Ami v f ^ r r ^ We i^tfdle nothing but the fjest; in the Jewelry line and sell our goods at prices within the reach of all. Our new line of Jewelry of every description is the finest we have ever been able to -show. Come in and see the elegant display and let us give you our prices. Have you heard our Talking Machine? We sell them also. Pianos and Organs for sale and rent on easy terms. G^ve us a call at your con- yenip^,,.^p, will, trea,tjQU! e£«0/r 19804. I| l W? 7 T * ^ 22k Solid Gold Crowns! GIvh that rich, pleasing, stylish attractiveness to the expression so much to be admired. Guaranteed perfect fitting; firm as a rock; comfortable to wear; will last a lifetime. These crowns are strictly high-grade, expert, hand-made dental productions of the finest quality; will not tarnish; have no superior at any price They should be worn by everyl>ody whose teeth are too far gone for fillings. They will masticate your food as it should be masticated, keep your health and stom ach well, brace you up for the work before you, make you able to attend to busi ness and make a success of It. Take care of your teeth and they will take care of you. Life is shortened and disease Induced by bad teeth. Is It safe to put your trust in extremely large fillings, poorly Inserted, that may drop out with out a moment's notice, when, for a trifle more, you can obtain 22k solid gold crowns that cannot wear out, break or become dislodged? They will stand the test of time; positively indestructible. Save your bad teeth; invest in solid gold crowns; they are the cheapest in the end. It's the best Investment you will ever make. You don't pay one cent till Satisfied With Your Crowns. DR. W. H. Hawkins, Dentist. SPRING GROVE, - - - . - - ILLINOIS. TOOTH BRUSHES HAIR BRUSHES N. H. Petesch, Druggist. Fountain Syringes Hot Water Bottles | Fresh Groceries! 1 |j We are here with a line of Groceries and Fruits that cannot be excelled anywhere. "Fresh Goods Always" is our motto and that's the reason we are so popular. Give us your next order and be convinced that our statement is true. John Stoffel, WEST McHENRY, ILL. P H I L I P J A E G E R 1 QENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc*, Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists famished on application. >n e Stall i * 3, Palton St. /7| jj| Wholesale Market. VI COLO STORAQE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. | j Good Tailoring:! ^ Thru many years of experience we find that A our method of doing business is much approved J - of by the dressy class. Our tailoring pleases # the people and that is the reason why we are # S J turning out so many orders. Call*|g* J ^ J | E. Lawless, McHenry # --f •WW1WWI fraklis MM IM Wrts!j ' I t am agent for tbe above. We 1 pat the Bods on your Build- j tares and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages It no more than $500. Call and get full particulars. catni BUduMhl Prices dwiys RttiMtiej Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgb Illinois. sells the McVi -ker Gasoline Engine, Duplex Grinding Mills;; .; ' Rock Island Plows, Wagons^ " * ' Carriages, Buggiro, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, £%' JPaint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. • €•: \ £•' {Business Building! The re-cons traction period begins this week SATURDAY in the SIMES Building. Yon often read of the "Big Stores," never any mention made of the "Little Stores" but here are facts before yon that this is the small est store in town, hence it will be known as "EVANSON'S LITTLE CASH STORE." Needless to explain to you why it must be a Cash Store. Perhaps it may prove for your interest. Time will tell and here is the story: Thru the kindness of Chicago Wholesale Houses this little store will be OPEN FOR BUSINESS SATURDAY. You are most cord ially invited Saturday and every succeeding business day to visit this little Store--depend on it. Every effort known to the mercantile art will assert itself to create interest and activity for mutual benefits and to this end most respectfully solicit your co-operation and loyal support. Orders taken for any kind of Merchandise not kept in stock. Quick service at absolutely lowest prices. With these few remarks we bespeak for this little store activity and success and commend it for your favorableooa- sideratibn. Yours Respectfully, JOHN EVANSON. j School Notes. Miss Qallaher was on the absent roll Tnesday. Raymond Whiting was a visitor in room 5 last week. Florence Carey is again in school after several days' absence. No school garden this year, as it is im possible to Becure ground. Mr. Kingsbury of Fithian, 111., was a visitor in room 6 Thursday afternoon. A suprise party for Emery Wheeler was one of the interesting and enjoy able happenings of the week. Life is not a dream, but a serious re ality. See to it that you make your life real,--be somebody,--be felt for good.