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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Aug 1905, p. 5

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»?-•' K.p- ,-v- - 'v T; • fr, <; 7 • ' v»^? wj>, ^r - 9*r*-£^ «y e~ •• &•>,.- £ -?&*&••T',T7^r1> '^r^V"'11"+**•* * .fsT, <^v* $V» fi n'7?! 3 *•>£ ti££* [ NEIGHBORING NEJVSytS CHRONICLED BjT X 'OUR A RLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS •H|iiiiiimii ii>« XOtAK . ^,,, "".'-" J Raj all of fihoag. * | Mrs H. Nichols wag a McHenry yfo- iti>r Tuesday. Mrs. L. Lusk and son spent Thursday , . : Don't forget that we handle a very comr plete l ine of Lumber of every description - and everything necessarywith which |® ,./* Build- y ' ; J IA MODERN HOUSE We always strive to please our customers ^nd are ever ready and anxious to fulfill their wants. So bear in mind that we are the Building Supply Headquarters. Our Feed Department is always complete > \VIL,BI;R LUMBER Go •'i'i WEST McHERNY, ILLINOIS, * vWIHHTfvvvTvvTwvirmrTTYl vT^nrTVYVTrvM^vYis » vmirmr.11• vYvsYwYTirvrvTVuvi»v**A~pnrvTv*VT¥ i MAPLE CITY 58 WSSi Q It saves you worrying, thus preserving your temper on wash day. •9NI Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells the McVicker Gasoline Engine, Duplex Grinding Mills, y Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harnew* Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. franklin 4i$litniiK| Rod Works! / I am agent for the above. We put the Hods on your Build­ ings and sliou Id they be struck , /by lightning we pay damages If no more than $500.'--Call and get full particulars. *. Generii BiacKsmithing Prices diwavs Reasonable m m m m » m m m m m m m m It reaches the spot and covers the case as no other whiskey can; £ *» m m m m Harper "On Every Tongue.' * pure, delicate, rich and Invigorating. J SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. 1 L I P J A E G E R | GENERAL COflMISSlON MERCHANT SPECIAL. ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SA1JE OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, ' ; : ; Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs 7 • This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists' furnished on application. " GOLX> STORAdE FREE p , I SSVLlBStH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. | STOFFELl! THAT'S fH£ IMAME1! A. u t- il w I Best line of Groceries in Town. Also a fine line of Fruits. | $ SS if: £ h* John Sfoftel. West flcTlenry, III* Are Now Ready! We are now prepared to do your washing and do it in first-class style. Our plant is now in first-class running order and we are anxious to show the peo­ ple of McHenry and vicinity the kind of work we are capable of turning out. Give us .a trial ot once. THE MCHENRY STEAM LAUNDRY, M. L. VAN NATTA, Manager. > THIS OEEICE FOR JOB WQRK. I. Barrus and family were Wauconda callers Thursday. Dr. E. F. Shaffer of Grayslafea was a recent Volo caller. Mr. Hammond of Wanconda was Volo caller Sunday. * . Glenn Richardson of JRollin Volo caller Sunday. Win. Moore and John Gift were'Wan-* conda callers Friday. Mrs. L. V. Lusk of. Fremont -Was a Volo Caller Thursday. Miss Frances Rosing of Goshen^ Ind., spent Sunday at home. Geo. E. Richardson and family enter-; tained relatives Sunday: John Stadtfeld and J. A. Barris were Wauconda callers Friday. Mrs. Jake Ernst and family of Rollins were Volo callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rosing of'{found Lake spent Sunday in Volo. ' , Mrs. F. Dunnill and children were Wauconda callers Thursday, . Mr. and Mrs. L. Knigge were' calling on friends it town Thursday. S. J. Russell and daughter, Esther, were McHenry callers Saturday. Irwin England of Wauconda Spent Thursday at the home of Thos. Fisher. Misses Gertrude and Lillian Shaefer of McHenry called at C. Sable's recent­ ly. Messrs. R S. Stadtfeld Mid A. J. Raymond were McHenry callers Sun­ day. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and Mrs. -S. Howard were Wanconda callers Satur- day. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and Mrs. Sarah Howard were Wauconda callers Satur­ day. Quite a mumber of Voloites attended the minstrel phow at McHenry Sunday night. Messrs. ®. J. Rosing and Raymond Coulson of Round Lake were Volo call­ ers Sunday. Mrs. J. Crompton and Mrs. Theo. Wortzof Hainesville called at J. Kir- win's Thursday. Mn and Mrs. Mike Hertel and family of Fremont Center called at John Row­ ing's Sunday evening. Howard Converse and Miss Kate Dowell of Fremont were calling on friends in town Sunday. Miss Millie Rossdeutcher of Big Hoi* low spent Sunday at the home of Dr. Rossdeutcher and family. Misses Maude Walton and Hellen Raymond called at Ben Cossman's at Rollins-Sunday afternoon. The Sunday school was not very well represented last Sunday, and no services were held on account of the pastor be­ ing at Rockford, but next Sunday ser­ vice will be held at the usual hour. Sunday school at 1:30 and preaching at 2:30 and a full attendance is desired as September 10th the Sunday school con­ vention will be held in Volo and the school wants to give an incouraging re­ port. RISOWOOD. Warren FOBS Chicagoed Wednesday last. Phil. Harrison is entertaining com- pany. Ed Keefe spent Sunday with rela­ tives near Woodstock. A number from here took in the sights at Chicago Monday. Geo. Harrison was a business caller in Chicago one day recently. Mrs. Ed Noonan and daughter, Mae, were in Chicago one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Whiting are entertaining relatives from Harvard. John Phalin and family of Irish Prai­ rie were callers at John Carey's Satur­ day. John Carey and family entertained relatives from Chicago the first of the week. Geo. Harrison left for a visit with relative*. a >d friends in- Missouri last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shales and Earl spent Sunday with their father David Shales, of Willmot, Wis. A Happy Home To have a Happy home you should have children* They are great happy-home makers. If a weak woman, you can be made strong enough to bear healthy chil­ dren, with little pain or dis­ comfort to you«ttlf»by taking WINE OF CARDUI A Tonic for Women It will ease alt your pain, reduce inflammation, cure leucorrhea, (whites) r falling womb, ovarian trouble,' disordered menses, back­ ache, headache, etc., and make childbirth mtural and easy. Try it. At all dealers in medidnss, in 41.00 bottles. "DUE TO CAB Dm is ay baby girl, now two weeks old," writes Mrs. J. Priest, of Web­ ster City, Iowa. " She is a fine healthy babe and we are both doiag nicely, I aa stiM taking; Card*!, aad wouia not be wttaeut it iai the heuse." JOHNSHUKGH. Rajah of Bhong. John Debrecht Chicagoed Tuesday. Mrs. Shade visited Mrs. Peter Freund Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith spent Sun­ day at King's. # -- Jos. Michels an! family spent Satur­ day at McHenry. Miss Josephine Klein visited at How­ ell's Villa Monday. * C. M. Adams transacted business in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes were Mc­ Henry callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Steffes were Mc­ Henry callers Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dagan of Mc­ Henry were here Sunday. Mrs. S. H. Smith spent Sunday after­ noon with Mrs. C. Blake. * ' Mrs. Patrick of Pistakee Bay was shopping in town Friday. ' Mrs. Joe. J. Michels and sons were McHenry visitors Friday. ; \ Miss Barbara Adams of Spri&jg Grove was shopping here Monday. Mrs. Mat. J. Miller spent Tuesday with Mrs. John M. Schmitt. V' Mr. and Mrs. Mat Rauen of Spring Grove were in town Sunday. Mrs. Michels visited her daughter, Mrs. John S. Freund, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Klein of German Vil­ lage were callers here Monday. Mrs. Joseph J. Frett and daughter, Millie, were callers here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rotherinel of Mc­ Henry visited at Joe Michels' Sunday. Quite a number from here attended the show at McHenry Sunday evening. Miss Eva Huemann spent several days with McHenry friends last week. Miss Anna Oeffling is visiting McHen­ ry friends and relatives for a few days. Miss Maggie Smith entertained sever­ al lady friends from Volo last Sunday. Mat. Lay and Jake Schumacher of Spring Grove were callers here Sunday. Mrs. Peter Niesen> and daughter, Martha, were McHenry callers Satur­ day. Mesdames Jno. Debrecht and Jos. Schmitt were Spring Grove callers Sun­ day. Mesdsmes Jos. Michels and S. H. Smith visited Mrs. Hubert Michels Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Schmitt of Spring Grove visited the latter's parents Sun­ day. Mrs. Wm. Althoff and daughter, Mayme, were McHenry callers Satur­ day. Mr, and Mrs. Nick Martin and sons of Chicago visited at Geo. Nells for a. time. Mr. and