KIDMEIS BLADDER MALE ORGANS Colonel Arthur L Hamilton, Of the 7th Ohio Volunteers, 359 Good ale street, Columbus, O., writes: "As a remedy for ca tarrh and stomach trouble I oan fully recommend Peruna.*5 Mrs. Hamilton, wife of the gallant Colonel,, is ai| ardent blend of Peruna also,. ^ Prince Louis of Battenberg had a /much better dinner on the Mayflower «t Annapolis than those that were •erved something less than 300 years •go on the Mayflower at Provincetown and Plymouth. Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces In a package, 10 cents. One-third more starch for the same money. In our hunt for microbes we have Hot overlooked the almighty dollar. - H do not believe Plso's Cure for Consumption fcaa an equal for coughs and colds.--JOHN F. BOTIK, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15,1900. A fool throws kisses, but the wise mah delivers them in person. Do Your Clothes Look Yellow? Then use Defiance Starch, it will keep them white--16 ox. for 10 cents. Now if Mr. Burbank would only de btee a seedless Tokay grape! ently cured. Noflta or nervousness after •.Kllne'sUreat Nerve Reetor- _ OO trial bottle and treatise. B.B. iLINE, Ltd., SSI Aroh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CITC permanently cured • I 19 firstday 'suse of l)r Send for FREE &'£•' r An old-fashioned winter is predict- 4N1, and it is some consolation to feel Chat providence knows its business. The Best Results in Starching be obtained only by uslnff De- ice Starch, besides getting- 4 os. lore for same money--no cooking re- " id. Time to begin saving money for your Christmas presents. Mrs. Window's BoatUaf Bj i up. •children teething, soften* the puros, reaneee f» , allays pain, care* wind oollu. itoc a bottle. 8aw Waterloo Victory Signals. The death has occurred at Banff of A woman named Mrs. Timpson, age one hundred and two. She was born In 1804, and remembers seeing, as a girl of eleven, the signals that pro claimed the victory of Waterloo. She had a good memory and, almost to the end, her Intellect was strong. HOSPITALS CROWDED MJ0IMTY OF PATIiHTS VOMER tfrs. Pmkham's Advice Bavea Many From this Sad and Oostly Experience- It is a sad but ktrue fact that Fevery year >brings an in crease in the number ofopera- I tions performed I upon women in our hospitals. More thanthree- I fourthr of the pat ients ly ing /on those snow White beds are women and girls who are awaiting or recovering from opera- lions made necessary by neglect. Every one of these patients had Centy of warning in that bearing down eling, pain at the left or right of the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the til of the back, leucorrhoea, dizad- is, flatulency, displacements of the Womb or irregularities. All of these symptoms are indications of an un healthy condition of the ovaries or womb, and if not heeded the trouble will make headway until the penalty has to be paid by a dangerous opera* Hon, and a lifetime of impaired useful ness «1 best, while in many cases the wsulta are fatal. The following letter should bring hope to suffering women. Miss Luella Adams, of the Colonnade Hotel, Seattle, Wash., writes; Bear Mrs. Pink ham:-- " Abont two yean ago I was* great suf- • from a severe female trouble, pains and srh« The doctor prescribed for m« and •Daily told me that I had a tumor on the womb and most undergo an operation if I wanted to get well. I felt that this was my iMth warrant, bat I spent hundreds of dol lars for medical help, but the tumor kept growing. Fortunately I corresponded with • aunt in the New England Statas, lnd die •drissd nas to take Lytfla B. Plnkham's Veg etable Compound, as it was said to core tu ssore. I did so and immediately began to tawwe in health, and I was entirely cored, Mm tomor disappearing entirely, without operation. I wish every suffering won would try this great preparation." Just as surely aa Miss Adams was eared of the troubles enumerated in her letter, just so surely will Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound cure •very woman in the land who suffers from womb troubles, inflammation of tike ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability and nervous prostration. Mrs.