f |W " , » v ? v i i • ' •*•' f"^ v.* V -mfM that is better than fnade-to-order Suits &nd $5.00 cl Because the Cloth is uniformly shrunk by machinery and will not shrink or stretch, that is the why good ready-made Suits will keep their shape better than made-to-order Suits. JOS. W. FILEUND, WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS i" Our Motto: * A Square Deal to Everyone. SEWING MACHINES Our Motto: * A Square Deal to Everyone. ifi* We are agents for ^he New Royal Sewing Machines/ one of the best as well as most modern machines on the market today. A gilt-edged guarantee goes with each and every machine. ":: :: V V Vfr' •*' •*" •+• •+• •** ifi* We are agents for ^he New Royal Sewing Machines/ one of the best as well as most modern machines on the market today. A gilt-edged guarantee goes with each and every machine. ":: :: V V VI*1 V V V ifi* We are agents for ^he New Royal Sewing Machines/ one of the best as well as most modern machines on the market today. A gilt-edged guarantee goes with each and every machine. ":: :: Furniture Our stock of Furniture is always complete and ready for inspect ion and as to prices we stand % ready at any time to meet any competition, Chicago included. ̂1T1 t$i 1X1 ji ̂ Our stock of Furniture is always complete and ready for inspect ion and as to prices we stand % ready at any time to meet any competition, Chicago included. Undertaking and Embalm ing^ specialty Our stock of Furniture is always complete and ready for inspect ion and as to prices we stand % ready at any time to meet any competition, Chicago included. Undertaking and Embalm ing^ specialty JA(0B JUSTEN Paints! Our line of Paints this year is the best we have ever been able to handle and we guarantee them to do the work properly Painter's Supplies! «, yf- I We also handle a com plete line of Painter's Supplies. Everything in the Painter's line can be fonnd here. F. UflcOflBER ..Summer mm. Samples! Having received a full and complete line of Summer Samples, including four hundred different style cloths, we wish to call your attention to the fact that we are now prepared to fit you up in the latest of fashion, with the best quality of goods that money can buy. In-particular we wish to call your attention to our workmanship. These garments are made up in single-breasted sacks and guaran tee them to be just as we represent them to you. We duplicate any and all Chicago prices, quality of goods, of course, considered. In ordering your Summer suit, we will be pleased to figure with you, as we know our work will please you. When once «tarted to buy your cloth ing from us, we know you will come here ever afterwards. Hoping that we may this year have the pleasure of fitting you out and guaranteeing you perfect satisfaction in every respect, we are Yours Very Truly, D. Lodtz MAKE IT FM SnmOfT BLUES TAKE ELGIN WHITC SOX INTO CAMP. ^ ,.0Wr . *000 . .000 Tow*** ntehM <S»lradM Otai* U«t Be. cet ve«i Ku»ll«at Support Prom Hliftum Mntea--Elgin* are Hard H Itters. The McHenry Blues won their fourth straight game of the season last Sunday afternoon at the West Side ball park, which still keeps their percentage at the .1000 mark. As in the previous games, it was not bard hitting by the 'locals that won them the game, but their fast field work assisted by the visitors' errors, in fact, it is now beginning to look as if the Bines are too lucky tp lose, but nevertheless, they are playing the game in a style that will do credit to auy team, and as long as they keep up their present gait the fans need not worry. The game last Sunday was marked with hard bitting and exceptionally fast field work on the part of the home team. There was a slight change in McHeury 's line-up which proved a great improve ment to the team. The visitors were given six coats of whitewash in the first six innings of play and up until the seventh things looked as if Towers would pitch a shut out game. In the seventh the Wat oh City boys began to get their batting eyes opened and as a result pushed in a score. Brown opened the proceedings in this inning with a three-bagger, Smythe struck out and Lindberg hit safely, the base ruuner coming home with tally No. 1. The succeeding two batters in this inning were easy outs. Elgin's last two tallies came in the eighth round. Mack was an easy out via1 Good to -Hei- mer. Kling was safe at first when 1 "Happy" Towers let the former's slow grounder go through him, the runner stealing Becond and third base, the throw to second to catch him being a bit off. Kling came home when Stick ling swatted