OF A PERSONAL MATURE. hi WHOM WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE GO. AND u I t ... tbHenry Kntertalns a I*rga Company of •liiltara Daring the Week--Whom They fcntertala. . - ' . Dr. U H. Fegers, Sr., Chicagoed last Friday. E. C. Joslyn spent Tueeday >t the county seat. Dr. J. M. Larson spent Wednesday in # windv city. Jacob Leickem was a windy city vis itor last Friday. A. C. Matthews was a business visitor 'lii Chicago Tuesday. . . " T. P. Walsh of Grayslake was a Mc Henry visitor Sunday. Mrs. E. M. Owen is spending this week with Chicago relatives. C. S, Howard and son, Gilbert, fare Chicago visitors Thursday last. Martin Stoffel spent Wednesday and foday in Chicago visiting friends. Harry Fay of Chicago spent Snnday Md Monday with his mother here. Chas . Buss of Chicago was the guest home folks Sunday and Monday. Lewis Frennd of Springfield, 111., is |pfc guest of Peter Jnsten this week. Miss Fannie Haskins of Richmond •pent Sunday with the Misses Howe. Mrs. E. M. Owen spent Christmas in Blgin with George Owen and family. iPeter Wasnowski of Chicago visited parents here Sunday and Monday. Leo Raymond of Elgin took in the V|few Year dance here Monday evening. •T Mrs. H. Haeelton of Elgin was a Mc- tfenry visitor Wednesday of laBt week. - Robert Aylward of Elgin spent Sun- tiy and Monday with McHenry friends. Dr. S. S. Wells of Chicago spent Sun day and Monday with his brother, Dr. Fred Eldredge of Chicago Heights •pent Snnday and Monday with home folks. Miss Anna McGee of Harvard was the guest of her father and,sisters here this #®ek. Joe Kappler of Woodstock spent Mon- y and Tuesday with friends in Mc- enry. Jerry Farrell of Chicago spent Sun day and Christmas with MoHenry -friends. Casper Bickler of Chicago was the guest of his mother here 8unday and Monday. Miss Martha Wolff of Elgin was the gn«<stofher mother here Snnday and Monday. • ' W. R. Marshall and Miss Agnes Mey- « were Chicago visitors Snnday and Monday. . Robfc. Laas of Michigan was a guest the home of Simon Stoffel a few days is week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Prioe and son were guests of Genoa Jnnction relatives New Year's day. Dick Walsh of Evanston, 111., came t t Monday evening to attend the New r dance. Miss Dora Stoffel of Chicago was the est of her parents here Snnday and iw Year's day. '/ Miss Maggie Schreiner of Evanston. Ml., was the gnest of her parents here -flew Year's day. V Peter Schoewer and daughter, Anna, '•pent a couple of days last week with Chicago friends. ' Will Phalin, Jr., of Kenosha, Wis., lias the guest of his parents here San-* and Monday. ^Miss Minnie McGee of Harvard spent iiveral days with her sisterfc here dur ing the past week. Mrs. J. J. Reser and daughter, Mar rie, spent New Year's day with Ca- Ili , relatives. Miss Macie Dake of Chicago was • guest at the home of John B. Frisby Shnday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schreiner of Elgin •pent Snnday and Monday with McHen ry relatives and friends. Miss Maggie Schuran of Genoa June- #>n. Wis., spent Sunday and Monday ^|ith Miss Cassie Eldredge. " | Miss Pearl Claxton returned Monday - ||^ening, after spending the holiday va- 4|tion with Chicago friends. 0Mr*. R. W. Inness was called to St. jtiiiirles, 111., Monday on account of the jtirious illness of her mother. "Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Chapell and chil dren of Chicago were guests of MoHen ry relatives over New Year's. Misses Vera Yaun, Maggie and Lolo tgrlward of Elgin spent Sunday and onday with McHenry friends.. ;; Fred Sherburne of Nnnda spent Satnr- ' |ft»y at the home of his grandparents, ,i|r. and Mrs. Robert Sherburne. " Henry and Chas. Schuennemann of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs.- Heimer Sunday and Monday. " Larry Bending Iftg among Mci >r Larry also at Mr. »d Mrs. Lillian Eggert o [ and Monday at i Mr. and Mrs. eago were gneats ' and Hit F. A Slmday. Mr. and Mrs. E. gin spent New of the latter's * ath Heimer. Mrs. Max Kline was visit week. k s»d Mies J. Hille. of Chi of ra home Mrs. of Kal- John Evan son Chicagoed Wednesday. John Plialin was a oonnty seat visitor Wednesday. O. B. Gilbert spent Tuesday with Chi cago friends. Miss Katie Frennd was a Chicago visf itor Tuesday. i x Prof. K. C. Fisher was a Chicago vis itor Tuesday. M. J. Walsh was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Richard Wray of Riohmond spent New Year's day with friends here. Henry Miller and daughter, Gelia, spent the holidays at Kenosha Wis. A. Henderson of Nnnda attended the New Year's party here Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. B, < crnbs ate dinner with relatives at Fort Hill New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. Merriman spent New Year's day with Mrs. Dwelly at Ring- wood. Dr. W. C. Besley of Woodstock took New Year's dinner with Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Hanly. * Mrs. Kate Lawrence spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Keyee, at Algonquin. Dr. Chas. Fegers, Jr., was a Chicago visitor Monday. O. Garrison of Greenwood ate New Year's dinner with his son, Wm. Garri son, and family. Mrs. T. C. Meyers of Kenosha. Wis., was the guest of MoHenry relatives the first of the week. Mrs. Wm. Wilson of Chicago was the gnest of her father, R. H. Sherburne, one day last week. Mrs. Fred Sherburne and son, Fred, of Nnnda spent Saturday of last week at R. H. Sherburne's. Mr and Mrs. Jesse Bennett of Elgin enjoyed New Year's with their dangh ter, Mrs. D. F. Hanly. Mrs. C. N. Culver returned Snnday evening from a two weeks' visit with Spencer, Iowa, relatives. Miss Agnes A. Perry was the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. H. Hanly, at Havana, 111., a few days last week. Mrs. F. H. Wattles and daughter. Myrtle, were guests of Chicago relatives a couple of days this week. Mrs. George Yager and daughters of Libertyville are guests at the home of Mrs. M. A. Searles this week. Mrs. N. H. Petesch and children re turned from a week's visit with Oak Park relatives Monday evening. Mrs. J. Bishop and niece. Miss Clara Smith, visited at the home of Mrs. Eugene Wheeler one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Waite were gnests of their daughter, Mrs. J. J. Vasey, at Oak Park Snndfty and Mon day. Miss feva Stilling returned to Chicago Wednesday morning, after spending her holiday vacation with her parents at Pistakee Bay. Miss Alma Freberg of Highland Park and Harry Wightman of Chicago at* tended the New Year dance at. Stoffel's hall Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Schuennemann and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Heimer. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Beal of Bloom- ington, 111., and Lather Beal of Apple- ton, Wis., spent several days at the home of Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Beal last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Horlick of Holly wood, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. George Horlick and son of Chicago were gnests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Inness at the Riverside Sunday and Monday. John R. Brents spent the holiday va cation with friends in Tennessee. While down South John did some cotton pick ing and brought some home with him which he picked himself. By rum and Walker, great Danish ma gicians, Central opera house, Sunday evening, Jan. 7, 1906. Basket Social at OitiMl. A basket social for the benefit of the Ostend Sunday school will be held at. the home of Clifford Thompson, Ostend, tomorrow (Friday) evening. The fol lowing excellent program will be given: Song --.V. School Kecitatlon^-"Our Hired Girl"...Lelah AbUitt Solo *. Ella Thomas Recitation .Alfred Rtchardsou Solo .Ruth Daily Recitation,.. ............. Winnie Cruikshauk Solo ............ .'s Carrie Ho&g Recitations.... ....... v Dorothy Bullock Recitation..., Mrs. Warren Thomas. Song Eva Thoiupsou Ladies please brl$g baskets with lunch for two. Everybody invited. All come ont and have a good time and help the good canse along. Moving pictures at the Central, Snn day evening, Jan. 7. Popular prima, 96 and 85 cents. For th« Year 190S. We wish, thru the columns of The Plaindealer, to extend our sincere thanks to our patrons for their patronage dur ing the past year and promise for the year of 1900 to give the public a greater opportunity than ever before in saving money by doing their trading at the West Side drug store. Hoping that the ooming year will be a most prosperous oaelef *11, we are " Very respectfully yours, G. w BK8unr. , Target Shoot at Vote, The Volo Gun clnb will hold a target shoot in that village on Tuesday, Janu- uary 9. Some good events have been arranged for the occasion and the gentle- meu in charge are sparing no time or money in making this one of the best •hoots ever held in this vicinity. BRIEF HISTORY OF 1905 HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY AND VICINITY DURING YEAR. Items Taken from Plaindealer Ft lea of 1905- I>eathB, Birth*t Accident*, Sport*. Marriages, Etc., Briefly Told. JANUARY. 