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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1906, p. 4

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WMIMW i. t , ' t. A i_J *w Dressing &** Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing. Something to make the hair more manage- able; to keep it from being too rough, or from splitting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair at the same time, a regular hair-food. Well-fed hair will be strong,and will remain where it belongs -- on the head, not on the comb! The beat kind of a testimonial-- "Sold for over sixty years." Made by J. C. Ayer Co.. LowU, WW Also manufacturer* Of 9 SARSAPAtOXA. PII.LS. CHERRY PECTORAL. yers iwmm fliF**(Mcs. r -- • ,:| npim-- "K# \jixt • i»» ' »J1 IIHHIH ADJACENT COUNTIES. rr. v.l. u. riu»<hs t*5?ASTMENTj Tbe Nctlenry PUindeiler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY the nmm m\mim compart. ClvlSTY, L. T. HOY, V Pros. _ Secretary. , JAMES B. PERRY, s : • President and General Manager. F. G. SCHRKIKKR, Editor. Ofltoe In Bank Building. Telephone, No. J6T8. TERM3 OF SUBSCRIPTION: On® year W.H0 - frjj» months, 75 cts. Three months. 40 eta. Thursday, Julie 7, 1906. fc: : ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of County Clerk of McHenry county, Illinois, and earnestly solicit the snp- v port and votes of all Republicans at the primary election to be held August 4, 1906 Every man who believes that twelve years in the best county office is enough for any man, should heartily . endorse my candidacy. GEORGE W. LEMMERS. Woodstock, 111., May 22, 190®, 60 ^ 1 RESOLUTIONS. liil foTlowing resolution was adopted V by the Illinois Republican State Com­ mittee on June 1, 1906: WHEREAS, the Primary Law enacted t at the extra session of the General As­ sembly does not go into effect until July 1,1906; and WHEREAS, it is lawful for parties to hold conventions and nominate candi­ dates before that date; and WHEREAS, the Republican Party is • committed in its platform to primary reform and its representatives have faithfully endeavored to carry out that pledge in two sessions of the General ; Assembly; therefore RESOLVED, that this oommittee rec­ ommends that the various congressional, senatorial and county committees call said conventions under the new law, upon the dates therein fixed, in order to give the Republicans of this state an opportunity to pass upon the qualifica- . _ tions of candidates who submit them­ selves for nomination to the various public offices; and be it further RESOLVED, that this committee en­ dorse said primary law as a measure containing the essentials for fair pr> y maries and conventions. The law give* to the voter an opportunity to vote at ; his election precinct, a secret Australian ballot, safe-guarded by the provisions ;:; of the regular election laws, and before the regularly constituted officials. It provides that his ballot be counted aa cast, under the supervision of the Coun­ ty Court, and thus abolishes thj com­ mittee on credentials and contesting delegations. Under its provisions the vote controls the nominations for Unit- i ed States Senators, Congressmen, State Officers, State Senators, State Repre­ sentatives and the Connty Officers. The General Assembly has endeavored in this enactment to meet by uniform law ' a great variety of political conditions-- those obtaining in the congested quar­ ters of our great cities and those found in our sparsely settled rural communi­ ties. In order to give the law 'a fair test / this committee earnestly recommends to the Republicans of the State that that they participate very generally in the primaries on August 4th next, that the party may have the advantage of the judgment of each of its mem­ bers and be able thereafter to make suoh amendments to tbe law as this first trial of the law may suggest. 