<£' -^.ff X~'W ^ n •^.•^••••^H^; &R*; • • -- - - • * " ' " i ^ d L l -- -- 2 -- - J _ ^ -- ± : : -- - -- ; -- _ . _ " ' . . . . ^ k : , i v - < There are four verses. Verse 1. Ayer's Hair Vigorstops falling hair. Verse 2. Ayer s Hair Vigor makes the hav grow. Verse 3. Ayer's H ir Vigor cures 4andruff. Verse 4. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes tne scalp healthy, and rceps it so. It is a regular hair food; this is the real secret of Its. won derful success. The best kind of a testimonial-- "Sold for over sixty years." Si*DE SyiT- C. Ayer Po., Lowell, MRSB, il»6 »ttauf»cturcrs of J SARSAPABLLA. PILLS. CHER 2Y PECTORAL. yers pe HcHenry Plaindefller 7PUBLISHEI> fTvKRV THURSDAY BY ik McHEfiRY PlAWDfAtfR (OMPAHY. W. A. CUISTV. L. T. HOY, Vice Pres. Secretary. JAMES B. PERRY. , President and General Manager, i ! F. G. SCHRBINKR, Editor. . „ Office In Bank Building. Telephone. No. Jfrt!. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year .$1.50 9tx months, "5cts. Three months. 40cts. »/: Thursday, June ai, 1906. TW^CTT.U. 1 PRESS DEPARTMENT: i [The Plaindealer does not hold itself respon sible for the opinions expressed in this col umn.-- ED.1 shall be lost, and only the evil she hss done shall remain to handicap the girt of tomorrow. WHEN TfTK BARS ARK GONE. *V », % THE DIFFERENCE. They were not even of the same na tionality, they lived far apart and in a different age--centuries lay between them--but both girls were young, fair and beautiful. So charming and fasci nating were they that each wore the royal favor that bronght whatever eith er desired, even to the half of the king dom. Each helped to shape the destiny of a nation, and left a lasting impress that will influence the world for all time- Each girl's story is recorded in \ tile same book, but here the likeness / ends, for the girls were so different! One girl was thoughtful for others til the little things of everyday life and avowed consideration, not only for her ancle, but for the servants about her . when she was taken to a palace to live. She was a favorite in the home, as well as with the king. She felt it so iinpor. tant that her influence should be felt for good that at one time she fasted and prayed for three days ere she went be fore the king. Religion made the in describable charm of young girlhood a blessing to her race, and the name of Esther is one that for twenty-five hun dred years has inspired other girls to a nobler womanhood. The other was a society girl, familiar ifith court ceremonial, and altogether <&arming in her way. True, she was frivolous and did not think much, but preferred to let others do her thinking lor her. Of course she was a graceful dancer. The tatal grace of this accom plishment compassed the death, of a good man. Her evil influence has been lasting, but her personality was evan ••cent. The evil she did is recorded in history, but her name has long been forgotten. In her, the indefinable charm of her sex became a curse. / It was not a difference of charm in tiie two girls, but in the transformation Isf that charm to a supreme end which we call influence. There is not a girl •• plain as to be without charm that may be transmuted into influence, an . influence which is ever widening, never ; fading, transforming not only iudivid- nal lives about her, but society, and shaping the destiny of the nation, s Changes in custom have benefited her f «ex since those two girls won royal fa- vor, but the half of a kingdom yet •waits her. Co-education is in its ex • perimental stage, social equality a name ^ <*.' only; business opportunity, but a vent Pare; and political freedom just dawn ing. The influence the Girl of Today % exerts will determine whether these re " ^ forms shall live or die. The use she «•' luuakes of public favor will decide wheth •> or the things sought for herself and the girls who follow her shall survive or ; perish. | Does her presence inspire a greater regard for womanhood, a desire for cleanliness of life, higher ideals of pur ity, a nobler moral uplift? Then her influence is a vital force working for good. She has won her half of the kingdom, and her name will go down in history with Esther's as having met « crucial time and proved equal to it Does she embrace the new opportuni ties that are hers and accept the larger liberty for selfish, heartless purposes, lowering womanly ideals to gratify thoughtless vanity, inspiring evil rather fchan good? Then her power is deca deut. and. like that?other girl, her name "I've been thinking. I've been thinking. What a time is coming on. What a wondrous transformation. When the liquor bars are gone,- There'll be such tremendous chitDgf* II. is hard to calculate All the glory and the greatness That shall benefit the state. - When the poorhouses are And asylums are but few, , »< * •/.