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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1905, p. 1

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^jpjL^W^pp Kf !'UI I^'HI •«jpp« u»: VJSTl.y- ->i'"iW!" f "WI'M-" 11 dPP"PS* PUPB BP!W5!1!B5?« ppjflj1^! Ppppipii^P^ WPW «• &>>MX j ' • •/* -v ^ i - . t > - J l ' t - v »•? '*'V>»' H< *"• . .;C"! -:; "V C >y *,>: V- - - ^:,"V- > iti >x -• ,4. fv;V A v* .„.. .,^ . - . ..Jfi ' S ' a . K ' • <; . ; *>. ./:^V; , ' • !%'., VOLUME XXXI. MCHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14,1905. AOJMBER COMPANY A PERSONAL NATURE. JLFHOM WE ENTERTAIN , WHERE WE QA AND , ' BcHenry Entertains a Large Company of Visitors During; the Week--Whom They • Kntertaln. . _ J. H. Miller spent Friday lut si ®1* ,, -' fin. ; f Miss Julia A. Story spent Tuesday in . ,vf|hicago. I I J o h n * * • W e b e r s p e n t W e d n e s d a y i n \vVy; Chicago.' . •w I C. G- Berner was a windy city visitor .< Tuesday. ' - rJ"> * Jau,e8 P- Perry wasa Chicago visitor . I Tuesday. '•'.**•> •';. « , Ray Thomas was a Chicago visitor - .last Friday. Stephen H. Frennd was <*n Elgin vis- 5por Monday. '* *• ? * > / John Barbian was a Chicago visitor - " Ifcst Thursday j , J . Mrs. Chas G. Frett spent Thursday j?.-- • •>' last in Chicago, | , ** v Miss Emma Geeka was a recent Al' gjonquin visitor. 'Peter Rothermel f fw-a windy city ; Visitor Tuesday. T. H. Bethke was a bnsinees visitor in ' Chicago Tuesday. r ' ' ' - J o h n E y a n s o n a t t e n d e d t o b u s i n e s s ' i n <*, Ifhicago Tuesday. Miss Eolia Boyer spent Saturday last \. Jto the windy city v Mrs. W. C. Evanson was a Chicago tfsitor Wednesday. * ,:r Dr. R. G. Chamberlin was a Chicago " flsitor last Friday. „.? Mr*. L. F. Newman is visiting Chica- ||b relatives this week. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Fegers were Chi- < * '^go visitors Tuesday. ' - Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Sayler were Chi- o visitors Tuesday. Jos. W. Freund was a business visitor Chicago Wednesday. ' "v?'V'A. C. Matthews was a business visitor ';' jg Chicago last Friday. G. W. Besley was a bnsinees visitor Chicago last Friday. John D. Lodtz attended to business in < j ̂ iicago last Thursday. ^ w N. A. Huemann was a business visit- • in Chicago Taesday. G. W. Besley was a business visitor )H Chicago Wednesday. .. ^Star Brink and Miss Emma Matthews 'I^ent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. John Evanson was a Crystal ke vtsitor Saturday last. F. B. Spencer of Chicago spent Sail' >W$fcy with McHenry friends.! Mrs. D. G. Well» aud son, Glenn, last week in Chicago. - -J , "r Mrs. W. F. Gallaher spent Tuesday flgid Wednesday in Woodstock. ^ Mrs. F. A. Boh'ander was a business Visitor in Chicago Friday last. Mimes Florence and Kate Howe were Chicago visitors last Saturday. 4 • 'Mrs. Theo. L. Grot was a Chicago (j^ssenger Wednesday morning. and Mrs. J. J. Reser and daugh­ ter spent Wednesday in Chicago. ;-'V'/;T. H. Bethke spent Thursday last a' /^le home of his father in Dundee. Leo W. Jackson of Chicago spent Ifonday evening at the home of S. ^ Reynolds. ' - Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Story returned Tuesday from a week's visit in Chicago ,-jlpd Elgin. • ? ./,;"M. A. and Warren Howell of Chicago •pent Saturday and Sunday at their home up the river. Mrs. S. Cone, Dr. and Mrs. Albrecht of Waukegan spent a recent day at the • home of G W. Besley. " Mrs. Sarah Dermont is visiting her ^ ^l||iughter, Mrs. N. J. Schumacher, at x ?l|i>uth Bend, Ind., this week. .. Mrs. Law and dangnter, Mrs. GMe, Waukegan are spending the week , :f«iththe former's sister, Mrs. B. Gilbert. Failed. Si"iji All efforts have failed to find a better .^ffmedy for coughs, colds and lung troubles than Foley's Honey and Tar. ft etope the cough, healB the lungs prevents serious results from a cold. .,:f, N. Patterson, Nashua, Iowa, writes: "Xiast winter I had a Lad cold on my f ilings and trie^ at least half a dozen ^Tlcivertised cough medicines and bad treatments from two physicians with- Dpt getting any benefit. A friend rec­ ommended Foley's Honey and Tar and ^ t^o-thirds of a bottle cured me. I ocm- . „ jlder it the greatest cough and lun« IBedicinein the world." For side by ^W. Besley. Pnmcled Over Presents? Then give your friend a telephone. POSTPONED SHOOT. McHenry Qua Club Decide* OfMNi Kew Date for Shoot. XH twelve months he will appreciate :ii * gourgift. Get him something valuable. Our installers will place it Christmas ^ porning. A pleasing, useful present. