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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1906, 5 000 5.pdf

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r.- ' • V • * • ' • 3 >THE WEST SIDE can be found, at all times, the finest of Jewelry, Organs, Pianos, Talking Machines, Sewing Machines, Sheet Music and in fact everything generally fonnd in a first-class jewel­ ry store. Our line of Wedding Gifts is unsurpassable and we invite you to inspect same before purchasing. Prices are always right. N. A. HUEMANN, West flcHenry, Illinois, r HOMES FOR THOUSANDS One and a quarter million acres to be Opened to settlement trn the SHOSHONE RESERVATION Dates of registration July 16th to 31st. EXCURSION RATES Low rates from all points, less than one fare for the round trip from Chicago, daily July 12th to 29th via *he only all rail route to Shoshoni, Wyo., the reservation border. W. B. KNISKERN, P. T. M., Chicago & Northwestern Ry., Chicago: Mease send to my address pamphlets, maps and infor­ mation concerning the opening of the Shaehone or Wind River reservation to settlement. <Cut out Mils Coupon) I Mont cTore Ossog\ie BELGIAN STALLION Color--Dark Bay; Height--18 Hands; Weight--2040 lbs.; Age--4 yrs. Will make the season of 1906 as follows: Tuesdays, at Smith's Corners; jjj 2 Thursdays, at Chas. Knaach's. Barreville; Friday, at Henry NicholFs * j* Voio; balance of week at barn of C. T. Eldredge. TERMS: _ For breed- 5 ii ing one mare, $18; two for $32; three for $45. For farther information jjj | apply at the barn or address the I McHenry Belgian Horse Co. I | McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 1 We have a fine line of Talking Machines and ask the pnblic to come in and see them. Onr line of Hammocks, Fishing Tackle and Jewelry is most complete and the prioes are right. opiiai coons. We have jnst received an elegant new line of Optical Goods, which we want yon to see. Call in at your convenience. LP. SMI f II, JEWELER McHENRY, ILLINOIS Chicago & North-western. Leave OhicaRo. 7.<V> a m... 8.45 » in...- l2.:to p in.. *1.00 p m.. 3.45 pm... 4.00 p m..w 4.57 t> m >Msy», 1908. WEEK DAT TBAIHS. NORTHBOCTND Via Elgin ..'....Via Pes Plaines .. .... Via Elgin Via Des 1'Iaiuec.. Via Des Plaines.. -- Via Elgin Via Des Plaines S? I^UNDAY TRAINS. »s itVla Des I'lalneS... Via Elgin Arrive McHenry. .....10.17 a m 10.17 am 2.50 p m ; 2.37 p m 4.46 p m 6.40 p m 8.40 p m 8.00am.v.. .» iVla Des Pialnes ....9.37am M.45 a nii W. vi Via Elgin 11.14 a m 9 10a m.....i$,Via Des Plaines........11.14 am S.02p m ... Via Elgin 4.65 pm - WKKK DAY TRAUra. MpHenrjr^ ' southbound, *7.12 a UK. k,.,' Vii* Des I'luines 8.35 a m 7.23a m.4........ .Via Elgin 10.10 a il 8.32a Via Des Plalues...... .0.35am 4.23 p m... .....Via Des Plaines.. ...--6.15 p m 4.33 p m Via Elgin.........*..7.10 p n 6 17pm .A Via Des Plalnas... 7.55 p m •Monday only. eUNDAT TRAINS. 7.23am.- Via Elgin.....;....10.» at»> 7.08 p jVla Des 1'laiuos 8.25 p m 7 4 8 D n i , V i a D e s H a i n e s » . 1 5 p n 7.48 pm .". VUKUrln. --lOJftpnr Something special! The Weekly In ter Ocean and this paper for $1.65 for ana saat. iik ns what itlDfiUi ****** Waukegan Day ICELEBRATION Wednesday* August 1 A magnificent Street Parade, Picnic, Games, Sports and General Entertainment. Something doing every minute. Come in time to see the parade. Waukegan Welcomes Everybody Waukegan will do her utmost to entertain all vis- x itors. Get in line, McSenry people, and have a good £ day's outing. . Prof. F. A. Lea^ch X Is the only Psychic Healer In this part of the • country. You can Bud thousands of excellent 1 ^ M a g n e t i c H e a l e r s a l l o v e r t h e c o u n t r y , but I y°u will find they have learned a system of § ,v *\ someone claiming to teach Magnetic Healing. X \ All they have Is a little hypnotism, and a ltt- v B & f e ? t i e m a s s a g e , a n d t h e y p a r a d e a r o u n d under the false title of Magnetic Heaters. People of that kind, parading the country, have made »t sard for a gifted healer. You will hear people say, he Is a hypnotist and a fake; he wears electric belts. Let me tell you how to find a truly gifted healer out. When he can sit down, take your hand, and tell every ache and pain and diseased part of the body, and the cause of it without you saying a word then, and then only, have you found a gifted healer. Prof. Leach will be pleased to diag­ nose free of charge, for any one wishing to call at his office. He will prove to you there are some things that cannot be learned from book study. ere are a certain class of people who think anything they do not understand must He a fake. Do not belong to that narrow-minded class; Just stop and consider--the knowledge of one person, to the knowledge of the world, is like a drop of *»t« to the ocean. If you cannot speak good of a person, do not speak of th«m * • and you will find your life will be happier. Send for Free Testimonial Booklet. Prof. Leaeh MaJtes CaJls In Any Part of tha'Stfeta. Office Hours--7 a. m. to 5 p. m., except Saturday afternoons and Sundays; 7 p. m. to 8 p. m., except Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Long Distance 'Phone In office and residence. PROP. F. A. LEACH i Office--The Spurling Building, Elgin, 111. Well-drilling a specialty. 