MliMMIIMll HMMMIMIWHII B U I L I ) wM6m Don't forget that we handle a very com plete line of Lumber „ of every description V and everything necessary with .which to v*.** A MODERN HOUSE -'fff; are We always strive to please our customers^ and are ever ready and anxious to fulfill^ St heir wants. So bear in mind that wet the Building Supply Headquarters, f Our Feed Department Is always complete. . ",'Va , WILBUR LUMBER CO., " V C * WEST MchERNY,- ILLINOIS. ->•-> v . Yott've Ao idea the amount of wl>rk' itH save yon. Try it. am* Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. . /sells Corn Shelters and Tread j Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, / Bock Island Plows, Wagons, i»i. Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil k Specialty. wimiMMiiiiiMMiimi4n•••••••••-------- frukHl Utm JM Wrti! I am .Agent for the above. We pat the Bods on your Build* logs and should they be struck by l&htning we pay damages If Miatw »«fcaa Wl. Call mad get full partlculara. Cmn Blicksmitfeiit Prices iiwiys 4 .... Harper "On Every Tongue." ••Good as Oold"-received gold medals for superior excellence it f#lrs-New Orleans. 1885;Cfefcago, 1893. SOLD BY LEADING DEALEfcS. > pHTblP JAEGER I GENERAL COffiVlISSION MERCHANTS - SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF 5" Beef, riiatton, Hogs, Veal, Pmttp ftldes, Etc., Butler and Eggs i theokjeet application. » Stall i ft 3, Fulton & jfsj Wholesale Market. on the street Tags and price HMl ' COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 1 ISTOFFEL! THAT'S THE NAME! Best line of Groceries in Town. Also a fine line of Fruits. 3obn Sfofkl. flcHenry, III. JVi/H 6 Are Now Ready! We are now prepared to do your washing and do It , in first-class style. Our plant is now in first-Class ^ running order and we are anxious to show the peo ple of McHenry and vicinity the kind of work we are capable of turning Out. Give us a trial ot one*. THE McHEHRT STEAM LAUNDRY, 'v. M.L.VAN NATTA, Manager., THIS OFFICE FOR JOB WORK. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY CKIR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS KINOWIMHK Mr. and Mm James Green are enter- tmijiog oompanv.. Miss Edith Tattle has been entertain ing a friend from Elgin. •Ren French spent the last of the week with friends at Waukegan. Bay Merchant of Barreville was on our streets Friday evening. Miss Agnes Carey spent the last of the week with friends at Spring Grove. Several from here went down to the lotos beds at Gram Lake last Sunday. John Carey and family entertained relatives and friends from Elgin 8nn- day. Several from hers are attending the teachers' institnte at Woodstock this week. Geo. A Stevens and soi* Harold, of Elgin transacted business in Ringwood the past week. Carl Scriimer of Wanpaoo, Wis., was ghakiag hands with old aeqnainta&oes here one day reoenUy. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. B. V . Spaulding left Monday morning for a couple of weeks' visit with Carl Fay and family at Graadrille. 111. A base "ball team from Johnsburgh cams up and met defeat -at the hands of our boys by a score of seven to si* Sunday afternoon. Next Sunday our boys will go over and play with Solon. Fifty of the friends of Miss Nettie Whiting gave her a surprise "party last Friday evening at her home south of town. Games of several kinds being played, and after light refreshments were served the guests departed for their homes wishing Miss Nettie many happy returns of the day. f ' ; H O L O O M B V I U I . F. Dovoll was a Chioago visitor Thnnkbur. DavidfBowson of Louisiana is visiting relativesJin this vicinity. Miss Etta Powers is attending toach- er»' institute at WoodBtock this week. Mr. ajod Mrs. James Doherty of Mc Henry (spent Thursday with relatives here. . Miss Hasel Lock wood of Terrs Gotta visited her aunt, Mrs. T. L. Flanders* Tuesday. Miss Iva Huffman and Paul Hoffman of Spring Grove visited relatives here the last>of the week. Master' Jessie Johnson of Lake Geneva is spending a oouple of days with his aunt, Mrs. Ben Peck. Miss Edna Colby of Barreville spent s couple of days last week wifh her sister, Mrs. T. L. Flanders. Mrs. Henry McMillan and daughter and Miss Iva Hoffman were Terra Ootta visitors Saturday evening. N Mrs. James Powers entertained her mother, brother and cousin from Syoa- more a couple of days last week. Mrs. E. M. Peck and daughter, Miss Ruby, of Cary and Mrs. Schlagel and son, George, of Chicago spent 8nnday at Mrs. B. F. Peck's. i ~' V03MK y Mrs. ; Will Boeing of Bound Lake spent Sunday in Volo. Mrs. Joseph Vogt of Bound Lake waa a Volo cpller Sunday. G. F. Pummel of Chicago spent Sun day at A* J- Raymond's. Messrs, David and Houghton Qf Wau- conda were Volo callers Sunday., Misses Fanny