3. A. WHEELER, Secretary, A NEBRASKA couple met, conrted and wed within an hour. In New York they might'also have quarreled and parted in the same period and still have had t.ime to tell their troubles to the police, ____________ 0 WHITE CITY, Cleveland's amusement resort, which was advertised to open With fireworks, burned down two days before the day of opening. Those Cleveland people always wereanimpa tient lot. A MlmllMMm Assortment mt Maws Itwu In Condensed Form Var Goatrea. INM of Bu«r People. Nine young ladies graduated from the Hebron high school this year. .. \ A Harvard man recently caught 100 ciscoes in Lake Geneva in one day. Elgin has been asked to consider the proposition of the locating of a type­ writer factory. "Buddy" Brown, the negro arrested for robbing a Nunda jewelry store, has been sentenced to a term in Joliet. The McHenry county atomobile clnb is having the large stones removed from public highways throughout the county. Wnnkepan has several cases of small pox and hundreds of its citizens have been exposed to the much dreaded dis­ ease^ H. B. Medlar, tbe Woodstock photo­ grapher, was recently awarded a gold medal at Springfield for his excellent work. The failure to secure farm hands is proving one of the most serious situa­ tions in Lake county. It is said that there are twenty fire idle farms in that county this spring. When applied and covered With a hot cloth Pinesalve acts like a poultice. Best for boils, barns, bruises, ecsema, skin diseases, etc. Sold by N. H. Pet- esch, Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. The senior class of the Wankegfcn high school voted to have Father E. F. Gavin of St. Mary's Catholic church, of that city, deliver the baocalauerate ser­ mon. The sermon will be given on Sun- day, June 17, at St. Mary's church. For bloating, belching, sour stomach, bad breath, malassimilation of food and all symptons of indigestion. Ring's Dys­ pepsia Tablets are a prompt and efficient corrective. Sold by N. H. Peteech, J. A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. An Irishman once met an English­ man who bad an artificial leg. Being of a sympathetic nature. Pat inquired the cause of the loss of the limb, whereupon the Englishman said: "A short time ago I discovered there was some Irish blood in my body and that it settled in this leg, so I cut it off." " 'Tie a pitty it didn't settle in your head," came the quick retort. You have beard people say that they had "worked like a dog all day." An exchange has figured that if this were literally true, the twenty-four hours would be sprat thus: One hour digging out a rat, two hours gnawing a bone, one hoar waiting for a cat to come down from a tree, half an boar beggins to get into the house and the balance of the time sleeping on a mat ia the cold doorway. A hundred years ago a physician would give you a medicine for your heart without stopping to consider what effect it might have on .the liver. Even to this good day cough and cold medi­ cines invariably bind the bowels. This is wrong. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup with Honey and Tar acts on the bowels --drives out the oold--clears the head, relieves all coughs, cleanses and usiiaiiM* throat, chest, lungs and bronchial tubes. Sold by N. H. Petesch, J. A. Story, Mc­ Henry; G. W Besley, W. McHenry. The Huntley Journal last week said that "now that the automobile season has opened and the 'devil wagons' are again spreading terror through the country, the general public should be on their guard against accident and im­ position from reckless drivers. Some of our farmers have determined to protect tbe lives of themselves and their fami- lias at all hazards and have armed them- se'ves with revolvers, which they pro­ pose to use in case of emergency. And they will be perfectly justified in doing it." lit CONTINUE " Those who are training fleah and strength by regular treat­ ment with Scott's Emulsion •hould continue the treatment ,n i?°\ weather; smaller dose and a little cool milk with It will away with any objection whlcn Is attached to fatty pro­ d u c t s d u r i n g t h e h e a t e d season. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and £1.00} all druggist*. Have von Dyspepsia, Indigestion ? If to-day you suffer from impaired di­ gestion, sluggish liver or impure blood, and you were told of a preparation which would cure yon at small coet, would you try the remedy? There is a medicine--Green's August Flower. Go to your druggist's and buy a test bottle for 25 cents, or a regular size for 75 cents. If you have used all dyspepsia remdies without satisfaction, or if yon have never use any preparation for these distressing affections; if you have head ache, biliousness, loss of appetite, sleep­ lessness, nervousness, or any disorder of the stomach or liver, cure yourself quickly by using the infallible August blower. It is not an alcoholic stim­ ulant, but quite harmless for general use. Get 4 copy of Green's Prize Al­ manac. For sale by all druggists. New Home* In the West. Over a million acres of land will be thrown open to settlement on tbe Sho­ shone Indian Reservation August 15, 1906. These lands are reached by the direct route of the Chicago & North­ western R'y from Chicago, 8t. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha and other points in the Mississippi Valley. Send 2c in stamps for pamphlets, maps and fall particulars to W. B. Kniskern, P. T. M., C. A N. W. R'y Co., Chicago. iH6 Unknown Friends. There are many people who have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea Remedy with splendid results, but who are unknown because they have hesitated about giving a testimon ial of their experience for publication. These people, however, are none the less friends of this remedy. They haye done much toward making it a house­ hold word by their personal recom­ mendation to friends and neighbors. It is a good medicine to have in the borne and is widely known for its cures of diarrhoea and all forms of bowel troub­ le. For sale by G. W. Besley. Are yon square with us? If BO what is ths reason? [Th# Plalndealer does not hold Itself respon­ sible for tbe opinions expressed in : col­ umn,--ED.1 SEE HERE, BOYS! I* J. George Frederick. • An engine never gets to Boston if it is beaded for Chicago, does it, boys? If it wants to go somewhere, it must head that way, mustn't it? Well, I want to know which way ev­ ery one of you boys is headed. You're going somewhere--everybody is going somewhere. General Grant was head­ ed for the "army when he was young, and Columbns was headed for America when he was a boy studying geography. He looked ahead and he set bis eyes on where he wanted to go, and he just went there, even though people laughed at him and called him cra*y. Every boy ought to be headed some­ where. He ought to be going there with all the steam turned on and all the wheels moving. I don't mean that he ought to know what trade or busi­ ness he is going to take np. Maybe he'B too young to do that, though it won't hurt him to think about it and see what he likes best. But what [ mean is, that you ought to know what kind of man you're going to be. DQ you want to be strong? Do you want to know a whole lot? Do you want to have people re­ spect you? Do you want to try to make the world a better place to live in? Do you want to have nice things, a good job, and be healthy? Or, do you want people to call you a "duffer" and a "loafer," and have only street bums for friends, and no money, and a job only at shoveling dirt, or hard work in a factory? Do you want to haVe weak muscles, have a terrible tem­ per, sick often? Quick, now, decide! A fellow must be going in one of these directions, even though he doesn't know it Which way are you going? Are you going the right way? If a boy- lies and steals sometimes; if he swears and smokes and does not like to study or work, and always gets out of it jjnd loafs with the fellows at tbe corner, and takes something strong to drink sometimes--why, then bis engine is running on the rough track that leads to the place where he will fall off and wreck himself. If your engine is going that way, even a little bit, get her on the turn-table--that's a bad road to travel! Eve- ybody steers clear of that sort of boy. He never does any good to the world, and he does not like himself aft­ er awhile. If he swears, people don't like to have him aroand. If lie lies, business men can't use him, because they never know whether be tells the truth or not, and they ean't depend on him. If he steals, why, then it is all up with him if he keep* on--his engine is off the track and he can't go ahead at all, except into the ditch. If he drinks anything with alcohol in it, his "heart, his stomach, his muscles and his brain get weaker and weaker, nntil finally be hasn't any steam left, and the engine stops right wbere it is and rusts and falls to pieces. And if he smokes cigar- ets, he will fade away like a flower when it has no water. Get headed in the right direction, strengthens tbe mucous membranes of . j^y*! Learn what fnn ifc i8 to do a job r . . Jj.'f .» JL_ : right,.and to be regular in your habits. A fellow feels muc# better when he quits doing those things that he knows* aren't whac he ought to do.' And then there are other things a boy onght to get headed for, too. He ought to learn how to control himself, so that he doesn't want to fight every .time peo­ ple look at him the wrong way. He ought to learn to think of other people, and not always be wanting everything for himself. And he ought