* Pinkham invites all young women who are ill to write her lor Irs* Ikiviee. Address, Lynn, Mass. Trouble at Lienchow Arose Over Standing Dispute With Convert. PLACE BLAME ON DR. MACULE Attempted To Have Festival Platform Removed Because it Encroached on Mission Ground, Exciting People by Overt Act. Washington, D. C., dispatch* No boycott, no race feeling, but a mere personal quarrel was the cause of the death of the five American Presbyterian missionaries recently at Lienchow, in China, according to the report made Wednesday to Secretary Root by Sir Chentung Liang Cheng, the Chinese minister here. The report which Minister Liang handed Secretary Root is as follows: "Canton, Nov. 12.--Chinese Minister Liang, Washington, D. C.: On the first of the tenth moon (Oct. 28), at Lienchow, the village people, in a riot occasioned by the celebration of a local festival, burned a hospital con nected with the American missionary establishment there, and killed five persons, male and female. The bodies have been recovered and duly placed in coffins. Dr. Machle and Miss Patter son are safe. Soldiers have been dis patched with all speed to the affected district with strict orders to arrest the murderers without delay. In obedi ence to an imperial decree the civil and military officials of that place have been degraded. All the steps taken by the provincial authorities have been reported to the Waiwu Pu for communication to the American min ister. Result of Dispute. The American consul at Canton is inclined to connect this affair with the boycott movement with the view of making the most of the situation. When Dr. Machle. Miss Patterson, and a Chinese missionary arrived at Can ton under escort from Lienchow, Tao tai Wan of the bureau of foreign af fairs was appointed to inquire into this affair with the American consul. It was found that the trouble originated in a standing dispute between Dr. Machle and the Catholic converts. "On Oct. 28 a festival was being celebrated outside the city of Lien chow, near a hospital conected with the American missionary establish ment at that place. A platform built for the occasion happened to en croach slightly upon the ground be* longing to the American Missionary society. Dr. Machle desired its re moval and seized three consecrated canons of the altar. This act excited the indignation of the village people and brought on a riot Does Not Affect Boycott. "The Investigation of the American consul and Taotal Wan was especially directed to clearing up the point whether this affair had any conection with the boycott movement. All testl fled that there had been no society organized at Lienchow for carrying on the boycott, nor had there been any public meetings or discussions on the subject. This trouble, therefore, had no connection whatever with the boy cott movement. Now, Taotai Wan has been dispatched to Lienchow in com pany with the American consul and three naval officers to mpke an in vestigation on the spot. A report to the above effect has been sent to the Waiwu Pu. TSEN." REVENGING HUSBAND 18 GUILTY Jurors Convict Daniel Wilkins <?f Slay ing Wife's Admirer. Shelbyville, Ind., dispatch: After a trial replete with sensational evidence the jury in the case of Daniel Wilkins, accused of killing Harvey Babb, his wife's admirer, returned a verdict of manslaughter. Wilkins will be sent to the state prison at Jeffersonville for from two to twenty-one years. During the trial Mrs. Wilkins, the prisoner's wife, confessed to accepting attentions from Babb and to being caught with him in a corn field one Sunday morn ing last September. She said that be fore Babb could secure a revolver which he had with him her husband fired. EXPLOSION KILL8 FIFTEEN MEN Dlaaster In Powder Magazine Report ed from Marion, N. C. Spencer, N. C., dispatch: From a private telephone message received here from Marion, N. C., by way of Asheville, it is reported that fifteen people were killed near there by the explosion of a powder magazine lo cated just outside of town. The shock of the explosion was so great that it was felt at Morgantown, twenty-one miles away. The report has not been confirmed. The scene of the explo sion is remote from the telegraph. -- Peace Treaty Arrive* Washington dispatch: The peace treaty engrossed at Tokyo, which is to be formally exchanged for the elabor ately inscribed vellum copy of the Portsmouth convention, has been re ceived at the Japanese legation. Editor Wearies of Life. Marshalltown, Iowa, special: 8. P. Ayres, editor of the Marshalltown Herald, committed suicide by shoot ing. He had become excessively de spondent because of ill health. Alfonso Ir To Wed. Madrid cablegram: The