the sphere for three sacks but was called out for accidentally (?) taking the pitcher's box for first base. The last decision must have made C. Parker sore as he hit the ball so far that the scorer was forced to credit him with a home run. Brown ended the proceed ings by grounding to Scully who threw him out at first. This finished the score getting for Elgin, although they made an awful attempt in the ninth. The Bines, as a curtain raiser, scored two runs in the opening innings and everyone felt happy. Scully was out, pitcher to first. "Dutch" pounded the sphere for two sacks, Bending drew a base on balls and fatty Bosworth was safe on first on the first baseman's error. With the bases full Heimer, the old- time slugger, straightened out one of Parker's benders for two sacks, the hit scoring Thurlwell and Emending, with Bosworth resting easy on third. About two seconds later Bosworth was put out on third, while be was standing about ten feet from the bag ^undoubtedly try ing to figure out how he got there so soon), the throw being from the catcher to the man who held down the third sack. J. Thurlwell put a finish to the inning by striking out. There was nothing doing from the first to the fifth inning for the locals, but the fifth brought another pair of tallies for the boys in blue. Doesn't that sound brave? The fifth was opened by Evanson, who was safe at first on an error by the gentleman holding down that sack; Towers drew free transporta tion, annexing Evanson to station two. Scully hit safely, tilling all the corners. Thurlwell struck out but Bending was sate at first on an error by the visitors' third baseman, the error allow ing Evanson to score. Bosworth was out at first on a slow gronnder to the first baseman, the deal allowing Towers to trot home with the second tally. The inning was ended by Heimer, who gave Smythe an easy fly at third, the latter gobbling it up in a hurry. The fifth and last tally for McHenry was registered by Scully in the seventh round. After Towers had grounded to third who threw the runner out at first, Scully came up for a pretty line drive over centerfield, good for three sacks. In trying to catch the runner at third Smythe let the throw go through him and Scully went home, F. Thurlwell and Bending each took three wallops at the sphere and the running was brought to a close, and the whole guinea* far as scoring is concerned. THE SCORE Good To iwraiMMs. t... . FIKLDJJFO AVERAGES. S c u l l y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ . i o o o Bosworth..,». .1000 Bass • • .1000 J. Thurlwell... v... .1000 H e i m e r . . . . . » . % - . . > . . . . # f t , . . * • . , 1 0 0 0 Cantwell .1. . 4000 Evanson... »v.»*?$•>.. •.." .1000 Irood. . . . . » y , • *1000 Krauqe ..... .1000 To weft .........«». •» .-jy.;.-.,*. ». . 878 Bending "*867 F. Thnrlwell.. ,.667 NOTES FOR FANS. Good plays a fast snappy game at third and gets 'em over to first in fine shape. Heimer is doing some timely hitting, his two bafte hit Sunday being responsi ble for two of the locals' tallies. Evanson saved the gaule in the ninth thru a fin" catch of a short fly over first base, 'it was the best piece of work of the day. The Olivers of Woodstock loet their first game last Saturday at the fair grounds to the Senecas of Chicago. Score 6 to 4. That man Scully is certainly hitting the ball. A three bagger and a nice single goes to his credit as the result of Sunday's contest. ' "Red" Matthews, Witt* started his baseball career in McHenry about three years ago, is managing the Elgin White Sox and also playing the right garden for the team. He iB credited with a put outnand one hit in Sunday's game. Bot says he has a winning team and now challenges the Elgin Iroquois. OAME NEXT SUNDAY. The Blues next Sunday afternoon will line up against the Chicago Pastimes. The Pastimes this year have been strengthened wonderfully and are put ting up a fast game. Many new faces will be seen in their line-up and th< y promise to give the locals a good hat d struggle. In fact, they think they can win out, as their increased strength makes the team no comparison with the team of last year. All turn out. Protect Proprietary Medicine*, Did it ever occur to you that proprie tary medicines are a blessing to man kind generally? The good ones have long continued sale; the poor ones have short life and soon leave the market. If we had to depend entirely upon phy sicians and druggists it would be expen sive and very inconvenient at times, es pecially in the country and at night when neither could be conveniently