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY. . »' ; V'^'^ - _____ . .. Kins of All Conch Nediclna*. 0V Mr. E. G. Case, a mail carrier of Can- ' - * ton Center. Conn., who has been in the : nr. S. Service for about sixteen years, ifiys: "We have tried many cough ttiedicines for croup, but Chamberlain's ^•40ough Remedy is king of all and one to be relied upon every time. We also find H the best remedy for coughs and colds, .' giving certain results and leaving no |nd after affects. We are never with- jflut it in the house." For sale by G W. Besley. • Oar Kev Feed Mill '-'" li now ready for business. AH work ,4|one good and fast so you can take yonr |rist home with you instead of leaving « 4fc to come after some other day. Give .piatriaL WE BOXSLJETT. The target shoot advertised through the columns of The Plaindeaier last week has been postponed and will be held at McHenry on December 20 and 21. The shoot will be for both first and Second class shooters, giving all an equa] chance for honors. The arrangement for the shoot is as follows: Second class shooters from 10KM) a. m. to'll:00 a. m; first class shooters from 11 .-Q0 a. m. to 12 m ; second class shooters from 1 p. m. to .2 p. in. From 2 p. m. first class shooters will finish program and the second class will finish last. Same pro­ gram will be used for the two days. The following prises will be given to first and second class shooters: First class, for highest average, $10; second average, $5; for lowest average $2, Sec­ ond class: For the highest average made, $5; second, $3 and for lowest av­ erage, $1.00. Competitors must shoot entire program through both days. Plenty of good shells on the grounds. This shoot will, without doubt, be the best ever held in McHenry. Come out and make a record for yourself. Holiday goods at Petest-h's. FARMERS' AND TEACHERS'* Joint Nrrtiug to be Held at Blcbiuasd. Saturday, December if, >, I A joint farmers' and teachers' meeting will be held at Richmond on Saturday, Dec. 16. day and evening. Somie of the topics to be discussed are: 1. Dairying in Its Relation to (a) the social life of the community; (b) the intellectual life of the community; (c) the aesthetic life of the community; (d) the health of the community; (e) the wealth of the community; (f) the moral and religious life of the community. 2- Public Taxes (a) some inequalities; (b) comparisons; (c) municipal and country; (d) school and road. 3. Farm Labor Question. 4. The Country School. 5. Boys' Country Clubs. Every public school teacher in Mc­ Henry county who has not attended any of the previovs meetings of this society is expected to be present at this meeting. The federation meeting will be held at Woodstock, January 11 and 12, 1906. . Holiday goods at Petesch's. La Grippe aud Pneumonia. Pneumonia often follows la grippe but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. It cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Ask for Foley'8 Honey and Tar and re­ fuse any substitute offered. Mr. G. Vacher, of 157 Osgood St., Chicago, writes: "My wife had a severe case of la grippe three years ago, and it left her with a terrible cough. She tried a bot­ tle of Foley's Honey and Tar and it gave immediate relief. A 50 oent bottle cured her cough entirely." Refuse sub­ stitutes. G. W. Besley. Sherman Hill Banket Social* The basket social given at the Wittfe- man Hill school house last Thursday evening was a decided success. The program, tho short, was spicy and en­ tertaining, showing earnest effort on the parts of both teacher and pupils. After the program, the baskets were sold at auction. The patrons of the echool showed their appreciation of the peedd of their children by their gener­ osity in contributing so largely for the school fund. Everyone went home feeling be had spent a very profitable as well as enjoyable evening Doctor* Could Not Help Her. "I bad kidney trouble for years," writes Mrs. Raymond Conner of She!