'£ • "« < " <5* ,„; \^r -••• -* , v;*( '->^w ;».*v>*?. • 4 '* v ; mmw&m *^:j:„^... •."'itt;'»* «* il , ;•p'3' r ^ S ^ *„*, ; »"«°"'•v. x " * tcrf F*» . ** " j «#'; ̂ * 11 *' vF ,s~ ?«,•<?« I «# ."r-?^-*r; •pit '1 •' ; ti GROCERS BROS: CO McHENRY, ILLINOIS# •w^ REMARKABLE SALE OF GOOD GROCERIES UN ORDER TO FURTHER REDUCE OUR STOCK OF STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, FANCY GROCERIES WE WILL SELL FOLLOWING GOODS AT PRICES QUOTED BELOW: BAKING POWDER AND CHOCOLATES SYRUPS AND MOLASSES! Table Syrup, in gallon pails.. *. ; > Finest Syrup to be had at any price; "jSj&ro Corn Syrup, 10c size....... *„u.7ie ftaro Corn Syrup, 25c siae...... ..19c Kajro, Corn Syrup, 50c size/. ».88c Pure Sorghum, guaranteed, per gaUon....v;.42c If. O. Molasses, in gallon tin pails 38c Strictly pure Vermont Maple Syrup, in glass,ptl7c Quart Cans Sugar Syrup....................Tic if.;,: ; SUGARS! , Best Granulated Sugar, per pound»; r..»4fc Best Yellow C Sugar, per jnound........... .3|c • SOAPS! Kirk's American Family .8$e Globe Soap Co.'s U. S. Mail .2fc Brag Soap, large bars.. 3$c Pearl or Ivory Soap .8ic Fels Naptha ... 3$c Toilet Soap, regular 25c kind, per box 7$c Wisdom Washing Powder, per package.... ..3$c Johnston 4 fc. pkg. Washing Powder, 25c size. 12$c Washing Soda, per pound., 1c 8apolio and Bon Ami, per cake..;.......... . 5c CEREALS! Fancy hand picked Navy Beans, per pound.. 3£c Fancy Scotch Peas, per pound 3$c Shelled Pop Corn, (it pops) per pound 3$c Pearl Barley, per pound. .3|c Best Rolled Oats, 10 pounds for 25c Fancy Yellow or White Corn Meal, 10 pound. 25c FLOUR! FLOUR! Gold Mine, fancy patent, best Flour made, we {guarantee it, at per bag. .$1.18 per bbl.. .$4.60 Corona Patent, fancy hard Minn, wheat, bag.$1.05 Lay in a supply at this price, cheapest it's been sold Victor Patent, makes good bread but trifle dark, per bag - - - - - 90c Strictly pure N. Y. Buckwheat Flour, 101b bg.35c CROCKERY CROCKERY Extra Saucers, best ware, ea^h - - - 5 & 7-inch Dinner Plates, each ; «•' - - 3ic 5-inch Pie Plates, each * - - 2|c 9-inch Dinner Plates, each - - - . 4^c 100 fancy imitation Cut Glass Salad Bowls,ea... 3c 10-inch decorated Soup Plates, something fancy, e a c h - - - - - - - - - 3 c ^-inch Vegetable Dishes, deep, each - - 8c Decorated Cuspidors, worth 40c. each - 18c POTATOES! POTATOES! For a limited time will sell Fancy Burbank Pota toes, good seed or eating stock, per bushel... 75c Fancy Rural New Yorker Potatoes, per bu. .65c Fancy Mixed Nuts and Confectionery. Best Mixed Nuts, 9c per pound, 3 lbs. for Good Chocolate Drops and Caramels, per lb. Fancy California Walnuts, per pound Cranberries, per quart Fancy Cal. Lemons, large size, per dozen - Fancy Cal. Oranges, large size, per dozen - " Soft shell Cal. Almonds, worth 20c lb., at - 25c *9c 15c 7£c 15c 18c 10c Good flixed Candy, per pound...... 5c in Crockery! While they last, best Perfection White Ware. Large covered Chambers, worth 75c each, for 19 Cents. VANNED GOODS! " Extra fancy Tomatoes, 3-pound cans..... /I ?! Fancy Corn, Peas, Pumpkins, Tomatoes, .Succo tash, Baked Beans, per can ; 5c Extra fancy Sardines, put up in oil, per can.8c Extra fancy Mustaid Sardines, per can.......5c Fancy Salmon, regular 15c. per can...... 9c Fancy Salmon Steak, lib. flat tin, per can... ..10c Armour's or Libby's Veal Loaf, regular 15c good§, per can.... ..... 3$c RICE! ^RlCEl 10 pounds good Japan Rice*................ ...25c BHwcy whole Rice, per pound.. ,.8c * Fancy, clean, whole, white rice. 81b. bags fancy Japan Rice, reg. price 25c.. 12^c Flaked Rice, 2-pound package 7$c JAMS AND PRESERVES! Pound jar strictly pure Raspberry or Strawberry Jam - - ... 