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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Nov 1905, p. 6

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•Mil Avers Give B«ure three helps, sod setrly every case af con­ sumption will recover Fresh air, most important of all. Cherry Pectoral Nourishinc food comes next. Then, a medicine to control the cough tnd heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. «I flrat hi**"* Cherry P#etor»i ss r**rt M*. I h»»e seea wrrlWe eases Of luniais- Zss eiirod bT It. I M MVH without it. ^AuJlSlT «. HAMII.TOJI. Haristts, CMe. for HMMMH* Consumption PROBA TE NEWS REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS Albert L Howe to ("has Furlong et al, Its 86 & 27. and piece adjoining, Or­ chard Beach, McHenry t 4W4W Parah J Newman & It to Martin W Newman & w, 104% acres in pt wKne H and 98 acres in nwM sec 10, Green­ wood 4TOO 00 Math SteiTes & w to Fred Peterson, pt sublot 2 of It 30, Ooclerk's plat,sec 13. Johnsbnrgh WW Catherine Justen & h to Otto W Peter­ son etal, lot in n«W sec 90, McHenry 3S50<1 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Carl Londenbecfc, 19 Union Emma HarUunh, SO. .Marengo Ernest Kolberg, 21 Uuion Minnie'riertz, 18 Union Edwin E. Davis, 48..Hinkley Beatrice A. Mander, 2d. Woodstock b>Khd«rand« dally action of the bcwcla. Aid nature wfth Ayer's Fills. \U McHenry Pliiatieiler «'t PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY tic MCHENRY PLAIN DEALER COMPANY. W. K. Oumn. W. A. OBISTT, J.jjLPsaitY. Pres. Sec. Trea*. F. O. BCHRBINER, Editor. i la Bank Building. Telephone, No. S7S. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: Up e year.. SI-* «* months, 75 eta. Three months. 40cts. Thursday* November 16, 1905. oar forefathers, the men who with strength faced the ragged day* f' THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. J When nearly three centuries ago the first settlers came to the country whi< h m* now become this great republic, tfeey fronted not only hardship and pri vption, but terrible risk to their lifes. I|> those grim years, the custom grew of sitting apart one day in each year for a special service of thanksgiving to the Almighty for preserving the people through the changing seasons. The custom has now become national and fallowed by immemorial usage. We lfve in easier and more plentiful tim^ Ifcan 01 lagged qnd yet the dangers to national life are qjnite as great now as at any previou- time in our history. It is eminently fit­ ting that once a year our people shou <f •st apart a day for praise and thanks- giving to the giver of good, and at the wuiB that they kzpress their thank- lliliiees for the abundant mercies re- <pred, should manfnlly acknowledg* tfceir shortcomings and pledge them Selves solemnly and in good faith t*> flfrive to overcome them. ' During" the past year we have beei Itemed with bountiful crops. Oar basf- «ees prosperity has been great. No Other people has ever stood on a* high a level of material well-being as ours now stand. We are not thieatened by foes from without. The foes from which We should pray to be delivered are our own passions, appetites and follies, and H^inst these there is always need that should war. Therefore I now set apart Thursday, the thirtieth day of this November, w> S day of thanksgiving for the past and of prayer for the future, and on thitt day I ask that throughout the land the people gather in their homes and plat es 4f worship, and in rendering thanks •nto the Most High for the manifold filsssingi of the past year, consecrate 'tbenselvss to a life of cleanliness, hon- jSr and wisdom, so that this nation may 4o its allotted work on the earth in anamier worthy of those who founded it j|nd of those who preserved it. In witness whereof I have hereunto let my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. ? * THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Climatic Core*. The influence of climatic conditions in the cure of consumption is very much overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at houie by proper attention to food diges- i<m and a regular use of German Syrup. •>ee expectoration in the morning is uade certain by German Syrup, so is a i;ood night's rest and the absence 0? that weakening cough and debilitating light sweat. Restless nights and the exhaustion itue to coughing, the great­ est danger and dread of the consump­ tive, can be prevented or stopped by aking German Syrup liberally and reg­ ularly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime, you will fiud that of the housands of consumptives there, the rew who are benefited and regain strength are th«>ee who use German Syrup. Trial bottles, 86c; regular size, 75c. At all druggists. Feb. 1. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate ot George Nell. Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed xecntrlx of the last WIT and Testament of oreorge Nell, deceased, late of the County of cHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that sh>* will appear before the County ourt of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the January Term. >n the first Monday in January next, at which time all persona having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are re­ quested to make immediate paymeut to the underslgued. _ Dated this 8th day of November, A. D. 1006. 30-3t CHBISTINA NELL. Executrix. If J Are yon about to have an auction 1 *>, consult F. O. Gans, over M. Walsh's store. Millionaire'* Puor Stomach. The worn-out stomach of the over-fed millionaire Is often paraded in the pub­ lic print as a horrible example of the Ipvils attendant on the possession of jgreat wealth. But millionaires are not the only one# who are afflicted with bad Stomachs. The proportion is far great­ er among the toilers. Dyspe -ia and 'indigestion are rampant among these j>eopie, and they suffer far worse tort-"urm than the millionaire unless they •vail themselves of a standard medicine like Green's August Flower, which has xjfcssBs favorite household remedy for S»U stomach troubles for over thirty-five v^years. August Flower rouses the tor- Jpid liver, thus creating appetite and in- auring perfect digestion. It tones and vitalises the entire system and makes life worth living, so matter what yom •tation. Trial bottles, 25c; regular sice, ;S5c, For sale by all druggists. Feb. 1. ' Karantlun Kates to Chicago, Via the North-Western Line, will be •old at reduced rates Nov. 18, limited to .return until Nov. 30, inclusive, on ac­ count of Modern Woodmen Initiation. Apply to agents Chicago & North- West­ ern R,y. Nov 18 Son Lost Mother. "Consumption runs in our family, sod through it I lost my mother," says J/ B EeiJ, of Harmony, Me. "For the ( Mt five years, however, on the slight- t <t sign of a Cough or Cold, I have taken J'r. King's New Discovery for Con- • fimption, which has saved me from furious lung trouble." His mother's <*»atb was a sad lose for Mr. Reid. but " fc • learned that lung trouble must not be t glee ted, and how to cure it. Quickest t lief and cure for coughs and colds, i >ioe 60c and f 1.00; guaranteed at N F Peteech's and Julia A. Story's, Mc- I «-nry, G. W. Besley's, W. McHenry. J 6fug stores. Trial bottle free. F. O. Gaas has a large list of real axtato for *sls. If yon are a buyer, see lio. :}4- "... " Every Two Minutes Physicians tell us that all the blood in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be­ comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di­ gested before it enters tlie stomach; a double advan­ tage in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos­ sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be­ fore yot| expect it We will *a»4 jm a ample free. Be sure that this picture in the fens of a label i* on the wrap­ per of every bottle of Emuliipn you buy. SCOTT it BOWMK Chemist* 409 Pearl St., N. Y. foccatiaad AU dru mi |i.« II"" osma At this writing Grandma Grimold- by is in very poor health. Alex >,artin is visiting his daughter, Mrs. A. Watkins, in Chicago. Meodames Warren and William Thomas were Chicago passengers Thurs­ day. Mr. and Mrs Merritt Thomas of Woodstock are now living in their new home. Don't Ml to see ttye Brownie band at the Ostend school house, . Friday even­ ing, Nov. 34. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown of Wood­ stock were Sunday callers at the home of P. S. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. t£arl Sherman are re­ joicing over ths arrival of a baby boy at their home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jecks and daugh­ ter 11 Woodstock spent 8unday at the home of Rob Richardson, Bert Deits of Woodstock acted as a substitute for Mr. McNett for rural de­ livery mute No. 7, Monday. Messrs Artie Whiting, Frank Martin and families *| ent Sunday at the home of Chas. Shales at Ringwood. Mrs. E. J. Mansfield returned to her home Friday, after caring for her broth­ er, Ed. Martin, the past few weeks. In TIUM of Peact>. Io the first months of the Russia-Japan war we h<td a striking example of the necessity for preparation and the early advantage of tbose who, so to speak, "have shingled their roofe in dry weath­ er." The viitue of preparation has made history and given to us our great est men. The individual as well as the nation should be prepared for any emer­ gency. Are yon prepared to success­ fully combat the first cold you take? A cold can be cured much more quickly when treated as soon as it has been con tracted and before it has become settled in the system. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cures of cold* and it should be kept at band ready for constant upe. For sale by G. W. Besley. Very Low Bate* to 8prlnffleld, 111., Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold Nov. 19 to 22. inclusive, with favorable return lim its, on account of Grand Encampment. I. O. O. F. App'y to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Nov 22 O. B. Burhana teatlflea after four yearn G. B. Burhans of Carlisle Center, N. V., writes: "About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been en tirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick dust sediment, and pain and symptons of kidney disease disappeared I am glad to say that I have never bad a return of any of these symplon* tioring the four years that have elapsed and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to any one suffering from kidney or bladder trouble. " O W. Besley. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. PHOTO STUDIO. fMnM. All shapes »n*l Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Kach doz­ en finished in different styles. Price, 18.00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. Enlargements. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed In every Instance. Finished iu black and white or colors. Framoa. A variety of styles ID stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for any sise picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St., near the Standplpe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. TefepKone, 493 Want Column. All advertisements Inserted unite? this head at the following rate*: Five lines or l'e»«. 26 cents for first Insertion, S5 cents tor eaci) subsequent insertion. Hore than Ave lines, 5 cents a line for lint Insertion, and 3 cents a line for additional insertions. "EV_>R SALE--One canopy top surry, one •*- Newport trap, one single harness, one light harness; all in good second hand condi­ tion. JAMES B. PKRHY. 18 "EVAKM FOR RENT--Known as the John A. Schaefer farm, at McColturn's Lake. In quire at residence of NICHOLACB HOBK, 19-3t* North Green -tst. "GROUND--On streets of McHenry, a fur tip- pet. Owner can have same by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this notice. TpODND--On street in McHenry, J- hlunknt. Ovnpr pun linvt> siimi< horse blanket. Owner can have same by prov­ ing property and paying for this notice. In­ quire at this office. Man's Unreasonableness is often as woman's. But Thos S.Austin, Mgr. of the "Republican," of Leavenworth, Ind., was not unreason­ able when he refused to allow the doc tors to operate on his wife for femalt trouble. "Instead," he says, "we con­ cluded to try Electric Bitters. My wife was then so sick she could bardly leave her bed, and five (5) physicians had failed to relieve her. After taking Elec­ tric Bitters she was perfectly cured and can now perform all her household du ties." Guaranteed by N. B. Petescb, Julia A. Story, McHenry, G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, druggists, price 00c. Oct Your Feed Ground at Wm. Bonslett's. He has the most modern machinery and plenty of power to do your grinding good and fast. - Croup is quickly relieved and Whoop­ ing Cough will not "run its cpurse" if you use the original Bee's Laxative Hon­ ey and Tar. This Cough Syrup is differ­ ent from all others because it acts on the bowels. You cannot cure Croup and Whooping Oougb until you rid the sys­ tem of all congestion, by working off the cold throngh a copious action of the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar does this, and cures all Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cougb, etc. No opiates. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, and N. H. Petesch, McHenry. Read The Plaindealer "want" ads Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys'-nee every three minutes. The widneys are your blood purifiers, they fil­ ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do iheir work. Pains, aches andrheu- matism come from ex­ cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. it used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin­ ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its •jvcndcrfu! cures of th? most distressing and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty- cent and one-dollar siz­ es. You may have a sample bottle by mail Home of swamp-Root, free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer V. Co., Binghamton. N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remem­ ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil mar's Swamp Root, and the address, Binghamton. N. Y.. on every bottle. Notice! To insure publication in The Plain •lealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect. Pirating: Foley's Honey and Tar. Folsy & Co., Chicago, originated Hon­ ey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit »nd popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the gen­ uine. These worthless imitations have similar, sounding names. Bswaie of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it and refuse substitutes. It is the best remedy for coughs aud colds. G. W. Besley. . - The Willing Workers meet .jit the Universalist church parlors on Thurs­ day afternoon of each week. Ladies wishing to purchase aprons are invited to call and inspect the complete stock always kept on hand. Yon can apply Man Zan insiae, right where the pain is. It is pnt up in col­ lapsible tubes with nossle attachments for introducing it. Man Zan stops pain instantly and lures all kinds of bind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHen­ ry, and G. W. Besley, West McHenry. I't !' Upon Being Introduced to a Lady or Gentlaman the first impression you will create in their minds will be made by your personal appearance. If you are carelessly dressed, you will have one point against you which you must subsequently overcome. But, if you are wearing a fashionable, accurate fitting Kaufman Garment you will instantly have the good will and favor of whomsoever you meet. If you possess either of the stylish, servicable^/N^ overcoats, as illustrated here, you will always have one point in your favor. We have them in every design and pattern, iit all sizes and lengths at . * $10.00 to $22.50 BRADLEY & FOSS fS m •im- w Copyright ht i« cfcea. % Mm-] Cbicac* ' Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and PoinQBtic Exchange, and does a * GENERAL BAHKIH<a BUSINESS. • We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner' and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE fn First Class Companies, at ~ftie lowest rates. If ours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. CBNTERVILLB Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages. We also handle the Mc­ Henry Creamery Bntter. Chas. Q. Frett, McHenry, III. " jn TOUR ATTENTION,|PLfASE If yon have not a^r yet placed your order for that new Fall and Winter Hat I wish to say . that yon will make no mistake in coming to my place, as I am better prepared than eyer to fill yonr order in a highly satis* factory manner. Come in and inspect my stock, whether yon wish to bny or not : I M M. Albflis, --STORES AT-- JOHHSUIKH - - SKIM SROVf •a (OMiK mkm AT THE Central Opera House WMIVIM DAY Thursday, November 30 WITH AFTERNOON MATINEE. HARTS BOSTON NOVELTY COMPANY. _ A. H. HART MANAGEMENT Highest Class Vaudeville Show In America Today. Will positively appear at this Theater on the above date. WATCH TFOR THE BILLS Prkcs: 25(, 35(, 50c SEATS NOW SELLING. Prortl. "Do fishes grow fast, JimmieT" "Some of them do. My father caught one last year that grows sn Inch every time he tells sbout it."--Casselfs. The understanding 1s mote relieved by chano* of stady ttas If MCHENRY Have you tried onr Goods? If so, then yon know what quality of Goods we are turning out. If you have not tested onr goodies take onr advise and give ns yonr NEXT ORDER and we will fill it in a way that pleases. We make a specialty of baking for par­ ties, dances, banquets and weddings, filling orders of tide nature on short notice. A trial will convince you • that we are sincere in onr statements. :: • - .* PROPRIETOR. ilMiiMMNINNIMMIIi WEST SIDE Always a complete line of Fresh and Salt Meats, Sausages, Etc. Highest market prices paid for Porkers. We also carry constantly on hand a very choice line of Canned Goods and Bakery. What more has any first-class city market to offer? A.CMATTHEWS imnmiiiMiiinwmi GRAMOPHONES! We handle the Columbia make with either Columbia or Victor reoords, from $1.50 up. Also have a complete line of needles and repairs. Sewing Machines! Come in and let us show you our $ia.00 and up Sewing ma­ chines. Ten-year guarantee with each and every one of them. West ncHenry, 111. C H E A P E X C U R S I O N TO THF. VIA THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL TUESDAY, November ai, 1905, On the above date the Illinois Central Rail­ road will sell tickets to New Orleans ahd re­ turn from points north of the Ohio river at a very low rate. Tickets are limited to twenty- one days, and are good for stop-over in both directions at homeseekers' points south of the Ohio river. PULLMAN TOURI8T SLEEPERS. 