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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1906, p. 4

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Losing your hair? Coming out by the combful? And doing nothing? No sense in th«t! Why don't you use Ayer*8 Hair Vigor and W W • f T « • Hair Vigor promptly stop thralling? Your hair will begin to grow, too, and all dandruff will dis­ appear. Could you reason­ ably expect anything better? " A Tar's Hair Vigor Is a great siiocps* with me. My liair KM falling out very liatlly. hut the Hair Vigor sto(me«l it. and now my luilr U all right." -- W. C. J.OOSJ)ON, Lindsay, Cal. «!«• a bottle. AH druggist*. for Thin Hair Tke Stairway. For ttfe ascent of Mount Oml, oU the borderland between western China and tlie Tibetan plateau, there Is an artifi­ cial staircase consisting of 20,000 steps ' cut in slippery limestone. Who made those steps Is largely a matter of sur­ mise, but they were probably formed by religious enthusiasts to provide a means of access from the hot plains, out of which the mountain mass rises abrupt­ ly to the heights, 5,000 to 11,000 feet above, among which the Buddhist ab­ bey of Oml embodies some of the holi­ est traditions of the religion professed by its inmates. Anyhow, the staircase is there, and by it many pilgrims attain to the shrine as well as the very few Europeans who have ever visited tkis singular spot "'S'Vv: the Mm) Pldindealer PUBi.tSHKl) EVERY THURSDAY BY IK MtilftRT PUINDEALER COMPART. K. Gra W. A, Oristy, J. B. PKXRY, •; Pre*. St*:. Treas. v 1". O. Hchbeinkr, Editor. In Bank Building. Telephone, No. *73. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: ©year-- ...11.80 months, 75-oMi". . Three months. 40cte. •' • -ff Thursday,.January 4, 190s* ... - • May Live 100 Years. The chances for living a fall century 1 excellent in the case of Mrs. Jennie mean of Haynesville, Me., now 70 years old. She writes: "Electric Bitters enred me of Chronic Dyspepsia of 2 > yiare standing and made me feel as well add strong as a young girl." Electri: Bitters enre Stomach and Liver diseases Blood disorders, General Debility an<l bodily weakness. Sold on a gnarante - at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, ; Henry, G. W. BealeyX West Mc snry, drug stores. Price otily 50c. Model WItm, In a wedding sermon entitled "The Sib Restored," preached in St Dionia pack church, Feucliuivh street, ha ltloi;, by Richard Meggot, afterward dean of isbury, the preacher thus delined a wife: " 'A help she most be In her family, firing not only a wife, but a housewife f§-not a field wife, like Dinah, nor n Aeet wife, like Thamar, or a window- wife, like Jezebel, but a housewife." f Antl another preacher about the same #ite, the Rev. Simeon Singleton, said |bat a wife should be at once like and "" e three things. "First, she should like a snail, always keep within her ; but she should not be like a carry all she has upon her back, y, she should be like an echo, to when she is spoken to; but sh > not be like, an echo, always to Ifcave the last word. Thirdly, she ibouiu be like the town clock, alwayr. peep time regularly; but she should be like the town dock, to speak so that all the town may hear her."-- JV#.London Weekly. ,.. . Caff Buttons. "Tour cuff buttons are not properly worn," said a jeweler to one of his cus tomers. "What's the matter with them? Haven't I got them in mj cuffs?" "Yes," replied the jeweler, "but you fire like a great many o'her people; you are not a close observer. You have the little gold piece at one end of each link placed so that in One cuif it is toward ydur bo.'y' and in the othpr away from you. The small end of the lljik .should !n every ca^e be toward you. Yet nine men out of ton pay no attention to this detail. The careful dresser never has the small end of a link, button on the far siyle of the cuff."--Philadelphia Record. Woolen and' Worsted^ . If a piece of woolen cloth Is exam­ ined through a microscope, the two yarns--warp and weft--are found to be so crossed and closely matted to­ gether as to be indistinguishable, but in a piece of worsted material you can easily distinguish theip. Ibis Is due to the fact that woolen goods are made from short stapled carded wools, whose filters in the process of carding have been made to overlap each other so as to become closely matted or felted, while worsted goods are made from long stapled wools that have been card­ ed and then combed till the fibers lie as straight and parallel as possible. A "Wild Hair.