< When .1 lot. of grim officials ' Find there's little left to do: a r Grateful hearts and Joyous voictfe s Will acclaim tj»e happy morn. : Though the brewers and distitleta > May look doleful and forlorn. There are heaps of rags and tatters Which would sink a dozen ships, _ Loads of broken chairs and tablf Only Ht to burn as chips; Bruised limbs and pallia faces. Foulest, deed and meanest cri< All to clear out from the nation In the coming better time. Busier will be the nation then. Trade and commerce booming When the wealth on drink now wasted Gives more work for many men. Not a loom or workshop idle. Not a counter bare or still- Work for all and wages plenty. Larger faith and more good will. What a clearing, what a cheering,- From the East to the West. When the father's frown has vanished And his children are well dressed: When the mother's cheeks are roses. And her voice rings with delight. As she greets her sober husband To his home so neat and bright.' When her heart is happy t hinking. Of her boy so pure and sweet, When no law-protected net • * '. ' / Is spread abroad to catch his feet. Whew the weak may walk in safety-- -j. Safe and feariess as the strong. " . *7 When no selfish man is licensed . Thus to do his neighbor wrong. , Rally, Christian men and women! : We shall conquer in this fight. . • ! v Prejudice and greed and habit 'i. Cannot check the march of right. • ^ For the--people's voice has thundered . That the drinking dens must go! They are. out. in line of battle, y*'" ' - -• For their final overthrow. "• Htfc Ton Uyipr|M*l»i ItidlJlfillrtliif If to-day you suffer froth impaired di gestion, sluggish liver or impure blood, and you were told of a preparation which would cure yon at son ill cost, would you try the remedy? there is a medicine--Green's August Flower. Go to your druggist's and buy a test bottle for 25 cents, or a regular size for 75 cents. If yon have used all dyspepsia remdies without satisfaction, or if you have never use any preparation for these distressing affections; if you have head ache, biliousnw. 'n^s of appetite, sleep lessness, nervoubii«ss, or any disorder of the stomach or liver, cure yourself quickly by using the infallible August Flower. It is not an alcoholic stim ulant, but quite harmless for general use. Get a copy of Green's Price Al manac. For sale by all druggists. 1 Low Kates to San Francisco and Lo* As geles. Via the North-Western Line. An ex cursion rate of oue first class limited fare, plus $2.00, for round trip, will be in effect from all stations June 25 to July 7, inclusive, with favorable return limits. Three fast trains through to California daily. "The Overland Limit ed," electric lighted throughout, lees than three days to San Francisco. ' 'The Los Angeles Limited," electric lighted throughout, via the new Salt Lake ronte to Los Angeles, with drawing room and tourist sleeping cars. Another fast daily train is "The China & Japan Fast Mail'* with drawing room and tourist sleeping cars to San Francisco and Los Angeles. For itineraries and full in formation apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Jul 7 mMMRMIIM Mother's Ear * womo im Momira BMI wmkm *um<«a immimr, am a tit rum MONTH* THAT COM* m*fOmm THAT r$mm, SCOTT'S EMULSION •umies TMK mxTfut BTR&ngth MTO *OU»«HM»r ao HMCtssAmr mom *AL™ om so™ MOT HEM AMD GHILO. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemfcU. 409*41$ Pearl St reet, j Sum Yotfc. jot Mfl $1.00 i iU druggisUt Protect Proprietary Medicine*. Did it ever occur to yon that proprie tary medicines are a blessing to man kind generally? The good ones have long continued sale; the poor ones have short life and soon leave the market. If we had to depend entirely upon phy sicians and druggists it would be expen sive and very inconvenient at times, es pecially in the country and at night when neither could be conveniently reached. For nearly forty years Bo- schee's German Syrup has been used in many families, and thousands of lives of adults and children have been saved by its use, when it was impossible to reach a physician. German Syrup is the best household remedy fpr coughs, colds, throat and lung trouble. It quickly re lieves the hacking cough, loosens the phlegm, and brings sonnd and refresh ing deep. Twenty-five and seventy-five cents. Get a copy of Green's Prize Al manac. For sale by all druggists. Very Low Excursion Rates to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and