to learn not to think nasty things as well as not to say them, Then hell be the true kind of a gentleman, who has respect for what other people say and think and whom everybody cannot help liking. Stop now and think! Are you boys headed in the right direction? Get to work, if yon are not and tnrn your energies aroand and don't forget it. 1 am looking for boys that are strong and true. Boys that have courage to dare and do. Does that mean you? and you? and you? I am looking for girls that are strong and true. Girls that have courage to dare and do. Does that mean you? and you? and you? Yes, here are the boys that are full of glee, And the girls with hearts that are glad and Who will say to all evil, "Let me be!" Yes, that means yon, and yon, and me. Following the Flag. When onr soldiers went to Cuba and tbe Philippines, health was tbe most important consideration. Willis T. Mor­ gan, retired Commissary 8ergeant U. S. A., of Rnral Route 1, Concord, N. H., says; "I was two years in Cuba and two years in the Philippines, and being sub­ ject to oolds, I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which kept me in perfect health. And now in New Hampshire, we find it tbe best medicine in the world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and all lung diseases. Guaran­ teed st N. H. Petesch's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, W. McHenry, druggists Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Very Low Bates to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Via the North-Western Line, will be in effect from all stations, July 10 to 15, inclusive, with favorable retnrn limits, on account Grand Lodge B, P. O E. Two fast trains through to Colo­ rado daily, only one night. For full in­ formation apply to agents Chicago & North* Western R'y. July 16 Death from Lockjaw never follows an injury dressed with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Its antiseptic and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Chas, Oswald, merchant, of Rensselaersville, N. Y., writes:"It cured Seth Burch of this place of tbe ugliest sore on his neck I ever saw." Cures Cuts Wounds, Burns and Sores. 25c at N. H. Petesch'B, McHenry; G. W. Besley's, Want Column. All advertisement* lnmM nndilr thlm head at the insertion; 15 cents for e->.ch snbseqwent Insertion. More than (1^ lines, 6 cents > line for first Insertion, and Scent* a line for additional insertions. l?OB RENT--8 to lOacrex of land near the * stand pipe, on west side. Inquire at 44 Bank of McHenry. tXT ANTED--Gentleman or lady with good '" reference, to travel by rail or with a rig, for a firm of 1250,000.00 capital. Salary $1,072.00 per year and expenses; salary paid weekly and expenses advanced. Address, »ith stamp, 4»-tf Jos. A, ALEXANDER, McHenry, III. T OST-Somewhere between the Wilbur Lum- U ber Company's yards and my home, on Waukegau street, a pair of glasses In case. Finder will please return same to 0HA8. NLCKJTBS, 49-tf - At Wilbur Lumber Oo.'s office. "C^OR SALE CHEAP--Four show cases In A good condition. For further information apply at G. W. Besley's West Side Drug Store Additional Personal. Harry Bacon of Chicago spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. H. Zimmerman spent a few days Hds week with his family in Chicago. Miss Celia Miller of Kenosha, Wis., is visiting relatives in McHenry and vicinity. Mrs. C. B. Curtis of Elgin spent a few days this week with McHeniry relatives and friends. Mrs. Harry Bacon of Chicago spent several days of this week with her parents here. - Miss Mary Blackman of Chicago spent a few days this week at the home of Mrs. Geo. Schreiner. Miss Mabelle Wheeler of Chicago visited her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. E S Wheeler, a few days the first of the week. Mrs. W. G. McClintock of Chicago was a gueet at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Wells several days the pa t Week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rothermel and children of "Chicago attended the Schrei ner-Rothermel wedding heie Tuesday. Mrs. D. Curley and daughter, Anna, and Miss Kathryn Frisby of 8ioux Falls, S. D., are visiting relatives and friends this week. Messrs. and Mesdames Joseph and Peter Schreiner of Chicago were In at­ tendance at the Schreiner-Rothermel wedding Tuesday. Messrs. T. Johnson. T. Larson, Fred and Philip Breyer and families of Chi­ cago were at Oak Glen camp, on tbe north-shore of McCollum's lake, Satur­ day and