- •>* CWt IW nathan & nscHfR co ^ • | SIEN'S and BOYS' Se curity Brand Clothing, to tailor-made, at Prices ^3 ft $5 less '£|jre have 500 Garments. Representing 40 different lines from $5 to $18 in Men's and $2 to $10 in Boy's Suits and Over coats. Come, we can save you money in Clothing, .W. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Stoves Stoves New Stoves Old Stoves All Sizes All Kinds All Prices Stove Boards, Stove Pipe, Coal Hods, Mica, Oil Cloth Rugs, Polish, Etc. If your old stove isn't satisfactory, come and see us--we'll trade. Remember that we are in the hardware business, also,, and have a fine line of Silverware, Cut* lery, Enameled Ware, Tinware, I$tc. Bring your job work or repairing in she&t metal and have it done ' Respectfully yours, HARDVVARE F• McOflBER. 5 NEW ROYAL 5 Having received the agency for the New Royal Sewing Machine we wish to call your attention to the fact that we have these machines now on exhibition at our store and would be pleased to talk to you in regard to them. A ten-year guarantee goes with each and every on&, of them. If machine does not prove to be just as we represent them to yofl your money will be cheerfully refunded upon return of the machine. We handle all the different grades. Prices right. [JACOB JUSTEN lOur best Advertisements 'are not printed, All the leading Citizens of McHenry and the sur roundings country are clad in garments turned out at our establishment which is sufficient proof as to the merits of our work. Our Fall and Winter line of Samples is how on display and we take great pride in shewing them. Fall in line and give us your next order. Our work and pri ces v^e know will Qiee| with your approval. KMMU Mra Hi HiobhwIii of MiwImn ' »» Visit Ckto*«o Mlikt " The greatest event in the history of the Modern Woodmen of America is planned for November 18. when a class of 1,600 new members will be adopted into the order at the First Regiment armory. Elaborate preparations for the initiation exercises, which have been under way for several weeks, have been completed, and now all is ready for the reception of the greatest class ever taken iuto the order. Woodmen from all over the country will attend. Five thousand will cotne from Illinois towns alone to join with the 10,000 memoers in Chica go in making the occasion a memorable >ne. A grand street parade will be one of the features of the celebration. Wood men Forester teams, camp bands, car riages, and floats will join in the pag eant, which will be under the direction of Maj. W. W. Stratum as grand mar shal. The parade will form at Canal and Randolph streets at. 6:45 p. in. and so direct to the First Regiment armory. The first event on the programme at. the arinorv will be competition for prizes xmong the Cook county Woodmen For* *>9ter teams. The Evanston team is one of the strongest entered for this event. Following the drills the obli tii»ri or adoption ceremony, by which the 1,600 randiditt. s will become members, will tw Koue through. Following this cere mony there will be speeches by Gov. La Follette of Wisconsin, Senator A. R. Talbot of Nebraska, who is head consul of the order, and Past Consul Northcott of Springfield, 111. William J. Bryan, Richard Yates, Senator Qaarles of Wis consin, Gov. Bailey of Texas, Gov. A. B. Cummins of Iowa, and other promi nent men are expected to attend. After the speeches the secret work of the order will be exemplified by the of ficers and drill team from Elgin. Fancy drills will be given by the teams repre senting Joliet, Pontiac and Rockford. Presentation of prizee to individuals and camps for good work in getting to gether the large class will conclude the excercisee. There we now forty-five camps of Woodmen in Chicago and ninety in Cook county. Officers of the order claim a membership of 146,000 in Illi nois, and 760,000 in the United States. The order was organized in Illinois twenty years ago. The headquarters are at Rock Island. III. Edward Reynolds is state consul for Illinois. John F. Harris, supervising deputy for Cook county, and A. W. Ful ton will have charge of the Vint Regi ment armory ceremonies. Quite a number of McHenry Wood men are planning to attend. "I Thank the