** A "wild hair" is the most annoying freak of nature a man can be afflicted with. It grows in from the eyelid in­ stead of out and, constantly brushing against the eyeball, sometimes causes an Irritation that results In a loss of sight. To pull it out gives only tem­ porary relief, since In a few weeks it comes baick, as well grown and strong as ever. The only way to kill It is to destroy the sac from which it springs. This la done by means of the electric needle. j ' » Dangers of a Cold and How to Avoid Them. More fatalities have their origin in or result from a cold than from any other cause. This fact alone should make people more carefnl as there is no dan ger whatever from a cold when it is properly treated in the beginning For years Chamberlain s Congh Remedy has been recognized as the most prompt and effectual medicine in nse for thip disease. It acts on nature's plan, loos­ ens the congh. relieves the Inngs, opens* the secretions and aids riatnrein restor­ ing the system to a healthy condition. Sold by G. W. Besley. ; Advertised LellenK" ' • "•1 Letters remaining unclaimed hi th»~ postoffi>-e at McHenry, 111., Jannary 1. 1906: Mrs. Willie Brits, Edward Hans- son, Robert Danisch, Peter Bautn, Chas H. Perrin, C. Christiansen. When call ing for above letters, please say adver­ tised. R. Waite, P. M. PittmUr Walt W m r H < A Missouri contemporary rises to re- "Once I was young, but now I old, and I have never seen a girl t was unfaithful to her mother that came to be worth a one eyed but tpn to her husband^ It is the law of It isn't exactly in the Bible, but Is written large and awful in the 1e lives of many unfit homes, speaking for the boys this time. If ape of you chaps comes across a girl (pat, with a face full of roses, says t j you as Bhe comes to the door, 'I can't go for thirty minutes, for the dishes are not washed yet,' you wait for that «lrL You sit right down and wail Jor her, because some other fellow come along and carry her off, and right there you lose an angel. Walt for that girl and stick to her like a bur to a woolly dog."--Kansas City 'W- -A . • : Ourlowa Bird Habits. V: f. 'It to a well known fact that If-flhe young of almost any kind of bird are 4Hiken from the nest before they can the old ones will feed them atten­ tively If the cage In which the little %lrds are Inclosed Is placed somewhere ii3pi*ere the parents can reach It, and a Ifcpalar but erroneous belief is current that *they do this for a time, and end 4y poisoning the young ones. This, however, is a mistake, the fact being |h|it at a certain stage of a young >s:. bird's existence, when it is naturally "i-. Able to begin catering for Itself, the •M: 1 birds, also quite naturally, to attend it, and then, if the lings are shut up in the cage and custodian has not thought of some food at their disposal fbey necessarily die, not from poison ^ f<im!n!stered by the parents, but from Starvation. ' ' Tb« Storthln*. ftorway's legislative body is known as * the storthing, which means the a , . fgpeat court" and should be pro | Ijtouuced to rhyme with "courting." The feoond part of the word is identical . 1 With the English word "thing," as the I , fccandiinaviau languages, in common -frith Xhglo-Saxon, have the same word Ij'i^for "thing" and "council." In modern ^English a trace of the second sense sur ylves In the word "hustings," which came to mean the public platform upon which a candidate appeared at election ^ *'*Hin»e, though originally the "busting" t 'A was the council at which the candi- .. |late was elected, the "bouse-thing" or "f , boose council. ^ ^ You will not find bnantv in rouge ^ ot aroomplexion whitewash. TrOebeauty etmien to them oniv that take Hoi lister • 5 IT, *«ky Mountain Tea. It is a wonder- pa tmiic and beantifier. 