Jos. Thelen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mertes at Pista­ kee Bay. Mesdames Trade and English and children of Howell's Villa were in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Anton May Sundayed with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John May. Misses Anna and Mayme Degan of McHenry visited relatives and friends here Sunday. Martin Schmitt has left for New Haven, Iowa, where he intends to stay for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Frennd and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M. £chaefer spent Satur­ day at the Bay. Misses Margaret and Susie Thiel of Chicago are enjoying a week's visit with home folks. Miss Mayme Althoff of Kenosha, Wis,, is spending a few days with Miss Tillie Hetterman. Miss Helen Johnston of Chicago is enjoying a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Chris, blake. Miss Margaret M. Adams went to Chicago Tuesday and purchased a fine line of fall millinery. John and Albert Nye of Valpariso, Ind., are spending a few weeks' vaca­ tion with their brother, Dr. Nye. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Blake and daugh­ ter. Dora, accompanied by Miss Helen Johnston of Chicago spent Saturday at the Bay. • ^ Master Charlie Simon returned to his home in Chicago Tuesday after a few months' visit with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Freund enter­ tained Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Freund and Mrs. Susie Freund Sunday. Healtliy Mother*. Mpthers should always keep in good bodily health. They owe it to their children. Yet it is no unusual sight to see a mother, with babe in arms, cough­ ing violently and exhibiting all the symp­ toms of a consumptive tendency. And why should this daugerons condition ex­ ist, dangerous alike to mother and child, when Dr. Boshee's German Syrup would put a stop to it at once? No mother should be without this old and tried remedy in the house--for its timely use will promptly cure any lung, throat or^ bronchial trouble in herself or her chil­ dren. The worst cough or cold can be speedily cured by German Syrup; so can hoarseness and congestion of the bron­ chial tubes. It makes expectoration easy, and gives instant relief and re­ freshing rest to the cough racked con­ sumptive. New trial bottles, 25c; large size, 75c. For sale by all druggists. 11-1 Excursion Ticket* to County Fair at % f Belvidere, 111., Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates Sept. 4 to 8, inclu­ sive, limited to return until Sept. 9, in­ clusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 9-8t One dose of Pineules taken at bedtime will entirely relieve the most obstinate case of backache before morning. Pine- ales is a certain cure for all kinds of bladder and kidney troubles. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry, G. W. Besley, Wert McHenry. Some HARNESS is hard, on a Horse and pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shape and it is of such poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is of the other sort. Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the, best leather and trimmings and made to fit. Strain is equally divided and every part equal to the strain. Costs1 no more than "cheap" Gus. Carlson. • Harness. C. P. Harnes.'Attorney. .! AdwinUtrator'a Sale of Seal i£*tate. •M STATE OF ILLINOIS Mc lieu ry County In the County Court of McHenry Ctottnty. ' AugustWrm A. 1>, 1U05. " • • 'William 11. Harrison. E.\ -Officio I Administrator of. the Kstute ot 1 Adam Musgrove. Deceased,," ' > Decree. " • . 'vs.. " - " • .'-T> >». , " Etta J. Kettle et al . '_;V V Take Notice: -That, hi £mrsMiic<f6f an or­ der and decree 'of the Couuty Court of said •McHenry County, entered oil t he seventh day of August A. 1). 190,1 in the above entitled cause. I shall'offer for sale, and sell at public vendue at-the Kast door of the court-house in the city of Woodstock, in the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, on Mouday tiie fourth day of September A. I>. 