l», 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30 and July 1, 2 and 3, with favorable return limit, on account of International Printing Press­ men's and Assistants Union and Ameri­ can Surgical Association at San Fran­ cisco. Two fast trains to the Pacific Coast dailj. "The Overland Limited" (electric lighted throughout), less than three days en route. Another fast train is "The California Express" with draw­ ing room and tourist sleeping cars. The best of everything. For rates, tickets, etc. , apply to agents Chicago & North Western R'y. July 3. A Bad Scare. Some day you will get a bad scare, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safety lies in Dr. King's New Life Pills, a sure cure, for all bowel and stomach diseases, such as headache, biliousness, costiveness, etc. Guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, G. W. Bes- ley's, West McHenry, drugstores, only 85c. Try them. Very tow Kitten to I. O. O. F: Encamp­ ment at Decatur, 111., Via the North-Western line. Excursion tickets will be sold June 7, 8 and 9, lim­ ited to return until June 12, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-West­ ern R'y. • - ' June 9 Makes digestion and assimilation per­ fect. Makes new red blood and bone. That's what Holliste^'s Rocky Mountain Tea will do. A tonic for the sick and weak. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. ^ Very Low Uate* to Niagara Fall*, N. V., Via the North-Western line. Excursion tickets will be sold on June 17, 18 and 19 with favorable return limits, on account of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. App'y to agents Chicago & North-Western * June 19 EXECUTOR S! NOTICE. Estate of. larob Htory. diseased.- Th« u-ndersljrned. having- been appointed Kxrcut i-1.\ of ti;e last- will and testament of .lacol) Moi-v, deceased, late of the County of Mi'llenry anil Stale of Illinois, hereby gives nfit ice that, she will appear before t he Comity Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the August term. On tlie first Monday in August, next, ht which time itll persons having claims against said estate are notlHed and requested to attend for the pur­ pose of havins ilic same adjusted. All per­ sons indebted (o said estate are requested to n:al<e liimiedlHte payment to the undersigned. Dated tills 22nd <lay of May, A. 1>. l'.lftV 4*-4t JULIA A. STORY. Executrix. T^OR BALE--A fine, stylish rubber tired btanhope, saddle, bridle, etc. Alt In fin*, class condition. Address or call on 45 tf REV. M: W. BARTH. McHenry, 111. XpOR RENT--Thirty acres river DH oiie-lialf tulles south of McHen­ ry. Well fenced and good water. Will rent for season to responsible party. W-tf F. K. GRANOKR, W. McHenry. pOR RENT June f, 190!). The hardware store occupied Osmun Bros, will tie for rent after Call at the bank. POR 8ALE OR RENT--My six-room cottage, ,, with barn, situated at Emerald Park on Fox river. For further Information apply or write to OBRIS BRKMER, McHenry, 111. TXJ ANTED--Ten or twelve good laying bens. Apply at the residence of H. M. MCOM- BER, McHenry. 48 TPOR SALE--Having rented our farms we hiive for sale somf> r^ngTing front one to four years old, that would be good property for anyone wiio had a place to keep them. Come and see them, the prices will be •iW/1', Also one cylinder grain separator with afi-iheh cylinder and 52-inch seines--nearly as good as new. HANI.Y BROS., W. McHenry. 51* IDEAL ESTATE--I have several desirable , pieces of property for sale in the village of McHenry and on the river, including resi­ dence property and choice lots. If you con­ template making a purchase, give me a call. 11 may be to your advantage. Jos. HEIMKB, McHenry, III. pOR SALE OR x store building McHenry,.III. This property is in first-class EXCHANGE--My double store building and lots, situated in West condition and repair and consists of double stores with dwelling rooms overhead; two lots extending entire length of block. Will sell entire property at a ngure very near what it would cost to build buildii.g, or trade same for small dwelling in McHenry. For condi- t.ona and terms itiiiuire of B. GiLitKBT, West McHenry, or GILBERT BROS., McHenry. 