8--Death of Mrs. Nicholas Weber-Mc- Henry Gun clnb holds its first shoot.. Opening dance at Central opera house. 8--Boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wagner. ^ 4--Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ToiUott are hap py parents of baby boy; G--Death of Mrs. L. R. Pisher at her home east of town.. McHomry highs de feated by Gary at basket ball. 9--E. C. Joslyn entertains.. Volo Gun clnb holds target shoot at Volo. 18--McHenry highs defeat Richmond at basket ball by score of 59 to 2. 14--Marriage of Chas. J. Currie to Miss Edna Story takes place in Chicago. 16--Mrs. Mary Ellen Lawson passes away at her home in Elgin. .Borden ice houses are filled. 18-- Mrs. John Brefeld passes away. 19--Death of Page Colby. 80--By score of 16 to 18 the McHenry highs are defeated at Richmond. . Miss Osmun surprised. > 26--Gus Carlson surprised. 87--McHenry highs meet defeat at Algonquin by score of 80 to 18. .Palm Beach Improvement association holds meeting in Chicago. 28--McHenry highs defeat Richmond by score of 16 to 15. .Reception at home of Mr. and Mrs. John I. Story in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Currie. .C. G. Frett victim of surprise. 89--Girl born to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Herbes. 80--Volo Gun clnb holds target shoot . .Stork leaves baby girl at home of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin. 81--Home of Mr. and Mrs. Gny L. Clemens made happy by arrival of baby girl. FEBRUARY. 8---(Hie hundred twenty-five couples attended masquerade ball at Central op era house. 8--Algonquin goes down in defeat be fore locals, score 84 to 18. 4--Mrs. Michael Welch is called.. "Just Us" club entertains at pillow-oase dance at Stoffel's hall. 6--Baby girl born to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Davis. 8--Charles Marsh Perkins dies at Warren, 111. 10--Young people enjoy sleighing party. 11--Annual target shoot at Ben Still- tag's. 18--Boy born to Mr. and Mrs Riy O. Lampbere. .Mrs. Peter Schreiner cele brates 58rd birthday anniversary. 16--Boy born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Doherty. 1 17--Willing Workers society hold suc cessful fair at Central opera house. 18--Girl's basket ball team defeats Richmond girls at Richmond. 81--Mise Kate Weber entertains party of friends. 38--Mrs. Peter B. Frennd entertains at progressive cinch. 84--Hebron defeats MoHenry at bas ket ball, 80 to 86. .Girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frisby. .Hard Times party at Stoffel's hall. 26--Miss Anna Harrison entertains.. Party at Mrs. Wm. Gilbert's. .Party at Mrs. J. H. Miller's. 86--Death of Andrew Kennedy..Miss Kate Mooney passes away »t H»ward House at Fox Lake. .. :: MARCH, , .. ' . :1„ 8--Mr.i Joe. Schneider entertains at cards. .Girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller. 8--Wentworth family celebrates birthdays.. Miss Clara Thompson host ess at party. 4--Social dance at Central Opera house 6--Royal Gracy surprised.. Masquer ade at McHenry House. 7--M irriage of Miss Barbara Schrein er to Mr. Albert Krause--E. C. Joslyn entertains a dancing party. .Mrs. Peter J. Frennd entertains at cards. .Girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Jobn F. Miller. 9--Beggar Prince Co. at Central opera house. 10--Boys' and girls' basket ball teams win at Algonquin. 18--Heavy fall of snogf. ; 15--Contract day at Borden factory. 16--Chaa Parks buys Miss Dorlesca Granger's residence.. Mrs. ^Stephen Ward passes away. 18--Rousing town canons at city hall. 84--Meeting at home of E C. Fisher for purpose of organizing Eastern Star lodge.. Mrs. Peter Britz passes away at Johnsburgh. 85--Farmers and teachers hold inter esting meeting at Central opera house. 87--Ray Gaylord is drowned in Rock river..Dr. J. M. Larson of Chicago lo cates in McHenry.. Miss Anna Pitzen opens millineiy store in McHenry. 