Herald® makes the positive statement that King Alfonso's return to Madrid will be followed immediately by an offi cial announcement of his betrothal to an English princess. Heavy Man Commits Suicide. Hamilton, Ohio, dispatch: Thomas Bostock, aged 70, who weighed 425 pounds and was the heaviest man In the county, committed suicide by drinking Carbolic acid. The Deadly Chicken Mite. Herewith we illustrate the deadly chicken mite (magnified 25 diame ters). The mite at its natural size can be readily known and recognized by means of the naked eye, but a magnifying glass will make him still more apparent. These mites are very destructive to poultry and kill more young chicks than any other pest Their smallness makes them hard to fight. They multiply with great ra pidity, and it is not unusual to find all the crevices in a poultry house harboring these mites. Sometimes a single crevice will hold ten thousand mltee. They swarm on fowls when they are at rest, and mtire than one sitting hen has had her life blood sucked out to such an extent that she has died hovering her eggs. To fight these minute creatures it is neces sary to have all parts of the poultry house constructed of matched lumber and the cracks filled up with some ad hesive liquid such as whitewash. The roosts and all nests should be mova ble. Nest material must be frequent ly changed if the mites are about The roosts can be washed with kero sene or sprayed with kerosene emul sion. Confined Birds. 1 have seen a great deal In the pa pers about the superior laying that can be done by birds that have the run of the farm. Now, I do not believe that I think It is better for the fowls to have the run of the farm, as they are healthier that way and also hunt their own living, eating up the bugs that would otherwise Injure the crops of the farmer. But for the mere lay ing of eggs I think hens in confine ment are as good as any. I find that, so far as the eggs are concerned, I get the best results in the latter part of the winter when the ground is cov ered with snow and when the hens would not run if they could. Febru ary and March are the best egg months with me, with April a good third, but the record in April is not due to the fact that the fowls have the run of the farm. I am willing to admit however, that as hens are kept on some farms they will not do as well shut up as running, for the rea son that they are stuffed all winter with an unnatural combination of foods. I do not feed my hens in that way, but see that all through the winter they have as good feed as they would get in the summer time. They have green stuff and all the lime, meat grit and the like, they will eat I try to give them a bulky food. If they have that kind of a food it takes them longer to do the work of digestion, but the work is not so hard on the diges tive organs. I am not much In favor of feedihg the fowls only three times or twice a day. I think if they have a bulky food they can eat about when they want to and it will do no harm --Phoebe Caldwell, Butler Co., Ohio. Doctoring Fowls. It 1 does not pay to doctor a fowl that is worth only 25 or 50 cents. We are justified only In doctoring those fowls that have cost us a great deal of money. When we speak of doctoring, we mean the doctoring of real diseases. There are such complaints as indigestion, due to bad feeding, which needs no other remedy than a change in methods. But we have seen some remedies pre scribed where the medicine itsel! would cost more than what the fowl is worth, and the cured is seldom any good except for killing and eating. Certainly we do not care to breed from birds that have shown them selves non-resistant to disease. A poultry house that is to bo per manent should be well built What the Grange Has Accomplished. The work of the grange is of such a nature that its greatest accomplish ments can be cited only in a general way. We may state how many dollars have been saved to the farmers of the country through cooperative trade ar rangements, and through mutual in surance companies, both fire and life, and something definite can be stated in regard to the vast saving to the farmers of the country through wiBe legislation secured and unwise legis lation defeated through the influence of the grange; but when we undertake to make any estimate of the moral, social and mental development that has been brought to the farmer and his family through grange Influence and grange teaching, we