1905. at the hour of one o'clock iu the afternoon of said day, to the highest and best bidder for cash, all of the interest of the said Adam Musgrove and to the following described real estate, situated in the Couuty of McHeury, and State of Illinois, to-wit:--1'art of the south­ east. "quarter of section No' twenty-six <3ti) iu Township No. fourty-four (44) north, of range No. eight (.K) east of t he third principal Merid­ ian, Itounded and described as follows, to-wit: Itt'giniiing at a point, on t he south line of said soul h-east quarter twenty-live (&>) rods east,- of 1 lie south-west corner ther«H>f: theuce nort li paraiell with the west, tine of said south east quarter eighteen (IN) chains and live (5) links to: he center of the highway: thence nort It eighty ami one half (SO^*) degrees, east, along center of said highway to the east line of said section: theuce south along said east, line twenty-three (St) chains and sixty-nine («!•) links to t he south east corner of said sec­ tion; thence west along the south Line of said sect ion to the p'ace of beginning, containing seventy-four and 44-100 (14.44) acres more, or less, (excepting and reserving therefrom a piece of laud bounded and described as fol­ lows, to-wit:Beginning at the north east cor­ ner of the nltove described premises in the center of the highway: thence south alopg t lie section line eleven (11) rods and nine (tt) links; thence south westerly sixteen (16) rods and iifteen (l.'i) links; thence northerly ten (10) rods and eighteen (IN) links t.() the center of said highway; thence north easterly along tike center of said highway sixteen (16) rods and twenty-one (21) links to the place of be­ ginning, containing one and 14-100 (1.44) acres more or less, (subject to the rights of school district No. one iu and to the lot of land now used for school purposes so long as same shall be used for school purposes and no longer); also the south quarter of the south east quarter of section No. one (1) in township No. fourty-four (44) north, of range No. eight (8), east of the third principal Meridian, con­ taining forty (40) acres more or less. Also the north half (W) of the north west quarter (K) of sect ion No. fifteen (15) all iu towuship No. forty-four (44) north, of range No. eight (S) east of the third principal Meridian. Terms of said sale to be twenty per cent (30) of the amount of said bid on tiio dav of said saie, and the balance to be paid when a re­ port of said sale shall be approved by said Court, and a deed of conveyance delivered to the purchaser. Possession of the hereinbefore described premises to be giveu to the purchaser or pur­ chasers as follows, to-wit; Possession of the flrst hereinbefore describ­ ed premises to be given March 1. 1SK>7. Possession of the second liereinltefore de­ scribed premises to be given January 1, 11)06. Possession of the third hereinbefore de­ scribed premises to be given on March 1, 180K. Taxes on each of said premises for the year prior to the delivering of possession, to be paid by said estate of Adam Musgrove. Dated this eighth day of August A. D. 1005. William 11. Harrison, Officio Administrator of the estate of Adam Musgrove deceased. C. P. Barnes, Attorney, Conservator's Sale of Real Estate. STAT1? OF ILLINOIS, ( McHenry County. f in the county Court of McHenry County, August term A. D. KW5. • In the matter of the application oH • William II. Harrison. Conservator! of William Musgrove. a distracted^ D6CP and feeble-minded person.for leave to sell lieal Estate. Take Notice:--That in pursuauce of an or­ der and decree of the County Court of said McHenry County, entered on the seventh day of August A. I). 1!W.'» In the alntve entitled cause, I shall offer for sale, and sell at public vendue at the east door of the court house In the City of Woodstock, in the County of Mc­ Henry, and State of Illinois, on Monday the fourth day of September A. I>. 11H)5, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day. to the highest and best bidder for cash, all of the Interest of the said William Mus­ grove in and to the following described real state, situated iu the Couuty of McHenry, and State of Illiuois. to-wlt: Part of the sou tli east .quarter of section No. twenty-six (Jiti) in township No. forty-four (44) north, of range No. eight (H) east of the third principal Meridian, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point, on the south line of said south-east quarter twenty-live (25) rods east of the south-west corner there­ of; thence north parelel I with the west line of south-east, quarter eighteen (IN) chains and live (5) links to the center of the highway; thence north eighty and one half (N0H) de­ grees east along the center of said highway to the east line of said section: thence south along