81--Physical culture entertainment at the Central. . ^ APRIL.. 1--Annual village caucus. 8--McHenry Baseball aseociationholds annual meeting and election of officers .Town election. 6--Martin A. Howell passes away.. J. W. Frennd passes cigars--it's a baby girl..Mrs. Emma Phillips entertains at cards at Central opera house. 7--By defeating Cary, McHenry highs win county championship. 8--Wag&feter Sisters locate ip MoHen- m.r 9--McHenry Greens defeat Ostend in practice game. .Hillside clnb of Elgin holds annual meeting at 8. J. MeUin's hotel, Pistakee Bay. 10--G. C. Boley buys half interest in Buffalo Bottling Works. .Lenten enter tainment at St. Patrick's church. 18--Miss Lillian Wheeler surprised.. John Drahn, former McHenry resident, passes away at his home in Chicago. 14--School election. 16--Mrs. Henry Heimer is severely burned. ' 17--Miss Maude Granger celebrates fourteenth birthday anniversary, .Jacob Story passes away at age of ninety years. 18--Village election. .Ten-pound brick layer arrives at home of Nicholas Bohr. 81--Mrs. Lafayette Dates passes away at her home in Ringwood.. Arbor day observed by pupils of first room in pub lic school. .Girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ahrens. 88--Mrs. L. F. Ponse entertains in honor of sisters. .Mrs. Robt. Stanley passes away at Fox Lake. 88-- McHenry Greens shut oat Ostend 5 to 0. .A. L. Howe entertains party of prospective land buyers from Chicago.. Baby girl born to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Feltz. 84--Village board holds annual meet ing. .One hundred couples attend Easter dance. 85--Anton Engeln and Jos. Bishop land fifteen pickerel and seven black bass. 87--A. R. McCollum passes away at Ridgefield. 88--Fifty couples attend dance at McHenry House hall. 89--McHenry Maroons are defeated by Woodstock Athletics by aoore of 18 to 8. 80--McHenry Greens go down in first game of season before Woodstock White Sox by score of 8 to 6. .(Jirkbotti toMr. and Mrs. Albert Etten. MAY. • '• _ 1--Miss Mabe' Granger begins duties as book keeper at the McHenry bank.. Henry Brefeld buys lot of Mathias Heimer and will build. 4--Miss Mary Madeline Frennd is united in marriage to Mr. Jos, 3. Bach at Wauconda. 5--Miss Esther Carlson pleasantly surprised. 6 -Farewell party in honor of Dick Walsh at rooms of K. C. Joslyn. 7--McHenry Greens are defeated at Richmond, score 9 to 8. 8--Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh move to Evanston. .Local Eastern Star lodge goes to Richmond. 10--Wagner-Richards wedding. .Peter J. Miller takes Miss Christina Smith as wife. 18--Miss Pearl Sayler surprised on fifteenth birthday anniversary. 18--Miss Lucile Byrd entertains in honor of thirteenth birthday. 14--McHenry Greens in exciting ten- inning game defeat Richmond by aoore of 7 to 6. 17--Marriage of Mr. Gerhard Wagner to Mrs. Lnoy Miller . .Dsath of Thomas Phalin. 30 -- Mesdames C. C. Colby and P. C. ,Peterson and little daughter in auto ac cident. .Local Masons are gneetes of Nunda lodge. 21--Hebron defeated by Greens. 88--Miss Florence Howe closes sue- oessful term of school in the Harsh dis trict. 84--Banquet of German Catholio Or der of Foresters at Bnoh's hall..First dance of season at Nell's pavilioh. .Mrs. J. J. Schaefer of Chicago is nearly drowned in Fox river., 35--Miss Nina May Colby united in marriage to Howard J. Conn at Wood stock. 26--Old Time dance at Stoffel's hall. 89--Mrs. Math. Weber dead. 80---Memorial day fittingly obeerved at McHenry and Ringwood. JUNE. I--J. J. Vycital of Raciaa, Wis., locates hardware store.. .Commence ment exercises of McHenry public school 8--County field meet at Woodstock. 4--Delbert Dassow of Greenwood shoots Chas. Peet and Miss Lena Harri son. .Greens do np Harvard by score of 9 to 4.. Barn on J. J. Flnsky farm is struck by lightning and burned to the ground. 5--Mr. and Mrs. John Regner rejoice Over the arrival of baby girl. 7--Mr. Fred Huemann and Miss Bar bara Worth are wedded. .Body of Can- nte Lee fonnd in McCollnm's lake. 8--Mr. Louis Wolff of Chicago and Miss Katie Weber are married. .Body of Del Dassow found in the Nippersink . .Ice cream social at home of W. D. Wentworth. 10--Hon. F. K. Granger called..EW- redge-Morgan nnptials solemnised.. High school alumni banquet at River side hall. .Henry Erwin passes away in Chicago. II--Pastimes of Chicago an easy mark fcr,Greens, who defeat them to tune of 14 to 4. 