are lost in the magnificent results obtained. It Is absolutely impossible to give any Intelligent estimate of the develop ment of the noble principles of man hood and womanhood In the mind and heart of the million of people that have been connected with this order, and of the millions of other people with whom they have been associated. It is along this line that th% grandest results have been achieved. Thou sands of farm houses have been made happier and better and the members of farmers' families have been reap ing the highest enjoyments of life through the quickened mental activi ties by grange influence, while a higher ideal in life has been reached through the development of the heart by true grange teaching. With these general statements we leave the most Important results during more than thirty years of grange work to the imagination of our readers.--National Lecturer. N. Scientific dairying requires a study of the feeds of dairy cows. Moldy hay should not be fed to dairy cows. Better If Women Would Sit More at Their Daily Tasks. "Women don't sit enough to their kitchen work," reclared the elderly housewife. "There's a heap of ills and ailments that could be avoided by us ing just a little common sense. - Now, no woman would think of sewing or darning while standing up, yet they do equally foolish things in the kitchen. "Take peeling potatoes or other veg etables, for instance. The majority of women stand near the sink for such work, whereas they could do It equally as well by sitting down. How many do you see beating eggs while sitting down? Precious few, I'll warrant. They stand when mixing dough for pastry or biscuits; after the dishes are washed they stand up to dry them when It's just as easy to sit down. ThereTs a hundred little things to be done while preparing meals and which are just as easy to do while sitting as standing. Then, when the day's work is done, they flop into an easy chair and wall about how tired they are. There's a chair iu nearly every kitchen but it's mostly used for standing on to get things from the shelves. Sit down more, I tell you, and you won't have that tired feeling so much." Convincing Evidence. Winthrop, Cal., Nov,* 20th (Special) --A plain and straightforward story Is always the most convincing. And that is what has impressed us most in reading the testimonials In regard to Dodd's Kidney Pills. The experi ence told by Davis Lewis of this place bears the ring and stamp of truth upon It He says:-- "I was (troubled for Blx months with dull heavy pains In the small of my back, sometimes it passed Into my stomach, at other times up be tween my shoulders. When It was In my stomach I was doubled up, and hardly knew what to do for the pain. I was advised to take all kinds of remedies, and did so but without get ting any relief. Then some one told me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I got a box and began taking them. The first few doses gave me relief, by the time I had finished them all the pain was gone and I have been well ever since." Wife Desertion In Gotham. It Is said that 7,700 wives were de serted by their husbands in New York last year. Every housekeeper jnould know that If they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time, because it never sticks to the Iron, but because each package contains 16 oz.--one full pound--while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in % -pound pack ages, and the price Is the same, 10 cents. Then again because Deflanoe Starch Is tree from all injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package It is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron stick ing. Defiance never sticks. Philosophy of Dean Swift. "And he gave it for his opinion that whoever could make two ears of corn, or two blades of grass to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before, would deserve better of man kind, and dp more essential service to his country than the whole race of politicians put together."