85 cents, Tea m Tihhrts. a. Vr. Bealey. ' 'W Stock can be greater Increased by givtng spedai care to the health of every animal and fowl on the farm. Sick poultry, sheep, cattle, hags, horses, etc., depend on their liven to keep them well. Black-Draught' Stock and Poulty Medicine keeps thdr livers working anil therefore keeps them well. Black-Draught Stock and Poul­ try Medicine is a pure, natural, vegetable, biood purifier and acts by regulating the stomach, liver and bowels. It prevents and cures Hog Chol­ era, Chicken Cholera, Colic, Dis­ temper, Coughs, Colds, Constipa­ tion, Fever, Loss of Appetite, Wasting Away, and 'all the cos*- mon stock diseases. It is a perfect medicine for gen­ eral farm use. Try It. Price 25c for a large can# at all druggists and deafen Three little babes were nestled in bed •'I'll name them William, Willie and Bill," mother said; Wide was Iter smile, for triplets they be. She lays her good luck to Rocky Mount tain Tea. (Great oaby medicine.) G. W. Besley. Impoverished soil, like impov­ erished blood, needs a proper fertilizer. A chemist by analys­ ing the soil can tell you what -fertilizer to use for differffiit products. If your blood is impoverished your doctor will tell you what you need to fertilize it and give it the rich, red corpuscles that are lacking in it. It may be you need a tonic, but more likely you need a concentrated fat food, and fat is the element lacking in your system. There is no fat food that is so easily digested and assimi­ lated as Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It will nourish and strengthen the body when milk and cream fail to do it. Scott's Emulsion is always the same; always palatable and always beneficial where the body is wasting from any cause, either in children or adults. We wlil *ead you a sample Aw#. Be sure that this pic­ ture in the form of label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emul­ sion you buy. IM. scon J BBWHE CHEMISTS ill Mi IU pev Tin 50c. and $1.00. Public Sal*. The undersigned will sell at public auction, on his premises in Ringwood, Illinois, on Thursday, Jannary 18, com­ mencing at one o'clock p. m., the fol­ lowing described property, to-wit: Span geldings, 5 and 6 years old, weight 2400 ponnds; brood mare. 15 >ears old, wt. 1050 pounds; span Morgan geldings, coming 3 and 4 years old, fnll brothers; mare, coming 2 years old; 14 h<gs; 900 bushels husked corn, busked by band: 25 tons tame hay; 75 bushels barley; Osborne "binder; Deere Bulky plow; Hol- linsworth hay rake; lumber wagon; truck wagon; handy wagon; pulverizer; sulky cultivator; two-row cultivator; two single cultivators; corn sheller; two grind stones; surry; two single top bug­ gies; single open buggy; iQilk wagon; set bousleds; 2sleighs; heater; cook stove; two sets double harness; set driving harness; two sets single harness; hay fork, rope and pulleys; forks, shovels, and other articles too numerous to men­ tion. Terms of sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amouut a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes drawing inter­ est at six per cent, per anuntn; no prop­ erty to be removed until settled tor. Geo. Vogel, auctioneer; A. L. Francis­ co clerk* k H. L. Waterman, Prop. .. . s Climatic Care*. The influence of climatic conditions in the enre of consumption is very much overdrawn. The poor patiejit, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at home by proper attention to food diges­ tion and a regular nse of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning ih uade certain by German Syrnp, so is h •.cood night's rest and the absence ot that weakening congb and debilitating night sweat. Restless nights and the exhaustion line to coughing, the great­ est danger and dread of the consump- r,ive, can be prevented or stopped by raking German Syrnp liberally and reg­ ularly. Should yon be able to go to a warmer clime, yon will find that of the thousands of consumptives there, the few who are benefited and regain strength are those who use German rup. Trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 7~tc. At all druggists. Feb. 1. HmneMfker»' Kxcurnloit t« tb« North- went, West mid Southwest Via the North Western Line. Excursion r.ickets at greatly reduced rates are on -tale to the territory indicated above, standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, (Tree Reclining Chair Cars and "The 3est of Everything." For dates of sale md full particulars apply to agents Chi tjago .& North-Western R'y. Jan 27. A Modern Miracle. "Truly miraculous seemed the recor ery of Mrs. Mollie Holt of this place,' writes J. O. R. Hooper, Woodford, Tenn., "she was so wasted by coughing up pns from her longs. Doctors de- -tared her end so near that her family fiad watched by her bed side forty-eight hours; when, at my urgent request Dr. King's New Discovery was given her, with the astonishing result that im­ provement began, and continued until she finally completely recovered and is a healthy womau today." Guaranteed cure for coughs and colds. 