18--Robert Frisby mashes fingeca. 15--Boy born to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonslett. 17--Local Masons aatertain. .Dance at Stoffel's ball. 18--Woodstock White Sox shut ont McHenry by soove of 4 to 0. .Mr. and Mrs. Jacob gchaafer are proud parents of baby girl. .Nick Schaefer passes away at Johnsburgh. 81--Barn dance at Ben Wegener's Miss Anna Fleming and Mr. & J. Fris by are married at Hi Patriot's cl church. A QUIET HOME WEDDING WA8 THAT OF MR. E. L. MARTIN AND MISS ANNA HARRISON. MIm CnpM Geake of McHenry la United In Marriage to Mr. FredeHek Daenalng ot Algonquin. The marriage of Mr. Edward Martin to Miss Anna Liora Harrison took place at the home of the bride's parents at eight o'clock last Thursday evening, December 28, the ceremony being wit nessed by only the nearest relatives of the young couple. The ceremony, which was performed by Rev. E. H. Beal, pastor of the M. E. cbtsrch, was a simple but impressive one. The house decorations consisted of pink carnations and ferns. At tbe conclusion of the wedding ceremony, and after the young couple had received the usual congratulations from those present, the company repaired to the dining room, where an elegant wedding dinner, prepared by Mrs. Bernard Har rison, mother of the bride, was await ing them. * The young couple left the same even ing for Ostend and the next morning boarded a train at Woodstock for Chi cago, from which place they left for Michigan, where they are spending their honey moon with relativee. The bride is the daughter of our es teemed towns-people, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Harrison, and has always made McHenry and vicinity her home, where she numbers her friends and acquaint ances by the soore. She is a most ac complished young woman, possessed with a sweet and loving disposition, which has always served to make friends for her at first sight. For the man who has ohosen her for his wife she will make a most splendid oompanion and we cannot refrain from congratulating him upon his selection. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Martin, two of Ostend's most re spected citizens. He, like the bride, has, with the exception of a few years, made this vicinity his home continual ly. Mr. Martin is olassed as one of McHenry's enterprising sons, having before him an exoeedingly bright fut ure. He has, previous to his marriage, assisted his father on the farm, but as to his future occupation he is as yet undecided, but whatever it may be we bespeak for him unbounded suocess, Ed. is a jolly, good hearted fellow and if he has an enemy in this world we are ignorant of the fact. After a couple of weeks' stay in Mich igan the happy young couple will re turn to McHenry and make their home with the bride's parents for the present. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin join with The Plaindealer in extend ing congratulations. duensino-geskk. The wedding of Mr. Frederick DUen- sing of Algonquin to Miss Emma Geeke of this village took place at St. John's Lutheran church at Algonquin, 111., at seven o'clock Monday evening, January 1. The bride is tbe oldest daughter of Chas. Geske of this village and has a host of friends here. The groom is the son of Mrs. Mary Duensing of Algon quin and is quite popular among the yonng people of hiB acquaintance. Tbe young couple will make their home at Algonquin, where the groom has a good position. McHenry friends of the yodng oonple extend congratulations. Byrnm and Walker, greet Danish ma gicians, Central opera house, Sunday evening, Jan. 7, 1906. Family (lathering. There was a pleasant family gaUfer- ingon Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith, it being the tenth anniversary of their wedding day. The dinner was prepared by Mesdames Julia and A. G. Bishop, W. E. and E A. Smith. Just at noon Miss Ethel Wright of Wilmot began the wedding march and soon Mr. and Mrs. 8mith ap peared with their two children. The bride wore the original wedding gown of ten years ago. After congratulations all were seated at the long table, twenty in all, and served to a fine dinner. Tbe day and evening was pleasantly spent together and on departing, all wished Mr. and Mrs. Smith many happy re turns of the day. MeHenry Brick Mill. Having leased the MoHenry Brim mil) Wm. Phalin is now prepared to do grinding. The mill is again in the best of running order and Mr. Phalin would be pleased to see all of his old customers back to the old reliable place of grind ing. He will make a specialty of wheat and rye grinding for flour and promisee the public perfect satisfaction for all work intrnsted to him. ' Meeting of Stock Holders. All subscribers to stock for the can ning factory are hereby requested to at tend a meeting to be held at the city ball in this village on Friday morning. January 5. 