-- W. 8. The work of the seniors will soon be thrown on the balance and class honors announced. Entry blanks for field meet and com petitive examination are now ready for all contestants. The teachers' meeting held in the school building Saturday was well at tended and all report both an interest ing and profitable meeting. A meeting of tbe senior class was called by President Lamphere for Wed nesday afternoon. They have some im portant quastions to decide at once. How about the Alumni association? It is not time we were planning for the commencement festivities? Every grad uate of onr school should feel a deep interest in perfecting this organization. At a meeting of the board of educa tion Tuesday evening tbe following teachers were elected: Miss Kate Howe, grades 1 and 2; MissEolia Boyer, grades 3 and 4; Miss Lillian Sanborn, grades 5 and 6; Miss Mame Kasser, grades 7 and 8; Miss Agnes Perry, grades 9 and 10. The first meeting of the Superintend ents' and Principals' Association of Northern Illinois will be held at DeKalb May 4 and 5. The subject for discus sion is, "An Outline Course of Study on a Successful Basis." Every superin tendent and principal should attend thin meeting. Seletlaa Cared After Twenty Years of Torture. For more than twenty years Mr. J. B. Massey, of 8822 Clinton St., Minneaoplis, Minn., was tortured by sciatica. The pain and suffering which he endured during this tfme is beyond comprehen sion. Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One application of that lini ment relieved the pain and made sleep, and rest possible, and less than one bot tle has effected a permanent cure. Mr. Massey relates bis experience for the benefit of others who may be similarly afflicted. If troubled with sciat ca or rheumatism why not try a 25-cent bot tle of Pain Balm and aee for yourself bow quickly it relieves the pain. For sale by 6. W. Beeley. -- /' Are yon square with as? IXnot, what to the r--off Additional Local*. This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--11.55 gets both for one year Special deal. For bloating, belching, indigestion, etc., eat a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after meals. Sold by N. H. Petesch, Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Beeley, West McHenry. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. It pours the oil of life into your sys tem. It warms you up and starts the life blood circulating. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea does. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. We give you tbe news of town and county, and give it to you right, while The Weekly Inter Ocean prints the tele graphic news of America and the cabled news of all the world. $1.55 for both papers one year. A dose of Pine-ules at bed time will usually relieve backache before morn ing. These beautiful little globules are soft gelatine coated and when moist ened and placed in the mouih you can't keep from swallowing them. Pine-ules contain neither sugar nor alcohol--just gums and resins obtained from onr own native pine forests, combined with other well known bladder, kidney, blood and backache remedies. Sold by N. H. Pet esch, Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. NOTICE OF PROBATING OF WILL. Estate of P. M. O'Neill, deceased. tJTATE OF ILLINOIS, I „ > MCIIKNRV County t sa- In the County Court, April term, A. D. 1906. To the heirs at law. devisees, legatees and all pei-sons interested In the estate of P. M. O'Neill, defeased, lute of McHenry. Hclienry county, Illinois. By order of said court, public notice Is here by given that Monday, the 28tb day of May A. I). 