- ton, Wash . ^and the doctors could not help me. I tried Foley's Kidney Cure, and the very first dose gave me relief and I am now cured. I cannot say too much for Foley's Kidney CuTe." It makes the diseased kidneys sound so that they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. Unless they do this, good health is impossible. G. W. Besley. MUMICHI Wia JSzoellent. The mufeical, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid society, held at the M. E. church last Friday evening, proved one of the rarest treats eyer held by that society. A large crowd was in at­ tendance and the program was much enjoyed by all present. It is to be hoped that we may have the pleasure of hear­ ing more of these programs during the winter. J A Successful Dinner. The dinner served at the Universalist chnrch parlors by the Willing Workers society last Saturday noon was partaken of by a goojdly number. The diQner w^s of the sort which never fails to satisfy and many words of praise were tendered the ladies for their fine way o* serving. The dinner and sale of han£i work netted the society $42. t f % New Year Danrt, J The management of the Stoffel ball ti already making extensive preparations for the coming New Year dance, which is to take place in said hall on Monday evening, January 1. Baernstein's cele­ brated Chicago orchestra will be on hand with the latest and best music ob­ tainable. Watch these columns for further announcements The Plaindeaier will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it EXCHANGE GLEANINGS. HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY ADJACENT COUNTIE8. AND A' Miscellaneous Assortment of News Items In Condensed Form For Conven fence of Busy People. Holiday goods at Petesch '8. The grauite ware sale at Evanson'B this week Saturday. Edward D. Shurtleff of Marengo has purchased a dry goods store in that city Are you about to have an auction? If so, consult F. O. Gans, over M. J. Walsh's store. . ^ ' Antioch will have an electric light plant. Work on' same will be com­ menced early next spring, Earl Wilcox of Marengo and Miss Mabel Riley of Terra Cotta were mar­ ried in Chicago on Thanksgiving day, Mrs. Bridget Norton, residing south of Woodstock, committed suicide one day .recently by taking a dose of strych­ nine. The latest puzxle question is: "How cold is it when it is twice as cold as two degrees abovfe zero?" What's the an­ swer? Because he swore at his sister, Herbert Nelson, of Ingleside, was recently fined $25 and costs by Justice Orviii of Wau­ kegan. Several farmers near Harvard have raised sugar beets this year and are s^jt isfied that they are a profitable crop to cultivate. The Plaindeaier and Chicago Daily Chronicle, both papers one year for $3.50. Ord^r at once as the time of this offer is limited. Pinesalve is the beet Salve for sores, ourns, boils, tetter, eczema, skin diseases and piles. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, and N. H. Petesch McHenry. The by-laws of the Chicago, Des- Plaities & Fox River Railway company were placed on file in the Lake county recorder's office by the company's offi­ cials, recently. Clear thinking, decisive action, vim and vigor of body and mind, the sparkle of life, comes to all who use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. Farmers in Wisconsin are troubled for tuberculosis among hogs. The dis­ ease has gained such headway that the state live stock commission has taken the matter in charge. The Wauconda Mining company, in which many Lake county people own stock, is announced to be planning to erect a 50 ton cyanide mill shortly at its mine in the Black Hills. Ringling Bros., the circus men, pur­ chased ten head of horses from a De- Kalb county farmer last week. The horses, beautiful grays, ranged from 1600 to 1900 pounds each. The Harvard board of education is in vestig<i ting tbe cost and advisability of in­ troducing manual training for the bene fit of its boys who may wish to take ad vantage of that branch of study. The reason Dr. Dade's Little Liyer Pills give perfect satisfaction is due to their tonic effect on the liver. They never gripe. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, and N. H. Petesch McHenry. Lyle Axtell of Harvard carried off the county medal awarded to tbe person making the best record in the day's shoot given by the Woodstock Gun club at the county seat on Thanksgiving day. Barrington Review: F. W. Scott shipped 8,000 violets to Chicago Wed­ nesday. He now picks about 12,000 per week. Fred is certainly a bustler, and we all wish him success in his new line of work. Hollister's Rdcky Mountain Tea is simply liquid electricity. It goes to every part of the body, bringing new blood, strength and new vigor. It makes you well and keeps you well. 85 cents. G. W. Besley. A devil in the office of an Iowa week­ ly fell off of a nine footstep ladder while oiling a shaft and bumped his head. As be got up he brushed tbe dust from his inK-Biueared trousers and remarked: "I bad to come down for oil, anyhow!" Fox Lake correspondent to Graysfake Times: Trigg, the fish man. made a haul with his big net for carp in Pis- takee Sunday, Nov. 26. but caught only 200 or 300 pounds. Quite different from a year sgo, «hen he secured about 10, OOOpounds. Wauconda Leader: A franchise was granted to Mr. Bryson and others, pro­ moters of tbe line of electric road to be built through here next year, at a meet­ ing of the village board Monday evening. The parties were not present but it is known that the measure will meet their approval as passed. Blind, bleeding, itching and protrud­ ing piles are instantly relieved by Man- Zan. This remedy is put up in collapsi­ ble tubes with nozzle attachment, so that the medicine may be applied inside directly where the trouble originates. ManZan relieves instantly. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, and N. H. Petesch McHenry. While attending a dance Saturday* night, Dec. 2, held in the new barn of Henry Dowe at Ingleside, Thos. J. Lar- kin, a cigar salesman of that village, had occasion to visit a--nearby store, when he was attacked by footpads Three of his front teeth were knocked ont and he was otherwise badly beaten, and he was relieved of $45 in cash. It iB a sin to suffer with backache and pains over the Kidneys, when a single dose of Pineules will give relief ia one night. Suffering women should heed these warnings ere it is to late. Female troubles may result Pineules will strengthen the Kidneys and bladder, cleanse the blood and relieve the aches and pains of Neuralgia and Rheuma tism. Sold by G. W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry, and N. H. Petesch, McHenry. The meanest frau4 that has ever been heard of is a man who has been operat­ ing in neighboring counties. His game is a dental one, no, accidental. He goes to a farm house and extraots teeth with out cost, when a new set is to go in. He calls again in a few days and gets half tbe pay for a new set of teeth, and fails to appear again, leaving the victim min­ us teeth and cash. There is bailing and weeping, but owing to circumstances, no gnashing of teeth. There is however, a terrible chewing of gums. A young man fond of dancing recent­ ly took a pedometer with him to a ball, and found that in the coarse of the even­ ing he had covered thirteen and a half miles. The average length of a waltz was half a mile, of a polka three-quar­ ters of a mile, a gallop or schottische a mile aud of a lancers a quarter of a mile. A girl will usually dance more than a man, and is calculated to cover more than sixteen miles in a single evening. Just think what would happen if tbe average girl were compelled to cover that much territory in one day while engaged in some useful household duty! Wouldn't her feeble limbs ache? The old reliable headquarters for Christmas gifts.,. G. W. Besley, QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Items Clipped from Tbe Plaindeaier of *" December IS, 1880. iFl» work on the new bridge is pro­ gressing favoraby. When completed it will be one of the finest bridges in this part of the state. C. T. Eldredge is now dressing and shipping about one thousand pounds of poultry per day. Things look lively around his picking house. The private ice houses in this village are being filled with as fine ioe as ever was put up here. It is from fourteen