4stf Miiiinnnmw»mnMm>Mnnnmmnm»i 1905 Crop 50c a Bushel CASH FOR EVERY LOAD OF {CUCUMBER PICKLES « Contracts and seed can be had of | M. J. Walsh, J. W. Frennd, F. A. Bohlander, of West McHenry; Block & Bethke, F. Ward, A. Schnei- |der, McHenry; C. M. Adams, J. P. Lay of Johnsbnrgh. Contract at once, as we want only a limited number of acres. Seed, 50c a pound.^ SUfford & aoldsmitli (a. West McHenry. •iiiiiHiimummttt Are Still Here! \ We continne to do bnsinew in the same old way. Oar custom­ ers have fonnd that we do the fair thing always, and that is the reason why we still continne in the same old way. We also car- ry a clean stock of meats of every description, and onr prices are of the sort which pleases the work- ingman's pocket-book. We are also in the market for eggs, and pay the highest market price tot porkers. Yon know the rest A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY, ILL. MiiiimimmmHiji Chicago & North-western. Effective Dec. 4. 1904. WEKK DAT TRAINS. Leave »n™M,n«n Arrive Chicago. NOBTHBOCHD McHenry 7.05 11111 Via Elgin 10.10 a in H.45 u m.....,.»,Vla Des Plaines 10.10 a 111 12.30 p m..'..... ... Via Elgin ...2.50 p ui *1.00 p m........ Via Des Piainjba 2.37 p m 3.45 pm Via DesPlaitias.. 4.45 p m 4.00 p m Via Elgin...... 4.57 p ui Via Des PI&Iimm. . •Saturday only. SUNDAY TBAIHS. 8.00 a m Via Des IMaines.. 8.45 am Via Elgin.-..., 9.10a m Via Des Plaines.., 2.02 p m Via Elgin WEEK DAT TRAMS. Leave aonTnsAnNi> . Arrivfi McHenry. , SOUTHBOUND. , Chicago. +7.12 a m ....... Via Des Plaines 8.35 a m 7.25 am.. Via Elgin ...10.10 am 8.:t2 a m ....Via Des Plaines ,0.35a m 4.Si p ml Via Des Plaines *.13 p rn 4.23 p m Via Elgin 7.10 p m 6 17bm.: Via Des Plaines 7.95 pm ^Monday only. 8CNDAT TRAIBS. 7.25am Via Elgin ....10.20am 7.08 p m......... Via Des 1'la.lneB,...,,.. 8.25 p m 7.48 p m Via Des Plaines.. 9.40 p m 7.48 pm Via Elgin.. 10.10 pm .6.40 p ni . .0.40p ni ».37 a m ...11.14 a m ....11.14 am .... 4.50pm ORIGINAL Laxative HONEY AND An improvement orer all Co«fk, Lang and Bronchial Rtaidiu. Cures Cough*, Strengthens thi Lungs, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and alike for Young and Old. Frwu* by PMCULE MEBICMt Ce..Cfcte«ft.«,M» bold by N. H. PETESCH, McHenry. G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. -a DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES N. H. PETESCH TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Professional, Society V and Businesss Cards annul BAMOK MJSHESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to onr care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections... INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low* est rates. Tours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary PuMte. Bankers A AIAIA IMNU A jJ&'9'W'M'W^w9W-W-W'W'Wlr •VWWV'WV i Our Market it i ; I la at the mne old- stand i, the' summer season approaches, just wish to announce to onr custom­ ers that yon will find us here with better line of goods than ever before. We always keep on hand tl^p freshest of meats, and you know from past experience that our prices are always the lowest We are not afraid of work so just send in yonr orders and they will be promptly filled. I (HAS. T RP * McHenry - Illinois . %!•«.«. wit. <.»«.» a.