said line twenty-three (23) chains and sixt.y-nine (HO) links to the south-east corner of said section: t hence west along the south line of said section to the place of be­ ginning, containing seventy-four aird 44-100 (74.44; acres more or less, (excepting and re ­ serving therefrom a piece of land Ixiundod and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the north-east corner of the above de­ scribed premises in the center of the high­ way: thence south along the section line eleven (11) rods and nine (H) links, thence south westerly sixteen(lti) rods and iifteen (15) links; thence northerly ten (10) rods and eighteen (is) links to the center of said high­ way; thence north-easterly along the center of said highway sixteen (10) rods and twenty- one CM) links to the place of beginning, con­ taining one and 14 100 (1.14) acres more or less. ( subjectto the rights ot school district. No. one in and to the lot of laud now used for school purposes so Umg as same shall be used for school purposes and no longer); also the south-east quarter of the south-east quarter of section No. one (I) in township No. forty-four north, of range No. eight (s) east of the third principal Meridian, containing forty acres more or less. A lso the north half (H) of the north-west quarter (H) of section No. iifteen (15) all in township No. forty-four (4+) north, of range No. eight [N] east of the third principal/Meridian. Terms' of said sale to be twenty 1.301 per cent of the amount of said bid on the day of sale, and the balance to be paid when report of said sale shall be approved by said Court and a deed of conveyance delivered to the purchaser. Possession of the hereinbefore described premises to be given to the purchaser or pur­ chasers as follows, to- wit: Possession of the first hereinbefore de­ scribed premises to be given March L 1907. Possession of the second hereinbefore de~ scribed premises to be given January 1. lSXXi. Possession of the third hereinbefore de­ scribed premises to be given March 1, lt)06. Taxes on each of said premises tor the year prior to the delivering of possession, to be paid by said estate of William Musgrove. Dated tills eighth day of August A. D. 1905 William H. Harrison, Conservator of William Musgrove, a distract­ ed and feeble-minded person. HOLCOMBVILLK. T. L. Flanders was a Chicago visitor Monday. Miss Mabel Smith of Solon spent a a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ben Peck. Miney Peck and Edith Brand of Wau­ conda called on Mrs. B. F. Peck Sun­ day afternoon. Mrs. Ben Peck and sister, Miss Mabel Smith, called on Mm Henry McMillan Saturday afternoon. Mrs. G. Weidner and sons, Mike and gillie, of Marengo and Frank Zeck called on friends in this vicinity Sun­ day. " Mr. and Mrs, Henry McMillan and daughter spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wingate at Prairie wove. . Panorama of Finance and th® Markets. As one would expect of a great met­ ropolitan newspaper having the facili­ ties of Tho Chicago Record-Herald, that paper always covers the markets and financial and commercial intelligence generally on a scale of exceptional full­ ness, covering two entire pages of each, issue. quotations on live stock, grain and provisions, stocks and bonds, and in fact every commercial and finan­ cial market in which the people of the northwest are interested, are thronghly complete and satisfactory. Special ca­ bles tell the story of finance abroad. The "Speculative Gossip," "WallStreet Talks" and "LaSall Street Notes" are features of The Record-Herald market page that interest speculators from the Pacific to the Atlantic coast. They tell of the undercurrents in the grain and security markets. They relate personal gossip of the pits, in its way as impor­ tant as the humdrum and routine part of the day's story of speculation. The Wall street letter of John Chambers summarizes the daily history of Goth­ am's money market in a most enter­ taining and instructive fashion. Ex­ amine the market page of any issue and see for yourself. Atlantic City in Fiction. It is a singular fact that white Bar Harbor, Newport, and all the larger New England coast resorts have long figured in fiction, the great New Jersey playground, Atlantic City, is but sel­ dom selected as the scene of imagined happenings. "Jacko's Angel" is the story of a little Atlantic City bootblack, homesick for musical, sunny Italy. How