Sunday. Miss Julia Beal, a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Beal, has recently come from New York City to visit her par­ ents. Miss Beal is a deaconess and Bi­ ble instructor in the New York Deacon­ ess Training school. She expects to spend the greater part of her vacation in McHenry. Protect Proprietary Medicine*. Did it ever occur to you that proprie­ tary medicines are a blessing to man­ kind generally? Tbe good ones have long continued sale; the poor ones have short life and soon leave the market. If we had to depend entirely npon phy­ sicians and druggists it would be expen­ sive and very inconvenient at times, es> pecially in the country and at night when neither could be conveniently reached. For nearly forty years Bo- schee's German Syrup has been nsed in many families, and thousands of lives of adults and children have been saved by its use, when it was impossible to reach a physician. German Syrup is the best household remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung trouble. It quickly re­ lieves the hacking cough, loosens the phlegm, and brings sound and refresh­ ing sleep. Twenty-five aud seventy-five cents. Get a copy of Green's Prize Al­ manac. For sale by all drnggists. Very Low Kxcursion Rates to Portland, Tacwma, Seattle and other North Paelflc and British Columbia Points, Via the North-Western Line, will be in effeot from all stations June 18 to 22, in­ clusive, with favorable return limits, on account of Hotel Men's Mutual Benefit Association, to be held at Portland, Ore. Fast trains through to the Coast daily. "The Overland Limited," electric light­ ed througont, less than three days from Chicago to Portland. Another fast daily train is "The Chicago Portland Special," with drawing room and tour­ ist sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars. For itineraries and full information apply to agents Chica­ go & North-Western Ry. June 92 An Alarming Situation frequently results from neglect of clog­ ged bowels and torpid liver, until con­ stipation becomes chronic. This condi­ tion is nnknown to those who use Dr. King's New Life Pills; the best and gentlest regulators of 8tomach and Bowels. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, McHenry, G. W. Besley, W, Moijpnry, drnggists. Price 25c. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Patrick M. O'Neill, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administratrix with Will Annexed of the Estate of Patrick M. O'Neill, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illi­ nois, hereby gives notice that she will ap­ pear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock, at the August Term, on the first Monday in Au­ gust next, at which time alt persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All uersons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 2&th day of May. A. D. 1900. Mas. MART POWIBS, 4£-3t Administratrix with Will Annexed. The Very Best Remedy for Bowel Trouble Mr. M. F. Borroughs, an old and well known resident of Bluff ton, lnd., says: "I regard Chamberlain's Qplfc. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy aPtbe very best retuedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having nsed it in my family for several years. 1 am never without it." For sale by O. W. Besley. Pike's Peak Centennial Celebration. DKNVER, May 18.--The passenger de­ partment of the Chicago & North­ western railway announces that the rate to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, in September, on tbe occasion of the centennial celebration of the dis­ covery of Pike's Peak, will be $25.00 round trip from Chicago. The lines east Of Chicago will probably announce a correspondingly low rate from all x % t , r * r • \ * t /' StMPHK ' invites attention .to «T very elegant line of i X >rarm weather Dress Stuff at reduced prices It will be a pleasure to show you the line.,. Underwear, Shoes and all other necessities^ 1 v We' also quiie fomplete and, await your " coming. Bring your eggs a| highest mar-!,; pricey, \ , t*. •sO"*". - 1 V- / *Johrv Is v, - >T \ * t/jr- <^3 1 ^ V i Drugs Drugs * * i' . s, -I' i v ' , « . . ^ 8 ^ ' «u* * - Everything in the Drug line can be found h&re, with every thing new and up-to-date. Our display of Brushes, Toilet Articles,'Perfumes, etc., 4s unsurpassable and we invite you to stop in and see us. We are also serving some of the most de­ licious Ice Cream to be found in the county. BRIAOAIIAFLIMMMMLMT TOOTH, BRUSHES