and Rose "Sexton of Elgin called on friends at Volo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Murray of Mc Henry called on friends at Volo last week. Miss Clara McCounety of Elgin is spending s few days with Mrs. James Kirwin. Mrs. John Walton and daughters, Elsie and Maude, were MoHenry callers last week. Miss Buby Cook of Waueonda visited hercousin, Hellen Raymond, Saturday and Snnday. Mrs. Kate Waite of Grant and Mrs. Mary Graham of Chicago were Volo callers Friday. Mrs J Tr. Lusk and son, Raymond, Miss F ate D > well of Fremont called on Volo f j iends Sunday. Mahara's Minstrels, Central opera house, Saturday and Sunday evening, Aug. 10 and 30. How's Your It will pay you to take good cars of your liver, because, If you do, your Bver will take good care of you. Sick liver puts you all out of softs, makes you pale, dlxzy, sick at the stomach, gives you stonach ache, headache, malaria, etc. Well ttver keeps y&u wdlt by purifying your blood and digesting your food. There Is only one safe, certain and raiiabia Bver medicine, and that Is Thedford's Black-Draught For over 60 years ttb wonderful vegetable remedy has been the standby Is thoasanrts of homes, and la today the favorite ttver medicine In the world. Kads gently on the Iverand M*- nsys, and does not irritate the bowels. It cufes coastipatkxi, idkm con- gssdon, and purifies the system frosa an ovarfiewof bile, thereby the body in perfect health. Pries lie at all ~ Test It KlIMiKFtELU A, Sklner was in WoodstockTnesdaj# Miss K. Flaherty was in Nunda Mon day. J. H. Parks was in Nnnda Thursday. Mrs. S. Simmons was in Chicago Thesday. < - Mrs. 9. Wakefield war in Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bart* were Chicago visitors last Wednesday. Mrs. S. Thayer and daughters were Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson "are visit ing relatives in Michigan. Nnnda visitors Thursday. •, Miss Anna Steffes of Cnioago is the guest of Miss K. Flaherty. Ray Lynch is visiting his sister, Mrs, E. W. Merchant, at Ringwood. Arline Stephenson visited relatives at Ringwood Sunday and Monday. Mra, Florence Barden of Woodstock called on friends here Thursday. Mrs, Skinner of Nunda visited at B. L. D afield's from Thursday until Sun day. _ Miss Edith Hobart of Richmond oalled on friends in this**vicinity Tues day^ * ' Mrs. M. Donovan and children of Chicago are visiting with Mrs. George Doolittle and family. : • < *„ • « Mr.-and Mrs. B. L. Dufield attended the funeral of Mrs. fiattie Terwillager at Crystal Lake Friday. Miss Nettie Shelt returned home Tuesday evening after a two weeks' vis it with relatives in Elkhart, Ind. Mr. Corkell and family of Terra CJot- ta are occupying the Anna Hunt house, lately vacated by V. Shales. The Y. A. C. boys with a few of their friends, mothers and captain picniced on the shores of Crystal Lake last Thursday. KM^RALD PARK. Miss Kathryn Walsh spent Wednes day in Chicago. Misses Alice and Lutiy Sutton visited relatives at Terra Gotta Wednesday. * : Miss Majg Kenealy of Elgin visited Miss Nancy Frisby the first of the week. Miss Katie Bulger of Chicago is spend ing a week with relatives in this vicin ity. , , . Fred Peegle Jr. ̂ and a few friends of Chicago are camping at the Park this week. -.\;. Mrs. Mayme Overton of Spring Grove is spending a week with the Misses Knox. Misses Mary Knox and Irene Frisby of McHenry visited Miss Luey Sutton Sunday. Messrs. Chas. Gibhs, Ed. Walsh and Jerry Farrell of Chioago spent Snnday at P. Walsh's. Martin Knox and Bichard Aylward spent Friday at Woodstock and saw "Hans Hanson". Mrs. B, J. Sutton and daughter, Lncy visited at Ed. Noonan's at Ringwood Tuesday afternoon. Miss Sarah Chapin of Elgin is spend ing a few weeks' vacation; with Miss Margaret Aylward. Misses Mayme and Katie Knox and Margaret Sutton are attending Teach era' institute at Woodstock this week. , Mrs. Mary Hearnn and Mrs. Anna Moore and Master Arthur Moore are oft copying the Jas. Heaney cottage < at present. ' Mrs. Geo. Frisby of Chioago and Mrs. Geo. Frisby of MoHenry oalled on rela tives in this vicinity a -oonple qf d%ys last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bremer entertained their daughter, Mrs. J. A. Stark, and Mr. Bremer's sister and nleoe, of <Jhi dago last week. Mrs. E. J. Cohan, Mr. and Mn. Chas. Cohan and Mr. Chamberlin were called to Chicago Wednesday on account of the death of the former's toother. Mrs. D. W. Hill spent a oonple of days this week in Chioago She was accompanied to her cottage here by two of her nephews who will a few weeks here. JOKN«BnW4 Born, to Mr, and Mis. John ' S. Freund, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowan and daugh ter visited here Friday. Geo. Nell was quite ill last Friday, but is slowly