Lord!" cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock, Ark., "for the reliet I got from Bnck- len's Arnica Salve. It cured ray fearful running sores, which nothing else would heal, and from which I bad suffered for 5 years." It is a marvelous healer for cats, burns and wounds. Guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's, Julia A. Story's, McHenry, (i. W. Besley's,' W. ry, drag stores; 26c. Unquestioned Proof, Acting entirely from a sense of duty, proprietors of the Spring Brook Stock Farm, near Arlington Heights, pub lished in the Arlington Heights Her ald on October 30, a notice publicly than King the Chicago Telephone com pany and its service. Fife, of incendi ary origin, was discovered in a mam moth hay barn. It menaced the farm buildings. Spread of the flames meant heavy losses. Mes&tges sent to the local telephone station were hurriedly distributed about the town, to residents near the farm and even to nearby towns. Fire apparatus swung swiftly to tbe scene. Hundreds of helpers, notified over the telephone, were soon fighting the flames. What was the result? Btrns, buildings, tools and machinery valued at thousands of dollars were saved. Ia the telephone valuable? Facts here given cite only one case where it saved many times its cost. It is surely a friend.in time of need. On the farm-house-wall it is ever ready to run errands, to saye long journeys and the wear and tear on horses and wag ons. It saves money. Chicago tele phones reach Chicago and put you in instant touch with the great metropolis as well as with your neighbor. Croup. | tillable medicine and one that uhonld always be kept in the home for immediate use is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will prevent the attack if b^iven as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears. There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains no opium >r other harmful drug. For sale by G. W. Besley. Liberty villa la Orowlag. According to figures obtained of Bum stead, tbe directory man. the present population of Liberty ville is 1.780. Two year- ago the town had only 1*470 souls. Thus it has a net gain in two years of 260 or about sixteen and two-thirds per Cint. 8iani»h Liver a lTate lo Ambition. Yon can not acoomplisb very much if your liver is inactive as you feel doll, yonr eyes are heavy and slight exertion exhausts you. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and bowels and makes you feel bright and active. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and very pleasant to take. Orino is more effect ive than pills or ordinary cathartics. Refuse substitutes. G. W. Besley. Banket Hoclnl. All are cordially invited to attend a basket social to be held at the Clemens school bouse uext Monday evening, Nov. 30. Ladies please bring baskets as usual. Before placing yonr order see oar line offMqy calendars. ftetn* Clipped fi-um Tbe Plmiideoler of ' MOTwaaber It, 1SSS. V We learn that a meeting for the pur pose of reorganising the McHenry Coarity Teachers' association will be held at Nunda on Saturday next. ^ John Stroner has opened a shoe shop in the aarc end of the longing block, where he is prepared to make boots or shoes or do repairing on short notice. A little unpleasantness which occur red on election night resulted in a hear ing before Esquire Perry on Friday, and a contribution to the school fund of f5 and $8. Messrs. Cristy, Walker & Co», of tbe pickle factory, have decided to enlarge that institution, the large increase in their business making it necessary for them to do so. To thoi<e of our subscribers who promised to pay in wood, we would aay if they intend to bring it at all they must do so now. or we shall be obliged to ask for the money to buy it else where. It's getting most too cold weather to keep warm on promises. We understand that a man working for A. H. Hanly, on his farm, decamped on Sunday last, taking with him about $60 worth of clothing belonging to George, and up to the present tiuie no trace of hini can be fonnd. He took all his best clothing, leaving . him nothing but what he had nn his back. A good job for tbe tailor but a poor one for George. Miss Ada Granger took the position as