1906, at if o'clock, for tie purpose of electing a oommittee to •ecure a lot or location for the canning factory and to attend to all business matters until a permanent organisation is perfected. ___ Kntertala at Piagraaalv Clwi. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bishop and Mrs. J Bishop entertained forty of thsir friends at a progressive cinch P»rty on Wednesday evening of last week. The favors wewwon byOslCoato^and MM a l Francisco. Refreen men is were Mrved and later the guests departed for their various homes, after having spec* a poet enjoyabto evening. BARNE8 WINS CHEWNINQ CA8E Important Contest That Haa Bie* U Conrt Several Yw*> In a decision rendered at Springfield last week by the supreme court of this state it is believed a litigation is finished that has been beforeour circuit court in different ways since the year 1898. Ic that year Miss Louise Calbow of Algonqcin brought suit in our circuit court aganst C. Dudley Chewmng for breach of promie and secured his arrest on a capias. Chewning furnished bonds in the sum of $5,000 for his appearance to satisfy any judgment that might be recovered. The fair plaintiff recovered a judgment for $2,500 and costs, and im mediately thereafter Chewning sought the aid or the bankruptcy court and se cured his discharge. Failing to surren der himself when called for by the sheriff, suit was brought against his bondsmen to recover the amount of Miss Calbow's judgement and costs. Attorney C. P. Barnee of this city representing the bondsmen, interposed the defense that Chewning's discharge in bankruptcy re leased him from payment of the judg ment and likewise his bondsmen. After extended arguments Judge Robert W. Wright of Belvidere decided the points well taken and released the bondsmen. An appeal from his decision to the ap pellate court at Ottawa resulted in the decision of Judge Wright being affirmed, and now in a decision rendered last week by the supreme court the decision of the appellate court is affirmed. There has been much discussion In legal circles as to the probable result of this litigation, many able lawyers claim ing that Attorney Barnes waa wrong in his contention as to the law. He is to be congratulated that the position taken by him has now been sustained by the highest oourt of our state, and the re sult adds one more to the many victor ies be has won in that oourt. When it comes to solving intricate qvMttbfc* of law, no better authority can be found among the practicing attorneys of north ern Illinois than Attorney C. P. Barnes of this city.--From Woods took RepttMl' can, Deo. 89, 1908. Devere Sisters, la burlesque and singing, Central opera houaa, Sun day evening, Jan. 7, 1906. TO BETTER FOX RIVER. Agitation la Mm of Ham at PUtakea Bay* With the ooming of the oongreesiOnsl session residents of the upper Vox river valley are again having dreams of feder al action to improve the stream and make it a better and more sanitary waterway. The fact that several of the Chicago congressional delegation, among them a member of the committee on rivers and harbors, have cottages on tbe beautiful lakes near the headwaters of the river, famishes grounds for hope that something will be done to restore the river to its former importance. The plan is to dam the river at Pista kee Bay and thus regulate the flow of water through the channels. By dam ming the stream the surplus water could be kept back and loosed during the dry spells of July and August when the riv er is usually at its loweet. The Elgin Press Is enthusiastic about the work It says: "Should the plan be earried out it will mean much to tin oommereial interests of the Fox river valley. Poorer to run factories will be furnished the year round, and