--Swift READ AND YOU WILL LEARN That the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice endorse and recommend, in the strongest terms possible, each and every ingredient entering into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint" torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel affections, and all catarrhal diseases of whatever region, name or nature. It is also a specific remedy for all such chronic or long standing cases of catarrhal affec tions and their resultants, as bronchial, throat and lung diseases (except consump tion) accouipanied with severe coughs. It is not so good for acute colds and coughs, but for fingering, or chronic cases it is especially efficacious in producing per fect cures. It contains Black Cherrybark, Golden Seal root, Bloodroot, Stone root. Mandrake root and Queen's root--all of which are highly praised as remedies for all the above mentioned affections by such eminent medical writers and teachers as Prof. Bartholow, of Jefferson Med. Col lege; Prof. Hare, of the Univ. of Pa.; Prof. Finley Ellingwood, M. D., of Ben nett Med. College, Chicago; Prof. John King, M. D., late of Cincinnati; Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D.. late of Cincin nati ; Prof. Edwin M. Hale. M. D., of Hahnemann Med, College, Chicago, and scores of others equally eminent in their several schools of practice. The "Golden Medical Discovery" is the only medicine put up for sale through druggists for like purposes, that has any h professional endorsement -- worth than any number of ordinary testi- suc more moniala. Open publicity of its formula on the bottle wrapper is the best possible guaranty of its merits. A glance at this published iui inula wiii show that" Golden Medical Discovery" contains no poison ous or harmful agents and no alcohol-- chemicalIv pure, triple-refined glycerine being used Instead. Glycerine is entirely unobjectionable and besides is a moat useful ingredient in the cure of all stom ach as well as bronchial, throat and lung affections. There is the highest medical authority for its use in all such cases. The "Discovery " is a concentrated glyc eric extract of native, medicinal roots and Is safe and reliable. A booklet of extracts from eminent, medical authorities, endorsing its ingre dients mailed free on request. Address Dr. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. CURES CONSTIPATION It is just about impossible to be sick when the bowels are right and not possible to be well when they are wrong. Through its action on the bowels, Lane's Family Medicine cleans the body inside and leaves no lodging place for disease. If for once you wish to know how it feels to be thoroughly well, give this famous laxative tea a trial. Sold by all dealers at 25c. and foe. Promotes DigestionJCheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither OtMum,Morphine nor Mineral, Not *Nailc otic* AVfegeiabk PreparalionfijrAa- For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Aperferl Remedy forCanstfpa- Tioa,Sour S tonvach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .feverish* ness and Loss or SLEEP. facsimile Signature of • ae&zms* NEW YORK. A l b • 1 • . 1 . n 1 1 . % < t l d f ) D o s I S - J ̂ C 1 M S vine, Ohio, and near Jnternrbaa. Thousand* of fruit trees of bearing age. Berry plaa> tatioa pick* about 1,000 bushels a rear. All kindest fruit. Easy terms. Address MONRO! SMiTH* Route 12, Hop>wll,Mu»Mnfuw Co.,OtltO« $1,000 Cash Rent Per Year. Good farm In lows close to graded school, 280 acre* level, wealth-produclne land, two sew Imnro** Hiuiiis, on* *H"bairmg most modern bans la coBsqv a flowing well piped through the building*. TkM place abarpaln. We exchange properties and stocks of goods, for owners, with parties owning Iowa and other lands, Kyrtfn Converse ft Co., Greece, Iowa, For Sale on Easy Terms covered with timber, good soil, roads, schools and churches, In German community, 2 miles from Albanj-,Stearns Countv, Minnesota. Price •34M0. Tat particulars address John B. G ruber, CsUiU, Wia. FOR SALE--169-acre farm. 6 miles from Defiance, Ohio, In Defiance County. Splendid nelghborhoodj fertile land, good roads, 5-room house, big barn SH two small barns. Will sell now at W8 per act*. Tart cash,balance time with liberal terms arranged. Ad dress Oren Diekason, X1S Bouth Baxter St.Um, 0. A KALAMAZOO DIRECT TO YOU. Dont bay a rang* or stove of fin y kind until 70a fret our catalogue and Liwul factory prlees. We positively Hare you from 14.00 to M0.00 on every purchase) because, t>y veiling y ou direct from our factory, we cut out all Jobbers,' middle, men's ami dealers' profits. We guarantee quality urnler a I to,. 