recovering. Mrs. Wm. Oeffling and son, Peter, were McHenry callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray ware Mo Henry callers one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Stilling are re joicing over the arrival of a. baby girl. Mr. and Mrs Joe Bothermel of Mc Henry visited at Joe. J. Michel's dun- day. ' Mr. and Mrs. Mat. May of Spring Grove were visitors at Jao. Freund's Friday. Mrs. John Mertes and daughters vis ited Mrs. Henry Heimer .at McHenry Tuesday. Mrs. Mat Heimer and Mrs. Sehreiner of McHenry have been, visiting their brother, Geo. Nell, who is quite sick. Messrs. and Mesdames John Pi teen, John Oeffling, Mat May and William Oeffling visited at Mat Adams' Snnday. Another Good Man Gone Wrong. He neglected to take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first signs of kidney trouble, hoping it would wear away, and be was soon a victim of Bright's disease. There is danger in delay, bnt if Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at once the symptoms will disappear, the kidneys are strength ened and you are soon sound and well A. B Bass, of Morgan town, Ind., had to get up ten or twelve times in the night, and had a severe backache and pains in the kidneys, and was cured by Foley's Kidney Cura G. W. Besley. Is the ordinance in regard to mnssl- ing of dogs being enforced? If not; why not? The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other wise ordered. Try it Some HARNESS 18 hard -on a Horse and pocket. Doesn'f fit animals of normal shape and it is of such poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is of the other sort. Lasts longer than the hofse will. "Made of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit. Strain is equally divided and every part equal to the strain. Costs no more than "cheap" C. P. Barnes, Attorney. Administrator** Sale of Real Estate. I STATE OF ILLINOIS Mclienry County. In the County court of McBeary Oounty, August term .A. D.1VQ5, William H, Harrison, Ex-Officio Administrator of the Estate of Adam Musgr-ove, Deceased, vs. Etta J. Kettle et al Take Notice: --That In pursuance of an or der and decree of the Oiunty Court of said McHenry County, entered on the seventh day of August A, 1). 1805 la the above entitled cause, 1 siuili offer for sale. and seti at public veudue Hi the Fii-st door of the court house in the city of Woodstock, in the County of McHenry. nisri State of Illinois, on Monday t he fourth day of Septeml>er A. 1). 1906, at the hout of one O'clock In tlie afternoon of said day. to the highest and best bidder for cash, all of tlie interest of the said Adam Musgrove in and to the following described real estate, situated in the County of McHenry, ana State of Illinois, to-wlt:--Part of the south east «iunrter of section No- twenty-six (89) in Township No. fourty-four (44) north, of range No. eight (H) east of the third principal Merla- ftiu, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Heginntng at a point on the south line of said south-east quarter twenty-five (&>) rods east- of the south-west corner thereof: thenc# rth parataii with the west line of said south ,^east qu,urtef eighteen (18) chains and five (5) Unks to t he center of the highway; thence rtorth eighty and one half (H0V*> degrees, east along center of said highway to the east Hue of said section; thence south along said east line twenty-three (23) chains and sixty-nine (list) links to the sout h east corner of said sec tion; thence west along the south line of said section to the place of beginning, containing seventy-four and 44-100 (74.44) acres more or less, (excepting and reserving therefrom a piece of land hounded and described its fol lows, torWit;lieglnning at the north east cor ner of the allow described premises in the center of the highway; thence south along the section line eleveu (11) rods and nine (V) links; thence south westerly sixteen (It!) rods and fifteen (15) links; thence northerly ten(10) rods and eighteen (is) links to the center of said highway: thence north 'easterly along the center ot said highway siajeen (ifi) rttus ind twenty-one (21) links to the place of be ginning, containing one and 14-100(1.44) acres more or less, (subject to the rights of school .district No. one in and to the lot of land now used for school purposes so loyg as same shall be used for school purposes and no longer); also the sout h east quarter,of the south east Quarter of section No. oue (1) in township No. fourty.