.-/•A CLOSING BROKEN LOTS OP Spring Clothing At Prices You Cannot Hatch Elsewhere! FANCY CASSIMERE S U I T S . . . . . . S s o o FANCY WORSTED SUITS 1. .>7.no BLUE SERGE SUITS |V:;K$.v.ijB8.oo BLACK CLAY WORSTED SUITS.V&$W.oo JOS. W. FR-EUND. WEST flcHENRY, ILLINOIS, i •.-vV1 m \ - L ;:;r Ml .For the Warm Weather. YOU NEED A GASOLINE STOVE! When you purchase one, be sure that you are getting something that is reliable, safe, and an economical user of fuel. I am handling for , the twelfth season the "C^UICK MEAL." You know of it--it can't be beat. I have them ip a variety of styles and at corresponding prices. I have added the "JEWEL" line to my stock V Uris season, and am in much better shape to meet the demands of the trade than ever be fore. You certainly can save money by buying1 The West Side Hardware. F. L. McOmber, PROPRIETOR. '5 Have you heard of the celebrated "Tasraa" double woven finger tip Silk Glove? We have the 50c quality--higher prices if you prefer. Here are correct styles in Shirt Waists, warm weather Dress Stuffs, Canvas Shoes, Patent Leather Oxfords, all sizes-- in fact, everything needed for correct "toggery." Two special good things in Umbrellas, 69c, Mgc, fancy handles and worth up to $1.50. See the $1.00 line of Shirt Waists. W. C. EVANSON HERE SOROW NUNDA FAILS TO PUT PEARANGE. CHEATS QALLOW8. o if i k UJindow Screens I Jlwningsi 4 i We are putting up a great number 6f Window Screens and Awnings these days and if you are in need of anything in this line call us up, or let us know, and we will promptly fill your order. We handle nothing but the best of goods and always do satisfactory work in this line Undertaking and Embalming! McHEKRY, ILLINOIS; JACOB IIS1BI i Sunday at the ball {Ark McHenfy Greetos and the Nanda did not materialize, owing to the fact that thfe latter team failed to inake its appearance. The McHenry fans were sadly disappointed when they learned that no game would take place. But they were not the only diwappointed oinee. The team members themselves did not feel at all elated when they re ceived word on Sunday forenoon that the Nnnda team was not coming, on account of the fact that several of the players had indulged too freely in joto1 water. (> The McHenry base ball fans can rest assured that the Nnnda team will never disappoint them again, 'cause we do not do business in that way. McHenry did not learn of Nonda's intentions until the eleven-foarteen train passed through her© Snnday morning. The Greens' manager was then informed by one of the Woodstock White Sox players, on his way to Richmond, that the Nnnda boys were not coming. So immediately after dinner the manager picked ap a number of players and drove to Genoa Junction, Wis., where they met the Badger State boys. The pick-up team that*represented the Greens had the slightest thought of winning the contest, as they were badly crippled by having to play without the regular battery and first baseman, and all the players, with but one or two ex captions, played out of their regular po sitions. To show the people what the line-np of the Greens looked like we herewith give the names and positions of the players: Gibbs and Hnuter, catch er; Thurlwell, pitcher and short; Davis, pitcher and third; Voeltz, short and1 third; Heimer, second; Waite, left field; J. Kranse, center field; W. Schreiner, right field. The Greens did not arrive at Genoa until abont three o'clock, and the game was called at once. Thnrlwell started the pitching for McHenry, but as he had not pitched for several weeks he was out of form and Davis was sub stituted. The game was a slugging match throughout and the errors were too numerous to keep track of. The Greens went after the ball right from the start and kept up a tremendous bat ting streak throughout the entire con test, the score at the end of the ninth itanding 13 to 10 in favor of the Greens. As there was no official storekeeper on the grounds we give only the score by innings: McHenry--1 8 1 2 0 3 2 0 1-18 Genoa. 2 0 0 0 1 C 0 8 0-10 NOTES FOB PANS. Waite picked a nice one o«t of the clouds last Sunday. With the regular McHenry battery the.game should have been a shutout. The Richmond team defeated the Woodstock White Sox by the soore of 5 to 4 last Sundey. The Nunda team went down in de feat before the Woodstock Grays last Saturday. The score was 10 to 6. Ostend defeated the Spring Grovers at Ringwood last Sunday by the score of 8 to 1. It was a good game, both teams putting up a good article of ball. Hans Wagner, although a trifle out of practice, did some nice base running. The way he sprinted around the circuit would put to shame the performances of Maloney of the Chicago Nationals. The Woodstock Reds on last Satur day afternoon were defeated by the Columbia Giants of Chicago. Score 9 to 8. On Sunday they went to Huntley and were taken into camp by the score of 5 to 1. The Genoa team opened the game with a south-paw in the box. He last ed three innings, after which he played in nearly every position, and at one time threatened to lick the umpire. He is too good for Genoa and will undoubt edly get himself released. "Jimmie" Cook of Dundee comes very near to being the whole thing with the Pueblo team of the Western league. He leads the team, both in batting and fielding, his average with the stick being . 