000 bank bond ami Rive you a 360 DAVS APPROVAL TEST. If you do not And your purchase exactly nsrepresented, returm It at our expense. Remember, we are actual manufacturers-- not mall order dealers and (five you the lowest factory prices. We Pay The Fratght. We doubtless -an refer yon to satisfied customers In your own town. Send Psalal today tor Catalogue No. 3*0. Tt describes our stoves and ranges, and our money-paving, dlrect from-the-facfory plan. KALAMAZOO STOVK COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS, KALAMAZOO, MKHIOANU All wkam iadni|Min«i<Ipp*<l illk PATOAL orn HWIIMHIII, ,Ual nakw bikingroaatiac 0V1!F TBBSXOMinA. PRICE. 25 cts. CURE THE GRIP i IN ONE DAY j rami ANTI-GRIPINE IS GUARANTEED TO CURS GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALfilA. I won't sell Astl-OriplBe to a dealer who won't Onaroatts It. Call tor your MONEY BACH. IV IT DON'T C1JBK. jr. IF. M. J>.» Manufacturer, SpringJUM, Mm, The Rhode Island la the fleetest of the fleet. Try One Package. If "Deflanoe Starch" does not please you, return It to your dealer. If It does you (ret one-third more for the same money. It will give you satis faction, and will hot stick to ths lroa. "St. Nicholas" is a class by itself. It goes only into the homes of people who are able to appreciate the need of the best reading and the best art for their children. It has been an in fluence for good In the lives of mil lions of boys and girls. PUiy wto foraeriy snofed 10!C$ars mv saoke LEWISSINGLE BINDER STRAIGHT 5* CIGAR Tour jobber or direct from Factory, Peoria. Ill, F I N A L N O T I C E . For the past month X have offered the stock of the Rend Klectrloal Cordage Company through the columns of this paper. Its many readers who know me, either personally or l>y repute, know that no one who has dealt with me has ever lost a dollar on any Investment I have recommended. Inquiry of your friends and neighbors will easily demonstrate' the truth of this. 1 recommend the stock of this corporation to care ful Investors, (1st) Because it will certainly pay 10S on the par value, and the possibilities point to a very much hlpher earning power. (2nd) Hecause the low capitalization tirxUXK)) makes It only neceemiry for theeorporatlon to earn *5.(100 per annum to absolutely ensure that dividend, and this It can do without doubt. (3rd) Because It Is officered by careful men who have sound practical experience In tills line Of business and are thoroughly well known, respected and trusted In the community In which they reside, ttth) Because the corporation Is chartered under th# rigorous and conservative laws of the State of Con necticut, which throw every protection around the purchaser of stock. The stock is offered at par (»25 per shared and should be worth at least double one year from date. This Is my final announcement, and If you have not yet looked Into this exceptional opportunity do so at once. If you wish you may send 114 deposit and the stock will be held pending your Investigation. If that Investigation ix unsatisfactory your money will tie cheerfully refunded. The tiling to do Is to ACT AT ONCE. Remittances nmv lie made direct to the cor poration, THE REED ELECTRICAL CO&DAGE CO., 117 UniTWcity Bide.. Syracuse, New York, or direct W »e, KOBZRT O. EUXTOH, U Brotdway, Hew York. an Exceptional Offer To enable you to see the Southwest and see for yourself the opportunities for making money--for home building in Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Texas advantages and opportunities, the M., K. & T. R'y will, on November 7th and 21st, December 5th and 10th, sell round trip tickets to all points Southwest at less than one fare rates. Tickets permit of stop-over going and returning and are good twenty-one days from date of sale. Write to-day for particu lars and ask for our paper "The Coming Country.** S . G . L H N 6 5 T O N , General Immiftratlon AimV ST. LOVIS. MO. W. N. U., CHICAGO, No. 47, 1906. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. • rls, water and fertile sou. Stock, dairy, fruit and farms at very low prices and on easy terms, payment and time to suit on balance. A land«f and clover, pasture and meadow where pays; the land of the big red apple, and " Homes in South Missouri, M, caaa Itignm within the reach of all. but prices rapidly •dreaelMfc J. F. KINORICK, SEYMOUR, MlgSOtfltfe Improved ISO-Acre Farm in Klugnti Kansas, good house. Wrge bare, granary, etc., orchard, well watered, black soil, «xoeU< ' wheat, corn, alfalfa and taine pass. Price, SO acres wheat, iOiXid BiOok ami ujae&Inei Terms given. Frank Habiger, Fretty naii Buy Land in the Great Southwest and of three F's, feed, fuel and fura, where you months In lie year; crop failure never. _ granary of the world, lana of anMhlne, fralt flowers. Such la Hisouvla. Oklahoma and Full of Texas, improved and imiaivraveii farcs for in size to suit purchaser. Easy terms. Addrwe Wla Itnd Co., Room He. 8, Central Blk., JuMtUli, FOR SALE -- Greenfield Place. RaaUf County. Mississippi, 1,880 acrec. 