by the aid of a sweet young girl he secures a musical training is told vividly and with sympathy by Jean Pardee-Clark in the September Li|»^iu-. cott's Magazine. < .. Another Good Man Gone Wrongs He neglected to take Foley Is Kidney Cure at the first signs of kidney trouble, hoping it would wear away, and he was soon a victim of Bright's disease. There is danger in delay, but if Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at once the symptoms will disappear, the kidneys are strength ened and you are soon sound and well. A. R. Bass, of Morgantown, Ind., had to get up ten or twelve times in the night, and had a severe backache and pains in the kidneys, and was cured by Foley's Kidney Cure. G. W. Besley. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE Cures Kidney and Blad­ der Diseases In Every Form--Many People Have Kidney Trouble and Do Mot Know It. HOW TO FIND OUT. It Is the function of the kidneys to filial1 and purify the blood which is constantly passing through them. When the kidneys are out of order the other organs are affected immediately and you may have symptons of heart trouble, stomach and liver trouble, and other ailments, which are all owing to the kidneys being weak and out of order. If you are sick Foley's Kidney Cure will strengthen and build up the worn out tissues of the kidneys so they will act properly and the symptons of weakness, heart, stomach and liver trouble will disappear and yon will be restored to perfect health. How to Tsll If You Havs Kldnay Trouble. You can easily determine if your kid­ neys are out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sed­ iment or small particles float about in it, your kidneys are disced and Foley's Kidney Cure should be taken at once. Foley's Kidney Cure is pleasant to take and acts directly upon the parti affected and you begin to feel better at once. It corrects slight disorders In a few days and it has cured many obstinate cases after other treatment had failed. Doctors Said Hs Would Not Live. Peter Frey, ot Woodruff, Pa., writes: "After doctoring for two years with the best physicians in Waynesburg, and still fetting worse, the doctors advised me if had any business to attend to I had bet­ ter attend to it at once, as I could not possibly live another month, as there was no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend, and I immediately sent my son to the store for it and after taking three bottles I be­ gan to get better and continued to im­ prove until I was entirely well." BntHers A I . MIKT 6R0®S "We offer for This Week Only ..the below.,.. Combination of Hi Groceries for $2.00! 251b best II; & E). Gran. Sugar 3 packages best Corn Starch. . . . Gallon Pail fan­ cy Table Syrup 2 pounds Fancy Seeded Raisins. 3 pack'gs Gold­ en Breakfast . . . $1.00 p"» ry 25C 25C 25C ALL FOR... $2.00 Every Article timrMttrt! oiIDert Bros. COMPANY. »OOOOSSI {OUR GOODS m one m$! We wish to call the attention of the meat buying puplic to the fact that our goods and our prices are what we base our success upon. We handle a complete line of meats of every description at all times and are only too glad to fill your orders with the kind of goods that look so tempting when served at your dinner table. We also carry in stock 9 fine line of canned goods. fresh Bakeiy Every toy! If there is anything you may need in the bakery line we can also fur­ nish you, as we always carry a fresh line. Gall ns up by 'phone and your orders will be promptly filled. J. ADAMS & SONS, West ricHenry, III. Telephone 483. Tare Sizes* 50o aad SIM. SOLD AMD REC0MMEIDED BY G. W. BESLEY, W. McHENRY. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. Aii shapes au-t aiitak Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Eacit do»- eu finished iu different styles. Price. IC.OO-and upward. Outdoor Work. We hare extensive am.HrAtus for al! kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. Enlargements. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed iu every iustance. Finished in black and white or colors. Frames. A variety of styles in stock to select trow. Odd siies made up for any siie picture, certificate, etc, Wattkefan St.. near the ̂ tmid^e, WliST McilENRY. ILL, -;i TelepKone, 495 I ! Become a member of the McHenry County Agricultural society by buying a membership tiohefc ' •'!¥ . -i • - - .A* '4 ' __ ..

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