flAIR BRUSHES N. P. Petesch, Druggist. Fotmtahr '. • ^ Hot Water Bottles FRUITS! GROCERIES! VEGETABLES! S We carry a complete line of frestf Fruits and Vegetables ia their season and invite the buying public to inspect the display. At tbe same time we can fill your Grocery wants from a high-grade stock consisting of a most oomplete assortment of everything carried in an up-to date grooery store knd at prices that will be found right, quality considered. | JOHN SIOfFEL, ^ S WEST McHENRY it I P H I L I P J A E G E R | GENERAL COilMISSION MERCHANT , SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Hreased Beet, ftutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This to the oldest house on the street Tags and prioe lists furnished on aDBlfcoatton. . -»* », £OLI) STORAGE FRf" I iil st- CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. | ------ Jos. H. huemann f Johnsburgb Illinois. the McVi ker Gasoline . Engine, Duplex Of rinding Mills, Bock Island Pit vs. Wagons, Carriages, Buggu »•, Wind Mills, ^ •{ Well Supplies, Harness Oil, i Paint Oil and Machine OU a Specialty. rrHkti utitoia* M Wntol l am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Bulld- 1KTC« and shoald they be struck by lightning we pay damages If no more than £500. Call and get full particulars. i -Geierif Btocksoltllti Prices iiwiys Reuotfele a lutooaiuitoii v>uciciy til wuaiAttSSfi Cdfdl DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCUL1HT Office and residence corner Elm Green streets. McHenry. Telephone No. FEGER8 & FEUEES pHYSICIANH AND SURGEONS, McHenry *• III. Office at Residence, corn^Oourtand Elm streets. Telephone 333, ,. J. . , ; . v v D . T . S A TTOKNEY It LAW. Woodstock, IHinott All business Intrusted to his care will be properly aud promptly attended to. W. F. STONE, 13. r>. s (Successor to Dr. F. C. Ross.) rste,. Office Hoursfrom 9 a. m. until 5: * p. in. A1M> open evenings, McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Office and Residence over Petesch's Drug Store. Telephone No. 274. DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST. , ' * OWtee and Residence over Pi. J. Walslt'f &tp(e Hours: 8:oo to 5:30* WEST MCH ENHY. I LI« ' ' ' .4' Geo. tieneral Teaming • ' :of all kinds. .. Excavating and Grading. flcHENRY w i»,t R |LI Telephone No.a93. ^ . SIMON STOFFEL , Insurance Agent for all classes of ijproperty in the best Companies. >. West McHenry. Illinois BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARD House and Sign Paint iiifj and all Interior TH>c- orating. liesideuce north town line one 1>IOCK west, of river. Telephone No. 1: it • mi • . R. H. OWEN lilK j Pianos for sale and rent. Tuning and repair . Ing at reasonable prices.. Flrst class Worb only. • McHENRY. JLMNipil; vJoh f-xJ. Vycitail HEALER IN GenereJ Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Tel. Main 1714, WHY do people of Mc­ Henry, Lake,) o tlier coui drop in at Lambert Q. Seng's, OS Fifth Aye., CHICAdOf Because It Is so homelike. mm K I L L t h e C O U C H AND CURE THE L U N G S w,ih DrTKEg's New iisnsvery FOR C ONSUMFTEflN Price OUGriSand 50c &$ 1.00 OLDS Fret Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. PATENTS Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED, to VKAKS" KXPCMIENCE. Our CHARGES A*K THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for expert search and free report on patentability. INFRINGEMENT suits conducted before All 'courts. Ffctenta obtained through us, AOVER» VISED and SOLD, free. TRADE-MARKS, PEN. A IONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U, 8. Patent Office, WA8HINOTON, D. C. HOLLISTER'S 3ocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioiao for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. e-vociflc for Constipation, Indigestion, litre KMrti'y Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Inipur# d. Bail Breath, Sluucish Dowels, Headacha •*felokache. It's Rooky Mountain Tea in lab* sorm, 35 cents a box. Genuine madu by .:,!£TER PRCO COMPANV, Madison, Wis. NU68ETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE ORIGINAL 'LAXATIVE HONEY An improvement over all Cough. Long and Bronchial Remedies Cures Coughs, Strengthens th« Longs, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste fl^d goo4 alike for Young and Old. tMffunl 11 riNEOLE MEDICINE CO.. CUca*. U.M* Sold by N. H. PETESCH, JULIA A. ^^^MCHENRYJ Q. W. BES LEY, •" j'En " ,v ' ' ; 1 •*? 'I 'W «xr.T^:

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