-rfour (44) north, of nyigfe Nt>. eight (H), oast ot the t hird principal Meridian, ^ con- tuihing forty (40) acres rttore or less. AI so the north naif of the north west quarter (H) of section So. fifteen (15) ail in township No. of range No. eight (S) ' Meridian. PROBA TE NEWS forty-four (44) north, of i east of the third principal Terms of said sale to he 1 twenty percent (30) of the amount of said bid on the day of said sale, and the balance to be paid when a re port of said sale shall be approved by said Court, and a deed of conveyance delivered to the purchaser. Possession of the hereinbefore described premises to lie given to the purchaser or pur chasers as follows, to-wit: Possession of the first hereinbefore describ ed premises to be given March 1,1907. Possession of the second hereinkjefore de scribed premises to be given January 1, 190#, t Possession of the third hereinbefore de scribed premises to be given on March 1, 1906. Taxes on each of said premises for the year prior to the delivering of possession, to be paid by said estate of Adam Musgrove. Dated this eighth day of August A. l>. 1806. William U. Harrison. Ottclo Administrator of the estate of Adam Mosgrove deceased. •C. P. Barnes, Attorney. ^ Conservator's of Bwl Wslsten BTATEQF ILLINOIS, M • WcHemTCounty, ) '.In the County Court of McHenry OMUltjr, August term A. 1>. 1905. ' )u the niatter of the application Of 1 William H. Harrison, Couservato* I . of William Musgrove, a distracted V Decree, and feeble-minded person,for leave j to sell Heal Estate. J Take Notice:--That in pursuance of (til or dur asd decree of tije County Court of said McHenry County, entered on the seventh day of August A. 1>. 190ft in the above entitled cause. I #hall offer for sale, aud sell at public vendue at the east door of the court house in the City of Woodstock, in the County of Mc Henry, aud J'tate of Illinois, on Monday the fourth day of Heptctuber A. I). 1906, at the hour of oue o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to the highest and best bidder for cash, all of the interest of the said William Mus grove in and to the following described real estate, situated in the Couuty of McHenry, and State of Illinois, to-wit: Part of the south east quarter of section No. twenty-six (2t$) in township No. forty-four (44) north, of range No. eight (8) east of the third priucipal Meridian, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt; beginning at a point on the south line of said south-east, quarter twenty-five (2ft) rods east of the soutlt-wsst corner there of ; thence north pareletl *Kh the west line of south-east quarter eighteen (is) chains aud five (5) links to the center of the highway; thence north eighty and one half (S0H) de grees east along the center of said highway to the east Hue of said section; thence south along said east line twenty-three (JKJ) chains and sixty-nine (HO) liuks to the south-east corner of said section; thence west along the south line of said section to tlie place of l)e- ginuing, containing seventy -four and 44-100 ("4.44," acres more or less, (excepting and re serving therefrom, a piece of land bounded aud described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the north-east corner of the alwve de scribed premises in the center of the high way; thence south aloug the section line eleven (11) rods and nine (9) links, thence south westerly sixt«en(l«) rods and fifteen (IS) links; thence northerly ten (10) rods and eighteen (IS) links to the center of said high way ; thence north-easterly along the center of said highway sixteen (10) rods and twenty- one (21) links to the place of beginning, con taining one and 14 100 (1.14) acres more or less, ( subject to the rights of school district No. oue in and to the lot of land now used for schoftl purposes so long as same shall be used for school purposes and no longer); also the south-east quarter of the south-east quarter of section No. one (1) in township No. forty-four north, of range No. eight (8) east of the third principal Meridian, containing forty acres more or less. Also the north half (H) of the north-west quarter (J4) of section No. fifteen (15) all in township No. forty-four (44) north, of range No. eight 1.8] east of the third principal Meridian. Terms of said sale to be twenty [80] per cent of the amount of said bid on the day of sale, and the balance to l>e paid when report of said sale shall be approved by said Court and a deed of conveyance delivered to the purchaser. Possession of the hereinbefore described premises to be given to the purchaser or pur chasers as follows, to-wit: Possession of the first hereinlHifore de scribed premises to be givou March i. 1907. Possession of the second hereinbefore de scribed premises to be given January I. 1906. Possession of tlie third hereinbefore de scribed premises to be given March 1,1906. Taxes on each of said premise's for the year prior to the delivering of possession, to be paid by said estate of William Musgrove. Dated this eighth day of August A. 1». 