50c Htxl £1.00 at N. H. Petescb and Jnlia A. Sto­ ry, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West Mc-, Henry, druggists. Trial bottle free. Very Low Kate* to l>«nver, Colo., Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold on Jan. 27. 28 and 29. limited to return until Feb. 15th, inclu­ sive, on account of Wool Growers ami Live Stock Association Meetings. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western tt'y. Jan. 29. A ThoiiBHtid Dollar*' Worth of Ooml, A. H. Thnrnes, a well known coal op. •rater of Bnffaio, O., writes: "I have been afflicted with kidney and,'bladder trouble for years, passing gravel and stones with excruciating pain. I got no relief from medicines until I began tnk* 'ng Foley's Kidney Cure, then th°> re­ sult was surprising. A few doses start­ ed the brick dust like fine stones aad now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. It has -I ra me $1000 worth of goc d " Sold by G. WFU>«l«v ' "" Devere Sisters, in burlesque dancing Mid singing. Central opera bouse. Son day evening Jan. 7.1**. C%V ^ * * • * ' EXCHANGE GLEANINGS. HAPPENING8 IN M'HENRY ADJACENT COUNTIES. AND A aiiNllu«OH» AftfturtmcNt of News It«m* In'Conrionn**! t'ui-tii for Onttv*ti- lt>u«i«*of Httny I'ruplx. " The city of Mai HUgj^ is about to in­ stall a fire alarm seSt^m. ,. , Hon. Fred Hatch of Spring Grove was recently married to Mrs. Ethel Fos­ ter of Manistee, Mich. Wanted--A bright boy to l*>arn prin­ ter's trade. Mnst have fair edncation. Apply at this office at once. The Elgin, Anrora and Sonthern Traction Co. and the Elgin, Aurora and Chicago railway are to consolidate. Todd Johnson »|f Woodstock was killed by being run over by a train at Woodstock on Sunday, December 24. , Carp, the foulest thing in the fish line, is now being colored and put on the market as canned salmon right from the Colombia river. Pinesalve is the best Salve for sores, •mrns, boils, tetter, n-seiua, skin diseases and piles. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, N. H. Pete&h and Julia A. Story, McHenry. The Harvard Independent last week entered upon Volume XL. The Inde­ pendent is classed among the county's best journals and from all indications is enj tying a good business. . The reason Dr. Dade's Little Liyer Pills give perfect satisfaction is due to their tonic effect on the liver. They never gripe. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenrv, N. H. Petesch and Jnlia A. Story. McHenry. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three month? for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. It invigorates, strengthens and builds up. It keepp yon in condition physical­ ly, mentally and morally. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. Orders for auctioneering can be left at M. J Walsh's store, West McHenry, where they will receive prompt atten­ tion. F. O. Gans pays all telephone calls pertaining to business intrusted to him by his patrons. Call up Nanda ex­ change. A firm of merchants of Lake Geneva has pnt in a watering tank for the use of horses^of the traveling public in the street in front of their store. The tank is connected by means of a pipe with a coal stovto within the bnilding. which keeps the v ater at a comfortable tern- peratnre. Blind, bleeding, itching and protrnd ing piles are instantly relieved by Man- Zan. This remedy is pnt np in collapsi­ ble tubes with nozzle attachment, so that the medicine may be applied inside directly where the trouble originates. ManZan relieves instantly. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, N. H. Pet- each and Jnlia A. Story, McHenry. Nanda Herald: The factory of the A T. C. & C. *©0. at Terra Cotta was. closed part of holiday week, in order that inventory might be taken. Part of the force were kept at work all of the time, however. New Year's day no work was done. The factory has en­ joyed a very prosperous, year, and has had on its pay rolls more men than ever before in its history. . Woodstock Republican: Mrs. C. M. Curtis was called to Madison, Wis., the latter part of last week on acconnt of the severe illness of hqr rmsband. and E. E Richards was called there, Tnes day evening, on the same account. Mr. Curtis has been undergoing Bnrgical treatment at Madison and is still in a precarious condition. His many friends in Woodstock hope for his speedy recov­ ery. Richmond Gazette: Hon. Geo. W. Eldredge arrived home Friday from Springfield, the state hoard of equaliza tion, of which he is a member, having H'ljourned