to sixteen inches in thickness, and as clear as a crystal. There will be no scarcity of ice here this season. The second boy of Homer Wattles, Esq., aged 14 years, died of diphtheria and was buried on Friday last. The other two are both sick with the same disease, but hopes are entertained of their recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wattles have the sympathy of all. Shedd & Co. commencnoed operations on the pond last week, but on Thursday night all hands struck for higher wages. The company immediately paid them off and sent out a lo,t of men from Chi­ cago. This the strikers objected to, and by threats and blusters prevented the new men from going to work. Tbe boss telegraphed the situation to tbe company and last evening Mr. Shedd came out, and at the time of writing, (Wednesday morning) work has com rnenced on the ice, and whether the strikers will interfere remains to be seen. ^ Oliver N. Owen, son of E. M. Owen, met with a severe and painful accident on Saturday evening. While going from the house to the store of Perry & Martin, where he is employed, a re volver in his overcoat pocket was acci- dently discharged, the ball striking him in the thigh, passing down some six or eight inches, striking the bone near the knee, glanced off and lodged in the side of the leg. Drs. Howard and Anderson were called who extracted the ball, and he is now doing as well as could be ex­ pected. It was fortunate that it did not go into the knee joint, as it would probably have made him a cripple for life. As it is no serious result is antici­ pated. Holiday Danee. Tbe members of Owl Camp, number 41144, hereby extend a most cordial in­ vitation to every one to be present at a holiday ball to be given at tbe McHenry House hall on Wednesday evening, De- *<pember 27, 1906. The music for the oc­ casion will be furnished by Chris Hap- ke's orchestra, which gives tbe dancing public every assurance that this depart­ ment will be well looked after. For the floor the following young gentlemen have offered their services: McHenry, John P. Weber; West McHenry, Amos Wolff; Woodstock, Roy Colby; Ridge- field, Henry Wille; Johnsburgh, John Miller; Volo, Peter Stadtfeld; Round Lake, Joseph Amann; Ringwood, Harold Whiting; Ingleside, Henry Dowe; Spring Grove, Frank Wagner; Wauconda, Piute Houghton; Nunda, Clarence Hill. Supper will be served ic the dining room at 35 cents per plate. Horses will be cared for at the MeHenry House barn. House baggage cared for free of charge. Come out «nd let the boys of Owl Camp entertain you just for one evening. They promise all those who" attend a most delightful time. For Tour Friend*. What is so good a Christmas gift for your friend or married son or daughter or other relatives as a telephone? Good all tbe year, every day, every hour. A genuine surprise when the instrument is installed on Christmas day. Ask our manager. ^CHICAGO TELEPHONE CO. • Notice I ~ To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect A FACTORY PROPOSITION M'HENRY HA8 ANOTHER OPPOR­ TUNITY TO 8ECURE FACTORY. Canning Factory Promoter* la MeHenry This Week Looking Over Field In View of Locating Plaut Here. Two gentlemen from Chicago were in McHenry this week looking over the field in view of locating a canaing fac­ tory here. Their proposition is to get the farmers about this vicinity interested in the af­ fair, to whom they wish to sell shares. If enough shares can be sold it is more than likely that a plant of this kind will be located in our midst. McHenry farmers have already a good market for their several products and with the ad dition of a vegetable market the farmers wants would be complete as far as marketing of their produce is concerned. Mr. Geo. H. Hanly, in company with the factory promoters, has been doing quite a bit of canvasing among the fanners and we are informed that the project is meeting with most encourag­ ing results. Of course it all lies with the farmers and they have the question before them--whether or not they want a market for their vegetables. We think tbey all see the great benefit which would be derived from such a plant and hope t ley will act accordingly McHenry now has several small fac­ tory concerns, which everyone knows are helping the town wonderfully. Now, why not, %hile we have the op­ portunity, land another conoern? . Holiday goods at Petesch's. / BIG TARGET 8HOOT T* !