other North Pacific and British Colombia Points, Via the North-Western Line, will be in effect from all stations June 18 to 22, in elusive, with favorable return limits, on account of Hotel Men's Mutual Benefit Association, to be held at Portland, Ore. Fast trains through to the Coast daily. "The Overland Limited," electric light ed througout, less than three days from Chicago to Portland. Another fast daily train is "The Chicago Portland Special," with drawing room and tour ist sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars. For itineraries and full information apply to agents Chica go & North-Western Ry. Jnne 22 Following the Flag. When our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippines, health was the most important consideration. Willis T. Mor gan, retired Commissary Sergeant U. 8. A., of Rural Route 1, Concord. N. H., says: "I was two years in Cuba and two years in the Philippines, and being sub ject to colds, I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which kept me in perfect health. And now in New Hampshire, we find it the best medicine in the world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and all lung diseases. Guaran teed »t N. H, Petesch's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, W. McHenry, drnggists Price 50c and •l.QO. Trial bottle free. Very Low Rales to Denver, Colorado Sprtugs and Pueblo, Via the North-Western Line, will be I in effect from all stations, July 10 to inclusive, with favorable return limits, on account Grand Lodge B. P. <> E. Two fast trains through to Colo rado daily, only one night. For full in formation apply to agents Chicago & North western R'y. July 15 Why not get in line? Yes, it is a special--a very special--rate. $1.56 for this paper and The Weekly inter Ocean for one full year. Don't let it get away frojn yon. . • ' Xt Is related by Professor Bell that when a friend of his was traveling abroad be one morning took ont his purse to see if it contained sufficient change for a day's jaunt he Intended making. He departed from his lodg ings, leaving a trusted dog behind. When he dined he took out his purse to pay and found be had lost a gold coin from it On returning home in the evening his servant informed him that the dog seemed very ill, as they could not induce him to eat anything. He went at once to his favorite, and as soon as he entered the room the faith ful creature ran to htm, deposited the gold coin at his feet and then devoured the food placed for him with great eagerness. The truth was that the gentleman had dropped the coin in the morning. The dog had picked It up and kept It In his mouth, fearing even to eat lest he should lose his master's property before an opportunity was af forded him to restore it--Chambers' Journal. •- • Orlgta mt CMiMnt Bresi, The origin of the Viennese bread shaped like a crescent, which is found In most places on ike continent, dates back to the time when the Austrian capital was being besieged by the Turks under the terrible Grand Vizier Kara Mustapha, and as they failed to take the dty by assault they decided to dig a passage under the walls and so penetrate into the town. In the day time the noise of the siege made the sound of the tunneling inaudible, and at nighttime the defenders of the place wewT asleep, all but the sentries and tiie bakers. It was the bakers who, as they baked the bread for the, garrison, heard the pickaxes of the miners coming nearer and nearer and gave the alarm. In the fighting the Bakers' association took their share with the utmost bravery, and as a re ward for their services the emperor gave them permission to make a spe cial cake shaped like the Turkish cres- cent.--London /Sketch. One* • Neat of Pirate*. Lnndy, in the Bristol channel, Is an Island where one may see an earth quake at . any time. There is nothing alarming about these "earthquakes," however. They are simply certain cu rious crevasses in the west of the Is land, which the local people call by that name. Lundy In former centuries was a notorious nest of pirates. In King Henry III.'s time William de Marisco, a traitor to the king, built a castle there and set up as an early. Captain Kldd. And so It went on through the centuries nntil In the mid dle of the eighteenth Thomas Benson, a Barnstable merchant, who was then lessee of the Island, was convicted of piracy and smuggling and expelled. He had a contract for carrying con victs to the American colonies and used quietly to land them on Lundy and use their labor there. The Kim* Ik the Calendar. The figure 9, which came into the calendar on Jan. 1, 1889, will stay with us 