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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1905, p. 4

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What are your friends saying about you? Thai your gray hair makes you look old ? And yet, you are not forty! Postpone this looking old. Hair Vigor Use Ayer's Hair Vigor and restore to your gray hair all the deep, dark, rich color of early life. Then be satisfied. " Arer't Hair Vigor restore the natural color to inv gray liair, and 1 am greatly pleased. It'Is all yon claim for >«• MRS. 15. J. VITIDKAR. Mechanicsvillo. N- *• J. C. AVER CO.. Lowell. Mas*. for Park. Hair Be Mciury rm PUBLISHED EVERY TIU'U^DAY BY ItfTHcflfRRY PLAlKDfALfft COMPANY. .#. K- GBASUBB. W.. A. CRJSTY . f*c-' F. G. SOHRKINEB, Editor. J. B. PERRY Treas. SIFT Bank Buildin*. Telephone. No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: ..SUM Three months. Wets year,. months, T5 cts Thursday, November 9, «9®5' FREE speech in Russia seems to b* intoxicating, but the people will sobei . np as soon as they get used to it. tri* fe NEW YORK'S Hall of Fame refused * place to Edgar Allen Poe. New York g, V mast need a place for W. Randolph '{•if Hearst. in 1908 it Nicholas J .lusteu & w to AiineUiey *>;•',"si.;"- Ostrander, sublot2of It 3, blk 4, West , McHenry W800 00* Ostrander & h to Nicholas J .1 listen, sublot 1 of It 4 & shblot 1 of lot. IS, blk H. W McHenry.. ...... -. 3,MO 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Clark B. Hoilister, «8... .Fontana, -Wis Annie J. Howell, 58........... Harvard Wallace Wells, 28 .Harvard Ina Batterson. .. v Harvard Peter J. Brown, 25 ...McHenry Anna Diedrioh, 32. .. Johnsbur^h Saiu P. Sknow, 22 Greenwood Twp Mary N. Bnngaard, 22 Woodstock Climatic Cures. The influence of climatic conditions in the enre of consumption is very lunch overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do u.nch better at luiue by proper attention to food digest­ ion and a regular use of German Syrnp. Free esfpfeetoration in the morning if- nade certaiin by German Syrop, so is a rood night's rest and the absence of rhat weakening cough and debilitating light sweat. Restless bights and the •xhaustion rtne to coughing, the great­ est- danger and dread of the consumy- ive, can be prevented or stopped by taking Gerwau Syruy liberally and reg- ilarly. Should yon be able to go to a varmer clime, you will find "that of the hoasands of consumptives there, the ew who are benefited and regain treh|flh are those who use Germ;in >yrup. Trial bottles, 25c; regular size, ;5c. At all druggists. Feb. 1. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of George Nell. Dec-eased. The undersigned, having been appointed Cxecutrix of the last Wil' and Testament of ieorge Nell, deceased, late of the County of cl-lenrv and !»tate of Illinois, hereby trives lOtice that sh« will appear before the County 'ourt of McHenry County, at the Court louse in Woodstock, at the J miliary Term, in the first Monday in January next, at which ime all persons having claims against sail) •state are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. Ml persons indebted to said estate are re­ vested to make immediate paymeut to the indersigned. Dated this 6th day of November, A. D. 1905. !0-3t CHBISTINA Nei.l,. Executrix. If Taft is to be nominated may not be too early to urge that par­ ticular care be taken in constructing tht platform. _____________ 5 None of the other life insurance com panies have rushed into the lime-ligh to throw a swell front and clamor foi 'investigation. THE amount of enthusiasm that greet­ ed the candidates in various parts ol Hew YorR City depended largely pi ;y*vhit paper yon were reading. CUBA'S surpiu^ is $21,000,000 and con stantlr growing. Cuba is ignorant of the advantages of a deficit an4 has i o Senator Snaw to enlighten it. - FORTY-SIX New York lawyers re­ posed the election of Jerome. We thought Jerome bad all that brand lawyers locked up in Sing Sing. MR. ROCKEFELLER'S humor improvet steadily of late. He used to feel like a sponge, he says. Then he was on the make. Since he has commenced to han< out he says he feels like a pump. / SENATOR