328, while in the field he has ac cepted every chance. GAME NEXT SUNDAY. With the Greens back in form once more and a very strong line-np they will next Sunday afternoon at two o'clock meet the Senators of Chicago. The Senators haye won every game played, with one exception, this season. They have had as their opponents some of Chicago'8 swiftest teams. They will come to McHenry next Sunday with their strongest line-np and will try to scalp the Greens. The Greens will pre sent their strongest line-up. Beading, who two weeks ago hurt his arm in the McHenry-Elgin game, and has not been out since, will again be in the line-up next Sunday. Byerybody turn oat and witness the game, which promises to be a hot one. The Secret of 8o«mh. Forty million bottles of August Flow er sold in the United States alone since its introduction! And the demand for it is still growing. Isn t this a fine showing of success? Doesn't it prove that August Flower has had unfailing success in the cure Of indigestion and dyspepsia--the two greatest enemies of health and happiness? Does it not af ford the best evidence that August Flower is a sure specific for all stomach and intestinal disorders?--that it has proved itself the best of all liver regu la tors ? August Flower has a matchless record of over thirty-five years in cur ing the ailing millions of these distress ing complaints--a success that is becom ing wi4er in its Hcope every day, at home and abroad, as tne fame of Aug nst Flower spreads. Trial bottlee, 25c; regular size 75c. For sale by all drag*. jrittitft *r {- r*'"' Twenty-three years ago John ©ale# of Woodstock was sentenced to be hung on a certain day. Now he is found prac tically buried alive in the Joliet peni tentiary, the oldest prisoner in point of servitude that the institution shelters. His release is asked by. his sister under habeas corpus proceedings. Gales himself does not know why he was not put to death. He beard the death sentence read to him, his life to be forfeited on March 24, 1882. He watched the days pass, and then sud denly he was whisked out of the Cook county jail and hurried to the peniten tiary. For years since he has wondered, but in silence, fearful that if an error had been made the execution woolcj be held when his identity was discovered. Now the opportunity for freedom has come to hitn through the discovery that the law holds him only on a faded Heath warrant, long since void. (Sales was a youth when, on Novem ber 28, 1881, in a Bailee fit of wrath he hurled an ax at the head of John Wil liam Hessetl, $ firmer, who lived near Woodstock. Now he is an old man, though but 48 years of age. Physically, however, he is strong enough to go out Into the world and begin life anew. Madisou R, Harris appears in the rec ords as Gales' counsel. - Jndge Kersten referred the petition to the state's attorney for investigation. A Surprise Party. •' A pleasant surprise party may be giv en to your stomach and liver by taking medicine Which may relieve their pain and discomfort, viz; Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are a most won derful remedy, affording sure relief and cure for dizziness and constipation. 25c at N. H: Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, G. W* Besley's, West McHenry, drag stores. KxcnnlM Ticket# to Chintauqi* Assem bly at Aurora, HI., Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates on two dated, Au gust 18 and 20, limited to return until August 21, inclusive. Other dates of sale and limits on certificate plan. Ap ply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Aug. 20. The most pleasant and positive cure for indigestion, heartburn and all stom ach troubles is Ring's Dyspepsia Tab lets. They aid digestion, tone and strengthen the stomMob, Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry, G. W. Beeley, West McHenry. W.C.T.U.PIU3SS DEPARTMENT not hold Itself respon- in this col- Tbe poor in the relatively non military upend enough annually on and alcohol--that is, on tobacco and intoxicant beverages--to make ev ery individual of them rich, were this expenditure directed to the individual well-being. It cannot, therefore, be too often repeated that the money they thus spend to their destruction would pro cure for them every comfort, conven ience, every beneficent luxury that money can procure. To speak more definitely, it would procure for every one of their families, and for every one of their unmarried adults a home of their own, fitted and furnished -with every appointment of comfort and con venience; a home equal to any short of a palace, a castle, or the demesne of .a millionaire; it would also procure and maintain