teacher of the primarv department, of our public school on Monday. Quite a large number of scholars were also transferred from tbe Gagetown division to tbe public school building, as that division has become too large to be handled by one teacher. Our school now, under the direction of Prof. Bald win and his able assistants, is in a «*ry prosperous condition. NEW EQUIPMENT. Norfb-Weste^o Limited to • Mlnueapolla.. m • fforth-^eHtern Ling announces daily elecuic lighted trains, new from the shops; splenlidly equipped; new Pullman drawing room and compart ment sleeping cars; extra long berths; specially convenient toilet arrange ments; reading lamps in every berth and compartment; uagnificently fur nished buffet car, and dining car ser vice that includes the finest table d'hote dinner out of Chicago This train leaves Chicago 6:80 p. m., and the con necting train'leaves Crystal Lake at 7:45 p. m. Similar return service. The traveling public will readily appreciate the benefit to be derived from tbe new service and which is characteristic of this line. Send 4 cents in stamps to W. B. Kniskern, P. T. M., Chicago, for .booklet describing this magnificent Train de Luxe. For further particulars, rates, tickets, etc., apply to agents Chi cago & North-Western R'y. 8l-8t A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity when yon lose your health, because indigestion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. KingV New Life Pills. They build up your di icestive organs and cure headache, diz ziness, colic, constipation, etc. Guar anteed at N. H. Petesh's, Julia A. Story's, McHenry, G. W Besley's, W. McHenry, drug stores; 25c. Burned to the Gronpd. The Columbia Yacht Club house a* Fox Lake burned to the gronnd Sunday# There was a party in the club house all day. Tbe origin of tbe fire is unknown, but it is said to have started on the roof of the fine structure. The yacht club Beems to be jonahed, as this is the second time the place has burned down. No Case of Pneumoiii* on Record. We do not know of $ single instance where a cough or cold resulted in pneu. monia or consumption wbqfr Foley's Honey and Tar had been taken. It cures coughs and colds perfectly, so do not take chances with some unknown preparation which may contain opiates, which causes constipation, a condition which retards recovery from a cold Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and re fuse any substitute. G W. Besley. The indications are favorable that a great many new cottages will be erected at Fox Lake next spring. patients* troubles knife* CARDUI ;• Cures Womb Diseaie •#: saved the Uvea flf -my weak, stck women and rescued own ers from a lifetime of chronic siclc- ness. It will cure you if you will only give it a chance. Try it. Sold by all druggists and deal ers in *1.00 bottles. GAVE UP SUFPOKTKK. "I wore a supporter for four years, to keep up my womb," writes Mrs. S. J. Chrisman, of Mannsville, N. Y. " My doctor said no medicine would help me. After taking Cardui I gave up my sup porter and am now well." Do You Know Mme. Qui Vlvte? Probably you do, for Mme. Qui Vive has a national reputation as an aspiring friend of every woman with a beauty woe. Her "Woman Beautiful" depart ment in the daily and Sunday issue of The Chicago Record-Herald is a personal source of joyous helpfulness to woman kind. Her instructions on complexion ills are interlarded here and there with snappy little epigrams as "cheerers." The weapons she suggests to beauty seekers for the complete annihilation of beauty grievances do uot include artifi cial methods--"factory" frizzes, rouge and other horrors being barred She gives instructions on correct breathing, what to eat, how to bathe--in brief, how to become a healthy, wholesome woman. No wonder she is known to many thousands of women. Sella More of Climuberlain'* Couch •dy than of all Other* Put Together. The following letter front * locality where Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is well known shows by the nnprecedent- ed demand for it that the medicine sells on its own merit. Mr. Tho*. George, a merchant at Mt. Elgin, Ontario, says: 'I have had the local agency for Cham berlain's Cough Remedy ever since it