111 years from that date, or until Dec. 31,1999. No other figure has ever had such a long consecutive run, and tiie 9 Itself has only once before been In a race which lasted over a century-- that In which It continuously figured from Jan. 1, 889, until Dec. 31, 999, a period of 111 years. The figures 3 and 7 occasionally fail into odd combina tions, but neither of them has ever yet served for a longer period than 100 consecutive years In our calendar since the present mode of calculating time was established. It la also clear that from their relative positions among the numerals It Is an Impossibility for either of them to appear in date reck onings continuously for a longer period than a century SUIMM METHODS. Great numbers of vast fortunes In this country have been and are being built up on the very ignorance of the masses in regard to business methods. The schemers bank on it that It Is easy to swindle people who do not know how to protect their property. They thrive on the Ignorance of their fellows. They know that a shrewd ad vertisement, a cunningly worded cir cular, a hypnotic appeal, will bring the hard earnings of these unsuspect ing people out of hiding places into their own coffers.- Success Magazine. ItovMllasM Im SysMk. Do not drift into careless habits of speech. Slang, which is slovenliness in speech, is as contemptible as slovenli ness in dress. Many people use slang because they are too lazy to think of proper, forms for the expression of thought The clothing of ear minds certainly ought to be regarded before that of our bodies. • Stole. "I had expected there would be a great splurge at Miss Fawtyfore's wed ding, but it seems to have passed off quietly." "Oh, yes. The young man submitted to the operation without a murmur."-- Chicago Tribune. Srcsklsg it Omtlr, Mr. De Club--My dear, a great Ger man physician says women require more sleep than men. Mrs. De C.-- Does he? Mr. De C.--Yes, my dear-- um--er--you'd better not wait up for me tonight Insurance Superintendent (suspicious ly)--How did your husband happen to die so soon after getting Insured for a large amount? Widow--He worked himself to death trying to pay the pre mluma. Want Column. All MtnrtiiNuiiiti inserted under this head at the following rates: Five lines or insertion j U oentn for etch More thm five lines, ft cent* a I *"'1 3 rents a line for additional Inserttoas. tea unaer tms bam a* we or less. 16 osate Mr SMt iach Hiibseqneat insertkw. 1 a line for aw» iaaeittea. XjMJR SALE--400 Dollar Pianos forfCBQ. A quire at Evanson's Little Store. In CV)H SALE--Our home on the hill. Inquire -1- of John Evanson. TXT ANTED--^Two young gray squirrels. For * * further Information apply at this ofBce. MO4S PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] SEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS A. L. Howe and w to Nic Delgenio, lots 2% and 29, Orchard Beach, McHenry flSO. Geo. B. Hanly et al to McHenry Canning Co., pt It 18 of seM sec 27 and It 5, Banly's Out Lots, McHenry ft&c. MARRIAGE LICENSES. George G. Graves, 28 Woodstock Anna F. Kaiser, 19 ..,,,.. . Woodstock Michael Rabbitt, 36^.. .Chicago Anna Breen, 81 ............ ..... .Nunda James Herman, 28 X-.1........Chicago Mary Dnsek, 26 ......Crystal Lake Clarence J. Fillweber, 22;.....Sfarengo Bertha Mackey, 22..., James B. Jenning, 21... Sadie Martin, 82. . #^.> Ben Hawver, 85.. .... * Nell 01brieht*8...'£^: Frank Hogrefe, 36..,. Alice Thompson, 26. .'.. Henry Wenke. 25 . Louisa Hoeft, 21.. . -.' AlfredO. H^ok, 29 >.., Catherine M. Arps, 80.., Burton A. Anderson. 85. "4 .Genoa ,.. .Richmond .. .Richmond ;-.. .Cheinun .... Harva Elgin ..Woodstock . ..Algonquin ...Algonquin ......Chicago .Cary . . . W o o d s t o c k One way to gain lots of relatives la to die rich and leave no will.--Balti more Sun. Bore Muscle*. Prominent athletes thioachMt the country find that the best treatment for sore muscles after severe exercise or hard work of any kind is a hot bath at bed time, which opens the pores. This should immediately be followed with an application of Chamberlain'sPain Balm vigorously rubbed into the skin. This liniment removes all stiffness and sore ness and has become a favorite rub down, as it acts promptly and keeps the muscles in excellent ooodition. For sale by G. W. Besley. V 'SW . Clara Knutson, 27 Woodstock Henry Oerkfitz, 25.. Algonquin Alfrieda Broederdorf, 18 ... .Algonquin Wm. John Amann, 26. .Fremont Center Mary Julia Freund, 88 McHenry Clenni Jasper Haven. ..Neillsville, Wis. Julia Louisa Medlar Woodstock William Koltz, 27. .Woodstock Frieda Rtecka Baare, 88 Woodstock August Bloedorn, 26 Union Matilda Steinke, 18. Union John J. Diewald, 23. .Union Mamie Wahamacher, 81.... .... .Union Andrew R'Peck, 23 ....... Woodstock Edith Brand, 18...... Wauconda Marvin C. Davis, 2t........ .Woodstock Marjorie Miller, 20 .Genoa Jnnct., Wis Albert R. Goebel. 21. . Woodstock Louise Arnold. 18 Union Fi-ank Wm. Perkins, 27..... ..Belvidere Emma Wilson Patrick, 87 Marengo Cured of Bright'* Disease. Geo. A. Sherman, Lisbon Red Mills, Lawrence Co., N. Y., writes; "I had kidney disease for many years and had been treated by physicians for twelve years; had taken a well knOwn kidney medicine and other remedies that were recommended but got no relief nntil I began using Foley's Kidney Cure. The first half bottle relieved me apd four bottles have cured me of this terrible disease. Before I began taking Foley's Kidney Cure I had to make water about every fifteen minutes, day and night, and passed a brick-like substance and sometimes a slimy snbstanoe. I believe I would Jbave died if I had not taken Foley*8 Kidney Cure." G. W. Besley. f70.00 to the Pacific Coast and return from Chicago. Correspondingly Low Round Trip Rates from other Points, Via the phicago, Union Pacific & North- Western Line daily, Jnne 1 to Sept. 86. to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Port land, Seattle and Tacoma and othelr Pacific Coast points. Very low rates to Helena. Butte, Spokane. Ogden and Salt Litike City. Daily and personally conducted excursions in Pullman tourist sleeping cars to San Francisco, Los An geles and Portland, through without change. Double berth only $7.00 from Chicago and $5.75 from Omaha. Choice of routes. For rates, tickets, etc., ap ply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 50 alt Ang 11 Deadly Serpent Bites are as common in India as are stomach and liver disorders with us. For the lat ter however there is a sure remedy: Electric Bitters; the great restorative medicine, of which S. A. Brown of Ben- nettsville, S. C., says: "They restored my wife to perfect health, after years of suffering with Dyspepsia and a chron ically torpid ,liver." Electric Bitters cure chills and fever, malaria, bilious ness, lame back, kidney troubles and bladder diseases. Sold on guarantee by N. H. Petesch, McHenry; G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, 'dru'gists. Price 50o. Special Excursion Rates to Colorado* , Utah and the Black Hills* Via the North-Western Line. Begin ning June 1 excursion tickets will be sold daily to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Salt Lake City, Hot Springs, Dead wood, Lead and Custer, S. D., etc., good to return nntil Oct. 81. Specially low rates to these and other points, with favorable return limits, wlU be sold the first and third Tuesday of each month until Sept. 18, inclusive. A s ten* did opportunity is offered for an enjoy* able vacation trip. Several fine traim via the North-Western Line daily. Ap ply to agents Chicago Sc North-West ern R'y. 50 sit Ang 11 A .Thousand Dollars* Worth of Good. "I have been,4|fflioted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, passing grav el or stones with excruciating pain," says A. H. Thuruea, a well known ooal operator of Buffalo, O. "I got no re lief from medicine nntil I began taking Foley's Kidney Cure, then the result was surprising. A few doses started the brick-dust-like substance and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. It has done me $1000 worth of good." Foley's Kidney Cure will cure every form of kidney or bladder disease. G. W. full blaftt pposecutmg THE JUNE CLEARING SALE. YQU may know the reason why. It's a money getting necessity and your prompt response with further anticipated favors are deserving of highest commendation and praise. New items are daily added to this sale mak ing it both interesting and profitable to you. A new lot of Kirk's highly perfumed Toilet Soap, three-bar box , for 10c. Kirk's Cabinet Soap, 10 bars for 25c. Fresh Ginger Snaps. 5b. Fresh Brenmer Brand 15c Cakes, 10c. It will pay yon to come to the LITTLE STOKE. M Drugs Drugs Everything lift the Drug line can be found here, with everything new artd up-to-date. Our display of Brushes, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, etc., is unsurpassable and we invite you to stop in and see lis. We are also serving some of the most de licious Ice Cream to be found in the county. . w. TOOTH BRUSHES HAIR BRUSHES N. H. Petesch* Druggist. Fountain Syringes Hot Water Bottles ..Grocery Bargains.. We offer this and'next week some SPECIAL BARGAINS in high grade Grooeriee which i't will be to your benefit to take advantage of. Regular 20c Coffee, at per lb Regular 15c Coffee, at per lb Regular 40c Uncolored Japan Tea, at per lb Regular 35c Uncolored Japan Tea, at perlb... «**».:* ****» 6 bars Brag Soap for ' . • ifc = i advantage H- $is • a * . .John Stoffcl, West IHcfienry.. JljJNERAL COftMlSSlON MERCHANT | P H I L I P J A E G E R -f SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVSH TO VHCisALB O* Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides. Etc.'