HEYBURN objects to « : mnch land in Idaho being set aside foi forest reserves. That's a contrast V Oregon, where most of it was set aside for United States senators and thei friends. THERE are about a dozen men in this country who can scarcely believe that Secretary Taft meant what he said about not being a candidate for the presidency. Sounds too good to be true to them. A BALTIMORE city official has pro tested against having bis salary in J;jf&, creased. Deputations of office holders &;V- from other cities are on their way to if#- . the Monumental City to have a look at the phenomenon The Willing Workers meet at the (Jniverealist church parlors on Thurs­ day afternoon of each week. Ladies vishing to purchase aprons are invited o call and inspect the complete stock always kept on hand. The board of trustees met. in regular session. Present, Trns.ees Block, Stof fel, Heimer, Simes, Sherman; absent, Freand; President Evan son presiding. . The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved The following bills "P* proved: , ijLjL.. _ • Plaindeaier, printing.. 9" 8-50 F L Mc( )mber, oils...... . .. 1.15 11. Nordquist, labor Valvoline Oil Co , gasoline.. 3.2n (•leo. Meyers, labor tf>5 8». M. Owen estate, gravel. .. .. 1K.HU Mike Welsh, labor.. .... 1K.3K VVm. Simes, labor... .V».M Joe Schneider, labor.... 35.96 Wm. Peltz. lalM>r........ ...-- 41 3'1 (TCO. Hanly, sod....... 1 John Niesen, lalwr.... A. . . . . . . . 24 68 S. Reynolds, sand. , ... .50 John Stoffel, freight. .T.......... 23.64 M. M. Niesen, pi>lice service..... 4U.O0 John Walsh, poliee service... ... F. J. Herbes, labor. 4.65 Wilbur Lniuber Co , hunber. . ,. .89.21 Motion by Sherman, seconded by Heinler, that the bills pf the McHenry Electric Light, Heat & Power Co. be laidon the table. ' Ainendnient to the motion by Simes. seconded by Stoffel, thitt the balance of the Jufy bill ($88.84) be paid. Vote on amendment--ayes; Block, Simes, Stof t'el; nays: Heiuier, Slier man. tarried. Vote on original motion--ayes, none: nays, Block, Sherman, Heimer, Stoffel, Simes. Motion lost. On motion by Block, seconded by Heimer, it was ordered that a brick crossing be laid at Main street and El­ gin road. Motion by Sherman, second­ ed by Block, that a crossing be laid at John and Center streets. Motion car­ ried. * The finance committee reported as follows: CONDITION OF TREASURY NOV. 4, 1905 ...1885.80 ... 6.01 764.11 . . 895.49 ... 46. Itt ... 296 4i ..$2148 58 .$295 14 Salary Fund Sidewalks. Street aud Alley Water Works Public Property Contingent Total .... Bal. dne Contingent Fond. liH)R SALK One canopy top surry, one -*• Newport, trap, one single harness, one light harness; all in good second hand condi­ tion. .1 A MM B. REHKT. IS Lj^AKM Foil UK N't' Known as the John A. t Schaefi^ fat^n, at. McColiuni's Lake. In quire at residence of NICHOI.AUS HOHH. 19-at* North Green St. TT^OUND--On Pistakee liay road, last Thurs- *• day. an extra fine coon skin mitten. Owner can have same by proving properly and paying for this notice. .1 ACOB It. .IPSTKN. Pistakee Bay. Ill, , $2488.87 SIDEWALKS BUILT 19b5. Main street.. li082 sq: feet John St ....... 7368 " " Elgin Road ....1827 " THE Comaoche Indians in Oklahoma have a law that the man who runs away with another man's squaw forfeits all hi- property to the aggrieved husband. A law like that in New York might end ail this talk about the solution of the divorce problem. BARON VON STERNBFR*; «ays that the Anglo-Japanew alliance means that • here is now a Monroe doctrine in the Far East. And it might be added that the parties to the alliance are about at- able to enforce it in that part of the world as America is ou this side. THE WASHINGTON POST remarks that *'althougb nothing haa been heard from Captain Taggart since he was granted his divorce he is expected at any moment to ask for another drink.' Surely recent events have not so chang • ed his capacity as to cut him down to one measlrv drink. Impoverished soil, like impov- rished blood, needs a proper ertilizer. A chemist by analya- ng the soil can tell you what ertilizer to use foi* differAt products. •v If your blood is impoverished v-our doctor will tell you what /on