1900. at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court House in Woodstock, in said county, is set for hearing the proof of the execution of the will of said P. M. O'Neill, deceased, and for admitting said will to probate, when and where you- can be heard in said mat ter If you so desire. G. F. RC8HTON, Woodstock. 111., Mar 2nd 1906. Conuty Cl/ark. <Mt' ... . - r-- A Mountain of Gold could not bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wis., as did one 25c box of Bucklin's Arnica Salve, when it completely cured a run ning sore on her leg, which had tortured her 23 long years. Greatest antiseptic healer of Piles, Wounds, and Sores. 25c at N. H. Petesch's, McHenry, and G. W. Best ley's, West McHenry, Drug stores. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS "C FIKONICLit A BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Advertised Letters. Letters remaining uncalled for in the postoffice at McHenry, 111., May 1, 1906: Miss Flossie Mendehall, Mr. G. E. Green, P. J. Scandian, Frank Gass, Henry Holtgren. Wben calling for above letters please say advertised. R. WAITE, P. M. For headache, constipation, etc., Dade's Little Liver Pills are best. They cleanse and tonic the liver. Sold by N. H. Petesch, Julia A, Story. McHenry; &.W*Bealey, West McHenry. RINOWOOD. Mrs. L Hebert was down at Fox Lake Tnesday* I. Harsh transacted business in {More- land Thursday. James Rainey was down from Lake Geneva Sunday. George Harrison was in the windy city Thursday last. Mrs. C. E. H. Tnttle was over at Har vard Thursday last G. A. Stevens of Elgin was in town the first of the week. J. C. Ladd was over at the county seat one day recently. James Ladd shipped a carload of hogs to Chicago Wednesday. Patpey Sutton of Harvard was in onr vicinity Wednesday last. I. Hebert was on the streets of Rich mond Saturday afternoon. Will Etton and Ed. Hawley were in Elgin the first of the week. Mrs. H. O. Small of Nunda was a pleasant caller in Ringwood Saturday. J. D. Smith and son, Howard, were passengers for Chicago Friday morning. Clyde Randall of Elgin spent the past week with his wife and family in Ring- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Harrison and fam ily spent Sunday with relatives in Ring- wood. J. C. Conway is running the road grader with Peatt's engine of Green wood. Mesdames H. L. Waterman and A. L Francisco did shopping in Chicago Thursday. Thomas Thompson of Barreville spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Simpson, in Ringwood. Bert Bell has taken the oontract for hauling the ice and coal for the Ring- wood Butter Co. this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Randall are the proud parents of a baby boy. The young gentlemen arrived Wedneeday morning. Have yon pains in the back, inflam mation of any kind, rhenmatism, faint ing spells, indigestion or constipation? Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes yon well and keeps yon well. 85 cents. G. W. Besley. There will be a W. C. T. U. reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen today (Thursday). Mrs. Colver, couny president, will tell her trip to tbe na tional convention. AU are cordially in vited to attend. Light refreshments will be served. Have yon weakness of any kind- stomach, back, or any organs of the body? Don't dope yourself with ordi nary medicine. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the supreme curative power? 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. Remember the regular services of the Universalist church next Sunday, May 0. Snnday school at 1:80 p. m. and preaching 2:80 p. m. Rev. L. B. Fisher, D. D., president of Lombard college, will preach instead of the pastor. You should not miss the chance to meet and hear him. He has something good in store for all who attend servioea. Friends we are anxious that yon come. Eyery body cordially invited. The tar that is contained in Bee's Lax ative Honey and Tar is harmless. It is not coal tar, bnt is obtained from the pine trees of onr native forests. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is the best rem edy for colds pecause it acts on the bow els--thus expelling all colds from the system. Bee's is the original Laxative Honey and Tar, and is the best for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, lung and bronchial affections. Sold by N, B, Petesch, Julia A. Story, McHea- ry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. KMKRALD PARK. John Aylward called on Ringwood friends Sunday evening. Miss Margaret Sutton visited rela tives in Chicago Saturday and Sunday. Phil Kane of Woodstock visited at hie uncle's, John Relihan, the first of the week. Mrs. W. J. Welch and daughter of Griswold Lake visited Mrs. R. J. Sutton Thursday. Misses Kathryn Knox and Mae Welch attended the teachers' meeting at Nun- da Saturday. E. R. Sutton and L. B. Walmsley of McHenry visited at Geo. Walmsley's, south of here, Sunday. ' Misses Agnes Carey and Nellie Noon- an of Ringwood spent Friday afternoon with Miss Lucy Sutton. Thos. F. Walsh and Miss Margaret Walsh spent a couple of days at Hart- land tbe last of tbe week. Mrs. Chas. Gibbs, Mrs. Nellie Biggy and John Walsh of Chicago attended the funeral of John Walsh here Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cohan and Mas ter Willie of Chicago are spending a week's vacation from school at their summer home. Mr. Frey and friend of Chicago are putting up a good siced cottage on the former's lot in the Park, which he pur chased last fall. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns and Grace and Kenneth of Chicago came to the Park Saturday. Mr. Burns retained to the city Sunday evening, but the othera will spend the week here. Messrs. Jas., John and Paul Arm strong and the latter's sons, Lennox and Horace, of River Foreet returned to their homes 8unday, after a few days spent at their cottages here. John Walsh died at Hartland Satur day and was buried here Monday morn ing, the funeral being held from tbe home of his brother. P. Walsh. The former was well known here, having lived in this vicinity for yean. Hheuiuatiam. Why suffer from this painful malady when one application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm gives relief? Hundreds of grateful people testify to the magical power of this remedy over rheumatism., for sale by G. W. bestoj. •< VOJA A. J. Raymond spent Sunday in Chi cago*. Clark Huson of Libertyville was in town Saturday. John Wagner of McHenry waa a re cent Volo caller. Ella Moore spent Tuesday in Waucon- dawith relatives. Miss Frances Rosing of Round Lake spent Sunday at home. * Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher were Wan- conda visitors Sunday. JohnEffinger took in the sights of Round Lake Saturday. Lee A. Huson of Libertyville spent Saturday night in Volo. Misses Maude and Elsie Walton were Wauconda callers Tuesday. Dellmer Townsend of Round Lake was a Volo caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Dillon «re mov ing to Waukegan this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rosing of Round Lake were Volo callers Sunday. Edgar, Charles and Walter Parker were Ringwood callers recently. Byron Richardson of Grayslake was calling on friends here Thursday, Miss Rena Decker of Grayslake is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Cha& Parker. Millie Rossdentscher of Round Lake called on her parents here Snnday. Paul Avery of Chicago spent Satur day and Sttnday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lnsk and son, Raymond, were Volo callers Sunday. Miss Louise Huson of Round Lake visited her cousin, Elsie Walton, Friday. Lon Fox and daughter, Sarah, spent. Sunday with S. J. Russell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Huson and daugh ter, Reba, visited Wauconda relatives Sunday. Mrs. Grace Kirwan and Mrs. Wm. Hironimus were Round Lake callers Thursday. Misses Maude Walton and Hellen Raymond were Ronnd Lake callers Snn day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stone of Wau conda spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hironimus. Misses Ruby Cooke and Daisy Groeve- nerof Wauconda called at A. J. Ray mond's Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wagner and daughter, Clara, spent the latter part of the week at Chris Sable's. Talk about a late spring, why, Colonel Crniswick has just finished husking his corn and reports an abundant crop. Miss Mary Raught left Volo Sunday for Elgin, where she has accepted a po sition with tiie D. O. Cook Publishing company. Mrs. John Walton returned to her borne in Volo Saturday, after spending several weeks at the Augustana hospi tal in Chicago. JTOKN8BUBGH. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Frennd spent Saturday afternoon here. Miss Iva Hoffman of Spring Grove drove through here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray spent Tues day afternoon with McHenry relatives John Oeffling and family of Volo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Matt Steffes. Many from here attended the wedding of MiBs Annie Pitaen and Ben. Schaefer Wednesday. Mrs. Stephen Frennd of McHenry visited her mother, Mrs. Klapperich, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Nye spent one day last week in the windy city trans acting business. Miss Kate Smith of this place and Al. Pepping of Chicago were married in Chicago Tuesday. Misses Celia and Annie Miller are spending a few weeks with their sister, Mrs. John Mertes. Mr. and Mrs. Nic Frennd and fam ily of Spring Grove spent Sunday at Mrs. Susan Freund's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schaefer and daughter spent Sunday with the later's mother, Mrs. Stephen Frennd. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Oeffling and Mrs. Jos. Huemann spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Huemann. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund of Spring Grove spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Jacob Freund. FANCY GROCERS TRY OUR GOLDEN RIO COFFEE, at per p o u n d . . . . * . . . . . , . . . . . 15 cts This Coffee is far su perior to that offered by peddlers at ao and 35 Cents per pound. ' r% * ;'0 R* • " * F v v * '1" ,Vi; ̂ VJjff ' Dragging Down Pains are a syaptea el tne most trouble wMdi caa attack a woman, viz: falling aI the wootb. With this, generally, CIBM Inegular sad painful periods, veakMlBg drains, backache, headache, nsrvsaaaess, dirrlnwsi, lr- ritaMUty, thai fM>Bg, etc. The cure Is The Female Regulator that wwd«M, mtlve, vegetable ex> tract, wttcfc such a marvelous, strenethaate MMDC«, OB all female organs. Carta! psHeves pain and raculatas ths aaees. It Is a sura and j i runt sura for all female COB plaints. At all liatflW «1 dealers to #1.00 bottles. "I SDIRD AWTUL PADI In my wumfc aais--rtss," writes Mrs. Naomi Bake, «f Itsbstar Grove, Mo., "also In my aad left sides, and my lautius we nry painful aadtrref ular. Since taking Caitial I feel tfkea aew woman acd doaatsuftaraa I did. It is the beat SMdldae 1 ever took." | SINGLE AND i Driviinj Harness! * %*<• Give us your order for that new single or driv ing Harness. Our work is the best and prices are right. See our elegant line of Dusters and %ap Robes. :: :: :: :: : M. A. rail, MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. if*' W I S 'j ^ £3 % • ' * * ; PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes !»u«l sizes. Sev ern! proofs to seleot from. Each doa- «n finished iu different styles. Price, S3 .00 a,ud upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views r fbuiidiugs, cattle, machinery, etc. Eitlairsements. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed In every instance. Finished in black and white or colors. Frames. A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for any sise picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St.. near the Stand pipe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Telephone. 493 f.=Ji • -1>(" M ,: M $ '• • •••<; « • " j 1 ; Chicago & North-western. Leave Chicago. effective Nov. 36, 1909. traxK DAT TBAiaa. WOHTHBOCND Anl' MrHc* 10.1 8.05 a m............Via Elgin. iu.i. 9.00 a 111.........Via Des Plalnes ..10.1" ,<K , .....Via Pes PlalniM........4^0 p ai t.uu piu .... Via Elgin...... p a 4.5" p m,.......Via Dee Plaints..... ..S.4lpia tCKDAY TRAINS. . ......VUKlitln. . 11.14 a Ml _ ..Via Des PIalues........ 11.14 am . . . . . . . V i a Elgin. 4-36 pS WKK DAT TKAiar SOOTHBOCSiD. 3.35 p m. 4.00 p 111 8.45 am, . 9.10a TO.. t.08p m... Leave MEH^nry, 7.£i a m... 8.2#a in... 4.23 p ui... tS3p m... ... Via Elgin. ..Via l)es Plainss... ..Via Pes Flames.. .. . Via Elgin....... • CNDAT TBAUa. Arrive Gfe!ea«e ttJOaai . -106 a at ..«J6paa . r.iopai ?.%iam ..Via Slain........ ...Via DeePlalnes. 5.00 p m. 5<IS p 10.35 a SS ? . w p m / Jih \ITJI A f > >