10 miles from Jeckaoa, ftu# level land, A. A V. By. ran* la throocSl center. Greenfield has store and postoffice; IIS per acre) joins State farm. Also Ana Implored farm 1,440* 6 miles North Brandon depot, 110 per acre. will make bale of cotton to ten. Ai W. H, KENNOW, JACKSON, M|88l»ttf VIRGINIA FARMS.--MO acres.«2,5o0i (®0 scree, *4.000 ; 900 acres on tide water, t6,000 ; 51S acre* ok car line, nearly all cleared, #8.500; TO acres near cir line. t2,7GO; 6*K) acres near railroad and Rlchmond- •1 ,iMW; 90 acres. »2.800. A11 hare dwelling! ana out-houses, excellent water, near to Btch* mond. convenient to schools and cbnrcbes. The timber on most of them will pay for farm. POLLARD A BAGBY. RICHMOND, VA« flRPCflN I Alin« Send for prices on fartn% until tin Lnnuo some partly improved, food bargains. Foothill brush land for goats, excellent soil »6 per acre, cut-over land for dairying, poultry, fruit, fine place for colony, soil deep rich local, some bottom land *5 to t3 per acre. Sold on easy terms. Arrange for loans on request. E. A. CLSK, Fertlaad, Oregon. Reference, Portland Board of Trade. FARM MR P ,n Norton County, Kansas, rnnm run Oflkb acres,50 acres broken, S00 more breakable, 5-room frame house, barn, granary, 2 miles f once. 7 acres of timber, 2 good wells, windmill, creek crosses place, fcood settlement. Price •4,000. H.W.Loomis. tOwner,j Logan, Kansas. 'V+,4, IWTHNE " K T0llET • ANTISEPTIC O FOR WOMEN troubled with ills peculiar to their sex, used AS A douche Is nun cesBful. Thoroughly cleanses, kills disease germs, stops discharges, heals inflamnutioa aad local soreness. . ' Faxtine is in powder form to be dissolved in pme water, and is far more cleansing, heating, eeil'iiridsl >n/t economical than liquid antiseptics for all TOILET AND WOMEN*® SPECIAL UW I • < For sale at druggists, 00 cents a beat. m Trial Box aad Bosk of laitnctlMM Pna TMC R. PAXTOM COMPANY BOSTON. NAMj W. L. DOUGLAS *3= &*3= SHOES G& W. L. Douglas 94.00 Cllt Edge Lin* cannot be equalled at any prtee. AMY tin nnn REWARD to anyone l ^IUJUUU disprove this statement W. L.Doaglas£3.50 shoes have bytMrflk Ctttent style, tmfy fitting, and superiorweartH qualities, achieved the largest sale of aajr |}J| shoe In the world. They are last sa good «S those that cost you $3.00 to $7.00--tSe ealf difference Is the price. If I could take yss hsta my factory at Brockton, Mas*., the largeat hs the world under one roof making sm i Km shoes, and show you the care with which every pair of Douglas shoes Is made, you would realize why W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes are this best shoes produced In the world. - If I could show you the difference between ths shoes made In my factory and those of otbcf makes, you would understand why Douglas $3.50 shoes cost more to make, why they bold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are si greater Intrinsic value than any otbsr $3.89 shoe on the market to-day. CAUTION.--Insist upon having W.L.Doug* las shoes. Take no substitute. None genuine without his name and price stamped on bottom. WANTED. A shoe dealer in every town when W. L. Douglas Shoes are not sold. Full ltae ot samples sent free for inspection upon request, fait Color Eytltts used; thiif mill not wear *- «s»y Writs for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Style* V[. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton. Mass. PILES PERMANENTLY AND POSITIVELY CURED YOU PAY WITHOUT VIIN0 THE KNIFE Specialists In Diseases of Women, Tuinon, Rupture, and Klaeaues of the Rectum. Investi gate by writing for our illustrated ter®»tlso _ Including letters from prominent people cured. UfHEIU f | [|IM| DR.B.S.HENDERSON, 521 La Salle Avs., CHICAGO " "H* VUftLV A Full Sized V NOW OR NEVER FREE At Your Druggist's Yon have no right to coffer from constipation or any stomach trouble. There is no necessity or axense for it Then is one positive, natural, harmless cor*--and only one--for these troubles and we are goiif to give jm enough free to prove it. 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