for them any kind of equipage or vehicle for locomotion; bicycle or equine establishment, as they might choose. It would enable them to take two months of annual vacation, with travel, or other normal recreation. It would establish, maintain and endow for them any kind of Institution, tech nical, mnsieal, recreative, or other, that they might wish for; and it would pro vide as many such institutions as they oould patronize. It would beautify their dwelling localities with private parks furnished with every possible de vice for comfort and entertainment. In the day or the year that our poor will prefer these thinjp to slums, squalor, sensuality, to inebriety, idiocy, insanity, to jails, prisons, asylums, to gallows and electric chairs, in that day, that year, they will have them. Pity 'tis, that after ten thousand years they con tinue to choose the brutish to the good, the beautiful! ^ ^ - •* ^ Makes the Liver Llvittjr, * Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup gives permanent relief in oases of habitual constipation as it stimulates the liver and restores the natural action of the bowels without irritating these organs like pills or ordinary cathartics. Does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasing to take. Remember the name Orino and refuse substitutes. G. W. Besley. Very Low Bates to Denver, Colo,, Via the North-Western line. Excursion tickets will be sold August 12 and 18, with favorable return limits, on account of various meetings. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 8-18 Are Now Ready! & Jfflkliitf##*^*i^ai^ to dr> yttur washing arid do it "fn first-class style. Our pl&nt is now in tirst-class funning order and we are anxious to show the peo« ime of McHenry and vicinity the kind of work visa J|u» oapabUrof turning ou|. Give us a trial ot onee. THE MM STEAM LAUNDRY, M. L. VAN NATTA, Manager. .COME AND EXAniNE.. OUR GOODS BEFORE BUYING • * Te are showing a very nice lme of idies' Waists arid Skirt! f New Waistings, New Suitings, r < New Lawnt f:4 ' oes and ' ' O : " f rds! V M)ur line is complete in Tan, , / iPatent. All grades and prices* r BLANKE'S Coffee. * ; Always fresh--always uniform. Prices, 15c, i8c, 20c, 25c, 30c. • * y . I# | 'Phdir^i. s West HcHfenry, Illinois. M: 7WE IEK :H? Have a suit to fit you from *ny style you may wish and the fabric Chat suits your fancy, Search. for a suit thai you can fit, of a style and fabric chosen by the maker. Have a suit to fit you from *ny style you may wish and the fabric Chat suits your fancy, OR Search. for a suit thai you can fit, of a style and fabric chosen by the maker. Have a suit to fit you from *ny style you may wish and the fabric Chat suits your fancy, Search. for a suit thai you can fit, of a style and fabric chosen by the maker. N. H. PETESCH V When the price is about the same there should be no hesitation in answering our query--Which? And once you've decided which is the better method, the only question open is where to have it done. Personally we believe that The International Tailoring Co., of New York and Chicago, produce the best made-to-order garments in the Country. That is the reason we take measures for their garments. Our New 1905-1906 FALL And WlNTER Samples are ready for your inspection. They are the finest collection of fabrics we have ever seen. Our prices are as low aa most oi the ready-made tl»rown-togetl>er Suits.. " • '• \\ ^ We are offering some big" discounts in Spring and Summer goods and last winter's Samples. Cj&U and look them over--we will save you money, " , -" Yours truly. DRUGGIST West HcHenry, Illinois. r 'Phone 363. L SPECIAL VALUES! 0peoial price on Fancy Figured Lawns, per yard.. Embroidery, beading and lace Jbrimmed White Lawn Dressing Sacks, sizes 32 and 84 only, $1.00 val- ue, to close at Children's Muslin Embroidery trimmed Drawers re have just placed on sale one of the biggest bargains ever shown to the public. Ladies' Full Cut fancy striped Mercerized Underskirts with full 14-inch Ruffled Flounce, neatly ^ OC taped, black sateen band, regular $1.00 val., our price 81x90 bleached hem-stitched Sheets, ex. fine qual. . . .59c --HOT WEATHER Pillow Cases, full size... Men's Fast Black Half Hose. IOC Ladies' Shirt Waists, made of a sheer Lawn, neatly tucked, and three rows of white raised embroidery insertion down front, collar and cuffs neatly tucked...... sleeves and backs $1.25 Children's Fast Black Bibbed Hose, all sizes, com- I As parisQn advisod.... l"v Men's extra fine Balbriggan Underwear, garment. .35c Men's fast color. Negligee Shirts, full cut, only .35c MEN'S RANTS! iti Men's Dress Pants we lead, others follow. Men's all wo# Pants, made and cut in the-best of style and manner, patterns in mixed' and striped goods--garments you pay others $3.50 for, our price on the entire lot only Ladies' Muslin Night Gowns, extra full sizes, embroidery and lace trimmed yoke, choice... $£.00 Don't forget you want a sack of GOLD flEDAL flourl BETHKE, McHENRY •WW! y;