-" ? " r *> »^flfr | A y e r ' s C h e r r y P e c t o r a l quiets tickling throats, hack ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- Cherry Pectoral dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. He knows all about this cough medicine. " We have used Aver'a Cherry Pectoral In our family for^25 year* for throat and lung troubles, and we think no medicine equals it. MRS. A. POMKBOY. Appleton, Minn. 25c., 50e.. 51.00. All dru£eists. for J. C. ATKR CO.. T.imell. M.XS, Weak Throats Ayer's Pills greatly aid recovery. [Purely vegetable, gently laxative. jHile McHenry Plaiitdeaier S PUBLISHED EVKKY THURSDAY BY IfliC MCHENRY PlAiNDEALfR COMPANY. F. K. GRANGER. W. A. CRIST*, J.B PEBRY, Pres. Sec. Trea* F. G. SOBRKINKR, Editor. vlMBce In Bank Building. Telephone, Mo. *72. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: i>neyear. $1.50 :#l* months, 75Ct&. Three months. 40cts. Thursday, September 14, 1905- THE dove of peace acted beautifully at Portsmouth, N. H., but she is raying mad in Tokyo. , WHY does the beef trust want to fight on technicalities, when all it has to do is to prove an alibi 1 THE Japanese appear to think that United States rescued Russia--and the impression is not very far out of the way. _ "Is there too much money," asked the Minneapolis Journal? Well, we are .looking for fellows over-burdened thusly. J. EDWARD ADDICKS keeps on trying to kick the lid off of his political coffin. Some people do not, know when they are dead. • V. THE big Russian envoy who won such a notable diplomatic victory with the peace protocol seems to be as wiae as he is Witte. AN Indiana fanner while attending a country fair lost his wife and pocket- book, and offers a liberal rewan|<£ef the recovery of the latter. "i THE President's rough rider Cap with its crossed sabers, will hardly look natural when it is further ornamented : with feathers from the dove of peace. have Representative Barehfield of Pen nsylvania in his service. We do not care to dispense with Barchy, "old boy," but we will be glad to make the emper or a present of a'bunch of United States senators. • A NORTH CAROLINA girl advertised for a husband and got one from Florida. The cost of the ad and wedding outfit was $88. 'After 7 months hubby dies leaving his buxom widow a life insur ance policy for $10,000. Who says ad vertising does not pay? • NORWAY seems to have found a sober, industrious and promising man to ac cept her crown for $175,000 per year. She could have found numbers in Min nesota, the Dakotas and Wisconsin to take the job and do it well, too, on a measly little salary like what we pay our president^.. Men Past Sixty in Dancer; More than half of mankind over sixty years of, age suffer from kidney and bladder disorders, usually enlargement of prostate gland. This i* l'-ut, 1 paiufhl :ind dangerous, ai d 1 bieyV. Kidney Cure sliotild be taken at the first Sign of danger, as it corrects irregularities and has cured many old met!'of this disease. Mr Rodney Burnett, Rock Port; Mo., writes: "1 suffered with enlarged pros tate glands and kidney trouble for years and after taking two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure I feel better than I have for twenty years, although I am now 91 years old." G. W. Besley. Very Low Excursion Kates to Philadelphia, Pa., Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold Sept. 14,15 and 16, with favorable return limits, on ac count ot Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 8-4t Like Finding Money. Finding health is like finding money --so think those who are sick. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat, or cheat irritation, better act promptly like W. C. Barber of Sandy Level, Va. He says: "I had a terrible chest tronble, caused by smoke and coal dust on my lungs; but, after finding no relief in other remedies, I was cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds." Greatest sale of any cough or lnng medicine in the world. At N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores; 50c and f 1.00;-guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Very Low Rates to Chattanooga, Tenn. Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold Sept. 14 to 16, inclusive, with favorable return limits, on account of Anniversary of Battle of Chicamauga. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 8-5t One night is all the time necessary to prove that Pineules is the best remedy in the world for, backache and all kid ney and bladder troubles If you have rheumatism or any other bl!>od disease a single dose will give relief. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, West McHenry. im? ti ls Philadelphia it is now necessary for a voter to prove that he is alive be fore he can register as a voter. This is considered something of an innovation. ONE of the things that medical sci ence ought to look into, is when Booker Washington eats a meal in the North several Southern editors have indiges- - tion. * - « .1--Wg-- . CHICAGO'S jail is also heavily over crowded, and when you reflect tha there are a great many still at large that ought to be in there, it is MI awful ' spectacle. IT is asserted that Secretary Shaw will engage in private business when be retires from the cabinet A presidential boom may come under . that head of private business. THE Lansing, Michigan, Journal com plains about the artistic design of those new $20 bills. We never find fault with that feature of them when they stray around these parts. PROBA TE NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Jacob IMedrieh & w to Everett Hunter •> right of way over It 2, Maplewood Park. McHenry . Lewis Hatch & w to John V Freund. pt > ft Si. assrs plat see !tfl. Burton 10900 Albert L Howe ot a) to E R Gilbert It 11, Orchard Beach. McHenry 32500 Laura Kyriss & h to C B Combs, 5H a In oHseM sec 27, McHenry 246250 Henry M WegnerA w to John. Weber et al, It .7, Henry M Wngner's.?tub dlv Of pt wV%noH sec 5, Nunda 12500 Anton Min' & w to Fred Mire, the An ton Mire farm in sees 13, 18 & 19, Mc Henry *100000 Adatn Musgrove per admr & Wni Mus- . grove per Cons, to John M Phallu DH nwii, see 15, Nunda . 4472 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. W. E. Brown. 54 ...... Alden Julia King, 54..., H. .Alden Wm. H. Bohl, 31. Marengo Lena Bertha Soda water, 19.. .Marengo W. J. Porter, 27........ .Lake Geneva Matilda Beridt, 26 . .Allen-Grove, Win. Floyd R. Jobe, 24 .Marengo Alice A. Beldiu, 23. • . Marengo John Swanson, $5 ..ii.v.v.. .Marengo Christina Bedell, 18 ..Marengo Samuel Geo. Taylor, Bl... Nunda Charlotte T. Clark. 2f : .1... .Nunda Royal M. Gracy, 21. .... .Terra Cotta Mrs. Margaret Marshall, 38 , ......... ......,Crystal Lake William Bollenbeck, • • .Chicago Agnes Hayes. 22... ' . v..: Marengo Earl L. Wait.. .. .Harvard Anna M. Sterin.......... .. ..Harvard Paul Fohreman, S4>..,... ..Woodstock M a r y J n r s . 2 3 . . . . . . . . . ^ H u n t l e y George S. Blust. 21... .. . ...». .Marengo Alice M. Wakefield, if... A-arengo Are You Engaged? Engaged people should remember that after marriage many quarrels can be avoided by Keeping their digestion in good condition with Electric Bitters., A. S. Brown, of Bennetteville, S. C., says: "For years my v ife suffered in tensely from dyspepsia, complicated with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor and became a mere wreck of her former self. Then she tried Electric Bitters, which helped her at once and finally made her entirely well. She is now strong and healthy." N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Story, Mc Henry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists, sell and guarantee them at 50 cents a bottle. The Plaindealer has a very nice line of 1906 calendar samples. Before plac ing your order we want every business man in McHenry and the surrounding country to see our line and get <mr prices. Got Off Cheap. He may well think he got off cheap, who, after having contracted consump tion or indigestion, is still able to per fectly restore his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant and certain cure for headache, constipation, etc. 25 cents at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West Mc Henry, drug stores; guaranteed. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. FIFTY CENTS |N some conditions the • gain from the use of Scott's Emuision is very rapid. For this reason we put up a fifty-cent size, which b enough for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children. In other conditions the* gain is slower--health cannot be built up in a day. In such cases Scott's Emulsion must be taken as nourishment; a food rather than a medicine. It's a food for tired and p§«K digestions. - i Scud tor free gam pie • Scott & Bowne, 409-415 New York goc. aad $1 ,«S. • All draggtats - $33.00 to the Pacific Const from Chicago Correspondingly Low Kales from Other Points Via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North- Western Line daily, Sept. 15 to Oct. 81, to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Port land, Seattle and Tacoma and other Pa cific Coast points. Very low rates to Helena, Butte, Spokane, Ogden and Salt Lake City. Daily and personally conducted excursions in Pullman tour ist sleeping cars to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland, through without change. Double berth only $7.00 from Chicago and $5.75 from Omaha. Choice of routes. For rates, tickets, etc., apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Oct. 31. Chamberlain'*) Cough Remedy Aflt* on Nature'* Plan. The most successful medicines are those that aid nature. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. Take it when you have a cold and it will allay the cough, relieve the lungs, aid expec toration, open the secretions and aid na ture in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. Price, 25 cents. Large size, 50 cents. For sale by G. W. Bes ley. The Plaindealer and Chicago Paily Chronicle, both papers one year for $3.50. Order at once as the time of this offer is limited. Pinesalve acts like a poultice. Best thing in the world for boils, burns, cracked bands, tetter, etc. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. ;W. Bes ley, West McHenry. INDIAN TERRITORY insists in coming into the union under the euphonious name of "Sequoyah." Its reason is probably to have a state in the anion with a "q" in its name. THE birth place of Abraham Lincoln is to be sold to pay the Kentucky state taxes. There iH a chance for the New port society to get even with CoL Wat- terson, and read bim a lesson; CUBA has $22,000,000 in her treasury. Cuba was lucky to have the United States buy her freedom. Now, we have a deficit bigger than her surplus. Little Cuba ought to divvy up on that IT is a great oversight On the pwt of the peace envoys not to put a clause in the treaty prohibiting Linevitch from teUing what he would have done to Oyama if he had only gotten a chance. 'Jf- AND now some of Senator Depew's critics are finding fault because he gave up $293,000 of his tainted money before tbe courts compelled him to. Some people will find fault no matter what yon da JAMES DUKE, the tobacco king, is a party to a divorce suit. We cannot help reminding Jimmy that if he had chewed his tobacco instead of the rag be might still be on good terms with bis wife. ___________ THE Ohio prison is so full of bankers that there is not enough clerical work for them, and some of them have to knnckle down to hard labor according to their sentence. Seems like a shame, dortin't it? A MUSCOGEE, Indian Territorian, thinks that yellow fever is only carried by mosquitoes that have gone mad, but then you must remember that the hot -Weather affects the mosquito very modi it does the rest of us. gMPKBOB WiLfciAM wonid like to PURE-WHOLESOME-RELIABLE MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR DERIVED SOLELY FROM GRAPES, IN WHICH DELICIOUS FRUIT IT IS FORMED BY NATURE IN THE PRECISE COMPOSITION IN WHICH IT IS USED - IN DR. PRICE'S BAKING POWDER. Its superiority is unquestioned Its fame weddi-wide Its tsse a protection and a guarantee against alum food • • • * * * it • TURN THE CAN AROUND and you will learn what is