need to fertilize it and give t ttife rich, red corpuscles that ire lacking in it. It may be you leed a tonic, but more like^ you leed a concentrated fat food, md fat is the element lacking ii your system, n There is no fat food that is ;o easily digested and assimi- ated as Scott's Emulsion )f Cod Liver Oil It will nourish and strengthen he body when milk and cream ail to do it. Scott's Emulsion is always the same; always palatable and always beneficial vhere the body is wasting from my cause, either in children or adults. We will send you m ammple tree. Be sure that this pic­ ture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emul­ sion you buy. S6QTT IBOWNE CHEMISTS 419 Pearl St., dew Ton r>0c. and $1.00. AU Druggist*. Park Ave.......1729 Washington St.8728 < ii een St...... ,J>2 V2 Broad St. . w... -.2642 Highway St. .. .7175 10,227 sq ft 18,526 sq f» Total .,28,753 sq ft Total . oht .f 1651. Cost per sq. ft .0581 Motion by Stoffel, -seconded by Block that the report of the finance committer be embodied in the minutes. MotioL carried. On motion by Sherman, seconded by Stoffel, the members of the board wen allowed their salaries: John Evauson $13 0< H. Block 10 50 P.J. Frennd .." .... 10.6< los. Heiuier. 12.<i0 Win Stoffel 10..-»«•. K. G. Sherman 12.00 Wtu. Simes .... 12 <»«* John Stoffel....... 37 50 Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Heim­ er. that the marshals take an inventory if the village property and file same w'.th the clerk. Motion carried. Motion by Sherman, seconded by Heimer, that the street committee noti­ fy Mr. Hanly to repair bridge over mill race at once. Motion carried. On motion duly carried the board #d- journed. J. EvANSON, Pres. » J. STOFFEL, Clerk. »»m«M »>«» ««»»»«•» imi«w.«wMw «««»"• ! W. C. T. U. PRESS DEPARTMENT [The Plaindeaier qoes notJlold itself respon­ sible for the opinions expressed in this col­ umn.--ED.1 Then said Jeremiah unto Zedekiah, Thus saith the Lord, the God of hosts, Goid of I-real; If thou will amnredh go forth unto the king of Babylon's princ­ es, then thy soul shall live, and this city shall not be burned with fire.; ftod thou shall live, and thine house: But if thou will not go-fptttrthei king of Babylon's princes, then shall this city be given into the hands of the Chaldeans, and they shall bum it with fire, and thon shall uot escape, oat of their han t. Jer. 88: 17-18. This is what God says to you. Christ­ ian citizens: If thou wilt assuredly &o forth unto King Alcohols princes, then shall thy soul live, HIM this village (Me Henry) shall not be burned with the fire in alcoholic drinkB. But if-thou wilt not go forth, thou shall not' esoape Zedekiah said, "I am afraid." Jeremiah said, "Obey, I beseech thee, the voice of the Lord: so it shall be well unto thee, and thy soul shall live." I Here are two paths, on one is the sign­ board "For God and Home anfl Native Land, on the other, For Self a(nd Com foit and an Easy Time. Which will you choose? Choose ye this day whom ye will serve( whether the Christ who bore the sin of the world, or whether the servant- of self which carries the heavier bnrden because borne alone. Let ns remember that the Christ who groaned for our sins is groaning .today because of intemperance.- Must Jesus bear the cross alone, And all the world go free? No, there's a cross for every one, And there's a cross for me. I am coming to the cross; I am poor, and weak and bliiMif [ am counting all.but dross, I shall full salvation find. ' I am trusting Lord in thee. Blest lamb of Calvary; dumbly at thy cross I bow, Save me, Jesus, save rue now, 4ence I give my all to thee. Friends, and time, and e.trthly store; Soul and l»ody thine to be Wholly thine forever more. 1 . Keep therefore the words of this cov- »nant, and do them,, that, ye may-pros­ per in all that ye do Ye stand this day all of you. before the Lord your <-l«•• ; yonr captains of your tribes, your elders, and your fi.ccrs. with all the men of Israel, your little Ones, your wives, and thy stranger that is in thy c{inip, from the hew er of thy^w ood nnt.