. Butter and Eggs This ia the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists COLO STORAGE FRBE on :* Stall 9 Wk*1 aDM8PK i a * Wholesale Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. • | , NoUeet To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are aslted to take particular notice to this affeet For bloating, belching, sour stomach, bad breath, malassimilatlon of food and all symptons of indigestion, Ring's Dys pepsia Tablets are a prompt and efficient corrective. Sold by N. H. Petesch, J. A. Story, MeBenry; G. W. Bsaley, W. McHenry. Jos. H. tiuemann is Johnsburgb Illinois. •ells the McVi-ker Gasolin^ • JSngine, Duplex (tilnding Milla^ -' v|lock lalan^ Plonrs, Wagons, - < Carriages, Buggbis Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil,' r' $>aint Oil and , Machine Oil a Specialty. tat* UWM M W«i j. am agent for the above. We jMXt the Rods on your Bulld- taro and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages If no more thau IBOO. Call and get fall particulars. tacril Elidtsaitttg Pikes ilwiys 1 Professional. Society V &nd Bvisirvesss Cards tkrl • DAVID G.WELLS, W-D. \ PHX«icianJ8URGEON AND OCULIST Orace and residence corrior Elin Green streets, McHenry. Telephone No. 311 . FEGERS & FEGERg ' ptiVB A N D SU UGEONS. McHenry 1>. T. 8MILEY ' :V; VTTOBNEY AT LAW, Woods*X*T liHbols All business Intrusted to bis care will be properly and prompt ly attended to. W. F. STONE. 1>. 1).S (Successor to l)r. F. C. Boss.) Office Hours from 9 a. m. until &80 D. m. Also open evenings. McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Office and Residence over Petesch's Drue Store. Telephone No. 274. DR. R. &. CHAMBERLIjr DENTIST. Office an«l Residence over PI. J. Walsh's Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. WHST JVIey^rs .•As,'". General Teaming ^ '•"> of all kinds. Excavatlrtg and Grading. flcHENRY - - - _ _ ILLINOIS Telephone No. >93. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies;- West McHenry, 111 FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 drill UPWARD House and Sifjn Painting iind alt Interior Dec orating. Residence north town line one blocic west of river. Telephone No.a>4. MCHENRY, , - : . ILLINOIS R. H. OWEN Pianos for sale undrent. Tuning and repair. Ing at reasonable prices. First class Work only. McHRNRY. ILLINOIS John J. Vyoital DEALER IN General Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma* chine repairing of ali kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. Tel. Main WHY do people of Mc Henry, Lake and other counties^ drop in at, Lambert Q. Seng's. VSt Fifth Ave., CHICAGO? Because it Is so home like. K I L L THS COUGH AND CUIV'E THE LUNGS wiTHirB King's New Obcovery forC CONSUMPTION GUCMS and /OLDS Price 60c 1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Cluiclccst Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. promptly obtained, or FEE RETURN CD. SO YKARS' EXPERIENCE. Our CHAROSS ARE THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for expert search anil tree report on patentability. INFRINGEMENT suits conducted before all courts. Patents obtained through us, APVER- TISED and SOLO, free. TRADE "MARKS, POH SIONS and COPVRICHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office. WASHINGTON, D. O. 1 HOLLISTCR'S 3ocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bti? v MscUeine for Busy People. Tarings Golden Hoalth and Renewed Vigor, "•eific for Constipation, Indigestion, Live CiJui'y Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impnr* I, Bad Breath. Shnrerish Bowels, Ht'adacM i •iickaclie. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in t;.o- vrm, 85 cents a box. Genuine rnade by :STEB Ditra COMPANY, Madison, Wis. TN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PE0TLE L,W ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY &02-TA.R An improvement over all Conglt, Lang and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens Lungs, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike fer Young and Old. ky riHEULE MEDICINE '* .""-ir." T 1, SoJd by N. H. PETiiisGH. JULIA A. STORY, McHenry; Q. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. . ' v „r . ... . f..* \ . '#r.» »,' • fifW-tiL.