*•)(» Place At Jot. J. Merte»* Plaee, Pistakee Bay. Event No. Event No. A bHr target shoot, for second class shooters only, is to take place at Jos. j ertes' place at Pistakee Bay, 111., on Tuesday, December 26, when the fol­ lowing program will be given: Event No. 1.... 10 Targeta $1.00 Event No. 2... .10 Targeta $1.00 Event No. 8.. .10 Targeta. $1.00 4... .15 Targeta....... .$1.50 5... .10 Targeta.. . .... .$1.00 Event No. 6... .15 Targeti $1.50 Event No. 7.... 10 Targeta. $1.00 Event No. 8... .80 Targets $2.00 EventiNo. 9 ...16Targets $1.00 Event No. 10... .10 Targeta Double rise $lk00 Tbe moneys will be divided as fol­ lows : 50, 80 and 90. Plenty of shells and refreshments on the ground. Dinner will also be served at the Oak Park ho­ tel. All seoond-olaas shooters are invit­ ed to attend, Climatic Cures. The influence of climatio conditions in the cure of consumption is very much overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at home by proper attention to food diges­ tion and a regular use of German Syrup, Free expectoration in the morning is made certain by German Syrup, so is a good night's rest and the absence of that weakening cough and debilitating night sweat. Restless nights and the exhaustion due to coughing, the great­ est danger and dread of the consumi>- tive, can be prevented or Btopped by taking German Syrup liberally and reg­ ularly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime, you will find that of the thousands of consumptives there, the few who are benefited and regain strength are those who use German Syrnp. Trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 75a At all druggists. Feb. 1. January Grand Jnrers. The board of supervisors at their reg­ ular meeting at Woodstock transacted many matters of business, among which was the selection of grand jurors for the January term of tbe circuit court. Their names are here given: Riley, Henry Driver; Marengo, A. J. Kelley, Deloe ^Wright; Dunham, D. I. Hine; Chemung, Jerome Fay, Geo. Backus; Alden, Marcus Fink; Hartland, Wm. Desmond, Jr.; Seneca, Henry Bigelow; Coral, Joseph Scheider; Grafton, John Haw ley; Dorr, D. W. Licbty, John Mc- Breom; Hebron, Henry Spooner; Rich­ mond, Howard Vinton; Burton, Mark Huffman; McHenry, W. E. Walker, 8. H. Freund; Nunda, R. G. Smith, Mich­ ael Knox; Algonquin, James McKay, Henry Newbold. Christmas Goods. * Julia A, Story has just completed pur­ chasing her usual Christmas stock, which will be opened up as rapidly as received. Among the large variety will be found books oi all kinds--classics, recent books, beautiful gift books and teachers' bibles, also a fine line ot Cath­ olic prayer books, both German and English. With the latter will be found crucifixes, rosaries, statuary, etc. There is, as usual, china, glass ware, vases, toilet sets, toys, dolls and everything desired as Christmas gifta." Call and examine. •Entertains at Cards. Mrs. N. E. Barbian entertained a com­ pany of lady friends at cards at her home on Water street, Tuesday even­ ing. Miss Gertrude Weber was award­ ed the first prise, having won the high­ est number of games during the even­ ing. Refreshments were served. Picks Dandelion Qecemher 7. Last Thursday, December 7, M. V. B. Spaulding of Ringwood picked a dande­ lion in full bloom on his premises. The unusually mild weather undoubtedly accounts for it CHICAGO TELEPHONE Granted Certain Rights In the Villas* of McHenry--An Ordinance. ; AN ORDINANCE, Granting the Chica go Telephone Company certain rights in the Village of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry, SECTION 1. That the Chicago Tele­ phone Company, its successors and as­ signs are hereby granted the right to erect, maintain and renew, upon, along and under the streets and alleys of the Village of McHenry, lines of poles, wires, conduits and cables and to use the same for supplying the general pub­ lic means of. communication by tele­ phone or other electrical device. At any time after fifty years after this ordi­ nance goes into effect the said Village