<» the draw­ er of thy water; that be may establish thee today'for a people unto himself, and that he may be nuto thee a God, as he hath said nto thee. Neither with you only do I make this covenant and this oath; but with him that standeth here with us this day before the Lord oar God, and also with him that is not here with us this day. Church fair at tjbe Central. McHen ry This Bank receives, deposit*, buys and sell? Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a «MKAl BAHKIIK BUSIRtSS. 1 Vfe endeavor to tfc all bostneai intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to .collections INSURANCE •;€' III First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfally Perry & Owen, Notary Public, - Banker*. *ifsT v- ' v •' \ ^ 'j, ,<y i » * 1 ^ . « ,< , »' "t- V ,7. ,v ! « " > t 4 f A mmmm COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Dartnr *|M Want Column. Professional, Society V tvnd Bvisinesss Cards PROBATA NEWS DolnglMtHir City fttkan Piwt Month. All advertisements limf i te<l umlcr thin head »t tbe (ollowtBfc rateH: Five lines or Ifwi, 16 itali for flint Insertion; 16 oeiitw for -each MibtMsqiwnt lmwrtion. Noif than flvo lliu'», b « line Tor l\ivt ln«e< tti>n, ttii.l :< r.-ntt- » lint- for additional ilisrrl lon> A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity when yon lose your health, because indigestion an ! constipation have sepped it away. Proupt relief can be had in Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build np your di­ gestive organs and cure he <lai h^. diz­ ziness, colic, constipation, etc. Guar­ anteed at N. H. Petesh's, Julia A. Story's, McHenry, G. W Besley's, W. McHenry, drug stores; 25c. The Plaindeaier has a very nice line oM906 calendar samples. Before plac­ ing your order we want everv business man in McHenry and the surrounding country to see our line and get our prices ' Notice! To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, e«}>ecially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect CENTERVILLB We handle the line of fresh add sit* MEATS and 4 We also hapdle the Henry Creamery Bn Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, HI. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes and sizes. Sev- • eral proofs to select from. Each doz- M en finished in different-stylos. Price, \ $2.00 u.nd Upward. 3 Outdoor Work. We have extensive \ apparatus fur all kinds of outdoor ^ work, such MS-srroup pictures, views 1 of huildiriffs, cattle, machinery, etc. 9 Enlarfements. Copied from any 1 small picture. Likeness guaranteed r In evi-rv Instance. Finished in black A and white or-colors. ¥ Frames. A variety of styles In stock 1 to seltH:t from. Odd sizes made up * J for any size picture, certificate, etc. A A Wankejran Ht., near t he Standplpe. A * WEST McIIRNKY, H-L. • F TelepKone, 493 f If .11 jiiK Fol«y'n Honey and Tar. Co., Chicago, originated Hon­ ey ami r*r- as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey aud^Tai many imitations are offered for the gen nine. These worthless imitations have similar sounding jiame.s. Bewaie of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it and refuse substitutes. It is the best remedy for oonghs and colds, (i W. Besley. Are you about to have an auction ? If ap. consult F. O. Gans, over M. J Walsh's store. ~ nave iou a run uress or i •Uv i H uxedo No Caite of Pneumonia 011 Krrnril. 'We do not know of a single instance where a cough or cold resulted in pneu. mollis or consumption where Foley's Bon*y and Tar had been taken. It cures coughs and colds perfectly so do not take chances with some nnknovvn pre(»aration which may contain opiates, which causes" constipation, a jjondition which retards recovery from a cold. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and re­ fuse sny substitute. „G W. Besley. Cfenrch fair at the Central. -HVII! 10? They are valuable additions to your wardrobe. On such occasions as Weddings, Evening Parties, and Dances, you will need one or the other of these garments. A sack or frock suit is very much out of place at any formal or semi-formal gathering after six o'clock. The man who observes and carries out these small, but necessary, social distinctions, is remembered .gratefully by his host 6r hostess. Let us show you our line of Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits; you'll like the garments r-~you*ll like the prices. $25.00 to $40.00 The same guarantee of style, fit and workman­ ship that is gi veil on the v £ W V*;» YOUR ATTENTION. PLEASE AT THtf Will positively appear at Theater on the above date. m Copy ughi igs9*«6 by ShM. Kaufman A Bras.