#. S*fr I -- W W B B j We handle the Columbia make with either Colombia or Victor records, from $1.50 up. Also have a complete line of needles and repairs. Sewing Machlni! Gome in aqd let us show yon our $12.00 and up Sewing ma­ chines. Ten-year guarantee with each and every one of them. 11 West ncHenry, III. L*st Chance For you to get fitted out in our $17.50 Suits. The Nobbiest Thing in Town! We stand by what we say. Don't think that you are profiting by buying the cheap gar­ ments. Remember, we keep Pants pressed and shaped for ONE YEAR free of charge. John D. Lodtz. McHenry, Illinois. DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN,SURGEON AND OCULIST. *• Office and residence corner EUD aa# Green streets. McHenry. PEGEB8 A FEGER8 " PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. McHenry m. Office at Residence, corner Court and Elm streeta Telephone 338. b1. c. ross. rr Office orer Petesch's Dybg f XX s. Store. Ata. WORK PERTAINING TO MODEKH DKJrriSTBV Office Telephone »4; R«gi<fance SOB. , Nitrous Oxid Gait tor Extracting. Hours 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. DR. R. G. CHAMBER LIN t DENTIST. Offlee aatf Resideace ever Besley's Drag Stem. Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. WEST MOHENRY. IIX, 'Phone 3*1. OJ?JJO»ITE STOWKL'S BAUL WEST MCHIMRT *• itunon ARTHUR BREMKBN, M. D? PHYSICIAN AND SURQQON (OMtKhtr Ant) Spring drove, Hlhraie. Geo. Meyers General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and (trading. ncHENRY - - - - - ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 394. SIMON STOFFEL Insaranoe Agent for all classesof^ property in the best Companies. We«t McHenry, IlllaoU McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, Hi. Abstracts of title and con* veyancing. Money to loan on real estate la sums of |500 to 910,000, time and payment tf suit borrower. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL FAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 ifld UPWAR0 House and Sign Painting and all Interior Dee* Residence north town line one block orating. t or river BY. iWiggt of ri Telephone No. 254. ^ILLINOIS R. H. OWEN Pianos for sale and rent. Tuning and repair - f ing at reasonable prices. First class Work only. McHENRY. ILLINOIS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. BBBVICKS--Preaching 10:80 a. m. and every other Sabbath evening at 7:4.>, beginning Oc« tober 30. Sunday school at 11:45. Epwortb League preceding preaching service at 7 p. m. When there is no preaching, at 7:30. Praye* meeting Wednesday evening at 7:80. Rev. J. M. CORMACK. Pastor. trlNIVERSALIST CHURCH. Regular services Sunday at 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school, 11:45 a.m. Every­ body cordially invited. REV. A. ROBERTS Pastor. Have you seen LAMBERT Q, SENG'S N E W L Y PECO R-ATEP BUFFET? AT 92 Fifth Ava* Chicago. Illinois. Tel. Main 1714. KILL™, COUCH AND CURE TH« LUNCS WTH Dr. King's New Discovery /CONSUMPTION MET FOR I 0UGHS and S0C*$1.0« 1W ^OLDS Frts Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for nr THROAT and LUNG T&OT7B- LS8, or MONEY BACK PATENTS Promptly obtained, of rCC RETURNKO. IMVKMIS' KxrcaiSMoa. our oaaaosa aaa vaa LOWUT. Send model, photo or dutch tor ££rt nut* And (KM report OO IWMilwnSISIRT Mas amdnM biton all eonrta. Pttcnta obtained through «, aojjja* TISKD and (OLD, free. TtAUl (MINTS, fia SIOWS and eOPYKtQMTS quickly obtttawi. Opposite If. I. Patent OIVtoa« WASHIMOTOM. D. O. DSWIFT&S HOU.ISTCR S _ Rocky MwnMn Tm iluMPts . ABwy lMWasfcrtuy rMsl*. Brian Otldsa Jbsltk sad Ksptvsd Vigor. Ipafion, ID " PtmplM. 1 Kidney Troubtat PitapW. Impwf I. Bad Brsath. tftugfisb Bowels, HTeadinIi It's Rocky Mountain Tea In (in Kidne: I ilacL-- -- -- --- --- r torm, M cents • box. Genuine made .:.isT«a D*ca CoarAWT, Madison, Wis, DEN NUMETt FOR SALLOW PE0PIH PARKER'S , HAIR BALSAM Chum Promote! _ „ Kmr Mil Jblr to 1M Ow M»ip di« •Mantis* BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADC MASKS DcaiaNa CorrRMMTS Ac. Anyone Mndlni a (ketch and description mar nlon free whether aa en tag HMO 'or s* _ ... wh Mu aMU mUm. without charge, in the 8sickly a*certain our opinion tventlon 1« probably pal Hons etrtethr eonOdentlaL •wit free. Oldest airency for i Patents taken tkrowh Mnnn A Scientific /UnerkaK. iBtrated weekly. Unea atr-A handsomely lllnstr eolation of any scien T year; fonr months, 91, _ - esr .5

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