of McHenry may terminate the rights and privileges hereunder by action of the Village Board, provided ninety days prior written notice of such contemplat­ ed action shall have been given to said Chicago Telephone Company. SECTION 2. The location of the lines of poles now existing is hereby approv­ ed, and any change therein or extension thereof, and the construction of conduits and cables shall be under the supervision of the Chairman of the Committee on Streets and Alleys of said Village, who shall issue written permits therefor, and shall be placed and maintained so as not to interfere with ordinary travel or with any water or sewer pipe; and said Com­ pany, its successors Mid assigns shall hold the Village harmless from all dam­ ages resulting from the ereotion or main­ tenance of the structures hereby author­ ised. SECTION 8. All poles erected hereun­ der shall be smooth, well shaped poles and shall be painted slate color. SECTION 4. In consideration whereof, said Chicago Telephone Company, its successors and assigns shall furnish said Village, one telephone with local ex­ change service free of charge in each and every fire engine house maintained by said Village so long as said Company operates its exchange hereunder in said Village of McHenry; the usual contract for each telephone shall be previously signed for the Village by the President SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and the filing in the office of the Village Clerk, of a written and unconditional acceptance of its provisions by said Chi­ cago Telephone Company. Passed this 4th day of December, 1905. Approved December 5th, 190& JOHN STOFFEL, Village Clerk. JOHN EVANSON, President. OUR WEEKLY .si ITEMS PICKED UP ABOTF TOWM . . DURING THE WEEK. •• Wbat People m Dttef lt ,Oir|»««7 UHto . City--News as Seea by Xk» Plaindeaier BepieseutatlTes. Butter Market. Butter went up half a cent Hoaif cents. D. W. Wileoo acted a«chair­ man of the annual caucus and the inatirr "ommittee, A. C. uuday, Edward Schmidt ni Frai;k B. Cornell, reported on the same officers as last year. Tha annai elect ion will lake place next Hoadsjr. The board will be open from 11:80 to 19 o'clock on Saturdays preceding Christ* mas and New Year's. Toys, Ferfnmerf, - Toilet cases. Fountain pens, Hand painted cfctnft, Stationery and hooka. At Petesch's. F. O. Gans does auctioneering- Santa CSaus headquarters' atDeaiayls. Toys of -every deucriptfcen at G. W. Besley*s. ̂ Large assortment 01 Wmuaf CUas at'/' Variety Stem. ̂ See our line ot cardinal Tnaoan laaapa. V G. W. Besley. 1 F. O. Gans has a large list of real estate for sale. If you are a boyer, eea him. Chriatmaa gifts, oardfisvota andwdk ding presents in large variety ft Variety Store. J. P. Smith is showing one of tha fin­ est displays of holiday jewelry shown ia McHenry. ; Wanted--A bright boy to learn pete* ter's trade. Must have fair < Apply at this office at once. Useful and ornamental merchandise will he offered at prises this year at JSvanaon'a. Over nine hundred dolfcura was Bleared at the recent fair and festival given bgr St Mary's church pariahkmena. My line of Chriatmaa jewelry ia tha finest ever shown in McHenry. Call In and inspect the stock. J. P. Smith. A sensible present for an is (Hie of our tougher then leather hot water bottles--175c and fl.00. Additional Loeal|rK ' Holiday goods at Petesch V' ; If you contemplate having an auction sale consult F. O. Gans, the McHenry auctioneer. He will do the right thing with you. The season of Indigestion is now at hand. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets relieve indigestion, and correct all stomach dis­ orders. Sold by G.W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry, and N. H. Petesch McHenry. Herman Kamholz, while at work at the lumber yards, Tuesday, had the thumb of his right hand quite severely smsshed. Dr. Wells was called to dress tbe injured member and Mr. Kamholz was made as comfortable aa possible under the circumstances. L. F, Newman has just received from the Woodmen Accident association a check for $29.04, issued him bywthat or­ ganization for injuries received while st work at a barn raising about one month ago. Mr. Newman wishes thru the columns