the "power behind the dough." In the high-class powders it is cream of tartar, extracted from" clean, delicious grapes, and that is healthftd. In the low-grade powders it is "phosphate alum/' or "sodium aluminum sul phate/' which is also alum, a mineral add, and that malr«>g the food unhealthful. - Of what use are twenty-five ounces for twentp-five cents, if eight of these ounces are alum ? Food baked with alum baking powders is fotmd to contain a portion of the alum unchanged ! The continued use of alum made food impairs digestion, causing dyspepsia. When buying ba the label and take only a brand whose from alunii powder, examine shows it toi>e free Want Column. All advertisements Irwerted under this head at the following rates: Five lines or lena, 25 eents lor ttixt lusertuiii: IB cent* (or essels subdcuunnt insertion. More than tlve lines, f> eenta a line for ttrst insertion, and 3 cento a line for additional iimertioim. -CV>K SALE CHEAP--A J sir ihare with colt by side. For further Informalion apply to F. C. KKLTZ, the drayman. TjH)R SALE 1 m ry for sale. $135 takes bay mare and four- months-old colt. Also hay team and sur- inquire of OHRIS BRKMER, Emerald Park. * street between Math. Engeln's Mrs. Htarles', a plain KOIU ring, marked ^'Ilutiry and Mabel. Kinder will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at PHOF. F. M. GOODMAN'S, West McHenry. T 08T--On *4 and LOST--Knight Templar's charm, near the east end of path across Mrs. Gates' lot., west of Riverside House. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. It is a pleasure to take Dr. Dade's Little Liver Pills and hnjoy their tonic effect upon the liver. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry and G. W. Besley, West McHenry. « PHOTO STUDI& Portraits, All shapes an'l sizes. Sev- erui proofs to select from. Kaeh doz en finished -u different styles. Price, 9K.00«IKI upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive . apparatus for all kit.idt> of outdoor work, such as -n-onp pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. EnlaLrgemon's. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every ln> »ance. Finished in black and white or eolors. . Frames. A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for any size plviui e, certificate, etc. Wauk^gan St., near t he Standpipe. JST McHE>TRY, ILI* Telephone/493 6(HMM»OOOM'< OIK (i03KS m Ollli PRICES! We wish to call the attention of the meat buyiug puplic to the fact that our goods and our prices are Swhat we base wu/ success upon. We handle a complete line of meats of every description at all times and are ouly too glad to fill a your orders wii h the kind of goods Q that look so tempting when served z at your dinner table. We also S carry in stock a fine line of canned 0 goods. 1 Fresh Bakery Every Diy! J If there is anything you may need in the bakery line we can also fur nish you, as we always carry a fresh line. Call us up by 'phone and your orders will be promptly filled. J. ADAMS & SONS, West HcHenry, 111. Telephone 483. How about your Meat? Have you •been served with good in<?ats¥ If so, all ri^ht. But if to the contrary, don't forget that we never fail to please our trade. We carry constantly on band a choice line of Fresh"and Salt Meats, Sausages, Etc. We also carry a full line of Canned Goods and Bell them at the lowest prices possible so as to keep in pace with the world. We do not believe in giving away goods, but we do believe in giving our patrons their mon ey's worth. We always pay the highest market prices for porkers. Give us a call and you will receive your money's worth. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY. TEL. 802. ILLINOIS (If ML R. R. Annual Stockholders' fleeting: at Chicago October 18. Personal Attendance of Individual Holders Desired. FREE TICKET TO THE MffTHW Public notice Is hereby given that the regu- ~ the Stockholders of the Company will be held at the Company's office In Chicago, 1111- lar annua' meeting of Illinois Central Railroad ago, 1006. at 12 said at -• .. _ n nols. on Wednesday, October 18, o'clock noon. To permit personal attendance meeting there will be Issued To Each Holder of One or flore Shares of the capital stock of the Illinois Central Railroad Company as registered on the books of the Company at the close of business <m Tuesday, September 'Hi, lttftY, who is of lull A"TICKET ENABLING HIM OR HER TO TRAVEL FREE over the Company's lines from tbe statton on the Illinois Central Railroad nearest to his or her registered address to CHICAGO and RETURN such ticket to be good for the journey to Chi cago only durint; the FourDays ImmediatelyPreceeding and the day of the meeeting, and for the up turn journey from Chicago only on the day of the meeting and the Four Days Immediately Following when properly countersigned and stamped during business hours on or beforo Satur day, October SI, 190S- that Is to say. be tween U 00 a. m. and 5.00 p. m.--in the ofnee of the Assistant Secretary, Mr. W. O. Bruen, In Chicago. Such ticket may be obtained by any holder of stoclfA.registered a» above on application, in writing to the President of the Company [n<i'liicago. but each stockhold er must IndlvidiiMlly apply for his or her ticket . Each application must state the fnll iiamp and HililrexH of the Stockholder exact ly as given In his or her Certificate.of Stock, together with the number and date of finch certificate. No more than one person will be carried free in respect to any one holding of stock as registered on the books of the Com- SS-'u. SU. - ' . ' • • • > wmmm. This Banlz receives 'deposits, buys and sells Foreign and. Do mestic Exchange, and Professional, Society &.nd Bvisirvesss Cards GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan %;4M £ • Bi • • ' •« on r©3il 6stftt6 I til IIK I .Vl lLl l lm 1 curity. Spec- ial attention given to collections. • • • • • !».» • • INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at this Lotir- est rates. Yours Respectfully " PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker* .MERYILLt | rieat Market | Chas. G. Frett, Prop. ••••I*0 ;• ' 1 'If i f 1 It is unnecessary for us to tell the buyers of meat that we are here with the goods--this they all know, but do you know that our home-made sausage is just tbe thing that is making us so popular? There is a great de mand for these goods and we're daily sending away very much pleased customers .with these goods. Our meat line is always kept in first-class condition, so when you plan yonr meals don't forget that we are still doing (entente Neat Market, McHenry, - Illinois. * * * * i* * 4> ifc * * iii ik m * * WHOPHOM! We handle the Columbia make with either Columbia or Victor records, from $1.50 up. Also have a complete line of needles and repairs. . , Sewing Machines! Come in and let us show you our $13.00 and up Sewing ma chines. Ten-year guarantee with 'each and every one of them. West He Henry, III. DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. AND v corner Elm «nc PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST *- Office ana residenee corne Green streets, McHenry. FBGE&££ FEGERt •• Fi. PHYSICIANS AXI) SURGEONS. Vic Hear yA ' f 111. OSiceatResidei»ce,coc»»Claarfr«n4f:o;^iKi-fh Elm streets. Telephone 338. > 1 lf) - r, ORIGINAL LAXATIVE AND An Improvement oyer all Cough, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens th* Lungs, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. tn--*U byFUIEULE MEDICINE C0..CUca|a.0.S.A. Sold by N. H. PETESCH, McHenry. G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. KILLTHI COUCH *N» CURE THI LUNGS w™ Dr. King's New Discovery ___ /To FOR Cs; 0NSUMPTI0N Price 0UGH8 aad 50c &$ 1.00 LOS Frr>e Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. HOLLISTCR'S . Jocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bray Hesitates f« B««y Pwpl#. Brians Golden Health and B«n«wed Vigor. soecitlc for Constipation, Indigestion, I.ive Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impur «d. Baa Breath, Smggigh Bowels, Headaeh ' Hackache. It's Rooky Mountain Tea in tai rorm, 8ft cents a box. Genuine made bj •T.urrfca DRUG