was introduced into Canada, and I sell as much of it as I do of all other liues put together. Of tbe many dozens sold under guarantee, I have not had one bottle returned I can personally rec ommend this medicine as I have used it myself and given it to my children and always with tbe best results." For sale by G. W. Besley. The Plaindealer and Chicago Daily Chronicle, both papers one year for $8.60. Order at once as the time of this offer is limited. __ ORIGINAL LAXATIVE. HONEY AND An Improvement over all Cough, Lang and Bronchial Remedies. Cares Coughs, Strengthens tha Langs, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. rmuW fcy NNEULS MCSIC1MK C0..ftlim,B.SA Sold by. N. H. PETESCH, McHenry. G. W. BESLEY, West McBenry. g Come and Examine OUR GOODS FOR FALL ; . ,. jftSfe - s J; Ladies' Skirts, fsw Suitings, New Waistlngfc - .New Flannelettes, ̂4|JL mNP ̂Op SHOES; BLANKE'S COFFEE: A&WAYS FRESH--ALWAYS UNIFORM. Prices; 15c, 18c, aoc, aac, age, Buy SLEEPY EYE FLOUR and get the BEST. v.,1 •'* 1 i' ' ri.a'J V"V.-> 'Phone HcHENRY, ILL. lllAke good warm foot wear necessary. We have a complete line of heavy, medium and fine Shoes, all sizes and widths to select from. Men's good wool Felt Boots with Perfection Oven .... ,|8.60 Boys' wool Felt Boots with Perfection Overs iU*...... .f&SS Men's best Ball Band Felts witb Snag Proof Overs. .. ...$8.00, Men's Ball Band Snag Proof Rubber Boots..... .. .. ...98.60 Men's best quality extra heavy Ball Band Overshoes. . If 1.60 Men's Ball Band Socks with high lace Snag ProofOvers..... (8.60 Men's heavy Triplex Water proof Coats..../ Men's extra heavy wool Socks...... •,|i|n's extra heavy -wool Socks, best quality.. $150 ...25c Our line of Fine Shoes is the finest in town and are priced to meet any and all competi* Men's fur-lined Caps, Navy and Oxford^ ,# Other kinds And qualities from i*\» tfBo to fl.00 Men's heavy Calf-faced GloVes and Mitrehs 50c Men's heavy horse-hide Gloves, ,, ,. flOc, 76c and $1.00 Men's best quality genuine Buck Glove*, #...,.$1.60 and $1 76 Men's all wool Underwear, full sices. @ j.. .1. :i|l.00 Men's extra heavy Cotton fleeced lined Underwear, 50c Boys' extra heavy Cotton fieeced-lined Underwear, @. ..86c and 86c Ladies' heavy fleeced Jersey Underwear, @... . .... ... .86c and 50c. Ladies' heavy fleeced Union Suits, <»....... . ,68c and $1 Ladies all wool flannel or Jersey Underwear, ®............. $1 00 Extra heavy 12-4 Cotton Bed Blankets, @ $3.00 Other qualities at... .$1-90, $1.76, $160, A Hew Line of Press Skirts inJ Wrdipers A complete stock of pure, fresh Groceries, Seal of ninnesota, Fancy and Mystic Flour g»t $1.35 per sack; prices Ilk lamer . WJBS TBUKt, Hoods Delivered Promptly 'Phone, 363. Special fe;r Special Black Coney Neck Scarf, 46 inches long. ,.. hi. Siberian Sqnirrel Neck Scarf, 40 incheslong..v.i'»»^^^.». Blended Mus^rat Fur Boa, one that sells at regular price 2^ . . . f l t e .$8.00 for $6.00, a lew samples, while tbey last at... Sable Opposnm Fur Boa, about 46 inches long, extra wide, and fluffy with six tail trimmings, only •.«... $5.00 Extra wide fluffy 60 inch black stone Marten Fur Boa fn CA with tab trimmings, special Special 88 inch black Coney Scarf with 6 tab tail trim C 5 mings, a big value Special quality in other furs at. .,». •* ^^.56^.^6.00, $lV00, $14.00, $16.00 and ^ Guaranteed savings! chase of ours, Compare value on these, at ^ uV*' Children's Yarn Mittens, the 36c quality, perpeir, only 16c Boy's heavy Yarn Mittens, a special value at£»..... 36c Ladies' Golf Gloves Mb:, 86c and 49o Ladies' Dressing Sacqnes, only r....... ..... 45c and 60 Indies' sample line of Dress SkirU, never sold lees than $5.00 to $10.00. while they last $1.98, $3.50 and $8.00 • v ---- r w* 1 1 Men's heavy wool Socks, the 85c qnalUy, at per Heavy weight Tennis Flannel, at per yard • and 9e All Linen Fringed Towels, site 83x47, colored border, each 86c Children's heavy ribbed fleeced lined Hose, all sices, per pair 10° Child's all wool, ribbed Hose, the kind others charge 86c for, at... .10 Ladies' fleeced Hose ,.. 16o and l$e All the latest shades sad patterns in Drees Goods, aotr to be bad in h|£? varieties. V TELEPHONE NO. 54f> McHENRY, ILLINOIS. •k' : . . .2