8TANDARD PULLMAN SLEEPERS. Rate for double berth In Tourist Sleeper from all points In Illinois will betll.00 from start­ ing point back to Chicago. Rate in Standard Pullman Sleeping Car from Chicago to Now Orleans and return will be 820.00. Note that the Standard Pullman starts from Chicago. Application for reservations, aceomponied Oy draft, should be made to J. F. Merry, General Immigration Agent. Illinois Central R. R., Manchester, Iowa, before Novomber 15. At Chicago. III., those Tourist Sleeping Cars which come from the West and the Standard Pullman, which starts from Chicago, consoli­ date and will run as a SPECIAL TRAIN TO NEW ORLEANS stopping at Memphis. Greenwood, Yazoo City Jackson, Miss.; wesson, McComb and Ham­ mond, La. Nearly three days will be spent at New Orleans, ana, returning, this special train will stop at Baton Rouge, La., Natchez. Miss., Vicksburg, Clarksdale, Memphis aud Central in. This excursion will be under the personal direction of Capt. J. F. Merry and willgive an opportunaty to visit the great and impressive Vtek.burc National Military Park and NaftioMl Cemetery. The Cotton and Cora Carnival at Jaakaon, Mia*., will be especial­ ly Interesting. EVERYBODY'S EXCURSION Real Estate Agents, Homeseekers, Tourists and Ladles. Vail particulars concerning all of the above, rates and leaving time from your particular station or nearest Illinois Central point, can be had of agent of Illinois Central or by ad­ dressing the undersigned. 8. G. HATCH, G. P. A. Bartl Chlisga. UL Professional. Sbdety V emd Business* Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST ~~ Office and residence corner Elia an* Green streets. McHenry. Telephone Ma HL FEGESRg ft FEGER8 PHVjHOlANS AND SURGEONS, McHenry ill. Office at Residence, corner Court and Elm streeta Telephone 333. F. C. ROSS. D. D. S. Office over Petesch's Drug Store. ALL WORK PEBTAIKIKG TO MODBBBT DITORItT Office Telephone tJ4; Residence ?#, Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. Hours 6:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN . DENTIST. fS Off lee ud Residence ever Besley's Drag Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. • , 'WMT MoHamnr. TT.T^ ' , General Teaming, of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. FLCFFENRY - - ^ ILLINOIS. Telephone Na. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best CompaniaL . West McHeary, Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of $500 to 110,000, time and payment tc suit borrower. : V FRANK BVHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARNAGE PAINTING, $5.00 M UPWARD House and Sign Painting and all Interior Dec* orating. Residence north town line one block west of river. Telephone No, 2M. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS, R. H. OWEN Pianos for sale and rent. Tuning and repair • Ing at reasonable prices. First class Work only. . McHENBY. ILLINOIS Joh n J. Vycital DEALER IN Genera.! Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and maf chine repairing of all kinds. Thone 548: . McE[ENRY, - ILUNOIS^ / ' v : - " - ' ! : • • • • ' • • r r - i # " . ; : - 'iiave you seen kfyS LAMBERT Q. SENG* NEWLY PECORATEO • BUFFETfW AT - 92 Fifth Ave. Chicago* Illinois. Tel. Main 1714. KILL™. COUCH *ND CURE Tm LUNC8 WH Dr. King's New Discovery Z^ror FOR Q 0NSUMPTI0N Pries OUGHIand I0c*$1.00 LDS Frss Trial. Sureet and Quickeet Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BAGS. PATENTS Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. 7.05 am 8.45 a m. .. 3.25pm... 4.00 p m... 4.57 p m... 8.45 a m. . 9.10am... 2.02pm... Leave McHenry. 7.25a m... 8.32a m..s 4.23 p ® ... 4.23pm... 7.25am.... 7.48 pm... 7.48pm... Effective Nov. 5, im WBBK DAT TKAIVS. SORTHBOUND ..Via Elgin Des Plalne8 Des Plainest Via Elgin...... ...Via Des Plaines.. SOKUAT TUAIKS. -- Via Elgin. ... ..Via Des Plaines... Via Elgin WBBK DAT TRAINS. SOUTH BOUND. Via Elgin ....Via Des Plaines.. ....Via Des Plaines,. ..Via Elgin SUNDAT TRAINS. .......Via Elgin ... Via Des Plaines... Via Elgin. Arrive McHenry, ....10.10a tn ....10.10 am 45 pi .....6.40 p i . ..6.40 p i rrlve hicago. .9.85 a m ...1.15 p m ...7.10 p m .10.25 a ...9.40 p ..10.10 it HOLLISTER'S Bocky Mountain Tea k Basy HsdWM fcr Buy tmaU. Bringi Ooldsa fltaltk sad lonra Yi|W. . -neciflo for Constipation, Indigestion, Live Kidney Troubles, Pltnplee, ffninis Impure • •<!, Bad Itoaath, Shinfih Bowels, Headache Hackaehe. It's Rooky Mountain Tea in tad'. •. rorra, 86 cents a box. Genuine made by x. iBTga Dscre Madlssa, Wis. >L0EH MUMETS FOR SALLOW PEOKf pAR^kb'^ " .Hale

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