7$c Pint Bottles California Honey, per bottle .3c DRIED FRUITS / * Good large California Prunes, per pound" - 5c Fancy California Peaches, extra quality - 10c Extra fancy Persian Dates - - • 7fc Extra fancy Imported new Figs - • 7$c Extra fancy large Seeded Raisins, full pound package (• . . # - * - 7±c TOBACCO AND PIPES! Plow Boy Smoking Tobacco, 5c package......8c Your choice of 250 French Brier Pipes, each 5c Ibex Plug Tobacco, per pound 25c SPECIAL! Bell's Mocha and Java Coffee in lib. packages, while it lasts, at Always sold for 25& 1 Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 25c size.. 19e Chapman's 25c Baking Powder, 1-pound can. 17e» Best Baking Powder made. ? Baker's Premium Chocolate, reg* 20c cake... ,14c German Sweet Chocolate,, per cake BREAKFAST FOOD3! Malta Vita or Oxford Flakes, per package . .!5c Grape Nuts, per package. .'.*1 . 4".;. >.. .;.9c Shredded Whole Wheat • • • t®0 Quaker Oats, per package.. .: . . . .7* CRACKERS AND COOKIES NATIONAL BISCUIT CQ. 'S N. B. Co. Nabisco, per tin...«... Uneeda Biscuit, per package ...... .......... :.ioo V-'i Saratoga Flakes N. B. Co.'8 Ginger Snaps, per pound N. B. Co.'s Soda Crackers, per pound V N. B. Co.'s Butter Crackers, per pound Finest Goods on the market. COFFEE SUBSTITUTES Postum Cereal, 15c stae. - - - Graino, 15c size - , - * * - COFFEES! Fancy Mocha & Java, roasted, reg. 35c goods..28c Our Celebrated 25c Coffee, per pound - 19c Genuine old Java.* Our 20c goods, blended Santos and Peaberry .tSc Good drinking Rio, makes good strong drink...9c TEAS TEAS Our finest uncolored Japan Tea, Aratais the name, regular 60c goods, at per pound 38c Fancy uncolored Japan Tea, reg. 50c goods... 28c O&ly three chests to sell at this price--it is worth 84c by the car load. Good Japan Tea, 35c goods - * * V Gunpowder or Oolong, 50e g6od* . * HOARSE COUGHS STUFFY COLDS QUICKLY CURED BV Foley's Honey and Tar There is no case on record of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or other serious lung trouble, after Foley's Honey and Tar had been taken. It will cure' the most obstinate racking cough, and heals and strengthens the lungs. Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of incipient Consumption and even in the last stages will always give comfort and relief. Foley's Honey and Tar gives quick relief to Asthma sufferers, as it relieves the difficult breath ing at once. Remember the name--Foley's Honey and Tar--and refuse substitutes that cost you the same as the genuine. Do not take chances with some unknown preparation. Contains no opiates. €ur«d of Ttrribl* Cough m Lttffc N. Jackson of Danville, ill., writes: "My daughter had a severe attack of La Grippe and a terrible cough on her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tar,which cured her. She has never been troubled with a cough sine**" Consumption Curod* Poley & Co., Chicago. Dana, Infl. Gentlemen:--Foley's Honey and Tar cured me of Consumption after I had suffered two years ana was almost des perate. Three physicians failed to give me any relief and the last one said he could do me no good. I tried almost every medicine I heard tell of without benefit, until Foley's Honey and Tar was recommended to me. Its^ effect right from the start ^awas magical. I improved steadily from the first dose and am now sound and well, and think Foley's Honey and Tar is a God-send to people with Throat and Lung Trou ble. Yours very truly, MRS. MARY AMBROSE. . Three sizes--25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottle al most six times as much. SOLO UD lECOWKUDO If G W BESLEY. W. McHENRY The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen- tv-tive cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other ' M i i a A B T r y i L \ '• ;:V , V > NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS VOLO. Mrs. Lola Avery was a McHenry call er Friday. Will Frost spent Sunday with rel*. tives in Wauconda. George Richardson