reached. For nearly forty years Bo- schee's German Syrup has been nsed in many families, and thousands of livee of adults and children have been saved by its use, when it was impossible to reach a physician. German Syrup is the best household remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung trouble. It quickly re lieves the backing cough, loosens the phlegm, and brings sound and refresh ing -deep. Twenty-five and seventy-five cents. Get a copy of Green's Prise Al manac. For sale by all druggists. \Both Rich and Poor. Even washer-women have telephones in their homes. Why? They know its step saving, its money-saving, its time- saving values. And the cost is but a few cents a day. Ask the manager for rates. Chicago Telephone Company. McHENRY. Scully, 2nd to.. F Thurlwell, If. Bending, ss» Bossworlli, o........ Heimer, 1st h J Thurlwell, cf... Good, 3rd b . ... * Evanson, rf Towers, p ON YOUR _ H U N T I N G T R I P Be iure to be properly equipped--obtain the STEV ENS an J you CANNOT GO WRONG. We make RIFLES . . . from $2.25 to $180.0$ PISTOLS . . . from 8 50 to 50.00 IB. . from 7.50 to 88-00 llluf. f Inter- SHOTGUNS . Ask youv deaUr and Insist on our popular make. If y au cannot obtain, we ship direct, carriage charges' frtfaidt upon receipt of catalog price. Send for trateel catalog. If i ester! ill SHOOTING, ycat ouvrhttohave It* Mailed for four cents la Sttmpi to covet postage. Ow attractive three-color Aluminum Hanjjw will bt sent anywhere fur 10 cents la stamps* J. BTKVESB ASMS AND TOOL OO, P. O. IJOK 4096 CUatpM Vails, Mul, U. 8. A. Cures KldiMy and Blad der DlieatM In Evenf Form--Many Peefrie Have Kidney Trams and Da Not Kaow It* HOW TO FIND OUT. It to the function of the kidneys to'filter and purify the blood whiob isoonstantlg passing through them. When the kidneys are out of order the other organs are affected immediately and you may have symptons of heart trouble, stomach and liver trouble, and other ailments, which are all owing to the kidneys being weak and out of order. 12 yon are sick Foley't KUlMf Ours will strengthen and build up the wolrn out tissues of the kidneys so they will fct properly and the symptons of weakness, heart, stomach «nd lives trouble will disappear and yon will bo restored to perfect health. How to Toil H Yo« Hm KMney Trouble. Yon can easily determine if your kid neys are out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sed* lment or small particles float about in it, your kidneys are diseased and Folay'a KldMy Cut should be taken at once. Foley's KMney Cure is pleaaaadto take and acts directly upon the parts affected and yon begin to feel better at once. It corrects slight disorders in a lew jdays and it has cured many obstinato cases after other treatment had failed. Doctors Said HsWouM Not Live. Peter Frey, of Woodruff, Pa., writes: "After doctoring for two years with the best physicians in Waynesbnrg, and still setting worse, the doctors advised me if I had any business to attend to I had bet ter attend to it at once, as I could not possibly live another month, as there was no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend, and I immediately sent my son to the store for it and after taking three bottles 1 be gan to get better and continued to im prove until I was entirely well." Two SIMO, BOo and SIM, SILO AND RECOMMENDED BY G. W. BESLEY. W. McHENRY HOME-COMING OF KENTUCKIANS Low Batw T1» the North-Western Line from alt Point* for the Great Kentucky Celebration at Louisville la Jane. .* The Chicago & North-Western Rail way announces that low rates will be made, effective Jnne 11 to 13, with con venient and liberal retnrn limits, on account of the ' 'Home-coming of Ken- tuckians" celebration whU&i is to ho held at Louisville Jnne 13 to 17. It is expected that a large number of ex-Kentucbhms will make this the occa sion of a visit to their native soil. An ticipating a representative assemblage of snch from all parts of the United States, the people of Lonisville are mak ing great preparations to entertain them with true Southern warmth. The pro gram for the occasion is understood to be interesting and varied. Ask^your ticket agent for full particulars. Jnn 18 Best for Womtn and Children. On account of its mild action and pleasant taste Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is especially reoommended for women and children. It does not nause ate or gripe like pills and ordinary ca thartics. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels without irritating them. Remember the name ORINO and refuse rnbstitntes. G. W. Beeley. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. NEW SPRING & SUMMER " S"{ '^Yo * . / 'n- fQ EVERY DAY IN PRESS GOODS, WAISTINQS, SUITINGS, SKIRTS SHOES AND OXFOKDS. OUR SHELVES ARE FULL OF NEW GOODS OF ALL' KUNDSsfrCOME AND LOOK TMETI OVER. 1 K". • r A -̂ Boh lander. A. -.-j 3 • * fl [Sty? p h-.i h stop and pocket some of it instead of trying to avoid it? No man can afford to turn his back On the COAL QUES TION, it's the burning question of the day. We sound a timely warning yfv that a rise in coal is near and any orders that are left wi|k us wili be filled prompt^ ORDER NOW. * I We carry a full line of Lumber, Lath, I; Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement, Etc. Olilbitr Cumber Co. A new line of Ladies' Skirts made up in the latest styles and newest fabrics just ar rived. We invite your careful inspection. Ladies" Muslin Under wear, Night Gowns, Cor set Covers, Drawers tynd C h i l d r e n ' s D r a w e r s . Summer Underwear-- tranze and Jersey! in all sizes and ages. Fancy a n d N e g l i g e e S h i r t s , f u l l line of popular Collars and Neck Ties.......... Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers. Come'and look them over the store is full of good b a r g a i n s . G r o c e r i e s , Floor, Etc., of the purest and best quality. Gk>od« delivered? 'Phono 868. J. WALSH, Totals. ELGIN Mack, c KlltiK. ss.. Telephone Nunber 541 McHenry, I l l i n o i s . 9 ™ 2 u Stickling 2od b. C. Parker, I f . . . . Brown, 1st b ... Smythe, 3rd b. Lindlitirg, cf...-. Flohr, ci Matthews, rf.- . O. Parker, |>.f>.... Totals....!.. 8 *8tlckllug ont for cutting Earned runs McHenry, 1; Elgin, 2. Three base hits- Scully, Stickling, Brown. First base on foailb- oir Parker, a. Left on 1 McHenry, 6; Elftin 7. First base on errors-- McHenry, «; 'Elgin, 2, Two base hits--F. Thurlwell, Heimer, Kling. Home run--C. Parker. Struck out--by Towers, 10; by Parker, tt. Balk--Towers. Stolen bases--Scully, Bend ing (2). Kling (2). Time of game, 1 hour and 40 minuter. Lmplre, Spurling. Attendance, 300. 6COKK BY INNINUS, McHenry 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 x-5 Elffin t 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 - 8 We give below the batting and field- ing averages of the players thus far this season. The batting averages show that the team is a bit weak in this de partment while the fielding average is a most excellent showing, BATTING AVERAGES. BOSS...,.* Hnuner F. Thurlwell.. J. Thnrlwrtl.,- * Bending Bo-< worth Evanson tmy*,<,,,, ,,,*, C/antwell̂ f ., <•< • *».# #y < #, » i i t Groceries! The MIKADO choicest unoolored Japan Tea, per pound 48c 60c quality Japan Tea, per pound.. .39c The best Coffee in town, at per pound 15c, aoc, 35c Eight bars Lenox Soap for... ̂ --. .*sc One pint jar None Such Mustard.... IOC Bromangelon, per package 10c, lac Three-pound can Mince Meatf......35c Three-pound can Blossom Beans.... >oc Vigor, per package, 10c; three for. .Jjc Pleiades Baking Powder, .per pound can ..aoc Choice bulk Oat Meal, 7 lbs. for... a5c None Snch Bead Rice, per pound... .8c Beet-Corn Starch, per package 5C New Arrivals! LADIES' WRAPPERS--Ladies' Wrappers made of 84 Percale, the kiml we have always sold, - fnll cut, well sewed.^hirt Waiat style, choice .$1.39 Others at 69c and $1.00 DRESSING SACQUES--Ladie^ Dressing Sac- ques made of fine quality Percale, well sewed and dressy styles, choice 50c SHIRT WAIST PATTERNS--We are showing a beautiful line of these Goods, with lace and embroidery trimmings, ohoioe..... 75C, 98c CHILDREN'S DRESSES--made of' fine sheer Gingham and tailored in the best of style, ohoice of lot 75c» LACE < URTAINS--Ruffl*d Muslin Curtains, perpair *....... 75C Ruffled Lace Net Curtains..,, i-39 60-inch Laoe Curtains, per pair.. 1.00 Shoes! Shoes! Ladies' Patent Leather, Lace Shoes, Blucher style, dnll leather top, a big value, price per pair $1.98 Ladies' French Kid Button Shoes, matt top, extension sole, Cuban heel, * $8.00 Shoe f.»r $a.49 Ladies' four-strap toe Slipper $1.39 Ladies'patent leather, three-strap toe Slipper, see it, a t . . . . . $ 1 .49 Ladies' patent leather, plain toe Oxford lace, military heel $i .75 Black Russian, Gibson style Oxford*, high military heel, pltiin and patent leather $1.98, $3^9 TABLE LINEN VALUES--Extra fine sheer Union Table Linen, fnll bleached floral and dot designs, 64-inch wide, price per yard 35^ Extra fine all pure linen, full bleached, fine floral center with border to match, fnll 60 inch wide, a°n exceptionally good value for the money, per yard ... ..49c