of The Plaindeaier to sx- tend his thanks to the association for their prompt and highly satisfactory settlement. It certainly speaks wall for the association. Now is the time to guard the health and strength of tbe lungs. The beet remedy to us« for coughs and colds is Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. The bnly cough syrup that doee not consti­ pate tbe bowels, but which on tbe other band, expels all cold from the system by acting as a pleasant laxative. Beet for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. Sold by G. W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry, and N. H. Petesch, McHenry. Mrs. H. E. Clemens was oae of the winners in a recent Chicago Record- Herald contest. The Record-Herald, during the past several months, has been offering twenty-five watches each week to the twenty-five persons sending to them tbe nearest correct answers to illustrated names of citiss, published in their Sunday edition. Dnring the week in which Mrs. Clemens proved one of the lucky ones, 881 correct answers were received. Instead of twenty-five watch­ es, the Record-Herald then awarded fifty, and notified the remainder of the winners that they would receive a "con­ solation" price. Mrs. Clemens was among the latter. What the prise will be is not known. The First Requisite of Beauty. Hie first requisite of beauty is a dear complexion. Ormo Laxative Fruit Syr­ up clears a sallow blotched complexion as it stimulates the liver and bowls, and the eyee become bright and clear. You owe it to your friends to take it if your, complexion is bad. Orino Laxative Fruit syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is very pleasant to take. Refoae substitutes. Sold by G. W. BEDA?*^ The 9:40 Lake Geneva passenger Was nearly three hours late last Thursday evening owing to the wreck of tha "Sterling Express" which oocurrednear W infield. 111. We have a ohotoe selection of thahaat Japanese hand painted china, the kind that is kept and cherished and tbe val­ ue of which grows with the passing years. At Petesch's. * It's not a bit too early to be looking over holiday goods. We have an inter­ esting display which we'd like yon to examine. Christmas will be han h** . fore yon realise it Peteech. If you happen to pass Evanson's star* on the West Side look into the wnt window and note the variety of granit* ware to be sold next Saturday at K cents, 5 styles, at your eervioe. When you look around for Christiana presents, drop in at Evanson's store. Many bargains added this wsek, mach below regular prices, beoauae ' the other fellow" wanted to clean up his slack quick. We know of no present which wtali be more acceptable to us than the pay­ ment of your subscription to Tha Plain- dealer. Our Christmaa stocking ia al­ ways ready for renewals as well aa thoaa in arrears. Why don't you give yonr friend a tel­ ephone for Christmas? It's valnahl* Place it Christmas day. It's useful all the year and far better than trinkets. Aak our manager. CHICAGO TKLBPHONX OO. Miss Anna M. Leisner of TarraOstta has contributed a charming poeaa es ̂ titled "Love" to the Gems of Itoay magazine, published by the Delhayn Publishing company, of Chicago. Tha poem is exciting much favorable ma* ̂ ment by all who have read it ^ A public meeting of the Boys' Coun­ try club will he held at tbe Hebron town hall on Friday evening, Deo. 1& od program ha* been prepared for the occasion and all are most oocdtaUy invited to-join the boys in tMrpii; work. Admission, 10 cents. From now until January 1, ws effar our entire millinery stock at oost and below. Remember, yon have bnt two weeks in which to get yonr ajilBnery at such remarkable bargains. We have no room to store winter millinery so tab# this means to close oat stock. Wi§n» ter Sisters. West McHenry. We received with pleasure tha number of the Watch Tower published by tbe Courier PnllMrtnOfc, of Elgin. The maoaaina will T ed monthly and each Issue will one or more artUaa which will anha It of particular interest to surrounding country residents. Tha subecription price is $1-0# 10 oent* per copy. It is a neat IAM* ®f work and should be Iwiiqm Myotony Bd 'A. . i.,.

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