of Round Lake was in town Saturday; *• A. J. Raymond made a business trip to Sooth Dakota last week. Misses Elsie Walton and Helen Ray mond were Wauconda callers Friday. Misses Anns and Amanda Hanson were McHenry callers Saturday after noon. Joseph Miller and family of McHenry spent Sunday at the home of M. Miller at Volo. Mrs. Chas. Parker and son, Walter, and Miss Mary Raught were recent Mc Henry callers. Miss Leda Russell returned from Wau- kegan Friday, after a few weeks' visit with relatives there. » Quite a number from Volo attended the races on the ice at Wanconda Sat urday. The Volo horse, "Swift," owned by Will Hironimus, came in ahead in one race, winding three heats out of fiv®- On Saturday morning, January 18, at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Jas. Kir- wan, occurred the death of Mr. Richard Compton. The deceased was weir known throughout the country, having lived here many years. The funeral services were held at the bouse Monday morning at ten o'clock. Rev. Roberts of the Universalist church at McHenry of ficiating. The family has the deepest sympathy of all their friends in their hour of trouble. 1 « The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated fTdli* ey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy and on account of the great popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imita tions are offered for the genuine. These worthless imitations have similar sound ing names. Beware of them. The gen uine Foley'8 Honey and Tar is in a yel low package. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. Sold by 6. W. Bes- ley. VerT Lov Rate* to Denver, Colo., Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold on Jan. 27. 28 and 29, limited to return until Feb. 15th, inclu sive, on account of Wool Growers and Live Stock Association Meetings. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Jan. 29. Three little babes were nestled iu bed, "I'll name them William, Willie and Bill," mother said; Wide was her smile, for triplets they be. She lays her good luck to Rocky Mount- tain Tea. JOHNSBUBOH. Mrs. Wm. Althoff spent the past week in Chicago. Wm. Tonion and wife visited at Joe. Schaefer's Friday. Jabob Miller and wife of Zenda, Wis., spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Grace Heimer of McHenry spent 9 few days at her cousins', Misses Mertes. John V. Freund and family of Spring Grove visited at Mrs. Jacob Freund's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund visited at theformer's mother, Mrs. Jacob Freund, Sunday. Mrs. John S. Freund and Mrs. Joe Michels visited at Mrs. Simon Michels' Monday. Miss Barbara Pitsen of Chicago is spending a few days at her home at Pis- takee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund and chil dren visited the former's mother, Mrs. Peter Freund Sunday. Jacob Huemann was quite sick since Sunday but is slowly recovering. We hope to see him around in a few days. Mrs. Wm. Holtz and daughter, Mrs Laura Lundgren, and daughter, Dorothy, of McHenry visited at Mrs. Geo. Nell's Thursday. Mrs. John Thelen and daughter, Julia, Mrs. Stephen Thelen and Mrs. Peter Niesen spent Friday afternoon at Mrs. Wm. Oeffling's. Mrs. Joe Huemann, Mrs. Geo. Nell, Mrs. Susan Freund and Mrs. Joe Michels were pleasantly entertained by Mrs John Mertes Friday. Is your soil wearing out? Then tread The Weekly Inter Ocean--the only weekly newspaper that has a special de partment devoted to "Soils and Soil Culture." Only $1 55 for The Weekly Inter Ooean and this paper, each one year. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Freund enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Mat Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Freund, Mrs. Susan Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Michels, Misses Lena Michels and Mary Miller and Jac ob Miller. - " The Grip. "Before we can sympathise with oth ers, we must have suffered ourselves " No one can realize the amount of suf fering attendant upon an attack of the grip unless he has had the actual exper ience. There is probably no disease that causes so much physical and men tal agony, or which so successfully de fies medical aid. All danger from the grip, however, may be avoided by the prompt use of Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy, not one haa ever been reported that has resulted in pneumonia or that has not recovered. For sale by G. W. Beeley. >;Vi' (Great baby medicine.) G. W. Beeley. Bead The Plaindealer"want" ads. EMERA.lt I> PAKK, Miss May Welch spent Saturday with the Misses Knox.. Mrs. W. Bolger visited relatives in Woodstock Friday, Phil Ay 1 ward of Ostend spent Sunday afternoon at R. J, Sutton's. Mrs. Ed Knox spent a day recently with relatives at Ringwood. Mrs. R. J. Sutton visited relatives in McHenry Sunday afternoon. Miss Mary Gibbs and John Aylward of Barreville were callers here Sunday. Miss Katie Knox visited her friend, Miss May Welch, at Griswold Lake, Sunday. Misses Anna-and Irene Frisby of Mo- Henry visited the Misses Sutton Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ed Whiting and Miss Bdith Whiting of Ringwood visited at R. J. Sutton's Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Ed Knox, W. Bolger, Walter Walsh and John Sutton attended the farmers' institute at Woodstock Friday. Misses Mayme and Katie Knox, May Welch, Margaret and Lucy Sutton at tended the teachers' meeting at Wood stock Friday. The infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. H. Linder died Thursday and was buried Sunday. A number of relatives from Chicago attended the funeral. Pinesalvp is the best Salve for sores, burns, boils, tetter, eczema, skin diseases and piles. Sold by G. W. Beeley, West McHenry, N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Story, McHenry. Walter Walsh had the misfortune to lose one of his black driving, horses last Saturday. The horse was a valuable one and its death is a great loss to its owner. The cause of death is unknown. RINGWOOD. James Conway Chicagoed Thursday. Miss Agnes Dodge has been on the sick list H. L. Waterman transacted business in the windy city Monday. Several from here attended the insti tute at Woodstock last week. Chas. W. Harrison was a business vis itor in Elgin Wednesday last. Chas. Krohn is not improving as well aB his many friends would wish. . C. W. Harrison transacted business at the county seat one day reoently. Ralph Colby returned to his home in Spring Grove Friday, after working for Wm. P. Stevens for the past several months. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dodge are rejoic ing over the arrival of a daughter, which came to make her home with' them Sunday morning last. Half The World Wonders how the other half lives. Those who use Bucklen's Arnica Salve never won der if it will cure Cuts, Wounds, Burns, Sores and all Skin eruptions; they know it will. Mrs. Grant Shy, 1180 E. Rey nolds St., Springfield, 111., says: "I re gard it one of the absolute necessities of housekeeping." Guaranteed by N. H. Potcsch and Julia A. Story, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry, drug gists. 