the power may be de pended upon. "The sanitary feature, of interest to all, is another phase of the plan. *The refuse from the populous valley will be carried away in July and Au gust, when it is the greatest mnaoe and great gain in health will be noticed. The river will become more of a meoca for boating parties if it la kept at the average all of the time." Additional floral*. F. Qans does auctioneering. D Moving pictures at tbe Central, Sun day evening, Jan. 7. Popular prices, 85 and 85 cents. The Plaindealer and Chicago Daily Chronicle, both papers one year for |S.50. Order at onoe as the time of this offer if limited. About one hundred and twenty-five couples tripped the light fantastic at Stoffel's hall last Monday evening to some beautiful music furnished by Baernstein's Chicago orchestra. The event proved a most enjoyable one. "Young people wanted to learn tele graphy. Railroads and telegraph com- paniee need operators badly. Total cost, six months' course at our school, tuition (telegraphy and typewriting), board and room, $91; this can be re duced. Catalogue free. Dodges's Insti tute, Monroe St, Valparaiso, Indiana. Reference: Lord & Thomas Adv. Agen cy, Chicago 111. Universallat Church. Arthur Roberts, pastor. Regular services next Sunday--preaching at 10:80 a. m., Sunday school at 11:45 a. m. The subject for Sunday morning will he of appropriate interest. Re member the resolution you made to yourself on New Year's day, that one in print, would read: "I am church regularly this dO nothing better tor world than to make ion. Gome, erefybody. Irdially invito*. which OUR WEEKLY ITEM8 PICKED UP ABOUT tOWH DURING THE { What People are Doing in Oar 1 City--New* aa Seen by Tbe Bevreaentatlves. Batter Markot. Twenty-six cents is the prioe of Iwt- ter this week. Pfeo»!« don't have oooghs if tbaf P«teei h * oough syrup. Hurae racing on the ioe fa nishing plenty of uonda. Simon Stoffel has recently A. Cnsty residence to Thoe. Ringwood. s* Wa» m: ot Moving pictures at tbe OtarttilM day evening, Jan. 7. Popular and 85 cents. Your health only pure medicinea. at Petesch's. thai fan YoaU Byrnm and Walker, great! gicians. Central opera hone% evening, Jan. 7, 1906. Annual target shoot at Ben StilUag'flk Wednesday and Thursday, Jaa. 18 and 14. Everybody invited. Devere Sisters, in and staging, Central day evening, Jan. nil opera 7. MM. IKMMNQt OWl Camp No. 41144 WfU giva a querade dance sonta ttma'lfr the future. Watch these oolumns toe ther announcements. Mr. and Mrs. Frank joicing over the arrival of a boy. The young their home Tneeday, faaiEaijpfc Mia. Chas. Harriaolt, #!&.)*• fees* oonfinedtol ness for th» paat several able to tafci a ride to towa oa New Year's day. Ai hit of «xcite*Nttt for ottr ' to umi jffompt in**?* of C. < Frett, wa ai* glad toaofetfaatao* age waei priteofWi On Saturday evening, Jan. c£ thoee social aiiiMi Stoffel's halt Good miikr tendanoe and yon can have yoa want for the small; Farther particulars next waafc At a recent meeting of oarriers of MoHenry Woodstook, E. E president and J. R. J. R. Knox and Lee W< so selected as members #ll|| committee. Miss Gertrude party of young Water street last honor of Miss Katie os ha, Wisoonsin. A vtiry ing was enjoyed hjy l8 IXvUUilwO™ wwv WTwlHvs the I Miss Zue GaUaher a party given at her evening. About a dosea lot friends answering to in tiered at her hoiie i enjoyable evening was was thoroughly Central opera home, i Jan. 7, 1906: ContinaoOB Byrnm and Walker, the igicians; Margie Ys latest Qluatrated songs; Devere Sisters, burleequei moving picturee, the great i ductioa, "Traeked by Lynching at Cripple Creeki** prices, 85c and 85a In a letter to Geo. Book with S.] lett of Sanapee, N. H, witta^/ news of the death of his1 curred December 90. Shi only a few hours previooa 1 heart trouble beinf Mrs. Bartlett was well and known to many McHenry she, was the daughter of Wt former resident of thia ] Chas. Heimer very pleasant swpciat | last Sunday eveain# number of his young at his home m Charles is just a timftft «**4 he soon overcame the steak he had been stricken i the jolly company || equal to the oooaafen his guests in a right l company remained jaafc l the old ya to, after which tlNi1 The event waa preeent--at] John Hunter had |j M. J. Pitsen auft beens"of ohlt at Ben for honors at and F.J. the#