1905 W(Hi«»! H. Harrison. Conservator of William Musgrove, a distract ed and feeble-minded person. AT CSRTIAL OPSSA HOV1 It will wash and not rub off vV This complexion all envy It's no secret so I'll tell - • v Take thou Bocky Mountain Tea. 4 G. W Bssley, REALIST ATE TRANSFERS. Mary II' Hertz & h to Plstakee Yach Club, It. 1 in assrs plat of Pistakee Cot tage U rounds, McHenry Mary Schneider to Peter Diedrich, 21 acres in eVt swM sec 19 McHenry : 100 Robert J Sutton &w to Wm. W. White, It IS Emerald Park sec I Nunda.,-. .... flOO 00 Josephine Boley to Gottlieb C Boley et al Its 8 & 3 blk 21 McHenry .. 9000 00 Albert L Howe & w to E W Howe, It 81 Orchard Beach sec25 McHenry. .. 860 00 E W Howe & w to Jay E Waite same..; 850 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. French J. Pierson, 28... Woodstook, 111. Eva K. Dewey^ 21 ...... Woodstock, 111. Francis Fillweber, 20.... ..... Marengo Anna Cunningham, 19.........Harvard Harry Ehorn, 22. .Huntley Millie Marsh, 24........Huntley Chas. A. Osborn,.27. . . . H e b r o n Florence A, Holland, JSrrrrn-... .Alden Herman Siegmier, 28..... ...... .Nnnda Minnie Smith, 17.... ...... .Nnnda $SO.OO Colorado and Return, Chioago, Union Paelflc A North-Western Line, From Chicago daily August 80th to Sep tember 4th, account G. A. B. Encamp ment at Denver. Correspondingly low rates from all points. Only one night to Denver from Chioago. Two fast trains daily. Special personally con ducted G. A. B. trains leave Chicago September 2d. Through without change. From Denver, numerous inexpensive personally conducted Bide tripe afford opportunity to visit some of the most wonderful mountain scenery in the world. For itinerary of special trains, list of Colorado hotels and boarding houses, side trips, sleeping car reserva tion and full information, address W. B. Kniskern, P. T. M„ Chicago. Aug ust 80. Mahara's Minstrels, Central opera house, Saturday and Sunday evening, Ang. 19 and 20. ^ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTfUB, Estate of John J. Miller, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administratrix of the Estate of John J. Milk ier deceased, late of t he County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court bf McHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock, at t he October term, on the first Monday in October uext, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under signed. Dated this 31st day of July. A. D. 190S. Gertrude L. Miluib, Administratrix, f FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE WILL any case of KIDNE-Tf I BLADDER DISEASE that is •; to V ^ not beyond the reach of medicine. S"' • No medicine can do WIS WEI>PTOM B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virgin!* St., Evaasville, Ind., writes: "For over five years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. I lost flesh and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely. I had three of the best physicians who did me no good and I was practically given up to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second bottle 1 was entirely cured. TWO SIZES, 50c AID UN. HLD AID BECOMIIEIBEBIV G. W. BESLEY. W. McgRNfiY. Combinationof for 25 ib best H. & E- Gran. Sugar 3 packages best Corn Starch.... Gallon Pail fan cy Table Syrup 2 pounds Fancy Seeded Raisins. 3 pack'gs Gold en Breakfast -V« $1.00 25c 25c 35c 25c ALL FOR... $2.00 fygy Article GwfMtert! COMPANY. OUR GOODS m OUR PRICES! We wish to call the attention of the meat bnying pnplic to the fact that our goods and our prices are what we ba^e our success upon. We handle a complete line of meats of every description at all times and are only too glad to fill your orders with the kind of goods that look so tempting when served at your dinner table. We also carry in stock a fine line of canned goods. fresi Bakery Every toy! If there is anything you may need in the bakery line we can also fur nish you, as we always carry a fresh line. Call us up by 'phone and your orders will be promptly filled. M ADAMS & SONS, West rtcHenry, 111. - .... Totophone 48S. i FHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes ami sistss. Sev eral proofs to select front. Each doa- en finished in different styles. 1'rlee, 18.00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. Enlaricmsnt*. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed iu every instance. Finished in black and white or colors. Frames. A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd siaes made i| for any sise picture, curtlScate, ate. Waukegan St.. near the Standpipa. WEST McllKNKY, ILL. T>li>hw>, 4W i V H - " ' v ' % S . : . - ' M i . ' - * . * . v . , : w;- Become a member ot the McHenry Oounty Agricultural society hf bnyinc Ik membership ticket. L. ' . J