COMPANY, Madison, Wia. "EH NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE V"" PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM PCleftnie* tod brtttiiAcf viie hate I Promote;m ft luxuruol rrovth. Fail* to Beaton Onr I H«ir to its Tcmthful Color. lOem turnip diieam kt hair w P. C. ROSS. IX T>. S, Office over Petesch's Drug Store. ALtVOBK PERTAINING TO MODERN DEHTISTB^Jj/r Office Telephone ZJ4; Residence aol Nitrous Oxld Gas for Extracting. ii 'i Hours8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. in. I: i : : DR. R. G. CHAMBEKLIN " JDENTIST. and Residence over Besley's Drag Star*. V Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. , ' ' 1 ; - • f, 1WBST Moll KNKy, III, '• 'Phone 34}; • bw>oeiTE 8Tomtt,*s'HAi.|i:! Wi*T M<rHswRr \ U O- (ieneral Teaming of all kinds. i '•..""ItAi'Niiii'v. Excavating and Grading. nctimtfQf - ~ ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 393, SIMON STOFFEfc Insurance Agent for all classesof property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois McUENlty COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Ban$. Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con* veyancing. Money to loan on real estate sunis of 1500 to 110,000, time and payment tc suit oorrower. FRANK BUHli PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER (ARRIA(i[ PAIfl[IN(., $5.00 dlic UPWARD House and Sign Fainting and all interior I>eMs orating. Resideice nort h town line one block west of river. Teiephoue No.S>4. McHliNRY. ILLINOIS R. H. OWEN I'iasos tbr sale and rent. Tuning and repair - : log at reasonable prices. FlrstciassWorkonly, McHBNBY, ILLIMOI8 Johi n J. Vyoitai DEALER IN ' Jiienera.1 Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ni|i ? chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 5 4*1 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS Have you seen LAMBERT Q. SENG'S NEWLY PECO R-ATEQ 3UFFET| AT 92 Fifth Ave. Chicag o. Illinois. Tel. Main 1714. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. AnTOne sen<11n« n nlictoli IIIKI (inscription may qutclilr aaeerumi our o|.inu)n /re. whether au invention is pmhnt'ly tlons strlctly oontldcntia!. HANDBOOK on Patents Bent free. Oliiost nutsnry lur H^ruriiiK patents. Patents taken thruudli Mmm A Co. receive pptvial notice, wit hout cbiiru.-. in ti.e Scientific Jfmcricati. A bsjndaomely Illustrated tveekl r. I,nrtrest cir culation ot anv ocientliic journal. Terms. f:i a year; four months, $1. Soldbyu'.l newsdealers. IWUNN & Oo.3€:Broadw!!y New York Branch Uttice. 625 K Bt_. Waaiiinetuu. U. U Promptly obtained, or FCC HCTUWNCO. 10 VKUt'EXPERIENCI. Our CHARGES ARK THE LOWEST. Stud model, photo or sketch for expert search and free reiwrt on pateatiU)illty. INFRINGEMENT suits conducted tietore all courts. Patents obtained tl)r*>u^b 113, ADVER TISED and SOLD, free TRADE-MARKS, PEN SIONS and COPYRIGHTS qim-kly ohuiintsi. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, P. C. Cfe&ago & North-Wester*U Chicago. Effective May 21. 1905. WEEK DAT TRAINS. KOKTHBOCND (•5a ni..^..^Sivv-Vta Elglu l>es Plalues .. Arrive McHenry. ...10,111 H tit ..10.10 a m • •w2..V* p n|;: 45 a in. 12.30 p m... Via Elgin . •1.00 p til ..Via Des Plainos.......:2.HT ]> 3.46 pm Via Des Plainest*;'" 4.00 p ni 4.57 p m •Saturday HUNDAT TRAIWSj 6.00 am Via I)es l,iainesI.VJ„i^9.37 a ir| 8.45 a m. * Via lies Plainea,i*VW1.4S p n| i..... . „..\ia E'gin--„ ,.(>.40pni| i..:.'--Via l>es l'laines..'... ..-tf.tOpnjr irdayonly. a * 9.10am -- 2.02 p m-- Leave McHenry. +7.12 a m . . 7 A) a m. ^ a j Via Elgin. .......41.14 a j._ ..Via l)e-s 1'lalnes........ 11.14 am . ....Via Elgin 4.f,0ptn WICK DAY TRAIN*. •DUTHBOITND. ..^.Arrive LU. V i a E l g i n . . . . 7 . 1 0 . 1 0 A QK 8.33a m Tla l>es Pla!nes..V;.„ .41.35 a m i.Zi p m Via lies 1'iaiues.. 4.23pm ....'.Via Elgin .. 6.17p m-- . .«Vla l)es l'laines . +Monday only. 8UNDAT TRAINS. > 7.25am Via Elgin...,,. 7.08 p m Via Pes l'laines,.. 7.48 p m........ Via Des Plalnes.... 7^ip • *##•»• M»« VUElda. • :J : . p HI " ..'i.j^.10 p nj ..,5,7.;*.) p nj 0.25 a m p tn 1.40 p m