| Chicago McHENRY Bakery ve yon tried onr Goods? r II so, then yon know what; quality of Goods we are turning ont. If yon baft i not tested oar goodies take . oor advise and give ns your NEXT ORDER •Hd we *1(1 fill it in a way < that pleases. We make a . specialty of baking for par- - ties, danced, banqnets and ' weddings, filling orders of .-' this nature *on short notice, i A trial will convince yott v; that we are sincere in onrf . ;:i t if ; DAVID «. WELLS, M. 1*. PHYSICIAN, SUKOEON AND OOULI8T'4 *- Office and residence corner Eh" Creen streets. McHenry. Telephone No. -311^-. -'rf | FEGEU8 & FEGEKS • \ ; "' ' i pHYSIOTANB AND STJRGEON8. i L 111. Office at Residence.corner Court wid 'j- -!• Elm streets. Telephone 383. ; -- b\ PROPRIETOR. If yon have not^as yet plfced yonr order for that new Fall and Winter Hat.I wish .to say that yon will make no mistake in coming to my place, *s I am better prepared than eyer to flit yonr order in a highly satis­ factory manner. Come in and inspect my stock* whether you wish to bay or not : '5r. 'fc"! Miss M. Adams, --STORES AT-- lOilNSlllMII - • SPMM«R0Vt (OMIM AnRAaHH Opera House SSTi Thursday, November 30 WITH AFTERNOON MATINEES. > HARTS BOSTON NOVELTY ^COMPANY. 1 A B HART MANAGEMENT Highest Class Vaudeville Show In America Today. this WATCH FOR THE BILLS Prices: E5c, 35c, 50c SEATS NOW SELLING.- . • WEST SIDE £ Always a complete line of- Freeh and Salt Meats*' Sausages, Etc. Highest {market prices paid for > -Porkers. We also carry constantly on hand a ve: ^-choice line of Canft Goods and Bakery. Whal more has any first-class city market to offer? ;: \ A.CMATTHEWS I C. ROSS. D. U. S. OtBce over Peteseh's Drag Store. - ALLVORK P8KM1NIHO TO MODKRN MtSTiSTB^ Office Telephone 274; Residence 202. ij'; Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting* - e > «, .'<3 Hours 8:00 a. in. to 5:00 p. m. 4 tye.'< DR.R.ti, CHAM BERLIN DENTIST. ^Sl||! Office and Residence over Beeley's Drn( Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. j W BST MOHUNRY. ILL, IWI' Gec>. Meye rs Qeneral Teaming ' " x of all kinds. - V"; fVrV, ;vatiii|; aiidGradiiii. HcHENRV - - •: • ILLINOIs|JHIl ; -- ^ ' ' T " J " • J*.': imimuMwuiiimiii MMS! We handle the Columbia make with either Columbia or Victor records, from $1.50 up. . Also have a complete line of needles and repairs. Sewing Metchinesl Come in and let ns show yon oar 9i3.oo and up Sewing ma­ chines. Ten-year guarantee with each And every one of them. N. West flcHenry, III. * h/ %„/ J . applies also to these suits BRADLEY & FOSS, RINQWOOP, II I s' ~ "4- *.' s • 'ProveS. r • "Do fishes grow fast, Jimmle?" "Some of them do. My father caught one last year that grows an Inch every time he tells about it."--Cassell's. The understanding Is more by change of study than tf {Shales C H E A P E X C U R S I O N TO THE SOUTH VIA THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL TUESDAY, November ji, 1905. On the above date the Illinois Central Rail­ road will sell tickets to New Orleans ahd re­ turn froa: points north of the Ohio river at a very low rate. Tickets are limited to twenty- one days, and are good for stop-over lu both directions at homeseekers' points south of the Ohio river. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. 