'Phone 253. WM. BAOOISI Dealer In Windmills, Pipes. Pumps, Fittings, Weil Supplies. First-class work guaranteed at all times. McHENRY, ILL. prOba te news IMmnnnnmiiimTiirnt EWS I [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Wooastock. Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Jacob J. Kern and wife to Minnie Me Hie, lots, block 10. McHenry, w. of river -- • • i 8W 00 John Huemann and w. to Magdalena Bohr, Its. 4. 5 and 0, blk. 3 M. Kel- ter's sub-dlv. pt. blk. 12, McHenry, w side of riv «s 00 John Pint and w. to Calvin L. Ooates, pt. It. 5, Reynolds' ad., Ringwood.... 200 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. William R. Marshall, 25.... Monee, 111. Agnes M. Meyers, 21 .... . McHenry Charles Dorow, 81. Marengo Emma Secor, 18 Marengo John L Tramb, 28............ .Chicago Lillian F. Ott, 20. .Chicago Bowel Complaint In Children. Dnring the summer months children- are subject to disorders of the bowels which should receive carefnl attention as soon as the first nnnatnral looseness of the bowels appears. The best medi­ cine in nse for bowel complaints is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea Remedy as it promptly controls any nnnatnral looseness of the bowels, whether it be in a child or adult. For ule by G. W. Besley. Mrs. A. L. Young of Elm wood, Wis., and Mrs. L. S. Wheeler of Milwaukee viait.iwy thair hro^hwr f R ^ lw" 1 i • ,,0£'tv:;r'V 'Ss'; ' Additional Personal. E. Hunter attended to business to Chi­ cago Wednesday. A. C. Matthews attended to business in Chicago Wednesday. John Evanson was a business vifcitor in Chicago Wednesday. Miss Florence Howe is the guest of DeKalb, 111., friends this week. Mrs. J. Monroe Preston was a Chica­ go passenger Wednesday morning. Miss Marian Carter of New York City is a guest at the home of G. W. Besley. George Marilvail of Chicago is the guest of friends in McHenry this week. A. G. Eldredge of Algonquin spent Sunday at the home of his father here. Larry Bending of Chicago spent Sun­ day with McHenry relatives and friends. John Knox and John Gibbs were Chi­ cago visitors Thursday and Friday last. Leo Raymond of Elgin took in the dance at Stoffel's hall Saturday evening. Miss Mary Adams has returned from a two-weeks' visit with Chicago friends. Mesdames G. W. Besley and R. O. Lamphere and Miss Marian Carter spent Tuesday and Wedjoegdjiy with Wauke­ gan relatives. Dr. and Mrs. a H. Fegera returned last night from Keokuk, Iowa, where they have been guests of relatives dur­ ing the past three weeks. They were accompanied to McHenry by the for­ mer's mother, sister and niece, who will spend some time here. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS It has caused more langhs and dried more tears, wiped away diseases and driven away more fears than any other medicine in the world. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 86 oents, Tea or JXableto. G. W. TOUO. James Doyle was in the windy city recently. Wellie Moore was a Grayslake caller Saturday. Geo. Dryer was a McHenry caller Saturday. Arthar Frott of Chicago spent Sim- day at home. Neal Shultee of Waukegan spent Thursday here. Mrs. E. Gale of Elgin called on friends here over Sunday. Charles Dunnill is visiting his uncle in Chicago this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Sable were Mc­ Henry callers Saturday. Frank Henkle and family were Wau­ kegan visitors Saturday. Geo. Kuebler of Palatine spent Thurs­ day at John Richardson's. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Raught were McHenry callers Satarday. S. J. Russel and children were Wau­ kegan visitors Wednesday, Miss Mary Raught of Elgin spent Sunday with Raught Broe. John Kaiser of Crystal Lake trans­ acted business here Sunday. Bennie Rosing and friend of Chicago spent Snnday at John Rosing's. Charles, Edgar and Walter Parker were Wanconda callers Tuesday. „ Geo. Rosing and sister, Frances, of Round Lake were in town Sunday. Theo. Winkle and family of McHenry called at Chris Sable's Wednesday. Miss Eva Stoffel of McHenry visited her aunt, Mrs. Krafts, the past week. Mrs. Jennie Cossman and daughter, Merle, spent Sunday at Jagies Kirwan's. Mies Anna Miller visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Vanderboon at Ronnd Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Huson and daugh­ ter, Reba, were Wauconda callers Fri- d*yt Mrs. John Dowe and children of Ke­ nosha are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frost. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dillon of Wauke­ gan are visiting their son, Wm. Dillon, and family. Leslie Turnbull of Wauconda and Miss Maude Walton were McHenry callers Sunday afternoon. Miss Bessie Clongh of Wauconda spent the latter part of the week with her cousin, Helen Raymond. Mrs. L. Lusk and son, Raymond, and Miss Kate Dowell of Fremont spent Sunday at A. J. Raymond's. A gold medal contest will be held at the Volo M. E. church Friday, June 27, by the W. C. T. U. Everybody cordial­ ly invited. Miss Mary Stanford will have charge of the singing. The old time method of purging the system with Cathartics that tear, gripe, grind and break down the walls of the stomach and intestines is superseded by Dade's Little Liver Pills. They cleanse the liver, and instead of weakening, build up and strengthen the whole sys­ tem. Relieve headache, biliousness, constipation, etc. Sold by N. H. Pet esch, J. A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Bes­ ley, West McHenry. JOHNSBUMfL Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bonslett drove through here Sunday. Mrs. Matt Steffes is entertaining com­ pany from Aurora this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Nye are visiting with Dr. Nye for a few weeks. Mrs. Joseph Huemann visited Mrs. Henry Stiliing Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diethorn enter tained the former's brother Sunday. Barthel Simons of Chicago was a Sun­ day caller at the home of Jos. Michels Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weber of Spriug Grove were Johnsbnrgh callers Sunday, Miss Eva and Maggie Huemann spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Rena Mich els, Misses Anna Schaefer and Rena Michels were McHenry callers Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Huemann visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Huemann Sun­ day. Mrs. Adam jSchillo and Mrs. Weehoff of Chicago attended church here Sun­ day. The dance at Stephen H. Smith's hall was well attended and all report a good time. Mrs. Joe. Michels and Misses Dora and Julia Rothermel were McHenry callers Tuesday. Miss Jnlia Rothermel of Springfield is visiting friends and relatives for a few days here. Mrs. John Smith and. Mrs. Jacob Fr«und visited a few days at Milwaukee last week. Mr. and- Mrs. Math. Freund of Mc­ Henry were Sunday callers here and at­ tended the baseball game. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller of Volo were visiting at Stephen F. Smith's one day last week. Mrs. Susan Freund returned from Chicago last Thursday, after a week visit with her daughter, Mrs. Barbara Wolf. < RINGWOOD. Chas. Carr Chicagoed one day recent­ ly. Roy Kittle spent the past several days with relatives in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. B. Spaulding de parted Monday morning for a visit with Carl Fay and family. Willis Kittle and son, Roy, and Miss Mae Cristy spent Thursday with I Merchant at Barreville. Regular services at the Universalis church next Sunday. Preaching at 2:30 p. m., Sunday school at 1.30 p. m. Ev­ erybody invited. The Ladies' Aid society of Ringwood M. E. chnrch will hold an ioe cream social at the home of Clayton C. Har rison Friday evening, July 27. Every­ body invited. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey, Mr. and Mrs. John Nelt and family of Wilmot, Ed Brahen and sister, Miss Bridget, of Elgin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Carey and family here. Harden's orchestra of Elgin will fur­ nish the music for the dance at Stoffel's ^i^WiN-.ventaftAngptl. KMXBAKD' PARK. Miss Alice Sutton of Elgin spent Sun­ day at home here. Mrs. F. J. Ward spent Tuesday with Mrs. R. J. Sutton and family. Ed. Farrell of Chicago is spending a week's vacation at«R. J. Sutton's. Miss Margaret Aylward of Elgin visited at R. J. Sutton's Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibbs spent the latter part of the week at home here. Roy Day and Joseph Campbell are guests at the Cohan cottage this week. Wm. M. Burns is spending the week in the Park. Miss Margaret Sutton returned Satur­ day evening, after a pleasant visit in Chicago. The Mifeses Lillian, Emily and Anna Cohan are spending the week in