Thursday for the session. The state levy, which is fifty cents on the $100 of the assessed value, has been made. This is five cents less than a year ago. Mr. Eldredge secured a reduction of 4 per cent, in McHenry county lands and 10 per cent, city and village lots. This was secured against great odds, as a majority of the board wanted' to let land assessments stand as retnrned by the local assessors. A mother in a neighboring village re cently went through her ten-year-old boy's pocket one night, says an ex­ change, and this is the inventory of what she fonnd: Sixteen yards of string, a tobacco tag, a leather, shoe string, a paste bottle, four dried augle Worms, a clock wheel and springs, three walnuts, a brass breast pin, a piece of licorice root, six cornelian stones, a piece of porcelain pipe, a pair of scis­ sors, lead pencil, jack knife, razor han­ dle, a nail brush, half a fish hook, a bell, half of a lower set of teeth, and a piece of paper on which was written: "Mary Is 24 twice as old as An was when Mary w is as old as An is now." Spring Grove Journal: Gns Roepke lost a valuable horse last Saturday in a peculiar manner. His hired man was going to the saw mill at Wilmot with a large load of heavy logs, and when going down the steep hill near Wilmot the tongue of the wagon -broke. With nothing to hold the heavy juggernaut from thundering down after them, ttie team raced madly down the hill. When near the bottom one of them stumbled and fell and the load passed over its b idy. crushing the life out of it, bnt this interference with its speed probably saved the life of the driver and the oth­ er horse. The'team was a pair of fine well matched grays and worth at least 9800. " The season of Indigestion is now at band. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets relieve indigestion, and correct aii stomach dis­ orders. Sold by G.W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry, N. H. Petesch and Jnlia A. iftocjr,MeBMtf. /: . .VV« , " .1 . » V \ Jr £ " " ANNOUNCEMENT* ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R The Illinois Central nittintalns Double Da Service, unrt tin: best of trains Dining Cars. HitITct-(Jl)tiiry < iirs. Chair Cars and f»KH:|)iniJ Cars, from Chicago,. t*t.. Louis, Cincinnati ami l,«tnisvilU' mhiIIi to ><«w Or leans. Th<< iwst roud foi- l eucliiuK tli# Viiofrv Tourist resorts of th« South, including-, New Orleans, Vick^burg, dulfport, Miss., Hammond, La. Mardi Gra* at New (MIcmm*- Fcl). it?, '06. Gulfpoil Is a Mexican Ouif Coa-t resort, hav­ ing the new. (iif "Orcwt Southern" Hotel. Regular <»re:in steamship sailings from New Orleans for Mexico. Central Arcerica. Pana- ipa. West Indies and Europe Send or call for descriptive (natter In revard to the above. Havana via New Orleans Havana, Cuba. In Itest reached via the Illi­ nois Central through Service to New Orleans and the new twin-screw niueteen-knot S. S. Prince Arthur leaving New Orleans every Wednesday at m. and arriving at Havana at sunrise Friday-morning. . "The Cuban Special" (after Dec. 2B) every Tuosrta and st. .Louis direct to tin ' for Cuban literature. fast Weekly Lhntted Steamship T y iron boat side. IP Tramis run from Chicairo Send Hot springs, Ark. Florida Dally Sleeping Car without change Chicago U» Hot Springs, with coniM-ctloius at Memphis from Cincinnati an l Louisville: Through "Dixie flyer" Steeping Car Line St. Louis to Jacksonville via Nashville. Chat­ tanooga and Atlanta. . £,»-• riexico, California Tour of all Mexico, via Illinois Central R. R under escort of lieau Campbell, General Man­ ager the American Tourist Association. Qulncy Building. IM Adams St., Chicago, leaves Chicago January 30. Select clientele. Limited. All exclusive privileges, independ­ ent travel. Special Pullman Vestibule i rain. iM'uwing Kootus, ('ompartrnenls. Music mid Library lioonis, with the largest Dining Oar In the world, and the famous Open-Top observation Car, Chililitli. Special tiaggagc Car. Tickets Incluue all expenses every­ where. Special Tours of Mexico and California via tli»* I llinoto Central and New Orleans under the auspices of Raymond & Whitcomb. will leave Chicago Fridays, Feb. 2 and Zi, for Mex­ ico and California, tile last to include a stop­ over at New Orleans for the Mardi Gras. En­ tire trips made In special private vestibule trains of finest Pullmans with dining cat-(ser­ vice. rascinating trips, complete In every detail. ; Illinois Central Weekly Excursions to Cali­ fornia. Excursion cars through to Los An­ geles and San Francisco as follows: Via Nc from Chicago; every Tuesday from Cincin­ nati and l^julsvllie. Via Omaha and the Scenic Route every Wednesday from Cnlc.igo. Full particulars concerning all of the above can be had of agents of the Illinois Central and connecting lines or by addressing either of the undersigned. A. H. HANSON, P. T. M., Chicago. III. 8. G. HATCH; G. P. A., Chleago,lil. Apr I PHOTO STUDIO Portraits. All shapes and sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from; Each doz­ en finished In different styles. Price, 12.00 xnd upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views ofbuildiugs, cattle, machinery, etc. Enlargements. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Finished In black and white or colors. Frames. A variety of styles In stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. ,. JWaukegan St., near the Stand pipe, west Mchenry, ill. Telephone, 495 i Want Column. Alt advertisement), inserted under tht* head at the tallowing: raten: Five linen or le»«, 85 cents for ftrxt Innei'tion; IS relitk for each Hultsequeni ingttrtion. More than tive line*, ft eentn a line for fiittt insertion, and 3 eentu a line for additional insertions. ppOR RENT-Five-room cottage in good re- pair. Located on John street West Mc­ Henry. Apply to or address Wm. Bon8i,ett. XpOR SALE--Very cheap. The Joseph Blake -1- place, just norrti of the village: 48 acres of choice laud with good house and barn. 25-3t j. B. Perry. flie Mositui' Dr Andrew Wilson speaks of th&t huge extinct reptile, the dipliklocus, whose bones Andrew'Carnegie present­ ed to the South Kenaington museum in London as a "dragon." "If we could Imagine it .restored," says Dr. Wilson, "we should be tempted to Imagine that the dragon legends of old had some foundation in fact. As a rule, the^e creatures--dinosaurs, as they are called --were huge, bulky animals. Mr. Car­ negie's specimen has been estimated to have possessed a length in life of about seventy feet. The diplodocus, with regard to its personal character­ istics, appears to have possessed a head of «»»ry moderate size Indeed, considered relatively to the animal's bulk. Its Jaws are weak, and its teeth are borne by the front of the jaws only. That it fed on soft vegetable matter would therefore appear to be an inference fairly warranted by the facts, yet, like the vegetarian elephant. It may have been capable of fierce on­ slaughts enough in its day. To feed on plants is not ahvajTs commensurate with mildness of temper, as every vic­ ious horse testifies. We may further believe that the diplodocus, if not a swimmer, at least had aquatic habits. Bank of< M c H e n r y This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign tutd Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANK1N6 BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to oar care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect fully solicit the public patronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections INSURANCE. in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yonrs Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. n fHrcliiffiofial. Society V and EKismesss Cards J DAVID O. WEI.LK. tt. I>. a PHYSICIAN, SUHOEON AN1> *JOUI4BT 1 Office and residence corner Elt« «•»< Or«>en st reets. McHenry Telephone No. 311. FEUEHS A FEOfiKf* frii peVsiCIANB AND SURGKO>8. Mchenry <» 111. Office at Residence,corner >nart*nd E l m s t r e e t * T e l e p h o n e ; ~ > r X - .A . O U R . ¥ varies in style and finish, accord­ ing to price, bnt at all figures there is good valne. The stock used is good oak-tanned leather. The trunmings. whether of nickel, brass, rubber or iron, are of excel­ lent quality. The workmanship, visible and invisible, is first-class. m A. THELEN,: McHENRf, ILLINOIS. WE5T SIDE ^ Alwayn Fresh anil Salt Meats, .Sausages, Etc. Highest market prices paid for "Porkers We also carry constantly on hand a very choice line of Canned Goods and Bakery. What liiore has any first class city market to offer? :: A.CMATTHEWS! „ " T Makinur Marble*. ' "" ' Germany maintains a monopoly of making stone marbles In s, ite of vari­ ous efforts made to wrest the trade away. In the marble and agate quar­ ries there are innumerable chips and bits of stone from the butting of the large blocks, and this refuse Is broken into cubes about the size of a marble. An experienced worker produces these cubes of stone at an