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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1905, p. 8

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• • 7 - , ; - ' - ICUH NATHAN fcFBCHER COt '"A-* If* TT /* UYfklUAl^ Call and see the fall line of men 's and boys* cloth­ ing. We can save you $3.00 to $5.00 on every garment. Five hundred Snit^^afld- ̂ vereoats 4o sekctfroii^ You need not select fro mi a 4x5 inch sample and tlen v ait one week for your Suit or Ovorcoat. But yop try the garment on and know that it will fit andlookthesame asyon.expect it. Hot so'with a garment made to order. "'• " ; JOS. W. FREUND. YOU NEED AN OIL HEATER •for early fair weather. The BEST in Oil Heaters is our long suit and the BEST is :: :: :: :: :: :: :: * Barters « RANGING IN PRICE FROM $5.50 to $10.00 You're safe if you buy a Barler. It's good enough for anybody. It is not the only stove we handle but its king of its kind. See our display of Heat- *££• ers, Cooks, Ranges, 'twill do you good SvSfeF. L. McOP.BER. Oiif Hew fall Styles of Shoes Including Douglas and "All America," show all the ear-marks of the most complete line ever put out in this town. It will cost you nothing to investigate. The Ladies', Mioses' and Chil­ dren's styles are equally complete, and depend upon it, a money-saver on every pair you buy. We also have a few odds and ends at 75 cents per pair--mostly for girls about ten years of age. The Dry Goods section is very complete and awaits your coming. W. C. Evanson 0 'I1 'I"X' ill ||| ||| ||| ||| |J, ||! ||, ift 1$ ||n|i 1 Furniture! ! t c r >v Our Stock Was never more com­ plete. Come and get oi|r prices before buying. We always please. * x Undertaking and embalming a Specialty. % • MeHFNPV FX T. V. PRESS DEPARTMENT | [The Plaindealer does not hold itself respon­ sible for the opinions expressed iu this col­ umn.-- Ku. 1 ^ Alcohol paves the way to crime. Let him that tliinketh he atandeth take heeu lest he fall. Tobacco used in any form destroys, a boy's ability to apply himself to study, and prevents his comprehending his lessons. The nse of cigarettes or tobacco in any form is injurious to the mental and moral faculties of any individual, and especially so to the young. The sin of the world is indifference to the claims of God, ingratitude for His gifts, unresponsiveness to God's love, disobedience of His commands, trans­ gression of God's law. The Lamb of God takes away the sin of the world by taking away the love of sin, by impart­ ing a positive love for the Savior, by establishing in man's heart the law of love by pardon, purification, power, re­ demption, regeneration and righteous­ ness. Alcohol lessens self-control. People imagine they ctin do things more quick­ ly, that they are brisker and sharper, but exact measurements show that they are slower and less acute. Men believe that their sayings are. wise and bright, but they are more automatic and apt to be pro'rane. To quote the Lauder Brun- tori, "it produces progressive paralysis of the judgment," and this begins with the first glass. Men say and do, even after a single glass of drink, what they would not say or do without it. and therefore it clearly affects the brain and dimishes self-control.--G. Sims Wooilh^ad, M. D., University of Cam-- bridge. Recent studies make clear the fact that crime in all persons who drink comes largely from the numbing or an­ aesthetic effects of alcohol. Thus alco­ hol prepares the ground for crime and makes it possible for the man or woman to do wrong. This comes from the dull­ ing and stupefying action produced on the higher brain. The man or woman using alcohol is less honest, less moral, less truthful and altogether lowered in every way. The senses are dulled witb every glass of spirits. They cannot see, hear, think or feel so quickly or accur­ ately.--T. D. Crothers, M. D., Professor of Nervous Diseases, New York School of Chemical Medicine. t. r ' ; .» !iwi ,sA..t. , i»V I % ILLINOIS. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. I C l i p p e d f r o m < > f Oetobor 0, 1880. A Continual Strain. Many men and women are constantly shlgeeted to what they commonly term "a continual strain" because of some financial or family trouble. It wears and distresses them both mentally and physically, affecting theii nerves badly and bringing on liver and kidney com­ plaints. with the attendant evils of con­ stipation. loss of appetite, sleeplessness, low vitality and despondency. They cannot, as a rule, get rid' of this "con­ tinual strain," but they can remedy its health'destroying effects by taking fre­ quent doses of Green's August Flower. It tones up the liver, stimulates the kid­ neys, insures healthy bodily functions, giyes vim and spirit to one's whole be­ ing, and eventnally dispels the mental or physical distress caused by that "con­ tinual strain." Trial bottle of August Flower, 25c; regular size, 75o. For sale by all druggists. Nov 1 Half Rates to Angeles, Cal., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip, from all stations to Loe Angeles, October 17 to 21, inclusive, with favorable return limits, on account of W. C. T. U. convention Three fast trains to the Pacific Coast daily. "The Overland Limited" (electric lighted throughout), less than three days en route. Another fast train is "The Cali­ fornia Express" with drawing room and tourist sleeping cars. The best of every­ thing. For rates, tickets, etc., apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Oct. 81. I! Full of Tragic Meaning are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of Casey, la. Think what might have re* suited from his terrible cough if he had not taken the medicine about which he writes: "I had a fearful cough that disturbed my night's rest. I tried everything, but nothing would relieve it until I took Dr.King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds which completely cured me." Instantly relieves and permanently cures all and lung diseases; prevents grip and pneumonia. At N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Story, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists; guaranteed; 50c and (1.00. Trial bottle free. 933.00 to the Pacific Coaat trom Chicago Correspondingly Low Rates from Other Point* Via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North* Western Line daily, Sept. 15 to Oct. 81, to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Port­ land, Seattle and Tacoma and other Pa­ cific Coast points. Very low rates to Helena, Butte, Spokane, Ogden and Salt Lake City. Daily and personally conducted excursions in Pullman tour­ ist sleeping cars to San Francisco, Loa Angeles and Portland, through without change. Double berth only $7.00 from Chicago and i$5.75 from Omaha. Choice of routes. For rates, ticket*, etc., apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Oct. 81. > Don't Borrow Trouble. It is a bad habit to borrow anything, but the worst thing you can borrow is .trouble. When sick, sore, heavy, weary and worn-out by the pains and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness, Bright's dis­ ease abd similar internal disorders, don't sit down and brood over yonr symptons but fly for relief to Electric Bitters. Here you will find sure and permanent forgetfulness of all your troubles and your body will not be a load of debt disease. At N. H. Petcsch's and Julia A. Story % McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drag stores, prigs? 50c. GoanwitwcL Rev. W. A. Adron will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday -morning next, as he leaves for the conference on Tuesday. Some crab apple trees in the yard <>f Smith Searles have been in blossom for the second time the past week; Fruit trees in olossom in October is an on- nsnal sight. It is a pleasure to take Dr. Dade's Little Liver Pills and hnjoy their tonic effect upon the liver. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry and G. W. Besley, West McHenry. We learn that Miss Mabel Scott of this village has received an order for four family portraits from Mrs. Dr. Gonld, of Wabash avenue. Chicago. Miss Scott is becoming justly popular as a portrait painter. We learn that T. H. Bickler, a work man in Bishop's wagon shop, was as saulted while on his way home, a few nights since, by one Swadish, who for­ merly worked at the shop. We did not learn the cause. The Riverside Honse is undergoing some, needed repairsl being painted, grained, calcomin#!, &c. Wightmau leaves nothing undone for the comfort of his guests, and is "the fight man in the right place," During the past week, the Chicago & North-Western railroad have issued a new passenger tariff, which reduces the fare from this place to Chicago from $175 to $1.51, and have made propor­ tionate deduction to all other points. This places it on a basis of three cents a mile. , The contractors for the new bridge have arrived and are making prepara­ tions to commence the work. They will get everything ready before tear-! ing up the old bridge, and consequently the hindrance to travel will be of short duration, if at all. At all events ample preparations will be madp for crossing at any time. Backache is never known to those persons who take an occasional dose of Pineules. The value of the resin ob­ tained from the Pine tree has long been recognized in the treatment of diseases of the bladder and kidneys. One dose of Pineules will give relief, and one'bot­ tle will cure. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry. We are informed that Rev. W. A. Adron, pastor of the M. E, church in this village, on Tuesday last raised and paid the last dollar of indebtedness on the parsonage. Too much praise can­ not be awarded to Mr. Adron for the work he has done in the three years he has presided over this church. In that time be has raised over $1500 besides his salary, superintended the building of the parsonage, doing a large amount of labor himself, and leaves the society with as fine a resident building as can be found in the country, and what is better, free from a dollar's indebtedness. Mr. Adron will leave behind him in Mc­ Henry scores of friends, both in and out of the church, whose best wishes he will carry with him to his new home. Wound*, Bruises and Burns. By applying an antiseptic dressing to wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries before inflammation sets in, they may be healed without ^saturation and in about one-third the time required by the old treatment This is the greatest dis­ covery and triumph of modern snrgery. Chamberlain's Pain Balm acts on this same principle. It is an antiseptic and when applied to such injuries, causes them to heal very quickly. It also al­ lays the pain and soreness^and prevents any danger of blood poisoning. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it will save you time and money, not to mention the inconvenience and suffer­ ing such injuries entail. For sale by G. W. Besley. Half Rate* to Illinois State fair at ^Springfield Via the North-Weatern Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip Sept. 29 to Oct. 7, in elusive, limited to return until Oct. 9, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Oct. 7. Everything you eat will taste good and do good if you take Ring's Dyspep­ sia Tablets. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry. Dragging Down Pains ̂ are a symptom of roe most serious trouble which can attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generally, comes irregular and painful periods, weakening drains, backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, ir­ ritability, tired feeling, etc. The cure is WINE OF Cardui The Female Regulator that wonderful, curative, vegetable ex­ tract, which exerts such a marvelous, strengthening Influence, on all female organs. Cardui relieves pain and regulates the meases. It is a sure and permanent eon for all female complaints. At All druggists and dealers in *1.00 bottles. "I SUimtED AWFUL PAIN in my womb and ovaries," writes Mrs. Naomi Bake, ©f Webster Grove, Mo., "also in my right and left sides, and my menses were very painful and irreg­ ular. Since taking Cardui I feel like & new woman ar.d do not suffer as I did. It is the best medicine 1 ever took." New Car« to Southern California. Pullman tourist sleepiug cars through to Los Angeles without change, daily from Chicago, beginning September 15. via the Chicago, Union Pacific and North-Western Lirte and the newly opened Salt Lnke route. Great reduc­ tion in time schedules via this route. Colonist one way tickets on sale daily from Chicago, beginning September 15, only !f33.00 to Los Angeles. Corres­ pondingly low rates from other points Double berth in tourist sleeping cars, $7.00 from Chicago. For