Emer­ ald Park. W. K. Burns returned to the city Sunday, after spending two weeks at his cottage. D. W. Hill was out over Sunday. He says there are no fish in Fox river. I wonder why? Lawrence Bending and lady friend of Chicago were guests at the Bending cot­ tage Sunday. Messrs. Ed. Walsh, Jerry Farrell and Ed. Farrell of Chicago spent Snnday with relatives here. Tames Armstrong returned to the city Monday morning, after a week's outing at his cottage. Miss S. C. Burns of Hamilton, Ont., Canada, and Miss Lillian, are spending a few days at the Burns cottage. James Haxton and wife returned to the city Monday, after spending a very enjoyable week at the Haxton cottage. Miss Margaret Week returned to the city Sunday, after spending a week at the Cohan cottage as the guest of Miss Anna. The Emerald Park crowd spent a very enjoyable evening last Saturday at the dance, and ended up with a hay rack party. Mrs C. Berkircher and H. Berkircher left Tuesday morning for Iowa, where they expect to remain until after Sep­ tember 1. Mrs. M. M. McOloud returned to the city, after spending two weeks at .the Hill cottage, to greet her husband, who just returned from a two-weeks'trip to Canada. The Emerald Park Juniors defeated McHenry Juniors in a very interesting game of baseball Sunday, July 22, the score being 12 to 8. The McHenry Juniors want to wake up. Cored a Comrade of Cholera Morbus and Saved His Life, "While returning from the Grand Army Encampment at Washington City, a comrade from Elgin, 111., was taken with cholera morbus and was in a critical condition," writes Mr. J. E. Houghland, of Eldon, Iowa. "I gave him Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and believe saved his life. I have been engaged for ten years in immigration work and conducted many parties to the south and west, always carry this remedy and have used it successfully on many occasions. No person traveling or at home should be without this remedy." For sale by G. W. Besley. Yellowstone Park. A splendid arranged all expense tour to Yellowstone Park and return leaves Chicago August 4, under the auspices of the t urist department of Union Pacific & North-Western line. All expenses of the journey included in the initial cost. All arrangements for hotels, train sched­ ules, checking of baggage, etc., are ar­ ranged in advance. Write for itinerar­ ies and particulars to 8. A, Hutchinson, Manager, 212 Clark street, Chioago. Aug. 4. Twenty Year Battle. "I was a loser in a twenty-year battle with chronic piles and malignant sores, until I tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which turned the tide, by curing both, till not a trace remains," writes A. M. Bruce, of Farmville, Va. Best for old Ulcers, Cuts, Burns and Wounds. 25c at N. H. Petesch's, McHenry; G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, druggists. Bros. Co. FANCY GROCERS. * t v, < ini WE HAVE SECURED THE AGENCY IN THIS VICINITY FOR "¥ *>"-4 •v 3* S '-"1 fei THE IDEAL FOOD FOR HOT WEATHER AHEAD OF ALL THE REST, per PACKAGE 3 PACKAGES FOR Telephone rji. "SsSr.'S SINGLE AND M Dragging Down Pains are a symptoa sf tut trouble which csa attack a woman, viz: faWnc of the womb. With tWa, generally, £©•* fcwgutar aj»d palatal periods, weaMHtfSg drains, backache, headache, ntfWUMi, dlcdness, ir­ ritability, tfni Mb|, stc. The core is TMii The Female Regulator that woadsritt, SOMttve, vegetable ex­ tract, which warts such a marvtlous, strengthening lAsw, on all female organs. CaiM nlleves pain aad regulates the SMMSS. K is a sure and piirnnl mm for all feaals conplainta. _ At all drag0tfs Ml dsstaslnfl.00 bottles. "I SUfflllE AWFUL PADf in my womb aai evades," write Mrs. Naomi Bake, sf Wrtslnr Grave, Mo., "also in my ifcjtt sad toft aides, aad my menses weee very painful and irrer* ular. Sines taking Cardai I feel Mssa new wetsaa and de sat luflvasliU. It is the (rive us your order for that new single or driv­ ing Harness. Our work a is the best and prices are + f right. See our elegant J " line of Dusters and Lap ' Robes. :: :: :: :: : CARRIAGE TRIMMING A SPECIALTY M. A. THELEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, bays and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, aad does a GENERAL BANKUte BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all bnsinees intrusted to onr care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to onr customers and respect­ fully solicit the pnblic patronage. Honey to Loan on real eetate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. JNSURANCB^ in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. 'il .1 ^ 'i i mm

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