8TAN0*RD PULLMAN SLEEPERS. Rate tor double berth in Tourist Sleeper from all points in Illinois will be $11.00 from start­ ing point back to Chicago. Rate in Standard Pullman Sleeping ('ar from Chicago to New Orleans and return will be 120.00. Note that the Standard Pullman starts from Chicago. Application for reservations, accouiponied hy draft, should be made to J. F. Merry, General Immigration Agent, Illinois Central R. R., Manchester, Iowa, before Novornber 15. At Chicago. III., those Tourist Sleeping Oars which come from the West, and the Standard Pullman, which starts from Chicago, consoli­ date and will run as a SPECIAL TRAIN TO NEW ORLEANS stopping at Memphis. Greenwood, \ hz<hj City Jackson, Miss.; Wesson, McComb and Ham­ mond. La. Nearly three days will be spent at New Orleans, and, returning, this special train will stop at Baton Rouge, La.. Natchez Miss., Vicksburg, Olarksdale, Memphis and Centralla. . , ' This excursion will be under the personal direction of Capt. J. F. Merry and will give an onnortunaty to visit the great and impressive Viekabarc National Military Park and NatloMl Cemetery. The Cotton and Corn Carnival at Jackson, Mia*., will be especial­ ly Interesting. EVERYBODY'S EXCURSION Real Estate Agents, Homeseekers, Tourists and Ladles. fatl INirtiealarK concerning nil of the abavc. rates and leaving time from your particular station or nearest Illinois Central point, c.m be had of agent of Illinois Central or by ad- d--^""-"SrEAKB. G. P. A. Horn. CMcwlll. 4 " " r-J Telephone No. 399; SIMON Insurance Agent for all classesof property in the best Companies. , / West McHenry, llllnol|( - !"" McHENRY COUNTY ABSTBA COMPANY.' OFFICE with American National Banjkf*' Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and co»« , veyancing. Money to loan on real estate i|^ 1 sums of $500 to il0,000, time and payment ti suit borrower. r,,% FRANK BUHIP PRACTICAL PAINTER > fV AND PAPER HANGER f7: CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARf House aud Sisn Fainting and all Interior De<!*- oratiug. Residence nort h town line one blocit; west of rive*, ^ MCHENRY. -' .V^ tlXINOliK; R. H. OWEN IMaoos for sale and rent. Tuning and repair lng at reasonable prices. First class Work only. McHENRY. ILLINOIS J o h r % f . DEALER IN Genera.1 Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and n ap chine repainn&of all kinds. 'Phone McHENRY, ILLINOIS vif.Sw:«r".iy -'A v Have you seen • L A M B E R T Q . S E N G ' # NEWLY OECO R.ATI H "UFFEI AT M: 92 Fifth Av|f C h i c a g o , Illinois. Tel. Main 1714; K I L L THB COUCH AND C U R E THE L U N C S w 0 r . K ing ' s New Discovery FOR f ONSUiWPTION Pries OUGHSand 50c & $1.00 fOLDS Free Trial. Surest and Ctuicicest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, 01 MONEY BACK. PATENTS ^Promptly obtained, or FCC BCTU^'J5Sl SO YEARS' EXPCRICNOC. Our CHAMII Ml THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for expert search and tree report on patentability. NtmiMCCMKNT suits conducted before all courts. Patents obtained through m. SPygK- TISKO and SOLD, free. T**DE4e*IWS, MEW- SIOHS and OOFYRIOMTS quickly olnaiwwl. Opposite U. 8. Patent WASHINGTON, D. C. Chicago & North-Western. KCective NOT. 9. 1M& WBBK DAY TKAIHS. I<eave Chicago. 7.05 am -- H.45 a m..., 3.25 p m.,,, 4.00 p m..., 4.57 P m... 8.45 am. .. 9.10a m .^i 2.02 p m.... I^eave McHenry. 7.25 a m • • S . 3 2 a m . . 4.23 p m .V- 4.23 p m.. .-J 7.JS5 am... 7,48 p m...; 7.48 p m.... NOKTHBOCND McHenry. ....ii-.Via Eiuiu--........10,10a m ,. ,.Yla Des I'lainej ...v...10.10 a m .... Yia Des I'laineS........4.45 p m . ..... Via E'gln.. .6.40 p m ....Via Des Plainus..... ..6.40pm StTNOAV THAiKl|e";-7 -- . ViaEigin. .... ....11.14 a » , ..Via Des Plainest....11.14 a n V,. i... Via Elgin.........v. 4.50p« WBEK DAY TKAISS. 8OOTHBO0ND. ^ CH"S. ...... .ViaEigin ..10.10am .....Via Des Plalnes...,; ,9.35a m sii.syia Des Plalnes;: .....6.13 p m . Via Elgin .7.10 p m CCNDAY TKAINS. ' .. Via Elgin J,...1,-. ..10.25a •» .... Via Des I'laiueS.....,4;.8.40 p ...... .VlaElain ' p P W , ft HOLLISTCR'S ^cky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Mediolae for Busy People. srings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. •vdflc for Constipation. Indigestion, Llvlr' j KiJncy Troubles, Pimples, Kezenn, Inipt 7; •i. Bud Iireath. Slutrpisli Boivels, Hea<la< backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in i riirm, 35 cents a box. Genuine made .M3TBR DKCO COMPANY, Madison, Wis. ->EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPll PARKEITS HALK? BALSAM lcanee» tud tx-aunfie1' "he hair. lVoiuotet ft luxuriant xrowth. Kover Fails to Before Gray Hair to its TcutUful OOIOPT Cures scb!p & hair kgm.

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