Incredible speed and with remarkable uniformity. When about a bushel are ready they are dropped between a g/oove.l bedstone and a revolving runner. Water is kept constantly supplied, and In half an hour the stones are turned out perfect spheres. With abundant water power the cost Is slight, as a couple of meti can keep a dozen stones supplied an<i the* raw material costs nothiug at all. In other countries the cost of preparing the blanks eats up the profits, and com­ petition with the German ma^» prod­ uct to Impossible. [ Chamberlnln'ft Coitirh Remedy Abrnlntclr HNriuleiw. Every mother shonld know that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is per­ fectly safe for children to take, as it contains nothing harmful. For sale by Q, W. Besley. CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt JVIRATS * "mud Sausage*. We also handle the Mc­ Henry Creamery Bntter. * V Chas. G Frett, . McHenry, III. F. C. ROSS. D. T). S. Office over Petesch's Drug Store. ALL WORK PERTAINING TO MODBHK DENTISTBT^ . •, ,. Office TelephOBe 2/4? Residence 302. Nitrons Oxid Gas for Extracting."1 "'• Hours 8:0® a. m. to 5:iM> p. m. " ~ - BR. R. G. CHAMBEKLIN • ' IJKNTIST. Olflc* MMl RetldMCC over Beslcy's Drag StWTCk Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. •~t » « . WK»T MOHENHY. Itfc, •' ' Ueneral Teaming of all kinds. ; Excavating and Qradlng. h c H E N R Y r i . I L L I N O I S . Teleplione No. 393. . SIMON ,St , STOFFEL> Insurance Agent for all classes of^ rV" property in the best Companies^ :'s< We«t McHeary, Illinois McHenry c6unty abstract COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank VVoodstock. III. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sunis of $500 to 410.000* time aad ptkyuiMil ti suit tiorrowar. FRANK VHR PRACTICAL paintcr AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 m UPWARD House and Sign 1'aintliiK aud all Interior Dec- orating. Residence north town llnvone blocK west of river. Telephone No. 2o4. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS L,,,»sk;;r„,i ' a,*..: R. H. owen , . . ' Pianos for sale and rent. Tuning and reiMtlr • lng at reasonable prices. Fimt olasa Work only. McHRNRV, . - ILLINOIS' J o h J . V y c i t a l * DEALER IN C3enera.l Hardware fttmes. Paints and Oils. Tin and ma- fhine repairing of ali kinds. 'Phone 648 v- |#l»phon» Ma^ln, 1714. . LAMBERT Q. SENG 92 FIFTH AVE., CHICAGO. sis K I L L « « C O U C H AND U l E L U N G S r Dr. King's New Discovery ™ c 0NSUMPTI0N Price OUGHSand 60c & $1.00 OLDS Fret, Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNQ TROUB­ LES, or MONET BACK. PATENTS Promptly obtained, or PCC RETURNED, to VKARS- CXramiHCE. Our OHMOU AM Till LOWEST. Send model, photo or aketoh for expert search *nd free report on patentability. WIFRHICCMKNT BUita oonduoted before all •oarta. Patenta obtained through oa, ADVER­ TISED and SOLO, free. TRADC<MARKS. PI* SMNS and COPYRKtHTS qutckly obtained. Opposite U. S. Patent Offloe, WASHINGTON, O. O. DSWIFT&(2 Chicago & North-Wester^, Effective Nov. 86. 1909. ' WEEK DAY TRAINS. ChlcafK>. hokthbocnd McHenry. 7.fti am.. Via Elvin : 10.17 a m a.ooam. .Via I>«'s I'lalnes 10.17 a tn 3.25pn Via Des I'lalnes 4-60 p m • *" Via Elgin ...£j|4lpm .. Via Pes I'lalnes S.40 p m BDWDAV THA1N8. ....Via El is in. . 11.14 a in ..Vial>es I'lalnes 11.14am Via El^in 4Jt6pm WSSK DAY TRAINS. SOCTTH BOtTNB. OhU^O. 4.00 p 4.57 p m. 8.45 a m. 9.10am. 2.02 p m. Leave ;Hei McHenry T.Ztam.... US 4 25 pm... 4.23pm.... . V i a E l g i n 1 0 . 1 0 a t r Via !>es Plaines .V.M a in .. .Via Des I'lalnes •,15 pm Via Elgip 7J0pm EDMOAT TBAIMS. .Via Elfin ..10.25am . ViaJ>ea PI allies. 7.*9 p in ..... Via SiiclB. ..p m ^ i.L ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY AND TAR An improvement over all Congb, Long and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens tit* Longs, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. Fnesn* to riHUU MEDICINE C0..Ctt«Ma.B.tA. Sold by N. H. PETESCH, McHenry. G. W. BESLEY. West McHenryw , HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggefl A Busy Msdttas fir Buy Faopl*. Mags Chiidm Haahh aad Baamrad Vigor, •lociflo for Constipation, Indigestion, Lhre Ki«lnejr Troubles, Pimplee, Ecasma. Impure "1, Bad Breath. Sluwish Bowela, Heedsch i 'Kuktcbe. Ifa Rooky Uquataln Tea In tlu>- lorm, 8R cents a box. Oeaaioe made by -Lumt Dauo COMMIT, IBadlaoo, wta. JHI MIMEIS fVB PKMPUI ̂ I.* ;$.A - 4

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