25c. - • Notice! To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice' to this effect Fifty Yi tho Standard Want Column. All advertlnements Inserted under this hetd tt the follow In# Five lines or len«, tt cent* tor first luaertion; 16 cents for each tmbaequent Insertion. More than live linos, 5 centg a line (or ft rut Insertion, and 3 t'eiith a line for additional Insertions. "pV)UND--Fox terrier dog; color, white with " hliu'U nimbi. Owner can have same by W. D. WKNTWORTH, West McHenry, 111. { black spots, paying charges. F°«, ^ SALE--On account of Illness tbe Vari ety store is offered for sale cheap. tfjOl C rents till March 1,1907,98-acre farm oa WW Wooster Lake, Lake Co., ill.; good house, barn, outbuildings, orchard, small fruit, well, cistern; 1 mile to depot, good land, fine market for garden truck to summer peo ple. John Bosino, Round Lake, III. »-2t HJ AY FOR SALE--Good hay for sale. In-ulreof Wm. Bonslett, West McHenry. J. BRKVIK. "HM)K SALE--Teu good horses; can be used " for irnnariil DiirnosM. Welirht from 1100 to ao-3t< tt\OR SALE--A 28-foot gasooline launch. 8 H. F. double engine. All machinery good as new: outfit complete. Will sell cheap. Will take ('hioago building )ots Launch can be seen at Weber's. Inquire of Math. Wbbbb & Son, McHenry, IU. Haw ThcrmoMctcra Are Hal*. " A small glass tube blown into a bulb at one end Is partly filled with mer cury. The mercury is boiled to expel the air and fill the tube with mercury vapor and then the tube is hermetical ly sealed and allowed to cool. The gradations are found as follows: The instrument is immersed in Ice water and the freezing point is found and is marked. Then it Is placed in water, which is allowed to reach the boiling point, and so 212 degrees is found. Hie spans between are marked by matha- matical calculations. CREAM BAKING POWDER A Cream of Tartar; Pom Mada From Orapam Monk*r« and Knota. Tte monkey's Intelligence haa never been able to arrive at a point which enables that animal to achieve the un tying of a knot You may tie a monkey with the simplest form of common knot, and unless the beast can break the string or gnaw It In two he will never get loose. To untie the knot re quires observation aud reasoning power, and, though a monkey may pos sess both, he has neither in a sufficient -degree to enable him to overcome the difficulty. May Live 100 Years. Tlpe chances for living a full oentnry are excellent in the case of Mrs. Jennie Duncan of Haynssville, Me., now 70 years old. She writes: "Electric Bitters cured me of Chronic Dyspepsia of 20 years standing and made me feel as well and strong as a young girl." Electric Bitters cure Stomach and Liver diseases. Blood disorders, General Debility and bodily weakness. Sold on a guarantee atN. H. Petesch "a and Julia A Story's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West Mo- Henry, drug stores. Price only 50c. Like Father, Like tea. Mr. Gotrox--When I waa your air, ! didn't have a dollar. Cholly Got rox--Well, dad, when I am your age I probably won't have a dollar.--Puck. varies in style and finish, accord ing to price, but at all figures there is good value. The stock used is good oak-tanned leather. The trimmings, whether of nickel, ^ brass, rubber or iron, are of excei- v lent quality. The workmanship, r visible and invisible, is first-class. | M. A. THEIfN, \ McHENRY, ILLINOIS. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes an<1 sizes. Sev eral proofs to select front. Each do«- eii finished in different styles. Price, tSS-00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views, of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. Copit-J fruiu siuult picture. Likeness KuaranteeiS iu every instance. Finished in black and white or colors. Fttmts. A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd sixes made up forauy sice picture, certificate^ e*e. Waokflgan St., near the Staadpipe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. That virtue which requires to be ever guarded is scaiealy worth tl --Goldsmith. _»t 4.'2 • North-Western. Chicago Effective Nov. St. IDOS. WBSK DAT TBA1XS. NORTBBOOITD .Via Via Via Des Via Via Des SUNDAY ...Via Via Dsa ..Via VBEMtnUIM. r.05 a N.1? a nt tsps MOpm ».oo » 4.00 p m 8.45 a 9.10 s.aso . 11.14 a • UM 4LK jifli r.R* 7J»am.