tickets, sleep­ ing car reservation and full particulars apply to the nearest ticket agent of Chicago & North-Western R'y or to S. A. Hutchison, Manager, 212 Clark St., Chicago./- Oct. 7. It is difficult to cure a cough or free yourself from the discomforts of a cold unless you move the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar acts on the bowels and drives all cold out of the system. For Ccoup, Whooping-Cougb, Cold« and all Long and Bronchial af­ fections, no n-niedv is • qnal to the original Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. A Liquid Cold Cure. Sold _by G. W. I^sley. W. McHenry, N H.' McHfnry. Bakery! We am now open for business with a fresh line of Bakery Goods constantly on hand. With a long experience iu the Bakery busiuess we are well acquainted with the wants of the public and are able to serve you to the best of satisfaction. Orders for weddings and parties always receive our prompt and care­ ful attention. Give us a trial MdxZimmerihdoa PROPRIETOR. 1 * Come and Examine I OUR GOODS FOR. FALL I are I ̂Jj*dieg* Skirts* |]ii; i ! i New Suitings - ^ * i * r , r r i' i ' t 1 ' 1 ~ V ' 4 i ' t j ' h f J l + t f f i ' , if !^'5 , F L i l t , i l:j!f.,, f •fi'; '-feia M }r ,'k '• tflfew Waistings, . f ?!'<[' New Flannelettes" •' " ' I ' . . • t h r i l l / i ALL KINDS OF SHOBll I K 1*1 t BMNKrS eOFrtEs "5! it i' r<rH l ^4 ALWAYS FRESH--ALWAYS UNIFORM. Prices: isc, i8c, 20c, 22c, 23c, 30c. 'W I ' ; ' , f r t - U 1 Prices: • 15c, i»cr 20c- 32c, 25c, 30c. V < • ' , ' i ' 1 . 1 ! ~ J 1 . , , & r ! 1 ! , i'-'i.-Tf 1." > !:•1 >ft| ^ Buy SLEEPY EYE FLOUR and get the BEST. fl ' ! % | 'Phone 291. WEST rtcHENRY, ILL. ! $ iMlJBffi "Mm If you don't know, come in to see us and we'll put you under tip ••INTERNATIONAL" HEIGHT MEASURING DEVICE ? and tell yon to the fraction of an inch. ^ | Incidentally we'll show you the "Inte*natioiWH.",„ line of samples comprising over six hundred of the nobbiest and newest patterns for Men's wear. The International Tailoring Co.- ̂ cmwco Is the largest, and most reliable tailoring concern In the world^ > ^fl The clothes made by them fit perfectly and cost little. Let ^ ^ tend in a trial order for you and we know you'll always weaf "INTERNATIONAL" garments thereafter* FALL GOODS ARRIVINGI Our new lines of Fall and Winter Goods are now arriving and being placed upon our display counters. Never be­ fore have we been able to of­ fer such extraordinary bar­ gains to our customers. Come in and let us show you some of the very latest in Fall and Winter Goods. n. J. WALSH West FlcHenry, HI. NEW ARRIVALS Extra Large Bed Blankets 6$C» 75C* $1.25, $1.39 Ladies' extra fine double weave all wool Sweaters tf 0 iQ with double fly front, only «pJ.17 Men's Swenters that we guarantee yoti pay more for at Mail Order Houses, and goods we stand back of at. $1.29. 2.00. 2.69. 3.00. 3.9S. Men's all wool Pants that we say you cannot buy at tf 0 |Uj any other pl^ce for less than $8 00 our price. * Ladies' Flannel Night Gowns while they last at.. 49c Ladies' Mohair Waists in latest cnt and trimming ... .$1.98 -- -- "lll'"'l.Vl! Ladies' Lawn Wrappers still on sale at.. $$C REMEMBER that these are Wrappers that sold for |l-25. Don't Forget - Gold Medal Flour y $1.55 per Sa.ckl 'Phone 541. BLOCK ToEariyFurBiiyers If you are thinking of buying a Fur Scarf or Boa this winter we ask you to inspect our line now. By buying your Neck Scarf now you save 25 per cent, on the regular price and besides you get the best quality of Furs as the early furs are more fluffy and soft than the later ones. We ask you % come and see them. Fine Siberian Squirrel with finger tabs............. ...$2.00 Extra fine dark brown Sable Fox, 90 in. long with 0 AA six-tail tab, hook and chain, regular $5.00 fur, otilj&>" 5«pJ*vV Extra fine quality Ladies' Isabella opossum tabscltti CQ Qfi w i t h f i n e o r n a m e n t s a n d c h e n i l l e f r i n g e o n l y . . . . . . . . We compare this scarf with any $6.00 scarf sold elsewhere. We have a large variety of different Furs which space will not allow us to quote, at figures ranging from 98 Cents to $a5.oo. Twenty-five per cent. «i^ed un all Furs. _ ^ , . , • . BETHKE McHenry, III.

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